For people who are talking about giving A-Bahamut wave talent. PONOS probably give a mini-wave but it only happens on his 2nd hit which means he gained only 880 extra damage from the mini-wave lol
@BasmatiCentauri mini-wave deals 20% damage of unit's base DMG. And the first hit deals around 110k DMG so mini-wave on first hit deals 22k DMG which is too high.
@@Anwar04 that is why I brought up the BCU thing. 5% or 10% damage would be decently reasonable on level 1 or 2 mini wave, or you could just give normal wave to second or third hit, which still does something.
Valkyrie: +80% stats, higher Freeze chance(up to 100%), Sage Slayer, 20-25% Critical Hit Bahamut: +20% stats(maybe not damage), Wave Immune, Survive, either Weaken Immune or maybe Cost/Recharge Down(?) To be honest it’s a bit hard to think of talents for Bahamut outside of a few that wouldn’t either be near useless or push him over an edge.
These are way to broken, 100% percent chance to freeze non metal for an early game unit and 25 chance to crit, bro that would make Valkyrie better than all legend units and also 80 percent stat boost?
We have Idi for surge immune Giving Bahamut wave immune is better suited for my personal expectation of the required progression needed to get the talents.
If Valk got surge/mini, or explosion it would be nice to bring her up to like the Uber valks. It could help her freeze proc too if they don't upgrade freeze. Sage suits her vibe. Behemoth on A.Baha fits his vibe. Survive would be nice for just one more hit. Maybe some kind of slow immune or resist
If you take ut in consideration any talent that includes a different dynamic like massive/insane dmg, wave, surge, speed increase, strength, etc to bahamut will put him beside Dasli in the broken tier So i believe we have to don't expect much other then things like recharge time or immunities
Awakened bahamut: Cost down (4500->3250) Surge immune Wave immune Toxic immune Weaken immune Freeze immune Slow immune Behemoth slayer Extra money Zombie killer Strengthen 50% at 50% hp Defense up Attack up Speed up
Talents for A bahamut -Explosion immunity -Wave immunity -Strengthen actives at 50% HP with 200% DMG boost -100% Survive Lethal Strike -HP up (max 20%) -ATK up (max 20%) Talents for Valkyrie -Sage Slayer -Strong Ability (vs all traited) -Surge immunity -Savage Blow (max 30%) -HP up (max 80%) -ATK up (max 80%) (yes i gave Valk 80% stat buffs with HP and ATK up talents cuz she's so bad)
At the very least, Valkyrie needs 80% stat boost a la purchasable special cats in order to have relevant hp and attack in current meta. I'd also like to see her given strong against, and attack up like her enemy variant, as well as an increased freeze proc since even at 100% chance she'd still have less than 50% uptime. Idc what six would be (maybe she needs more than six to be relevant). As for bahamut: 20% stat boosts of course, but more importantly, give him survive and strengthen at least, and speed up would also be great. I also think it'd be funny to give him base destroyer just because, but that'll never happen because the cheese would be too strong.
@ no because, the point of the joke is that PONOS will give Baha bad talents, and since Bahamut thrives off getting KBed, (as then he can do his attack again) PONOS would make it KB immune; it’s not like units can’t get immunities in talents.
Remember everyone, LVL. 50 A.Bahamut with a 20% damage boost would have a higher DPS than LVL. 60 Yukimura with Strengthen. And take back his throne of the highest DPS in the game
Valk: 20% for a LvL 5 mini wave Freeze chance up Cost Down Hp up (100%) Atk up(80%) Stong against all traids Bahamut: 25% for a savage blow Atk up(80%) Def Up(80%) Cooldown down Wave inmune
@vupcro5927 20k extra damage is not bad at all. It will also clear the way for awakened baha himself. though level if they do choose mini wave, the level will most likey be higher
Valkyrie besides of the urgent improvment of her Freeze ability, she also needs survivability like giving her strong against, or survive. And giving her a surge attack also would be good.
I’d like to see something along the general outline of: Bahamut 100% level 1 mini wave 20% attack boost 80% hp boost 30% cd reduction Viable additions: benemoth slayer, surge immune, cost down personally, survive, strengthen, or speed up changes his play style too much for me as well as being Yukimura-like Valkryie 20% attack boost explosion 80% hp boost 35->70% chance to freeze non-metal Freeze uptime 2->3 seconds Honorable mentions would be survivor, surge immune, sage slayer
Good but not broken talents for Bahamut could be hp/dmg up, lethal strike, and slow immune. My brother had the silly idea of a low lvl 1 mini wave chance. Valkyrie uh... I dont use her enough to share my opinion on her other than better freeze chance and freeze duration. Maybe give her wave/sure/explosion immune to expand her use? Idk... I just know her survivability for end game and freeze procs need work.
Valk really needs that boost the catfood special cats have and maybe Strong plus a boost to her freeze chance and she would be at least useable. A baha is already amazing, so maybe just Survive talent or redeployment time down would be enough.
Talents I would do Valkyrie 1 cost down 100 cost down per level 2000 at max level 2 cool-down down at max 25 seconds (I’m pretty sure she starts at like 60) 3 strengthen at max 100% boost at 50% (to mimic the boss) 4 defence buff 20% 5 attack buff (20%) 6 Immune to surge These aim to take her from a long cool-down high investment unit and instead of buffing her to the moon and back these talents aim to make her go from an Uber like an incredibly bad one at that to more a spammable mid ranger with a chance to freeze best unit to compare her too is dancer cat Bahamut 1 survive 100% chance at max level 2 strengthen 200% strengthen at 1% at max level 3 speed up (100 speed at max level) 4 attack buff (20%) 5 immune to waves Bahamuts description states his attack and speed are unrivalled this aims to make that true once more also immune to waves is just a QOL thing as well as going with valks surge immunity Rate this out of 10
True Valkyrie Cat Survivor +10% per level, 100% at lvl. 10. - extra chance to attack, freeze and clear peons Massive Damage (All Traits except Metal) - improves stats and capability to damage enemies quickly with potential to stay in the field longer with Freeze. HP UP +8% per lvl, +80 at lvl 10, 42,840 total at lvl 30. - basic stat boost Attack Up +8% per lvl, +80 at lvl 10, 22,032 total at lvl 30. - basic stat boost Mini Wave (Lv. 3) +10% per level, 100% at lvl. 10. - this allows VC to proc more often and against farther units. It’s quite difficult to fix an early unit. With having tested her on a few stages (7-8 stars) I quickly realized, she’s going to be best suited as a quick burst of damage attacker. She has no chance of lasting on the field. Her movement speed puts her into enemy range, taking unnecessary damage. So, dealing lots of damage to get the value from 3000¢ is important. Awakened Bahamut Cat Strengthen - 50% damage increase after HP is below 50% (3KB) Survivor +10% per level, 100% at lvl. 10. - One guaranteed extra burst/knockback Defense UP + +8% per lvl, +80 at lvl 10, 45,900 total at lvl 30. (7,650 durability per knockback) - If dealing with mid peons/attacks, Bahamut chain can last longer/do more damage. Recovery UP decreases production time by 2% per level, 20% at lvl. 10 (77.87 seconds new recovery time) - It is now less frustrating to lose Bahamut and can be brought back again more frequently. Slow Resist +16% first level, +8% each additional lvl, 70% at lvl 10 OR Freeze Resist +16% first level, +8% each additional lvl, 70% at lvl 10 - I’m choosing resists over immunities to not make it too over buffed. You can easily choose to unlock lvl 1 only. Originally I wasn’t sure if Bahamut should receive an increased to his damage. However the capability of “Bahamut Chaining” goes down significantly as you progress. Strengthen would be fantastic to combat this. In combination with HP UP, Bahamut will be better able to use up all of his 6 KB. Also his Enemy variant is named Raging Bahamut Cat.
I don't know why people aren't talking about how these talents should be acquired. I think it should be through a new story chapter, as it would be fitting. I think the talents for bahamut will be mediocre at best, as I think PONOS would not want to break the balancing of the legend chapters, especially SOL. I think the talents for valkyrie will be a different story. I believe that she will be more focused on her crowd control abilities and will gain a sage slayer. She may also have 100% freeze chance, as that would make her freeze duration have about 50% uptime. This will not make her a broken unit, whilst also making her a reliable CC unit. I do believe that she does need more to expand her CC capabilities, such as mini-wave chance or a new CC ability, such as weaken.
I don't know what PONOS would do for their talents, but what I do know is that A-Baha is a rusher unit and Valk is a CC unit. So here's my guess on their talent upgrades.... A-Bahamut: He's a rusher unit so having stat boosts is always good (at least the 20% damage boost if they ever only give him one) and 100% survive to potentially get one more hit. Having some immunity to wave/surge could work along with him being immune to slow/freeze/weaken. And I don't know about giving him waves/mini waves/surge to go with his attacks, depends on what Ponos does. Valkyrie: In all honesty, no one used Valk after Ch.1 of EoC and her stats are somewhat similar to the purchasable cats (do correct me if I'm wrong here). So having a 80% stat boost will make her prevalent after so long for various stages, but this is PONOS doing the implementation so we don't really know if she'll be screwed over by the stats. For now the stat boost could range from 50% to 80% for now. It may be possible that giving Valk the Strong talent will work for making her live longer, and I hope to Cat God that they increase the freeze proc to more than 50%.
That would be broken asf a savage blow from a level !30! bahamut would do ~250k damage at level 50 that would be about 326k damage!!! with an attack rate of 3 seconds...
Valkyre cat: def atk up, mini waves, immune to curse, freeze talent to increase the likelyhood of freeze. Bahamut: atk def up, Savage blow, wave immune (then in reality) valkyre: atk def up, curse resist, knockback. Bahamut: atk def up, curse vs all trait, curse resist, immune to freeze 💀
Valkyrie getting explosion Bahamut get massive damage against every trait except metal, 100 NP to unlock one trait each and getting wave immune and some other thing like surge immune or smth
For Valkyrie: Strong Freeze chance up Survivor Atk & Hp up 80% For Bahamut i cant think cause it already great unit. Maybe Weaken, Slow, & Freeze immune & standar atk & hp up 20%
pls i hope Valk got her redemption pls ponos don't mess up her talents what i hope her talents will be: 1.HP 2.DMG 3.Freeze chances up 4.Freeze duration up 5.Survivability (or any immunity)
to be fair, uninstallations and reinstallations do contribute to the 100mil downloads. I have downloaded the game 6 times now after losing my save file 5 different times.
Just give A Bahamut level 10 wave (each wave makes a level 5 surge), guaranteed crit, guaranteed savage blow, 100% strengthen at 99% hp, and explosion, and he MIGHT stop being outclassed by courier.
Good if Valk get thought or survive Bahamut get wave/surge immune Valk is CC and better if she got more chance for freze or time in freze and something for up survivability Bahamut is rusher nuker- he is good but wave and surge is bad for him. He need immune to both+ if he got strengthen its be very nice Valk is bad and maybe ponos try make it better Bahamut is uber super good and maybe ponos give him some good and some stupid talents Anyway EN players cant play with talanted valk and baha for 1 year +-
Valkyrie: Resist freeze (70% max) Curse immunity Knockback ability Health and attack up (80% max) Bahamut: Slow (30% chance for 2 seconds) with target red Resist wave (20% otherwise Bahamut would be OP) Movement speed up (by 5) Health and attack up (5%) Don't let PONOS cook oh gosh I'm scared 😭🙏
having knockback and freeze on a unit is DANGEROUS. Take a refresher on the mizli syndrome. Bahamut does not benefit from slow. Instead, I would switch it for lv.2 mini-wave, lv.1 surge (50%), or savage blow (200% magnification, 50% chance). I can understand that your talents are geared towards early-mid game. The problem is that the slow talent will be useless for most of the game.
@Jivom16 Bro I'm just joking around, you know what talents PONOS cooks sometimes. I'm in UL and I got my first Ultra Form recently so I have some knowledge about the game. Tbh I want them to add something very good for Valkyrie, she's so out-dated bruh 😭
💀💀Imagine bahamut got dodge and insane damage and the target trait in talents were metal and zombie and no crit talent and z kill and add a resist toxic talent and the normal atk and Def buff 💀💀. ☠☠If they only gave Def buff and no atk buff talent☠☠
For people who are talking about giving A-Bahamut wave talent. PONOS probably give a mini-wave but it only happens on his 2nd hit which means he gained only 880 extra damage from the mini-wave lol
Lmao 💀
Mini wave in BCU has a percent of damage thing
10% and level 1 or 2 would be decently well balanced I think (on first hit)
@BasmatiCentauri mini-wave deals 20% damage of unit's base DMG. And the first hit deals around 110k DMG so mini-wave on first hit deals 22k DMG which is too high.
@@Anwar04 that is why I brought up the BCU thing. 5% or 10% damage would be decently reasonable on level 1 or 2 mini wave, or you could just give normal wave to second or third hit, which still does something.
Imagine time between attacks reduction on bahamut, we'd finally get the unit shown to us at the end of into the future.
Time between attack and back swing is not the same thing
A.bahamut doesn't have time between attack
@@Id_iot_ic then no backswing anymore :)
@@caoinhnamkhanh2795 That can't be a talent, it'd have to be a new form, as animations can't be changed by talents.
@overdramaticpan lol its ok to dream
@overdramaticpan good, new ultra form
Valkyrie needs alot of improvements like freeze procs increase, freeze duration, greater survivability, greater damage, decreased reload speed/deploy cost and some immunities
She won't get any of that dw. I'm confident this company will give her something stupid like curse immune and bounty and call it a day
@@ultragamer952wave resist
@@ultragamer952or weaken resist
Massive damage to metal(no crit)🤑🤑
@@flaviamurgida9469 this is too OP😂
Wouldn't that be useless?
@@kornkamolchanyasak9545yea thats the joke
Nah insane damage + resist curse
You know what else is massive?
That insane damage against metals and resist curse going crazy 🔥💀
Can't wait for the soul strike talent 🤑🤑
@@ilikethebattlecats (no zombie killer) 🤑🤑🤑
Valkyrie: +80% stats, higher Freeze chance(up to 100%), Sage Slayer, 20-25% Critical Hit
Bahamut: +20% stats(maybe not damage), Wave Immune, Survive, either Weaken Immune or maybe Cost/Recharge Down(?)
To be honest it’s a bit hard to think of talents for Bahamut outside of a few that wouldn’t either be near useless or push him over an edge.
These are way to broken, 100% percent chance to freeze non metal for an early game unit and 25 chance to crit, bro that would make Valkyrie better than all legend units and also 80 percent stat boost?
@@Rouxlstudiolucas mentioned how 80% stats increase wouldnt even be enough for valkyrie 🤷♂️
Wave immune would kill my boy Legeluga, so I object
@@khalif-6805 but that plus the other talents…
@@Rouxlstudio if her stats still below average shes not gonna do much if she cant even stay in the battlefield plus dont forget shes a mid ranger
I hope Valkyrie gets guaranteed freeze and an 80% boost on attack and defense 🙏
Bro's tryna deny the resist freeze and kb immune talents 💀
How about speed up and decreased TBA?
that seems a bit good
that seems a bit good
bahamut with survive and surge immune
I seriously hope so
We have Idi for surge immune
Giving Bahamut wave immune is better suited for my personal expectation of the required progression needed to get the talents.
@BasmatiCentauri I was just about to say that, lol.
If Valk got surge/mini, or explosion it would be nice to bring her up to like the Uber valks. It could help her freeze proc too if they don't upgrade freeze. Sage suits her vibe.
Behemoth on A.Baha fits his vibe. Survive would be nice for just one more hit. Maybe some kind of slow immune or resist
Imagine its speed up for awakened bahamuth
at least give A Bahamut dodge ability or strong ability
@@Panapel_YTif he gets dodge it would be like sending an anime character to the frontlines
@@Panapel_YT imagine wave attack
We need strengthen
Imagine bahamut got dodge and insane damage and the only target trait in talents were metal and no crit talent
If you take ut in consideration any talent that includes a different dynamic like massive/insane dmg, wave, surge, speed increase, strength, etc to bahamut will put him beside Dasli in the broken tier
So i believe we have to don't expect much other then things like recharge time or immunities
Awakened bahamut:
Cost down (4500->3250)
Surge immune
Wave immune
Toxic immune
Weaken immune
Freeze immune
Slow immune
Behemoth slayer
Extra money
Zombie killer
Strengthen 50% at 50% hp
Defense up
Attack up
Speed up
all talents cost 5 np
I just want Valkyrie Cat to be good, man. Praying PONOS delivers.
Talents for A bahamut
-Explosion immunity
-Wave immunity
-Strengthen actives at 50% HP with 200% DMG boost
-100% Survive Lethal Strike
-HP up (max 20%)
-ATK up (max 20%)
Talents for Valkyrie
-Sage Slayer
-Strong Ability (vs all traited)
-Surge immunity
-Savage Blow (max 30%)
-HP up (max 80%)
-ATK up (max 80%)
(yes i gave Valk 80% stat buffs with HP and ATK up talents cuz she's so bad)
Bahamut became yukimura with its Halloween counterpart combined
A 200% strengthen yuki is like asking bahamet to do insane damage to relics like idi, but make it every trait
270k a bahamut damage at level 30…
Damn that's crazy 🤣
Yeah I don't think that strengthen and 20% atk buff would be good for the game (far too much damage)
At the very least, Valkyrie needs 80% stat boost a la purchasable special cats in order to have relevant hp and attack in current meta. I'd also like to see her given strong against, and attack up like her enemy variant, as well as an increased freeze proc since even at 100% chance she'd still have less than 50% uptime. Idc what six would be (maybe she needs more than six to be relevant).
As for bahamut: 20% stat boosts of course, but more importantly, give him survive and strengthen at least, and speed up would also be great. I also think it'd be funny to give him base destroyer just because, but that'll never happen because the cheese would be too strong.
Massive damage to metal + curse resist + knockback immune + soulstrike for A. Baha 🤑
You mean knock back resist?
@ no because, the point of the joke is that PONOS will give Baha bad talents, and since Bahamut thrives off getting KBed, (as then he can do his attack again) PONOS would make it KB immune; it’s not like units can’t get immunities in talents.
Soulstrike with no Z-Kill, Sisyphus gaming
Wait till he gets 200% strengthen at 1% hp without survive talents
Valkyrie bouta have those TBA talents. So she could attack frequently. Also, strengthen in a.bahamut is GOATED of a talent.
Imagine if Bahamut get atk frequency up so he attacks as fast as raging bahamut in itf moon 3
Remember everyone, LVL. 50 A.Bahamut with a 20% damage boost would have a higher DPS than LVL. 60 Yukimura with Strengthen. And take back his throne of the highest DPS in the game
balrog has the highest dps wdym
Dmg up
Def buff
Curse immune
Sage slayer
Immune to freeze
Immune to explosion
Speed up
Sage slayer
Wave immune
Dmg and def buff
self destruct talent for ayy bahamut
Talent: kills bahamet when under 99% hp
My personal wish for A.Bahamut
- Savage Blow
- Slow/freeze immune
- Survivor
- The usual attack and HP buff
20% for a LvL 5 mini wave
Freeze chance up
Cost Down
Hp up (100%)
Atk up(80%)
Stong against all traids
25% for a savage blow
Atk up(80%)
Def Up(80%)
Cooldown down
Wave inmune
Not sure about A. Bahamut but for Valkyrie They should add the more damage when he has less than 50% health thing (forgot the ability's name)
Image Bahamut talents:
-3x damage strengthen
-immune to wave or explosion
-orb talent
Wave ennemies are a bit crept right now, what about Surge Immune?
both is good
My idea for Valkyrie talents:
- Sage Slayer
- Explosion Ability
- Immune to Explosion
- HP Boost (Max 30%)
- Damage Boost (Max 30%)
- Cost Down (Max 2400)
Bahumut talents:
- Sage Slayer
- Mini Wave Ability (lvl 3)
- Survive Ability
- Immune to Wave Attacks
- HP Boost (Max 20%)
- Damage Boost (Max 20%)
- Move Speed Up (Max 20%)
Mini wave eh...idk why would you choose that as a talent but anyway.
@@vupcro5927yeah it should be something good like omnistrike (ik they don't give omni or ld for talents but just this one time)
@vupcro5927 20k extra damage is not bad at all. It will also clear the way for awakened baha himself. though level if they do choose mini wave, the level will most likey be higher
mini wave sounds a little busted knowing bahamuts kit
@@lenientrider I don’t think PONOS ever give up their talents Omni strike. I mean that would be useful since Bahumut kept missing and attacking peons.
Bahamut and Valk bout to get resist warp immunity to curse and resist knockback lmao
Damn, can’t wait for bahamut to get knock back immunity, curse resist, and 50% chance to knock back red
Valkyrie besides of the urgent improvment of her Freeze ability, she also needs survivability like giving her strong against, or survive. And giving her a surge attack also would be good.
I’d like to see something along the general outline of:
100% level 1 mini wave
20% attack boost
80% hp boost
30% cd reduction
Viable additions: benemoth slayer, surge immune, cost down
personally, survive, strengthen, or speed up changes his play style too much for me as well as being Yukimura-like
20% attack boost
80% hp boost
35->70% chance to freeze non-metal
Freeze uptime 2->3 seconds
Honorable mentions would be survivor, surge immune, sage slayer
About goddamn time
Savage blow or critical hit
Good but not broken talents for Bahamut could be hp/dmg up, lethal strike, and slow immune. My brother had the silly idea of a low lvl 1 mini wave chance.
Valkyrie uh... I dont use her enough to share my opinion on her other than better freeze chance and freeze duration. Maybe give her wave/sure/explosion immune to expand her use? Idk... I just know her survivability for end game and freeze procs need work.
Valk really needs that boost the catfood special cats have and maybe Strong plus a boost to her freeze chance and she would be at least useable.
A baha is already amazing, so maybe just Survive talent or redeployment time down would be enough.
Talents I would do
1 cost down 100 cost down per level 2000 at max level
2 cool-down down at max 25 seconds (I’m pretty sure she starts at like 60)
3 strengthen at max 100% boost at 50% (to mimic the boss)
4 defence buff 20%
5 attack buff (20%)
6 Immune to surge
These aim to take her from a long cool-down high investment unit and instead of buffing her to the moon and back these talents aim to make her go from an Uber like an incredibly bad one at that to more a spammable mid ranger with a chance to freeze best unit to compare her too is dancer cat
1 survive 100% chance at max level
2 strengthen 200% strengthen at 1% at max level
3 speed up (100 speed at max level)
4 attack buff (20%)
5 immune to waves
Bahamuts description states his attack and speed are unrivalled this aims to make that true once more also immune to waves is just a QOL thing as well as going with valks surge immunity
Rate this out of 10
Probably valkyria is going to have mini wave or mini surge, and some random efect resist
Proposed Talents for Valkyrie Cat
Strengthens by 100% at 50% HP
HP up (80%)
Freeze uptime 35% > 100%
Immune to Surge Attack
Sage Slayer
good talents.
Bahamut with Behemoth Slayer, Sage Slayer and Colossus Slayer 🔥🔥🔥
True Valkyrie Cat
Survivor +10% per level, 100% at lvl. 10.
- extra chance to attack, freeze and clear peons
Massive Damage (All Traits except Metal)
- improves stats and capability to damage enemies quickly with potential to stay in the field longer with Freeze.
HP UP +8% per lvl, +80 at lvl 10, 42,840 total at lvl 30.
- basic stat boost
Attack Up +8% per lvl, +80 at lvl 10, 22,032 total at lvl 30.
- basic stat boost
Mini Wave (Lv. 3) +10% per level, 100% at lvl. 10.
- this allows VC to proc more often and against farther units.
It’s quite difficult to fix an early unit. With having tested her on a few stages (7-8 stars) I quickly realized, she’s going to be best suited as a quick burst of damage attacker. She has no chance of lasting on the field. Her movement speed puts her into enemy range, taking unnecessary damage.
So, dealing lots of damage to get the value from 3000¢ is important.
Awakened Bahamut Cat
- 50% damage increase after HP is below 50% (3KB)
Survivor +10% per level, 100% at lvl. 10.
- One guaranteed extra burst/knockback
Defense UP + +8% per lvl, +80 at lvl 10, 45,900 total at lvl 30. (7,650 durability per knockback)
- If dealing with mid peons/attacks, Bahamut chain can last longer/do more damage.
Recovery UP decreases production time by 2% per level, 20% at lvl. 10 (77.87 seconds new recovery time)
- It is now less frustrating to lose Bahamut and can be brought back again more frequently.
Slow Resist +16% first level, +8% each additional lvl, 70% at lvl 10
Freeze Resist +16% first level, +8% each additional lvl, 70% at lvl 10
- I’m choosing resists over immunities to not make it too over buffed. You can easily choose to unlock lvl 1 only.
Originally I wasn’t sure if Bahamut should receive an increased to his damage. However the capability of “Bahamut Chaining” goes down significantly as you progress. Strengthen would be fantastic to combat this. In combination with HP UP, Bahamut will be better able to use up all of his 6 KB. Also his Enemy variant is named Raging Bahamut Cat.
survive, attack up talent, SPEED up talent, and wave immune would actually go hard.
Here me out bahamut just gets all immunities like lavoss
i want knockback immunity on a bahamut😤
that would make him worse
We need a valkerie 4th form. Or a lill bahamut and moneko
Maybe in a new story chapter...
Imagine actually getting the obscure abilities like improved knockback and movement speed up
I don't know why people aren't talking about how these talents should be acquired.
I think it should be through a new story chapter, as it would be fitting.
I think the talents for bahamut will be mediocre at best, as I think PONOS would not want to break the balancing of the legend chapters, especially SOL.
I think the talents for valkyrie will be a different story. I believe that she will be more focused on her crowd control abilities and will gain a sage slayer. She may also have 100% freeze chance, as that would make her freeze duration have about 50% uptime. This will not make her a broken unit, whilst also making her a reliable CC unit. I do believe that she does need more to expand her CC capabilities, such as mini-wave chance or a new CC ability, such as weaken.
I think the requirements would be to clear ul 1 star then finish then finish some stages like the li'l trials
Yukimura Talents:
@ maybe, but that's no fun.
I don't know what PONOS would do for their talents, but what I do know is that A-Baha is a rusher unit and Valk is a CC unit. So here's my guess on their talent upgrades....
He's a rusher unit so having stat boosts is always good (at least the 20% damage boost if they ever only give him one) and 100% survive to potentially get one more hit. Having some immunity to wave/surge could work along with him being immune to slow/freeze/weaken. And I don't know about giving him waves/mini waves/surge to go with his attacks, depends on what Ponos does.
In all honesty, no one used Valk after Ch.1 of EoC and her stats are somewhat similar to the purchasable cats (do correct me if I'm wrong here). So having a 80% stat boost will make her prevalent after so long for various stages, but this is PONOS doing the implementation so we don't really know if she'll be screwed over by the stats. For now the stat boost could range from 50% to 80% for now. It may be possible that giving Valk the Strong talent will work for making her live longer, and I hope to Cat God that they increase the freeze proc to more than 50%.
My idea is Bahamut will deal massive damage against every enemies
Imagine the day Filibuster and Musashi get talents and they become the best units ever
add a conjure for valkyrie?
for advanced bahamut, i have no idea, maybe a dodge? attack?
A bahumat better get filler wait I mean good resist slow talents
We ready for that bahamut curse immunity and .05% crit 🔥🔥
Soul strike, No zkill 🔥
Imagine valk gains 100% freeze chance and lower attack cooldown (with talents)
I think we still get the talents since the event was counting all downloads
Imagine Baha gets like a 10% chance to do savage blows, make it like a budget lasvoss
That would be broken asf a savage blow from a level !30! bahamut would do ~250k damage at level 50 that would be about 326k damage!!! with an attack rate of 3 seconds...
I dont want to make bahamut to broken so i will give it only two ability
-metal trait
-surge level 4
Surge level 1000000
wave resist time
No TBA on Valkyrie would be a good talent and maybe strong against
Valkyre cat: def atk up, mini waves, immune to curse, freeze talent to increase the likelyhood of freeze. Bahamut: atk def up, Savage blow, wave immune (then in reality) valkyre: atk def up, curse resist, knockback. Bahamut: atk def up, curse vs all trait, curse resist, immune to freeze 💀
Valkyrie getting explosion
Bahamut get massive damage against every trait except metal, 100 NP to unlock one trait each and getting wave immune and some other thing like surge immune or smth
For Valkyrie:
Freeze chance up
Atk & Hp up 80%
For Bahamut i cant think cause it already great unit. Maybe
Weaken, Slow, & Freeze immune & standar atk & hp up 20%
I'm probably crazy, but I'm thinking that he gets knock back immunity so he can take a hit from peons with knockback without being interrupted.
A bahamut getting curse resist
Valkirie will make mini surge or wave
cant waint for death surge bahamut
Bahamut would be speed talents, and valkrie will be mini surge and freeze duration up. I bet my nickle on it
imagine bahamut with wave 💀
Valkyrie cat desperately need a good talent
pls i hope Valk got her redemption pls ponos don't mess up her talents
what i hope her talents will be:
3.Freeze chances up
4.Freeze duration up
5.Survivability (or any immunity)
How the hell does the JAPANESE version have 100 million downloads? That's like 80% or so of all the people that can speak japanese, fucking hell
to be fair, uninstallations and reinstallations do contribute to the 100mil downloads. I have downloaded the game 6 times now after losing my save file 5 different times.
And to top it all off, weaken vs metals (3% uptime)
Massive damage to zombie for abaha, no zombie killer
Valkyrie needs curse resistance PLEASE PONOS.
Just give A Bahamut level 10 wave (each wave makes a level 5 surge), guaranteed crit, guaranteed savage blow, 100% strengthen at 99% hp, and explosion, and he MIGHT stop being outclassed by courier.
Bahamut needs greater defense and health, many immunities, and cheaper cost.
Just make Bahamut target all types but no abilities
Bahamut immune to knockback talent 😮😮😮😮
Awakened bahamut critical and faster attack frequency and base destroyer
To Japanese version only ?
But English version thay did do that
Bahamut with metal killer
Wave blocker🤑
my prediction:
Valkyrie gets 80% stat talents (kinda obvious due to valkyries lackluster stats)
thats the prediction
Good if
Valk get thought or survive
Bahamut get wave/surge immune
Valk is CC and better if she got more chance for freze or time in freze and something for up survivability
Bahamut is rusher nuker- he is good but wave and surge is bad for him. He need immune to both+ if he got strengthen its be very nice
Valk is bad and maybe ponos try make it better
Bahamut is uber super good and maybe ponos give him some good and some stupid talents
Anyway EN players cant play with talanted valk and baha for 1 year +-
Resist freeze (70% max)
Curse immunity
Knockback ability
Health and attack up (80% max)
Slow (30% chance for 2 seconds) with target red
Resist wave (20% otherwise Bahamut would be OP)
Movement speed up (by 5)
Health and attack up (5%)
Don't let PONOS cook oh gosh I'm scared 😭🙏
having knockback and freeze on a unit is DANGEROUS. Take a refresher on the mizli syndrome.
Bahamut does not benefit from slow. Instead, I would switch it for lv.2 mini-wave, lv.1 surge (50%), or savage blow (200% magnification, 50% chance).
I can understand that your talents are geared towards early-mid game. The problem is that the slow talent will be useless for most of the game.
@Jivom16 Bro I'm just joking around, you know what talents PONOS cooks sometimes. I'm in UL and I got my first Ultra Form recently so I have some knowledge about the game. Tbh I want them to add something very good for Valkyrie, she's so out-dated bruh 😭
@ lol, yeah.
I hope valkyrie gets great talents.
Sorry if my comment was rude.
@@Jivom16 It wasn't rude, I laughed when I saw it hahahaha I was like "BRUH IS THIS GUY SERIOUS 😂😂😂"
@ lol, yeah. This is a big deal for the BC community, as this has been anticipated for years now 🤣
wave attks
Be careful, I heard PONOS really doesn’t like this getting leaked
Not really a leak if it's something PONOS publicly announced.
They publicly announced it to JP players only.
finally bahamut will be stronger than yukimura now the debait is finally over
Great, now leveling 60 and max talenting yukimora was a waste…
dont give bahamut something game breaking. survive strenghten and lvl 1 surge is enough
dude.. i just dumped my np 😑
Valk cant be saved. A. Baha talents are only for attack upgrades, wow
oh hell nah no gacha talents
Purchasable specials....
What about li'l cats
💀💀Imagine bahamut got dodge and insane damage and the target trait in talents were metal and zombie and no crit talent and z kill and add a resist toxic talent and the normal atk and Def buff 💀💀.
☠☠If they only gave Def buff and no atk buff talent☠☠
Finally. I said in 2023 bahamut talents when? Glad its happening this year most likely