Damsang gri and panbu dara you should visit that place, has its own historical values abundance of forest , exotic flora and fauna and panoramic landscape of hills, mountain and field's. Don't miss
The way you describe matter in your blog is wonderful! Bloggers should not only show the places but also tell related story, history, about that place, it's habitants, climate, altitude, vegetation, cultivation etc. etc...
Thank u
Historical place
Interesting vlog 👍
Wow! one day!
Thank to u infarmetin
Enjoyed the story.
Damsang gri and panbu dara you should visit that place, has its own historical values abundance of forest , exotic flora and fauna and panoramic landscape of hills, mountain and field's. Don't miss
Abo taile assist gari dena malai la…
I love too.. But I've always tried to stay behind the scenes/ camera and I intend to keep it that way..
The way you describe matter in your blog is wonderful! Bloggers should not only show the places but also tell related story, history, about that place, it's habitants, climate, altitude, vegetation, cultivation etc. etc...
Dammi nd interesting video . I shall share story of Dalim fort with my amma nd ashang haru. Waiting for ur next interesting vlog. 👍👍👍👍
I have the place on 21/04/2024
Been to this place, good view but the hardship of journey was not worth it. Big no for traveller & torist. Trekkers can try
Hope to soon visit Dalim fort....🤗