NABARD English Lecture 3

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 24 ก.ย. 2024
  • Topic Name Syllabus Detail
    Agriculture Definition, Meaning and its Branches
    Agronomy: Definition, Meaning, and Scope of Agronomy
    Classification of Field Crops
    Factors Affecting Crop Production
    Argo Climatic Zones
    Types of Cropping Systems and their Definitions
    Problems faced if land is dry - Seed Production & Processing, and Seed Village
    Meteorology: Weather Parameters, Crop-Weather Advisory
    Precision Farming
    System of Crop Intensification
    Organic Farming
    Soil and Water Conservation Major Soil Types
    Soil Fertility
    Soil Erosion
    Soil Conservation
    Watershed Management
    Water Resource Irrigation Management
    Types of Irrigation
    Sources of Irrigation
    Crop-Water Requirement
    Command Area Development
    Water Conservation Techniques
    Irrigation Pumps
    Major, Medium and Minor Irrigation
    Agri and Farm Engineering Power and Machinery related to Farms
    Power Sources on the farm - animal, human, electrical, mechanical, wind, biomass and solar, biofuels
    Water Harvesting Structures
    Farm Ponds
    Agro Processing
    Modified & controlled storage, storage of perishable foods, bins, godowns, and grain silos.
    Horticulture & Plantation Meaning, Definition, and its Branches
    Production Technology and Agronomic practices with respect to various horticulture and plantation crops.
    Value and supply chain management of Horticulture & Plantation crops, Post-harvest management of the same.
    Animal Husbandry Farm animals and their role in the Indian economy.
    Animal husbandry methods in India.
    Commonly used terminologies pertaining to the different species of livestock.
    Utility classification of breeds of cattle.
    Introduction to common fodders and feeds, their utility and classification.
    Introduction to the industry of poultry in India.
    Common terms pertaining to poultry production and management.
    Socio-Economic implications of mixed farming on the farmer in India and the concept of mixed farming.
    Livestock and Poultry production and their obligatory and complementary relationship with that of agricultural farming.
    Fisheries Fisheries Resources
    Exploitation and management - marine water, freshwater, and brackish water.
    Aquaculture- Inland and Marine
    Post-Harvest Technology
    Importance of fisheries in India.
    Common terms pertaining to fish production.
    Forestry Basic concepts of Forest and Forestry
    Management, mensuration, and Economics regarding Forests, and the Principles of silviculture.
    Concepts of agroforestry, social forestry, joint forest management.
    Legislation and Policies regarding forests in India, 2015 Report on the State of forests in India.
    Ministry of Forest, Environment, and Climate change
    Ministry of Forest, Environment, and Climate Change and Recent developments under them.
    Agriculture Extensions Its role and importance, evaluations methods of extension programmes.
    KVK’s (Krishi Vigyan Kendra) role in the dissemination of technologies based on Agriculture.
    Ecology and Climate Change Ecology and how it is relevant to man, sustainable management and conservation of natural resources.
    Climate change and its causes, GHGs (Green House Gases), countries emitting high amounts of GHGs, and climate analysis.
    Distinguish between adaptation and mitigation.
    Climate change and its impact on rural livelihoods and agriculture.
    Carbon credit
    IPCC, UNFCCC, CoP meetings
    Funding mechanisms for climate change projects
    Indian government initiatives like SAPCC, NAPCC, INDC.
    Present Scenario of agriculture and allied activities in India Trends of recent times
    Major challenges in agriculture measures to enhance.
    Viability of agriculture
    Factors of Production in agriculture
    Agricultural Finance and Marketing
    Globalisation and its impacts on Indian Agriculture and the issue of food security.
    Concept and Types of Farm Management.
    Rural Development Concept of Rural Area
    Structure of the Indian Rural Economy.
    Rural sector of India and its importance and role.
    Social, Demographic, and Economic characteristics of the rural economy of India.
    Causes of Rural Backwardness.
    Rural population in India
    Occupational structure
    Agricultural Laborers, Handicrafts, Tribes/Forest dwellers, Farmers, Artisans, Traders and others in the rural parts of India.
    Changing trends in rural workforce and rural population in India.
    Problems and conditions of rural labour
    Issues and challenges in Hand-looms.
    Panchayati Raj Institutions - Functions and Working.
    NRLM, MGNREGA - Drinking Water Programmes in Rural India, Aajeevika, Swachh Bharat, Housing in Rural Area, PURA, and other programs related to rural development.
    As mentioned earlier, the syllabus of ARD is exactly the same in Phase 1 & Phase 2, only the difficulty level varies.

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