Thanks for uploading this. Mine wasn't printing very good quality prints until i realised you're keeping the charging cable in, so I deducted that I needed a new cable and now it works perfectly
I found one cleaning out a condo unit I'm helping do a rehab on. The lady that lived in the unit went into an adult care facility. That's why I'm here. I was wondering what the hell it was and how it worked. The one I found still had a bunch of the paper rolls with it. I tried to plug it in to see if it still works and it does. Its very cool even if I have no use for it.
Thanks for uploading this. Mine wasn't printing very good quality prints until i realised you're keeping the charging cable in, so I deducted that I needed a new cable and now it works perfectly
I just ran across mine while sorting through some legacy IT stuff to get rid of. The DAK packing slip from 1987 doesn't have the price on it.
I found one cleaning out a condo unit I'm helping do a rehab on. The lady that lived in the unit went into an adult care facility. That's why I'm here. I was wondering what the hell it was and how it worked. The one I found still had a bunch of the paper rolls with it. I tried to plug it in to see if it still works and it does. Its very cool even if I have no use for it.