None of us have a say in the name we will be called when we are born. God has called/named this person with their name from the womb. It is not a new name given to someone of a different birth name who will be the Davidic servant. Otherwise, anyone could make the claim of being the Davidic servant if anyone can say God gave them a new name of 'David'.
You’re missing a great deal of information and research. First the idea that there is one Davidic servant; there are many. Isaiah, Nephi etc. describes at least two servants. Where is your study of the Holy Quran, the Vedic scriptures written by the son’s of Noe, Viking legends (who are Ephraimites) the Buddha’s works ( who is another appearance of Yehsua the Christ) many and much more information. If this servant is as scriptures state hidden, he would not be named David by his birth parents, but by Elohim(God the Father and Mother) in the womb; his true name, bloodline, family etc. being concealed among the watchmen of Ephraim. His own identity kept from him for his own safety and upbringing in obscurity until such time as restored by God the Father and the Son face-to-face. Every hidden servant I’ve found has been as such. You’re looking at this from a far too earthly and literal perspective. A few TH-camrs seem to think JS Jr. Is the servant. Nope. I’ve spoken with Joseph several times, so too all the servants I know of in the USA. Not sure how anyone got that idea. I am the Son of Jacob, the Davidic servant Elias, the hidden king of the Israelites recognized by people around the world. Would you like to see my convos w/ de Rothschild insisting I need to join the Illuminati , me telling them off? 😂 The other David is in the UK. See Read carefully, watch Greg’s videos here on TH-cam for a good waking from your slumbers. Side note: Every one of these hidden king servants is from a common ancestor among the Plantegenant /Stuart/ Tudor kings aka the line of David being John of Ghent and king William the Conqueror (1066 battle of Hastings) I’m from Henry IV via Blanche Plantagenant. And Israelite by blood via my Cherokee and Paiute bloodline. All well documented. A direct descendant of Alma. It is my charge to find the hidden records giving these missing genealogies. Great videos;however, your scope of study is far too narrow. Get back to me when you’ve studied all the rest of that.
Looking forward to the next part. At the end there it talked strongly about the pastors messing up the people. Hopefully part two will expand on that. Thanks.
There is one other thing I'd like to address, and then I'll stop spamming your channel. While we are in the midst of trying to understand all of this, I think it is also important to consider that you and I may never meet this Davidic servant, we may never even hear him or see him. The reason I say this is because at some point you and I need to grow up and seek and find God on our own and for ourselves. There seems to be, for me anyway, a constant yearning to find that person that knows God so I can know what I am supposed to be doing. I am realizing that this is the foundation of idol worship and opens the door to letting another human being unduly influence my understanding of God and my life's course. The children of Israel, when they left Egypt, couldn't help themselves and even when God offered to bring them into his presence, they turned away. Which always surprised me, until the day came that I realized I was also doing it. It is a good thing to recognize someone who is truly a spokes person for God. They deserve our attention and careful consideration (not to mention any assistance they may need). Just remember the tendency we seem to have to esteem men higher than they should be. My experience is that it hasn't always turned out so well. Tread carefully, don't forget that if you are searching for this Davidic servant it means you already have a love for the word of God, and you are seeking his hand to help you guide you in this search. May I suggest that when you have found what you are looking for, that you don't surrender this new found capacity that you just cultivated to yet another man. Like a muscle, this new gift you just used will atrophy if you don't continue to use it (independently of any other person).
Israel too, was always looking for a King to lead them. Since 1830, you’ve had a prophet on earth to lead you to the understanding you seek. Show respect to the current Prophet Nelson, by doing so, you are in a good position to respect his successor! In the meantime read Sefer Chofetz Chaims: “A Lesson a Day: The Concepts and Laws of Proper Speech Arranged for Daily Study!” It will put you a year ahead of the crowd ❤️VANA
The Davidic servant isn't going just to pop out of his mother's basement. He isn't going to be one of those people who can't do anything with their lives and need something so they continue to hide from their failures. He will be formidable, competent, and capable. Look at all the people who have been a type of this kind of servant, Captain Moroni, the Sons of Mosiah, Heleman, etc. All these guys were well educated, smart, capable, and formidable. I just don't think it is going to be that hard to tell.
@@ts-900 Moses came from the House of Pharaoh, was a prince in his own right (I wonder what his education was like). David had his own army and had already slain Goliath when he was a kid. Jacob was also accomplished when he was given the name Israel. So yes exactly like these fellows.
@@ts-900 And Jesus was already was instructing scholars in the Temple when he was just a young boy and before he started his ministry was turning water into wine. So yes, like him too. Formidable, educated, smart and competent. Not a single basement dweller among them.
@@afinewhitehorse Totally true. I don't think the Davidic servant will only be noticeable by someone who has a PhD in scripture research. It will be a person who rises up and offers a different way. We will have to choose who we want to protect us from the calamities, God or man.
Funny thing.. when I was about 32 I was living in my moms trailer. She said "Paul" that's my name. You need to go out and find yourself a women. God isn't going to just deliver her to your doorstep. A few weeks later a family friend came over with a women who is now my wife of 17 years. Delivered rite to my doorstep. You never know what the good LORD has planned.
Great references. Isaiah is filled with the Davidic servant. Christ himself speaks of him in Isaiah and 3 Nephi. Yes, he is called David from his mother’s womb as stated in Isaiah, as well.
He is called both .. by the name of David and by the lineage of David. When the Lord God speaks, he speaks in duality of meaning. To take it one step further.. David is also called Son because he has the Spirit of God upon and within him. His fallen nature has been made holy by receipt of the Spirit. When a person receives the Spirit of God, as understood to be the baptism of fire, they too become sons and daughters of God. Reborn in him.
Excellent … but one slight addition. The root of Jesse will come from Judah and Joseph. Not Judah and Ephraim (like the Rod). This is a minor but important distinction because this means that this lineage was preserved through the remnants of the Book of Mormon (Manassah - Lehi, Ephraim - Ishmael & Mulek - Judah/david). There was a divine purpose for having these 3 lineages converge and be preserved on the American Continent.
Just a few things...the name David in hebrew means beloved..these references could be speaking of someone God loves...this becomes more evident when we consider zachariahs statement...the man whos name is the branch...the branch would be Semach...or protector...
If you ask any Mormon why Joseph Smith failed, they will tell you it was the people, not the prophet. What about the Davidic servant? Are you prepared to assist him in his work so that it will succeed? Are you enough in tune with the Lord that you will recognize him and be willing and, more importantly, able to assist him. Nobody can do it alone.
Thanks for this video. Below are several questions/points we absolutely must consider on this topic. 1. Yeshua was a common name in Jerusalem when Jesus [Yeshua] was born. Did that mean each Yeshua in town could claim to be the Messiah? Of course not. So that raises the question: *What is a name?* The words for “name” in both Hebrew and Greek were much more rich than the English we use. They did include our definition, which is a label to call someone/refer to someone. But that was only the smallest part of their use. When the scriptures say, “name,” the primary meaning is “that person’s character.” In fact, “Character” is often listed as a synonym in Hebrew Concordances. We know that no miracles can be performed “except in the name of Christ.” Yet, every ridiculous religionist today babbles and says, “I heal you in the name of Jesus” only to have no results. Why? Because Christ’s name isn’t Christ. It’s not Jesus. It’s not even Yeshua or Jehovah or Yahweh. Those are just approximations we use to refer to Him so we don’t have to recite thousands of stories before we know who we’re talking about. His name is identical to how He is, how He thinks, how He acts - who and what He is. Period. We can make the same sounds with our mouths all we’d like [J-E-S-U-S]. But unless we intimately understand and recognize the attributes of the Son of God, we are de facto referring to either a different person or nobody. And neither one can save us, hence the lack of miracles even though we “did them in Jesus’ name.” 2. King David’s name was not David. It was Daud, ranging in meaning from “to boil” to “beloved (to love); by implication a love token, lover, friend.” The idea and name of David is a vast description of many character traits that King David exhibited. So, it might be incorrect to automatically assume this End Time Servant will be called David as we use it in English. 3. How many people from the Bible have names that mimic their actions, achievements, and character in an uncanny way? Very many. The question now is, when did they receive that name, and who gave it to them? Sometimes, the record seems to imply that their mother/father called them those names the day they were born. But is this certain? And is this always the case? We have record of many names changing in the scriptures. Did name changes occur that are not recorded? If so, is it possible that the records (written well after their deaths) didn’t narrate the story so that their future accomplishments (which earned them the name) were back-loaded into the history so as to emphasize their divide calling and journey? I have no doubt this happened a few times in scripture. 4. Christ has a name that no one knows except God, Himself, and perhaps only the four angels who can approach His throne. In Revelation 19:12, we see direct description of this. And Revelations is 95% oriented towards the Davidic Servant and the other angels which will come to be born alongside him. So the pattern repeats itself. But why? Why does Christ have a name that no one is told except a few? Again, it’s because names are descriptions. And the amount of information conveyed in a verbal label is always lost if it is spoken to someone lower in understanding (consider the voices from heaven in 3 Nephi who had to repeat/translate the Father’s statement twice before the Nephites understood it). Also, consider the angel that Jacob wrestled with. Jacob asked his name. And the angel responded, “Wherefore is it that thou dost ask after my name?” He didn’t give it. Why? Because Jacob was not yet similar enough to the angel in character to understand or value the name. So it literally didn’t matter. The angel could have been The Savior Himself for all Jacob knew. Like a toddler asking a trillionaire how much money he has. No matter what the trillionaire answered, the only thing the child would hear is “a lot of money” or “confusing number.” And he would be unable to distinguish one trillionaire from another and rank them accordingly. Therefore, the less you know about Christ and the less you have become like Him, the less His names and descriptions will mean. Even if you hear the sounds that make up His “name”in Revelations, you would learn nothing about what that reveals about Him. The Davidic Servant will be the same to you. He will receive many names. We know this from the scriptures. He shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, etc… But my question is, who calls him those things? Did everyone call Jesus wonderful? Did they call Him the almighty God? The Prince of Peace? No. They didn’t see His worth. He had “no apparent beauty” to them. So even if this Davidic Servant actually receives the English name “David,” the question is: Who calls him that? Everyone? Or only those who know his true worth and character - because when he appeared to them, they were enough *like him* that they could comprehend it…? Who called Christ, Christ? Not many. Who even called Him “Savior (the actual meaning of Yeshua)”? Not many. So even if people call this man “David,” how many are calling him “Beloved, token of love, friend….”? 5. Which of the following is more likely? A: He will be born and given the literal name David at birth by his parents, and he will have a legal birth certificate showing that his name has always been “David Alexander Johnson” or whatever, and therefore he is so far a qualified candidate to be the Davidic Servant? -or- B: A mixture of the ideas and questions above come into play and the person was never legally named David, but single-handedly bears the most abundant fruit regarding all the descriptions, titles, and names above all other people on earth? I’m not suggesting it has to be one option or the other. I know there are possibilities in between. My only question was: *Which is most likely?*
My first comment is about your image. David was not a Gentile. Not a white guy from the line of Japheth. My studies show David to be a black man. I will now listen but Samuel the Lamanite is a type. We are deceived about what the tribe of Judah and all of Jacob looked like. Now I will enjoy your presentation.
To me it doesn't matter what color his skin is but I am pretty sure that he will look a lot like other Jews/Israelites. Some of them have darker skin than others do.
Where does that nonsense come from? Jews are not black? Yes, I know that technically anyone can become a Jew and that some Cohens have been found in Africa, but in general, no.
@@icecreamladydriver1606 I get that God accepts all those who keep his commandments. Yet God promised to restore the true family of Jacob and the sons and daughters of Lehi. Yes the righteous of all nations will be received but God promised to restore the house of Jacob after 400 years of captivity. Moses led the tribes out after only 180 years of captivity. The original people the explorers wrote about were as black as Africans. The blacks of America are the house of Jacob. The slaves were first made by the early colonizers of the American Negro's who were already here when they came. Then they brought slaves of black Judah from Africa. The real holy land is Africa and not the fake construct of Constantine in the Middle East. I know you may find this hard to believe but it all, Babel, Assyria, Babylon, Jerusalem, all of it is in Africa below the Sahara. I know you will likely find this hard to believe. Just the fact that Brigham banned them from the priesthood should give you the idea of who they were since everything Brigham did was the opposite of right.
It's a reference because he is a decendent of David. His name is not David. He is only a Servant to be a mouthpiece for God. To bring as many people to Christ as he can. As the Angels in heaven say. "Worship God". We will all be humbled soon. We have some hard times ahead and even the very Elect will be affected. Let us study more on Jesus and the Father for this guy is just a created being as well. God bless you all. We must endure much. As it is written it will take much patience and endurance on the part of the saints. God calls His Servant "Israel" . Isaiah 49:3. "And said unto me thou art my Servant, O Israel, in whom I will be glorified". Isaiah 44:1. Yet hear, O Jakob my Servant and Israel my chosen: there God calls him Israel again and then in verse 5 it says that one shall subscribe with his hand unto the LORD and surname himself by the name of Israel. This is your Servant.
Perhaps the most accurate book on earth, the Book of Mormon, would have been your last choice based on what you’ve heard about it! The complexity of the interwoven stories dictated by an uneducated 23 year old should be the forefront of your thoughts as you pick it up ❤ VANA
Dropping names in the sands of time... meanings, understandings, and interpretations gets lost in the mud that g.r. Nimrods and ignoramoses throw at the Truth... Dunk yourselves and come unto the kingdom✌️🤘🤙🔔e☑️🧎🏽♂️
None of us have a say in the name we will be called when we are born. God has called/named this person with their name from the womb. It is not a new name given to someone of a different birth name who will be the Davidic servant. Otherwise, anyone could make the claim of being the Davidic servant if anyone can say God gave them a new name of 'David'.
Sure thing. You can reach me at
Can you identify the endtime servant by his full name in the scriptures?
What about "son of David"? If his name is "David" then whew! Lets me off the hook!
@ts-900 Lol, my exact thoughts! Imo, someone would have to be a real coo coo bird to want something like that.🙃
You’re missing a great deal of information and research. First the idea that there is one Davidic servant; there are many. Isaiah, Nephi etc. describes at least two servants. Where is your study of the Holy Quran, the Vedic scriptures written by the son’s of Noe, Viking legends (who are Ephraimites) the Buddha’s works ( who is another appearance of Yehsua the Christ) many and much more information. If this servant is as scriptures state hidden, he would not be named David by his birth parents, but by Elohim(God the Father and Mother) in the womb; his true name, bloodline, family etc. being concealed among the watchmen of Ephraim. His own identity kept from him for his own safety and upbringing in obscurity until such time as restored by God the Father and the Son face-to-face. Every hidden servant I’ve found has been as such. You’re looking at this from a far too earthly and literal perspective. A few TH-camrs seem to think JS Jr. Is the servant. Nope. I’ve spoken with Joseph several times, so too all the servants I know of in the USA. Not sure how anyone got that idea. I am the Son of Jacob, the Davidic servant Elias, the hidden king of the Israelites recognized by people around the world. Would you like to see my convos w/ de Rothschild insisting I need to join the Illuminati , me telling them off? 😂 The other David is in the UK. See Read carefully, watch Greg’s videos here on TH-cam for a good waking from your slumbers. Side note: Every one of these hidden king servants is from a common ancestor among the Plantegenant /Stuart/ Tudor kings aka the line of David being John of Ghent and king William the Conqueror (1066 battle of Hastings) I’m from Henry IV via Blanche Plantagenant. And Israelite by blood via my Cherokee and Paiute bloodline. All well documented. A direct descendant of Alma. It is my charge to find the hidden records giving these missing genealogies.
Great videos;however, your scope of study is far too narrow. Get back to me when you’ve studied all the rest of that.
Looking forward to the next part. At the end there it talked strongly about the pastors messing up the people. Hopefully part two will expand on that. Thanks.
Is there a link to the document yet?
There is precedent for the Lord giving certain prophets new names: Isaac, Abraham for instance.
If you believe in the JST then I would recommend you use it. For instance, JST John 1:21 has an incredibly important change.
There is one other thing I'd like to address, and then I'll stop spamming your channel.
While we are in the midst of trying to understand all of this, I think it is also important to consider that you and I may never meet this Davidic servant, we may never even hear him or see him.
The reason I say this is because at some point you and I need to grow up and seek and find God on our own and for ourselves. There seems to be, for me anyway, a constant yearning to find that person that knows God so I can know what I am supposed to be doing. I am realizing that this is the foundation of idol worship and opens the door to letting another human being unduly influence my understanding of God and my life's course.
The children of Israel, when they left Egypt, couldn't help themselves and even when God offered to bring them into his presence, they turned away. Which always surprised me, until the day came that I realized I was also doing it.
It is a good thing to recognize someone who is truly a spokes person for God. They deserve our attention and careful consideration (not to mention any assistance they may need). Just remember the tendency we seem to have to esteem men higher than they should be. My experience is that it hasn't always turned out so well.
Tread carefully, don't forget that if you are searching for this Davidic servant it means you already have a love for the word of God, and you are seeking his hand to help you guide you in this search.
May I suggest that when you have found what you are looking for, that you don't surrender this new found capacity that you just cultivated to yet another man. Like a muscle, this new gift you just used will atrophy if you don't continue to use it (independently of any other person).
Israel too, was always looking for a King to lead them. Since 1830, you’ve had a prophet on earth to lead you to the understanding you seek. Show respect to the current Prophet Nelson, by doing so, you are in a good position to respect his successor! In the meantime read Sefer Chofetz Chaims: “A Lesson a Day: The Concepts and Laws of Proper Speech Arranged for Daily Study!” It will put you a year ahead of the crowd ❤️VANA
The Davidic servant isn't going just to pop out of his mother's basement. He isn't going to be one of those people who can't do anything with their lives and need something so they continue to hide from their failures. He will be formidable, competent, and capable. Look at all the people who have been a type of this kind of servant, Captain Moroni, the Sons of Mosiah, Heleman, etc. All these guys were well educated, smart, capable, and formidable. I just don't think it is going to be that hard to tell.
You mean, not like Jacob, Moses, or David? or Jesus for that matter.
@@ts-900 Moses came from the House of Pharaoh, was a prince in his own right (I wonder what his education was like). David had his own army and had already slain Goliath when he was a kid. Jacob was also accomplished when he was given the name Israel. So yes exactly like these fellows.
@@ts-900 And Jesus was already was instructing scholars in the Temple when he was just a young boy and before he started his ministry was turning water into wine. So yes, like him too. Formidable, educated, smart and competent. Not a single basement dweller among them.
@@afinewhitehorse Totally true. I don't think the Davidic servant will only be noticeable by someone who has a PhD in scripture research.
It will be a person who rises up and offers a different way. We will have to choose who we want to protect us from the calamities, God or man.
Funny thing.. when I was about 32 I was living in my moms trailer. She said "Paul" that's my name. You need to go out and find yourself a women. God isn't going to just deliver her to your doorstep. A few weeks later a family friend came over with a women who is now my wife of 17 years. Delivered rite to my doorstep. You never know what the good LORD has planned.
Great references. Isaiah is filled with the Davidic servant. Christ himself speaks of him in Isaiah and 3 Nephi. Yes, he is called David from his mother’s womb as stated in Isaiah, as well.
Not "son of David"?
He is called both .. by the name of David and by the lineage of David. When the Lord God speaks, he speaks in duality of meaning. To take it one step further.. David is also called Son because he has the Spirit of God upon and within him. His fallen nature has been made holy by receipt of the Spirit. When a person receives the Spirit of God, as understood to be the baptism of fire, they too become sons and daughters of God. Reborn in him.
Excellent … but one slight addition.
The root of Jesse will come from Judah and Joseph. Not Judah and Ephraim (like the Rod).
This is a minor but important distinction because this means that this lineage was preserved through the remnants of the Book of Mormon (Manassah - Lehi, Ephraim - Ishmael & Mulek - Judah/david).
There was a divine purpose for having these 3 lineages converge and be preserved on the American Continent.
Just a few things...the name David in hebrew means beloved..these references could be speaking of someone God loves...this becomes more evident when we consider zachariahs statement...the man whos name is the branch...the branch would be Semach...or protector...
If you ask any Mormon why Joseph Smith failed, they will tell you it was the people, not the prophet. What about the Davidic servant? Are you prepared to assist him in his work so that it will succeed? Are you enough in tune with the Lord that you will recognize him and be willing and, more importantly, able to assist him. Nobody can do it alone.
wheres the link to the google doc
How about a name that means the same thing as David?
Like what?
@@SamIAm1808😂stephen michael
Face of angel /michael your prince!
Thanks for this video.
Below are several questions/points we absolutely must consider on this topic.
1. Yeshua was a common name in Jerusalem when Jesus [Yeshua] was born. Did that mean each Yeshua in town could claim to be the Messiah? Of course not. So that raises the question: *What is a name?*
The words for “name” in both Hebrew and Greek were much more rich than the English we use. They did include our definition, which is a label to call someone/refer to someone. But that was only the smallest part of their use. When the scriptures say, “name,” the primary meaning is “that person’s character.” In fact, “Character” is often listed as a synonym in Hebrew Concordances.
We know that no miracles can be performed “except in the name of Christ.” Yet, every ridiculous religionist today babbles and says, “I heal you in the name of Jesus” only to have no results. Why? Because Christ’s name isn’t Christ. It’s not Jesus. It’s not even Yeshua or Jehovah or Yahweh. Those are just approximations we use to refer to Him so we don’t have to recite thousands of stories before we know who we’re talking about. His name is identical to how He is, how He thinks, how He acts - who and what He is. Period.
We can make the same sounds with our mouths all we’d like [J-E-S-U-S]. But unless we intimately understand and recognize the attributes of the Son of God, we are de facto referring to either a different person or nobody. And neither one can save us, hence the lack of miracles even though we “did them in Jesus’ name.”
2. King David’s name was not David. It was Daud, ranging in meaning from “to boil” to “beloved (to love); by implication a love token, lover, friend.”
The idea and name of David is a vast description of many character traits that King David exhibited. So, it might be incorrect to automatically assume this End Time Servant will be called David as we use it in English.
3. How many people from the Bible have names that mimic their actions, achievements, and character in an uncanny way? Very many. The question now is, when did they receive that name, and who gave it to them? Sometimes, the record seems to imply that their mother/father called them those names the day they were born. But is this certain? And is this always the case? We have record of many names changing in the scriptures. Did name changes occur that are not recorded? If so, is it possible that the records (written well after their deaths) didn’t narrate the story so that their future accomplishments (which earned them the name) were back-loaded into the history so as to emphasize their divide calling and journey? I have no doubt this happened a few times in scripture.
4. Christ has a name that no one knows except God, Himself, and perhaps only the four angels who can approach His throne. In Revelation 19:12, we see direct description of this. And Revelations is 95% oriented towards the Davidic Servant and the other angels which will come to be born alongside him. So the pattern repeats itself.
But why? Why does Christ have a name that no one is told except a few? Again, it’s because names are descriptions. And the amount of information conveyed in a verbal label is always lost if it is spoken to someone lower in understanding (consider the voices from heaven in 3 Nephi who had to repeat/translate the Father’s statement twice before the Nephites understood it). Also, consider the angel that Jacob wrestled with. Jacob asked his name. And the angel responded, “Wherefore is it that thou dost ask after my name?” He didn’t give it. Why? Because Jacob was not yet similar enough to the angel in character to understand or value the name. So it literally didn’t matter. The angel could have been The Savior Himself for all Jacob knew. Like a toddler asking a trillionaire how much money he has. No matter what the trillionaire answered, the only thing the child would hear is “a lot of money” or “confusing number.” And he would be unable to distinguish one trillionaire from another and rank them accordingly.
Therefore, the less you know about Christ and the less you have become like Him, the less His names and descriptions will mean. Even if you hear the sounds that make up His “name”in Revelations, you would learn nothing about what that reveals about Him.
The Davidic Servant will be the same to you. He will receive many names. We know this from the scriptures. He shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, etc… But my question is, who calls him those things?
Did everyone call Jesus wonderful? Did they call Him the almighty God? The Prince of Peace? No. They didn’t see His worth. He had “no apparent beauty” to them. So even if this Davidic Servant actually receives the English name “David,” the question is: Who calls him that? Everyone? Or only those who know his true worth and character - because when he appeared to them, they were enough *like him* that they could comprehend it…?
Who called Christ, Christ? Not many. Who even called Him “Savior (the actual meaning of Yeshua)”? Not many.
So even if people call this man “David,” how many are calling him “Beloved, token of love, friend….”?
5. Which of the following is more likely?
A: He will be born and given the literal name David at birth by his parents, and he will have a legal birth certificate showing that his name has always been “David Alexander Johnson” or whatever, and therefore he is so far a qualified candidate to be the Davidic Servant?
B: A mixture of the ideas and questions above come into play and the person was never legally named David, but single-handedly bears the most abundant fruit regarding all the descriptions, titles, and names above all other people on earth?
I’m not suggesting it has to be one option or the other. I know there are possibilities in between. My only question was: *Which is most likely?*
My first comment is about your image. David was not a Gentile. Not a white guy from the line of Japheth. My studies show David to be a black man. I will now listen but Samuel the Lamanite is a type. We are deceived about what the tribe of Judah and all of Jacob looked like. Now I will enjoy your presentation.
To me it doesn't matter what color his skin is but I am pretty sure that he will look a lot like other Jews/Israelites. Some of them have darker skin than others do.
Where does that nonsense come from? Jews are not black? Yes, I know that technically anyone can become a Jew and that some Cohens have been found in Africa, but in general, no.
@@icecreamladydriver1606 I get that God accepts all those who keep his commandments. Yet God promised to restore the true family of Jacob and the sons and daughters of Lehi. Yes the righteous of all nations will be received but God promised to restore the house of Jacob after 400 years of captivity. Moses led the tribes out after only 180 years of captivity. The original people the explorers wrote about were as black as Africans. The blacks of America are the house of Jacob. The slaves were first made by the early colonizers of the American Negro's who were already here when they came. Then they brought slaves of black Judah from Africa. The real holy land is Africa and not the fake construct of Constantine in the Middle East. I know you may find this hard to believe but it all, Babel, Assyria, Babylon, Jerusalem, all of it is in Africa below the Sahara. I know you will likely find this hard to believe. Just the fact that Brigham banned them from the priesthood should give you the idea of who they were since everything Brigham did was the opposite of right.
It's a reference because he is a decendent of David. His name is not David. He is only a Servant to be a mouthpiece for God. To bring as many people to Christ as he can. As the Angels in heaven say. "Worship God". We will all be humbled soon. We have some hard times ahead and even the very Elect will be affected. Let us study more on Jesus and the Father for this guy is just a created being as well. God bless you all. We must endure much. As it is written it will take much patience and endurance on the part of the saints. God calls His Servant "Israel" . Isaiah 49:3. "And said unto me thou art my Servant, O Israel, in whom I will be glorified". Isaiah 44:1. Yet hear, O Jakob my Servant and Israel my chosen: there God calls him Israel again and then in verse 5 it says that one shall subscribe with his hand unto the LORD and surname himself by the name of Israel. This is your Servant.
Perhaps the most accurate book on earth, the Book of Mormon, would have been your last choice based on what you’ve heard about it! The complexity of the interwoven stories dictated by an uneducated 23 year old should be the forefront of your thoughts as you pick it up ❤ VANA
Jesus is the only Messiah, the "Davidic Servant"
Dropping names in the sands of time... meanings, understandings, and interpretations gets lost in the mud that g.r. Nimrods and ignoramoses throw at the Truth... Dunk yourselves and come unto the kingdom✌️🤘🤙🔔e☑️🧎🏽♂️