The fact they listen without questioning anything, means you absolutely CAN blame them. The fact they are staunchly against things like the beatitudes, means you absolutely CAN blame them.
I disagree with there not being a distinction between those who Jesus would view as his followers and those who simply believe they are his followers. Christ will ultimately make the determination. However, genuine followers of Christ are not a foreign unscriptural concept. Jesus referred to it as well as others. Matthew 7:21-23 - people who believed they were followers of Christ so much so that they referred to him as Lord and performed works in his name. Luke 6:46 - Why call me Lord, Lord but not DO what I say? Jeremiah 1:14; 27:15 - There were false prophets who "prophesied" lies in God's name. The same is true with those who believe themselves Christian. Please do not think humans have changed that much so as not to exhibit the same behaviors as people who lived before them. Nothing new under the sun. (Ecclesiastes 1:9) Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43 - Jesus illustrated the true wheat would grow together with the weeds. Wheat represented the sons of kingdom. The weeds represent the sons of the wicked one. What is notable about this illustration is the existence of a weed that closely resembles wheat, and this weed commonly grows in Israel. The intelligent enemy did not just sow any weed but a weed that resembles wheat in its early stages called *_darnel_* also known as 'Wheat's evil twin.' That close resemblance is illustrated by the Sower refusing to allow the slaves to collect the weeds while both the wheat and weeds were in their early stages. Instead, the Sower allowed them to grow together so that when they have reached full maturity, they will be much easier to distinguish one from the other. (Matthew 7:15-20)
As "they" pound on their chests. We are so great! We Will make America Great! (what is the measure. who will measure?) Every age of every civilization had some form of these.
"Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruits; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. "A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit; neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. "Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them." (Matt. 7:15-20.) "For lack of knowledge his people parish." ❤
IRL, it's possible for otherwise good trees to produce bad fruit, and vice versa. So many things go into the amount and quality of fruit that trees produce. It's the same thing for the metaphorical fruits of religious, political, and social beliefs.
@julietfischer5056 What is truly good could be debated, but "No," biologically, a good tree can not bear bad fruit. If a tree produces bad fruit, there is something wrong with the tree. What looks like a good tree can produce no fruit. Again, something is wrong with the tree metaphorically and or otherwise. Thank you for your response.
There are 23 different kinds of catholicism and nearly 200 types of protestantism. This is why christian nationalism is a horrible, atrocious idea. 1. Who's doctrine and dogma do we follow? 2. Whichever type is chosen, do you really expect everybody to just change beliefs without a fuss? 3. Millions of us will not be forced to change into something we don't believe or will outright refuse on general principle. I've never been given a lucid, thought-out, reasonable response to these questions. Many of my fellow christians simply assume that everybody's preacher is just like theirs, and that is a painfully naive and immature level of awareness.
Agree 100% but that does not mean I want to follow the other secular Marxism either. I call it a battle between Marxist/Globalism and Christian Nationalist/Fascism. whoever wins the people lose.
My non-denominational Christian response to your questions. 1) The only doctrine/dogma I'll follow are the commands, teaching, and behaviors of my mentor, Jesus Christ. The wisdom of Christian denominational leaders and scholars has value and is worth consideration, but in the end, they are simply the words of potentially fallable men and women. The words and behaviors of Jesus Christ are literally Devine and, therefore, have no equal. 2) I don't ever expect anyone to change their belief structure or denomination, nor would I ever suggest that anyone do so. I firmly believe that at the time of our judgment, God will not judge you for my "free will" choices while mortal, nor do I believe that God will judge me for yours. In this expression, I believe that each of us has a personal covenant with the Father. I am simply a human being as we all are. I would never suggest that as a human being that my way is the only way, nor do I even know if it is the right way.. I only know it is my way. I believe that we all must come to the Father voluntarily. 3) I don't see a question here, and I fully agree with your statement.. That is the benefit and curse of "free will"
A “real Christian” walks the walk and doesn’t just talk the talk. A “real Christian” doesn’t brag, doesn’t boast, knows that riches or poverty are not the measure of anybody’s moral and ethical standing. Be kind. Be gracious. Be more today than what we were yesterday. Strive to help neighbors. Grow the bonds of community. We need each other.
1st Corinthians 13. ? 13 If I speak in the tongues[a] of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. 2 If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. 3 If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast,[b] but do not have love, I gain nothing. 4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. 8 Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. 9 For we know in part and we prophesy in part, 10 but when completeness comes, what is in part disappears. 11 When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me. 12 For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known. 13 And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love
I love that story of the Rich Young Ruler. What I love most about that is that when the Rich Young Ruler walked away sad Jesus did not condemn him but looked after him with love.
@@kissedbysun2517- At the very least, they may believe, do good work, and this is how they advertise. At the very worst, they take their trusting customers for a ride. It's not worth the gamble. Shall we discuss the Christian bookstores that use the word 'family' in their names? As though non-Christians don't have family-friendly books?
Yes they do see it. God gave us a conscience to guide us around charlatans. To be deceived, we start with the "love of the physical". It gives us an excuse to lie to ourselves, deceive ourselves. With a suppressed conscience, we want to follow the deceiver for a share of his material riches. We might just adore a narcissist to bask in his aura of riches.
It's time to tax the political churches and save Christian values and at the same time the billionaires are paying for votes from the huge televangelist money beggars. Because it's very difficult to get people to feel bad for billionaires when they work all week long and still just barely get from pay day to pay day
Yes so sad bec they are not objective n they do not really follow the christian dogma including Trump who does not depict any character nor have any moral compass.
Well, thank you because I've never thought of the entire "way they were taught" thing. I've been mad that "these people" claim to be Christians. Thank you for taking the veil from my eyes. It helps me get closer to forgiveness.
I can see other's positions it's, that they are not admitting the light, the love of Christ to exist in their own perceptions of reality where wealth and power is...everything! This sense of power-wealth and influence has bedazzled the Political Far right to rational thought. Look at this cabinet that's being put together. We all must suffer both the good and bad encounters in the journey of life. How we respond is a demonstration of our fruit.
Which one is the real gospel? some say that many original gospels and teachings were left out when the bible was put together. Jesus taught a lot of things from the Indian Vedas when he returned to the Middle East after having traveled there during the absent years in the bible.
@@rickyg7579 No, just awake with my eyes wide open investigating many sides and ancient writings and people's experiences. I prefer not to be asleep adn follow a herd.
God gave humans free will; it's against Christ to force others to abide by a certain set of religious rules. Ideas live and die by their own merit; rather than TELLING someone what they should value, ASK them what they value, and why. Jesus demonstrated behavior modeling and empathy; he encouraged but didn't force others to live by his image.
For me, that freedom to choose kindness and empathy is what makes the difference. Don't TELL me what you believe; SHOW me with your words and actions. And when that Christian shows me Donald Chump, (I don't want search results for that hateful individual), they're demonstrating cognitive dissonance -- they don't follow through with their beliefs.
As someone who has been to several churches asking for help in recent months I can attest to this. If you're not in the clique already you get the run around worse than a government agency. Nothing has made me believe in the church less than being in a time of need and asking the church for help.
Who exactly are the Christians preaching to inside those church walls with boundaries for gender identity, gender presentation, sexuality, or a person choosing an empty uterus for literally "nunya business" reasons. Jesus spoke to the sex workers, and the poor. No one had to have "status" with him. I challenge Christians to meet people where they are rather than creating a barrier that must be crossed to hear the message.
I can answer this since I married into a family of them. They don’t question anything. If you are wearing a cross and say the right things they believe you without question. It’s not that different from how North Korea works. You don’t question anything, you don’t think, and you follow these proper procedures at all times. My marriage struggles because my Christian wife can’t think for herself and lives in fear. They way she talks and behaves in the marriage is very much like a business. I challenge her on faith matters and she can’t defend it. Why? Because churches are essentially entertainment venues. Everything is fun and peppy these people can’t handle challenges. They whine that colleges and public schools are making kids liberal. Wrong, their kids faith was not built to withstand the challenges of reality.
It's not any different than the Left party operates either. You believe what they dish out or you are thrown out of their club in seconds flat. A pro life Democrat can no longer exist, nor can anyone be a Democrat any more that does not believe in children's mutilations. One Evangelical who left the Christian indoctrination and embraced the secular finding tremendous relief in the beginning only to find out that before long she had to adhere to all their standards or was not welcome there any more either.
Study to show Yourself approved, a workman who need not be ashamed RIGHTLY dividing the word of God. Be like the Bereans check the scriptures. What happens is we don’t ask God we rationalize on our own. The love of money is the route of all evil.
Study to show Yourself approved, a workman who need not be ashamed RIGHTLY dividing the word of God. Be like the Bereans check the scriptures. What happens is we don’t ask God we rationalize on our own. The love of money is the route of all evil.
No problem. Trump will eliminate the Department of Education, so questioning the truth of some assertion by authority figures will be a thing of the past.
I had a strong reaction when a Trump supporter to me that if I do not support Trump, then I am an atheist. I told him that one has nothing to do with the other. Who I vote for gas nothing to do with my love of and reliance on Christ.
@@libbycollins9349And yet I know people who are the kindest I have ever known who are not Christians. The only difference is that they don't believe the supernatural religious claims.
@@Northman1963 I know! I did family mediations for years, and the unkindest people were the ones who showed up in the Christian tee shirts. I used to wonder whether they’d be ax murderers but for some touch inside holding them back? Maybe that’s the best them. It’s puzzling especially to believers.
@@libbycollins9349 that's what CS Lewis wrote - the measure is a change from their previous life, not a comparison with wiith a person "who enjoys a good digestion." Or a person with more or fewer troubles than us. Screwtape Letters, I think. Maybe Surprised By Joy or Mere Christianity. At any rate, it stuck with me as a personal antidote to legalism.
😊 It's the same logical fallacy and can be answered in a few ways. 1. Scripture -2 Tim 2:19 clearly states God knows those who are his. So it's not my job. 2. Scripture - Galatians scolds certain Christians who began by faith but are seeking to continue by legalism. 3. Culture - "Acceptable" Christian behaviour varies wildly around the world and over time. A Canadian and a Thai will have different ideas about clothing, makeup, alcohol, sex, money, and on and on. One of the smarter things John Piper has said is that his job was to prepare people to live under whichever political systems prevail rather than to advocate for any particular one. He has walked away from that but it's still a smart idea.
these people are not reading their bibles enough. It is very easy to know what god expects from us, read the gospels. They need to listens to their church leaders but read the gospel and make sure actions and attitude of the leaders match the gospels if not, replace the leaders or find a new church. this is the responsibility of each person and each will be held accountable for his own actions. i am sure that you allowing yourself to be lead in an ungodly manner will not be a legitimate excuse on judgement day.
Discernment...Situational awareness...Matthew 10:16 Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. therefore be wise as serpents and harmles as doves.
I could listen to this several times! This was his message and his example and you have brought the recollection of many teachings of Christ's, into focus.
every body seems to have their approach to christianity. for myself following christ and being chrislike as i can,has brought me more peace of mind and soul than i ever had before. so i try to love my neighbor as myself and respect their views even if they are very different from my own,but its not always easy to do so! as always i appreciate your message!
"Do as I say, not as I do." This doesn't work, and it's not the path Jesus followed, either. I believe this to be a core issue for younger generations abandoning "the church," because the church doesn't align with personal values. I consider myself to be an agnostic atheist because I haven't found a church that mirrors my high ethical ideals. My decisions are formed through ethical values, and I can't purport to follow a "leader" or an institution that exhibits looser ethics and values than my own. I don't learn from those people and I actively harm myself in the trying. Hypocrisy drove me from the church; and I'm from the Bible belt. It's not as if I'm ignorant of what's inside the book. My very knowledge of what's inside the book shows me that most "Christians" are simply saying the words to "game" the system. And I'm secure enough with myself and my values to do it by myself. I believe in a God that is kind and will look at my record rather than making sure I have the "right" club card on me.
I also have a lot of trauma surrounding being failed by the adults around me when I was a child, making it extremely difficult for me to trust anyone and leave myself vulnerable; what if I trust again and I'm utterly destroyed? No thanks. I trust me. I *can't* trust someone who looks inept because that spells danger.
I can understand that. I'm a Christian but I have no "home" church. I'm a Baptist because I followed the example of immersion in water but I have no allegiance to denomination. I carry my faith with me like a bundle as I move about my life. I think it's good. Jesus sent his followers out. He didn't usher them to a pew.
@@trudycolborne2371 Exactly. In fact.... Thinking on it more, service inside the church was meant to refill the cup of the tired Christian, and to serve those in need. It offers community, and fellowship, and support to continue spreading Jesus' love through acts of service.
@@plantyfan Basically an establishment of a not for profit charity organization. With some social support. When scripture says Jesus loves the church it wasn't referring to a building. May the God you aren't too sure about bless you for the kindness you show others because of your good values.
Another reasonable and passionate and insightful video Rev! One thought 💭🤔 Do these same Christians who say yay! Willing to sell all their possessions and follow Him? It's like me saying I love God more than myself When I've been homeless before I haven't been for years now And all I know is God's Impeccable Love helped lift me up when I've had nothing
“Erroneous!” Who teaches that a convicted felon, rapist and serial liar is the “guy!” A real Christian wouldn’t/couldn’t vote for a person like that and if you think so you need to question what you’re doing!
He can only be 'the guy' if he has reformed, repented, and shown that it's true reformation and repentance. Trump is incapable of conceiving that he has done wrong.
I often say this, "I've yet to find the section in the Bible where the pression asks, 'Lord, what must i make my neighbor do so that I may enter heaven?'" I have been finding that the more I point out to the right leaning Christians the hypocrisy of their positions as law over grace, I am just as guilty of hypocrisy for judging their "Christianity". If i can't speak these truths with the same love i chastise them for lacking in their policies I too bring judgment on myself. I must concern myself with ensuring my motives are right. And that my anger, if i do have it, is not self righteousness. Otherwise, I'm acting as though my redemption is dependent on how many people I've convinced that I'm right.
The distinction between Christians susceptible to men over Christ is found in those who view Christianity as a noun rather than a verb. Too many identify with this THING called Christianity rather than understanding the action required to move in this life with your heart and to be of service through Christ.
I'm not a Christian, but my functional definition of a Christian is someone who believes that Jesus was the son of God, died for believer's sins, and was resurrected some time later. That's a large umbrella that includes Jehovas Witnesses and Mormons, who call themselves Christians.
First let me say Amen to all that you are saying today. As usual you give me so many things to think about and to look at in my own faith and in my own knowledge of Theology and of the Bible and a following our Lord. I want to say that first of all we are told that Satan will appear as an angel of Light. Now I'm not saying that Donald Trump is saying that is not my point but that so often we as Christians can be fooled by what we see and hear. The other thing I want to say is that I believe in continuing sanctification. It is not a static thing we must work towards that sanctification and we certainly do not get that sanctification on this side of the the grave but we must be working towards it and to do that you must try to walk and do the things that Jesus has taught us to do.❤😊
In the Hindu traditions...This is called Samsara, the endless cycles of birth, life, death until your soul reach perfection you become Christ, Buddah like consciousness. But all this time within this endless cycle is, pain and suffering and all the ills that effect life.
if a person believes in Christ but doesn't follow Him, that faith is dead they are a Christian in Name Only for Jesus said, "Those who follow my commandments are with me, but those who don't aren't"
Because apparently not all “Christians “ are followers of Jesus Christ.Matthew 7:20,21 wherefore, by their fruits ye shall know them. Not everyone that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven but he that doth the will of my father which is in heaven “
Maybe it has to do with being conditioned from childhood into believing the rediculous lies in the bible. Believe this under threat of eternal damnation, no matter how ludicrous the lies are. A master class in gullibility. A concerted effort to suppress critical thinking, logic and honesty.
In the sect of Christianity I was raised in, the Bible wasn't enough. They invented an endless supply of nonsense that we had to swear allegiance to. The more ridiculous the stuff was, the more brownie points you got for believing it.
Reverend, I would like to bring your attention to a video/talk that was quite disturbing, but you probably would be wise to be aware of. The title is really long, but it's basically called "The Catholic origins of Fascism and Nazism" or something like that, with even more descriptors after that. It is literally a Catholic justification and promotion of Fascism as Christian and the ideal government as they see it. It is genuinely unnerving.
My need for shelter does certainly harm me as the cost is too much of my income. Life would be so much easier if I didn’t need to sleep and if the elements wouldn’t harm me. I wouldn’t have a car either if not for the job that I need to pay the rent. Is it our love or our absolutely reliance that is causing harm. I don’t love my apartment but I love not sleeping in the street
We all need shelter, food, and an income. These are necessities in life. What Jesus teaches us is that when you make these things the #1 focus of life then you put them before your love of God; you end up worshipping your "stuff" rather than worshipping God. It's all about what you prioritize in life. God isn't saying we all need to live in mud huts in order to love him, but sometimes we're called to do exactly that, and if we have our priorities straight we will trust God to lead the way and not cling to the materialistic as an excuse not to follow the call. I think that's why there are so few evangelists today. The cost of leaving a comfortable western way of living is too great to go to a foreign land and live with just the basics. We much prefer to be "comfortable Christians".
Good morning 🌞! I dunno Rev. Ed, perhaps a few of them were taught wrongly, but many already had the idea of ruling over others or wanting power or hating others. We either have Holy Spirit in us or we don't. Heavy subject though. And yes, we must forgive them & not reject them maga people.
Thank you. I'm a lay minister (Anglican) preparing a homily for Morning Prayer on Sunday and pondering the story of Solomon's asking for wisdom, plus Paul's letter to Ephesians 5:15-20. Your commentary seems to me to be completely related to the life of Solomon and the instructions of Paul in that part of his letter. That said, your words also have me wondering why we're here, earthly creatures, earth-bound, with our penchant for the physical pleasures (that perfect apple from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, back there in Eden, and ever since)? Why bother with all this? Why not simply still live in the glory of wherever God is, as stardust, billion-year-old carbon (as Joni Mitchell sang). Why be human if our humanity, with all its foibles, makes it so tough to get back to The Garden?
In the LGBT+ community we have to occasionally deal with the controversy that some of us identify differently than we look or behave, and by necessity (since not everyone is out of the closet) we have to take their word for it, and accept if and when their identity changes. But also we have to watch for gatekeeping, since gays are just as human and still prone to wanting to favor some and exclude others. Bisexuals are still widely distrusted in 2024, and the fight goes on to recognize they, too are legitimately part of the community, and deserve to be regarded and loved for who they are, not just the facet you happen to like. Now, outside of Christian circles we've had to assume similarly, that a Christian is anyone who identifies as one, regardless of behavior or even declared beliefs that might be contrary [to a given notion of Christianity]. There's also a justification for it: Christian identity is a statement of _intent._ It's possible to just not be very good at practicing the doctrine you believe is the right way to live, and many Christians are at least in the habit of expressing that kind of humility. So then it's possible to give any Christian the benefit of the doubt they are Christian, just are still a ways of mastering living that kind of life. Most judgements I've heard have been from apologists, who especially like to condemn apostates for _never truly being Christian in the first place,_ as a mechanism to preserve the notion that _true_ Christianity doesn't have its detractors or critics. And ministers sometimes condemn anyone who disagrees with their specific ideology, a strategem that prevailed through the 20th century; _extra Ecclesiam nulla salus_ remains the standing of the Roman Catholic Church (Benedict XVII gave exception to the Orthodoxies but to no Protestant). It reminds me of Mattel intentionally making Hot Wheels cars skinnier than Matchbox (then owned by Lesney Products) so that the latter wouldn't run on Hot Wheels tracks. Or Schick and Gilette creating proprietary standards for handles and razor heads that are not even compatible within the same brand. And it reveals when ministries are more interested in competing with each other than they are creating a cooperative society (id est, _loving their neighbors_ ). It gives me respect for those ministries who preach universal salvation.
The problem is the idea of being fooled, unfortunately for me and most of us we treat the path of Christ as an a la carte menu and chose like minded compatriots
It's a character issue. Character being the mental and moral qualities of an individual. People go along with what speaks to their hopes, fears, and desires. If a charlatan does a good enough job manifesting these while promising people what they have always wanted, there will be many lacking in sufficient character that respond favorably. Or in other words, birds of a feather flock together.
Thank you! Cradle (liberal) Roman Catholic here, “lapsed” at present. There is NOTHING that turns me off faster than a quick litmus test for belief. Are you a REAL Christian? Are you a TRUE Catholic? Balderdash.
How do you follow what a metaphore tells you to do? How can a person of truth justify following a "literal Jesus" when in reality, the story cannot be actual?
I'm a bible believing Christians, I believe we need government to set rules to impose law and orders like Jesus did ( the ten commandments). We are to occupy until the Lord comes He said, so I'll exercise my First Amendment right and vote, because when I stand before my Maker and King, I can't say, Lord I had an abortion or not had one because the government said or didn't say i can or cannot have one. My obedience is to God and no one else. Therefore I will use my commonsense and vote accordingly.
Trump supporters are so desperate to want paradise on Earth in a literal way they are willing to follow anyone who offers them hope and the light at the end of the tunnel. I grew up with these kind of people all my life. I know now how they think and act. I used to be like them it takes one to know one.
Seek ye the Kingdom of God (within) first, and all the other things will be added to you. However, hold these other things not with a clenched fist but an open hand. For these things are only passing while your true self, as one with the Kingdom of God, is everlasting.
I'm very concerned about the Christians who have been conned into believing the rapture is coming and we're in the end times. My concern is these people are not living to live; they're living to die. I'm pretty sure this is suicide ideation. How can I help someone with this problem?
As someone who sees (and wrestles with!) the connection of those ideas, the just plain caring that your question indicates goes a long way. That kind of thinking can come from a place of feeling so alien in this world that one would rather beam directly into another. Showing folks that life here is worth living helps, more than words can say. Part of that can be invites to fun events without expectation of reciprocation, and that aren't themselves a "repayment" for past invites or favors.
I know this is not the point of this video but as a QA person my thought was: so if a billionaire gives a lot of money and stuff to a person trying to give everything away just before they die could be forced out of eternal life.
Not so. Jesus himself said "and greater things than I will you also do". We can all achieve what Jesus did, that's why he came here and shone a light on the path. Every human being is a son or daughter of god adn all eventually achieve Christhood and merge with the god essence after many reincarnations.
This is the right take. There's no standards body to measure Christianity in some objective way like you'd measure parts per million of something in water. If you say you're a Christian, then you are one.
Yes! Anyone, in either side, who says "You can't be a (real) Christian if you..." needs to stop and really evaluate what they have said or want to say. TBH, I associate that more with people on the right than on the left, but I'm sure it happens both ways. When people say that, I'm never quite sure whether they are doubting the other person's faith, or whether they are forbidding them from being a Christian. Neither is good.
Everybody will have eternal life and not only Christians that's why I talked about labeling anybody in their religious beliefs. We need to understand that we are all Spiritual Beings experiencing physical life on Earth.
For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. -- Matthew 24:24 People see this verse and assume that they are immune from deception from charlatans and antichrists; and not stopping to ask if this verse implies that the Calvinist believe that the "elect" are forever "elected" or if their actions and beliefs match what was said of the "elect" in the first place.
Some things are just common sense. Raised Catholic then as an adult, Pentecostal. I realized that something was not right. I've had this feeling as a teen. I am the type to think for myself. I don't believe everything someone says and someone being a pastor doesn't matter. Pastor's are human and sin themselves.
It's ironic that i can connect with you as an atheist. I am an atheist because i do not believe in dieties and ruling powers , but i do believe in life, nature, and consciousness. Though i am a gnostic christian, I believe in christ consciousness as a universal value and have read into gnostic texts. That we are one essential being on seperate paths of discovery, we are source (Jesus's father, our father, oneself aka I AM) that is able to live but through different lives and pathways. When Jesus said, "You hurt me when you hurt another" - its because of this. This is what was excluded from the bible by the Roman Empire when they went on a new Imperialist path. Jesus didn't want us bending knees, nor did he want us forcing others to bend theirs. He truly believed in the ideology that we will continuously come back until we have learned what we need to. To finally reach symmetry with source, only then will we be free from fleshly capitivity on a journey (some call it captivity, some call it source giving itself a reason beyond just being). In the end, whether you see it or not, I see you reaching for truths based on things coming from the horse's mouth (Jesus, our brother), and i see this enlightenment from banned books reaching you.
I am an atheist who has a great admiration for the teachings of Jesus. You can do worse than listen to a man who bases his entire philosophy on love of your fellow man.
Many say that Pride is the greatest sin, but I think that it's actually Greed. Seven of the Ten Commandments were against Greed, it is greed in people's hearts that has caused the worst parts of our nature to come to the front. Greed for more than we have, be it things or power.
Christ brought a message of love. He broke the chains of the old laws and asked us to love. He did not ask is to judge, and certainly never asked to be worshipped.The older I get, the more I believe the religion of Christianity will very likely be the death of Christianity.
The conservative brother who told you that the Church should be responsible for certain things and not the government? I'm not sure what things he was referring to, but I've heard Christians say that the Church should take care of the poor, the disabled, and the elderly instead of the government. The New Testament does make reference to caring for "true widows over the age of 60" (1 Timothy 5:3-10...attributed to St. Paul, but this is disputed). I don't know of any Christian denomination that does that, but let's just say that that burden gets shifted to Churches and faith organizations. Be careful what you wish for! My Mother is an example. She was widowed in 1998, and died in 2017 at the age of 81. My brother lived with her in a house that was paid off. She had no debt, as both she and my Dad had worked hard all their lives to stay out of debt. She relied on Social Security and a small pension from my Dad's employer. She had a tiny IRA that she drew from very conservatively. Her overall income was so low that she didn't have to pay income taxes. She clipped coupons and watched every penny. She also relied on Medicare for her healthcare. The last 10-15 years of her life were marked with chronic illness, mainly congestive heart failure. She was on oxygen. She was in and out of the hospital when her oxygen levels fell dangerously low. She had to go to residential rehab a few times. Is anyone adding up how much money all of that must have cost? My brothers and I would never have been able to provide the care she needed. The government, in her case, was a GOD-SEND! Praise Him! Do Church organizations really want to take on that burden? It must have been $millions, and that's just for one person. She was able to live semi-independently at home, and die at home, because of those government benefits. I can tell you right now that every church I've ever attended is busy using its resources for all kinds of programs (mostly youth-oriented), but not to care for the elderly and disabled people in this same manner. The Church lived communally back in the day, and nobody owned anything...brothers and sisters cared for one another. (Acts. 2:42-47). Note that the Gospel spread like wildfire through the entire known world under this model, where everyone was completely devoted to the Lord's work. Don't even get me started on what both Jesus and St. Paul taught about the nuclear family!
Christ says you need to study the word so that no one can deceive you 🙏🏼 for decerment 🔥🛐 Remember Satan is the father of lies so when you follow a liar Satan becomes your god.
Why is it so hard to think we are wrong? Regardless of side. In Oliver Cromwell words: I beseech you, in the bowels of Christ, think it possible that you may be mistaken.
I cannot absolve so-called "Christians" from their responsibility for following a supporting hatred and rage. We are not talking about little children who don't know any better and who are given wrong advice. These are adults with an adult brain who can read what Jesus told them to do, starting with love. Nobody is asking them to give all they have to the poor. They can see that Jesus said, "A new commandment I give unto you, that you love one another even as I have loved you." People who are suspicious of others who are NOT LIKE THEM, who hate and rail against those who don't agree with them, who even threaten the life of such people are not even trying to be like Jesus. Those people might have started out fooled, but all they have to do is pick up the Bible they claim to believe in and read. Nowhere does it say they should do any of those things. I think your former video was right: they got tired of waiting for God to do anything, so they WILLINGLY followed a broken and sinful man, who endorses the violence and mayhem they want to commit. I think they are mad at God and at everyone else. They left their beliefs behind. I discovered that by talking with some of these people on the hiking trails. When I ask then how their commitment to Trump and against other human beings comports with their "faith", not one so far has been able to answer that question. I believe they KNOW they are doing wrong. If they didn't know that, they could answer my question.
One of the definitions of faith some of we atheists use is "believing something without or contrary to evidence". Those who fall for flimflammery have entirely too much this type of faith.
The fact they listen without questioning anything, means you absolutely CAN blame them. The fact they are staunchly against things like the beatitudes, means you absolutely CAN blame them.
Oh we talked about that yesterday too. Video is coming! But I get your point. We have a choice
@@revedtrevors4961 It's like signing a contract without reading it.
@@franzwohlgemuth2002 Oh, like every online membership! Definitely not something *I've* ever done. :) Sorry, forgot the smiley!
@@temperingtantrum LOL!!!!!
I disagree with there not being a distinction between those who Jesus would view as his followers and those who simply believe they are his followers. Christ will ultimately make the determination. However, genuine followers of Christ are not a foreign unscriptural concept. Jesus referred to it as well as others.
Matthew 7:21-23 - people who believed they were followers of Christ so much so that they referred to him as Lord and performed works in his name.
Luke 6:46 - Why call me Lord, Lord but not DO what I say?
Jeremiah 1:14; 27:15 - There were false prophets who "prophesied" lies in God's name. The same is true with those who believe themselves Christian. Please do not think humans have changed that much so as not to exhibit the same behaviors as people who lived before them. Nothing new under the sun. (Ecclesiastes 1:9)
Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43 - Jesus illustrated the true wheat would grow together with the weeds. Wheat represented the sons of kingdom. The weeds represent the sons of the wicked one. What is notable about this illustration is the existence of a weed that closely resembles wheat, and this weed commonly grows in Israel. The intelligent enemy did not just sow any weed but a weed that resembles wheat in its early stages called *_darnel_* also known as 'Wheat's evil twin.' That close resemblance is illustrated by the Sower refusing to allow the slaves to collect the weeds while both the wheat and weeds were in their early stages. Instead, the Sower allowed them to grow together so that when they have reached full maturity, they will be much easier to distinguish one from the other. (Matthew 7:15-20)
It’s all the hating, that becomes a problem. God is love & truth. Jesus loves humanity.
The bigotry is a big part of the Maga cult
As "they" pound on their chests. We are so great! We Will make America Great! (what is the measure. who will measure?) Every age of every civilization had some form of these.
"Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruits; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. "A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit; neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. "Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them." (Matt. 7:15-20.) "For lack of knowledge his people parish." ❤
IRL, it's possible for otherwise good trees to produce bad fruit, and vice versa. So many things go into the amount and quality of fruit that trees produce. It's the same thing for the metaphorical fruits of religious, political, and social beliefs.
@julietfischer5056 What is truly good could be debated, but
"No," biologically, a good tree can not bear bad fruit. If a tree produces bad fruit, there is something wrong with the tree. What looks like a good tree can produce no fruit. Again, something is wrong with the tree metaphorically and or otherwise. Thank you for your response.
I have no words to express how I like your way to tell me the Good News. Thank you, brother!
There are 23 different kinds of catholicism and nearly 200 types of protestantism. This is why christian nationalism is a horrible, atrocious idea.
1. Who's doctrine and dogma do we follow?
2. Whichever type is chosen, do you really expect everybody to just change beliefs without a fuss?
3. Millions of us will not be forced to change into something we don't believe or will outright refuse on general principle.
I've never been given a lucid, thought-out, reasonable response to these questions. Many of my fellow christians simply assume that everybody's preacher is just like theirs, and that is a painfully naive and immature level of awareness.
.. relationship matters.
More than religion...or its "segregations" churchianity insists on.
Agree 100% but that does not mean I want to follow the other secular Marxism either. I call it a battle between Marxist/Globalism and Christian Nationalist/Fascism. whoever wins the people lose.
It’s an atrocious idea because it’s tenets have ZERO in common with Jesus’ teaching.
My non-denominational Christian response to your questions. 1) The only doctrine/dogma I'll follow are the commands, teaching, and behaviors of my mentor, Jesus Christ.
The wisdom of Christian denominational leaders and scholars has value and is worth consideration, but in the end, they are simply the words of potentially fallable men and women. The words and behaviors of Jesus Christ are literally Devine and, therefore, have no equal.
2) I don't ever expect anyone to change their belief structure or denomination, nor would I ever suggest that anyone do so.
I firmly believe that at the time of our judgment, God will not judge you for my "free will" choices while mortal, nor do I believe that God will judge me for yours. In this expression, I believe that each of us has a personal covenant with the Father. I am simply a human being as we all are. I would never suggest that as a human being that my way is the only way, nor do I even know if it is the right way.. I only know it is my way. I believe that we all must come to the Father voluntarily.
3) I don't see a question here, and I fully agree with your statement.. That is the benefit and curse of "free will"
@@libbycollins9349 Was going to ask, where's Jesus was in all this?!
A “real Christian” walks the walk and doesn’t just talk the talk. A “real Christian” doesn’t brag, doesn’t boast, knows that riches or poverty are not the measure of anybody’s moral and ethical standing. Be kind. Be gracious. Be more today than what we were yesterday. Strive to help neighbors. Grow the bonds of community. We need each other.
1st Corinthians 13. ?
13 If I speak in the tongues[a] of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. 2 If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. 3 If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast,[b] but do not have love, I gain nothing.
4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
8 Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. 9 For we know in part and we prophesy in part, 10 but when completeness comes, what is in part disappears. 11 When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me. 12 For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.
13 And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love
I love that story of the Rich Young Ruler. What I love most about that is that when the Rich Young Ruler walked away sad Jesus did not condemn him but looked after him with love.
I'm a lifelong Buddhist and I absolutely love your message. Clinging leads to suffering. Period.
Love leads to suffering.
Heck, life leads to suffering. It’s all about how to live best along with the suffering.
Seek moderation in your life. This seems to be the best rule of thumb.
@@silverghostcat1924 Life leads to suffering...No escape!
The beautiful sound of the "nail being hit on the head." Well said, Ed Trevors.
Beat me to it! I was also going to comment that the Reverend hit the nail on the head!
My folks were suckers for any workman with a fish on the back of his truck. "He's a CHRISTIAN, he's honest.
I avoid patronizing businesses that use religion or political affiliation to attract customers.
@@kissedbysun2517 So do I.
@@kissedbysun2517- At the very least, they may believe, do good work, and this is how they advertise. At the very worst, they take their trusting customers for a ride. It's not worth the gamble.
Shall we discuss the Christian bookstores that use the word 'family' in their names? As though non-Christians don't have family-friendly books?
When people are being deceived, they can not see it.
Or they wouldn't be deceived...
@@revedtrevors4961I feel like some know and do it any way because it feels good.
We are only devieved by the folks we trust.
It is easier to deceive people than to convince them that they have been deceived
Yes they do see it. God gave us a conscience to guide us around charlatans.
To be deceived, we start with the "love of the physical". It gives us an excuse to lie to ourselves, deceive ourselves. With a suppressed conscience, we want to follow the deceiver for a share of his material riches. We might just adore a narcissist to bask in his aura of riches.
The American Christian Radio station across the border from where I live is basically a Republican and YEC propaganda machine.
How sad!
They all are, EWTN got on trouble with the Pope for this.@kellyharper367
It's been that way since the 80s. Christianity = The Moral Majority.
It's time to tax the political churches and save Christian values and at the same time the billionaires are paying for votes from the huge televangelist money beggars. Because it's very difficult to get people to feel bad for billionaires when they work all week long and still just barely get from pay day to pay day
Yes so sad bec they are not objective n they do not really follow the christian dogma including Trump who does not depict any character nor have any moral compass.
Well, thank you because I've never thought of the entire "way they were taught" thing. I've been mad that "these people" claim to be Christians. Thank you for taking the veil from my eyes. It helps me get closer to forgiveness.
I can see other's positions it's, that they are not admitting the light, the love of Christ to exist in their own perceptions of reality where wealth and power is...everything!
This sense of power-wealth and influence has bedazzled the Political Far right to rational thought.
Look at this cabinet that's being put together. We all must suffer both the good and bad encounters in the journey of life. How we respond is a demonstration of our fruit.
You can't clean your dishes with a dirty dish cloth. That's what it's like trying to purify the church by following Trump.
I've tried...
Primarily because so many church leaders and online preachers are spreading a false gospel.
Too stru
Which one is the real gospel? some say that many original gospels and teachings were left out when the bible was put together. Jesus taught a lot of things from the Indian Vedas when he returned to the Middle East after having traveled there during the absent years in the bible.
@@ingehanson You really are deluded.
@@rickyg7579 No, just awake with my eyes wide open investigating many sides and ancient writings and people's experiences. I prefer not to be asleep adn follow a herd.
I’m thinking the Rich Young Man was hoping for the “Prosperity Gospel.”
WOW Ed, just wow Appreciate this message today! YES YES and Thank you; have a blessed day 🌻
Once heard preacher say, 'I accept any man as my brother until they show themselves otherwise.'
Thank you, Pastor, for emphasizing the false Christs and prophets.
Not everyone feels welcome to ask the church for help.
We need a secular method for serving everyone.
As an example, Hobby Lobby should defer to the will of each person rather than enforcing their beliefs on their employees.
God gave humans free will; it's against Christ to force others to abide by a certain set of religious rules.
Ideas live and die by their own merit; rather than TELLING someone what they should value, ASK them what they value, and why. Jesus demonstrated behavior modeling and empathy; he encouraged but didn't force others to live by his image.
For me, that freedom to choose kindness and empathy is what makes the difference. Don't TELL me what you believe; SHOW me with your words and actions.
And when that Christian shows me Donald Chump, (I don't want search results for that hateful individual), they're demonstrating cognitive dissonance -- they don't follow through with their beliefs.
As someone who has been to several churches asking for help in recent months I can attest to this. If you're not in the clique already you get the run around worse than a government agency. Nothing has made me believe in the church less than being in a time of need and asking the church for help.
Who exactly are the Christians preaching to inside those church walls with boundaries for gender identity, gender presentation, sexuality, or a person choosing an empty uterus for literally "nunya business" reasons.
Jesus spoke to the sex workers, and the poor. No one had to have "status" with him. I challenge Christians to meet people where they are rather than creating a barrier that must be crossed to hear the message.
I can answer this since I married into a family of them. They don’t question anything. If you are wearing a cross and say the right things they believe you without question. It’s not that different from how North Korea works. You don’t question anything, you don’t think, and you follow these proper procedures at all times. My marriage struggles because my Christian wife can’t think for herself and lives in fear. They way she talks and behaves in the marriage is very much like a business. I challenge her on faith matters and she can’t defend it. Why? Because churches are essentially entertainment venues. Everything is fun and peppy these people can’t handle challenges. They whine that colleges and public schools are making kids liberal. Wrong, their kids faith was not built to withstand the challenges of reality.
It's not any different than the Left party operates either. You believe what they dish out or you are thrown out of their club in seconds flat. A pro life Democrat can no longer exist, nor can anyone be a Democrat any more that does not believe in children's mutilations.
One Evangelical who left the Christian indoctrination and embraced the secular finding tremendous relief in the beginning only to find out that before long she had to adhere to all their standards or was not welcome there any more either.
Study to show Yourself approved, a workman who need not be ashamed RIGHTLY dividing the word of God. Be like the Bereans check the scriptures. What happens is we don’t ask God we rationalize on our own. The love of money is the route of all evil.
Study to show Yourself approved, a workman who need not be ashamed RIGHTLY dividing the word of God. Be like the Bereans check the scriptures. What happens is we don’t ask God we rationalize on our own. The love of money is the route of all evil.
@@deloresmatt8643 You got that right.
No problem. Trump will eliminate the Department of Education, so questioning the truth of some assertion by authority figures will be a thing of the past.
I had a strong reaction when a Trump supporter to me that if I do not support Trump, then I am an atheist. I told him that one has nothing to do with the other. Who I vote for gas nothing to do with my love of and reliance on Christ.
Again, thank you! I love your take on the Kingdom, which will come through love, not legislation. Brilliant.😊
The thirst for POWER is their trap.
the path of darkness
To let go of the will to control property, people, and the world.
Ignorance is no excuse. The truth was available to them via many sources.
As a true Scotsman I'm confused about the concept of a real Christian.
When you meet one he or she won’t likely claim to be one, but their action will yell it out through kindness. Happy hunting!
@@libbycollins9349And yet I know people who are the kindest I have ever known who are not Christians. The only difference is that they don't believe the supernatural religious claims.
@@Northman1963 I know! I did family mediations for years, and the unkindest people were the ones who showed up in the Christian tee shirts. I used to wonder whether they’d be ax murderers but for some touch inside holding them back? Maybe that’s the best them. It’s puzzling especially to believers.
@@libbycollins9349 that's what CS Lewis wrote - the measure is a change from their previous life, not a comparison with wiith a person "who enjoys a good digestion." Or a person with more or fewer troubles than us.
Screwtape Letters, I think. Maybe Surprised By Joy or Mere Christianity. At any rate, it stuck with me as a personal antidote to legalism.
😊 It's the same logical fallacy and can be answered in a few ways.
1. Scripture -2 Tim 2:19 clearly states God knows those who are his. So it's not my job.
2. Scripture - Galatians scolds certain Christians who began by faith but are seeking to continue by legalism.
3. Culture - "Acceptable" Christian behaviour varies wildly around the world and over time. A Canadian and a Thai will have different ideas about clothing, makeup, alcohol, sex, money, and on and on.
One of the smarter things John Piper has said is that his job was to prepare people to live under whichever political systems prevail rather than to advocate for any particular one. He has walked away from that but it's still a smart idea.
Fast food people - Jesus is taking to long. They will not follow Matthew 5, 6, 7& 25:40. Keep praying for God’s help we ALL need.🛐
these people are not reading their bibles enough. It is very easy to know what god expects from us, read the gospels. They need to listens to their church leaders but read the gospel and make sure actions and attitude of the leaders match the gospels if not, replace the leaders or find a new church. this is the responsibility of each person and each will be held accountable for his own actions. i am sure that you allowing yourself to be lead in an ungodly manner will not be a legitimate excuse on judgement day.
Discernment...Situational awareness...Matthew 10:16 Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. therefore
be wise as serpents and harmles as doves.
I could listen to this several times! This was his message and his example and you have brought the recollection of many teachings of Christ's, into focus.
every body seems to have their approach to christianity. for myself following christ and being chrislike as i can,has brought me more peace of mind and soul than i ever had before. so i try to love my neighbor as myself and respect their views even if they are very different from my own,but its not always easy to do so! as always i appreciate your message!
Today's instant gratification society... Stuck within the cycle of greed, need to...rush, rush don't slow down.
Thank you for making these videos. They really help when dealing with these lost MAGA souls.
"Do as I say, not as I do." This doesn't work, and it's not the path Jesus followed, either.
I believe this to be a core issue for younger generations abandoning "the church," because the church doesn't align with personal values.
I consider myself to be an agnostic atheist because I haven't found a church that mirrors my high ethical ideals. My decisions are formed through ethical values, and I can't purport to follow a "leader" or an institution that exhibits looser ethics and values than my own. I don't learn from those people and I actively harm myself in the trying.
Hypocrisy drove me from the church; and I'm from the Bible belt. It's not as if I'm ignorant of what's inside the book. My very knowledge of what's inside the book shows me that most "Christians" are simply saying the words to "game" the system.
And I'm secure enough with myself and my values to do it by myself. I believe in a God that is kind and will look at my record rather than making sure I have the "right" club card on me.
I also have a lot of trauma surrounding being failed by the adults around me when I was a child, making it extremely difficult for me to trust anyone and leave myself vulnerable; what if I trust again and I'm utterly destroyed? No thanks. I trust me. I *can't* trust someone who looks inept because that spells danger.
I can understand that. I'm a Christian but I have no "home" church. I'm a Baptist because I followed the example of immersion in water but I have no allegiance to denomination. I carry my faith with me like a bundle as I move about my life. I think it's good. Jesus sent his followers out. He didn't usher them to a pew.
@@trudycolborne2371 Exactly. In fact.... Thinking on it more, service inside the church was meant to refill the cup of the tired Christian, and to serve those in need. It offers community, and fellowship, and support to continue spreading Jesus' love through acts of service.
@@plantyfan Basically an establishment of a not for profit charity organization. With some social support. When scripture says Jesus loves the church it wasn't referring to a building. May the God you aren't too sure about bless you for the kindness you show others because of your good values.
@@trudycolborne2371 that's maybe the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me. Thank you for radiating kindness. 💗
Thank you, Rev Ed 🫡
Another reasonable and passionate and insightful video Rev!
One thought 💭🤔
Do these same Christians who say yay! Willing to sell all their possessions and follow Him?
It's like me saying I love God more than myself When I've been homeless before
I haven't been for years now And all I know is God's Impeccable Love helped lift me up when I've had nothing
“Erroneous!” Who teaches that a convicted felon, rapist and serial liar is the “guy!”
A real Christian wouldn’t/couldn’t vote for a person like that and if you think so you need to question what you’re doing!
He can only be 'the guy' if he has reformed, repented, and shown that it's true reformation and repentance. Trump is incapable of conceiving that he has done wrong.
@@julietfischer5056 Love that recent Rev Ed's red ketter commentary of Jesus and, the rich young ruler that is so fitting today.
I often say this, "I've yet to find the section in the Bible where the pression asks, 'Lord, what must i make my neighbor do so that I may enter heaven?'"
I have been finding that the more I point out to the right leaning Christians the hypocrisy of their positions as law over grace, I am just as guilty of hypocrisy for judging their "Christianity".
If i can't speak these truths with the same love i chastise them for lacking in their policies I too bring judgment on myself.
I must concern myself with ensuring my motives are right. And that my anger, if i do have it, is not self righteousness.
Otherwise, I'm acting as though my redemption is dependent on how many people I've convinced that I'm right.
The distinction between Christians susceptible to men over Christ is found in those who view Christianity as a noun rather than a verb. Too many identify with this THING called Christianity rather than understanding the action required to move in this life with your heart and to be of service through Christ.
I'm not a Christian, but my functional definition of a Christian is someone who believes that Jesus was the son of God, died for believer's sins, and was resurrected some time later.
That's a large umbrella that includes Jehovas Witnesses and Mormons, who call themselves Christians.
We have to be careful because some of these so called Christian denominations actually practice false teachings.
First let me say Amen to all that you are saying today. As usual you give me so many things to think about and to look at in my own faith and in my own knowledge of Theology and of the Bible and a following our Lord. I want to say that first of all we are told that Satan will appear as an angel of Light. Now I'm not saying that Donald Trump is saying that is not my point but that so often we as Christians can be fooled by what we see and hear. The other thing I want to say is that I believe in continuing sanctification. It is not a static thing we must work towards that sanctification and we certainly do not get that sanctification on this side of the the grave but we must be working towards it and to do that you must try to walk and do the things that Jesus has taught us to do.❤😊
It is taught, attachment causes suffering.
In the Hindu traditions...This is called Samsara, the endless cycles of birth, life, death until your soul reach perfection you become Christ, Buddah like consciousness. But all this time within this endless cycle is, pain and suffering and all the ills that effect life.
Thank Thank you so much for this wonderful meditation!
I listened to your message Reverand Ed. I am praying it takes root now. Thank you for showing up.
Well stated. ❤️😉. According to Jesus it's either God or mammon- things of this world. You are spot on... Thank you.
What?? what? You mean We can't take it with us when we go??lol
if a person believes in Christ but doesn't follow Him, that faith is dead
they are a Christian in Name Only
for Jesus said, "Those who follow my commandments are with me, but those who don't aren't"
Christian means Christ follower.
Seeds that fell by the wayside, They sprouted, blosomed and withered away . They're roots were too shallow.
Thank you so very much Atlanta,Ga
Excellent thinking Rev Ed. ❤ I personally try to fine tune all my thinking. It’s just a thought 😎 Love sent to all ❤
Love that!
Listen to Steve Taylor's 'Guilty by Association'. 👍
I am reminded of
Man's will to power and the eternal return.
I invented a word, "Apagnostic". I no longer care what labels people use or what they claim it means.
Many have chosen who they listen too, just like I have. The word has been out there and they chose to ignore it. That is part of being an adult.
Because apparently not all “Christians “ are followers of Jesus Christ.Matthew 7:20,21 wherefore, by their fruits ye shall know them. Not everyone that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven but he that doth the will of my father which is in heaven “
Coming from the common consensus found at the dinner table.
Believing and doing are 2 different things. PERIOD!
Maybe it has to do with being conditioned from childhood into believing the rediculous lies in the bible. Believe this under threat of eternal damnation, no matter how ludicrous the lies are. A master class in gullibility. A concerted effort to suppress critical thinking, logic and honesty.
In the sect of Christianity I was raised in, the Bible wasn't enough. They invented an endless supply of nonsense that we had to swear allegiance to. The more ridiculous the stuff was, the more brownie points you got for believing it.
@@kissedbysun2517 Santa Clause comes to mind. Take the religions most sacred holiday and decorate it with a lie.
Reverend, I would like to bring your attention to a video/talk that was quite disturbing, but you probably would be wise to be aware of.
The title is really long, but it's basically called "The Catholic origins of Fascism and Nazism" or something like that, with even more descriptors after that.
It is literally a Catholic justification and promotion of Fascism as Christian and the ideal government as they see it. It is genuinely unnerving.
My need for shelter does certainly harm me as the cost is too much of my income. Life would be so much easier if I didn’t need to sleep and if the elements wouldn’t harm me. I wouldn’t have a car either if not for the job that I need to pay the rent. Is it our love or our absolutely reliance that is causing harm. I don’t love my apartment but I love not sleeping in the street
We all need shelter, food, and an income. These are necessities in life. What Jesus teaches us is that when you make these things the #1 focus of life then you put them before your love of God; you end up worshipping your "stuff" rather than worshipping God. It's all about what you prioritize in life. God isn't saying we all need to live in mud huts in order to love him, but sometimes we're called to do exactly that, and if we have our priorities straight we will trust God to lead the way and not cling to the materialistic as an excuse not to follow the call. I think that's why there are so few evangelists today. The cost of leaving a comfortable western way of living is too great to go to a foreign land and live with just the basics. We much prefer to be "comfortable Christians".
Good morning 🌞!
I dunno Rev. Ed, perhaps a few of them were taught wrongly, but many already had the idea of ruling over others or wanting power or hating others. We either have Holy Spirit in us or we don't. Heavy subject though. And yes, we must forgive them & not reject them maga people.
Thank you. I'm a lay minister (Anglican) preparing a homily for Morning Prayer on Sunday and pondering the story of Solomon's asking for wisdom, plus Paul's letter to Ephesians 5:15-20. Your commentary seems to me to be completely related to the life of Solomon and the instructions of Paul in that part of his letter. That said, your words also have me wondering why we're here, earthly creatures, earth-bound, with our penchant for the physical pleasures (that perfect apple from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, back there in Eden, and ever since)? Why bother with all this? Why not simply still live in the glory of wherever God is, as stardust, billion-year-old carbon (as Joni Mitchell sang). Why be human if our humanity, with all its foibles, makes it so tough to get back to The Garden?
The Holy Spirit just spoke to me about some things I hold on to. ❤
In the LGBT+ community we have to occasionally deal with the controversy that some of us identify differently than we look or behave, and by necessity (since not everyone is out of the closet) we have to take their word for it, and accept if and when their identity changes. But also we have to watch for gatekeeping, since gays are just as human and still prone to wanting to favor some and exclude others. Bisexuals are still widely distrusted in 2024, and the fight goes on to recognize they, too are legitimately part of the community, and deserve to be regarded and loved for who they are, not just the facet you happen to like.
Now, outside of Christian circles we've had to assume similarly, that a Christian is anyone who identifies as one, regardless of behavior or even declared beliefs that might be contrary [to a given notion of Christianity]. There's also a justification for it: Christian identity is a statement of _intent._ It's possible to just not be very good at practicing the doctrine you believe is the right way to live, and many Christians are at least in the habit of expressing that kind of humility. So then it's possible to give any Christian the benefit of the doubt they are Christian, just are still a ways of mastering living that kind of life.
Most judgements I've heard have been from apologists, who especially like to condemn apostates for _never truly being Christian in the first place,_ as a mechanism to preserve the notion that _true_ Christianity doesn't have its detractors or critics. And ministers sometimes condemn anyone who disagrees with their specific ideology, a strategem that prevailed through the 20th century; _extra Ecclesiam nulla salus_ remains the standing of the Roman Catholic Church (Benedict XVII gave exception to the Orthodoxies but to no Protestant).
It reminds me of Mattel intentionally making Hot Wheels cars skinnier than Matchbox (then owned by Lesney Products) so that the latter wouldn't run on Hot Wheels tracks. Or Schick and Gilette creating proprietary standards for handles and razor heads that are not even compatible within the same brand. And it reveals when ministries are more interested in competing with each other than they are creating a cooperative society (id est, _loving their neighbors_ ). It gives me respect for those ministries who preach universal salvation.
+ I Agree and thank you.
Christians have a responsibility for discernment. Too often people are misled willingly.
Or the ricj guy was seeking the next treasure to add to his collection
The problem is the idea of being fooled, unfortunately for me and most of us we treat the path of Christ as an a la carte menu and chose like minded compatriots
It's a character issue. Character being the mental and moral qualities of an individual. People go along with what speaks to their hopes, fears, and desires. If a charlatan does a good enough job manifesting these while promising people what they have always wanted, there will be many lacking in sufficient character that respond favorably.
Or in other words, birds of a feather flock together.
Thank you! Cradle (liberal) Roman Catholic here, “lapsed” at present. There is NOTHING that turns me off faster than a quick litmus test for belief. Are you a REAL Christian? Are you a TRUE Catholic? Balderdash.
How do you follow what a metaphore tells you to do? How can a person of truth justify following a "literal Jesus" when in reality, the story cannot be actual?
I'm a bible believing Christians, I believe we need government to set rules to impose law and orders like Jesus did ( the ten commandments). We are to occupy until the Lord comes He said, so I'll exercise my First Amendment right and vote, because when I stand before my Maker and King, I can't say, Lord I had an abortion or not had one because the government said or didn't say i can or cannot have one. My obedience is to God and no one else. Therefore I will use my commonsense and vote accordingly.
Give unto Ceasar what is due to Ceasar and give unto god what is due to God
You can't say you follow Christ but commit sin. It's the 'saved' or get out of jail free card that is waved around in arrogance that ends the convo.
Amen 🙏
I appreciate your perspective, it helps bring me peace. Thank you.
If our Savior and Lord Jesus is not enough for anyone then they are not born again real Christians. Sorry but it is what it is.
Trump supporters are so desperate to want paradise on Earth in a literal way they are willing to follow anyone who offers them hope and the light at the end of the tunnel. I grew up with these kind of people all my life. I know now how they think and act. I used to be like them it takes one to know one.
It isn't just stuff, but one's identity or what one believes. Of course what you think about yourself or your identity is also a thing.
Seek ye the Kingdom of God (within) first, and all the other things will be added to you. However, hold these other things not with a clenched fist but an open hand. For these things are only passing while your true self, as one with the Kingdom of God, is everlasting.
I'm very concerned about the Christians who have been conned into believing the rapture is coming and we're in the end times. My concern is these people are not living to live; they're living to die. I'm pretty sure this is suicide ideation. How can I help someone with this problem?
As someone who sees (and wrestles with!) the connection of those ideas, the just plain caring that your question indicates goes a long way. That kind of thinking can come from a place of feeling so alien in this world that one would rather beam directly into another.
Showing folks that life here is worth living helps, more than words can say. Part of that can be invites to fun events without expectation of reciprocation, and that aren't themselves a "repayment" for past invites or favors.
I know this is not the point of this video but as a QA person my thought was: so if a billionaire gives a lot of money and stuff to a person trying to give everything away just before they die could be forced out of eternal life.
Only one perfect human ever, Jesus!
Not so. Jesus himself said "and greater things than I will you also do". We can all achieve what Jesus did, that's why he came here and shone a light on the path.
Every human being is a son or daughter of god adn all eventually achieve Christhood and merge with the god essence after many reincarnations.
Are you telling me your a perfect being on earth???
This is the right take. There's no standards body to measure Christianity in some objective way like you'd measure parts per million of something in water. If you say you're a Christian, then you are one.
I disagree. There are some people who say they are a Christian but their behavior reveals that something is not right.
@@dr.c9461 Those people can be called "badly behaved christians"
Yes! Anyone, in either side, who says "You can't be a (real) Christian if you..." needs to stop and really evaluate what they have said or want to say. TBH, I associate that more with people on the right than on the left, but I'm sure it happens both ways. When people say that, I'm never quite sure whether they are doubting the other person's faith, or whether they are forbidding them from being a Christian. Neither is good.
Everybody will have eternal life and not only Christians that's why I talked about labeling anybody in their religious beliefs. We need to understand that we are all Spiritual Beings experiencing physical life on Earth.
For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. -- Matthew 24:24
People see this verse and assume that they are immune from deception from charlatans and antichrists; and not stopping to ask if this verse implies that the Calvinist believe that the "elect" are forever "elected" or if their actions and beliefs match what was said of the "elect" in the first place.
Some things are just common sense. Raised Catholic then as an adult, Pentecostal. I realized that something was not right. I've had this feeling as a teen. I am the type to think for myself. I don't believe everything someone says and someone being a pastor doesn't matter. Pastor's are human and sin themselves.
How is a spoiled narcassist rich man supposed to be for you and your situation in life?
It's ironic that i can connect with you as an atheist.
I am an atheist because i do not believe in dieties and ruling powers , but i do believe in life, nature, and consciousness.
Though i am a gnostic christian, I believe in christ consciousness as a universal value and have read into gnostic texts.
That we are one essential being on seperate paths of discovery, we are source (Jesus's father, our father, oneself aka I AM) that is able to live but through different lives and pathways.
When Jesus said, "You hurt me when you hurt another" - its because of this. This is what was excluded from the bible by the Roman Empire when they went on a new Imperialist path.
Jesus didn't want us bending knees, nor did he want us forcing others to bend theirs. He truly believed in the ideology that we will continuously come back until we have learned what we need to. To finally reach symmetry with source, only then will we be free from fleshly capitivity on a journey (some call it captivity, some call it source giving itself a reason beyond just being).
In the end, whether you see it or not, I see you reaching for truths based on things coming from the horse's mouth (Jesus, our brother), and i see this enlightenment from banned books reaching you.
What is your goal as you meet death? Eventually politics, religion and money are empty. Relationships via love is not empty.
What a wonderful question.... Thank you for this food
I am an atheist who has a great admiration for the teachings of Jesus. You can do worse than listen to a man who bases his entire philosophy on love of your fellow man.
In many ways the promises of Trump are similar to that of Constantine and Charlemagne.
Many say that Pride is the greatest sin, but I think that it's actually Greed. Seven of the Ten Commandments were against Greed, it is greed in people's hearts that has caused the worst parts of our nature to come to the front. Greed for more than we have, be it things or power.
Christ brought a message of love. He broke the chains of the old laws and asked us to love. He did not ask is to judge, and certainly never asked to be worshipped.The older I get, the more I believe the religion of Christianity will very likely be the death of Christianity.
Jesus also said" I have not come to change one jot or tittle of the law"
We are to be living in the world but not of the world...the worlds values
The conservative brother who told you that the Church should be responsible for certain things and not the government? I'm not sure what things he was referring to, but I've heard Christians say that the Church should take care of the poor, the disabled, and the elderly instead of the government. The New Testament does make reference to caring for "true widows over the age of 60" (1 Timothy 5:3-10...attributed to St. Paul, but this is disputed). I don't know of any Christian denomination that does that, but let's just say that that burden gets shifted to Churches and faith organizations. Be careful what you wish for! My Mother is an example. She was widowed in 1998, and died in 2017 at the age of 81. My brother lived with her in a house that was paid off. She had no debt, as both she and my Dad had worked hard all their lives to stay out of debt. She relied on Social Security and a small pension from my Dad's employer. She had a tiny IRA that she drew from very conservatively. Her overall income was so low that she didn't have to pay income taxes. She clipped coupons and watched every penny. She also relied on Medicare for her healthcare. The last 10-15 years of her life were marked with chronic illness, mainly congestive heart failure. She was on oxygen. She was in and out of the hospital when her oxygen levels fell dangerously low. She had to go to residential rehab a few times. Is anyone adding up how much money all of that must have cost? My brothers and I would never have been able to provide the care she needed. The government, in her case, was a GOD-SEND! Praise Him! Do Church organizations really want to take on that burden? It must have been $millions, and that's just for one person. She was able to live semi-independently at home, and die at home, because of those government benefits. I can tell you right now that every church I've ever attended is busy using its resources for all kinds of programs (mostly youth-oriented), but not to care for the elderly and disabled people in this same manner. The Church lived communally back in the day, and nobody owned anything...brothers and sisters cared for one another. (Acts. 2:42-47). Note that the Gospel spread like wildfire through the entire known world under this model, where everyone was completely devoted to the Lord's work. Don't even get me started on what both Jesus and St. Paul taught about the nuclear family!
Christ says you need to study the word so that no one can deceive you 🙏🏼 for decerment 🔥🛐 Remember Satan is the father of lies so when you follow a liar Satan becomes your god.
Why is it so hard to think we are wrong? Regardless of side. In Oliver Cromwell words: I beseech you, in the bowels of Christ, think it possible that you may be mistaken.
Thank you Reverend Ed for the reminder that we are the hands and the feet, and that it comes out of love, in response to the context of this question.
I cannot absolve so-called "Christians" from their responsibility for following a supporting hatred and rage. We are not talking about little children who don't know any better and who are given wrong advice. These are adults with an adult brain who can read what Jesus told them to do, starting with love. Nobody is asking them to give all they have to the poor. They can see that Jesus said, "A new commandment I give unto you, that you love one another even as I have loved you." People who are suspicious of others who are NOT LIKE THEM, who hate and rail against those who don't agree with them, who even threaten the life of such people are not even trying to be like Jesus. Those people might have started out fooled, but all they have to do is pick up the Bible they claim to believe in and read. Nowhere does it say they should do any of those things. I think your former video was right: they got tired of waiting for God to do anything, so they WILLINGLY followed a broken and sinful man, who endorses the violence and mayhem they want to commit. I think they are mad at God and at everyone else. They left their beliefs behind. I discovered that by talking with some of these people on the hiking trails. When I ask then how their commitment to Trump and against other human beings comports with their "faith", not one so far has been able to answer that question. I believe they KNOW they are doing wrong. If they didn't know that, they could answer my question.
One of the definitions of faith some of we atheists use is "believing something without or contrary to evidence". Those who fall for flimflammery have entirely too much this type of faith.