I'm working to provide more generator kits available, takes a bit of time to get the bits though, don't worry the desk is now full of them :) Haven't seen any with 1mm wire yet which I believe were the very first, but a lot of 0.8mm to 0.6mm with aluminium and copper 36 or 42 pole motors and some LG direct drive ones.
Around 1m is a good length to start with, all though to reduce start up windspeed, particularly for the cogging effect on the 42 pole stator, might be better to go a little bit longer for more torque at less speed. Other alternative is to use 5 blades which will be slightly more efficient than 3 blades. More blades = less speed but more torque. Cheers
I will ask, we ship within NZ for about $20, overseas will most likely be no, but I'll check anyway. This is EarthLinks main website, they typically only sell through TradeMe & in store. www.earthlink.org.nz/recycling-shop Thanks
looks like washing by hand is back
Damn, I didn't realize just how many motors you had!
I'm working to provide more generator kits available, takes a bit of time to get the bits though, don't worry the desk is now full of them :) Haven't seen any with 1mm wire yet which I believe were the very first, but a lot of 0.8mm to 0.6mm with aluminium and copper 36 or 42 pole motors and some LG direct drive ones.
Nice! I'm trying to figure out a 3 blade configuration for my windmill, any suggestions on length?
Around 1m is a good length to start with, all though to reduce start up windspeed, particularly for the cogging effect on the 42 pole stator, might be better to go a little bit longer for more torque at less speed.
Other alternative is to use 5 blades which will be slightly more efficient than 3 blades. More blades = less speed but more torque.
Do you ship internationally? Any online website or online store?
I will ask, we ship within NZ for about $20, overseas will most likely be no, but I'll check anyway.
This is EarthLinks main website, they typically only sell through TradeMe & in store.
Hi again,
Sorry we are currently unable to ship overseas due to our circumstances.
Hi everyone l m razack technician in parakou in benin l want your help to have alternator l want his home .