I was sceptical and didn't want to click the video because of all the AI-generated junk made on this topic. But I'm happy I did. You made the best video I have watched on the topic. You nailed it. Thank you!
I'm a person who had a traumatic growing up, and have dealt with mental and emotional disorders my entire life, such as anxiety and low self esteem. About six months ago I happened to meet a psychologist who has been able to bring such clarity, and provide all the answers I've been seeking. Interestingly, some of the most potent and effective exercises he's given me have been mindfulness, or, many of the practices mentioned near the end of the video. Observing, not attaching to thoughts and emotions, there's a whole meditation called "leaves on a stream", this guy had a slightly different version of leaves in the wind, but same thing. Kinda cool coming across it here
Good News! i discovered that the brain/body is capable of setting itself Totally Free of fear, anxiety, sorrow, despair, loneliness, shame, guilt, confusion, contradictions, addictions, irritations, triggers, vanity, envy, greed, jealousy, attachment, possessiveness, ill-will, hatred, cruelty, bias, prejudice, and all other mental/emotional disturbances, in each and every moment of daily life, 24/7.
This gives birth to True Love, Peace, Happiness, Creativity, & Clarity, for the very first time. Not the love, peace, happiness, that the I, the me, the self, the thinker, the mind, imagines it to be, which is a limitation, imitation, and distortion. For the very first time, Soul is happening, Spirit is happening, Heart is happening. It is not temporary. It is happening in each & every moment of daily life, 24/7. It does not take time. It has nothing whatsoever to do with time, effort, or choice. It occurs faster than the speed of light. The children are ready to be set Totally Free at the earliest age so they don't waste their whole life with any mental/emotional disturbances.
The brain body the animated construct which represents the brain body must be executively controlled by the [essence observer] the one universal mind which finds itself in dwelling that which was created by the sum total of everything the construct thought felt and experienced by said construct
Yes the entity is responsible because it resides it the body that gave impedance to the construct that we call by a name and is this world’s outward representation that is also guilty.
@@kingchamuco1 I can’t entirely disagree with you, as it’s a hard thing to wrap the mind around, and we’ve been indoctrinated endlessly with the idea of the “self” and the ego. However, it certainly is starting to appear as though free will AND determinism somehow co exist. In other words, if someone commits a crime, it is both his “fault” AND the “fault” of the entire cosmos. Check out Robert Sapolsky on determinism if you haven’t already, if this type of stuff interests you. Take care 🙏
This presentation was as marvellous as Life itself. Succinct, riveting, informative and mind-opening. Simply phenomenal. Yet, just wanted to share that if the materialistic approach is true and if the Universe is what it is, then possibly we are just evolved matter. Just like the Earth is a speck of sand in the Universe and was born and will vanish in due course, so might Life and Consciousness too. So I'm still not sure what is the truth about Reality. Maybe it's something that cannot ever be known. But everything you presented is equally likely to be true and therefore it's so wonderful to have watched this video. Deeply grateful 🙏
Materialism is not true simply because our brains is in our skulls in consciousness, just like everything else. The brain doesnt produce consciousness, it is a feature of it.
I think my mind makes up thoughts and thoughts make up my thinking mind. Most thoughts however do not seem to originate in my conscious mind...So I am still left wondering where thought comes from and what thought really is... One day I hope to find clear answers...This is a very helpful and thoughtful video. Thanking you all very much...
Thank you. I also wonder where thoughts come from (and what they are). So much mystery in life, but I think that is how awareness likes to play. Thanks for stopping by and dropping a comment!
entering Jhana , the greater Kan and Li, the secret of the golden flower, the yogas of dream and sleep, neigong, qiging, silk reiling, kriya yoga, heart rate variability, Om japa, are some needed steps
Everything is consciousness and made of pure love and Oneness. Physical reality is an illusion of separation consciousness creates to experience itself as being separate. Everything within the infinite eternal is the infinite eternal from a different perspective. We are infinite eternal souls having a human experience. We create our reality individually and collectively as a unity consciousness from Heaven, which we are always connected to, even though we are creating the experience that we are separate or disconnected from it. If you want to experience change, you change yourself and your state of being, and reality will reflect it back to you. If you express daily gratitude, reality will give you more experiences to be grateful for. Loving yourself unconditionally actually triggers others to vibrate towards you. Your an infinite eternal being that changes form when you transition from life to life, so there’s no need to rush life, just flow with it in the infinite eternal NOW!
I think we are more likely individual quantum observers of a shared simulated external reality. Yes we create our experiences of colour taste and smell,but we have to interact with an external reality that creates the possibility for us to build our experience. None of our sensory experiences could develop unless we existed in an environment that allows for these possibilities
I had complete encoded maps for all knowledge to be hidden in these maps. the thing is, they are not the conventional critical thinking, but a new perseptive of thinking. there are 3 sets; 1 Psychological, 2 philosophical, 3 Analytical. to form this complete system. too bad, I can not share these maps on here, the comment section.
@@wisdom-for-life this is great video you have. there are many layers can be encoded, once you start encoded this knowledge, you will see it is very hard. the map I had created, had been encoded for more than 40,000. once you understand this coded and be able to decoded. your critical thinking skill will change and advance up to 32% increase in a month.
Great analysis, thank you! Could you help me with something unrelated: My OKX wallet holds some USDT, and I have the seed phrase. (alarm fetch churn bridge exercise tape speak race clerk couch crater letter). Could you explain how to move them to Binance?
Nice presentation of the ESSENCE of EXISTENCE, the WONDER called LIFE. Suggest to refer following book to get a glimpse of this SCIENCE OF CONSCIOUSNESS in the language of modern science, especially relativity and quantum mechanics: SPACETIME AND THAT BEYOND By A.N.Unnikrishnan.
After understanding this WONDERFUL video, all you need to take advantage of its teachings is to understand AND live the 'Seikilos One-Paragraph Cosmovision': "The Totality of Existence IS The Universal Mind asking: 'ARE YOU ANOTHER ME?'. Your answer determines your reality. 'No' brings suffering, 'Yes, I AM ANOTHER YOU!' reveals The Cosmic Love. This is THE ONLY real Freedom: choose your answer and live the consequences. THERE IS NOTHING MORE TO KNOW. Suffer or be happy." How to live it? Convert your life into an spiritual practice by listening and answering, at all times and places, The Universal Mind's Eternal Question 'Are You Another Me?' with a resounding 'Yes, I Am Another You!' Try it for some days and you will fill your life with Love, Peace and Joy. Believe me. Want to know more? If you are smart enough, you can easily deduce where you can find my teachings. I ❤ you. Why? Because I Am Another You! 🎉🎉🎉🎉
I've been struggling for a very long time with who I am, what I am, why am I here and is religion just a way to get those with good hearts to join a group and take instructions from other humans. I know... I just really know that space-time isn't real and what is REAL in the first place? Ive never heard of this I AM ONE OF YOU AND YOU ARE ONE OF ME before but it feels right. I've never heard anything in 40 years that feels right so I'm going to excitedly try this 😊and thank you YOU ARE ONE OF ME for taking time to explain it so eloquently 😉
and then it happened some saw a light or a vision or something in the mountains they had never seen before. and they were exhilarated. and from thence they felt there was something unworldly coming to them. it was the dawn of a new era. an era of open mindedness. man started using it elatedly and progressed.
Why people still think observation in a quantum mechanic sense implies literal observation is beyond me. It just means something else interacts with the thing to collapse its wave function, if such a thing even physically exists.
and when they saw that extraordinary light in the mountains again they felt that the sign of that powerful being had shown up again and they would face another major disaster. but it was not be but peace n calm reigned on earth. and from thence man started to think much about that light that brought both disasters n good fortune. and so they decided to pay obeisance to that divine light. and all went on well.
Somehow it is complex and simple at the same time. That's why I like Douglas Harding's book - On Having No Head: Zen and the Rediscovery of the Obvious. Thanks for dropping a comment Mr. God in the making :)
@@wisdom-for-life On Having No Head sounds like an interesting book that I must read. I sat in a garden listening to birds twittering in a tree, and for several seconds I felt those birds were inside my head and not the tree. Your video is brilliant, thank you so much for sharing.
all those times of peace created goodwill and its dark side was greed in certain quarters. and then he appeared the one in a thousandth man who was extremely obsessed with greed. and he started accumulating much for his own hoardings. seeing that some others saw that they could use all that he was amassing to good use. and so they did and became the merchants of wealth. and they too prospered from the greed of the one man.
I believe the whole universe is connected and everything is energy we are all one it’s all connected believe in light there’s a massive universe out there and we will eventually have to adventure out there
In this video, what you are telling is right, but one thing we need to understand world is not real. It’s myth, this ideology came in fifth century or sixth century in India by adi Shankaracharya, he wrote a Advaita Vedanta philosophy. You should check once.
This video basically leads to Advaita Vedanta philosophy/ideology. Could you elaborate what you mean that the world is not real? My understanding - Awareness and experience are real, but physical matter/physical world is not real in the physical sense.
Materialism isnt obvious at all, all children deeply know everything is enchanted. Dreams, sensory vibrations, thoughts, imagination, memory, sensation, free will, all these things obviously refute materialism. But they get corrupted by them and all wonder is lost and so they get corrupted by society.
we who are the remnants of the past when humans were one with the planet and everything universal. we learnt by obeisance to the sun. we heard many things carried by the winds. we saw even in the dark without lights. that was what humans were back then.
but the unexpected happened. nature was upsetting this planet tormentuously. and the newly formed intelligent people went through the worst disasters. and when all the dust of those disasters had settled man began to feel that there was a being whose powers were so strong that it could cause earth to rumble vigorously.
🎎 🚹 🚺 The average person has 3 minds, a body, a house & a car. A person is not his mind - not his analytical mind - not his reactive mind - not his somatic mind- a person is not his body or brain any more than he is his car or house. A person is his own immortal soul - a person - the individual himself - is a spirit controlling a body via 3 minds.
I think you forgot to give credit to someone, namely Bernardo Kastrup, from whose work you have amply and freely borrowed. I enjoyed your video and found it well constructed, but it bothers me to discover such blatant plagiarism. Of course, the ideas you discuss belong to no one and can be found in numerous other sources, some of your examples and actual word choice are direct echoes from his books and videos. If you're going to include his ideas, you ought to at the very least list Kastrup's works in your resources section alongside Rupert Spira (a good friend of his) and Adyashanti.
Hello. Thanks for watching. I credited him in the video a couple times (bottom left corner - when I speak about dissociative identity disorder and how minds dissociate from each other). I also credited him in the description of the video with a link to his work - Analytical approach to nonduality by Bernardo Kastrup - www.essentiafoundation.org. I also credited him at the end credits. I don't believe I quoted Bernardo directly (correct me if I'm wrong and give me a time stamp if you believe otherwise), but I did refer to his ideas along with a wide range of others (listed in end credits). Please review the video and refer to the bottom left corner for credits as I touch on a specific topic. I gave credit where it is due (perhaps you overlooked the text in the bottom left corner or the end credits?). If there is a specific idea that you believe I missed crediting him for, let's discuss it and maybe I can clear up some confusion. A lot of the things he says do stem from others before him like Berkeley, Hume, etc. The person I pulled the most from was Rupert Spira which I called by name and also credited him half a dozen times. Edit/addition: Essentia Foundation is where a lot of his work is published (and he is an exec) which is why I linked to that website in the video description... but I went ahead and added his youtube channel and another one of his websites in the description. I don't think it's really necessary as I credited him 4+ times and already had a link to his work... but, it doesn't bother me to add a couple more links in there!
I Think we are Little antennas for the One and Amazing counciousness ❤ l agree with you l am Just a piece of the big puzzle🎉 we Need to accept that this brain of us cant contain all that Is and until we dont feel Faith and trust that everythings Will be explained one day we are living and loving every things that Is right here and right now..Science Need solid rock to uplift them but what if the reality Is far more greater and Amazing than what we are been told until now? What if every cicles of the time we are getting closer but in some way we cant accept that reality Is simple fact and we become aware that 3d Is impossible to be study if we dont accept multidimensionality ❤❤❤
If life is truly a "joke" then it is a practical joke not created by any benevolent force or entity. Ask those in war zones what they think of this "Joke"? Just a thought that hit me...
If you are essentially immortal and can choose to have a physical life whenever you feel like it. It doesn't matter what happens or how. An eternal 'Groundhog Day'.
I AM So Aware That I Create My Reality With Pure Thought Doesnt Think I KNOW, As Great Mystiks Have Said Genie In body 3 Wishes Thoughts Words Actions, Your Wish Is My Command Creation RE-Ciprocates Rahaha, Experienced Experience Experiencing Experiences, Yip Model That, Beautiful UN-Covery TRUTH LOVE FREEDOM WHETURANGITIA, Ponangi A :)
I hope you'll find out how the capslock works one day in your reality so you don't create stokes in other entities that have to read through your stuff. I didn't understand any of it. Try again.
I was sceptical and didn't want to click the video because of all the AI-generated junk made on this topic. But I'm happy I did. You made the best video I have watched on the topic. You nailed it. Thank you!
Thank you Fahad!
Question for you.... When AI does a video...does AI create it, or just read it?
@@Robin-qf3ohall of the above and more.
I clicked with the "let's clean up ai generated crap from my feed" mindset, and ended up subscribing...
I hate that crap
I'm a person who had a traumatic growing up, and have dealt with mental and emotional disorders my entire life, such as anxiety and low self esteem. About six months ago I happened to meet a psychologist who has been able to bring such clarity, and provide all the answers I've been seeking. Interestingly, some of the most potent and effective exercises he's given me have been mindfulness, or, many of the practices mentioned near the end of the video. Observing, not attaching to thoughts and emotions, there's a whole meditation called "leaves on a stream", this guy had a slightly different version of leaves in the wind, but same thing. Kinda cool coming across it here
This is the most insightful video I have ever watched... Thank you 😮🎉😮
Wow, the level of depth you put into this one video.
Thanks! ... it took me a while lol.
Wow this is such an amazing video, hundreds of hours you must have spent creating this. Thank you for sharing your perspective.
"The idea that dead matter creates life is comically silly..."
- Steve Madison "Soul science: Know your soul"
Never stop making these videos
Thanks for the encouragement Unc!
Good News! i discovered that the brain/body is capable of setting itself Totally Free of fear, anxiety, sorrow, despair, loneliness, shame, guilt, confusion, contradictions, addictions, irritations, triggers, vanity, envy, greed, jealousy, attachment, possessiveness, ill-will, hatred, cruelty, bias, prejudice, and all other mental/emotional disturbances, in each and every moment of daily life, 24/7.
This gives birth to True Love, Peace, Happiness, Creativity, & Clarity, for the very first time. Not the love, peace, happiness, that the I, the me, the self, the thinker, the mind, imagines it to be, which is a limitation, imitation, and distortion.
For the very first time, Soul is happening, Spirit is happening, Heart is happening.
It is not temporary. It is happening in each & every moment of daily life, 24/7.
It does not take time. It has nothing whatsoever to do with time, effort, or choice. It occurs faster than the speed of light.
The children are ready to be set Totally Free at the earliest age so they don't waste their whole life with any mental/emotional disturbances.
The brain body the animated construct which represents the brain body must be executively controlled by the [essence observer] the one universal mind which finds itself in dwelling that which was created by the sum total of everything the construct thought felt and experienced by said construct
We are not these bodies, these feelings, emotions, thoughts.
We are the observers of these things.
If that were so no one would be guilty of the acts they’ve committed based off the witnessed emotions
Yes the entity is responsible because it resides it the body that gave impedance to the construct that we call by a name and is this world’s outward representation that is also guilty.
@@kingchamuco1 They identify with them.
@@kingchamuco1 I can’t entirely disagree with you, as it’s a hard thing to wrap the mind around, and we’ve been indoctrinated endlessly with the idea of the “self” and the ego.
However, it certainly is starting to appear as though free will AND determinism somehow co exist.
In other words, if someone commits a crime, it is both his “fault” AND the “fault” of the entire cosmos.
Check out Robert Sapolsky on determinism if you haven’t already, if this type of stuff interests you.
Take care
I agree.
Consciousness is fundamental.
This presentation was as marvellous as Life itself. Succinct, riveting, informative and mind-opening. Simply phenomenal. Yet, just wanted to share that if the materialistic approach is true and if the Universe is what it is, then possibly we are just evolved matter. Just like the Earth is a speck of sand in the Universe and was born and will vanish in due course, so might Life and Consciousness too. So I'm still not sure what is the truth about Reality. Maybe it's something that cannot ever be known. But everything you presented is equally likely to be true and therefore it's so wonderful to have watched this video. Deeply grateful 🙏
Thank you for the kind words! Yes, it is a deep mystery that I'm not sure can be solved in this life/experience.
Materialism is not true simply because our brains is in our skulls in consciousness, just like everything else.
The brain doesnt produce consciousness, it is a feature of it.
Great video brother
Thanks man!
I think my mind makes up thoughts and thoughts make up my thinking mind. Most thoughts however do not seem to originate in my conscious mind...So I am still left wondering where thought comes from and what thought really is... One day I hope to find clear answers...This is a very helpful and thoughtful video. Thanking you all very much...
Thank you. I also wonder where thoughts come from (and what they are). So much mystery in life, but I think that is how awareness likes to play. Thanks for stopping by and dropping a comment!
entering Jhana , the greater Kan and Li, the secret of the golden flower, the yogas of dream and sleep, neigong, qiging, silk reiling, kriya yoga, heart rate variability, Om japa, are some needed steps
Everything is consciousness and made of pure love and Oneness. Physical reality is an illusion of separation consciousness creates to experience itself as being separate. Everything within the infinite eternal is the infinite eternal from a different perspective. We are infinite eternal souls having a human experience. We create our reality individually and collectively as a unity consciousness from Heaven, which we are always connected to, even though we are creating the experience that we are separate or disconnected from it. If you want to experience change, you change yourself and your state of being, and reality will reflect it back to you. If you express daily gratitude, reality will give you more experiences to be grateful for. Loving yourself unconditionally actually triggers others to vibrate towards you. Your an infinite eternal being that changes form when you transition from life to life, so there’s no need to rush life, just flow with it in the infinite eternal NOW!
Well said!!
Excellent insightful video.
I think we are more likely individual quantum observers of a shared simulated external reality.
Yes we create our experiences of colour taste and smell,but we have to interact with an external reality that creates the possibility for us to build our experience.
None of our sensory experiences could develop unless we existed in an environment that allows for these possibilities
great video, thanks❤
Excellent presentation !
I had complete encoded maps for all knowledge to be hidden in these maps.
the thing is, they are not the conventional critical thinking, but a new perseptive of thinking.
there are 3 sets; 1 Psychological, 2 philosophical, 3 Analytical. to form this complete system. too bad, I can not share these maps on here, the comment section.
Have you considered creating a video on your youtube channel?
@@wisdom-for-life this is great video you have. there are many layers can be encoded, once you start encoded this knowledge, you will see it is very hard. the map I had created, had been encoded for more than 40,000. once you understand this coded and be able to decoded. your critical thinking skill will change and advance up to 32% increase in a month.
Great analysis, thank you! Could you help me with something unrelated: My OKX wallet holds some USDT, and I have the seed phrase. (alarm fetch churn bridge exercise tape speak race clerk couch crater letter). Could you explain how to move them to Binance?
Thanks for stopping by!
"Each color connects to rock the boat to win the race - Could any Hell be more horrible than NOW & REAL?"
James Douglas Morrison
Nice presentation of the ESSENCE of EXISTENCE, the WONDER called LIFE.
Suggest to refer following book to get a glimpse of this SCIENCE OF CONSCIOUSNESS in the language of modern science, especially relativity and quantum mechanics:
By A.N.Unnikrishnan.
After understanding this WONDERFUL video, all you need to take advantage of its teachings is to understand AND live the 'Seikilos One-Paragraph Cosmovision':
"The Totality of Existence IS The Universal Mind asking: 'ARE YOU ANOTHER ME?'. Your answer determines your reality. 'No' brings suffering, 'Yes, I AM ANOTHER YOU!' reveals The Cosmic Love. This is THE ONLY real Freedom: choose your answer and live the consequences. THERE IS NOTHING MORE TO KNOW. Suffer or be happy."
How to live it? Convert your life into an spiritual practice by listening and answering, at all times and places, The Universal Mind's Eternal Question 'Are You Another Me?' with a resounding 'Yes, I Am Another You!'
Try it for some days and you will fill your life with Love, Peace and Joy. Believe me.
Want to know more? If you are smart enough, you can easily deduce where you can find my teachings.
I ❤ you.
Why? Because I Am Another You! 🎉🎉🎉🎉
Thanks for the insight - it makes sense! Is this Greek?
@wisdom-for-life It is not greek only. It is Universal. 😉 Maybe, just maybe, we can colaborate sometime to complement our work. ???
I've been struggling for a very long time with who I am, what I am, why am I here and is religion just a way to get those with good hearts to join a group and take instructions from other humans.
I know... I just really know that space-time isn't real and what is REAL in the first place?
Ive never heard of this I AM ONE OF YOU AND YOU ARE ONE OF ME before but it feels right.
I've never heard anything in 40 years that feels right so I'm going to excitedly try this 😊and thank you YOU ARE ONE OF ME for taking time to explain it so eloquently 😉
Nice plug…I truly amaze ourself.
@SoyOtroTu : Are you professor plum in the dining room with the candle stick ?
I was told literally everything is alive. Including water and rock. Everything is moving and vibrating.
and then it happened some saw a light or a vision or something in the mountains they had never seen before. and they were exhilarated. and from thence they felt there was something unworldly coming to them. it was the dawn of a new era. an era of open mindedness. man started using it elatedly and progressed.
Thank you
Why people still think observation in a quantum mechanic sense implies literal observation is beyond me. It just means something else interacts with the thing to collapse its wave function, if such a thing even physically exists.
and when they saw that extraordinary light in the mountains again they felt that the sign of that powerful being had shown up again and they would face another major disaster. but it was not be but peace n calm reigned on earth.
and from thence man started to think much about that light that brought both disasters n good fortune. and so they decided to pay obeisance to that divine light. and all went on well.
And....... boom the truth is complex and simple at the sametime.
Somehow it is complex and simple at the same time. That's why I like Douglas Harding's book - On Having No Head: Zen and the Rediscovery of the Obvious. Thanks for dropping a comment Mr. God in the making :)
@@wisdom-for-life On Having No Head sounds like an interesting book that I must read. I sat in a garden listening to birds twittering in a tree, and for several seconds I felt those birds were inside my head and not the tree. Your video is brilliant, thank you so much for sharing.
all those times of peace created goodwill and its dark side was greed in certain quarters. and then he appeared the one in a thousandth man who was extremely obsessed with greed. and he started accumulating much for his own hoardings. seeing that some others saw that they could use all that he was amassing to good use. and so they did and became the merchants of wealth. and they too prospered from the greed of the one man.
I believe the whole universe is connected and everything is energy we are all one it’s all connected believe in light there’s a massive universe out there and we will eventually have to adventure out there
Do you believe in punctuation?
@ yes teacher thank you for your correction now go back to scanning comments for spell checks
Yes it is, consciousness is fundamental
Reality is what is left after all the energetic processes are done
One love
If the world was awake we might not eat each other so much
In this video, what you are telling is right, but one thing we need to understand world is not real. It’s myth, this ideology came in fifth century or sixth century in India by adi Shankaracharya, he wrote a Advaita Vedanta philosophy. You should check once.
This video basically leads to Advaita Vedanta philosophy/ideology. Could you elaborate what you mean that the world is not real? My understanding - Awareness and experience are real, but physical matter/physical world is not real in the physical sense.
I found a passenger seat and the journey is far less neurotic, even if no one is driving 🤷♂️🥁😂
Materialism isnt obvious at all, all children deeply know everything is enchanted. Dreams, sensory vibrations, thoughts, imagination, memory, sensation, free will, all these things obviously refute materialism. But they get corrupted by them and all wonder is lost and so they get corrupted by society.
I knew it! It's made of Adams!
we who are the remnants of the past when humans were one with the planet and everything universal. we learnt by obeisance to the sun. we heard many things carried by the winds. we saw even in the dark without lights. that was what humans were back then.
NiCe content. 1.2x speed
but the unexpected happened. nature was upsetting this planet tormentuously. and the newly formed intelligent people went through the worst disasters. and when all the dust of those disasters had settled man began to feel that there was a being whose powers were so strong that it could cause earth to rumble vigorously.
Maybe we create a machine with enough sensors to detect the undetectable as we know it
how do u know what i think. I think its mental all the way.
Interesting, but you can not say that "no one knows". Some DO know.
Their is no one to know because one implies two separateness doesn't exist so their is no one only totality the paradox of nothing and everything.
@@StevenLeMieuxnailed it!
@@StevenLeMieux God knows. He loves you and wants you to know too.
all awareness see is how you lived
Greater he who is in Me then he who is in the world
My friend, this physical body does not create consciousness. I am consciousness and I choose to inhabit this body.
That about sums up the video.. lol
🎎 🚹 🚺
The average person has 3 minds, a body, a house & a car.
A person is not his mind - not his analytical mind - not his reactive mind - not his somatic mind- a person is not his body or brain any more than he is his car or house.
A person is his own immortal soul - a person - the individual himself - is a spirit controlling a body via 3 minds.
Donald Hoffman would be proud.
40:44 🥴
I think you forgot to give credit to someone, namely Bernardo Kastrup, from whose work you have amply and freely borrowed. I enjoyed your video and found it well constructed, but it bothers me to discover such blatant plagiarism. Of course, the ideas you discuss belong to no one and can be found in numerous other sources, some of your examples and actual word choice are direct echoes from his books and videos. If you're going to include his ideas, you ought to at the very least list Kastrup's works in your resources section alongside Rupert Spira (a good friend of his) and Adyashanti.
Hello. Thanks for watching. I credited him in the video a couple times (bottom left corner - when I speak about dissociative identity disorder and how minds dissociate from each other).
I also credited him in the description of the video with a link to his work - Analytical approach to nonduality by Bernardo Kastrup - www.essentiafoundation.org.
I also credited him at the end credits.
I don't believe I quoted Bernardo directly (correct me if I'm wrong and give me a time stamp if you believe otherwise), but I did refer to his ideas along with a wide range of others (listed in end credits).
Please review the video and refer to the bottom left corner for credits as I touch on a specific topic. I gave credit where it is due (perhaps you overlooked the text in the bottom left corner or the end credits?). If there is a specific idea that you believe I missed crediting him for, let's discuss it and maybe I can clear up some confusion. A lot of the things he says do stem from others before him like Berkeley, Hume, etc. The person I pulled the most from was Rupert Spira which I called by name and also credited him half a dozen times.
Edit/addition: Essentia Foundation is where a lot of his work is published (and he is an exec) which is why I linked to that website in the video description... but I went ahead and added his youtube channel and another one of his websites in the description. I don't think it's really necessary as I credited him 4+ times and already had a link to his work... but, it doesn't bother me to add a couple more links in there!
AI Stephan
I Think we are Little antennas for the One and Amazing counciousness ❤ l agree with you l am Just a piece of the big puzzle🎉 we Need to accept that this brain of us cant contain all that Is and until we dont feel Faith and trust that everythings Will be explained one day we are living and loving every things that Is right here and right now..Science Need solid rock to uplift them but what if the reality Is far more greater and Amazing than what we are been told until now? What if every cicles of the time we are getting closer but in some way we cant accept that reality Is simple fact and we become aware that 3d Is impossible to be study if we dont accept multidimensionality ❤❤❤
If life is truly a "joke" then it is a practical joke not created by any benevolent force or entity. Ask those in war zones what they think of this "Joke"? Just a thought that hit me...
If you are essentially immortal and can choose to have a physical life whenever you feel like it. It doesn't matter what happens or how. An eternal 'Groundhog Day'.
@@ricf9592I really like how you put this!
I AM So Aware That I Create My Reality With Pure Thought Doesnt Think I KNOW, As Great Mystiks Have Said Genie In body 3 Wishes Thoughts Words Actions, Your Wish Is My Command Creation RE-Ciprocates Rahaha, Experienced Experience Experiencing Experiences, Yip Model That, Beautiful UN-Covery TRUTH LOVE FREEDOM WHETURANGITIA, Ponangi A :)
I hope you'll find out how the capslock works one day in your reality so you don't create stokes in other entities that have to read through your stuff. I didn't understand any of it. Try again.
All AI stuff , why?
The voice is not a real person (my voice is no good), but the rest (script, video clips, etc.) is not AI.
@@wisdom-for-life i would prefer a bad human voice over AI, especially considering the subject matter
I think the voice is perfect for these videos tbh
@042Ghostmaker My voice is really really bad! lol. But I will give it a try in one of my upcoming videos. Thanks for the feedback.
@UncleJoopert Thanks for the feedback!
This is AI why are you doing this
AI voice talking about reality...big no no
Too much of blah blah imo...