Thanks for the video. Can share if the repaired arm is still working fine after 2 years? I have problem with my g-cora 680 arm. Thinking to buy motor from shopee for replacement.
Bos...kalo batang depan tu sy welding sikit boleh ke?...sebab panjang sgt..jd klo tutup die tarik gate sampai bengkok..boleh ke sy welding sikit atau tembak skru?
is it possible to get this gear box?
Thanks for the video. Can share if the repaired arm is still working fine after 2 years? I have problem with my g-cora 680 arm. Thinking to buy motor from shopee for replacement.
Tq so much sir.
motor ni beli brand apa pun blh ke... Mcmana kita nak tau sesuai dgn autogate kita
Ya blh beli apa2 brand dgn motor type no 775. Cari yg high torque jgn yg high speed.
Bos...kalo batang depan tu sy welding sikit boleh ke?...sebab panjang sgt..jd klo tutup die tarik gate sampai bengkok..boleh ke sy welding sikit atau tembak skru?
Rasa nya xblh tu unless reweld balik mounting screw autogate tu bru dpt. Ada betul apa yg saya bg tau sini psl autogate punya batang?
@@joesster kalau welding boleh?
beli kat mana motor tu bang.?
Saya beli d shopee bang.
terima kasih info 👍🏻