Touhou Sapphire Panlogism - Stage 5 Lunatic 2MNB

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 23 ก.ย. 2024
  • I'm fucking tired of trying to perfect this shit, so here ya go
    This stage is for some reason fucking bullshit, despite the fact that when it's just me vs a certain segment of it (i.e just Padma), it's essentially the easiest s5 on Lunatic I've ever seen
    Like seriously, why or how the fuck could I capture all of Padma's spell 20 times in a row in spellcard practice mode, then just fucking die to literally everything nine times out of ten in a real run? This stage is fucking cursed
    With Reimu, this piece of shit is pretty much trivial. If you don't decide to randomly decide to fucking die to the fucking tapstreaming fairy, or the wall orb even with the cheese method, or whatever the fuck this stage has.
    The pre-midboss section of this stage is pretty standard. Just stream&restream constantly and you're good to go.
    The kamikaze orbs can be routed, but after constantly failing those shits, I've found out that just fucking kill them is a trillion time more consistent
    For the orbs that Padma releases, just start from the side and kill them one by one. Don't stay near the sides, since you can be stabbed by jellybeans coming from your back. which just sucks
    (02:10) Midboss nonspell
    Easy and trivial, literally just tapstreaming while avoiding random shit. This is the first fucking time out of the 25+ times I've passed this thing I've died to this shit. This entire stage is literally cursed.
    (02:25) Seal Sign "Digi-Bound Devil"
    idk just move to the side and dodge, and pray that you don't bump into random shit
    Post midboss section is, again, trivial. Just develop a route for each section, or just follow my route lol.
    Padma is, in my opinion, the easiest s5 boss ever existed. Prior to this run, I've NMNB'd her at least 3 times, and she still manage to randomly kill me for no fucking reason
    (03:53) Nonspell 1
    Just dodge lol. Again, pray that you don't brainfart.
    (04:10) Strange Silhouette "Tiger Cage Zoetrope"
    Very easy spell. Stay under Padma for the 1st movement of the flock, watch where Padma's 1st movement is and go to the opposite direction. Stay under her, repeat that one more time. The flock will create a gap in the knife wall big enough for you to sqeeze by.
    (04:28) Nonspell 2
    Know which wall should you move and which wall you should stand still. For the wall that goes to the opposite direction of your movement, move. Otherwise, stand still. Restream after a wave end and Reimu's homing will take care of Padma for you.
    (04:42) "Belle La Corriveau"
    Normally, this spell is super trivial. Just do 1 movements on the bottom of the screen, then right when you hear the 2nd butterfly being fired, just move up. From that point beyond it's literally vertical tapstreaming.
    Just don't choke for no reason and die to it, which I definitely did in this run.
    (05:01) Nonspell 3
    Just dodge. Go to the opposite direction that the flock of gray knife is being fired (which you could probably notice beforehand, which, for most of the time, is the side you're in) and don't crash into the fancy BoWaP.
    (05:16) Whirling Silhouette "Kinetic Panopticon "
    100% static spell that is nearly impossible to fail. Yet I did fail it once, sooooooooooo.
    Basically, just go to the sides when the big ball thingy go to the center, then come back. Memo for the things that could kill you while you're on the sides.
    (05:44) "Coporate Livestock's Self Sacrifice"
    Yes. Yes I DID capture this shit 20 times consecutively, with a 95% caprate after I found the correct way to do it, and yet I STILL fail it most of the time in an actual run. A really wonky survival. After taking a brief look at the code (which I may have modified at a certain time to make Padma & Stage section practice possible), the position that Padma will go is not affected by your position. Through it does kinda look like you can manipulate her into going to the spots you want by adjusting your position.
    To do this spell, my only advice is to do it a lot. Pretty much just memorize every single scenario and pray to god that your brain will help you when it happens. Go to the place furthest from Padma so that you, the center of the circle and the center of the screen are in a line to create bigger gaps, and hope for the best.
    (06:25) Alice Silhouette "Child's Hansei-kai"
    Just look at the spellcard history.This spell is her hardest spell if you go in blind, but also the spell that you could never brainfart or straight up wall you. An extremely fun spell. Just kinda follow my route with Reimu, and you'll cap it 100% of the time (granted that you keep out a keen eye for the butterflies when you're close to the edges)
    Thoughts about this stage on the comment

ความคิดเห็น • 7

  • @lib6194
    @lib6194  3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Thoughts on the stage:
    -Stage portion: Okay, not good and not bad. At least the game will decide where to spawn enemies based on your position though, which is pretty cool
    -Midboss:Lame nonspell, pretty fun spell.
    -Character Design: 10/10. She is simply too hateable, has a bunch of cool references and stuffs.
    -Theme: Has massive Moon Child vibe, which is way too final boss-y for a stage 5 boss, and inhumanely long. 10/10.
    -Pattern Design: This entire boss is literally a jumpscare - extremely creepy at first sight, both in terms of difficulty and appearance, but fairly lame once you've known her. 9/10.
    -Difficulty: Way too easy. Even Rakukun is 5 times harder than her. Her entire fight is literally just route-or-die, and once you have found a route for all of her attacks, her fight becomes trivial (2-3 miss/bomb throughout the entire stage at most, which is highly unbelievable for a scrub like me). If you create a boss fight that even I can perfect twice on Lunatic, then you know she must be way too easy. 3/10

  • @lib6194
    @lib6194  ปีที่แล้ว +1

    somehow this is my most viewed video
    summer 2021 memories

  • @gurselbasbuyuk1314
    @gurselbasbuyuk1314 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Video needs more like and wievs.

  • @loafofchihuahua
    @loafofchihuahua 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Now do it with Marisa

    • @Nn.65juk
      @Nn.65juk ปีที่แล้ว +1


  • @stupidkateforever5328
    @stupidkateforever5328 2 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @wrigglel
    @wrigglel 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    excuse me where is the background