This Is Why I Am No Longer A Vegan

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 10 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 97

  • @alenamarkus6574
    @alenamarkus6574 ปีที่แล้ว +31

    comparing avacodos with meat.. such a bad argumentation

    • @tinknal6449
      @tinknal6449 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Thinking that any plant based food can come anywhere close to the superior nutrition of meat, milk, and eggs is laughable.

  • @Veronica.Stenberg
    @Veronica.Stenberg หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Thank you for this video. I've been doing a lot of research and I'm trying to find a way forward from eating a vegan for 19+ years, before that I was a vegetarian since I was 13 years of age. I'm rethinking nutrition, my commitment to the environment and to animal welfare. Nothing is black and white. I commend your courage.
    On another note, if anyone else knows good sources of how to take practical steps away from a vegan diet, please let me know as I'm struggling to find my path forward. (I suppose nobody wants to publish that type of information since there will be loads of online hate).
    Thank you Aggie 🙏

  • @cassidythompson5606
    @cassidythompson5606 ปีที่แล้ว +20

    So you admit you were never vegan for the animals?

    • @tinknal6449
      @tinknal6449 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      "sO yOU adMIt YoU WerE neVEr vEGaN fOr tHE anIMalS". Classic vegan troll response.

    • @janieswanson2549
      @janieswanson2549 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Neither are you so what's the point of asking that?

    • @cassidythompson5606
      @cassidythompson5606 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      @@janieswanson2549 Yes, I am?

    • @janieswanson2549
      @janieswanson2549 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@cassidythompson5606 You literally use animal products needlessly for entertainment.
      No, you're not.
      No need to make things up.

    • @cassidythompson5606
      @cassidythompson5606 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @Janie Swanson Sounds like you don't have any true understanding of veganism. Please educate yourself before attempting to educate others, it will prevent you from looking like a fool.

  • @annan.3283
    @annan.3283 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    If you had switched to being a vegetarian and ate eggs and cottage cheese you could have been full for hours, met your protein levels, and been able to eat easily around the world.

  • @PrincessTala83
    @PrincessTala83 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    I was a vegan for 3 years, and same as you I got into it because I wanted to end animal suffering. I was very conscious of what I ate, I made all my meals at home, made sure to eat enough calories and a varied as possible diet. I made sure to take my supplements. Stayed away from processed foods, only ate whole wheat grains etc, and no added sugar. BUT no matter how hard I tried to stay healthy, i wasn’t healthy ( and prior to being vegan I had always been healthy) so like you, I also experienced bloating, which wasn’t such a big deal to me then, then my skin got a serious acne problem, with cystic acne all over, which lasted during my years as vegan, and literally cleared by itself once I started eating a “normal” diet again including animal products ( It didn’t even take long for it to clear and by then I had been suffering for at least 2 years with my skin). THEN I suddenly experienced hair loss (in my third year of being a vegan).. and I had never had any issues with hair loss, and I was losing A LOT of hair… I think it was due to lack of iodine in my diet.. anyway shortly after I my hair falling out, i stopped being vegan (but it wasn’t really because of my skin or hair that I stopped tbh. I stopped because I started to realize that my body will never get all the nutrients it needs to thrive on a vegan diet). Thank you for sharing your story❤️

    • @KristinEatsPlants
      @KristinEatsPlants 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      My acne also got worse while vegan and cleared up when I started eating meat! I tried EVERYTHING.

  • @mickeydude7113
    @mickeydude7113 ปีที่แล้ว +22

    You were never vegan

    • @tomlauris
      @tomlauris ปีที่แล้ว +8

      Your fellow vegans will say the same about you when you quit. Don't forget to make your own "why I'm no longer vegan" video 😀

    • @mickeydude7113
      @mickeydude7113 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@tomlauris I’m not vegan buddy😂

    • @ldm8571
      @ldm8571 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      @@mickeydude7113 That makes your original comment so, so sad. Defending something you are not willing to follow.

    • @mickeydude7113
      @mickeydude7113 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@ldm8571 it’s called trolling smart ass

    • @ldm8571
      @ldm8571 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@mickeydude7113 Thanks for the compliment, oh Master of Troll 😃😃😃 I would never call you smart.

  • @veganvance
    @veganvance ปีที่แล้ว +18

    Ah yes some dude online says it's healthy to eat animal products so I must believe him, not to mention I wonder why I'm hungry all the time when I don't consume fiber rich foods and starches like potatoes and beans and instead consume juices that have all of the fiber stiped away hmmm I wonder why I'm hungry it must be because of veganism even though veganism is a stance against animals having their rights violated and being used and looked at as things and not someone's.... You didn't even describe your diet, for all I know you were consuming a limited juice type of diet instead of a whole food plant based well planned diet. This is just misinformation. As for the travel excuses why would you go into a food desert and not bring ample plant based vegan friendly foods instead you went into a jungle with absolutely no preparation. As for the claims that when traveling there are no vegan options is completely ridiculous because fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds, grains, legumes and spices are basically widely available except for in extreme locations like wild jungles and then that would go back to planning out carefully and bringing plant based vegan friendly foods. If you truly believed in veganism, you would have reached out to plant-based doctors and actual peer reviewed scientific factual studies before participating in the rights violations of non-human animals. As for the crop death claims the animals you eat have to eat far more crops than we do and on top of that they are killed and have their rights violated as well. The claim about avocados is simple, don't eat avocados. It doesn't matter if the animals are organic or free range their rights at the end of the day are being violated, if we played Mozart for them on the way to slaughter it wouldn't make the fact that their right to life is being violated any different. Vegans do care about incidental rights violations of other animals in farming crops and everyday life. In a vegan society we would address these issues and put in place measures to eliminate them such as alerting when harvesting crops with sounds or using vertical farming instead of traditional farming. Or we could even advocate and educate about growing your own crops as much as possible to avoid having to rely heavily on industrial agriculture. Saying a thankyou or prayer doesn't change the fact that the animal on your plate had their rights violated to get there. Suffering is not the fundamental wrong, it's the rights being violated and the use of non-human animals once again it's about their right to life being violated even if we treat a non-human animal as best as we can it's not morally justified to take away their right to life. Protein can be easily met on a plant-based diet by using whole foods like nuts, legumes and also if you feel you need more than that you could easily use plant based vegan friendly protein powders such as pea protein and soy protein etc., veganism is not a diet, it's a stance against the violation of non-human animal's rights and their use. You are spouting anti vegan nonsense and advocating for non-human animals to have their rights violated and it's infuriating at the least.

    • @thatonenihilist
      @thatonenihilist ปีที่แล้ว

      go eat your carrots and shut up.

    • @tinknal6449
      @tinknal6449 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@majesticmythology LOL, 3 years! Average time before abandoning the vegan cult is 4 to 6 years.

    • @janieswanson2549
      @janieswanson2549 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Why do you use animal products needlessly for entertainment while pretending to be against it?
      I know you won't answer truthfully and factually. I just like watching the evasion and inevitable justifications for not practicing what you preach.

    • @nosnawseinaj
      @nosnawseinaj ปีที่แล้ว +2

      You really triggered me. All vegans trigger me.

    • @cassclare
      @cassclare 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      I was vegan 3 years, eating tons of organic produce, sprouted my own micro greens, sprouted my beans. Had a garden and also shopped at my local farm. I felt good for one year but by year 3 I was severely anemic and depressed and bloated no matter what I supplemented or adjusted. I did it RIGHT and it ruined my health.
      I remember being so confused how I could put so much energy into eating such a good diet and feel worse than I ever had in my entire life.
      I was healthy before veganism, and now after 10 months eating meat, I am healthy again.
      Save your breath, you are wrong about veganism

  • @JoelAllegretto
    @JoelAllegretto ปีที่แล้ว +14

    Thank you for sharing your experience! Was a vegan for 6 years with similar problems and have transitioned back to omnivorous diet and i feel so much better.

  • @Unmasking_Viandalisme
    @Unmasking_Viandalisme ปีที่แล้ว +10

    I hope you've got a broccoli-proof vest ready..🤭for protection against "incoming". When I went WF omnivore (Mar-2019), the "empty" signal separated from the "hungry" signal, so I eat when it's convenient & hardly ever feel the need to snack.
    I sense that you're not going to regret escaping from the blender that is veganism!🤪👍

  • @frixz5489
    @frixz5489 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Powerful and beautiful message. I believe there is a lot more people who feel the same, but they are forcing themselves to stay in this ideological frame of veganism. I hope your story will help some of them.

  • @katarzynakasprzak8190
    @katarzynakasprzak8190 ปีที่แล้ว

    So can drink it two times per day? Over the internet (which I’m stopping believing now) I saw the info that we can not have more than two spoons per day 🤔
    P.S I’m so grateful that you are sharing the knowledge 🫶🏼 i struggle so much trying to cut calories and train many hours per week and only one result was getting tired and frustrated. The knowledge you are sharing is like a breath of fresh air ☺️ finally I feel that it wasn’t my fault, not doing enough, but just trying to follow wrong path.
    Sending lots love🥰❤

  • @symbiosiseva
    @symbiosiseva 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Thank you

  • @belliebone
    @belliebone 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    It looks like you went into pseudoscience instead of actually looking at ACTUAL science.
    Nuff said.

    • @tinknal6449
      @tinknal6449 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      It looks like your "science" has all been filtered through vegan propaganda sources.

  • @themoonflowerfaerie
    @themoonflowerfaerie 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    This is really eye opening for me, and even though I appreciate what you are saying, I'm still struggling with eating certain animals. I tried being vegan at the beginning of covid, and after one year, I had gained 20lbs instead of losing like most people do. I ate loads of vegetarian gluten free meats, as I'm gluten intolerant. I actually really loved it. I was vegetarian mainly for around 20 years before that. I started feeling very bad, got very weak, and brain foggie. Then I went back to being vegetarian, and even though I was eating egg yolks; again I'm allergic to egg whites; taking supplements, eating cheese, etc. I Still have not been feeling good. I just starting forcing myself to eat salmon, occasional tuna, and shrimp. Before I started eating the above, I noticed that my fingernails had gotten really bad with deep ridges in them. I'm hoping this diet change will help as I know that my nails are a sign that I'm not as healthy as I should be. I also hope I will lose the weight, being very small boned, it really shows on me and makes me feel so bad physically; it's even painful with certain movements. I was checked by the doctor and she said my liver, etc. is fine. I had been vegetarian because of the animals also, and your message is something i really have to think about. I still really love cows, sheep, etc. and don't know if I can do what you are doing. It really breaks my heart to think of eating them. I'm hoping adding the fish will be enough to help, and we will see what happens next. Thank you for your heartfelt message to all of us struggling with this issue.

  • @fearlessfreedom6097
    @fearlessfreedom6097 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Thank you for sharing! Ultimately you have to do what works for your individual body and biochemics. I am having the opposite experience. I enjoy eating meat and considered myself a "conscious meat eater"......but my autoimmune conditions are triggered by the animal proteins. Even when I ate salmon, I would get triggered. I was gaining a ton of weight, having skin issues, and all sorts of other health triggers, and the second I went vegan the inflammation dramatically decreased, and Iwas starting to feel healthy. I have periodically tried reintroducing meat into my diet a few times, and immediately my eyes will swell up, and I will start having the same issues, so after 8 years, I have comse to accept that my body wants to be gluten free, grain fee, soy free vegan..... (it sounds harder than it is LOL).....I am also a traveler, and I do center my travel locations based on my access to foods I need to stay healthy.....I have to stay away from smaller towns that have never even heard of Gluten is what it is......ultimately we all have to make choices based on what our bodies need to thrive.......that might look different from person to person.....and I hate extremists on either end of the spectrum.

    • @marnasletten3988
      @marnasletten3988 ปีที่แล้ว

      Right, you troll.

    • @KristinEatsPlants
      @KristinEatsPlants 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      You’re not a troll, I love hearing all POVs when it comes to these things. Glad it works for you! ❤️

  • @Lika_coaching
    @Lika_coaching ปีที่แล้ว +5

    loved this! Thank you for sharing !! 🫶🏼

  • @monicaeilerofficial
    @monicaeilerofficial ปีที่แล้ว +4

    With my extensive background in nutrition, fitness and wellness I always have a hard time when helping clients who will deviate from being vegan or vegetarian. I explain all the reasons of why they are overweight, bloated, lacking nutrients, dealing with fatigue and so much more. You did a wonderful job explaining why being vegan is not conducive on all levels and why. Love it! Thank you! 🙌🏼

  • @karolinavujnovic
    @karolinavujnovic ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Thanks good there are more and more of us who are realized that it's not healthy ❤

    • @veganninja5886
      @veganninja5886 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      you're not smart

    • @Assassin99584
      @Assassin99584 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@veganninja5886nice projection from the brain dead vegan cult drone

  • @liviu589
    @liviu589 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    nice video aggie

  • @analea6531
    @analea6531 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    This video is pure gold. You explained it so well. Btw you are the reason I got into bio hacking. Thank you❤

  • @psychoticsaraswati
    @psychoticsaraswati 8 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @emilioidk2055
    @emilioidk2055 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    "Extreme vegans" are always in the comment section talkin crap instead of understanding some peoples body cant function correctly with being vegan.

  • @povalona1210
    @povalona1210 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Interesting perspective. Thank you for sharing these insights!

  • @biffbifford402
    @biffbifford402 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Great. Now ditch liberalism for conservatism. 👍

  • @gjahncke
    @gjahncke 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    carnivore omad walking fasting ice bading zeolith heals cdl dmso borax sun d3

  • @Aj.dadnerd
    @Aj.dadnerd ปีที่แล้ว +10

    I'm really happy to see you are understanding the reality of how important it is to see reality and take care of yourself. Too many people want to impose this fantasy on themselves. I'll hit you with another fact that vegans have difficulty with. Almonds and quinoa are the 2 most water intense crops in the world. This is important because the water consumption of these plants diverts huge amounts of water away from natural habitats. It doesn't matter if they are "organic" or not.

    • @Aj.dadnerd
      @Aj.dadnerd ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @Lazza93 I don't have a problem with people wanting to be vegan. My issue is when vegans want to say everyone can and should be vegan. My entire point is that there are aspects of eating only plants that are ignored by vegan zealots. Additionally, you can say whatever nonsense you want. Almonds, for example, need over 1 gallon of water per nut to produce. 1 tree can produce 10000 almonds. If you have 1000 trees in an orchard, do the math. Another issue I have is I see idiot "reserchers" calling quinoa the food that will save the world, which is patently false. I don't care if someone wants to be vegan. The caloric density of one acre if meat production can feed 100x more people for 1/2 the cost and absolutely does not use 10x more water. What is the water necessary for 1 ear of corn? Since corn is the main grain food for meat production? If you don't know, sell your propaganda to someone else.

    • @marnasletten3988
      @marnasletten3988 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Also Avocordco take a lot of water too.

    • @Aj.dadnerd
      @Aj.dadnerd ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@marnasletten3988 That is very true. Thanks for the reminder! 😀

    • @tinknal6449
      @tinknal6449 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@majesticmythology The thing is that a tremendous amount of water used in animal agriculture is a part of the natural hydrological cycle. The rain that grows the grass that feeds the cattle will fall whether the cow eats the grass or not.

    • @ajrwilde14
      @ajrwilde14 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@tinknal6449 exactly! Dumb vegans act like water is scarce everywhere. In Northern Europe it rains most days and we are not short of water!

  • @stnbiiil6795
    @stnbiiil6795 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    My favorite diosa Love you thank your

  • @soulfood-meditations
    @soulfood-meditations ปีที่แล้ว

    We are one. We have to avoid suffering of the animals, as you said, Aggie, and avoid unnecessary killing for the things that are not food, but sadly, we can't avoid killing animals completely.

  • @elenapatelart5636
    @elenapatelart5636 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    You don’t have to eat meat to be healthy. Think about the Indians. They eat a lot of ghee and other diary products and they look and feel fantastic. But yes , animals get hurt if they are being industrially looked after. So even with the milk for cheese, etc. we can harm other souls :( I eat everything, except beef and I never stopped so I cannot relate to your suffering 😢 look after yourselves people. The animals have this own karma and they are born in their bodies for a reason! It’s not up to us to save everything that walks around ❤

    • @naynay9652
      @naynay9652 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      That is sooooo not true. They are not healthy. A lot of them are overweight, have diabetes & horrible teeth because of their veg diet. I've never met a vegetarian Indian who was healthy. EVER.

    • @kaverichandna
      @kaverichandna ปีที่แล้ว +6

      I’m an indian and I can assure you we do not feel good. I was in chronic pain all my life, my mother is still in chronic bank, her bones falling part. You can see the struggle with every family in society. But indians refuse to accept its vegetarianism/veganism that is at fault. I switched to carnivore and haven’t looked back. My grandmother came back to life with even the slightest meat addition. Red meat is so important. Girls in india pass out left right AND CENTER. We’re a terrible example lol

    • @lilo_920
      @lilo_920 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      The reality is that India has a lot of health problems. Among other things, their height has even been declining which signals a lack of nutrition.

    • @tinknal6449
      @tinknal6449 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      India has among the highest rates of obesity, diabetes, and heart disease in the world.

  • @janieswanson2549
    @janieswanson2549 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Next years "Ex-Vegan" video is already packed with people.

    • @nosnawseinaj
      @nosnawseinaj ปีที่แล้ว +4

      I wish my husband hadn't left me.

    • @Sarcastic_Simon
      @Sarcastic_Simon 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Many ex-vegans slip away quietly. Imagine the complication video that could be made if all the vegans who transitioned back to their natural diet actually spoke out!

  • @mariafamilia5551
    @mariafamilia5551 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Why do you feel shame?