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Solo Hotpot Pods for Introverts
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 17 ก.พ. 2025
- A unique personal Hotpot restaurant in Bangkok Thailand where your table can transform into a private pod for 1 or many!
เจอกันสุกี้หมาล่า Yu Jian Ni Mala Hou Guo
Address: 1464 ถนน บรรทัดทอง Wang Mai, Pathum Wan, Bangkok 10330, Thailand
This is all an elaborate ploy to wine and dine Ms Bacons while writing it off as a business expense and I'm here for it.
She is not in a relationship with Mr Bacon, he just uses her for the videos.
@@evan937 source?
@@evan937 they have been together for a long time
@@evan937 He has described her as his partner multiple times before, even years ago. You're just baiting people
@@lemonlime257 They fooled you. In more than one way, even.
Some people don't want to be watched while they are eating. This place makes sense and the food looks great.
I'm the opposite, I go alone and watch the world eat
Places that do little spaces for introverts are so fascinating, especially this one. With the front seats you can close yourself off to your neighbour and still look out the window if you want to. I did totally wonder if Bacons was going to make a neighbour joke again, giggled a bit when one was made!
this is the content I crave
ME TOO!!!!
@@user-zs7os1gl4jwtf do you mean ''why''
Is that a pun?
When you described Mrs Bacon as being your neighbor, all that went through my mind was Mister Roger's Neighborhood. If there anybody you'd want more as a neighbor, it'd be someone you love.
I like the private space to dine whether it's hotpot or not. The soups look like the best items here and that's ok. More of these places please. It's good for us introverts.
Thailand truly is a wonderful place, the place is not too modern but also not too old which is just enough to enjoy just walking around the streets there.
The world needs more safe spaces for introverts. I'd love to eat in a restaurant like this one!
You need to grow up instead. Safe spaces is a joke. Stay home if you’re that afraid.
@@zerotodona1495 you're so sweet, have a cookie cutiepie
@@cinthyacontreras5889don't bother. That toddler thrives off of hating on this TH-cam channel, and anyone that supports them.
I like the way you replied to him😂. I didn't expect that 😊@@cinthyacontreras5889
Cinthyacontreras5889: I understand how you feel about wanting privacy when you eat. For that reason, I take a book with me when I'm dining alone in public. I love this channel because of the variety of foods, drinks, and places to eat that we get to experience vicariously through our delightful hosts!
I'm drooling over their vegetable selection. It looked so good!
The purple noodles reminded me of the pink noodles from the cold noodles floating in the bamboo river video 😊💜
as an introvert who lives in america, i wish we had stuff like this. sadly it would get ruined by horrible people though, like everything else here. im just glad something like this exists SOMEWHERE in the world lol.
Why in America can't had it,i confused when seeing comments on this channel keep saying thing like 'This can't be in USA',i mean in my pov i see it's not really disturb anyone,a good space for you,and privacy so why can't it be i mean like in capital city i guess?
@@FarahDoddle We honestly could have these in America. The country's just really big so while it could do really well in certain parts of the country, it could also do really badly. Depends on the city, these would do great in places like Los Angeles.
Omg I love these solo restaurants
I love the hotpot videos! They’re some of my favorites! 😋 Yum!
That soup looked so delicious and adding my own ingredients makes its even better!
I really love all your videos but the ones with Mrs Bacon smiling really make my day. I love her positive and happy attitude.
I wish we had these in my country😭 I’m an introvert and I can’t go out most of the time because I’m alone, and it’s embarrassing because everyone else is with people
I always have to use takeout cause i can't eat alone
@@leadharsh0616 same here 😅
i can be your company from far far away 😊
Remember that someone in your area thinks exactly the same. Maybe be the one to dine alone to show others it's fine. I like to dine alone now, it's no problem, but I needed to work on this.
The trick is to bring a binder or book. People assume you're busy and don't pay attention to you.
The dividers simply keep the food private, not the person. Why can’t they extend so you don’t see the people to your left/right?
Probably a tripping hazard if they go out too far
I mean, some people just want to eat in peace and not be watched or seen. These dividers do more than enough and don't take up any extra space other than that of the table.
when you eat you scoot up to the table and eat over the table anyways so does it matter that much?
Go home?
@@Mrhehe195 hahahahha
I would love to see you guys try COPPER BUFFET in Thailand. It is one of the highest rated premium buffets here. The price is around 60-100 USD per person and requires a reservation a few days ahead of time. I've been there so many times and always feeling super satisfied and wanting for more afterwards. Highly recommend the place!
i love being a introvert
Always filmed with care. Thank you for sharing!
One day I hope to find a place similar to this, the food looks amazing
I had been going through the hotpot playlist whike at work, and hoped for a new one. Thanks for sharing! 😊
For my fellow introverts, let us go forth and experience the world in our own way!
As soneone who grew up here and is leaving thailand for canada, im starting to realize how affordable stuff is sround here
Wish we had something like this in the US, but with our prices that could easily have been $40-$50 each. Live the videos!
We had a short lived pho place in my neighborhood. I went in and quickly realized that if I had a simple serving with any meat or seafood it would be over $20 and this was 8 or 9 years ago. Now I make my own pho at home. That I can afford.
To be fair, the average wage for Low to middle class is $600-$800 a month in Thailand. This place in Thailand is considered pretty expensive.
Love your videos! Your neighbor is Mrs Bacon! 😉❤ love her she's so sweet and adorable! 😊
What a fantastic idea with the hotpots & the food looks delicious 😋 Thanks DancingBacons 💃🏼🥓😊
I pictured somebody in the kitchen just wrapping up those little dishes with plastic as fast as can be:)
I live in Chicago and so enjoy all your videos. Thank You
Very fun that me and my partner watched the entire thing going 'wow that's so affordable' just to learn at the end apparently it's quite expensive
I believe that was in Bhat not Dollars
That looks like so much fun, and with so many flavors going on!
I wish every cuisine in the U.S. also had an introverted seating option 😪
Just in time for dinner. Everything here looks so good.
I have spent the last few days trying to convince my parents to go with me to a hot pot place where one of my sisters lives in Florida. Soon…soon I will have the opportunity to enjoy hot pot
If u dont mind me askin
Where in fl or if u dont fell comfy sayin where then wats the name of the hotpot place bc i also live in fl and im curious if i could drive there myself
@@shadowace2648 she lives in Tallahassee. Plus there was one in Gainesville I think, oh oh look up a dim sum place called Yummy house! It is so good
i do enjoy just how much japan and china i think cater to introverted people or people who enjoy privacy with all kinds of places to eat at having small cozy booth’s like that you can just relax and eat in relative privacy it’s also probably nice and warm for whenever it does get colder outside it’s also interesting that both nations are or were at one point enemies with most of the rest of the world and it makes me wonder how china can be so bad sometimes when their food and certain parts of their culture can be so interesting and enjoyable personally i wish i am born into japan in one of my future lives if i am granted that opportunity as i don’t want to be that tourist in japan
My son would have loved it. The food and eating at a place that caters to introverts.
❤ My first hot pot portable in Thailand ❤
I’m so happy I’m Thai and an introvert bc I’m literally gonna go there
This restaurant would be perfect for me..I love the idea of eating solo..I live in new york and I've seen pigs blood here...strange stuff..loved the video 😊
For introverts yet you are literally bumping elbows with the person next to you
The partitions only block the view of the food you have, you’re still out in the open right next to the people beside you 😂
True but no one is sneezing or coughing on my food!
@@renel7303 Right. But it’s still not solo dining for introverts.
The purple sweet potato noodles where my favorite💜
Great crafting this looks great. Mini babies ❤
i wish we had these in the states. My friend has dietery restrictions. there are some things she can't eat so we couldn't share a hotput, but this this is perfect ,
I've seen some electric hotpot cookers for home use. After this video I may need one😊
wish there were places where I live that would care about introverts and have some dining like this :D
I'm a extrovert. ENFJ-T to be precise. But even I like this concept. Not everyone likes to eat with ppl or being watched. I usually love eating with ppl, but even as a extrovert I need my alone time. And I do hate ppl watching me eat who I'm not familiar with when I'm out by myself. Makes me feel a little awkward as I'm self conscious when I eat. When I'm with friends I don't think much about it, but when I'm alone, I get paranoid. So I'd definitely use one of these private areas once in a great while if I'm out on my own. The food looks delicious 😊❤
Glad that soup felt natural,
This will be a perfect food place for me ☺️
I was thinking that, whilst it might be for introverts ( I'm in that category) it's also a neat way for someone to eat a hot pot if they don't like the smell, taste or texture of certain foods.
I honestly love how not only doe the food and place look good, but it's quite cheap as well :]
This seems nice love intervert restaurants I hate full restaurants. This is a hot pot restaurant in Thailand which is pretty expensive as long as you don't get very much meat you should be ok. Omg the corn stab was fantastic love the video
I really enjoyed this thank you❤
Finally, a hotpot restaurant for me
Wow! Like hot pot wet supermarkets. Nice concepts
To be honest I always thought of hot pot as a group type of meal. A bunch of friends enjoying a hot bowl of soup is really great. But to each their own, also that looks delicious.
I've been watching your videos for 2 years now and enjoy them so much. Any chance of a face reveal? So curious as to what you look like. It would put a face to all the great content you do 😊
Its pretty incredible what you can get for 10 dollars there, I mean where i live you get a regular pizza for a little bit more then that price and here you get a whole meal.
Never had a Hotpot, but I have had Tom Yum soup before and loved it. I had asked them to make it less spicy.
For all your videos about hotpots, i bet this is one of my favorite.
Looks good , reasonable price ( really cheap ) , it's Asian cuisine , but sadly , I can just watch but not be travelling there right now since I live far away . Enjoyed the video though ( stumbled into it by chance ) , thank you ! 😘llee
Wakesy, wakey everyone there’s a new dancing bacon waiting!
Woah! Those prices are insane! I wish I could go to this!
Oh boy I would definitely be a regular if there is a restaurant like this in my place.
I'm a former Bangkokian and I didn't know thy already have this here, literally on the food district.
I should go to Buntat thong more.
I DREAM of having restaurants like this in UK
Awesome! A new video ❤🔥
this is the dream! Oh how I wish Philippines have this. I wanna go to this place!
Looks so yummy! I am super introverted so this would be amazing here
0:10 did you see it?
see wut
I love that you didn't stir all the sauce ingredients together. 😮 I'm doing that next time here at home. Nice video. I'm hungry now.
I love watching these videos while I eat
Ahhh, I’m always ready for a good hotpot!!
It's interesting that we actually saw you paying in cash. It looked like an interesting place to go just to chill!
This looks amazing! I'll have to visit it the next time I visit Thailand. Also not a huge fan of the amount of plastic wasted, but I can forgive it for the food lol
Love watching these videos before I cook. Some of the ingrediants I already have so I get to create a monster. lol Thanks for the videos. I wouldn't eat pig's blood since I know what pigs in USA roll in.
I’m very fussy and don’t usually like what other people eat so this solo hotpot is perfect lol
i love the videos where there's not a bunch of people around. the ones with people stress me out for some reason lol
as an introvert this is a dream to me 🤤🤤
Aww man I was late this time...but definitely seems like my type of place❤
This looks so cozy the food looks so delicious and it seems so cheap compared to the food cost in the US 😭
I’d give anything for a nice spicy, tomato-y, savoury soup base, with pork belly, quail egg, corn, enoki mushrooms, bokchoy, rice cakes, and a side of kimchi right now. Being in the Deep South we only have steak and burgers. So tired of the lack of diverse food options here. :(
This would be heaven for me as a introvert.. I can get anxious in crowds..
This place looks so chill! I want to go here but I don't know what Thai city this restaurant is in. lol
I would honestly love this as a introvert
Oh, that looks amazing!
That's perfect for me!!
damn that was very affordable and looked awesome
This is perfect for me!!!
this is what I truly missed most from southeast Asia in general, how cheap the food was
Interesting food, don't know if I'd want alot of that 😮
To be honest I’ll still rather eat home…it’s a good idea but I’m still not comfortable eating with randoms in the same room
2:23 FYI the sign says duck's blood not pig's blood.
Introvert here. One still needs to be aware of their surroundings in a public place.
i love watching this because its watching someone eat without having to look at the person chewing cause i hate watching someone chewing hahaha
That was really interesting! :) I am a bit bothered by how much food was still there when you were done. :/ I hope you have the option to bring home leftovers...
I love hot pot videos there is always a weird food .
Omg, ALL that for less than $10..with some ingredients under $1... nothing has been $1 in yrssss! Bet all the soups are great too.... Welp, glad it was delicious
As a person who lives in Thailand, I like the set up but this is really pricey side if you want to eat a lot I would suggest the Hotpot buffet and that price will be around that price
I wish we had these in the states. I hate how all our restaurants work😂
I didn’t know pig’s blood is banned in Singapore! I would have thought it was easy to find there. And yes being local here, this place would be reconsidered on the expensive side for a hotpot place.