Wouldn't hooking up the cows tail and the greon to the sternal, the same point, be a no no? I just graduated class today and we were trained cows tail to ventral, greon to sternal.
SPRAT allows both to go into one D-Ring as long as the harness is in good condition and is secured properly. They see the D-ring as a solid piece that is not prone to human error.
Great quality video. Direct and succinct. Thanks for sharing.
Outstanding and clear instructions. I app you guys!!!
Wouldn't hooking up the cows tail and the greon to the sternal, the same point, be a no no? I just graduated class today and we were trained cows tail to ventral, greon to sternal.
SPRAT allows both to go into one D-Ring as long as the harness is in good condition and is secured properly. They see the D-ring as a solid piece that is not prone to human error.
Why does SPRAT require changing the victim to decent mode when rescuing from ascent? It seems like an extra step that just takes time.
Rope stretch when possibly on extremely long drops?
What R.A.D stand for?
Rapid Ascent and Descent, Jim
Rapid Acsent with Descender