God damn you Maximus... You were quite 'big boi' 'Gladiator', but in all fairness youa are telling the truth. Like if ever get bounty or bond equ for the betetr aiming time, never ever use it on other thanks than Tier X artillery... or if it's an 'improved equ, jutst break it to to points and don't care a less. Some equs are actually very powerful and they are these two: Better gun laying drives and ventilation and the latter one to be the option on every tank ever... Both in bounty and bond equipments.. Like: If you put an bounty turbo to a Maus and sacrifice a one slot for some speed, it doesn't make a flying fucks difference on anything? What you need is more fire power as cos' of the so called 'corridor' maps, in most maps you are fighting in close range. And even on some open maps like Prokhorovka if you have at least desent light tank players who don't die at the 2nd minute or so.
There are ofc some maps that are almost useless for light tanks and artillery and even to some lighty armored TD's on the higher Tiers like HimmelsDork, but in most cases this will be true.
you know whats bugging me? its the rigged MM that gives paying players pref MM. Team stacking is so clear. Wonder why no one is going into it. Just look at the ranked modes. There are plenty of examples of this.....but everyone is turning their cheeks the other way.
One thing I think you are missing is that IAU also decreases your bloom (accuracy on move, while turning, etc) because of how the bloom equation works. Simplified it multiplies your base accuracy (fully aimed) value with your bloom factors and penalties to calculate your bloom/current accuracy level. This means with bounty IAU you get 8% better bloom, which is why I personally do not think it’s a bad choice on the grille for example which cannot mount vents.
Keep in mind vents will do the same, as it also lowers your base accuracy (as well as aim time which IAU does not do). And keep in mind some tanks could use both, such as borrasque or batchat potentially. I mostly agree that for accurate tanks IAU is def not the best choice especially if your tank can mount vents instead, however, some tanks cannot mount vents and some benefit from both. I personally do feel the difference especially when I am sniping at 300+ meters at weakspots or small elc 90s on many tanks. And I think the “rng will decide anyways” is a bad argument because you could say the same about tanks of any accuracy level, even KV2. I have played like 400+ battles with right and left field mod on Leo 1 for example and definitely feel the difference at range. In the end I picked neither.
V stabs is still far superior for decreasing bloom. The iau will only help in certain situations when sniping from a far distance. V stab makes ur bloom smaller, and consequently aim time faster aswell. IAU only marginally helps that, and most of the time you don't get to reach you're fully aimed accuracy unless your hard sniping from 500 meters away. Also, with tanks with poor bloom but good accuracy like Grille or Charioteer, its best to invest in a T3 Turbo or Rotation device, as 8% to the already shit bloom isn't that effective. The RNG difference is negligent, as most shots follow a bell shaped curve distribution, suggesting that with our without IAU, most shots gravitate towards the middle of the reticle.
The value of IAU is how it interacts with dispersion. There has never been a single accuracy stat. "Dispersion" refers to the minimum size of your aim circle when fully aimed. "Dispersion factors" refer to the multipliers that affect how your aim circle increases in size as you move the tank, traverse the tank, and traverse the turret/gun. Colloquially, we usually refer to Dispersion as "accuracy" and "Dispersion factors" as gun handling. The two stats interact with one another to determine your actual accuracy. RNG has much less of an impact than dispersion factors. That's because RNG can only disperse shots within your aim circle. You cannot fire outside of your aim circle. This game isn't a shooting gallery, so in most situations, you are performing at least two of the three dispersion factors. Typically, moving the tank + traversing the turret/gun or traversing the tank and traversing the turret/gun. The Grille 15 sucks because it has no gun traverse and poor turret angles, meaning you are almost always performing all three dispersion factor actions. Lots of tanks are like this: a good comparison is the Conway. It has similar dispersion factors to the Grille 15. Factors are listed in order of moving tank, traversing tank, traversing turret/gun. Conway: .30, .30, .14 Grille: .26, .30, .40 IRM is mandatory for these tanks and a lot of people, yourself included, use T3 mobility to further improve gun handling. That leaves one slot to debate IAU and alternatives. You're hardly ever shooting at .22 or .25. Yes, if you were, you're right that there isn't a huge difference. What you're actually shooting at is .22 or .25 modified by the dispersion factors above. The multiplicative effects of bloom produce dramatic differences in both real and perceived overall accuracy. IMO, the actual cope is using rammers on standard builds for glass cannons. I was struggling to 3 mark the Conway until I switched to the larger gun and replaced the rammer with IAU. At that point, I was using vents, IRM and IAU. With my setup, I had .28 dispersion and dispersion factors of .23, 2.4 and .1. I finished the mark easily after that. The real cope was thinking that I was going to deal more damage having 3.4k DPM with .34 dispersion than 2.8k DPM with .28 dispersion. Conway isn't a brawler and my impact was made by connecting shots, not shooting more of them, especially in an ammo constrained tank with no armor, low health and poor mobility. IAU affects dispersion, which is a real, tangible stat. You can't say there is no difference when the heat maps literally prove you wrong. You will always be more consistent with better dispersion. You might not "feel" it, but facts don't care about feelings. On the other hand, DPM is not a real stat. It is theoretical because it assumes you have tanks to shoot at and need to fire faster. Sometimes it has value, other times it does not. For glass cannons that don't brawl, more often than not, DPM has questionable value. Fun experiment to do with DPM: sort tanks in a given range by DPM and compare it to overall WR. You will find that more often than not, the worst performers are the high DPM tanks while the tanks with real, impactful features like armor, alpha, pen, mobility, etc. dominate. This makes sense: WG usually makes high DPM tanks glass cannons, so they can't brute force their way to victory. Tanks that can't fight on their own tend to underperform. Shouldn't surprise anyone why the Minotauro, Ho-Ri 3, T110E3 and 268v4 dominate. Has nothing to do with their DPM.
But even tehn there is a question, can you fight head on with other light tanks if you encounter them? Onew thing that is widely misunderstood in this game is the maximum spotting range aka 445 meters and the effect of conselament + the actual maximal view range which is in this game... believe or not, 600 meters. For example: If you have good scout( light tank ) between this 445m-600m radious, you will see what he or she sees and fire far more longer than the 445 meters... In addition to that, when your crew skills regarding the view range are maxed out, you will not only spot for yourself but everyting above in your view range will lower the enemies camo. So when some one that has lets say 20% camo while moving he or she enters in that 445 meters circle, that tank has a certain camo value, and if you have like I have in one or two of my Tier X light tanks about 600 meters view range, you will always spot them from a far as the actual view range negotiates the camoflage and combined to the 'commaders visison' systems, you can spot them even behind the foliage... If you use that equ on yor light tank, then like in Prohkorovka map where is this left side bushes and trees ambush network... You can see trought it all like there is no bushes at all... Don't believe me? Just try. OFC you don't need this equ on maps like Sand River nor Himmelsdork, but if you have this alternative configuration, you can always cahenge it, but I recom, that always max your light tanks view range the ELC EVEN 90 beeing the only one, where better camo may be make it even more better. In other cases , never ever.
Further more... in all tanks you should have at least about 470-500 meters view range even in Heavy tanks... Amazingly fighting in the front can give way more exp if you have good view range and you can get thé 'Observer' and lots of assisted damage. There are two or three heavy tanks that can do this. With a superheavy tank you can actually spot for your team and while you are beaten the living crap out of you, the enemy is revealed and exposed and your team will finish them off... Even with Maus:)
It might just be copium, but my experience is that IAU helps with the sigma shot distribution of tanks, this is how the shot statistically has a greater chance to fall towards the centre than the edge. For instance tanks with similar dispersion value will feel to get different sigma. A 121, obj 140 and TVP T50/T51 all have 0.34 dispersion, but in terms of sigma the bellshaped curve on the shot distribution will be flatter for the 121 and TVP, and more acute on the obj 140, meaning that more shots will fall towards the center of the fully aimed circle.
The combination of a sniper rifle ST II: 1. Bond Vents 2. IAU (with the X underneath) 3. Fire Control Tier 3 Bro, I turned my ST II into a Pixel Sniper, I can snipe the most smallest of details from 500 meters away.
I stopped running all accuracy equipment on my tanks in 2017, and not only did my hit ratio stay exactly the same, but my DPG increased, Drastically. Because instead of wasting time aiming and lowering my DPM, I just snap. if i Hit great, if not? Oh well. RNG decides if you hit or not, not accuracy, i've been saying this for years. Hence why the snap shotter beats the aimer in this game 90% of the time, and why if you watch most tier X unicum streamers, you'll notice they snap. Not aim.
I have a bounty IAU and i put it on Nomad, together with a bond vents and a bounty IRM + the field mods for accuracy and food, obviously. And it did nothing for me. Lots of fully aimed shots that missed. So i replaced it with a bounty GLD + the field mod for the reduced aiming time. At least this does something.
The Grille accuracy field mod is incredibly good. Base accuracy is active at all times. A 5% decrease is a 5% decrease to your maximum circle size as well. With Grille's horrible bloom it wants any accuracy it can gain from field mods
That's because of unlisted stats you need to go to a 3rd party site to find. Russian tanks with oddly accurate inaccurate guns tend to have very good bloom. KV-2 is an exception as it is durp. You don't have to pen to do damage. If you were aiming for weak spots you'd notice you'd be missing a lot.
@@ShapeshifterOS My main ammo on kv2 is gold, he is just for squishy things or when penning isn't possible. Even so you can overmatch a lot, further diminishing the need for he.
@@snakeplissken1754 People use HE for the 1 shot memes. Also does major splash no matter what since there is very little armor in the lower tiers to hold up against 152mm caliber guns. AP can still bounce extreme angles. If something can be overmatched you're likely to pen with HE anyway.
You could be wrong. The Aiming Device becomes exponentially more powerful the further your shell travels. I would argue that constraining your analysis to the short distance of 100m doesn’t tell the whole story. A small divergence in shell trajectory gets magnified over distance, so by gaining a “small” accuracy increase of 0.15 at 100m, by the time your shell reaches 500m, this will have grown to far more than 0.75. Hopefully someone can help with the maths, but in a nutshell, my point is this: as the distance is doubled, the benefit you’ll see in accuracy is MORE than doubled.
Enemy tank area : Empty area This ratio tightens radically at 300+m distances by using IAU. On a circle, small shrink in radius means bigger shrink in total area.
@@shark_de_mique maybe better read again, i suggest you. 8% RADIUS gap = 16.64% circle AREA gap. total area of hittable in your reticle stays the same. Ratio between hittable : empty area tightens.
I use IAU on the T9 and 10 Italian tds and I think it makes it a difference because dispersion goes from 0.38 to 0.34 with skills and all iirc, the equipment I use is hp IAU turbo on both (exp turbo on tier 10), marked the tier 9 and about to mark the tier 10 (3.8 dpg without food)
I think you missed one very important perk, AU adds. I would say, it is the main reason to use AU. It helps tanks that have bad aim time and not when you are fully aiming, but snapping. I never use AU on Leo1 and STRV. I will never use it on Grille, if I decide to buy that tank at some point. But there are tanks, on the front line, that have really bad aim time. So you can shoot without fully aiming, because the aiming circle is much smaller when you start aiming (hint: % to the bloom, when you started aiming after moving or are shooting on the move). AU is for snapping. For example borat, you don't need the AU to take fully aimed shots with it, you need it to snap with borat. It helps even more so if the tank has bad aim time and bad moving dispersions. Tanks, like Grille, that have very good aim time and very bad moving dispersion values, it does not help that much, not because you can not feel the difference between 0.25 and 0.22, but because aim time is so fast. There are many tanks, that benefit more from AU, than vert stabs. Of course, the big derp guns too, but personally don't play them. So I think You are looking at the AU straight forward, better dispersion. But to me it is more of an aim time compensation unit ATCU, if You like:) By the way, copium is internet kids term, more official term is placebo. With all that said, I am sure You know all this, but for some reason You did not mention that main AU functionality in this video.
As a f2p with more than 75k battles, I know that RNGesus is responsible for accuracy, you always low roll the last shot on a premium vehicule if you pen ofc... and many other "wot urban legends". So, I sell em when there s discounts on tanks or an interesting top of the tree. Greetings from Algeria man and keep up the good work.
I aced and got the first mark on the KV-2R today using Vents, Turbo and Rammer. It's more about not turning your hull or turret when poking out to shoot and being pre-aimed, than reducing dispersion
Getting movement, tank/turret rotation Dispersion down is what actually matters. The accuracy stat is just a sales pitch for WG. Like advertise the wz114 with being accurate... While not mentioning how utterly horrible it's Dispersion values are.
Hey man, first time commenting here. I have watched a few videos and I wonder why you don't have more followers/subs/views. You make great video's and i am enjoying them. Thank you!
Your point is ... on point! :-D I see it the same way with every one of these pieces of equipment, rather boosting characteristics that i really want to have up, or that are lacking in the first place. ... I use improved tracks on many vehicles, it can provide for some extreme movement boosts, plus rotation device and this experimental movement buff, oh allmost forgot the 100 octane fuel ... my löwe turns like a medium tank, no joke xD
Apparently my comment was removed because I posted a link to a WoT article. But I thought they changed the accuracy deviation to be more of a bell curve, however I found in update 9.6, they changed the deviation to be less dead center and group in an area at center. So they're still using a bell curve but it's more flat in the middle.
It works for me very well on German tanks, as a lot of my shots will go to the very edge of the aiming reticule, if the reticule is smaller, you can get more of the target vehicle inside the aiming circle, and make it almost impossible to miss, it depends on which tank you use though, no point on a lot of russian tanks, as they always hit the centre of the circle anyway.
@durachoks not at all, there has been a few studies from different people, and some videos, shot dispersion inside the reticule varies a lot, depending on the tank, and can sometimes even change as a balance factor, one had 100 shots fired from various tanks, and the difference was as great as 90% hitting dead centre with one, and only 10% hitting the centre with another, I belive Claus Kellerman actually investigated it, but its also been on the daily bounce and others, some with far larger sample sizes into the thousands. . Its the same as how RNG isn't actually random, so you get 750 alpha gun, that almost never even roll all high as their average damage, the foch 155 for example, from 1000s of test shots, actually has 690 average damage, its the old Occam's Razor principle, if one of you tanks, feels like it is always low rolling, and missing more shots, compared to all your others, then it probably is.
@@darkninja___ all the forum links went, when the forums went, not sure if there is anything on discord, Claus Kellermans videos on it are easy enough to find if you search a while, he calls the dispersion inside the reticule the sigma value, so try searching for that, there was a couple of other videos from other creators, but cant remember who it was now. . one was the same guy that used to do the weakspot guides.
I agree its not meant to be used with already accurate guns. I use it on vehicles with greater than 0.35 dispersion especially if they have unreliable guns. For some reason it does feel like it does more than just reduce the aim circle. Like another poster said I think it narrows the sigma disperison so that more of your shots cluster around the bullseye.
Yeah i know what you mean. Leo 1s supposed accuracy is the games biggest lie. I hit more on the move shots from 200 meters then i do with Leo 1 stationary and fully aimed.
The wording makes it seem like IAU is activated all the time, your entire circle is 5% smaller. So not only is it 5% vert stab it is also making your circle smaller by 5% fully aimed. I could be wrong though. Personally I dont find IAU impactful unless the base accuracy is very bad. So whether it actually only makes your fully aimed shot 5% more accurate or your entire reticle 5% smaller doesnt matter to me. As you say, its RNG that tells where the shell wants to go.
Nah it does help a bit depending on the use case. Since it affects accuracy at all levels, moving, firing, sniping - etc. It helps dispersion on the move too. Now granted it isnt always super useful butg it definitely can be felt on some machines (namely my AMX 50B lol). As for KV-2's accuracy - you are forgetting that shell is arced due to its slow velocity. This means its targets are at an angle and this means they are bigger targets to hit. This is why Derp Guns have somewhat better accuracy than expected.
I use bounty aiming on the Jagaroo. Feels like it helps but RNG still happens sometimes. The jagaroo is a very derpy gun at times, and with a 20s reload you need every shot to count.
But surely RNG operates in the range limited by the dispersion value, and therefore, on average, a shot group of 100 rounds would be tighter. Whether this is noticeable, it's hard to say but without data, suggesting it's largely ineffective is speculative. Small percentage can make a big difference in this game, even fractions thereof, applied in the right place. Now when it comes down to field mods, then the DPM may indeed prove more valuable than a very small accuracy improvement, which could represent just a few misplaced shots over tens or even hundreds of games. That's a very conscious trade-off.
i noticed in your gameplay footage that you dont zoom in very far. you cant really notice the aiming circle size when you are only like one notch zoomed in. but if you zoom in all the way, you can see how big that aiming circle actually is in relation to their tank. i think reducing the aiming circle size can be really good when you are going face to face with heavy tanks. and the only way to even damage them is to shoot their commanders hatch. if you can get your circle small enough so that if it goes anywhere in the circle it will still hit their commanders hatch, then thats really good
I use this thing to increase my dpm. With this device I wait less time for the circle to shrink to the point where I am willing to fire because the aiming circle is smaller to start with. I can't actually notice the difference but I reckon over hundreds of battles I will be better off, probably.
yeah, the great RNG of WoT.... I go with my IS-4 against Cent AX, he is on 200 HP.... and I go rolling and firing on the go, switch to aim mode and point center of reticle toward his front hull. And the down part of reticle was just little under his hull cuz I was moving....I fire and hit the ground just under his hull.... we were about 25 meters from each other :D
I see this all the time and I am guilty as well. We tend to improve the things a vehicle is already good at when improving it's weakness would make a bigger difference.
Somewhat agree. I've always argued that dispersion is over rated in WoT much to the derision of many. Sure .20 is going to be a LOT better than .50 but there's not going to be that much of a difference between .30 and .40, more than anything it comes down to gun handling, not final dispersion. However, where it does help reduce the effects of RNG is that despite the coolaid drinkers claims otherwise your shot always stays within the aiming circle. So if your aiming circle is smaller and you can get more of it covering your target and less empty space around it you have a much better chance of at least hitting your target. This is primarily most effective at long range for the obvious reason that your target is smaller. Another benefit of having a smaller aiming circle is it slightly reduces your aim time because the aim circle is smaller to begin with. I tend to only use it if I'm going to stack dispersion modifiers, like vents, food, FM's etc. and mostly on tanks that are going to be doing a lot of full aimed shots at long ranges(sniper TD's for the most part) because I do notice a difference between say .30 and .25 when I need to plink a cupola at longish ranges or on tanks with really bad dispersion.
Thanks - I use this on my (99% of games) Dicker Max and as you have explained i was also thinking this would make my accurate gun even better. Well, Not any more 👍
I've pretty much always used it on less accurate tanks and resiated the urge to double down on already accurate tanks. My reason was always that the marginal gains on sub .32ish tanks would not be relevant in most real battle scenarios.
Took the bounty IAU off my skorpion, replaced with bounty Rotation... I think you right Max, it does not feel any less accurate & the -15% dispersion on traverse, bloom etc is a better use of the slot.
IRM does not make your dispersion better on traverse, it makes you traverse faster without the penalty what you would get, if you traverse faster.... talking about copium/placebo:)
Actually in tanks like wz-114 and Caliban you want to improve your aiming time at the cost of accuracy, in this way their guns become way more reliable. about the improved aiming unit you are 100% right, it's basically conpletely useless, as in tanks without the possibility to equip vents, usually you would feel a mojor impact even by using grousers, to help with mobility.
I only really use it on tanks that can't put a rammer on, otherwise vstabs/hp/turbo are just plainly more useful. Bisonte or skoda t56 go from having pretty much click and pray guns to decently accurate ones
I've got bounty aiming, Parralax field mod and BIA on my t8 prem Skoda T 56. Says that combo gets me down to .35 dispersion at 100m. I'm kind of a bad player so still doesn't mean I hit anything. :)
I honestly think Onslaught should be the end of this discussion. Pick an accurate tank, put it in Onslaught where everyone's dispersion is massively reduced and watch shots still miss.
Really is down to each tank and what return is there or what other options. I know some people will laugh me off, but I don't consider rammer (or dpm as a whole) mandatory for all tanks, let aside a much less defensible option such as iau.
If there was a tank with god tier gun handling but arty accuracy IAU would have a place. For now only tanks its suitable and preferable are the FV4005 and 215b183 if you don't want to use experimental turbo.
@@bendarmor12 not true, a stabilizer improves all bloom/dispersion values, even from turret/gun traverse, so even if you are standing still, there is a high chance that another target will pop up on the left/right from where you are aiming, so by using a stab you are decreasing your reticle during the turret traverse by 20/25/27.5 and you're able to make a shot faster
You are not countering rng, there is an infinite number of possibilities for a shell to go within the circle. You know what infinity - 8% is equal to? Correct, an infinity. If this device reduced the aim circle at least for 30% or even 50% then it would the best equipment on any tank. It would even better than a stab. But 5, 8 or 9% changes sh t
nice one. I too think IAU is overrated to some extend. I prefer the vstabs or even the exp. firecontrol system over IAU. I look more on aim time than accuracy at least from a level somewhat higher than 0.35. For a tank with long aim time and acceptable accuracy I even opt for gun laying drive. And as some say in their comments, vents are mostly a must have when possible.
IA is not going to be helpful on tanks .31 or below. It would be like using VS on a tank with .08 movement dispersion. Yes, mounting it on a Grille 15 is useless. Tanks I recommend it on, T78, M36, T25/2, M56, Charioteer. If the tank is .32 to .36, there you go. ':^)
@@shark_de_mique Hey buddy you want to use Camo Net in this meta, be my guest. I will admit, my Eagle 7 uses grousers and maybe one other, but those are not really useful. You want to use those in this meta, be my guest. IA at least has a spot for some tanks in the current meta.
@@larry-three8225 nope, hp/stab, turbo/stab, rammer is all you need. I brought a camo net and grousers because both are outdated equipment pieces, but still they are better than iau
@@shark_de_mique You do not take into consideration of what the tank stats are do you? I would use VS, but not if a tanks movement dispersion is something like 0.10. That would be a waste. If it was like 0.13 or higher I would. It all depends on the individual tank stats.
Are you aware that the apparent aiming circle size has a bottom limit? I only learnt it recently when I installed a mod that disposes of this limit. With the limitation on, you might not be visually informed of IAU's effect.
I prefer the fire thing from experimental equipment, i used the optics for a year on my vz 55 and he missed a lot of shots, with fire control lvl 3 it doenst miss sumb ahots anymore
CCs are not gods of this game, they are also full of biases and their own opinions which still can be not optimal. Speaking about UAI, how many of them have done actual tests?
You literally said at the end of the video why IAU isn't useless. If you can control the bloom of your vehicle, ie always having a smaller aim circle you are more likely to hit. Rng applies within that circle.
If you just look at sheer percentage, the IAU decreases the largest percentage of its improved metric compared to other equipment. It’s not that useless
Stab, turbo/vents, hardening, nothing else is better of TVP. Cvs is only required for marking, if you don't care about that sh t, than cvs is redundant. But still, it is gazillion times more useful than an IAU
@@shark_de_mique Idk mate, our playstyle may be different, i like to flank from a distance. IAU provides the opportunity to consistently hit 3-4 from the clip. Cvs is good for fishermans bay mid, prokhorovka hill, etc. it can provide a free full clip. I 3 marked tvp just by playing with this setup.
@@shark_de_mique I am using it with stab. Wents, stab and IAU, full gun handling to maximise the clip potential and it works the best for my play style.
The general idea that at good enough dispersion value iau provides close to 0 benefits is very True, but the ressoning that it is all rng and circle size doesnt impact it is missleadingand, untrue and biased by personal experience.
Nope, it is literally the simplest math ever. You have an infinite number of possibilities of hits within the circle. Infinity minus 5/8 or even 9% is equal to an infinity. If it reduced dispersion by at least 30%, then it would've been a different story
@@shark_de_mique ooom since when it is infite possibilities within finite area? If the Shell would be small to the infinity then Yes, but both the shell, and the area that it is hitting are defined xd also since when it is possibly to compute infinity? Every rng computing is finite :P
same reason you should never use vents...you get the same miniscule boost as IAU that you will never notice any of the boosts...stick with hardening, rammer, turbo, vstabs before anything else...you will notice 10% boosts, or 5kmh, etc...vents are shite...
I put bond version of it on tanks like is3a and 703 and vipera basically things with around 0,4 dispersion as I can kind of snipe with slightly less rng idk maybe I'm coping
the way i see it its giving you a smaller reticle. meaning less reticle is not on the target. meaning less chance for RNG to F you. but yes RNG does what it wants. And yes 0.02mtrs at 100mtrs is nothing , defs not worth
as a player who plays with real reticle size mod, i dont think that you ever need IAU on any tank at all. it won't make a big difference nor for a tank like Leo 1 or Strv103B, nor for KV2 or something like FV4005, there are far more useful equipments that can actually help
The IAU is useless in most cases IMO. There is no equipment in the game that will improve where the shots go within the aiming circle, which is the main problem for a lot of tanks ability to hit shots. Some tanks shots go more towards the aiming dot and other tanks pepper all around the aiming circle whether fully aimed or not. How often shots go where inside the aiming circle is all hidden stats and RNG rolls, WG controls that and there is nothing that can be done to improve it.
it isn't completely useless, it does something, but the advantage is so small that it would be a waste to take up an equipment slot if it was 10% base with the bounty and bond being 12,5 and 15% then it would warrant using it, the only thing I could even imagine using it on would be open top artillery, but I think rotation device and gun laying drive give a more noticeable difference, then again, I only play arty when I want to grind a personal mission the thing is the game flushes you with this stupid equipment, it either gives turbo, durability device or aiming unit, and I can tell which one I never want to get
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God damn you Maximus... You were quite 'big boi' 'Gladiator', but in all fairness youa are telling the truth. Like if ever get bounty or bond equ for the betetr aiming time, never ever use it on other thanks than Tier X artillery... or if it's an 'improved equ, jutst break it to to points and don't care a less. Some equs are actually very powerful and they are these two: Better gun laying drives and ventilation and the latter one to be the option on every tank ever... Both in bounty and bond equipments.. Like: If you put an bounty turbo to a Maus and sacrifice a one slot for some speed, it doesn't make a flying fucks difference on anything? What you need is more fire power as cos' of the so called 'corridor' maps, in most maps you are fighting in close range. And even on some open maps like Prokhorovka if you have at least desent light tank players who don't die at the 2nd minute or so.
And byt het way on higher TIERS THE DIFFERENCE ON LIGHT TANK PLAYERS CAN DETERMINE THE OUTCOME... Yes it may sound funny, but I'm not joking.
There are ofc some maps that are almost useless for light tanks and artillery and even to some lighty armored TD's on the higher Tiers like HimmelsDork, but in most cases this will be true.
you know whats bugging me? its the rigged MM that gives paying players pref MM. Team stacking is so clear. Wonder why no one is going into it.
Just look at the ranked modes.
There are plenty of examples of this.....but everyone is turning their cheeks the other way.
One thing I think you are missing is that IAU also decreases your bloom (accuracy on move, while turning, etc) because of how the bloom equation works. Simplified it multiplies your base accuracy (fully aimed) value with your bloom factors and penalties to calculate your bloom/current accuracy level. This means with bounty IAU you get 8% better bloom, which is why I personally do not think it’s a bad choice on the grille for example which cannot mount vents.
Keep in mind vents will do the same, as it also lowers your base accuracy (as well as aim time which IAU does not do). And keep in mind some tanks could use both, such as borrasque or batchat potentially. I mostly agree that for accurate tanks IAU is def not the best choice especially if your tank can mount vents instead, however, some tanks cannot mount vents and some benefit from both. I personally do feel the difference especially when I am sniping at 300+ meters at weakspots or small elc 90s on many tanks. And I think the “rng will decide anyways” is a bad argument because you could say the same about tanks of any accuracy level, even KV2. I have played like 400+ battles with right and left field mod on Leo 1 for example and definitely feel the difference at range. In the end I picked neither.
V stabs is still far superior for decreasing bloom. The iau will only help in certain situations when sniping from a far distance. V stab makes ur bloom smaller, and consequently aim time faster aswell. IAU only marginally helps that, and most of the time you don't get to reach you're fully aimed accuracy unless your hard sniping from 500 meters away. Also, with tanks with poor bloom but good accuracy like Grille or Charioteer, its best to invest in a T3 Turbo or Rotation device, as 8% to the already shit bloom isn't that effective. The RNG difference is negligent, as most shots follow a bell shaped curve distribution, suggesting that with our without IAU, most shots gravitate towards the middle of the reticle.
@@taco_yunior grila cant use V stabs. so does any other TD so that will be effective for them. also for a snipe leo u can use it with VS.
@@punicwars2 yea for the grille i said u can use T3 turbo and IRM, the last slot obviously being rammer
Bounty Rotation Mechanism gives -15% to those dispersion stats which is better than the Bounty Aiming at -8%. Far better to use BRM.
The value of IAU is how it interacts with dispersion. There has never been a single accuracy stat. "Dispersion" refers to the minimum size of your aim circle when fully aimed. "Dispersion factors" refer to the multipliers that affect how your aim circle increases in size as you move the tank, traverse the tank, and traverse the turret/gun. Colloquially, we usually refer to Dispersion as "accuracy" and "Dispersion factors" as gun handling. The two stats interact with one another to determine your actual accuracy. RNG has much less of an impact than dispersion factors. That's because RNG can only disperse shots within your aim circle. You cannot fire outside of your aim circle. This game isn't a shooting gallery, so in most situations, you are performing at least two of the three dispersion factors. Typically, moving the tank + traversing the turret/gun or traversing the tank and traversing the turret/gun.
The Grille 15 sucks because it has no gun traverse and poor turret angles, meaning you are almost always performing all three dispersion factor actions. Lots of tanks are like this: a good comparison is the Conway. It has similar dispersion factors to the Grille 15. Factors are listed in order of moving tank, traversing tank, traversing turret/gun.
Conway: .30, .30, .14
Grille: .26, .30, .40
IRM is mandatory for these tanks and a lot of people, yourself included, use T3 mobility to further improve gun handling. That leaves one slot to debate IAU and alternatives. You're hardly ever shooting at .22 or .25. Yes, if you were, you're right that there isn't a huge difference. What you're actually shooting at is .22 or .25 modified by the dispersion factors above. The multiplicative effects of bloom produce dramatic differences in both real and perceived overall accuracy.
IMO, the actual cope is using rammers on standard builds for glass cannons. I was struggling to 3 mark the Conway until I switched to the larger gun and replaced the rammer with IAU. At that point, I was using vents, IRM and IAU. With my setup, I had .28 dispersion and dispersion factors of .23, 2.4 and .1. I finished the mark easily after that. The real cope was thinking that I was going to deal more damage having 3.4k DPM with .34 dispersion than 2.8k DPM with .28 dispersion. Conway isn't a brawler and my impact was made by connecting shots, not shooting more of them, especially in an ammo constrained tank with no armor, low health and poor mobility.
IAU affects dispersion, which is a real, tangible stat. You can't say there is no difference when the heat maps literally prove you wrong. You will always be more consistent with better dispersion. You might not "feel" it, but facts don't care about feelings. On the other hand, DPM is not a real stat. It is theoretical because it assumes you have tanks to shoot at and need to fire faster. Sometimes it has value, other times it does not. For glass cannons that don't brawl, more often than not, DPM has questionable value.
Fun experiment to do with DPM: sort tanks in a given range by DPM and compare it to overall WR. You will find that more often than not, the worst performers are the high DPM tanks while the tanks with real, impactful features like armor, alpha, pen, mobility, etc. dominate. This makes sense: WG usually makes high DPM tanks glass cannons, so they can't brute force their way to victory. Tanks that can't fight on their own tend to underperform. Shouldn't surprise anyone why the Minotauro, Ho-Ri 3, T110E3 and 268v4 dominate. Has nothing to do with their DPM.
In the end, sigma value is what matters the most
How dare you trash on my placebo device.
If it is .39 to .35, I'll put that shit on.
Good luck with that:P . I don't care anything else than DPM apart from light tanks ofc.
But even tehn there is a question, can you fight head on with other light tanks if you encounter them? Onew thing that is widely misunderstood in this game is the maximum spotting range aka 445 meters and the effect of conselament + the actual maximal view range which is in this game... believe or not, 600 meters. For example: If you have good scout( light tank ) between this 445m-600m radious, you will see what he or she sees and fire far more longer than the 445 meters... In addition to that, when your crew skills regarding the view range are maxed out, you will not only spot for yourself but everyting above in your view range will lower the enemies camo. So when some one that has lets say 20% camo while moving he or she enters in that 445 meters circle, that tank has a certain camo value, and if you have like I have in one or two of my Tier X light tanks about 600 meters view range, you will always spot them from a far as the actual view range negotiates the camoflage and combined to the 'commaders visison' systems, you can spot them even behind the foliage... If you use that equ on yor light tank, then like in Prohkorovka map where is this left side bushes and trees ambush network... You can see trought it all like there is no bushes at all... Don't believe me? Just try. OFC you don't need this equ on maps like Sand River nor Himmelsdork, but if you have this alternative configuration, you can always cahenge it, but I recom, that always max your light tanks view range the ELC EVEN 90 beeing the only one, where better camo may be make it even more better. In other cases , never ever.
Further more... in all tanks you should have at least about 470-500 meters view range even in Heavy tanks... Amazingly fighting in the front can give way more exp if you have good view range and you can get thé 'Observer' and lots of assisted damage. There are two or three heavy tanks that can do this. With a superheavy tank you can actually spot for your team and while you are beaten the living crap out of you, the enemy is revealed and exposed and your team will finish them off... Even with Maus:)
It might just be copium, but my experience is that IAU helps with the sigma shot distribution of tanks, this is how the shot statistically has a greater chance to fall towards the centre than the edge. For instance tanks with similar dispersion value will feel to get different sigma. A 121, obj 140 and TVP T50/T51 all have 0.34 dispersion, but in terms of sigma the bellshaped curve on the shot distribution will be flatter for the 121 and TVP, and more acute on the obj 140, meaning that more shots will fall towards the center of the fully aimed circle.
The combination of a sniper rifle ST II:
1. Bond Vents
2. IAU (with the X underneath)
3. Fire Control Tier 3
Bro, I turned my ST II into a Pixel Sniper, I can snipe the most smallest of details from 500 meters away.
WoT is a gamblers wet dream. Three levels of RNG (gambling), Accuracy, Pen, and Damage.
you should try hattrick. three levels is kids stuff. try 30 levels;)
And loot boxes. Raw gambling.
this is math, you cannot say it gives nothing because RNG is a magic spell. percentage-wise it gives specific (non-zero) improvement.
But if the RNG says that your shot will go exactly where you aim it then the shot was going to hit regardless if you had IAU or not
I stopped running all accuracy equipment on my tanks in 2017, and not only did my hit ratio stay exactly the same, but my DPG increased, Drastically. Because instead of wasting time aiming and lowering my DPM, I just snap. if i Hit great, if not? Oh well. RNG decides if you hit or not, not accuracy, i've been saying this for years. Hence why the snap shotter beats the aimer in this game 90% of the time, and why if you watch most tier X unicum streamers, you'll notice they snap. Not aim.
I have a bounty IAU and i put it on Nomad, together with a bond vents and a bounty IRM + the field mods for accuracy and food, obviously. And it did nothing for me. Lots of fully aimed shots that missed. So i replaced it with a bounty GLD + the field mod for the reduced aiming time. At least this does something.
The Grille accuracy field mod is incredibly good. Base accuracy is active at all times. A 5% decrease is a 5% decrease to your maximum circle size as well. With Grille's horrible bloom it wants any accuracy it can gain from field mods
Anyone who ever played kv2 for a while should be aware that the accuracy stat means jacks*it.
So true, so f ing true
That's because of unlisted stats you need to go to a 3rd party site to find. Russian tanks with oddly accurate inaccurate guns tend to have very good bloom. KV-2 is an exception as it is durp. You don't have to pen to do damage. If you were aiming for weak spots you'd notice you'd be missing a lot.
@@ShapeshifterOS My main ammo on kv2 is gold, he is just for squishy things or when penning isn't possible.
Even so you can overmatch a lot, further diminishing the need for he.
@@snakeplissken1754 People use HE for the 1 shot memes. Also does major splash no matter what since there is very little armor in the lower tiers to hold up against 152mm caliber guns. AP can still bounce extreme angles. If something can be overmatched you're likely to pen with HE anyway.
KV-2 aimed 50% in hits more than a Grille which is aimed in at 90%. It makes no sense if you look at the numbers.
its funny, i call this the cope device and people think im weird
Don't care + bond IAU on Conq GC 😈
You could be wrong. The Aiming Device becomes exponentially more powerful the further your shell travels. I would argue that constraining your analysis to the short distance of 100m doesn’t tell the whole story.
A small divergence in shell trajectory gets magnified over distance, so by gaining a “small” accuracy increase of 0.15 at 100m, by the time your shell reaches 500m, this will have grown to far more than 0.75.
Hopefully someone can help with the maths, but in a nutshell, my point is this: as the distance is doubled, the benefit you’ll see in accuracy is MORE than doubled.
Agree, great on sniper tanks who mostly shoot targets at 400m, but not needed for close combat
Even if it's true, there are 2-3 maps where you can actually shoot for more than 400 metres, usually it is 150-300, or even closer
Enemy tank area : Empty area
This ratio tightens radically at 300+m distances by using IAU.
On a circle, small shrink in radius means bigger shrink in total area.
@@Rutsphalt just draw 2 circles with the 10% difference of the circle area to see how small to insignificant the difference is
@@shark_de_mique maybe better read again, i suggest you.
8% RADIUS gap = 16.64% circle AREA gap.
total area of hittable in your reticle stays the same.
Ratio between hittable : empty area tightens.
Still going to rock my 0,207 Grille cause it just feels it hits more
Feels like this video is more for advertising your twitch than seriously assessing the usefulness of the device ngl
I use IAU on the T9 and 10 Italian tds and I think it makes it a difference because dispersion goes from 0.38 to 0.34 with skills and all iirc, the equipment I use is hp IAU turbo on both (exp turbo on tier 10), marked the tier 9 and about to mark the tier 10 (3.8 dpg without food)
The only 2 tanks I find it really makes a difference on is BZ176 and FV 4005.
I think you missed one very important perk, AU adds. I would say, it is the main reason to use AU. It helps tanks that have bad aim time and not when you are fully aiming, but snapping.
I never use AU on Leo1 and STRV. I will never use it on Grille, if I decide to buy that tank at some point. But there are tanks, on the front line, that have really bad aim time. So you can shoot without fully aiming, because the aiming circle is much smaller when you start aiming (hint: % to the bloom, when you started aiming after moving or are shooting on the move). AU is for snapping. For example borat, you don't need the AU to take fully aimed shots with it, you need it to snap with borat. It helps even more so if the tank has bad aim time and bad moving dispersions. Tanks, like Grille, that have very good aim time and very bad moving dispersion values, it does not help that much, not because you can not feel the difference between 0.25 and 0.22, but because aim time is so fast. There are many tanks, that benefit more from AU, than vert stabs.
Of course, the big derp guns too, but personally don't play them.
So I think You are looking at the AU straight forward, better dispersion. But to me it is more of an aim time compensation unit ATCU, if You like:)
By the way, copium is internet kids term, more official term is placebo.
With all that said, I am sure You know all this, but for some reason You did not mention that main AU functionality in this video.
Using IAU on a Grille is like using a turbo con an EBR (I know you can't, just to make a point)...
As a f2p with more than 75k battles, I know that RNGesus is responsible for accuracy, you always low roll the last shot on a premium vehicule if you pen ofc... and many other "wot urban legends". So, I sell em when there s discounts on tanks or an interesting top of the tree. Greetings from Algeria man and keep up the good work.
I aced and got the first mark on the KV-2R today using Vents, Turbo and Rammer. It's more about not turning your hull or turret when poking out to shoot and being pre-aimed, than reducing dispersion
Getting movement, tank/turret rotation Dispersion down is what actually matters. The accuracy stat is just a sales pitch for WG.
Like advertise the wz114 with being accurate... While not mentioning how utterly horrible it's Dispersion values are.
Gun dispersion on the move is more important to lower for most tanks
RNG dicedes where the shot goes go, + - 25%
The most important factor in this game is gambling controlled, RNG.
Hey man, first time commenting here. I have watched a few videos and I wonder why you don't have more followers/subs/views. You make great video's and i am enjoying them. Thank you!
My T78 had terrible accuracy before I put Improved aiming, but when I put it on, it barely made a difference. Still terrible accuracy.
Your point is ... on point! :-D
I see it the same way with every one of these pieces of equipment, rather boosting characteristics that i really want to have up, or that are lacking in the first place.
... I use improved tracks on many vehicles, it can provide for some extreme movement boosts, plus rotation device and this experimental movement buff, oh allmost forgot the 100 octane fuel ... my löwe turns like a medium tank, no joke xD
Apparently my comment was removed because I posted a link to a WoT article.
But I thought they changed the accuracy deviation to be more of a bell curve, however I found in update 9.6, they changed the deviation to be less dead center and group in an area at center. So they're still using a bell curve but it's more flat in the middle.
It works for me very well on German tanks, as a lot of my shots will go to the very edge of the aiming reticule, if the reticule is smaller, you can get more of the target vehicle inside the aiming circle, and make it almost impossible to miss, it depends on which tank you use though, no point on a lot of russian tanks, as they always hit the centre of the circle anyway.
lol can you be more biased? Shell dispersion is same for all tanks inside their circles
@durachoks not at all, there has been a few studies from different people, and some videos, shot dispersion inside the reticule varies a lot, depending on the tank, and can sometimes even change as a balance factor, one had 100 shots fired from various tanks, and the difference was as great as 90% hitting dead centre with one, and only 10% hitting the centre with another, I belive Claus Kellerman actually investigated it, but its also been on the daily bounce and others, some with far larger sample sizes into the thousands. . Its the same as how RNG isn't actually random, so you get 750 alpha gun, that almost never even roll all high as their average damage, the foch 155 for example, from 1000s of test shots, actually has 690 average damage, its the old Occam's Razor principle, if one of you tanks, feels like it is always low rolling, and missing more shots, compared to all your others, then it probably is.
@@johnfarscape sorry I dont believe in this mambo jumbo without hard data, also 100 shot data sample is laughable
@@johnfarscape Can you link it? I kind of doubt this is true.
@@darkninja___ all the forum links went, when the forums went, not sure if there is anything on discord, Claus Kellermans videos on it are easy enough to find if you search a while, he calls the dispersion inside the reticule the sigma value, so try searching for that, there was a couple of other videos from other creators, but cant remember who it was now. . one was the same guy that used to do the weakspot guides.
I love it on my Astron Rex, has base 0.41 accuracy moves to 0.33 with all the gear. Takes it from troll to reasonably reliable
I agree its not meant to be used with already accurate guns. I use it on vehicles with greater than 0.35 dispersion especially if they have unreliable guns. For some reason it does feel like it does more than just reduce the aim circle. Like another poster said I think it narrows the sigma disperison so that more of your shots cluster around the bullseye.
It helps hitting the barn, especially from distance, not the specific beams of it.
i might sound stupid but for me leo 1 is super inacruate and this equipment has made leo 1 for me a actualy good tank
Vstabs would be a far superior choice. Why have -5% when you can have -20%? The bounty or improved is even better.
Yeah i know what you mean. Leo 1s supposed accuracy is the games biggest lie. I hit more on the move shots from 200 meters then i do with Leo 1 stationary and fully aimed.
@@ShapeshifterOS i use v-stab and iau and the gun is shooting where ever it wants
The wording makes it seem like IAU is activated all the time, your entire circle is 5% smaller.
So not only is it 5% vert stab it is also making your circle smaller by 5% fully aimed.
I could be wrong though. Personally I dont find IAU impactful unless the base accuracy is very bad. So whether it actually only makes your fully aimed shot 5% more accurate or your entire reticle 5% smaller doesnt matter to me. As you say, its RNG that tells where the shell wants to go.
It does work that way, active all the time.
Place on a T-43, you now have a good tank.
Thanks. Now because of you, I got tons of free slot for other equipment on a lot of my tanks.
Nah it does help a bit depending on the use case. Since it affects accuracy at all levels, moving, firing, sniping - etc. It helps dispersion on the move too. Now granted it isnt always super useful butg it definitely can be felt on some machines (namely my AMX 50B lol).
As for KV-2's accuracy - you are forgetting that shell is arced due to its slow velocity. This means its targets are at an angle and this means they are bigger targets to hit. This is why Derp Guns have somewhat better accuracy than expected.
I use bounty aiming on the Jagaroo. Feels like it helps but RNG still happens sometimes.
The jagaroo is a very derpy gun at times, and with a 20s reload you need every shot to count.
But surely RNG operates in the range limited by the dispersion value, and therefore, on average, a shot group of 100 rounds would be tighter. Whether this is noticeable, it's hard to say but without data, suggesting it's largely ineffective is speculative. Small percentage can make a big difference in this game, even fractions thereof, applied in the right place. Now when it comes down to field mods, then the DPM may indeed prove more valuable than a very small accuracy improvement, which could represent just a few misplaced shots over tens or even hundreds of games. That's a very conscious trade-off.
i noticed in your gameplay footage that you dont zoom in very far. you cant really notice the aiming circle size when you are only like one notch zoomed in. but if you zoom in all the way, you can see how big that aiming circle actually is in relation to their tank. i think reducing the aiming circle size can be really good when you are going face to face with heavy tanks. and the only way to even damage them is to shoot their commanders hatch. if you can get your circle small enough so that if it goes anywhere in the circle it will still hit their commanders hatch, then thats really good
I use this thing to increase my dpm. With this device I wait less time for the circle to shrink to the point where I am willing to fire because the aiming circle is smaller to start with. I can't actually notice the difference but I reckon over hundreds of battles I will be better off, probably.
yeah, the great RNG of WoT.... I go with my IS-4 against Cent AX, he is on 200 HP.... and I go rolling and firing on the go, switch to aim mode and point center of reticle toward his front hull. And the down part of reticle was just little under his hull cuz I was moving....I fire and hit the ground just under his hull.... we were about 25 meters from each other :D
I see this all the time and I am guilty as well. We tend to improve the things a vehicle is already good at when improving it's weakness would make a bigger difference.
Somewhat agree. I've always argued that dispersion is over rated in WoT much to the derision of many. Sure .20 is going to be a LOT better than .50 but there's not going to be that much of a difference between .30 and .40, more than anything it comes down to gun handling, not final dispersion. However, where it does help reduce the effects of RNG is that despite the coolaid drinkers claims otherwise your shot always stays within the aiming circle. So if your aiming circle is smaller and you can get more of it covering your target and less empty space around it you have a much better chance of at least hitting your target. This is primarily most effective at long range for the obvious reason that your target is smaller. Another benefit of having a smaller aiming circle is it slightly reduces your aim time because the aim circle is smaller to begin with.
I tend to only use it if I'm going to stack dispersion modifiers, like vents, food, FM's etc. and mostly on tanks that are going to be doing a lot of full aimed shots at long ranges(sniper TD's for the most part) because I do notice a difference between say .30 and .25 when I need to plink a cupola at longish ranges or on tanks with really bad dispersion.
this idea can be used across a lot of other equipment as well. Like putting a rammer on an E25 or something with a very fast reload.
Kinda, but a rammer would still give you an edge, if the opponent's e25 doesn't have the rammer for example
Thanks - I use this on my (99% of games) Dicker Max and as you have explained i was also thinking this would make my accurate gun even better. Well, Not any more 👍
I've pretty much always used it on less accurate tanks and resiated the urge to double down on already accurate tanks. My reason was always that the marginal gains on sub .32ish tanks would not be relevant in most real battle scenarios.
1027 prem days left…jeezo im ecstatic and grateful when i get one once in a blue moon
Took the bounty IAU off my skorpion, replaced with bounty Rotation... I think you right Max, it does not feel any less accurate & the -15% dispersion on traverse, bloom etc is a better use of the slot.
IRM does not make your dispersion better on traverse, it makes you traverse faster without the penalty what you would get, if you traverse faster.... talking about copium/placebo:)
Ha ha! Who can tell with this feckin game? It's why I watch Max, he adds stuff up better than me.
@@neilford7338 agreed.
Actually in tanks like wz-114 and Caliban you want to improve your aiming time at the cost of accuracy, in this way their guns become way more reliable. about the improved aiming unit you are 100% right, it's basically conpletely useless, as in tanks without the possibility to equip vents, usually you would feel a mojor impact even by using grousers, to help with mobility.
some tanks need it, some not...how simple
Thank you so much for this video, I want more like this !!!
I only really use it on tanks that can't put a rammer on, otherwise vstabs/hp/turbo are just plainly more useful. Bisonte or skoda t56 go from having pretty much click and pray guns to decently accurate ones
I think this item is the most noticeable on a Bourrasque. The bounty one tho
It is an IA and not an IAU
I've got bounty aiming, Parralax field mod and BIA on my t8 prem Skoda T 56. Says that combo gets me down to .35 dispersion at 100m. I'm kind of a bad player so still doesn't mean I hit anything. :)
A list of tanks where IAU has made a difference would be worth adding.
one of them is su130😂
I honestly think Onslaught should be the end of this discussion. Pick an accurate tank, put it in Onslaught where everyone's dispersion is massively reduced and watch shots still miss.
Really is down to each tank and what return is there or what other options. I know some people will laugh me off, but I don't consider rammer (or dpm as a whole) mandatory for all tanks, let aside a much less defensible option such as iau.
If there was a tank with god tier gun handling but arty accuracy IAU would have a place. For now only tanks its suitable and preferable are the FV4005 and 215b183 if you don't want to use experimental turbo.
Always enjoy your commentary, thanks Max.
For sniper tank don't use it. If versitle or HT and from time to time you want to snipe go grab it. No need to over complicate things.
For an open map optics would've been gazillion times better than IAU. Plus, there is only 2-3 maps where you can actually snipe
Just use vstabs!
@@ShapeshifterOS vstabs useful only for pick a boo and shooting while on the move if sniping behind bushes that is useless.
@@shark_de_mique a reason WG give us set of equipments.
@@bendarmor12 not true, a stabilizer improves all bloom/dispersion values, even from turret/gun traverse, so even if you are standing still, there is a high chance that another target will pop up on the left/right from where you are aiming, so by using a stab you are decreasing your reticle during the turret traverse by 20/25/27.5 and you're able to make a shot faster
Is the Grille really the best example here? Using IAU makes sense on guns over 0,4 accuracy, not below 0,3 :)
If the gun is a pew-pew (low DMG, great DPM) i think it worth to have IAU equipped to counter RNG thru distance.
You are not countering rng, there is an infinite number of possibilities for a shell to go within the circle. You know what infinity - 8% is equal to? Correct, an infinity.
If this device reduced the aim circle at least for 30% or even 50% then it would the best equipment on any tank. It would even better than a stab. But 5, 8 or 9% changes sh t
nice one. I too think IAU is overrated to some extend. I prefer the vstabs or even the exp. firecontrol system over IAU. I look more on aim time than accuracy at least from a level somewhat higher than 0.35. For a tank with long aim time and acceptable accuracy I even opt for gun laying drive. And as some say in their comments, vents are mostly a must have when possible.
IA is not going to be helpful on tanks .31 or below. It would be like using VS on a tank with .08 movement dispersion. Yes, mounting it on a Grille 15 is useless. Tanks I recommend it on, T78, M36, T25/2, M56, Charioteer. If the tank is .32 to .36, there you go. ':^)
Nope, any equipment would be better than IAU, even grousers or a camo net on any tank. IAU is just a placebo
@@shark_de_mique Hey buddy you want to use Camo Net in this meta, be my guest. I will admit, my Eagle 7 uses grousers and maybe one other, but those are not really useful. You want to use those in this meta, be my guest. IA at least has a spot for some tanks in the current meta.
@@larry-three8225 nope, hp/stab, turbo/stab, rammer is all you need. I brought a camo net and grousers because both are outdated equipment pieces, but still they are better than iau
Using the bounty rotation mechanism would be better to compensate for the Grille 15s bad movement and rotation dispersion.
@@shark_de_mique You do not take into consideration of what the tank stats are do you? I would use VS, but not if a tanks movement dispersion is something like 0.10. That would be a waste. If it was like 0.13 or higher I would. It all depends on the individual tank stats.
Its the same point with Vents.... most of the time useless ( means you can use the slot for better equipment).
Can you do an experiment of shooting 100-1000 times with and without IAU and compare the difference?
GodPack is like: “😖”
on Tortoise when i changed to smaller aiming circle i cant hit anything for some reason 😆
Are you aware that the apparent aiming circle size has a bottom limit? I only learnt it recently when I installed a mod that disposes of this limit. With the limitation on, you might not be visually informed of IAU's effect.
yeah, with that mode, difference is even smaller
I prefer the fire thing from experimental equipment, i used the optics for a year on my vz 55 and he missed a lot of shots, with fire control lvl 3 it doenst miss sumb ahots anymore
it helped me with Kunze a lot, and a lot of other tanks. What does nothing, is the Vents. Just get a food and a better equipment
I completely understand your point of view but can you tell me why, according to the Skill4ltu’s index page, almost every CC uses IAU on Grille 15.
CCs are not gods of this game, they are also full of biases and their own opinions which still can be not optimal. Speaking about UAI, how many of them have done actual tests?
You literally said at the end of the video why IAU isn't useless. If you can control the bloom of your vehicle, ie always having a smaller aim circle you are more likely to hit. Rng applies within that circle.
Hi, so we could say the same about every equipment that no matter what we have RNG is master, do we???
If you just look at sheer percentage, the IAU decreases the largest percentage of its improved metric compared to other equipment. It’s not that useless
For me this equipment had a huge impact on tvp. I use cvs as an alternative, and without IAU the clip efficiency drops quite a bit at longer distance.
Stab, turbo/vents, hardening, nothing else is better of TVP. Cvs is only required for marking, if you don't care about that sh t, than cvs is redundant. But still, it is gazillion times more useful than an IAU
@@shark_de_mique Idk mate, our playstyle may be different, i like to flank from a distance. IAU provides the opportunity to consistently hit 3-4 from the clip. Cvs is good for fishermans bay mid, prokhorovka hill, etc. it can provide a free full clip. I 3 marked tvp just by playing with this setup.
@@danibojko3844 But you've used stab as well, right?
@@shark_de_mique I am using it with stab. Wents, stab and IAU, full gun handling to maximise the clip potential and it works the best for my play style.
@@shark_de_mique Damn, you literally comment on people who has IAU on their equipment. That equipment is equipped in your head.
I see in your Leopard 1. Guide from. A year ago you choose IA, would you change your mind now.
No, because you choose the DPM field mod. So IAU cancels out the accuracy loss. It also makes sense on the Grille if you do the same.
The general idea that at good enough dispersion value iau provides close to 0 benefits is very True, but the ressoning that it is all rng and circle size doesnt impact it is missleadingand, untrue and biased by personal experience.
Nope, it is literally the simplest math ever. You have an infinite number of possibilities of hits within the circle. Infinity minus 5/8 or even 9% is equal to an infinity. If it reduced dispersion by at least 30%, then it would've been a different story
@@shark_de_mique ooom since when it is infite possibilities within finite area? If the Shell would be small to the infinity then Yes, but both the shell, and the area that it is hitting are defined xd also since when it is possibly to compute infinity? Every rng computing is finite :P
@@shark_de_mique also the outcome of infinity - 9% and infinity - 30% is literally the same xd
@@MrYoggo it's mathematically true, but at least aoe shooting would benefit from the 30% circle reduction
@@MrYoggo the number is so big that we can simply say it is an infinity
Sure it's not worth on Grille but I will try it on WZ-120-1G FT on open maps so I actually have the chance to use that dpm. Stacked with vents.
I have never used IAU
same reason you should never use vents...you get the same miniscule boost as IAU that you will never notice any of the boosts...stick with hardening, rammer, turbo, vstabs before anything else...you will notice 10% boosts, or 5kmh, etc...vents are shite...
Spall Liner is the most useless equipment, followed by the IAU a very close second.
What's this "orange E" you keep talking about?
So, after you've got all your field mods, consumables ,and other equipment mounted, if your accuracy is still 0.35 or greater accuracy is worth it?
I use IAU on my fv4005 and ive sunk a lot into that tank to make it a solid .32 at at 100m
I put bond version of it on tanks like is3a and 703 and vipera basically things with around 0,4 dispersion as I can kind of snipe with slightly less rng idk maybe I'm coping
703 is one of very few tanks I use it on, I swear it makes a noticable difference, and since it does not need Stabs I have a slot free to put IAU in.
Guys, you are literally taking a placebo. Or, alternatively, you play the 703 slightly different with an IAU, thus having better games
If the gun is somewhat decent I put HP turbo rammer on everything I can
Would you even recommend this on tanks such as the EBR 105?
i think the RNg for Penetrationa and sisperison is long due for a rework in world of tanks.
the way i see it its giving you a smaller reticle. meaning less reticle is not on the target. meaning less chance for RNG to F you. but yes RNG does what it wants. And yes 0.02mtrs at 100mtrs is nothing , defs not worth
as a player who plays with real reticle size mod, i dont think that you ever need IAU on any tank at all. it won't make a big difference nor for a tank like Leo 1 or Strv103B, nor for KV2 or something like FV4005, there are far more useful equipments that can actually help
The IAU is useless in most cases IMO. There is no equipment in the game that will improve where the shots go within the aiming circle, which is the main problem for a lot of tanks ability to hit shots. Some tanks shots go more towards the aiming dot and other tanks pepper all around the aiming circle whether fully aimed or not. How often shots go where inside the aiming circle is all hidden stats and RNG rolls, WG controls that and there is nothing that can be done to improve it.
from my experience bissonte with 0.32 disp has better acurracy than my scorp g with 0.25 disp
Feels like the skorp has an inverted bell curve for shell dispersion.
Depends heavily on the tank, on leo1 its useless, on bourrasque its a game changer given u use the bounty one. The normal one is always garbage.
It's garbage on the Bourrasque too since you can just use vstabs which is 4x better.
it isn't completely useless, it does something, but the advantage is so small that it would be a waste to take up an equipment slot
if it was 10% base with the bounty and bond being 12,5 and 15% then it would warrant using it, the only thing I could even imagine using it on would be open top artillery, but I think rotation device and gun laying drive give a more noticeable difference, then again, I only play arty when I want to grind a personal mission
the thing is the game flushes you with this stupid equipment, it either gives turbo, durability device or aiming unit, and I can tell which one I never want to get
TBF none of the numbers of the tanks are that representative in game...
What sound mode are you using?
after watching this the insane cope i have consumed is crazy the only tank i would but it on caliban kv2 bz176 I DON'T HAVE IT ON FOR