Such a beautiful clock! Almost bought one similar at auction, A Winterhalder & Hoffmeier. but noticed it was quite damaged (I could still restore it) But the price went way beyond the worth in that condition. But it’s my style! ornate, rare, and high end!! and hope to get one soon!
Such a beautiful clock! Almost bought one similar at auction, A Winterhalder & Hoffmeier. but noticed it was quite damaged (I could still restore it) But the price went way beyond the worth in that condition. But it’s my style! ornate, rare, and high end!! and hope to get one soon!
someone carved the hell out of that thing . first owner must have been rich af .o.
The chime sequence is always incorrect on these clocks lmao
Just the type I want to have in my collection some day: chunky wooden case, 8 bells, 4 gongs.
Sound like big ben
It's a shame that both chime barrels are out of sequence on such a fine clock.
I noticed the same.... It wouldn't take much to fix it either.
F-major, correct?
The chime sequence is off.
Just want to know how to get it!