Virility, Testosterone & The Future of Men

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 16 ก.ย. 2024
  • The Zan and Jordan Show - Episode 10
    with Zan Perrion and Jordan Luke Collier
    A great number of men, in conversation with Zan over the past few months, have exclaimed a low-lying level of libido. An absence of testosterone, they’ve found, so that they don’t even find the motivation to go out, pursue adventure, and create change in their relation to women.
    They sense something is absent, but the drive to change is simply not there.
    This drops Zan into some deep self-questioning: "is it that so much of our audience has simply not understood the ‘horny, lower energy’ part of my message all these years?" Is our vision for what glorious masculinity could be falling on deaf ears?
    On my side (Jordan), I explore what factors have caused this drop in male thrust, and how we might claim it before we might migrate out of our bodies-and our sexuality-entirely, and into the de-gendered cloud.
    Mislaid Quotes:
    "We no longer live on the earth and under the sky, but on Google Earth and in the Cloud."
    - Byung-Chul Han
    "Your dick will take you places you'd never dare go with a gun."
    - Anon
    In this episode:
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ความคิดเห็น • 45

  • @QIII-vw4to
    @QIII-vw4to 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Zan listens so attentively to Jordan so much so that his eyes shine like a proud brother/father

  • @christianmaltais
    @christianmaltais ปีที่แล้ว +9

    So this just happened.
    I have a website that lists every science-fiction film ever. I built it on my own, mostly for my own use.
    I'm still working on it. Right now, I'm adding a poster for each film.
    At the very second you mentioned Journey to the Center of the Earth, the page for that movie loaded up. I was reading the title at the moment you were saying it.
    I feel, among many things, a quiet sense of awe.

    • @venkyn9209
      @venkyn9209 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Crazy synchronization!

    • @JordanLukeCollier
      @JordanLukeCollier ปีที่แล้ว +1

      A signal, perhaps....?!

    • @christianmaltais
      @christianmaltais ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@JordanLukeCollier Yes, definitely something like that. Cosmic validation, perhaps. A confirmation. A wink and a nod from the other side of the veil.

    • @MartianLivesMatter
      @MartianLivesMatter ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@christianmaltais It's your daemon speaking to you. Synchronicity is the language used by our daemon. I've discovered its connected to gravity, magnetism and the colour green.

  • @Alec129
    @Alec129 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    These discussions leave me speechless. Very profound and fresh in a world full of recycled topics and viewpoints. Thank you gentlemen for taking your time to create this stellar content🙏

  • @jamierudman52
    @jamierudman52 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Excelent conversation and so necessary, as an an antidote to the mainstream narrative. I've had some incredible experiences and deep connection on dates with women- and also much improved relationships with fellow men- since attending a TFM workshop in Bucharest and later going on to find a mentor in my hometown London- a very masculine man who knows his own darkness, has lived an intense life and just 'gets it'. I agree with Jordan that facing our own darkness is damn scary and it needs to be prepared for and to 'be held', so to speak.
    For me, a phrase that has really helped is 'the shit that goes on in my head is worth its weight in gold when I speak it out' and stating my truth and intentions, however risky, from a place of awareness and caring, has paid off no end. Thanks both for all the top notch content

  • @ceruleanclouds5871
    @ceruleanclouds5871 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Thank you .

  • @MartianLivesMatter
    @MartianLivesMatter ปีที่แล้ว +2

    There's a quote from a guy named Geoff Lawton I've always loved, "All the world's problems can be solved in the garden". This I believe is true on so many levels in ones life.

  • @shirtlessbartender2189
    @shirtlessbartender2189 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    One thing I’ve always found interesting as a young man is looking at my holiday pictures. Whenever I leave London for an extended holiday to a beach country (at least 1 month), I always come back looking fitter, tanner healthier, better looking and so forth. It think is the fact that I am always walking around, exploring, swimming instead of sitting at a chair studying/working. Just a thought.

  • @KenozBase
    @KenozBase 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Consistency in producing these amazing podcasts is key to achieving viral success!

  • @JoeVellaMalta
    @JoeVellaMalta 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Amazing collaboration discussion. Thank you both good Sirs

  • @rontennis6569
    @rontennis6569 ปีที่แล้ว

    This was an absolutely brilliant conversation. You guys have hit on the pulse of what's going on with young men in the west. Thank you!

  • @mustafakemalpasha983
    @mustafakemalpasha983 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    1:17:39 Great point Jordan

  • @alex_4trth
    @alex_4trth ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Our testosterone has also dropped due to improper nutrition stemming from nutritional ignorance and a turning away from natural animal foods containing saturated fat that increases the cholesterol from which testosterone is made.

  • @NotALemming-ie1io
    @NotALemming-ie1io ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Zan, anyone who has no pessimism _at all_ about men’s future cannot be taken seriously, in my opinion. You say that men need hope, and I agree. But anyone caught selling false hope will, eventually, go the way of the PUA “community” - men were rightfully angry at the cheerful lies they’d been sold. If you want men to respect your hopeful stance in life, then it is up to you to demonstrate that your optimism is based on something more solid than your own personal emotional effervescence.
    After all, previous iterations of the “men’s movement” were highly optimistic: it was just a matter of men getting back to basics, they told us, and right order would be restored in the universe. They failed to take into account the fact that the destruction of manhood was being undertaken deliberately and systematically, e.g. through the infiltration of all major social institutions by people whose _explicitly declared aims_ include the destruction of the family, the dismantling of all forms of male power, and the punishment of men, collectively, for their supposed historical sins of oppression. There is no conspiracy “theory” here (and I’m not saying women are the enemy, either).
    As a result of the failure of earlier forms of the men’s movement to grapple seriously with the reality of the social forces confronting them, the situation for men has steadily worsened, across the board - with results that are physically measurable, if one takes the decline in testosterone seriously (or increased suicide rates, unemployment, failure in education, and so on).
    As an artist, I sympathise with much of what you say about Beauty, and it makes natural sense to allow my life to be guided by that shining star. And of course, I would very much like to believe that “Beauty will save us all”. But for that very reason, I believe that some measure of skepticism is warranted. History is littered with the consequences of attractive ideas which proved catastrophically incorrect. Attractive ideas must be tested and vetted before one commits to them - just like women. ;)
    What I want to know is this: is there a viable philosophy of life underlying your optimism - one capable of reckoning with all the realities that men face nowadays? Or are your rose-coloured glasses are blinding you to the progressive butchering of masculinity that is happening all around you? The fact that young men are telling you that they can’t feel their own virility, are not motivated to go out and explore the world, and are barely even drawn to young women on a visceral level anymore, should elicit more than a chuckle and some puzzled head-scratching, I think. Will Beauty really save them? If so, how?
    I hope you will see that this comment is not intended as a personal attack, nor as a rejection of your philosophy. Both you and Jordan appear to have good intentions, your hearts seem to be in the right place, and quite frankly, I like your romantic attitude to life. That’s precisely why I’m challenging you to show that your optimism is rooted in something more substantial than a wilfully blind faith in the hearts of men, or bubbly frissons of delight skimmed off the intoxicating liquor of female beauty. The road to hell is paved with good intentions and signposted with pithy slogans, and I have no desire to join a group of romantic lemmings on that road, bumbling cheerfully off a cliff into the lake of fire, eyes fixed on an alabaster vision in the sky.
    I’m not suggesting that the best approach would be to engage in the kind of acrimonious sociopolitical debate that we see everywhere nowadays; that would most likely be counterproductive. It’s pretty obvious to any honest observer that the culture wars are not making life better for anyone. Focusing on the negative is a powerful way to motivate people, but it seldom produces positive results. And zero-sum games are _never_ viable when the “opposing sides” are inherently interdependent (as is the case with men and women, or humans in society, more generally).
    Rather, I think you’re onto something with your emphasis on beauty, aliveness, virility and authentic engagement with life. One of the major strengths of this approach is that it orients our attention toward that which should be embraced, rather than toward that which should be rejected. There is a great need in the world right now for more optimistic forms of activism, which motivate us through inspiration and love, rather than through hostility towards shared enemies. A great many obstacles in our path simply disappear when we make "the good" our primary focus.
    That said, it seems clear to me that for your movement to have any realistic chance of success, it must grapple honestly with the difficulties of men’s current predicament, rather than simply using sarcastic humour to deflect attention from negative facts about the world which you’d prefer not to acknowledge. Without that kind of sincere engagement, I expect that the gifts of wisdom that you are attempting to pass on to other men will - in spite of your best intentions - amount to little more than perfumed snake oil. And I’m assuming you’d agree with me that men deserve better than that.
    I want to leave you with this thought: surely it is possible to focus on Beauty and “move towards the Light”, without dismissing the truth of men’s suffering or foolishly ignoring the darkness (as the earlier men’s movement did)? Aggressive political activism may not be the way to go, but if you can connect the dots and build a bridge between your vital optimism and the grim realities that men are now facing, it is likely that you will strike a chord with a far wider audience of men than simply “the chosen ones”. Your philosophy is attractive, but that won’t be enough unless it is also sincerely compassionate - that is, it must be attuned to men’s suffering while simultaneously pointing the way out of that suffering.
    To put it differently: if, and only if, your encouragement to positivity is able to include a realistic understanding of the negative forces currently affecting men, will you be able to make a coherent and compelling claim that Beauty is the antidote to that which is poisoning them. This understanding or reckoning need not even be explicitly stated, but it must be present at a foundational level in any philosophical structure you attempt to build; otherwise, that structure will inevitably crumble when it collides with the realities of the modern world.
    Thanks again for asking these questions about masculinity and attempting to seek viable answers. All the best for your upcoming book and for the future of this podcast.

    • @John-us2ns
      @John-us2ns 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      This was super well written, and I agree with you.

  • @KenozBase
    @KenozBase ปีที่แล้ว

    I missed you guys, Happy New Year🎉

  • @kelseymj1975
    @kelseymj1975 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    That was a great podcast. Jordan, I was wondering if you could put together a list of films that cover some of these topics. You mentioned a bunch of names but I didn't catch them, including the one by the feminist filmmaker (the #1 movie of all time).

  • @leewilson5389
    @leewilson5389 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Hey guys. I remember purchasing Zan’s DVD material from his site over 10 years ago. It appears to no longer be there. I was hoping to purchase it again. Did you guys remove it ? Regards

  • @jamierudman52
    @jamierudman52 ปีที่แล้ว

    To add, I'm definitely a man that needs the feminine as a muse to stay motivated and to get up and work each day (a big source of creative inspiration for me and turn on is a large part of that). A true appreciator of women. However if I hadn't made the harder, sobering decision to focus on my career and prioritise that over women, I might have gotten lost, used, abused and left by the wayside. If I hadn't set those boundaries early on, who knows where that would have landed me.

  • @mustafakemalpasha983
    @mustafakemalpasha983 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Zan, I invite you to Istanbul. If you can come, I would like you to be my guest.

  • @MartianLivesMatter
    @MartianLivesMatter ปีที่แล้ว

    That sounds like an interesting story the one that Apocalypse now is based on. I feel I relate to it aswell. I let go years ago and dove in on a journey to pierce the veil of Isis so to speak. In a way I did go crazy. Though I feel I have come out the other side in tact and quite content with what I discovered. Maybe one day we'll talk about it since I do believe people should be aware very much like the message that you guys are sharing. However I'm pretty broken atm. It's hard to explain depression but I'm proper done with it. I can't keep going on like this it's followed me around for most my life and ruined so many relationships and friendships.

  • @TheeKingMaker
    @TheeKingMaker ปีที่แล้ว

    it's all about connecting with your sexual energy with love. it all takes place with the breath

  • @maksimrytikov6225
    @maksimrytikov6225 ปีที่แล้ว

    This was helpful, thank you!
    You guys are so fucking smart!!!

  • @abdulhalimalhiraki4735
    @abdulhalimalhiraki4735 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you for a great conversation gentlemen 🙏🏼

  • @theTimmer
    @theTimmer ปีที่แล้ว

    Zan, I'm seeing you meeting with some of these near red pill, masculinity gurus, like the 21 summit- we both know it isn't a "strong masculine core" that gets women. If that were true, the drill sergeant from Full Metal Jacket would be every woman's wet dream- being light and playful (mischievous) and loving women... you taught me that man, and you were right. Red pill is a slippery slope to bitterness.

  • @moorelance23
    @moorelance23 ปีที่แล้ว

    Men are not going their own way they're just sexually frustrated due to inaction, the proper tact and overall appreciation for women...

  • @MMcCluskey100
    @MMcCluskey100 ปีที่แล้ว

    Prolific philosopher Forrest Landry has stated that there are three instincts: social, survival and sexual. The social is more fundamental than the survival and/or the sexual instincts. Zan linked wisdom to the survival and sexual instinct. How is wisdom necessary to the social interaction of men?

  • @whatsinameme5258
    @whatsinameme5258 ปีที่แล้ว

    Would love to hear a conversation between Zan and Uberboyo. I think that would be very interesting. You two are the only 2 in the "manosphere" that I find interesting anymore. Everyone else is too materialistic. Whether they talk about facial symmetry or artificial wombs and whatnot. All I can think of is Brave New World. And thats the more high brow content sadly. Thats what everyone is reducing relationships too. Nihilism and surface level Evo Psych, but I'm not on that train anymore. Uberboyo has some good material on Jung and Nietzsche which really taps into the virility thing. Unfortunately he is on this weird bend where he is doubling down on defending Andrew Tate which is a bit cringe, but maybe you could talk sense into him. Lol. I would also recommend Greta Aurora. She's critical of the me2 movement, and an anti-fem thats sex positive. A conversation between you two would be nice as well. Keep it up. The "manosphere" is definitely lacking in quality content, so this is refreshing. Cheers!

  • @Bubz_Anonymous
    @Bubz_Anonymous ปีที่แล้ว

    Are there any online meetings or conventions that are held with the group anymore? Would love to come with a friend

  • @Cheximus
    @Cheximus ปีที่แล้ว

    What's going on with Zan's voice or is he just using an Invisalign?

  • @haipham122
    @haipham122 ปีที่แล้ว

    What is the book mentioned at 39:50?

  • @initiatorhater0688
    @initiatorhater0688 ปีที่แล้ว

    so is he saying men have become weaker?

  • @SYN022
    @SYN022 ปีที่แล้ว

    Discuss Andrew tate & the Russia-Ukraine war

  • @abcdefghij570
    @abcdefghij570 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    You guys should do the one chip challenge

    • @venkyn9209
      @venkyn9209 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Just looked it up. Absolute waste of time 😂 what’s the point of eating something so spicy it can cause excruciating pain and stomach ulcers?
      Just my 2 cents :)