It is literally sickening listening to these so called christian hypocrites and charlatans trying to impose their views on everyone else. Whose God are they referring to .. the Hindu deity, the Muslim deity, the Jewish deity, the Aztec deity, or who? Of course not .... it is nothing more than a tiny minority of crazies who are mad for power, control, and imposition of their views on everyone else. Nothing about these wackos is in anyway representative of even christian values or principles.
"My own feeling in the matter is due to my very firm conviction that to put such a motto on coins, or to use it in any kindred manner, not only does no good, but does positive harm, and is in effect irreverence, which comes dangerously close to sacrilege." ~ Theodore Roosevelt
What are the negative effects of religious indoctrination? Symptoms include cognitive, affective, functional, and social/cultural issues as well as developmental delays. RTS occurs in response to two-fold trauma: first the prolonged abuse of indoctrination by a controlling religious community, and second the act of leaving the controlling religious community. How religious dogma can impede critical thinking and problem solving? Put simply, religious individuals are less likely to engage logical processes and be less efficient at detecting reasoning conflicts; therefore, they are more likely to take intuitive answers at face value and this impairs performance on intelligence tests.
The right wing considers women to be livestock. Let that sink in. They care less for a woman than they do about cattle. If a cow dies in birthing, the farmer suffers financially. If a woman dies, they don't care.
@@moonshoes11 An ovum is a single cell, is it not? Up until the point where it is fertilized by a sperm, only then it begins to divide and multiply. So at what point does it become a child, given that it cannot survive unless and until it's implanted into a woman?
@@coldstonestunners Government isn't in religion.... all those churches are tax free... they really shouldnt be tho. They get too many civil and governmental benefits. It's abuse of public funds.
They aren't christians. They are LUCIFERIANS. Coming in God's name, AS A FALSE PROPHET MUST, to hurt the poor, weak and powerless, usually for money. Calling for "gods wrath", and the second coming of Jesus aka the APOCALYPSE. While idolizing a man who paints himself GOLD, not orange. Maybe we shouldn't give nuclear weapons to people calling for gods wrath and the apocalypse, might use it to fulfill the RAPTURE. Christian Zionists established the state of Israel to fulfill end times prophecy.
Thomas Jefferson was asked why he thought the separation.of church and state was so important to him and the founders. He replied "because the lack of (the separation of church and state) has soaked the soil of Europe in blood for centuries". There are religious wars going on today in the middle east and elsewhere, do we want that here? The founders welcomed all faiths here and wanted our government to favor none and to disfavor none.
He didn't say that. He just said the church shouldn't be running the government. Never said God didn't have a place in the government and never said you have a right to be free from religion.
Every church talks politics from the pulpit should get a tax bill because they are no longer removed from politics. They only meet the conditions to be non-taxable if they don't preach politics.
The first amendment places no restriction on the speech of churches. It restricts government, not religion. Read it again. This has been fully hashed out in courts and is totally true: the establishment clause and the free-exercise clause are one-way restrictions - on government but not on churches. The silly school teachers love to use the phrase “separation of church and state“ as if these restrictions go both ways, but this is not part of the Constitution. Only government is restricted.
And that said, we voters should all ignore the far right in EVERY ELECTION FROM NOW ON! ☑💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙 No dictators, theocrats, or extremists need bother me for my vote.............I only support FREEDOM - NOT FreeDumb! 🌊☑
The Mormon "church" is worth over 100,000,000,000 and owns Ensign which also benefits from its exception and defrauds medicaid on top of getting involved in politics, invading public schools and denying people autonomy.
Technically they are already dead by being frozen beyond the point human life can live. When you unfreeze, them you are in a very real sense bringing them back to life or viability and not all make it.
Or will they all have to be implanted? Will they force immigrant women picked up along the border to become surrogates? I'm sure they're already drawing up plans...
@@kenofken9458 Religion is privileged and bratty, it plays victim and likes to oppress and subjugate. Religious folk are so gullible, its embarrassing.
We have some scientific evidence that may explain that. A study was done using a functional MRI to see what parts of the brain activated when asked questions. People were asked what THEY thought about something, or what someone they know (like a brother) might think, or what "god" would think. For non-believers, the part of the brain used to figure out what another person might think was the same one used to try to figure out what a god might think, and a totally different part activated when asked what they themselves thought. But for believers, the part of the brain that decided what they thought was the same part that decided what god thinks, and the other part only activated when asked what another human might think.
The god idea lacks merit and requires a thinking disorder to be forced upon a human. If a human is offered all the possible choices and not forced into the god idea, the god idea looks the most ridiculous against all possibilities. These idiots take it a step further, they know it is their particular god and what it wants from you. Deists are just lack courage to say, of all the possibilities, giving the god idea consideration is quite irrational.
The writers of the Constitution had very recent memory of Britain collapsing into civil war because of the government's involvement with religion. King Charles I lost his throne and his head for attempting to enforce a religious uniformity that the various peoples of the British Empire would not accept. His execution in 1649 ended the monarchy for eleven years and sent shock waves across the Atlantic to the colonies of North America. Our country's founders had good reason to fear Christians battling Christians for control of the government and attempting to direct the lives of the citizenry.
Many of the conservative Christians had ancestors who experienced religious discrimination, persecution and violence in 1600's Europe. Now they want to make the American society into the inquisition of 2020's, forcing people to live by their narrow-minded religious rules.
And it wasn't just Charles I. Jane (who wanted to use the power of state to promote the Church of England) was queen regnant for under two weeks before being replaced by Mary (who wanted to use the power of state to promote the Catholic Church). Charles's son James II/VI was exiled and replaced by married-first-cousins William & Mary (the "glorious revolution") because he showed pro-Catholic favouritism. Mixing the state with the church led to misery and abuse over several centuries.
Thank you. This is why education is one of those seven 'mountains' the Christian Nationalists want to dominate. History shows us the blood seeped results of religion in politics and government.
That was very well put I partook of English civil war reenactments being an avid historian amateur. If you have one church ( Catholic) surely all will be well The freedom to practice religion without restrictions has led to about 3 thousand sects of Christianity alone, it is a very profitable business .
From another prior comment : "Thomas Jefferson was asked why he thought the separation.of church and state was so important to him and the founders. He replied "because the lack of (the separation of church and state) has soaked the soil of Europe in blood for centuries". Amen.
Exactly. Starting with the criminal Constantine who re-invented Christianity as the most favored state religion in 325 CE, thus condemning Europe, Asia Minor, the Levant and North Africa to centuries of bloodshed.
@@edwardmiessner6502 Lucifer Satan Is The Father Of Lies, Its Interesting That People Can Give More Faith In Mystery Religions Than Jesus, Belief Is Shaped By What Your Mind Is More Open To
The USA was never founded on Christ, it was founded on satanism and secret societies [freemasons, skull and bones] that secretly worship BAAL or YAHBULON [SATAN] in their masonic lodges FYI anyone that want to know just research it JESUS IS THE ONLY WAY TO GOD The Roman Catholic Church Has Never Been The True Worship Of God Roman Catholicism Burned And Crucified The Apostles But The People That Govern The World [Freemasons] They Know God Exists, They Know God Is Real Lucifer Satan Is The Father Of Lies, Its Interesting That People Can Give More Faith In Mystery Religions Than Jesus, Belief Is Shaped By What Your Mind Is More Open To
Only if they can do it to their benefit like all the democrats do now , right ? What a statement that is. Take all religion or your belief out of the public square so we can have a society like NK, China or Russia. You are a class act and just what Satan is using to destroy people.
@@He_Is4NowHow does taxing businesses held by churches increase the church power? How does taxing donations made to them increase their power? Both moves would make them accountable - literally - for the money they make. If churches wish to remain charities then they should refrain from political interference - including donations to candidates and agitating on social issues. That is what the separation of church and state actually means - church looks after the 'spiritual', the state looks after social welfare etc .
We as a country must keep the separation of the church and state. Otherwise, it will encourage religious officials to abuse god to shield themselves from accountability.
its going to be hard to seperate church and state when the state officials are elected by religious people who make it a priority that their officials are religious too
@@fritzhaselnuss7852well, they're a minority and well, at the end of the day, it's they who are armed vs We The People. Who are also armed. See the Philadelphia Nativist Riots for reference and its aftereffects.
The god idea is the problem. Some humans are gullible enough to believe snakes talk, virgins have babies and humans can resurrect from the grave. Oh and some believe the Noah's Ark story even though the Chinese didn't notice the flood. We have a thinking problem in the US brought about by the idea that faith alone is good enough to believe extraordinary claims. If the god idea had any merit at all, you might expect it wouldn't cause so many problems, such as by and from Israel because they are clearly lunatics who think a god character is a real estate broker. Some humans are actually crazy.
Thank you for covering this, this is the biggest threat to our democracy, country, and freedoms. This country was defined in opposition to theocratic control.
The god idea is the problem. Without the god idea, the government cannot be involved in religion without looking any more stupid than they already do. Yes we have a problem with very gullible humans pretending a god is real as some form of coping mechanism. Most of them didn't choose to pretend a god was real, the god was selected for them, they were forced into the god idea. Once someone is forced to believe without evidence, their whole worldview doesn't require evidence. If they can believe the planet was completely flooded, they can be conned into any nonsense. The god idea shows a clear thinking disorder. It places the belief ahead of the justification to believe. Once the brain is programmed to believe first, these people will behave like anyone in a cult. This cult thinking infects our government from the bottom to the top. Politicians know voters are stupid and fall for the "God Bless America" line. For stupid people, the suggestion of a god is good enough. At least half of this nation is that stupid.
When some folks say all our troubles started when they took prayers out of schools. My stock answer? Troubles started after they added "under god" in the pledge of allegiance.
Since day one, there should be no prayers and public schools. One nation under god was added to our pledge in the 50s. And now trump is saying he was saved by God to rescue this country. God didnt want to save the person that was shot with a round that had trumps name on it. Or the other two people that were also shot, not grazed. You are free to practice your religiom, but it you represent the state and is on the job, you should be working, not praying. If you are in school you should be learning, not praying ( unless you specifically want to). A teacher should not be tellin you to pray in a public school. @@christiansoldier77
7 mountain backers have already put may religious representatives in the house and senate. Voters clearly need to avoid voting anybody from any party who represent any religion publicly.
“The biggest threat to America today is not communism, it’s moving America toward a fascist theocracy, and everything that’s happened during the Reagan administration is steering us right down that pipe.” - Frank Zappa, 1986
@@dixonmopar2129right! It was a mostly peaceful tour with no weapons, or confederate flags waved, or feces smeared on the walls or gallows erected or people killed, or electoral process attacked Mike Pences hung
@ZzXZ636Your sky daddy wasn't part of either of those until the Red Scare campaigns of the 20th century. His inclusion is thoroughly against the will of your precious Founding Fathers.
God didn't used to be mentioned on money or in the pledges taken. It was President Eissenhower that introduced it. He was best friends with Billy Graham who was his "religious advisor". Subsequently all other Presidents have always invoked the name God at the end of public addresses. So it was never the founders intention to have God brought into Government business. A good read of how the various religious sects proliferated throughout America is "Fantasyland " by Kurt Andersen.
If there is no separation of church and state and they want continue to tell us how to make laws in this country I think they should start paying taxes
Let us add, the god idea is completely ridiculous. Those who believe snakes talk and virgins have babies and human resurrections from graves have a serious thinking disorder and cannot tell the difference between fantasy and reality. Those who believe they have magical speech that a caring deity hears might as well be considered lunatics. The god idea lacks merit yet causes so much death and destruction.
I love the fact that Jesus said “forget the Old Testament” and Christians still quote “eye for an eye” despite it being cancelled in the Sermon on the Mount. It’s almost like they haven’t read the book and all their religious zealotry is just performative nonsense.
I love the fact, that you yourself have not read the bible. Jesus never said, that the old testament was invalid. That is what religion does to your brain. It cuts your intelligence in half.
Obviously DON’T TAX religious organizations and individual churches. If you tax the church/religious-worship-services, that would grant due-cause to acknowledge them as services which are entitled to representation in government. They aren’t taxed because they have no rights to representation in government, because it’s explicitly a secular nation. Want tax dollars spent on religious schools and other institutions of religious worship? Start taxing them and see how quickly they qualify for your tax money to fund their services.
@@arlarl5122 you make a bill to tax them AND keep them from public funds. You can do both (maybe not in our political environment, but that would be my solution). At least then people's "tithes" which are just taxes by another name. Could actually be used to help the people. Instead of just paying a glorified kindergarten story teller for nothing.
People are free to believe whatever they want and that is all well and good, but the moment they try to use their beliefs as justification or use public offices to force their beliefs on others that is where it crosses the line and becomes intolerable. The Founding Fathers came to America to escape religious persecution.
The pilgrims escaping religious persecution is somewhat of a myth. The reality is that the English viewed them as religious extremists and wanted to get rid of them and they were more than happy when they left for the new world.
religion is man's ideas of what God wanted, just the law of Moses and Christ Jesus is enough for me. You want to go to the lake of fire? Then so be it, as for me and my house, we can survive without you.
The Founding Fathers founded this country on Judeo-Christian values and beliefs. “In GOD we trust”. Sound familiar? “One Nation, under GOD”. Sound familiar? Stop trying to separate GOD from everything. That’s what has gotten us in the mess we are in right now. Wake up all you who claim to be “woke”. Before it’s too late.
@@RobertSmith-qq2ss Religion is a form of control, nothing more. It is the means for a very small group of people to control a very large group of people and thereby control the resources. We are all in the exact same boat and we all have the exact same amount of information which is zero. Nobody knows and anyone who claims to know is a liar.
Taxation is the key balancing tool, for times when religion is funding more politics than charity. Tax the churches, or this will get full Hand Maids Tale. 50% of the people are non-religious,...and I think there is one person in congress, that is listed as non religious. Religion spends the overwhelming majority of their money, is on property, building maintenance, political spending, and their own schools....Not Charity.
Most people in this Country also ask how could've, CONold or the rest of the Traitors and Insurrectionist Senetors that were involved on Jan 6th are still walking free and not behind Bars.
@fellfromspace Ya this unconstitutional clown judge needs to go the way of the infamous Judge Roy Moore who was also on the Alabama SC and also the chief justice of Alabama and was kicked off the bench twice. Alabama is a Sh$thole 3rd world state run by a christian Taliban! Welcome to Y'all Qaeda! And the Q is just icing on the cake for them.
Yes, and the reason for the separation of church and state is to protect the church from government intrusion, not to deny citizens the right to vote their values.
Thank you Alabama for protecting human lives. It looks like we need another pandemic, cause it seems it took only 4 years for people to forget how fragile their life is, and how they should respect it from time of conception.
Why does America not support a single religion? It’s really simple. How many wars, conflicts, deaths, insurrections, and other forms of violence are caused by invoking religion? The founding fathers understood this. Thus all religions are equally protected and supported without favor. You can’t do that if you’re forcing Christianity down people’s throats.
Fun Fact: Whenever the Christians no longer have non-Christians to torture and murder, they've always turned on each other for not being the "right kind" of Christian.
Jesus believed in the separation of church and state: "give to Caesar what's his, and to God what's his". The early church didn't try to set up a new state or over throw the government, or force their morality on others.
Andrew: That's the way I interpreted it. Jesus knew all about the fallacies of man and also accepted where the world had come to to that point and where the world was going.
I read Mother Goose & ESOP’s Fables & get more love & logic from them than I ever did in Sunday school. The hate for others was too much😿 When I want to be with God I go & sit on his earth amongst his trees.🙏
Indeed so !! Monotheisms usually.has been the more blood thirsty and intolerant of religions, particularly when a sub-sect's Idolatrous leaders and folloers paint themselves as purely the purest of the pure, . . ...Whilst casting vehement insults, abusive allowances, and words of hate & serpentine seditious-ness to threaten others with and espouse power and lustful greeds full of righteous spite & evil thoughts for others within their wilfully blinkered minds of ideological theocratic hellish terrorism
Same for secularism. You can keep your delusions to yourself. You think there's more than two genders? Keep it to yourself. You think that we should mutilate young girls and boys bodies? Keep that opinion to yourself.
Hope someone takes it up. A niece little earner. Before you know it Wall Street will have securitised the embryos and we'll be able to hold them in our 401k..a double tax break.
There's also the matter of Article VI, paragraph 3: _... no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States._ It's pretty clear to me that the founders wanted a SECULAR government, and those who espouse Christian Nationalism are seeking to improperly superimpose their religion on it. As a member of the Freedom From Religion Foundation, I fight against that effort, and there are plenty of others in that same fight.
Indeed, but even taxed they are still dangerous. The two should be kept separate. Never get politics from a religious institution nor religion from a government.
True, When you mix Authoritarianism with religious conservatism, that's how countries end up with Popes, Ayatollas, Talibans, Kings, Furors, Ceasers, Shaws, Little Kims, and any other lifetime-appointed dictators telling you what to believe and who to praise. The Orange Cheesus wants his cult of maga minions to praise Him. The already adjudicated r@pist and real estate fraud.
Indeed, but even taxed they are still dangerous. The two should be kept separate. Never get politics from a religious institution nor religion from a government.
@arkenautgundlach2498 The trans movement is religious as one needs a lot of faith in the ideology in order to believe that people can change genders. Maybe we should tax the trans movement?
And currently, I heard Trump speaking about restoring Christian prayer in public schools. I disagree with that because public school is not a religious institution. And there are students with various religions and not all Christian. Religion doesn't belong in public schools. Trump is trying to pander to the Evangelicals and Christian Nationalists to get their votes.
@@johnnyboy81zUP Personally all of them, to easy to watch people fall for dogma and be swayed by others. Because they believe in something on faith, to be swayed into fundamentalism ideas. Based on that religion, and perform acts of horror on other people. More frighting, when these fundamentalists ignore all writings and history of the founding fathers. And continue to spout off that USA was founded as a Christian nation, or it was their intent.
Although I am an atheist. I have always believed that the separation of church and state guarantees religious freedom. But now, I think we need to drive out all religions from all public institutions and schools like France did. The Alabama Supreme Court ruled on IVF based on the Bible😡
And what I find interesting is that IVF wasn't around in biblical times.... Which really is just a really telling of very old stories and translated how many times? Wonder what got lost in that process....
The first European settlers in America were often refuges from a country with an established religion precisely because they were a religious minority and considered blasphemous. THAT is why the 1st ammendment exists.
Whenever you speak to someone who doesn't believe in the separation of church and state, and ask them about the establishment clause, they often seem to be under the impression that it says that "government can't establish a religion". Within the establishment clause, the verb is not "establish". Establishment is a noun. The verb in question is "respecting". Congress shall pass no law *respecting* an establishment of religion. What does the word respect mean in this instance? A simple dictionary definition gives us "have due regard for the feelings, wishes, rights, or traditions of". So no law can be made that has due regard for the feelings, wishes, rights, or traditions of an establishment of religion. This is a simple, plain English, textualist reading of the amendment. Anyone who doesn't believe in the separation of church and state is either illiterate, or does not value our Constitution.
"Respecting" - to be fair - also has a traditional meaning which is roughly like "accepting" or "allowing" - in other words, it says Congress shall not pass any law in which the establishment of religion is considered legitimate. Just a quibble. Agree the main point, which anyone with any knowledge of the founders and the point of the creation of the government knows, is that they wanted to ensure that government stay out of people's practice or not of religion and make no law that infringes into that area.
@@gliberty42 While that is a valid interpretation of the word respecting in this context, it would be an incredibly roundabout and weird way of writing the law if that was its intended interpretation!
@@KiranasOfRizon would it? I don't know... Despite quibbling I am not sure that my reading is less likely, considering how they tended to write, but also I don't think it changes anything really. I bet my friend Sasha Volokh would have something interesting to say on the subject - as a scholar with historical legal knowledge in this area. @sashavolokh750
They don't value our constitution. If and when the time comes, they will turn on a dime and stop saying that it was delivered to the framers by none other than Jesus Christ, and start saying that the framers used a Ouija board or some other instrument to invoke Satan and conjured the constitution out of the infernal place. Mark my words!
The religious right is always talking how sacred life is when it pertains to women & unborn fetuses.. but that sanctity never seems to extend to criminals (death penalty), the black community or to anybody on the other side of their guns.. even children.
or to the young men they send to war to die, the working homeless poor and their children. or the children that age out of foster care and end up dead on the streets. how religion has held back human progress for centuries including medical discoveries like glasses and antibiotics. they need you to pray and give them money every week. if you can just take your child to the doctor and they get better. that takes god out of the equation. religion is extremely dangerous with how influential and manipulative it is.
What are the negative effects of religious indoctrination? Symptoms include cognitive, affective, functional, and social/cultural issues as well as developmental delays. RTS occurs in response to two-fold trauma: first the prolonged abuse of indoctrination by a controlling religious community, and second the act of leaving the controlling religious community. How religious dogma can impede critical thinking and problem solving? Put simply, religious individuals are less likely to engage logical processes and be less efficient at detecting reasoning conflicts; therefore, they are more likely to take intuitive answers at face value and this impairs performance on intelligence tests.
@@bigtobacco1098 So you think the people that think this one life we get is precious and worth preserving are the crazy people huh? Not the guys that think you will burn forever in fire seven times hotter than any Earthly furnace for the 'sin' of not bowing down to a Middle Eastern demon?
The reason the Founding Fathers separated Church & State was to protect the Republic from wack jobs like this. The Bible clearly states "judge not lest you be judged!
FYI, you all missed the opportunity to mention that “in God we trust” was not originally on our currency, or in the Pledge of Allegiance, and was later added during the red scare, which was just another freak out from Christianne conservatives.
@@gyrene_asea4133 Dwite D. Eisenhower put _In God We Trust_ on money, as the motto, but the original motto is _E Pluribus Unum._ The Eisenhower administration also added _Under God_ to the Pledge of Alligence.
The Christians are not honest actors. That should be clear with the evidence you presented. The issue is so many people lack the courage to call out the god idea for what it is, CRAZY! These people meet on Sunday so they have a support group to believe things a child must be forced into to believe. Religion doesn't work without force. Defending against a religious take over also doesn't work without a counter force. The counter force must be greater than the religious force, which includes our government of religious lunatics. My friends are cowards, I can tell by the comments. Moderate Christian is a ridiculous idea. Either they pretend magic is the answer or they do not, there isn't an in between. Magical thinking isn't healthy in any context. We allow it with children, and that might even be a mistake.
@@nebtheweb8885Yes, and ...? It was not right then, and doesn't offset the Interstate Highways Act. Which, iirc was declared by some to be an affront to the godz! Which? I don't recall. Probably one whose temple didn't get an off-ramp.
And now these “People of God” are determining what “god” wants and expects from us. They consider it their sacred duty to make sure we follow what they interpret those dictates to be. Scary stuff.
@@rileycoyote8275 Clearly as in Catholic, Protestant, Baptist, Evangelical, Muslim, Hindu, and I’m sure I’m missing a few but you get the point hopefully.
It's my understanding that the separation of church and state was supposed to allow people to practice any religion they want to without the government interfering. But that also includes allowing people to be atheists too.
The statement One Nation under GOD was added in 1954 by President DDE. In the 1950s, the IRS said Churches can file non profit tax exempt. They don't pay Federal Taxes to support the government, but they want me government to support their schools and control what is taught in public schools.
ReTrumplicans want woman to be barefoot and pregnant from puberty to menopause. They want you to have12 to 15 kids. If you miscarry a pregnancy, you will get arrested. If you take birth control, you will be arrested. If you have to abort for any medical reason, you will be arrested. If you do IVF, and miscarry, you will be arrested. If you have a needed abortion and have to travel to another state, you will be arrested and so will the people who helped you.This is what ReTrumplican Corruptlicans want for women. If they could, they would take away your right to vote. The Mandetory Burkas will be next.
The god idea is for lunatics and it is certainly about the crazy god idea. Faith is pretending you have evidence. Faith is the lack of justification to believe something is true. In what way does faith perform different than pretend? Some of my friends just lack the courage to ridicule the god idea, the root cause of so much death and destruction today and every day on this planet. It is absolutely about faith. Without the faith/pretend, the god idea cannot be compelling. What are you arguing for? Either magic is the answer to the questions we don't have answers or magic isn't the best explanation.
@@PeruvianPotato do you have an actual point? Are you compelled by a particular god character from a particular story? Do you pretend to have magic speech or do you feel a particular god? We have some folks who claim to be magic god detectors and will tell you they can feel a god. These god detectors should get together and map out all the gods.
Ali Velshi please talk about this each and every day !! They have an overall plan to conquer America. My church got taken over by this philosophies and plans so I left that church quick.
"human life cannot be wrongfully destroyed without incurring the wrath of a holy God" can be applied to soooo many Republican issues too. Think of all the lives they are destroying by enacting anti-abortion laws, or laws banning trans healthcare, or laws forcing children to be apart from their parents at the border... How was this even approved as a valid argument???
As someone that lives here, shouldn't you be more worried about the actual corruption going on in your country right now rather than trying to delve into the cancer known as American politics?
Why are you watching American news if you hate it? Honestly the news out of France didn't seem that great to me last time I checked, so I stopped checking. Might want to think about that.
Alabama is one of the Southern states who are refusing EBT summer lunches from the federal government for low-income children whose main source of nutrition are school breakfast and lunches. This program benefits children also of struggling working parents. Everyone gets a summer meal, no questions asked.
The god idea destroys what could be normal human brains. The god idea doesn't work without forcing children and poor uneducated adults into it. Only the most gullible fools pretend a god is real. In the south, this thinking disorder is an epidemic.
@@SubvertTheStateYes questions. So punish the kid because of the mother's mistakes and or because she's single? Whether it's their main source of nutrition or not I want to get this right You're against feeding the children? Correct?
Some people really think Separation of Church and State means banning prayers in schools. No, it means banning School-Mandated Prayers, or forceful Prayers. Students and Staff can still pray and perform religious activities, as long as they don't force it on others.
Treaty of Tripoli - "The Treaty is often cited in discussions regarding the role of religion in United States government for a clause in Article 11 of the English language American version which states that "the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion."
One of the great Republican hypocrisies...but take it further! Healthcare, childcare, education...they don't want to pay for it let alone provide it. They don't care about anything but $$$$$$$$$.
These people are insane. Get them out of government!!
Unfortunately, the voters there are equally insane
They remind of ISIS and Taliban combined
It is literally sickening listening to these so called christian hypocrites and charlatans trying to impose their views on everyone else. Whose God are they referring to .. the Hindu deity, the Muslim deity, the Jewish deity, the Aztec deity, or who? Of course not .... it is nothing more than a tiny minority of crazies who are mad for power, control, and imposition of their views on everyone else. Nothing about these wackos is in anyway representative of even christian values or principles.
Vote blue 💙
"My own feeling in the matter is due to my very firm conviction that to put such a motto on coins, or to use it in any kindred manner, not only does no good, but does positive harm, and is in effect irreverence, which comes dangerously close to sacrilege." ~ Theodore Roosevelt
I always liked Teddy. They sure don't make R's like that anymore! ☑
Wise words from a wise man...Teddy would not have been a MAGA Republican
This is unconstitutional and the judge should be removed from the bench for being mentally unfit. Same for Mike Johnson who is coo coo for coco puffs.
What are the negative effects of religious indoctrination?
Symptoms include cognitive, affective, functional, and social/cultural issues as well as developmental delays. RTS occurs in response to two-fold trauma: first the prolonged abuse of indoctrination by a controlling religious community, and second the act of leaving the controlling religious community. How religious dogma can impede critical thinking and problem solving?
Put simply, religious individuals are less likely to engage logical processes and be less efficient at detecting reasoning conflicts; therefore, they are more likely to take intuitive answers at face value and this impairs performance on intelligence tests.
And be disbared in all states.
it should be ILLEGAL to invoke your personal god in when deliberating law.
So a single cell has more rights than a woman. The only thing that baffles me is how many women are okay with this.
As a woman, I’m definitely NOT okay with this.
None, I hope.
Technically, they are not a single cell at this stage.
But I get your meaning, and you’re not wrong.
The right wing considers women to be livestock. Let that sink in. They care less for a woman than they do about cattle. If a cow dies in birthing, the farmer suffers financially. If a woman dies, they don't care.
@@moonshoes11 An ovum is a single cell, is it not? Up until the point where it is fertilized by a sperm, only then it begins to divide and multiply. So at what point does it become a child, given that it cannot survive unless and until it's implanted into a woman?
Never trust a preacher whom tells you how to vote, or a politician whom tells you how to pray.
Never trust any of them no matter what they tell you.
Too many bible thumpers in government. Keep religion out of politics!
Keep government out of religion
@@coldstonestunners Government isn't in religion.... all those churches are tax free... they really shouldnt be tho. They get too many civil and governmental benefits. It's abuse of public funds.
They aren't christians. They are LUCIFERIANS. Coming in God's name, AS A FALSE PROPHET MUST, to hurt the poor, weak and powerless, usually for money. Calling for "gods wrath", and the second coming of Jesus aka the APOCALYPSE. While idolizing a man who paints himself GOLD, not orange. Maybe we shouldn't give nuclear weapons to people calling for gods wrath and the apocalypse, might use it to fulfill the RAPTURE. Christian Zionists established the state of Israel to fulfill end times prophecy.
@@coldstonestunners Tax churches.
@@coldstonestunners That is the same thing.
Thomas Jefferson was asked why he thought the separation.of church and state was so important to him and the founders. He replied "because the lack of (the separation of church and state) has soaked the soil of Europe in blood for centuries".
There are religious wars going on today in the middle east and elsewhere, do we want that here? The founders welcomed all faiths here and wanted our government to favor none and to disfavor none.
Exactly. We can have religion in govt, but the govt can not push one religion on the people.
Disfavor none is important.
Thomas Jefferson owned human beings and felt okay about it!
He didn't say that. He just said the church shouldn't be running the government. Never said God didn't have a place in the government and never said you have a right to be free from religion.
@@christopherarner8322 Sorry, but I have the right to be free from religion. Yours and everyone else’s. To argue otherwise is insane.
Every church talks politics from the pulpit should get a tax bill because they are no longer removed from politics. They only meet the conditions to be non-taxable if they don't preach politics.
Our kids on tiktok are addressing this very well.
Trump changed that so they could talk politics and still get the no tax thing.
The first amendment places no restriction on the speech of churches. It restricts government, not religion. Read it again. This has been fully hashed out in courts and is totally true: the establishment clause and the free-exercise clause are one-way restrictions - on government but not on churches.
The silly school teachers love to use the phrase “separation of church and state“ as if these restrictions go both ways, but this is not part of the Constitution. Only government is restricted.
Can we let our local representatives know what you just said!!! That’s brilliant.
A principle our country was founded on should not be ignored by the far right.
And that said, we voters should all ignore the far right in EVERY ELECTION FROM NOW ON! ☑💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙
No dictators, theocrats, or extremists need bother me for my vote.............I only support FREEDOM - NOT FreeDumb! 🌊☑
By making this statement you are the very thing you're warning us of.
Take away the tax exemption !
Time to hold funds to these states.
Those pastors don’t need their mansions and private jets
The Mormon "church" is worth over 100,000,000,000 and owns Ensign which also benefits from its exception and defrauds medicaid on top of getting involved in politics, invading public schools and denying people autonomy.
@@ecurewitz I agree - neither do the politicians of the United States
@@Apocalyptic_chick I’ll agree to that too
What happens to all the frozen embryos when the IVF centers close? Who will be charged with killing all the 'potential chuldren'? This is insanity.
if there's a flood or major power outage, will the utility company (generator failure) board members be up for murder? Alabama, ugh.
Technically they are already dead by being frozen beyond the point human life can live. When you unfreeze, them you are in a very real sense bringing them back to life or viability and not all make it.
Or will they all have to be implanted? Will they force immigrant women picked up along the border to become surrogates? I'm sure they're already drawing up plans...
@@triakis2Nope, the utility has direction to inform all embryo facilities to send all the embryos to his 🏡 house. 😅
The Traitorous Republicans who wanted this of course.
Any church that engages in politics should be considered a PAC and not a church, thus losing its tax-exempt status.
I don't see why they should have that status in the first place.
Why should I subsidize other people's religion?
@@kenofken9458 Religion is privileged and bratty, it plays victim and likes to oppress and subjugate. Religious folk are so gullible, its embarrassing.
I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do, because I notice it always coincides with their own desires.
Susan B. Anthony
We have some scientific evidence that may explain that. A study was done using a functional MRI to see what parts of the brain activated when asked questions. People were asked what THEY thought about something, or what someone they know (like a brother) might think, or what "god" would think.
For non-believers, the part of the brain used to figure out what another person might think was the same one used to try to figure out what a god might think, and a totally different part activated when asked what they themselves thought. But for believers, the part of the brain that decided what they thought was the same part that decided what god thinks, and the other part only activated when asked what another human might think.
The god idea lacks merit and requires a thinking disorder to be forced upon a human. If a human is offered all the possible choices and not forced into the god idea, the god idea looks the most ridiculous against all possibilities. These idiots take it a step further, they know it is their particular god and what it wants from you. Deists are just lack courage to say, of all the possibilities, giving the god idea consideration is quite irrational.
The writers of the Constitution had very recent memory of Britain collapsing into civil war because of the government's involvement with religion. King Charles I lost his throne and his head for attempting to enforce a religious uniformity that the various peoples of the British Empire would not accept. His execution in 1649 ended the monarchy for eleven years and sent shock waves across the Atlantic to the colonies of North America. Our country's founders had good reason to fear Christians battling Christians for control of the government and attempting to direct the lives of the citizenry.
Many of the conservative Christians had ancestors who experienced religious discrimination, persecution and violence in 1600's Europe. Now they want to make the American society into the inquisition of 2020's, forcing people to live by their narrow-minded religious rules.
And it wasn't just Charles I. Jane (who wanted to use the power of state to promote the Church of England) was queen regnant for under two weeks before being replaced by Mary (who wanted to use the power of state to promote the Catholic Church). Charles's son James II/VI was exiled and replaced by married-first-cousins William & Mary (the "glorious revolution") because he showed pro-Catholic favouritism. Mixing the state with the church led to misery and abuse over several centuries.
Thank you. This is why education is one of those seven 'mountains' the Christian Nationalists want to dominate. History shows us the blood seeped results of religion in politics and government.
That was very well put I partook of English civil war reenactments being an avid historian amateur.
If you have one church ( Catholic) surely all will be well
The freedom to practice religion without restrictions has led to about 3 thousand sects of Christianity alone, it is a very profitable business .
From another prior comment : "Thomas Jefferson was asked why he thought the separation.of church and state was so important to him and the founders. He replied "because the lack of (the separation of church and state) has soaked the soil of Europe in blood for centuries". Amen.
Exactly. Starting with the criminal Constantine who re-invented Christianity as the most favored state religion in 325 CE, thus condemning Europe, Asia Minor, the Levant and North Africa to centuries of bloodshed.
Lucifer Satan Is The Father Of Lies, Its Interesting That People Can Give More Faith In Mystery Religions Than Jesus, Belief Is Shaped By What Your Mind Is More Open To
The USA was never founded on Christ, it was founded on satanism and secret societies [freemasons, skull and bones] that secretly worship BAAL or YAHBULON [SATAN]
in their masonic lodges
FYI anyone that want to know just research it
The Roman Catholic Church Has Never Been The True Worship Of God
Roman Catholicism Burned And Crucified The Apostles
But The People That Govern The World [Freemasons] They Know God Exists, They Know God Is Real
Lucifer Satan Is The Father Of Lies, Its Interesting That People Can Give More Faith In Mystery Religions Than Jesus, Belief Is Shaped By What Your Mind Is More Open To
True, he did, but then why in the Dec. of Independence did he write that we are endowed with rights from our Creator?
@@davelaz5582Christianity and Enlightenment Age Theism informing the concept of "unalienable" equal human dignity and rights.
"Keep the church and state forever separate." --Ulysses S. Grant, Sept. 29, 1875
It was funny when Biden spoke at a black church and got heckled for funding aGenocyde
you forgot that gen z and beyond don't understand the world existed before the year 2000 hahahaha
i doubt most even know that mans name.
@@winstonsmith6607since you can't even spell Genocide. Just wear your red hat and go on STAND IN THE CORNER
As they should be
@@bloodlove93so why don't you enlighten us. Also don't underestimate Gen Z and beyond.
"Those who would marry politics with religion must be prepared to reap the whirlwind." -Frank Herbert, The Dune Books
Read Spinoza, or Thomas Paine; not some hack like Frank Hebert, goofy!🥸
The great thing about whirlwinds is that they separate the wheat from the chaff.
@@lindalarson1948 Yeah, well, you go right ahead and enjoy getting your wheat and chaff separated. But just remember to use a LOT of lube, sweetheart.
Only if they can do it to their benefit like all the democrats do now , right ? What a statement that is. Take all religion or your belief out of the public square so we can have a society like NK, China or Russia. You are a class act and just what Satan is using to destroy people.
It happened a long time ago and I haven't seen any "whirlwinds".
We need a separation between cult and state as well.
Need fully functioning politicians who can apply logic to the facts instead of accepting religion as a *_good idea._* 🤪
All religions are cults
'Tax the churches! Tax the businesses owned by the churches...' as a great man said... back in 1981.
That would be the government taxing themselves.
@@91GT347 yeah -but officially.. in law
Very Bad idea that ends up giving Religions and Churches MORE Power.
Enforce the Constitution do NOT give Religion more power and say by taxing them.
@@He_Is4NowHow does taxing businesses held by churches increase the church power? How does taxing donations made to them increase their power? Both moves would make them accountable - literally - for the money they make.
If churches wish to remain charities then they should refrain from political interference - including donations to candidates and agitating on social issues. That is what the separation of church and state actually means - church looks after the 'spiritual', the state looks after social welfare etc .
We as a country must keep the separation of the church and state. Otherwise, it will encourage religious officials to abuse god to shield themselves from accountability.
They already do it.
its going to be hard to seperate church and state when the state officials are elected by religious people who make it a priority that their officials are religious too
@@fritzhaselnuss7852well, they're a minority and well, at the end of the day, it's they who are armed vs We The People.
Who are also armed.
See the Philadelphia Nativist Riots for reference and its aftereffects.
The god idea is the problem. Some humans are gullible enough to believe snakes talk, virgins have babies and humans can resurrect from the grave. Oh and some believe the Noah's Ark story even though the Chinese didn't notice the flood. We have a thinking problem in the US brought about by the idea that faith alone is good enough to believe extraordinary claims. If the god idea had any merit at all, you might expect it wouldn't cause so many problems, such as by and from Israel because they are clearly lunatics who think a god character is a real estate broker. Some humans are actually crazy.
They are already doing that right now.
Thank you for covering this, this is the biggest threat to our democracy, country, and freedoms. This country was defined in opposition to theocratic control.
The separation of church and state forever! Keep the government out of our personal lives.
The bible too.
It's funny, some parts of the Constitution they want to adhere to the letter while others there is suddenly a grey area.
Keep the church out of government and there by,our personal,private lives. Mainly,out of family reproduction!!
Keep the church out of our personal lives.
The god idea is the problem. Without the god idea, the government cannot be involved in religion without looking any more stupid than they already do. Yes we have a problem with very gullible humans pretending a god is real as some form of coping mechanism. Most of them didn't choose to pretend a god was real, the god was selected for them, they were forced into the god idea. Once someone is forced to believe without evidence, their whole worldview doesn't require evidence. If they can believe the planet was completely flooded, they can be conned into any nonsense. The god idea shows a clear thinking disorder. It places the belief ahead of the justification to believe. Once the brain is programmed to believe first, these people will behave like anyone in a cult. This cult thinking infects our government from the bottom to the top. Politicians know voters are stupid and fall for the "God Bless America" line. For stupid people, the suggestion of a god is good enough. At least half of this nation is that stupid.
When you make up a "god," you can make up what it believes, what it thinks, what it wants, and what should be the path for everybody
Yeah, you had that and kicked us out, I can see a Gilead if these loons get in, Johnson is worth the watching.
And call anyone that disagrees with their myth-belief "evil" and "demonic."
A god made in their own image. I sincerely hope their karma runs over their dogma!
When some folks say all our troubles started when they took prayers out of schools.
My stock answer?
Troubles started after they added "under god" in the pledge of allegiance.
And what problems were started exactly? Taking prayers out of school has caused all sorts of problems.
@@christiansoldier77 all the problems the "right" claims to exist.
@@christiansoldier77 All the problems they claim exists since removing religion from schools. Those problems.
Since day one, there should be no prayers and public schools.
One nation under god was added to our pledge in the 50s.
And now trump is saying he was saved by God to rescue this country.
God didnt want to save the person that was shot with a round that had trumps name on it. Or the other two people that were also shot, not grazed.
You are free to practice your religiom, but it you represent the state and is on the job, you should be working, not praying.
If you are in school you should be learning, not praying ( unless you specifically want to). A teacher should not be tellin you to pray in a public school. @@christiansoldier77
@@christiansoldier77prayers in school is a thing. Its called a religious private school.
Keep it out of public schools.
7 mountain backers have already put may religious representatives in the house and senate. Voters clearly need to avoid voting anybody from any party who represent any religion publicly.
People need to learn that their belief system is not the only one, and to respect the secular status of our country and government
Oh, if only!
"Jesus, protect me from your believers!" 😇✝
The power hunger is insatiable in these organized religions. Especially those based off the Abrahamic strain.
People need to learn it's all BS and get back to reality.
No taxes no politics
As a Catholic Democrat, these people sound like radical pastors vs genuine judges 🙄
@@g.d.graham2446 As an Independent Agnostic, I tend to agree.
@@g.d.graham2446 Christianity is starting to sound a lot like all those other crazy religions in the middle east.
@@moonkey537They are all crazy. Talking to a magic sky pixie is the definition of crazy. 👻🖖
“The biggest threat to America today is not communism, it’s moving America toward a fascist theocracy, and everything that’s happened during the Reagan administration is steering us right down that pipe.”
- Frank Zappa, 1986
I wish he was here now to give Trump an earful.
Fact. It's got to be one huge pipe though.
Communism killed over 100 million last century
I'd like to hear Bill Hicks give 'em a what for too.
@@dixonmopar2129right! It was a mostly peaceful tour with no weapons, or confederate flags waved, or feces smeared on the walls or gallows erected or people killed, or electoral process attacked Mike Pences hung
The best thing we can do to ensure our democracy endures is to remove god from our money and our pledge of allegiance.
@ZzXZ636Your sky daddy wasn't part of either of those until the Red Scare campaigns of the 20th century. His inclusion is thoroughly against the will of your precious Founding Fathers.
In order to do that, we have to keep Republicans away from politics.
God didn't used to be mentioned on money or in the pledges taken. It was President Eissenhower that introduced it. He was best friends with Billy Graham who was his "religious advisor". Subsequently all other Presidents have always invoked the name God at the end of public addresses. So it was never the founders intention to have God brought into Government business. A good read of how the various religious sects proliferated throughout America is "Fantasyland " by Kurt Andersen.
Eventually yeah, but there are much bigger fish to fry first.
@@notyourroadapparently not. Christians bring this up daily to argue their case.
If there is no separation of church and state and they want continue to tell us how to make laws in this country I think they should start paying taxes
A big AMEN to that! 😂
The current. SCOTUS is not conservative, the majority are theocrats who endeavor to force their theology on the entire populace.
Theocracy by nature is conservative.
@@johnphantom …and conservatism is autocratic, obey or pay the consequences and no, say the conservatives, you do not have any choice .
It is incredible that these guys are allowed on the bench at any judicial level.
In America the R party insists corporations are people, and embryos are babies. But actual born kids in school are acceptable statistics.
No church in government
"Don't take political advice from a preacher / priest . Don't take religious advice from a politician "
And don't take advice from cult leaders and cons.
Let us add, the god idea is completely ridiculous. Those who believe snakes talk and virgins have babies and human resurrections from graves have a serious thinking disorder and cannot tell the difference between fantasy and reality. Those who believe they have magical speech that a caring deity hears might as well be considered lunatics. The god idea lacks merit yet causes so much death and destruction.
@@ardentynekent2099 That a good one!😂
I often come to check on the traitors, illegals, criminals, of the commie and worse news networks comments.
Well said!!!
There is no hate like Christian love. We cannot have freedom OF religion without first having freedom FROM religion.
I love the fact that Jesus said “forget the Old Testament” and Christians still quote “eye for an eye” despite it being cancelled in the Sermon on the Mount.
It’s almost like they haven’t read the book and all their religious zealotry is just performative nonsense.
I love the fact, that you yourself have not read the bible. Jesus never said, that the old testament was invalid. That is what religion does to your brain. It cuts your intelligence in half.
Throughout the history of the world, atrocities have been committed “in the name of the Lord”
That’s why we have separation of church and state.
In the 20th century the atheists killed more people than any modern religion has in its entire history
Excellent coverage of the 1st amendment. Excellent coverage of the separation of church and state.
Tax the church.
@@HTub-bo2ylWe can tax both at the same time.
Obviously DON’T TAX religious organizations and individual churches. If you tax the church/religious-worship-services, that would grant due-cause to acknowledge them as services which are entitled to representation in government.
They aren’t taxed because they have no rights to representation in government, because it’s explicitly a secular nation.
Want tax dollars spent on religious schools and other institutions of religious worship? Start taxing them and see how quickly they qualify for your tax money to fund their services.
@@arlarl5122 you make a bill to tax them AND keep them from public funds. You can do both (maybe not in our political environment, but that would be my solution). At least then people's "tithes" which are just taxes by another name. Could actually be used to help the people. Instead of just paying a glorified kindergarten story teller for nothing.
How would it be any different than taxing businesses? What consequences are you warning against specifically?
@@arlarl5122 That's not why they aren't taxed.
Churches can pay their taxes then. And I suggest back taxes also
With interest
1000% agree!
People are free to believe whatever they want and that is all well and good, but the moment they try to use their beliefs as justification or use public offices to force their beliefs on others that is where it crosses the line and becomes intolerable.
The Founding Fathers came to America to escape religious persecution.
The pilgrims escaping religious persecution is somewhat of a myth. The reality is that the English viewed them as religious extremists and wanted to get rid of them and they were more than happy when they left for the new world.
religion is man's ideas of what God wanted, just the law of Moses and Christ Jesus is enough for me. You want to go to the lake of fire? Then so be it, as for me and my house, we can survive without you.
The Founding Fathers founded this country on Judeo-Christian values and beliefs. “In GOD we trust”. Sound familiar? “One Nation, under GOD”. Sound familiar? Stop trying to separate GOD from everything. That’s what has gotten us in the mess we are in right now. Wake up all you who claim to be “woke”. Before it’s too late.
@@RobertSmith-qq2ss Religion is a form of control, nothing more. It is the means for a very small group of people to control a very large group of people and thereby control the resources.
We are all in the exact same boat and we all have the exact same amount of information which is zero.
Nobody knows and anyone who claims to know is a liar.
There is no lake of fire or gods. Please keep your delusions to yourself.
Taxation is the key balancing tool, for times when religion is funding more politics than charity. Tax the churches, or this will get full Hand Maids Tale.
50% of the people are non-religious,...and I think there is one person in congress, that is listed as non religious.
Religion spends the overwhelming majority of their money, is on property, building maintenance, political spending, and their own schools....Not Charity.
As a Catholic Democrat, these people sound like radical pastors vs genuine judges 🙄
How is this guy allowed within a thousand miles of the bench?!?! Shocking!
Most people in this Country also ask how could've, CONold or the rest of the Traitors and Insurrectionist Senetors that were involved on Jan 6th are still walking free and not behind Bars.
He's in and from Alabama!
I still think we need to put the wall around the South, too.
@fellfromspace Ya this unconstitutional clown judge needs to go the way of the infamous Judge Roy Moore who was also on the Alabama SC and also the chief justice of Alabama and was kicked off the bench twice. Alabama is a Sh$thole 3rd world state run by a christian Taliban! Welcome to Y'all Qaeda! And the Q is just icing on the cake for them.
The chief justice needs to go. He's stopped caring about the law and replaced it with the bible. That is not the law.
Again, if churches demand that their values/views be the ruling voice then they should be taxed at a high rate.
There's a VERY good reason for the separation of church and state !
Yes, and the reason for the separation of church and state is to protect the church from government intrusion, not to deny citizens the right to vote their values.
The separation of church and state is to prevent a Church of America, like a Church of England
It’s to protect the government from religion. We are a secular nation, period!
Thank you Alabama for protecting human lives.
It looks like we need another pandemic, cause it seems it took only 4 years for people to forget how fragile their life is, and how they should respect it from time of conception.
Many good reasons... Like, everybody fashioning themselves to be in office as an "avenger to execute wrath against..." anybody!
This country is being destroyed by hypocrites
Exactly and we need to stop it.
Build the wall, between church and state: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion”
Respecting or banning.... They didnt want to give any special privileges to any one religion but they also wanted to allow the free worship thereof.
Why does America not support a single religion?
It’s really simple.
How many wars, conflicts, deaths, insurrections, and other forms of violence are caused by invoking religion?
The founding fathers understood this. Thus all religions are equally protected and supported without favor. You can’t do that if you’re forcing Christianity down people’s throats.
Well said, and they don't seem Christian at all.
Fun Fact: Whenever the Christians no longer have non-Christians to torture and murder, they've always turned on each other for not being the "right kind" of Christian.
And conservatives want to bring that back
We have the freedom of religion. We have the freedom to practice or NOT practice.
@@mariarivera4197 Exactly. Freedom of religion must also constitute freedom from religion.
Jesus believed in the separation of church and state: "give to Caesar what's his, and to God what's his". The early church didn't try to set up a new state or over throw the government, or force their morality on others.
Jesus wasn't real.....🤗
But Satan chosen people don't
Have you met Jesus? I sympathise with your notion though.
Andrew: That's the way I interpreted it. Jesus knew all about the fallacies of man and also accepted where the world had come to to that point and where the world was going.
I don’t believe in the nonsense but it’s good info to use against the Christian Nationalists.
I read Mother Goose & ESOP’s Fables & get more love & logic from them than I ever did in Sunday school. The hate for others was too much😿 When I want to be with God I go & sit on his earth amongst his trees.🙏
Indeed so !!
Monotheisms usually.has been the more blood thirsty and intolerant of religions, particularly when a sub-sect's Idolatrous leaders and folloers paint themselves as purely the purest of the pure, .
. ...Whilst casting vehement insults, abusive allowances, and words of hate & serpentine seditious-ness to threaten others with and espouse power and lustful greeds full of righteous spite & evil thoughts for others within their wilfully blinkered minds of ideological theocratic hellish terrorism
These lunatics live in a make-believe world.
As a nonreligious person I'm so sick of being subjected to other people's delusions and insanity. If you're religious, fine. Keep it to yourself.
May I give you an additional 10 million likes.
@@LongWeiner-x9y No
Same for secularism. You can keep your delusions to yourself. You think there's more than two genders? Keep it to yourself. You think that we should mutilate young girls and boys bodies? Keep that opinion to yourself.
"When religion and politics ride in the same cart, the whirlwind follows. "
- Dune, Frank Herbert
It really says something when they care more about unborn children than living ones.
and they purposely want the parents and children to suffer because then they would feel a need for the god the religious are trying to sell them.
They don't care about the children born to starve in Africa/middle east, just the white fetuese.
Well, it's easier for them because with abortion, all they have to say they don't like it. Living children require actual work.
Well, to be fair... they DO care about the White children that have already been born.
Or, why should my taxes feed my neighbor's kids ?
If a couple has 200 embryos stored, does that mean they can get government assistance for the 200 kids they have?
You just pointed out a fatal flaw in the Republican’s thinking.
Hope someone takes it up. A niece little earner. Before you know it Wall Street will have securitised the embryos and we'll be able to hold them in our 401k..a double tax break.
@@Amy_T85People are doing that every minute of every day.
@@lennieismael7455401k's are not tax breaks.
These extremists, are dangerous.
Leftist extremists are far more dangerous, yet you continue to vote for them.
There's also the matter of Article VI, paragraph 3:
_... no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States._
It's pretty clear to me that the founders wanted a SECULAR government, and those who espouse Christian Nationalism are seeking to improperly superimpose their religion on it. As a member of the Freedom From Religion Foundation, I fight against that effort, and there are plenty of others in that same fight.
We have been supporters of FFRF for years! They do awesome work to help keep religious zealots where they belong, out of public spaces.
Religious nationalism=naziism
Do IVF parents who own the embryos, get to take those children as tax deductions?
Great program! Thank you for putting this on Ali!
The very minute a church utters one political word it becomes a political entity and should be TAXED.
Then how come you aren't calling to tax the black churches that Biden gives campaign speeches in? tax the white churches only?
Indeed, but even taxed they are still dangerous. The two should be kept separate. Never get politics from a religious institution nor religion from a government.
They should pay taxes, now!
Christian Nationalism is not about your relationship with God. Christian Nationalism is about your relationship with the government.
No, its about the Church controlling everything you do.
Look up the Inquisition.
And the repuklicans are really pushing that Christian nationalism! Thing is,we're not a Christian nation.
How can you use a phrase that has no definition?
True, When you mix Authoritarianism with religious conservatism, that's how countries end up with Popes, Ayatollas, Talibans, Kings, Furors, Ceasers, Shaws, Little Kims, and any other lifetime-appointed dictators telling you what to believe and who to praise. The Orange Cheesus wants his cult of maga minions to praise Him. The already adjudicated r@pist and real estate fraud.
@@stevestoll3124 oh, please.
They can't be reasoned with. Only fought. Vote Blue!
If public funds are going to religious schools, then it's time for churches to pay taxes.
Indeed, but even taxed they are still dangerous. The two should be kept separate. Never get politics from a religious institution nor religion from a government.
psst. Now the trans movement and Islam is coming for the kids. Hmmm?
so pass a law that treats the religious schools differently, but oh. that would be against the 2nd amendment.
@arkenautgundlach2498 The trans movement is religious as one needs a lot of faith in the ideology in order to believe that people can change genders. Maybe we should tax the trans movement?
Freedom of Religion also means, Freedom From Religion.
And currently, I heard Trump speaking about restoring Christian prayer in public schools. I disagree with that because public school is not a religious institution. And there are students with various religions and not all Christian. Religion doesn't belong in public schools. Trump is trying to pander to the Evangelicals and Christian Nationalists to get their votes.
This is exactly why I am literally afraid of these religious groups
Fear them MORE... since they are just waiting for Trump to win before they pull out their guns.
All religious groups? Or just the ones you are told to disagree with?
@@johnnyboy81zUP Personally all of them, to easy to watch people fall for dogma and be swayed by others. Because they believe in something on faith, to be swayed into fundamentalism ideas. Based on that religion, and perform acts of horror on other people.
More frighting, when these fundamentalists ignore all writings and history of the founding fathers. And continue to spout off that USA was founded as a Christian nation, or it was their intent.
Although I am an atheist. I have always believed that the separation of church and state guarantees religious freedom. But now, I think we need to drive out all religions from all public institutions and schools like France did. The Alabama Supreme Court ruled on IVF based on the Bible😡
And what I find interesting is that IVF wasn't around in biblical times.... Which really is just a really telling of very old stories and translated how many times? Wonder what got lost in that process....
The Bible says life begins at first breath, not at conception. That's a nine month difference.
Republicans , the American Tailban
You do realize you're intentionally or not, advocating for genocide by using France as an example, right?
@@hildeschmid8400 amazing what changes with using the proper wording or punctuation...just saying
The first European settlers in America were often refuges from a country with an established religion precisely because they were a religious minority and considered blasphemous. THAT is why the 1st ammendment exists.
Whenever you speak to someone who doesn't believe in the separation of church and state, and ask them about the establishment clause, they often seem to be under the impression that it says that "government can't establish a religion". Within the establishment clause, the verb is not "establish". Establishment is a noun. The verb in question is "respecting". Congress shall pass no law *respecting* an establishment of religion. What does the word respect mean in this instance? A simple dictionary definition gives us "have due regard for the feelings, wishes, rights, or traditions of". So no law can be made that has due regard for the feelings, wishes, rights, or traditions of an establishment of religion. This is a simple, plain English, textualist reading of the amendment. Anyone who doesn't believe in the separation of church and state is either illiterate, or does not value our Constitution.
"Respecting" - to be fair - also has a traditional meaning which is roughly like "accepting" or "allowing" - in other words, it says Congress shall not pass any law in which the establishment of religion is considered legitimate.
Just a quibble. Agree the main point, which anyone with any knowledge of the founders and the point of the creation of the government knows, is that they wanted to ensure that government stay out of people's practice or not of religion and make no law that infringes into that area.
@@gliberty42 While that is a valid interpretation of the word respecting in this context, it would be an incredibly roundabout and weird way of writing the law if that was its intended interpretation!
@@KiranasOfRizon would it? I don't know... Despite quibbling I am not sure that my reading is less likely, considering how they tended to write, but also I don't think it changes anything really. I bet my friend Sasha Volokh would have something interesting to say on the subject - as a scholar with historical legal knowledge in this area. @sashavolokh750
They don't value our constitution. If and when the time comes, they will turn on a dime and stop saying that it was delivered to the framers by none other than Jesus Christ, and start saying that the framers used a Ouija board or some other instrument to invoke Satan and conjured the constitution out of the infernal place. Mark my words!
@kiransOfRizon= A.I BOT COMMENT
The religious right is always talking how sacred life is when it pertains to women & unborn fetuses.. but that sanctity never seems to extend to criminals (death penalty), the black community or to anybody on the other side of their guns.. even children.
or to the young men they send to war to die, the working homeless poor and their children. or the children that age out of foster care and end up dead on the streets. how religion has held back human progress for centuries including medical discoveries like glasses and antibiotics. they need you to pray and give them money every week. if you can just take your child to the doctor and they get better. that takes god out of the equation. religion is extremely dangerous with how influential and manipulative it is.
You clearly know nothing about people of faith.
@@rileycoyote8275 people of faith have started the most wars in human history.
The religious right has never considered women's lives sacred; rather, it has prioritized unborn lives over women's lives.
Weird that they treat innocent children differently than violent criminals.
we are not living in the year 1095. this is absolutely unacceptable. NO CHURCH IN POLITICS! ‼️‼️‼️‼️💯
The US is closer to being the christian equivalent of Iran than I thought
First Christian prayer in school, then belief that Donnie Trump was sent by God, and next women wear headscarfs.
Yep, and we - your western allies - are watching with a mix of horror and despair.
Next, no public schools, only private schools for the rich.
Then, no voting for women.
What are the negative effects of religious indoctrination?
Symptoms include cognitive, affective, functional, and social/cultural issues as well as developmental delays. RTS occurs in response to two-fold trauma: first the prolonged abuse of indoctrination by a controlling religious community, and second the act of leaving the controlling religious community. How religious dogma can impede critical thinking and problem solving?
Put simply, religious individuals are less likely to engage logical processes and be less efficient at detecting reasoning conflicts; therefore, they are more likely to take intuitive answers at face value and this impairs performance on intelligence tests.
@@M.J.212 absolutely THIS.
The Alabama Supreme Court merely said the quiet part out loud.
If a Judge uses that kind of Religious language to justify a ruling, then they aren't fit to be a Judge.
No person that believes in magic should be allowed to be in any position of power nor allowed a firearm.
No atheists for sure
@@bigtobacco1098 So you think the people that think this one life we get is precious and worth preserving are the crazy people huh?
Not the guys that think you will burn forever in fire seven times hotter than any Earthly furnace for the 'sin' of not bowing down to a Middle Eastern demon?
They can believe what they want but not impose laws based on it.
Most people shouldnt have guns or children.
@@bigtobacco1098But Christian Nationalists are okay because they have morals?😂😂😂😂😂
Doesn't Alabama have an active death penalty?
Only if you damage a bible or blaspheme. 🤣
The reason the Founding Fathers separated Church & State was to protect the Republic from wack jobs like this. The Bible clearly states "judge not lest you be judged!
In other news: A Texas court has ruled mosquitoes which have fed on human blood are, in fact, "part human" and entitled to Constitutional protection.
lol 😂
Substitute "Politicians" for "mosquitoes". LOL
@@johndavidwolf4239 Politics: from Poly (many) + ticks (blood sucking insects)
Must've been the 5th Circuit.
FYI, you all missed the opportunity to mention that “in God we trust” was not originally on our currency, or in the Pledge of Allegiance, and was later added during the red scare, which was just another freak out from Christianne conservatives.
Bingo! I still have a 1950's print of a 100 dollar bill. Ben Franklin w/o the 'in godz we trust" . That it was added proves fear over reason.
@@gyrene_asea4133 Dwite D. Eisenhower put _In God We Trust_ on money, as the motto, but the original motto is _E Pluribus Unum._ The Eisenhower administration also added _Under God_ to the Pledge of Alligence.
The Christians are not honest actors. That should be clear with the evidence you presented. The issue is so many people lack the courage to call out the god idea for what it is, CRAZY! These people meet on Sunday so they have a support group to believe things a child must be forced into to believe. Religion doesn't work without force. Defending against a religious take over also doesn't work without a counter force. The counter force must be greater than the religious force, which includes our government of religious lunatics. My friends are cowards, I can tell by the comments. Moderate Christian is a ridiculous idea. Either they pretend magic is the answer or they do not, there isn't an in between. Magical thinking isn't healthy in any context. We allow it with children, and that might even be a mistake.
@@nebtheweb8885Yes, and ...?
It was not right then, and doesn't offset the Interstate Highways Act. Which, iirc was declared by some to be an affront to the godz! Which? I don't recall. Probably one whose temple didn't get an off-ramp.
Christ y'all are this pressed over four words. Makes me wonder who the true moral puritans are.
this is horrific. now they are changing what direct words actually mean. SEPARATION OF CHURCH & STATE IS A LAW.
And now these “People of God” are determining what “god” wants and expects from us. They consider it their sacred duty to make sure we follow what they interpret those dictates to be. Scary stuff.
What God wants is clearly written in His Holy Word.
@@rileycoyote8275 Clearly as in Catholic, Protestant, Baptist, Evangelical, Muslim, Hindu, and I’m sure I’m missing a few but you get the point hopefully.
@@rileycoyote8275yes and it very clearly states in his word that he wants slavery
@@UlexiteTVStoneLexite 🙄 once again, a thing who quotes the Old Testament and thinks it knows what it's talking about.
@@UlexiteTVStoneLexite You should go and gobble down a few bags of Doritos and wash them down with an 18 pack of Bud Light.... You know you want to.
Somewhere, I read about the freedom of religion. It basically means that I have freedom from your religion.
It's my understanding that the separation of church and state was supposed to allow people to practice any religion they want to without the government interfering. But that also includes allowing people to be atheists too.
@@loreleimcbroom328 which is what the OP wrote
@@loreleimcbroom328 Or just not involve yourself with others insecurities!
David that is true , but live in peace with peaceful people .
The statement One Nation under GOD was added in 1954 by President DDE. In the 1950s, the IRS said Churches can file non profit tax exempt. They don't pay Federal Taxes to support the government, but they want me government to support their schools and control what is taught in public schools.
And the phrase was only added because of the presence of communism in the world, and the perceived threat to our government.
And handmaid tale.
ReTrumplicans want woman to be barefoot and pregnant from puberty to menopause. They want you to have12 to 15 kids. If you miscarry a pregnancy, you will get arrested. If you take birth control, you will be arrested. If you have to abort for any medical reason, you will be arrested. If you do IVF, and miscarry, you will be arrested. If you have a needed abortion and have to travel to another state, you will be arrested and so will the people who helped you.This is what ReTrumplican Corruptlicans want for women. If they could, they would take away your right to vote. The Mandetory Burkas will be next.
The god idea is for lunatics and it is certainly about the crazy god idea. Faith is pretending you have evidence. Faith is the lack of justification to believe something is true. In what way does faith perform different than pretend? Some of my friends just lack the courage to ridicule the god idea, the root cause of so much death and destruction today and every day on this planet. It is absolutely about faith. Without the faith/pretend, the god idea cannot be compelling. What are you arguing for? Either magic is the answer to the questions we don't have answers or magic isn't the best explanation.
@@thomastucker5686Okay Nietzsche, are you going to buy your Funko Pop now?
@@PeruvianPotato do you have an actual point? Are you compelled by a particular god character from a particular story? Do you pretend to have magic speech or do you feel a particular god? We have some folks who claim to be magic god detectors and will tell you they can feel a god. These god detectors should get together and map out all the gods.
Ali Velshi please talk about this each and every day !! They have an overall plan to conquer America. My church got taken over by this philosophies and plans so I left that church quick.
So they running around with hand guns to Jezzus would laugh at them...
I don't believe that God is an evil dictator that forces people to go to heaven if they don't want to go, he gives us a free choice.
"human life cannot be wrongfully destroyed without incurring the wrath of a holy God" can be applied to soooo many Republican issues too. Think of all the lives they are destroying by enacting anti-abortion laws, or laws banning trans healthcare, or laws forcing children to be apart from their parents at the border...
How was this even approved as a valid argument???
As a french citizen, I am beyond SICK at the news coming from the usa.... It breaks my heart, and makes my brains fry...
As someone that lives here, shouldn't you be more worried about the actual corruption going on in your country right now rather than trying to delve into the cancer known as American politics?
Why are you watching American news if you hate it? Honestly the news out of France didn't seem that great to me last time I checked, so I stopped checking. Might want to think about that.
France is doing great these days 🤣
Try living here. At least you’re not forced to live under other’s delusions of what their “gods” want everyone to live like.
Religion is a cancer eating the bowels of our great secular nation!
Alabama is one of the Southern states who are refusing EBT summer lunches from the federal government for low-income children whose main source of nutrition are school breakfast and lunches. This program benefits children also of struggling working parents. Everyone gets a summer meal, no questions asked.
The god idea destroys what could be normal human brains. The god idea doesn't work without forcing children and poor uneducated adults into it. Only the most gullible fools pretend a god is real. In the south, this thinking disorder is an epidemic.
Yes questions. How is that their main source of nutrition? Their single mothers need some attention from the state.
@@SubvertTheStateYes questions. So punish the kid because of the mother's mistakes and or because she's single? Whether it's their main source of nutrition or not I want to get this right You're against feeding the children? Correct?
Some people really think Separation of Church and State means banning prayers in schools. No, it means banning School-Mandated Prayers, or forceful Prayers. Students and Staff can still pray and perform religious activities, as long as they don't force it on others.
Treaty of Tripoli - "The Treaty is often cited in discussions regarding the role of religion in United States government for a clause in Article 11 of the English language American version which states that "the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion."
WAKE UP! They don’t care about the law, rules, or truth.
I am awake!!!
Yea conservatives are pushing their beliefs onto others.
Who the Democrats?
Support ALL women's rights! 🦋👊🎀
If churches get control is our country, there will be no women's rights. It will be a theocracy.
Keep it up, Ali Velshi. Crucial argument!!!
Tax on Billionaires and churches.
Brilliant and vital... and terrifying discussion! Thank you both very much!
Doesn't Alabama have the death penalty? If they do how can you say all life should be treated equally when you take someone life?
It's this simple, they are not prolife Christians. They're heretic hypocrites who cherry pick biblical verses which suits their agenda.
One of the great Republican hypocrisies...but take it further! Healthcare, childcare, education...they don't want to pay for it let alone provide it. They don't care about anything but $$$$$$$$$.
THIS INSANE !!!! We must VOTE BLUE UP & DOWN THE BALLOT !!! They will continue to take our rights !!!!!
Mike Johnson says god spoke to him. That tells me all I need to know.