Me llena de Emoción y esperanza un comentario positivo y genial del otro lado del mundo. Intentare dar lo mejor de mi a la vida como tu ya lo hiciste. Te deseo éxitos, de un autodidacta en Peru🌄
女神真的几漂亮 😍🤣 But seriously 要consider 如果 give up PR 以后很难再拿到. Also must consider how important is money. Work in SG spend in MY 是最爽的lor. Same job same role in both country, SG 的薪水比较高然后还有exchange rate. 那个waiter来做example. SG normally S$2200-$2400. Ok 讲S$2000 lah. Convert liao RM6960. Malaysia 哪里有waiter 新水这么高喔? 最多是 RM3000-3500. 两倍喔 😮
Eh, if SG is not expensive, these Malaysians will not leave and talk about going back for families and love for MAlaysia. The real reason is SG is very expensive!
@@dlkm101 THey are champions at complaining. Strange, people say Singaporeans are like to complain. But I met a lot more whiny malaysians in SG. They complain about cost, bumis, Singaporeans, food in SG etc. There was even a few from my ex companies who will jump at every opportunity to remind singaporeans how small we are. But actually our economy is bigger than theirs. I got fed up and show them what is a real SG karen!
LOL. She contributed to her own pocket not to SG. Nothing to thank her. Londoners do not thank expats in London and New Yorkers do not thank expats in NYC. It's pure commercial. Singaporeans like you are ridiculous to thank her. Did she participate in grassroot activities? No wonder the Malaysians think we should thank them when they doing it for themselves, and quite honestly, they aren't that great workers, easily replaced by other foreigners.
LOL. Malaysian tenants reputation isn't that great. Heard from my friends they are very dirty. Even the young female PMETS. They dun clean up because it's not their properties. Well, I know it is not their properties, but they sleep in these properties. Apparently, they are ok to sleep with roaches.
I still believe if you want a successful business world, Malaysia has bigger market. SG is very small and every days you look around is four wall and busy people walking up and down.
😂. But Sg economy is bigger than Malaysia. That's something Malaysians do not seem to know. They think just because we are small means we have no market. Our spending power is much better than Malaysians'. Our banks are bigger than Maybank and CIMB. Surprised??? SG tourists are the biggest spenders in ASEAN. I am talking about total receipts, not receipts per tourist. We are marginally ahead of Thai tourists (2nd biggest spenders) despite our small population. Surprised?
Aiyo, Malaysian English really sucks. Write in mandarin! You are writing manglish. What is walk up and down 😂? I dun think our volunteer teachers want to teach there. Pay is too low.
No market? Your JB businessmen are only interested in selling to Singaporeans. They even advertised in Sg. 😂 They are not interested in Malaysian customers, cos Malaysians find their prices are too high.
Walk up and down? Jeez, what a weird description of SG? You sound like a kid who just started to learn how to talk. Malaysian English is 🤣. Eh, just write Chinese if your English is 😂.
You nail it! All because of $$$. Malaysians are the most opportunistic bunch. I met Indians and Westerners who participated in community work or become volunteer police when they become PRs. Malaysians - None! Malaysians only look at what SG can do for them.
@@kenjikenji4870 singapore the public transportation is well developed for outing without a car is still comfortable to any places. But in Malaysia you need a car for outing due to public transport not that develop but still can call a grab. Initially I also got a car but later give up, the money I saved up from the car all used it for travel to other countries.
Better not. A lot of Malaysians despite becoming SG citizens still talk and behave like Malaysians. They spoil our name. Worse, some bash SG, I wonder why they want to take up SG citizenship.
@@KWs5329 😂. SG has many poor people???? Eh, the poor people in Sg mostly from your country. We definitely have less poor people than Malaysia. Got official data from IMF. Our cleaner can holiday in Japan and Australia. Our restaurant waiter makes 2000sgd, more than Malaysian fresh graduates. So how about why najib and Mahathir are so rich, you have oil, Malaysia still has so many poor people. Dun act smart.
@@KWs5329 bullshit. Malaysian big talker again. Always talking Bird language. But compare your dad 's pay with people his age, his pay several times less than a person in SG. Use your bird brains. I think you graduate from a Malaysian universit. 😂. Apparently a Malaysian professional in KL in 40s make less than my 25 year old niece. Lol.
@@KWs5329 LOL. Your father's pay is very low compared to SG person his age. As for you, your pay is low as SG employers always lowball Malaysians. A lot of poor people in SG? This is coming from person from a third country with significantly more poor people than SG. Talk without using your brains. Mai Lau Zai, your pay is 10% of mine, you can stop talking big and tell me to use my brains. Your dad is upper middle class in Malaysia but is a lower middle in SG. My 26 years old niece makes more money than a 40 + professional in KL. Read in a wealth report, you need only SGD600K to be in top 15% in Malaysia. LOL. I am definitely in top 15% in Malaysia. I dun even consider myself rich compared to other SG. That is how poor your country is. Small Ma Lau Zai, your dad is not rich!
Me llena de Emoción y esperanza un comentario positivo y genial del otro lado del mundo. Intentare dar lo mejor de mi a la vida como tu ya lo hiciste. Te deseo éxitos, de un autodidacta en Peru🌄
@@sapphoophoon2141 沒有,我还是PR因为我外国有几处产业无法放弃
認識兩對馬來西亞夫妻,最後都是從PR成爲公民,而且也買了HDB 組屋,主要的原因就是讓孩子接受新加坡的英文教育。他們都是喜歡新加坡的安全,多元,公平的教育環境讓孩子成長。
亲情vs 金钱
有父爱和母爱陪伴成长的孩子, 心灵是健康的, 而健康的心灵会成就孩子的一生, 只以钱来满足孩子或缺少爱的孩子, 长大后做事总会比别人少了点自信心, 而且很多缺爱的孩子,长大后还要用一生来治愈他们缺爱的童年. 这种心灵的受伤影响甚远.我深信多年以后,Zack 在回头看这决定,一定更坚信你今天的决定是对的.
所以要买组屋, 大马地屋便宜, 但远不如新加坡组屋。不明白为什么大马PR不喜欢买组屋。我PR时买的resale HDB, 十年后卖掉赚一倍。
@@angellau1294 well say.... and pls dun criticized that place too in a small box... cannot drive car. Aiyoyo
Learn to be appreciative n grateful n dun bring negative impressions of where you come from.
看到你的留言,就像当年的我: 给你些浅意见做为参考。
你应试着再申请SG PR, 别放弃。 你就差这一步了。新加坡里那些像informatics diploma courses 还是别浪费时间浪费钱的去读, 没什么鸟用。你学历若不高,就拿自己实力来凑。如果你是从事 programming, 那就要自习多几热门语言像Python, front-end or back-end development languages and platforms....等等。 实力自信是由自己牺牲一些时间去实现去制造的。有了实力,还怕换不到好工作?!! 至于女友吗, 你应多留意自己工作周围有没有你喜欢的同事或她对你不错的异性, 大胆点去追。
@@jeffl2152你好,我从事的都不是什么白领,就只是普普通通的工厂工,十年前,我学历STPM physic stream,就addmath failed了,考不上大学,英文比那些uncle厉害,那些uncle也是supervisor,也是PR,A到Z都会不完,可是很厉害政治,利用人,可能我比较忠忠直直,老老实实,mc是真的生病很严重我才拿,老板上司看我觉得我不够长进,好欺负,请新人取代我,现在焦虑着要换工,可是觉得实力还差一点,我觉得我自己不差,也不厉害,所以就酱咯,大家加油吧!!
Thank you both for sharing your views and experiences! It really depends on financial needs or family ties 😅
Thanks for your sharing! Yeah! I agreed!
Actually these are the two main factors~
Pls la! 这个议题听很久了 。回家就回家了吧!高兴就好!不要再 compare 了!!❤❤❤
对啊!一直比较有意义吗?薪资高物价必然高。曾经听过有人说在新加坡洗牙要新币$70,马来西亚也是70但是马币!那请问你在新加坡的薪资能和马来西亚的比吗? 不要什么都想要!不可能!
我是跟Zack差不多同个时间回来的。虽然赚少了很多,但是生活上过得很充实而且有辆车可以到处跑 😊
哈哈 有自由和掌控自己生活的感觉😊😊😊
换一种想法是,我们生长于大马,回国生活(在不谈金钱的前提下)肯定对我们来说更舒适。可是,我们如果在新加坡做了十年,存了十年的钱,却选择回国过我们想要的生活。听起来很完美。可是,我们想要我们的孩子在未来长大毕业后又重复我们的那十年吗?离乡背井到对岸。遇到不好的屋主等等等等琐事吗?不是想现在和十年后,而是想我们的下一代毕业后。这只是我个人的看法。祝大家一切顺利。 二十年后,我们的孩子(如果是在大马成长),他们要离乡背井到新加坡?吉隆坡?家乡打工?还是做生意当老板?
杰克可以等到女儿再长大一些时, 自己过来新加坡工作, 周末才回家 (反正这里距离古来不远).. 而老婆可以留守原地, 一边搞事业, 一边兼顾女儿 😊
good those old PR willing to go back to their home countries so give chance to those new coming applicants.
买靠近MRT的组屋, 新加坡不需要驾车的。一辆SG 车, 够在新山坡底买一间studio了, 每月租金收入2000马币。SG养车的话每月至少1500新币。
More than S$1,500 if you have to service your car loan.
感谢 @yiennLoo 的邀请🙏🏻希望大家能从我的浅见中得到一些有用的建议😊
谢谢你的无私分享💗 希望再一起合作 嘻嘻!
@@YiennLoo 讓S媽或是奶爸的孩子讓你帶一個禮拜應該就知道了🤣🤣
It is all depending n how it fix your life style. No right or wrong. Greeting from a Singaporean.
Kawaii 寶貝公主❤❤❤❤❤❤
老实讲, 有一好没有二好的,Nothing is perfect, if you want to have a better life, better salary, you need to do some sacrifces. Good luck to both of you!
Nobody owe anyone a living!
Thank you for sharing
女神真的几漂亮 😍🤣 But seriously 要consider 如果 give up PR 以后很难再拿到. Also must consider how important is money. Work in SG spend in MY 是最爽的lor. Same job same role in both country, SG 的薪水比较高然后还有exchange rate.
那个waiter来做example. SG normally S$2200-$2400. Ok 讲S$2000 lah. Convert liao RM6960. Malaysia 哪里有waiter 新水这么高喔? 最多是 RM3000-3500. 两倍喔 😮
现在新加坡waiter 是3500😂
@@KWs5329 不要讲six star hotel lah 🤣
@@P53eud0nym05 随便海底捞,莆田,都是3500, 还有高级餐厅,需要会英文,和大学文凭,公司会培养成餐厅经理,到时月入5-10千不是问题。
@@KWs5329 Lagi jialat S$3500 = RM12250. In MY waiter 不可能有这么高的薪水.
@@YiennLootalk logic. Good
Eh, if SG is not expensive, these Malaysians will not leave and talk about going back for families and love for MAlaysia. The real reason is SG is very expensive!
@@sart3735But don’t they know salary on both sides are not the same? That’s weird right?
@@dlkm101 THey are champions at complaining. Strange, people say Singaporeans are like to complain. But I met a lot more whiny malaysians in SG. They complain about cost, bumis, Singaporeans, food in SG etc. There was even a few from my ex companies who will jump at every opportunity to remind singaporeans how small we are. But actually our economy is bigger than theirs. I got fed up and show them what is a real SG karen!
Sg PR is no longer that easy to obtain like before.
@YiennLoo well say... ❤
其实每个人选择都不一样,就像TH-camr Daddylife go "奶爸"有两个女儿也选择了留在新加坡。
奶爸表示可能会往更远的地方去(看看有没有中头奖先 )
这就是永久居民的福利呀❤利益和目的达到就返回自己的国土咯😊马来西亚最佳适合你们... 记得你们所说的话在这个屏道😮可别再😮两支脚又想过来新加坡讨钱和讨吃呀😂😢😮😊
@@YiennLoo 赚惯新币的人,回马来西亚怎样都难平衡,连新加坡人都喜欢来马来西亚消费。
小孩在新加坡上学。PR 3年买转售组屋。夫妻一方申请公民。申请BTO。组屋优质资产, 出租自住皆宜。小孩上大学后, 回大马退休。
我同事的父母就是酱。。。现在父母老了需要医药照顾又不相信JB医疗,又搬回来新加坡住。爸爸看医生有没有那么多津贴。please make sure you have good health all the way
😔感谢你们为新加坡做的贡献❤ ( 新加坡人 )
😔1450 没新招数了吗?🤣🤣🤣
LOL. She contributed to her own pocket not to SG. Nothing to thank her. Londoners do not thank expats in London and New Yorkers do not thank expats in NYC. It's pure commercial. Singaporeans like you are ridiculous to thank her. Did she participate in grassroot activities? No wonder the Malaysians think we should thank them when they doing it for themselves, and quite honestly, they aren't that great workers, easily replaced by other foreigners.
来来去去就是一样的题材,一样的人。 这些真的问到不问了。不显咩
生于斯,长于斯,死于斯。 欢迎你们回国发展。
Yay, I am Singaporean. Always happy to hear Malaysians are going back.
zchannelzack 👍👍💛💛🧡🧡💚💚👍👍
WE do not welcome people like this!
LOL. Malaysian tenants reputation isn't that great. Heard from my friends they are very dirty. Even the young female PMETS. They dun clean up because it's not their properties. Well, I know it is not their properties, but they sleep in these properties. Apparently, they are ok to sleep with roaches.
Malaysian tenants are not great people too.
Why delete my comment? Censorship? 😂. I tot malaysians believe in freedom of speech.
I still believe if you want a successful business world, Malaysia has bigger market. SG is very small and every days you look around is four wall and busy people walking up and down.
It depends on what u want... Dat fix.
😂. But Sg economy is bigger than Malaysia. That's something Malaysians do not seem to know. They think just because we are small means we have no market. Our spending power is much better than Malaysians'. Our banks are bigger than Maybank and CIMB. Surprised??? SG tourists are the biggest spenders in ASEAN. I am talking about total receipts, not receipts per tourist. We are marginally ahead of Thai tourists (2nd biggest spenders) despite our small population. Surprised?
Aiyo, Malaysian English really sucks. Write in mandarin! You are writing manglish. What is walk up and down 😂? I dun think our volunteer teachers want to teach there. Pay is too low.
No market? Your JB businessmen are only interested in selling to Singaporeans. They even advertised in Sg. 😂 They are not interested in Malaysian customers, cos Malaysians find their prices are too high.
Walk up and down? Jeez, what a weird description of SG? You sound like a kid who just started to learn how to talk. Malaysian English is 🤣. Eh, just write Chinese if your English is 😂.
You nail it! All because of $$$. Malaysians are the most opportunistic bunch. I met Indians and Westerners who participated in community work or become volunteer police when they become PRs. Malaysians - None! Malaysians only look at what SG can do for them.
Here u also can buy car mah
Money problem😭
@@YiennLoo find higher pay job
@@kenjikenji4870 singapore the public transportation is well developed for outing without a car is still comfortable to any places.
But in Malaysia you need a car for outing due to public transport not that develop but still can call a grab.
Initially I also got a car but later give up, the money I saved up from the car all used it for travel to other countries.
Better not. A lot of Malaysians despite becoming SG citizens still talk and behave like Malaysians. They spoil our name. Worse, some bash SG, I wonder why they want to take up SG citizenship.
个求所需 能在马来西亚生活 不必当外劳 最好
A lot of malaysians dun think they are foreign labour, they think they are talents. But they graduated from dubious Malaysian universities. 🤣
@zchannelzack 其實當你帶上女兒老婆去新加坡生活與工作,就會大至上解決了要不要回流大馬的問題了。😉
@@dlkm101 不久之后RTS 通车,新马两地跑更方便,他们住古来离新不是很远,还是可以的,杰克更有可能回新赚钱,Z嫂的事业看来已上了轨道不大可能在回新
LOL. Your Malaysian father is so rich, why are you in SG? Your pay is very low, SG employers always lowball Malaysians.
@@sart3735 Singapore government rich, why still have many sg citizens poor? Use your brain to think 🤔
@@KWs5329 😂. SG has many poor people???? Eh, the poor people in Sg mostly from your country. We definitely have less poor people than Malaysia. Got official data from IMF. Our cleaner can holiday in Japan and Australia. Our restaurant waiter makes 2000sgd, more than Malaysian fresh graduates. So how about why najib and Mahathir are so rich, you have oil, Malaysia still has so many poor people. Dun act smart.
@@KWs5329 bullshit. Malaysian big talker again. Always talking Bird language. But compare your dad 's pay with people his age, his pay several times less than a person in SG. Use your bird brains. I think you graduate from a Malaysian universit. 😂. Apparently a Malaysian professional in KL in 40s make less than my 25 year old niece. Lol.
@@KWs5329 LOL. Your father's pay is very low compared to SG person his age. As for you, your pay is low as SG employers always lowball Malaysians. A lot of poor people in SG? This is coming from person from a third country with significantly more poor people than SG. Talk without using your brains. Mai Lau Zai, your pay is 10% of mine, you can stop talking big and tell me to use my brains. Your dad is upper middle class in Malaysia but is a lower middle in SG. My 26 years old niece makes more money than a 40 + professional in KL. Read in a wealth report, you need only SGD600K to be in top 15% in Malaysia. LOL. I am definitely in top 15% in Malaysia. I dun even consider myself rich compared to other SG. That is how poor your country is. Small Ma Lau Zai, your dad is not rich!
有些人又想去赚别人比较高的薪资却又埋冤生活水准高!真奇怪!honestly nobody owe anyone a living!
well-said. Honestly, I am happy they go back. 1 million of them in SG. Faint!