Drewmas Media taking us to another level. Handizivi Ndebele but ndazvinzwa. We need to support each other. Love you Skhobokhobo keep it up!!!💖💖💖 Interview more Ndebeles we will learn Ndebele as we go. Thank you Drewmas Media.
@@padsonpadzala Skuza and Lovemore Majaivana . I know Magee is now in America but they must arrange a zoom meeting with him we need to hear from these legends
The truth is that our artists have been imaginalised by state institutions and our people have been displaced. We need our own TV and radio stations to promote our own, even if you look at our football as a country the most successful national teams was during the times of fabisch where we had players from matebeleland and mashonaland mixed and during Sunday marimo we had about 6 players from matebeleland
Izandla Opah....👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿Izandlaaah Madlela👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿.Kuhle kakhulu wena Drewmas ukungena eMat londoda imbali yamartists...Your point on Madlela.."abantu bakithi"...is a big and not only complicated...its also sophisticated..I'm strongly tempted to agree with you ukuthi its "spiritual"..Yes we got the demographics against us ekhaya...but why did Albert Nyathi loskhokho Jays get the reception they got eGoli.Bakwethu wr have a lot of work to do...Guys...guys..let work,..let's work and wake up!!!..(and stop the cry baby mentality).I stand to be corrected.☝🏿
Bashemane ndlovu I would like to know that he is a sotho speaking somebody or not cause I had him saying that his mother is a moberwa nationa,nna ke mosotho nka thaba kudu ge a kare o tseba go bolela sesotho
Muchinda ari very intelligent. Good facts. Thank you madlela
i liked this Madlela lami ngikuthanda njengoba uthanda uMadinda lami ungafika ngiyatatazela
I am shona and understand very little ndebele but extremely love this man. Have been a fan for years.
What a great free humble speaking person. This guy have facts and points on all his answers 👏
Drewmas Media taking us to another level. Handizivi Ndebele but ndazvinzwa. We need to support each other. Love you Skhobokhobo keep it up!!!💖💖💖 Interview more Ndebeles we will learn Ndebele as we go. Thank you Drewmas Media.
Chokwadi ndine shungu yekt vambobata Skuza futi
@@padsonpadzala Skuza and Lovemore Majaivana . I know Magee is now in America but they must arrange a zoom meeting with him we need to hear from these legends
Well said Madlala the problem umona abantu beMatebeleland and ignorance. People need to change it's wrong.
You can say that again
Thanks Madlela you are a good mentor my Brother kuningi esikufunda kuwe Bhutie Mdala
Uuuum Madlela uyinkunzi mdala iqiniso uyalimela 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽💯
Intelligent man, great interview, we need to support our artists guy..
ndlamudlamu,syabonga qiniso lelo isizwe silimele sidinga ukulungisiswa ,Mahle amazwi AKho Amen INKOSI BUSISE
The truth is that our artists have been imaginalised by state institutions and our people have been displaced. We need our own TV and radio stations to promote our own, even if you look at our football as a country the most successful national teams was during the times of fabisch where we had players from matebeleland and mashonaland mixed and during Sunday marimo we had about 6 players from matebeleland
😀😀😀 yah uyezwakala Dlelaz, ilukhuni indaba yamaNdebele. Uhlupho silahlekile bruru . Sahlukumezeka kakhulu lesisizwe so eish.
Siyabonga madlela, phakamisa isizwe madoda
Siyabonga Madlela sizwile kumele sibambane sizwe sikamthwakazi
Liqiniso sure akesiphakamisaneni maNdebele amahle👏
Kkkkkk Nani yiyo engiyithandayo le ulo Themba I like it very much.
Oppah ,ramba wakabaya ,up up dremas taking us to another level
Ndoifarira music yako Madhlela. Thanks to Ndux Dube. Bo Majazana baya murikitha 😂😂😂😂
"Sibamba konke, kante ungasenzani"... Sisonke Madlela, ngiyawuthand' umsebenzi wakho
Great interview, big up bhudi omdala 👏🏽
Izandla Opah....👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿Izandlaaah Madlela👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿.Kuhle kakhulu wena Drewmas ukungena eMat londoda imbali yamartists...Your point on Madlela.."abantu bakithi"...is a big and not only complicated...its also sophisticated..I'm strongly tempted to agree with you ukuthi its "spiritual"..Yes we got the demographics against us ekhaya...but why did Albert Nyathi loskhokho Jays get the reception they got eGoli.Bakwethu wr have a lot of work to do...Guys...guys..let work,..let's work and wake up!!!..(and stop the cry baby mentality).I stand to be corrected.☝🏿
ImaTebeleland siyi maZululand egoli ayihhh🙌
Anondigonera murume uyu,ngiyazithandela lomfo ingoma zakhe siyangicaza kakhulu
Ukuvuselela okuhle.. Since l moved to UK iNdebele yami ichithekile.. Thanks Oppah
Kubonga thina❤️
@@oppahmpofu4430 unamandla futhi usebenza kanzima 🤠👏👌✌💞
Great artist. Great entertainer. Uyachaza Madlela. Zulu
Sibonge Madlela ulibekile iqiniso , abantu besiNdebeleni asisapotani yilo iqiniso lelo , ungaya ku facebook abalandeli bahleli besilwa becothoza abahlaeleli besiNdebeleni , njalo lento yobandlululo ayiphele elizweni lakithi ikakhulu emsakazweni wakithi i Radio Zimbabwe
Yebo okunye bhudi Madlela ungachothozi abantu basesishoneni kumafilimu akho khona sizathola ama supporters lasesishoneni, ngicabanga ukuthi yikho okunye okwenza kube lenzondano
Amashona will never support amandebele bake baxotshwa ku stage emashoneni kuthwa sukani asilizwa ukuthi lithini bajikijelwa ngama mbodlela beku stage
Ngiyabona ngiyawutsandza umnyuzika wakhu❤
What about icovid vaccine wathi ezim yibutaputapu madlela yooo you just made my life more easily just to laugh and forget about this pandemic
Wonderful! kp it up ntana wemi
Siyabonga Madlela dlamudlamu s'khobokhobo 🤠🤠👍
thank you Madlela, lami seng'siya thenga icamera.
Thank you madlela liqiniso asibambananga ngyabonga kakhulu Mina Skhobokhobo, umadam boss was lyk a queen ebuya phesheya eshoneni babambene
Ngeyakithi leyo muhle umsebenzi mfokamdala inkosi ikwenzele kahle
Liqiniso lelo amaNdebele asi sekelani shame angazi ukuthi yini ngathi.
Siyakubongela madlela khula uze ukhokhobe phakamisa isintu sakithi
We need to unite and have Ndebele people with money to support the local Artists like in Harare
Njalo ungathi amandebele awalamasupoters ngoba bonke oMakho Sibanda laboEric knight ngamacelebrate esindebeleni nje
u Eric knight lishona
Abantu bakithi silomhawu lenzondo uqinisile Madlela
Madlela uqinisile mfowethu,abantu bakithi siyayeyisana kakhulu,
Sukwenzile Skhobokhobo..... Siyabonga nduna
Great entertainer / artist. Great interview.
The guy making the advert 21:09 , his content was so amazing.. Who is he where can we get his content
Love u Sikhobokhobo
Like yu bro n yu entertain me very much keep it up
Madlela, ngiyakudinga, kakhulu, ngake ngakujayivile eFNB stadium,
You are making a point gatsheni dlelas
Well done Bhudi well spoken......
Siyakuzwa bhudi omkhulu ❤
Well said mfethu am behind you, and all artists ako Mthwakazi
Iqiniso lelo elishiwo umadlela sehluleka ukuthi sibamban or inengi le2 alikwaz ukusebenzisa ama4n ngicabanga ukuthi siyadingana bafw2 umuntu wakithi umasenza smthing asisukumeni siyomeseka ngobuningi
Eyihhh sbande KKK wena Khumbula umadlela ekutshela kuba ungusibanda KKK🤣🤣🤣
Yes mdara I was also part of Shaina
excellent work Ndlovu
We love you bra skhobo from belingww
Thanks dlelas ma uthii spiritually good
Amandele alenhliziyo ezimbi. Amakhalanga ayasappota izinto zabo Kanye labompumalanga kodwa ompondo Shem kkkkk
We love you here in Gokwe Mr Madlela ngamnakha joe my kids like that song bajiva kuze kuse #Drewmas to another level 🎚️watsha dlam dlam liphi ihloka
Thank you
Siyabonga Dlelasi, ukhuluma iqiniso
Amandebele are too reserved,bafuza uJoshua Mqabuko Nkomo
UMadlela siyamthanda kakhulu thuthuka akwande
Kunenkinga kithi esindebeleni 😶😶😶
Thina salahla amasiko that is why sihlupheka guys
Sorry baba madlela uphi lowana oactor laye ngesiNigeria lisasebenza lonke lamanje nah
Our one and the only madlela
Well said we must unite. This Shona ndebele what what must end.
Ukhulume waqeda Dlelaz
Kkkkk ngamnanga usa ma mo kkkkk kurough straight lana
Apa warova wena dremas
Mahlela the best and humble
Uhlala ngaphi Mampo ???
The best mandlela syakuthanda nyan nyan
Liqiniso lelo dlelazi
Shoo madlela
Siyabonga madlela, phakamisa isizwe nsizwa
Sibande! Yikuhlala kuhle yini ndoda?? Hayi uyacazimula!!
Thankyou Drewmas
Qiniso shelasi👏
Kkkkkk twa uku subhukriyidha
Syakuzwa Madlela.
Ngaze ngathinteka ngendaba yokungabambani kwamaNdebele Ndlovu. Ukhuluma iqiniso elimsulwa mkhaya wami ngokwami ukubona sajoveka kabi ngumjovo wababusi beMpumalanga. Inhloso yabo kwakuvele kuyikusehlukanisa njengohlelo lwamangisi
Its politics divide and rule tactics then abantu be matebeleland balutshwana than abasi shoneni so its worse mabengasasapotani kuhle kube worse
We love u siyinkayi dlelasi
Sybonga drewmas media
Bashemane ndlovu I would like to know that he is a sotho speaking somebody or not cause I had him saying that his mother is a moberwa nationa,nna ke mosotho nka thaba kudu ge a kare o tseba go bolela sesotho
Yahhh he knows how to speak sotho
@@Georgeshotit le wena o mosotho waara
Kuzolunga bhudi wami thina siyakhuthanda inkosi ikhona
50 du iyashisa madlela
He is the best
You can see that shona companies promote everyone, they have love and understand business
Vele kufanele angithi singabantu sonkefuthi siselizweni elilodwa south africans promote each other eZim siyehlulwa kuyini?
drewmas syabonga lihlanganisa isizwe
Thanks dreams
This guy have a point 50 duu
My favorite
We love siyinkayi dlelasi
Hello oprah mpofu
Love more unjan
System descrimination mothusi our country media never promote us but non the less others they are trying
Ko demo ririkupi
Dlelas well done
Well said chibaba