That number 1 always gets me. It's absolutely rediculous! Even if you are a professional footballer playing in one of European top leagues, this goal dwarfs you, it probably makes you feel you will never reach that level. The positioning, the idea, the strenght and the precision of the shot, orientation... Everything is crazy perfect!
zlatan has scored goals that left me speechless, messi and ronaldo too but zlatan's goals have something i can't describe but it's something i love, it's like he pushes the limit every single time he tries to score and he ends up scoring some unbelievable goals
It's just that he's extremely athletic he can score goals which wouldn't be possible for anyone but him, and maybe other athletic monsters like Haaland or Lewa.
That is the one making sense to to me rest all were quite ordinary to be honest it was more luck associated with them . That goal should have be NUMBER 1
@@saisagartata9464 Almost ever long or powerful shot is luck/ skill. If you hit it just right the amount of curve could be crazy or none. The bicycle kick won him a puskas so thats why it is number 1
One of the best of all time and definitely the best in Sweden, what a guy !!! Top class entertainer, truly your own person. In addition, a large amount of warmth and humor, which he can´t hide on some occasion in interviews, nice to see. Full respect. 👍
He could score a goal like Maradonna, Ronaldinho, Ronaldo, Messi, Cristiano... but all those superstars could not score Zlatan's unique goals....GOD of goals indeed..
@@arneshpal7702They are better in other areas of the game yes, But most unique goal scorer as such is something NO ONE can touch. You have a few players that you argue about the best pace, about about best tackles, dribbling, passing But there is ONLY ONE that have pulled that off, and ur just lying to urself if u don’t agree
Number 1 should be the best of all time!!!! I doubt somebody will be able to score something like that in a very long time!!! Thank you 🙏🏻 Mister ZLATAN!!!
I don't consider Zlatan's goals as spectacular, I consider him spectacular. One can have a coincidence and can score a great goal, but no man can score so many spectacular goals. HATS OFF!!! (Though there is none on my head.)
Viendo esto con lágrimas en los ojos, por que se nos va El Gran León Sueco gracias por tanto Ibrahimovic, el hombre que le regreso la sonrisa al Milán 🤧❤️🖤
Biggest Ninja Player EVER. Maybe he wasn't the best player in the world, maybe he didn't win the trophies he deserved, (bad luck with teams) but the fact that he scored the most beautiful goals in the last 20 years cannot be taken away from him. LEGEND.
It reminds me of reading about the history of the development of sambo like flying arm bars then the Russian style martial arts I did for 3 years and then watching Fedor Emilianenko..... Basically the October Revolution had a great influence upon combat arts sports etc. I think Ibramovics style reflects this as well- unconventional and revolutionary and audacious l'audace l'audace l'audace
Zlatan is my everything! proud of being Swedish just because of him. Endless love, when Zlatan pass away I'm gonna cry for like five years oh no my heart just broke
A gifted, intelligent, kind hearted man with a great sense of humour. Unfortunately misunderstood. Gods don't age, they mature like fine wine. Love Ibra ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
Scored in 4 different decades.... 31 trophies and counting..... still an elite player at age 40 about to likely win another scudetto..... over a goal every 2 games for SWEDEN.... a unique mix of power, improvisation and creativity.... and just has that certain something footballers rarely posess, a certain entertainment factor, arrogance yet magnetism - love or loathe it. Already a legend of the game and football will be worse off when he retires and winning Serie A with AC would seem a fitting time.
Zlatan om du ser detta, du är sjuk i huvudet på ett positivt sätt. Du är världens bästa Zlatan, helt sjukt hur du kunde ta dig från rg till detta. Största förebilden.
The 2nd best goal is infinitely better than his nr1 goal. Though it is an absolute beauty it.s just one kick...gorgeously executed and absolute stunner. But the goal with ajax is a colection of amazing entire play where he gets one opponent after the other off balance...even the camera man is fooled!!! I mean...have you ever seen a camerman pan to one side cause he thought the player was gonna shoot? Generally they keep a broader view..but he was so sure there would be a shot that he panned the camera towards the goal and we actuslly lost view of Zlatan for a second...that is INSANE and completely unique. That goal is in my opinion one of the best of all time...i reckon that just because it was a dutch national league goal with ajax, it didn.t get the full merit ir deserves. But my god is that an amazing goal!!!
Amazing goals, amazing player. Zlatan didn't get made all these goals by accident, he is very smart. BTW, #4 is way better than #3, though #2 and #1 are hard to argue.
Hallo miteinander Zlatan ist und wird für immer eine Legende bleiben. Vielen Dank für den grossartigen Fussball den du uns gezeigst hast, und auch deine tollen Kommentare. Mit sportlichen Grüssen Raphael Wellig
ich erinnere mich noch an das tor glaube gegen österreich als er nen fallrückzieher 🙏fast an der mittellinie bei den bänken seitlich ins englische tor 4:2 90min. machte wunderschön u einer der sich nichts gefallen lies kein mitläufer👍🤝
Zlatan is the most unique goal scorer in football history.
I'm his fan
you are right
There is only one Zlatan !
Yeah. I love him. He’s one of my favourites besides Messi!
"When I stepped foot on moon, Zlatan was already dancing there." - Neil Armstrong.
He was roaring
And now it's called moonwalk 😊
When first phone was made they already had missed call from zlatan
Underrated comment
That number 1 always gets me. It's absolutely rediculous!
Even if you are a professional footballer playing in one of European top leagues, this goal dwarfs you, it probably makes you feel you will never reach that level.
The positioning, the idea, the strenght and the precision of the shot, orientation... Everything is crazy perfect!
Seriously, I thought it only happen in anime 😅😂
Yea it's ridiculous especially the idea behind that shot. That's kind of the mentality Zlatan has. He says it himself, he isn't a "simple player".
@@syalalaputri1802 i know you talking about the shidou gol in blue lock lmfao
Honestly, the #2 goal is way more impressive to me.
2:23 i like how he did not just trick the players. but the cameraman as well. twice xD
zlatan has scored goals that left me speechless, messi and ronaldo too but zlatan's goals have something i can't describe but it's something i love, it's like he pushes the limit every single time he tries to score and he ends up scoring some unbelievable goals
It's crazy. I am not a fan of too much idolising sportsmen, but Zlatan is so unique. One of a kind.
It's just that he's extremely athletic he can score goals which wouldn't be possible for anyone but him, and maybe other athletic monsters like Haaland or Lewa.
@@andreapedroni3256 Haaland is a tap in merchant lol he's nowhere near ibra when it comes to producing aesthetic goals.
Crazy goals the best
2:23 Zlatan even trick the camera
tricked*, past tense boy
Oliver Halkjær Lol yeah
3 times😂😂😂
Legend has it when Zlatan left the house as a teenager his last words to his father were “You’re the man of the house now”
When mark Zuckerberg invented Facebook he already had a friend request from zlatan
Zlatan don't send friend request to become friends
Zlatan is already in the list 😎
Zlatan is god
He only invented Facebook to be able to become friends with zlatan
Underrated comment
When Zlatan was skydiving his parachute didn't open. The day after he went to get a refund for it.
A legend, that no one can replace
Admit it you already knew the number 1 goal
Yes we know
2:20 absolute show of great dribbling
to be honest, this must be his nr1 goal
That is the one making sense to to me rest all were quite ordinary to be honest it was more luck associated with them . That goal should have be NUMBER 1
@@saisagartata9464 Almost ever long or powerful shot is luck/ skill. If you hit it just right the amount of curve could be crazy or none. The bicycle kick won him a puskas so thats why it is number 1
2:22 Speechless !!! That dribble 🔥🔥🔥
He fooled the cameraman 3 times lol
Do you want to talk/learn about God/Jesus? God/ Jesus love you and can help you with whatever you may be going through!
Messi does groceries that way.
@@RA-el6zj who
@@smolfry3438 FWC Champion I guess
When Zlatan looks in the mirror nothing appears. There can never be a second Zlatan.
One of the best of all time and definitely the best in Sweden, what a guy !!! Top class entertainer, truly your own person. In addition, a large amount of warmth and humor, which he can´t hide on some occasion in interviews, nice to see. Full respect. 👍
A wise old man told me: Zlatan sleeps with lights on, not because Zlatan would be scared of the dark but the dark is scared of Zlatan
Chuck norris
@@stonecoldsteveaustin2493 Zlatan
Oh my god its very funny hahahahah
good one! lmao
Zlatan doesnt sleep....its sleep that Zlatans
He will go down in history.
What a legend.
Hej fra Danmark, han er en fantastisk spiller og legende
every goal is the best goal when it scored by Zlatan 🔥
exactly! (Y)
His asistence is the best goal
Anyone: "You cant score goals backwards."
Zlatan: "Hold my beer."
After he retired I just can’t help but start watching these videos just to admire this true LEGEND 😢
He could score a goal like Maradonna, Ronaldinho, Ronaldo, Messi, Cristiano... but all those superstars could not score Zlatan's unique goals....GOD of goals indeed..
I mean he can't score goals like messi and Maradonna tho
In terms of dribbling
@Afnaan-sd4ws messi and Maradona still better tho 💀💀
@@arneshpal7702They are better in other areas of the game yes, But most unique goal scorer as such is something NO ONE can touch.
You have a few players that you argue about the best pace, about about best tackles, dribbling, passing
But there is ONLY ONE that have pulled that off, and ur just lying to urself if u don’t agree
@@arneshpal7702irrelevance brother enjoy zlatan won’t have another
When Zlatan was born his parents didn't name him , he named his parents .
Wtf 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Zlatan's mom didnt give birth to him he gave birth to her
This comment is all over the internet lol... It's not even funny anymore
the doctor said: congratulations, it's a man
This guy is a legend for sure. Sweden is lucky to have a player like Zlatan.
Lovely country, lively player..
One of the best strikers in the world
His goals are amazing !
Number 1 should be the best of all time!!!! I doubt somebody will be able to score something like that in a very long time!!! Thank you 🙏🏻 Mister ZLATAN!!!
When zlatan join the club, they agreed with his term and conditions.
This is somehow the most accurate fact is Zlatan's career
Zlatan best goal maker ever in the world and history!
yes if there were no players at all
MHYA then zlatan wouldn't exist dumbass
Of Course , He Is The Most Unique For Sure
i was celebrating the last goal even as an england supporter as it happened. unbelievable this man!
When Zlatan was born, the priest was baptized
Wtf best
zlatan is islam tbh
When Zlatan swims in the sea full of sharks...the sharks are the victims.
When Zlatan comes to your house he gives you the Wifi password
That’s weird?
People that don’t get it
So Deeeeep
The password is zlatan1234
I don't consider Zlatan's goals as spectacular, I consider him spectacular. One can have a coincidence and can score a great goal, but no man can score so many spectacular goals.
(Though there is none on my head.)
Ya each time he scored my tv vibrated....and other channels would applaud him
Top 5 players in the world...
1. Zlatan
2. Zlatan
3. Zlatan
4. Zlatan
5. Zlatan
MattyCreativeCenter The sixth best is Zlatan
You forgot to count 0. Zlatan
How dare you put Zlatan on 2nd place?
Viendo esto con lágrimas en los ojos, por que se nos va El Gran León Sueco gracias por tanto Ibrahimovic, el hombre que le regreso la sonrisa al Milán 🤧❤️🖤
You cant recreate his goals in fifa. Then you know he is the GOAT
That overhead against us, england was absolutely insane...
i just stood and applauded it on the tv when it happened.
This man is GOLD !! And the goal they make against Anderlecht ,this was also a power shot !
Zlatan doesn't play football, football plays Zlatan.
so weird
Zlatan doesn't hit crossbar. Crossbar hit zlatan.
@@pemawangyel3452 442oons?
Unreal, this guy. Very unique player and goals, nobody has ever done it like he did, absolute joy to watch these highlights.
Biggest Ninja Player EVER. Maybe he wasn't the best player in the world, maybe he didn't win the trophies he deserved, (bad luck with teams) but the fact that he scored the most beautiful goals in the last 20 years cannot be taken away from him. LEGEND.
Ronaldo for football
Messi for footbal
Football for zlatan🔥
ZLATAN: I would like to thank myself because without myself none of this wouldn't be possible....
His goals cant just be repeated he is a king a legend.
They can be repeated only by Zlatan
@@benlinus6679 the prime zlatan which one
zlatan doesn't play football, football plays zlatan! What a player who is young forever!
My oh my god the number 2 goal is an art. What an absolute genius of an player he is.
#2 was ridiculous. The defender tried to grab him @ 2:27 while he was outside the box but missed lol
Wilbert Arenas. #2 very good. Messi has a few of those.
@@Algonac9 Messi Fanboy detected
@@daxxx2107 but its true tho
The Defender should be happy he didn't grab zlatan or else zlatan would have grabbed his teeth
1:17 one hell of a knuckleball 🔥⚽️🔥
He had another amazing goal on his debut match for LA Galaxy.
It reminds me of reading about the history of the development of sambo like flying arm bars then the Russian style martial arts I did for 3 years and then watching Fedor Emilianenko..... Basically the October Revolution had a great influence upon combat arts sports etc. I think Ibramovics style reflects this as well- unconventional and revolutionary and audacious
l'audace l'audace l'audace
Zlatan tells his parents when its time to go to bed
Who is here when zlathan is back in ac millan?
{EC}SIDAR gamer me
Milan is back to zlatan bruh
who tf is Zlathan?
Zaltan is god
Mrs Mrs
2 man worshiping Idiots
Skill level: God
Personality: God
God: Zlatan
Zlatan: God
Zlatan's real identity: God
No skill level: ZLATAN
guys lets say this isnt real! it is like a quote but not for me lol
The last one was"class, world class"
Zlatan makes the football league that we have been watching till now, a child’s play. He is in another level 🤔
I am happy they put his solo goal against Ajax, people don't recognize how beautiful it is
He kicked the ball from behind . Awesome Zlatan ❤️
Zlatan is my everything! proud of being Swedish just because of him. Endless love, when Zlatan pass away I'm gonna cry for like five years oh no my heart just broke
same here :(( wait isnt he immortal?
this dude has scored some of the best goals in football history
A gifted, intelligent, kind hearted man with a great sense of humour. Unfortunately misunderstood. Gods don't age, they mature like fine wine. Love Ibra ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
Scored in 4 different decades.... 31 trophies and counting..... still an elite player at age 40 about to likely win another scudetto..... over a goal every 2 games for SWEDEN.... a unique mix of power, improvisation and creativity.... and just has that certain something footballers rarely posess, a certain entertainment factor, arrogance yet magnetism - love or loathe it. Already a legend of the game and football will be worse off when he retires and winning Serie A with AC would seem a fitting time.
Zlatan doesn’t need the football, the football needs him.
When zlatan eats in a restaurent the waiters writes good reviews about zlatan on tripadvisor.
Mini Maradona moves is 2nd goal. And first was absolutely sensational. Pure perfection
I was lucky to watch the goal against England in a pub in London. Everyone clapped their hands to God (of football) Zlatan
Zlatan om du ser detta, du är sjuk i huvudet på ett positivt sätt. Du är världens bästa Zlatan, helt sjukt hur du kunde ta dig från rg till detta. Största förebilden.
Once Zlatan fiddled with his watch, now we call it a time zone
most spectacular goals of any player in the history of football
The best Zlatans goal is the best goal in history.
If all Zlatan did was one of maybe the 7 best of these goals it'd be watched forever.
You know who's a true football legend when you know nr 1 befeore vid starts :) I can think only of Zlatan and Maradona.
He must play in Brazil. He's one of the most skillfull & talented footballers all of time.
God be like: what skill do you want?
Zlatan: yes
Zlatan is god
DameYT ツ i dont think Zlatan Speaks for himself
@@haraldhansson6792 I feel like that makes this comment more valid
Hahahaha awesome!!!
You forgott ibrahimovic
Even it's a easy goal for Zlatan but he makes it so cool by doing it uniquely 😌🔥
The video doesn't even do him justice, bro is a monster.
The 2nd best goal is infinitely better than his nr1 goal. Though it is an absolute beauty it.s just one kick...gorgeously executed and absolute stunner. But the goal with ajax is a colection of amazing entire play where he gets one opponent after the other off balance...even the camera man is fooled!!! I mean...have you ever seen a camerman pan to one side cause he thought the player was gonna shoot? Generally they keep a broader view..but he was so sure there would be a shot that he panned the camera towards the goal and we actuslly lost view of Zlatan for a second...that is INSANE and completely unique. That goal is in my opinion one of the best of all time...i reckon that just because it was a dutch national league goal with ajax, it didn.t get the full merit ir deserves. But my god is that an amazing goal!!!
Yes truth
Zlatan does not win his team a match by scoring a goal.
A goal wins a Zlatan by winning the match for the team.
ok this is starting to get stupid
Amazing goals, amazing player. Zlatan didn't get made all these goals by accident, he is very smart. BTW, #4 is way better than #3, though #2 and #1 are hard to argue.
Alla svennar som sökte upp den här videon är *LEGENDARER!*
Number 8 I was in the stadium … incredible goal 🔥🔥🔥🔥
God of bicycle kick
IMO #2 was one of the greatest solo goals of all time
Bicycle goal against England was crazy 🔥🔥🔥
Besides Maradona. I've been most excited Watching Zlatan Play.
This legend never get old
I love how players like Zlatan, Ronaldo and Adam Johnson show how age is just a number.
Other countries: we have an army
Sweden: We have a Zlatan
My neighbor just lit off fireworks for this !
#2 a forgotten great. One of the finest individual goals period ⚽🏆
I'd say he beats any other footballers compilation of top 10 goals. A complete original.
Zlatan couldn't join the avengers because his powers are stronger than all of them combined.
Once Zlatan kicked a yellow ball too high towards the that ball is called the sun🌞🥵
perfect music for this too, thank you
Hallo miteinander
Zlatan ist und wird für immer eine Legende bleiben. Vielen Dank für den grossartigen Fussball den du uns gezeigst hast, und auch deine tollen Kommentare.
Mit sportlichen Grüssen
Raphael Wellig
Who's here after watching Zava on Ted Lasso?
Number 1 goal is INCREDDEBLE!
Who's here after he scored his 500th Goal ?
Sr. Omar I’ve scored a scorpion kick before then we drew ; Clifton rangers 1 to 1 FGW
@@davehewitt8420 Who cares i Scorer a bicycle kick from 27 meters
ich erinnere mich noch an das tor glaube gegen österreich als er nen fallrückzieher 🙏fast an der mittellinie bei den bänken seitlich ins englische tor 4:2 90min. machte wunderschön u einer der sich nichts gefallen lies kein mitläufer👍🤝
The best long range shooter and most creative shooter of all time.