Fun fact: The delay in the start of the flashing is caused by a capacitive dropper. The capacitor has to charge before the flashing starts, having the main headlamp on also drops the voltage so the battery has to work harder to charge it. The bulb also acts as the discharge resistor so replacing the bulb with a lower resistance will speed up the cycling. Just thought it would be interesting to know.
I was hoping there would be a 1970s battery inside the box as well. Would be interesting to see what state a new old stock battery would be like.
Fun fact: The delay in the start of the flashing is caused by a capacitive dropper. The capacitor has to charge before the flashing starts, having the main headlamp on also drops the voltage so the battery has to work harder to charge it. The bulb also acts as the discharge resistor so replacing the bulb with a lower resistance will speed up the cycling. Just thought it would be interesting to know.
😂 I'm from the 70s, 20p is no surprise! Lol
Interesting! Wondered how it worked and if bulb was part of mechanism. Was going to try led bulbs. Do you think it will mess up the flash timing?