I dont remember exactly what I used, but PET has a melting / printing point of around 260-260, so I think something like 220 should do it, its quite easy to adjust on the spot. I stopped doing it though because of the smell, if you have some outdoor space its fine, but indoors its not worth it. It was printing fine with this filament but same problem with the smell when you print as well
what temperature do you use in the extruder when you are making the filament?
I dont remember exactly what I used, but PET has a melting / printing point of around 260-260, so I think something like 220 should do it, its quite easy to adjust on the spot. I stopped doing it though because of the smell, if you have some outdoor space its fine, but indoors its not worth it. It was printing fine with this filament but same problem with the smell when you print as well