Medical science has the problem logicians have struggled with. Post Hoc vs. Propter Hoc. Are you observing a situation that occurs after a fact or does it occur Because of the fact. Until you can answer that question, you have learned nothing. I can state that all drug addicts start off with mothers milk but can you cure addiction by banning mothers milk?
It's about time!
Sorry, but psychiatrists are not medical doctors 1:42
Wow....this is news to no one
22:20 why not use immunotherapy?
biofilm -> cancer including osteosarcoma? USA300?
How many vivecks are there ?
look up ^^^
u noticed
Cancer video?
Medical science has the problem logicians have struggled with. Post Hoc vs. Propter Hoc. Are you observing a situation that occurs after a fact or does it occur Because of the fact. Until you can answer that question, you have learned nothing. I can state that all drug addicts start off with mothers milk but can you cure addiction by banning mothers milk?
psychiatric prescriptions cause obesity?
Damnnnnn 😂😮😮 glad I don't really drink .. I smoke alot off weed tho 😂😂😂🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
16:19 _ay
waaaait tax gimmick, or government grant game?
18:30 uhzn guy doing the freemason hand sign?
What about the link between voting Democrat and sky high crime in cities?