Thank you for sharing this discussion. My biggest question is when/how do we know to "fight" an illness as a curse from the enemy or see it as a need for deliverance as opposed to accepting something as God's will and humbling ourselves to simply accept our fate?
Hey y'all, this is for all three of you who've left messages: Janey, Rebecca, and Sorosh. I am so, so sorry that you've dealt with these health issues, whatever they are and whatever they might entail. I can only assume you're still facing them as I'm typing this reply. I have prayed for all three of you by name. I've prayed that the strength of God be witnessed by your miraculous recoveries, and I've asked that each of you specifically be healed by the power and in the name of Jesus Christ. I further prayed that regardless of that miracle, that God will show His glory to you all in specific, unmistakable ways. (I'm new to praying these sorts of things, but I want you to know what I asked Him for in case any of it is granted by Him, lol) Sorosh, you are deeply loved by God. I don't know if you're in the place that you can call God your Father, but even if you're *not,* He loves you enough to want to adopt you as His own child, and He paid dearly and painfully to give you that opportunity. He also bought wholeness for you, and healing; whether healing comes immediately or in eternity varies from person to person, but if you're His child, He has promised to make you complete and to fix your brokenness- heart, body, soul. May God bless you all in whatever scenario you find yourself in
Long post warning @The Remnant Radio: I have just loved this discussion! I actually did not watch this for a while because I struggle with Chronic Autoimmune disease amongst other health issues and have been hurt by church pastors, and incorrect teachings on this very sensitive issue. I've had pastors who have insisted that God always wants to heal us immediately as they lay hands on me in prayer. As someone who has been prayed over many times and still not healed it can be very discouraging to the point where one doesn't even want to go up for prayer anymore. I actually talked with one of my former pastors about this (b/c I thought well maybe God just wants me to bear this in this life) and when I brought up the scripture about Paul asking to be healed and God said my grace is sufficient, he told me that only applied to Paul because of his Apostleship. And that wasn't for "normal" people. God doesn't want people to be sick. This caused such a stumbling block for me for a long time! I then assumed that it meant that God was either angry at me or I had sinned. I ask the questions why God? Have I sinned and I never got an answer confirming it was a result of sin. I DO believe God has allowed it, but has he caused it? I don't know. All I know is, I suffer, a lot.. I also believe God will heal me but whether I am sick or whether I am well I will serve and praise him. Because he DOES love me. He IS GOOD!! I really appreciated Miller's realness in discussing his own wrestling with illness and being honest with God and God actually encouraging that @ 15:58, 21:00. That part was a very freeing dialog. Thank you for talking about the migraines and also just the struggle of trying to figure it out. I also suffer with them. Sickness, and suffering is such a personal thing. I know God is able to heal, sometimes I wonder if he is willing to heal me. I am not upset about it, but I do genuinely wonder why and wrestle with that. I just try to keep my heart in a state of humility, asking him to make it known IF: 1. this is just an effect of living in a fallen world and this is my cross to bear 2. God has given this to me 3. I have caused it through sin 4. This is a demonic attack that I just don't recognize I've wrestle with them all. I'm not sure I've got an answer. God is still good. He gives me grace each day to withstand and bear it. Maybe I won't know the answer until I'm in heaven and 100% healed,but I can rejoice because I know the suffering isn't without purpose and that God is IN it with me. And, even if I never know the purpose or reason, he does, and he wants only good for me. So, I can trust in that. You guys, thank you for this segment. It really touched my heart.
Love this quote from the video, “our trust is not in a God who always heals, but in a God that is always in control.” Truly may we all remember this if and when suffering comes our way.
My trust is in the God who revealed Himself through His Son and through His written word. Jesus never ever patted someone on the head or gave them a hug if it was something else they needed from Him. In every case, He answered their prayer above and beyond what they could ask or think. He lavished His love upon them in every miracle and answered prayer. When Mary expressed her love by washing His feet with her hair, his own disciples rebuke her. Today there is a popular gospel, much more popular than the prosperity, that says we should not bother Him for anything more than the crumbs that fall from His table. That was all the rich man offered to Lazarus. Should we compare a wicked, greedy man to our dear Lord Jesus? It is most alarming when you consider that it's actually His children who crowd around Jesus and discourage His needing ones from getting to Him. "Don't trouble the Master," they shout. He has more important things to take care of then your miniscule problems. That mentality is straight from the Pit and not in the bible. God one day will have words for those who prevent His children from coming to Him, through their doctrines. If God will judge those who have not fed the hungry, clothed the naked or visited the imprisoned, do we really believe that anyone would be able to point their finger at Him who refused to do the same? God is the most loving being there is in existence. No one excels Him in His love. He wants us to come to Him for our every need, rather than going to anyone else.
As a guy with long term illness- I've been avoiding this topic. Not because I fear God in the wrong way. But because I have accepted that it is how it is. And if God is teaching me something I wanna listen. Honestly tho - I wish he'd be done teaching me soon... Thanks for a balanced video on this subject.
When Elizabeth Elliot's husband was brutally murdered she asked God "Why?!" and she said He answered back "Trust me." She never got a profound answer to her questions about that period in her life but she learned to accept God's wisdom and sovereign will.
If men read and accepted the entire bible godly men would not have to perish like the wicked. We have an adversary who actively seeks to devour us. The day of evil will come. How shall prepare? Embrace everything that comes our way as God's perfect will, or get suited for battle and defeat the enemy when he draws near?
My wife and I have been dealing with some chronic illnesses for several years now, so this is top of mind for me and I appreciate the conversation and encouragement! Most of the people in my life will attribute all illness to the devil/demons. As a compatibilist, I am content to say that I am suffering illness because the Lord has intended it. Because I am a son, loved by God, bought with the blood of Christ, suffering can only possibly be for my ultimate good - whether it is for my correction, my endurance, or simply to display the grace and power of God - and therein, I have massive peace. Disagree as you may, but scripture has bound my conscience this way :)
It’s also helpful to note that “thorn in the flesh” or “side” was used in the OT several times in reference to enemies who were an obstacle to Israel/the purposes of God. It would make sense in light of that if the “messenger” from Satan was either a person or a tormenting spirit from Satan coming against Paul. And Paul is calling a thorn in the flesh as a figure of speech.
I was born with several critical chronic illnesses that threatened my health for many years. Granted, I did not grow up in a Christian household. Not ideal environment for healing. With all aspects of my health and life, I have had to pursue and press into God to figure out the foundation of why something was happening to me. I have learned a lot in the process. I do have a couple things I am working through in God to understand why I am not seeing open doors or healing. If I knew what was causing all this, it definitely would have been easier. I will say… in hindsight I can say neglect and abandonment did cause me to get worse. And the act of repentance and forgiving was a game changer in my health. And also digging into the overarching fear because I was viewing God through the lens of man. Basically, chronic fatigue and dealing with some EDS issues are all I have left to deal with. God has healed a lot through this process and no longer living with the threat of death happening over me. What God showed me did go deeper, but dealing with the hurt caused by illness and to have a real revelation of is critical to improve, even in just the spiritual realm.
Why wouldn’t you have a Dan Mohler or Todd White or someone who teaches that God doesn’t give disease on so they can attempt to answer for that belief?
Some good discussion there. I still think Curry Blake answers most of these issues. The thing that helps me pray effectively for healings was taking authority rather than asking God as Josh does at the end. I don't see healings always but I know if I don't have the attitude that it's always God's will to heal NOW I don't think I'd see as many.. Luke 4:26 is the only verse I think that explains why all aren't healed. I just returned from a mission time in Philippines where I saw a number of miraculous healing before my eyes. But today I have an eye infection that doesn't seem to vanish as I pray, why aren't my prayers for myself as effective as my prayers for others?
Notice what Josh and the other church planters have NOT said. God has spoken and enabled me to start a new work. And go into each step on how God has led him. Paul was not embarrassed to continue to repeat his Damascus Road experience. There are the led, those who hope to feel something after they have made a move.
@@capturehishonor9292 I know this is rabbit trailing, but I am interested. Would you mind explaining your thoughts a little more? God truly leads and leads us in a variety of ways and I'm interested in the point you were making, but am curious for it to be flushed out more.
@@Vika___016 There a lot there. Maybe you can tell me specific details of the rabbit trail you would like to go down. While you're thinking about it, let me throw you bone. Something you likely have never heard about before. I call this my Threshing Floor. I just pulled my clothes off my clothesline. I likely am the only person in my neighborhood who dries their clothes on a line. Why not just use a dryer like 99.9% of the civilized world? Besides preferring natural drying, I do this to stay dependent upon the Lord, keep my faith sharp, and stay available for the Lord to use me. There are many needs out there that the Lord wants to meet. He could just snap His finger, but He often chooses to use far than perfect people to reveal His love and glory. What could be needed for clothes to dry naturally? Sun, wind and time should take care of it. What I have found is that it could rain, they may not dry by nightfall, they could freeze, it could snow, or hail, birds can drop dung, rust from the clothesline can get on my clothes, the clothesline can break, neighbor's grass cutting can end up on my clothes, and dogs can knock them down. It may seem like a simple thing. Why not just purchase a dryer? Meet the need yourself without bothering the Lord. These are all opportunities for me to believe the Lord. A day can quickly slip by where I don't have to depend upon Him. If we wait for a big thing before we call upon the Lord, we may be overcome like the man who built his house on the sane. The thresher keeps throwing the grain into the wind. After a while the heavier grain falls to the threshing floor, and the lighter tares are dispensed by the wind. What remains will carry the farmer and his family through the winter. Peter talks about the trial of our faither that is more precious than gold. God knows if true faith is there. But He wants us to know we can depend upon Him. Very few Christians actually use their faith. complaining
@@capturehishonor9292 You seemed to be implying that there are times when people step out to obey God directionally in some way, but not because they feel like God has given them some strategy or plan to accomplish it or even an exact goal at all. Yet, God doesn't need the feelings or plans in order to lead us. Is that what you were saying? Could you go a little deeper? I think most people understand when God speaks directly, that we are supposed to obey. What about when it seems God is speaking, but the how/why/etc. isn't really clear? Do you step out to start doing or seek God for more understanding of His will?
Not sure I understand. You may have to develop your thought more. It is only those who are led by the Spirit of God that are the children of God. But many times, we are led without realizing it. If I always had to "feel" God to do something, I would have missed Him many times. But, at the same time, God hates presumption. Committing God to do some act in when He has not been sought. Especially, when it involves others, and in public
We have to remember there are issues sometimes within the soul or bloodline that can block healing. I would encourage everyone to read A More Excellent Way by Dr. Henry Wright.
Boy this is a very complex subject to talk about, especially for a Christian. But we humans have the idea of good and evil, and that is what makes it difficult to make God fit our experience as humans. There is no evil or Good for God. This world simply is as it is. A very harsh place, where life and death exist. And unfortunately death, disease, tragedy happen, and we are not to blame God. Ive seen bad things happen to good people and bad people. I think that’s the main purpose of Job story, is that evil things can happen to even good people, but its not because we are evil, but because bad things happen to anybody, that’s life. And in the story, Job was able to accept that, and in the end see a blessing. And i see that as the moral of the story. That if you somehow you survive a tragedy, sometimes good things come out of it. And what ever doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. Also, God and deséese, daemons, where always attributed to things we don’t understand. Jesus said we perish because of lack of knowledge. I believe in cause and affect. I have understood that us humans are very low in understanding, not very intelligent as we think we are.. We have bad memory, we are not very good at multitasking, we make mistakes. And so we fall in destructive life patters. Our brains are highly addictive, we get distracted easily, and most of all, we are ruined by our inability to understand our own self, especially our emotions. So sickness comes and we don’t understand why, because we lack the knowledge. Jesus said we are to have the light. Light which represents knowledge and understanding, so we don’t stumble and fall. In the case of sickness, it is better to prevent than to lament. I study a lot of natural healing and medicine.. and let me tell you that most of our diseases are self inflicted. By the food we eat, by the lifestyle and habits. By environmental factors. It could even be caused by trauma and thinking patterns. Now, in the cases of children and newborns, that have degenerative disease or cancers. Our bodies have become weakened by the food We eat. Our soils and environment are depleted and toxic. So our genetics have become weaker and so we are reproducing weaker offspring. In Isaiah 61 it talks about rebuilding the ancient ruins. And that’s what we have to do. Rebuild and strengthen our genes to produce healthy offspring, that is strong and resilient.
I've lived with my mother for up until I was about 24 and the whole time we had several cats and none were said to have cancer. But then while Living at my apt. for about 33 years and had two cats. They both had Cancer and even right now I may be taking my last cat to the vet to put her down because the Lump on her neck is restricting her breathing. I prayed for God to Heal her, but nothing happened yet I guess.
Up until a few months ago I felt like I had a solid theodicy. After some further thought dealing specifically with Davids infant son , my system of thought has been severely shaken. I really respect the views in the video. I still have questions though. If sickness and death are results of sin , then why does it seem that God directly causes sickness and death at times ? I can understand using what was meant for evil for good but not the other view.
Love the conversation. I would add the need to clarify what certain key words mean, such as 'sovereign'. The Calvinist seem to define this word as God is in charge in both the macro and micro side of things. I disagree with this. I believe God is in charge of the macro only. This is akin to a King, like David who can be said to be in charge of the nation of Israel, but not to involved in every detail. Of course, David is not omnipotent, as God is. God sees all. But that does not mean that God is micromanaging everything in our lives. We have choices. But God works all things together for good (Rom. 8:28). Working things together does not mean causing everything together.
God blinded Paul on the road to Demarcus, God cursed the woman “Jezebel” on a bed of sickness in Revelation, God tells Moses from the burning bush that He is the one who gives sight and takes it away, God cursed the Philistines with sores when they took the ark of the covenant, God through Elisha cursed Elisha’s servant with Naaman’s leprosy.
So, if God elects to make someone sick, blind, etc. (His will), and that person attributes his/her condition to the devil (perhaps using Job as a reference), has he/she committed blasphemy of the Spirit?
I think this is due to a cycle of life consisting of opposites embedded. When God made Heaven, Hell was also created. Look at the seasons of our planet as it goes around the sun. Spring where plants Bloom, begot Fall where the plant decompose and die. Summer where it's hot, vs. Winter where it's cold. Along with the cycles of life, We are born and then die. Even the cities rise and then they fall. It's a cycle that has opposition embedded.
God isn’t the creator of evil, he’s perfect love and perfect justice. Evil came into place as the result of the perfection and goodness of God. This is a mistranslation from the King James. The word evil doesn’t appear an any other translation. I posted the link that explains this. Have a blessed day.
@@lindsaygraham9115 read Isaiah again... KJVB Read Isaiah 45:7 I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things. Also John 1:3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. It's God that had control over what is said in the Bible KJV.
Or, perhaps in 1,000 years I’ll remember my ailments in the light of complete understanding, and I’ll praise Him for the wisdom He displayed in writing my earthly story, even the chapters of difficulty, pain, and loss.
As long as Christians hold out the possibility that God is the source of their sickness and pain, or even allows it within His mysterious will, they will suffer needlessly, like the WW2 Japanese soldiers who would not come out of the jungle decades after the war has ended. Jesus has liberated us from our sickness and pain, but who will believe us? Is 53
@@capturehishonor9292 I agree to an extent. We suffer more than necessary because we partner with sin or fail to rebuke the enemy. But the podcast does make some compelling points with New Testament Scriptures. And I do think God allows what He hates to accomplish what He loves.
We take in a lot of toxins. Our food isn’t as pure as what it was just 30 years ago. Chemical fertilizers and pesticides are too profitable to give up. Sometimes it’s our sicknesses that are what cleanses our bodies anyways. We have to trust that God will heal us in His time. Many of us would rather not give up our high paying desk jobs to produce our own food either. We want the nicer cars and bigger houses, so sickness can be a consequence to that.
For years I have heard God's children embrace the curse and renounce the blessing. When I offer to pray that they receive 10x the curse, all have refused to accept my benevolent wish!
Also, don't forget how God determined and allowed Jeroboam's son Abijah to die from sickness and be buried because God had compassion on the child because God found something pleasing in the child. See 1 Kings 14:1-13. Here's verses 12:13: //12 Arise therefore, go to your house. When your feet enter the city, the child shall die. 13 And all Israel shall mourn for him and bury him, for he only of Jeroboam shall come to the grave, because in him there is found something pleasing to the LORD, the God of Israel, in the house of Jeroboam.//
I have a family member who says that God has never and will never ordain suffering in the life of a Christian. Apparently Old Testament examples don’t count because they weren’t Christians and Old Testament examples seem to be people who weren’t Christians at the time of the suffering. Not sure how to respond to that.
I would encourage them to read Revelation and then ask them how their viewpoint aligns with that. Also, if believers were never meant to suffer, then why did God put so much teaching about suffering in the New Testament? (There are several but Hebrews 12, Romans 8:18 are starting points.)
Maybe he believes in dominion theology. He believes that God gave humans free will and dominion in the garden. They lost dominion to satan in the fall. Now Satan is god of this world. Now God needs us to choose (free will) to partner with Him to defeat Satan and usher in the kingdom of God. It really comes down to how to explain why God allows evil, why even in our Christian walk it feels like satan is biting our heal, and the delay-why it’s been 2000 years and still waiting for satan’s destruction, and God’s Kingdom come to earth. Perhaps the mantel is a metaphor, an incomplete picture- of which we need to compare and discern with truth revealed in scripture- Jesus - our ultimate authority.
Truthfully been convicted about smoking know it's not good. I cannot do it in my own strength. I can't do cold turkey, was praying for supernatural removal but I went and. got all the weening stuff from my doc and keep putting it off. Now suffer shortness breath after a smoke ..just saying.
He created evil and good but when the wicked take over evil prospers. If you snaked a kingdom that is exactly what it will turn into and then you will reap what you sowed and stoled.
There may be a way to thread this narrow needle. There are those things which God has blessed and cursed. We see this in DT 28. If we meet the conditions of blessings or curses, we will reap what we have sowed. Nonetheless, with God there is mercy and forgiveness. It was God who allowed the devil access to the Garden. This was no accident (Rom 8). But it was Adam who exercised a will apart from God's. The anthesis was Jesus bowing His will to the Father's in the Garden. God would have all men saved. But all are not. Why not? Not all meet the conditions for salvation. The same applies to everything we receive from God. To include healing. To leave this in the realm of doubt, is to remain unsaved and/or sick. The ONLY assurance we have of salvation and healing is the knowledge and faith in what He has promised. "And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us: And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him (1 Jn 5:14, 15)."
That’s something I fail to understood with Remnant Radio-they are all 100% sure, with zero doubt, about salvation, but always come up short in the question of healing. Seems like you couldn’t be 100% with one, yet waver on the other.
@@DBushX2 There is good reason for this. While belief in Christ as savior is almost universal, receiving Christ as healer is spotty. Much of the opposition comes from the Church. I know Christians and whole churches that never get sick. They have thoroughly studied out this matter. But it is much worse than that. Very few Christians have even had one detailed answered prayer. These armchair theologians have done well in other areas, but they have come up short when it comes to conveying God's will on the matter from His own word.
Just stopping mid video to point out that sickness is not the same as blind or barren. Leprosy….fever….things that make you unwell or lead to death are sickness. I think distinguishing between lack of ability and sickness is needed.
I’m not sure where you are in your walk of faith as this is 9 months after your comment but I would like to let you know that I have prayed for the increase of your faith and the softening of your heart towards God and a deep understanding of His love and comfort he has for those who believe on His son. An understanding of the fact that God is good in all He does for his children, even when it seems incredibly painful to us.May God richly bless you.
Your illnesses, etc, all contribute to you're souls plan, for this go round. Evolution of soul, takes lifetimes. Nothing more, than how the matrix refills the roles, we all play. One lifetime dad, one mom.... one thief, one honest, one privileged, one poor, etc.... until you nail down all the variants, with this particular avatar, or the next one. Etc. We recycle plastic, but are naive enough to think, God, doesn't recycle souls. So, are we then declaring ourselves, better than God? Lol.
“As he passed by, he saw a man blind from birth. And his disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” Jesus answered, “It was not that this man sinned, or his parents, but that the works of God might be displayed in him. “ The Holy Bible: English Standard Version.
“And when people escape from the wickedness of the world by knowing our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and then get tangled up and enslaved by sin again, they are worse off than before. It would be better if they had never known the way to righteousness than to know it and then reject the command they were given to live a holy life.” 2 Peter 2:20-21 NLT
@@rickyfielderjr6428 God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. “The Lord will strike you with wasting diseases, fever, and inflammation, with scorching heat……These disasters will pursue you until you die.” Deuteronomy 28:22 NLT
@@rickyfielderjr6428 I know of 2 people who now have disease due to going back into immoral sins before they were saved. One is now becoming lame in their feet. And look at what Jesus said to the lame man whom he healed. “The man didn’t know, for Jesus had disappeared into the crowd. But afterward Jesus found him in the Temple and told him, “Now you are well; so stop sinning, or something even worse may happen to you.”” John 5:13-14 Jesus warned him if he went back into sin, something worse than his lame feet of 38 years could have something worse than that.
One more point can be noted that before Jesus we can see only one fatalism, people believed that everything, good or bad, everything is from God, and only Jesus divides and in His teaching we can see a clear teaching about the devil, that he came to steal, kill and destroy. Jesus treated sickness and possession as evil and caused by the devil. We do not see such an approach as that of Jesus in the Old Testament texts.
Thank you for sharing this discussion. My biggest question is when/how do we know to "fight" an illness as a curse from the enemy or see it as a need for deliverance as opposed to accepting something as God's will and humbling ourselves to simply accept our fate?
I've lived with a chronic illness for most of my life. I've prayed for healing many times, and have not been healed. It's hard to understand.
Me as well. I feel you.
God hates me
Hey y'all, this is for all three of you who've left messages: Janey, Rebecca, and Sorosh.
I am so, so sorry that you've dealt with these health issues, whatever they are and whatever they might entail. I can only assume you're still facing them as I'm typing this reply.
I have prayed for all three of you by name. I've prayed that the strength of God be witnessed by your miraculous recoveries, and I've asked that each of you specifically be healed by the power and in the name of Jesus Christ. I further prayed that regardless of that miracle, that God will show His glory to you all in specific, unmistakable ways. (I'm new to praying these sorts of things, but I want you to know what I asked Him for in case any of it is granted by Him, lol)
Sorosh, you are deeply loved by God. I don't know if you're in the place that you can call God your Father, but even if you're *not,* He loves you enough to want to adopt you as His own child, and He paid dearly and painfully to give you that opportunity. He also bought wholeness for you, and healing; whether healing comes immediately or in eternity varies from person to person, but if you're His child, He has promised to make you complete and to fix your brokenness- heart, body, soul.
May God bless you all in whatever scenario you find yourself in
Long post warning @The Remnant Radio: I have just loved this discussion!
I actually did not watch this for a while because I struggle with Chronic Autoimmune disease amongst other health issues and have been hurt by church pastors, and incorrect teachings on this very sensitive issue. I've had pastors who have insisted that God always wants to heal us immediately as they lay hands on me in prayer. As someone who has been prayed over many times and still not healed it can be very discouraging to the point where one doesn't even want to go up for prayer anymore.
I actually talked with one of my former pastors about this (b/c I thought well maybe God just wants me to bear this in this life) and when I brought up the scripture about Paul asking to be healed and God said my grace is sufficient, he told me that only applied to Paul because of his Apostleship. And that wasn't for "normal" people. God doesn't want people to be sick.
This caused such a stumbling block for me for a long time!
I then assumed that it meant that God was either angry at me or I had sinned.
I ask the questions why God? Have I sinned and I never got an answer confirming it was a result of sin.
I DO believe God has allowed it, but has he caused it? I don't know. All I know is, I suffer, a lot..
I also believe God will heal me but whether I am sick or whether I am well I will serve and praise him. Because he DOES love me. He IS GOOD!!
I really appreciated Miller's realness in discussing his own wrestling with illness and being honest with God and God actually encouraging that @ 15:58, 21:00. That part was a very freeing dialog.
Thank you for talking about the migraines and also just the struggle of trying to figure it out. I also suffer with them.
Sickness, and suffering is such a personal thing.
I know God is able to heal, sometimes I wonder if he is willing to heal me. I am not upset about it, but I do genuinely wonder why and wrestle with that.
I just try to keep my heart in a state of humility, asking him to make it known IF:
1. this is just an effect of living in a fallen world and this is my cross to bear
2. God has given this to me
3. I have caused it through sin
4. This is a demonic attack that I just don't recognize
I've wrestle with them all. I'm not sure I've got an answer.
God is still good. He gives me grace each day to withstand and bear it. Maybe I won't know the answer until I'm in heaven and 100% healed,but I can rejoice because I know the suffering isn't without purpose and that God is IN it with me. And, even if I never know the purpose or reason, he does, and he wants only good for me. So, I can trust in that.
You guys, thank you for this segment. It really touched my heart.
Love this quote from the video, “our trust is not in a God who always heals, but in a God that is always in control.” Truly may we all remember this if and when suffering comes our way.
My trust is in the God who revealed Himself through His Son and through His written word. Jesus never ever patted someone on the head or gave them a hug if it was something else they needed from Him.
In every case, He answered their prayer above and beyond what they could ask or think. He lavished His love upon them in every miracle and answered prayer. When Mary expressed her love by washing His feet with her hair, his own disciples rebuke her.
Today there is a popular gospel, much more popular than the prosperity, that says we should not bother Him for anything more than the crumbs that fall from His table. That was all the rich man offered to Lazarus. Should we compare a wicked, greedy man to our dear Lord Jesus?
It is most alarming when you consider that it's actually His children who crowd around Jesus and discourage His needing ones from getting to Him. "Don't trouble the Master," they shout. He has more important things to take care of then your miniscule problems. That mentality is straight from the Pit and not in the bible.
God one day will have words for those who prevent His children from coming to Him, through their doctrines. If God will judge those who have not fed the hungry, clothed the naked or visited the imprisoned, do we really believe that anyone would be able to point their finger at Him who refused to do the same?
God is the most loving being there is in existence. No one excels Him in His love. He wants us to come to Him for our every need, rather than going to anyone else.
God’s goodness doesn’t always feel good to us.
As a guy with long term illness- I've been avoiding this topic.
Not because I fear God in the wrong way. But because I have accepted that it is how it is. And if God is teaching me something I wanna listen.
Honestly tho - I wish he'd be done teaching me soon...
Thanks for a balanced video on this subject.
When Elizabeth Elliot's husband was brutally murdered she asked God "Why?!" and she said He answered back "Trust me." She never got a profound answer to her questions about that period in her life but she learned to accept God's wisdom and sovereign will.
If men read and accepted the entire bible godly men would not have to perish like the wicked. We have an adversary who actively seeks to devour us. The day of evil will come. How shall prepare? Embrace everything that comes our way as God's perfect will, or get suited for battle and defeat the enemy when he draws near?
My wife and I have been dealing with some chronic illnesses for several years now, so this is top of mind for me and I appreciate the conversation and encouragement!
Most of the people in my life will attribute all illness to the devil/demons. As a compatibilist, I am content to say that I am suffering illness because the Lord has intended it. Because I am a son, loved by God, bought with the blood of Christ, suffering can only possibly be for my ultimate good - whether it is for my correction, my endurance, or simply to display the grace and power of God - and therein, I have massive peace.
Disagree as you may, but scripture has bound my conscience this way :)
There is a path to sickness and death. There is a path to healing and life. Which path are you on?
Miller's final comments are absolute gold. So helpful and instructive.
It’s also helpful to note that “thorn in the flesh” or “side” was used in the OT several times in reference to enemies who were an obstacle to Israel/the purposes of God. It would make sense in light of that if the “messenger” from Satan was either a person or a tormenting spirit from Satan coming against Paul. And Paul is calling a thorn in the flesh as a figure of speech.
I was born with several critical chronic illnesses that threatened my health for many years. Granted, I did not grow up in a Christian household. Not ideal environment for healing. With all aspects of my health and life, I have had to pursue and press into God to figure out the foundation of why something was happening to me. I have learned a lot in the process. I do have a couple things I am working through in God to understand why I am not seeing open doors or healing. If I knew what was causing all this, it definitely would have been easier. I will say… in hindsight I can say neglect and abandonment did cause me to get worse. And the act of repentance and forgiving was a game changer in my health. And also digging into the overarching fear because I was viewing God through the lens of man. Basically, chronic fatigue and dealing with some EDS issues are all I have left to deal with. God has healed a lot through this process and no longer living with the threat of death happening over me. What God showed me did go deeper, but dealing with the hurt caused by illness and to have a real revelation of is critical to improve, even in just the spiritual realm.
Congrats Josh! I hate that there's now no RR representation in DFW but happy for you and for Oklahoma!
47:46 Yes, I am watching this six months from Christmas. Great conversation!
Why wouldn’t you have a Dan Mohler or Todd White or someone who teaches that God doesn’t give disease on so they can attempt to answer for that belief?
Thank you, Gentlemen 🌹🌹🌹🌹 (MM lookin' sharp in the blue shirt against the blue background 😎).
Some good discussion there. I still think Curry Blake answers most of these issues. The thing that helps me pray effectively for healings was taking authority rather than asking God as Josh does at the end.
I don't see healings always but I know if I don't have the attitude that it's always God's will to heal NOW I don't think I'd see as many..
Luke 4:26 is the only verse I think that explains why all aren't healed.
I just returned from a mission time in Philippines where I saw a number of miraculous healing before my eyes. But today I have an eye infection that doesn't seem to vanish as I pray, why aren't my prayers for myself as effective as my prayers for others?
Blake has cleaned out entire hospitals overseas, but these armchair theologians still wrestle with God's benevolence and will.
Curry Blake healing sickness as John G Lake....are you serious? Hospitals in Curry's home town are still full of suffering sick people, why?
@@capturehishonor9292 any prof, evidence?
Josh is just going to pretend like he didn’t just say he was planting a church and then not give any details. 😂
Notice what Josh and the other church planters have NOT said. God has spoken and enabled me to start a new work. And go into each step on how God has led him. Paul was not embarrassed to continue to repeat his Damascus Road experience. There are the led, those who hope to feel something after they have made a move.
@@capturehishonor9292 I know this is rabbit trailing, but I am interested. Would you mind explaining your thoughts a little more? God truly leads and leads us in a variety of ways and I'm interested in the point you were making, but am curious for it to be flushed out more.
@@Vika___016 There a lot there. Maybe you can tell me specific details of the rabbit trail you would like to go down. While you're thinking about it, let me throw you bone. Something you likely have never heard about before. I call this my Threshing Floor.
I just pulled my clothes off my clothesline. I likely am the only person in my neighborhood who dries their clothes on a line. Why not just use a dryer like 99.9% of the civilized world?
Besides preferring natural drying, I do this to stay dependent upon the Lord, keep my faith sharp, and stay available for the Lord to use me. There are many needs out there that the Lord wants to meet. He could just snap His finger, but He often chooses to use far than perfect people to reveal His love and glory.
What could be needed for clothes to dry naturally? Sun, wind and time should take care of it. What I have found is that it could rain, they may not dry by nightfall, they could freeze, it could snow, or hail, birds can drop dung, rust from the clothesline can get on my clothes, the clothesline can break, neighbor's grass cutting can end up on my clothes, and dogs can knock them down.
It may seem like a simple thing. Why not just purchase a dryer? Meet the need yourself without bothering the Lord. These are all opportunities for me to believe the Lord. A day can quickly slip by where I don't have to depend upon Him. If we wait for a big thing before we call upon the Lord, we may be overcome like the man who built his house on the sane.
The thresher keeps throwing the grain into the wind. After a while the heavier grain falls to the threshing floor, and the lighter tares are dispensed by the wind. What remains will carry the farmer and his family through the winter.
Peter talks about the trial of our faither that is more precious than gold. God knows if true faith is there. But He wants us to know we can depend upon Him. Very few Christians actually use their faith.
@@capturehishonor9292 You seemed to be implying that there are times when people step out to obey God directionally in some way, but not because they feel like God has given them some strategy or plan to accomplish it or even an exact goal at all. Yet, God doesn't need the feelings or plans in order to lead us. Is that what you were saying? Could you go a little deeper? I think most people understand when God speaks directly, that we are supposed to obey. What about when it seems God is speaking, but the how/why/etc. isn't really clear? Do you step out to start doing or seek God for more understanding of His will?
Not sure I understand. You may have to develop your thought more. It is only those who are led by the Spirit of God that are the children of God. But many times, we are led without realizing it. If I always had to "feel" God to do something, I would have missed Him many times. But, at the same time, God hates presumption. Committing God to do some act in when He has not been sought. Especially, when it involves others, and in public
We have to remember there are issues sometimes within the soul or bloodline that can block healing. I would encourage everyone to read A More Excellent Way by Dr. Henry Wright.
Boy this is a very complex subject to talk about, especially for a Christian. But we humans have the idea of good and evil, and that is what makes it difficult to make God fit our experience as humans. There is no evil or Good for God. This world simply is as it is. A very harsh place, where life and death exist. And unfortunately death, disease, tragedy happen, and we are not to blame God. Ive seen bad things happen to good people and bad people. I think that’s the main purpose of Job story, is that evil things can happen to even good people, but its not because we are evil, but because bad things happen to anybody, that’s life. And in the story, Job was able to accept that, and in the end see a blessing. And i see that as the moral of the story. That if you somehow you survive a tragedy, sometimes good things come out of it. And what ever doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. Also, God and deséese, daemons, where always attributed to things we don’t understand. Jesus said we perish because of lack of knowledge. I believe in cause and affect. I have understood that us humans are very low in understanding, not very intelligent as we think we are.. We have bad memory, we are not very good at multitasking, we make mistakes. And so we fall in destructive life patters. Our brains are highly addictive, we get distracted easily, and most of all, we are ruined by our inability to understand our own self, especially our emotions. So sickness comes and we don’t understand why, because we lack the knowledge. Jesus said we are to have the light. Light which represents knowledge and understanding, so we don’t stumble and fall. In the case of sickness, it is better to prevent than to lament. I study a lot of natural healing and medicine.. and let me tell you that most of our diseases are self inflicted. By the food we eat, by the lifestyle and habits. By environmental factors. It could even be caused by trauma and thinking patterns. Now, in the cases of children and newborns, that have degenerative disease or cancers. Our bodies have become weakened by the food We eat. Our soils and environment are depleted and toxic. So our genetics have become weaker and so we are reproducing weaker offspring. In Isaiah 61 it talks about rebuilding the ancient ruins. And that’s what we have to do. Rebuild and strengthen our genes to produce healthy offspring, that is strong and resilient.
I've lived with my mother for up until I was about 24 and the whole time we had several cats and none were said to have cancer. But then while Living at my apt. for about 33 years and had two cats. They both had Cancer and even right now I may be taking my last cat to the vet to put her down because the Lump on her neck is restricting her breathing. I prayed for God to Heal her, but nothing happened yet I guess.
Up until a few months ago I felt like I had a solid theodicy. After some further thought dealing specifically with Davids infant son , my system of thought has been severely shaken. I really respect the views in the video. I still have questions though. If sickness and death are results of sin , then why does it seem that God directly causes sickness and death at times ? I can understand using what was meant for evil for good but not the other view.
Love the conversation. I would add the need to clarify what certain key words mean, such as 'sovereign'. The Calvinist seem to define this word as God is in charge in both the macro and micro side of things. I disagree with this. I believe God is in charge of the macro only. This is akin to a King, like David who can be said to be in charge of the nation of Israel, but not to involved in every detail. Of course, David is not omnipotent, as God is. God sees all. But that does not mean that God is micromanaging everything in our lives. We have choices. But God works all things together for good (Rom. 8:28). Working things together does not mean causing everything together.
Thx guys as usual.
God blinded Paul on the road to Demarcus, God cursed the woman “Jezebel” on a bed of sickness in Revelation, God tells Moses from the burning bush that He is the one who gives sight and takes it away, God cursed the Philistines with sores when they took the ark of the covenant, God through Elisha cursed Elisha’s servant with Naaman’s leprosy.
So, if God elects to make someone sick, blind, etc. (His will), and that person attributes his/her condition to the devil (perhaps using Job as a reference), has he/she committed blasphemy of the Spirit?
More than that. Read Isaiah 45:7 I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.
I think this is due to a cycle of life consisting of opposites embedded. When God made Heaven, Hell was also created. Look at the seasons of our planet as it goes around the sun. Spring where plants Bloom, begot Fall where the plant decompose and die. Summer where it's hot, vs. Winter where it's cold. Along with the cycles of life, We are born and then die. Even the cities rise and then they fall. It's a cycle that has opposition embedded.
God isn’t the creator of evil, he’s perfect love and perfect justice. Evil came into place as the result of the perfection and goodness of God. This is a mistranslation from the King James. The word evil doesn’t appear an any other translation. I posted the link that explains this. Have a blessed day.
@@lindsaygraham9115 read Isaiah again... KJVB Read Isaiah 45:7 I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things. Also John 1:3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. It's God that had control over what is said in the Bible KJV.
Thank you so very much🙂🤍!
Or, perhaps in 1,000 years I’ll remember my ailments in the light of complete understanding, and I’ll praise Him for the wisdom He displayed in writing my earthly story, even the chapters of difficulty, pain, and loss.
As long as Christians hold out the possibility that God is the source of their sickness and pain, or even allows it within His mysterious will, they will suffer needlessly, like the WW2 Japanese soldiers who would not come out of the jungle decades after the war has ended. Jesus has liberated us from our sickness and pain, but who will believe us? Is 53
@@capturehishonor9292 I agree to an extent. We suffer more than necessary because we partner with sin or fail to rebuke the enemy. But the podcast does make some compelling points with New Testament Scriptures. And I do think God allows what He hates to accomplish what He loves.
We take in a lot of toxins. Our food isn’t as pure as what it was just 30 years ago. Chemical fertilizers and pesticides are too profitable to give up. Sometimes it’s our sicknesses that are what cleanses our bodies anyways. We have to trust that God will heal us in His time. Many of us would rather not give up our high paying desk jobs to produce our own food either. We want the nicer cars and bigger houses, so sickness can be a consequence to that.
If illness is part of God's plan then we should be glad that it happens and always pray "thy will be done".
For years I have heard God's children embrace the curse and renounce the blessing. When I offer to pray that they receive 10x the curse, all have refused to accept my benevolent wish!
If you truly believe this then you should never go to a doctors or hospital unless you know for sure it's God's will for it to be treated
@@beaberean3286 AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What type of church will it be? I’d love to visit! I don’t love too far from Ada!
Also, don't forget how God determined and allowed Jeroboam's son Abijah to die from sickness and be buried because God had compassion on the child because God found something pleasing in the child. See 1 Kings 14:1-13. Here's verses 12:13:
//12 Arise therefore, go to your house. When your feet enter the city, the child shall die.
13 And all Israel shall mourn for him and bury him, for he only of Jeroboam shall come to the grave, because in him there is found something pleasing to the LORD, the God of Israel, in the house of Jeroboam.//
where do you register for the conference?
I have a family member who says that God has never and will never ordain suffering in the life of a Christian. Apparently Old Testament examples don’t count because they weren’t Christians and Old Testament examples seem to be people who weren’t Christians at the time of the suffering. Not sure how to respond to that.
I would encourage them to read Revelation and then ask them how their viewpoint aligns with that. Also, if believers were never meant to suffer, then why did God put so much teaching about suffering in the New Testament? (There are several but Hebrews 12, Romans 8:18 are starting points.)
Maybe he believes in dominion theology. He believes that God gave humans free will and dominion in the garden. They lost dominion to satan in the fall. Now Satan is god of this world. Now God needs us to choose (free will) to partner with Him to defeat Satan and usher in the kingdom of God. It really comes down to how to explain why God allows evil, why even in our Christian walk it feels like satan is biting our heal, and the delay-why it’s been 2000 years and still waiting for satan’s destruction, and God’s Kingdom come to earth. Perhaps the mantel is a metaphor, an incomplete picture- of which we need to compare and discern with truth revealed in scripture- Jesus - our ultimate authority.
Truthfully been convicted about smoking know it's not good. I cannot do it in my own strength. I can't do cold turkey, was praying for supernatural removal but I went and. got all the weening stuff from my doc and keep putting it off. Now suffer shortness breath after a smoke ..just saying.
He created evil and good but when the wicked take over evil prospers. If you snaked a kingdom that is exactly what it will turn into and then you will reap what you sowed and stoled.
It definitely is a huge straw man to say that the only alternative to determinism/compatibilism is God being so surprised by things that happen.
You guys should try and have prophet lovey on
Amen. Excellent and biblical treatment of this subject!!
Almighty God is the Creator of all things... including illnesses.
You didn't know that?
God literally put tumors into his enemies
There may be a way to thread this narrow needle. There are those things which God has blessed and cursed. We see this in DT 28. If we meet the conditions of blessings or curses, we will reap what we have sowed. Nonetheless, with God there is mercy and forgiveness. It was God who allowed the devil access to the Garden. This was no accident (Rom 8). But it was Adam who exercised a will apart from God's. The anthesis was Jesus bowing His will to the Father's in the Garden.
God would have all men saved. But all are not. Why not? Not all meet the conditions for salvation. The same applies to everything we receive from God. To include healing. To leave this in the realm of doubt, is to remain unsaved and/or sick. The ONLY assurance we have of salvation and healing is the knowledge and faith in what He has promised.
"And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us: And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him (1 Jn 5:14, 15)."
That’s something I fail to understood with Remnant Radio-they are all 100% sure, with zero doubt, about salvation, but always come up short in the question of healing. Seems like you couldn’t be 100% with one, yet waver on the other.
@@DBushX2 There is good reason for this. While belief in Christ as savior is almost universal, receiving Christ as healer is spotty. Much of the opposition comes from the Church. I know Christians and whole churches that never get sick. They have thoroughly studied out this matter. But it is much worse than that. Very few Christians have even had one detailed answered prayer. These armchair theologians have done well in other areas, but they have come up short when it comes to conveying God's will on the matter from His own word.
Wow Josh is planting a church?! I’m so excited and I wish I lived in Oklahoma! I’ll definitely visit though.
Just stopping mid video to point out that sickness is not the same as blind or barren. Leprosy….fever….things that make you unwell or lead to death are sickness. I think distinguishing between lack of ability and sickness is needed.
I am mad at God 😭
I’m not sure where you are in your walk of faith as this is 9 months after your comment but I would like to let you know that I have prayed for the increase of your faith and the softening of your heart towards God and a deep understanding of His love and comfort he has for those who believe on His son. An understanding of the fact that God is good in all He does for his children, even when it seems incredibly painful to us.May God richly bless you.
Your illnesses, etc, all contribute to you're souls plan, for this go round. Evolution of soul, takes lifetimes. Nothing more, than how the matrix refills the roles, we all play. One lifetime dad, one mom.... one thief, one honest, one privileged, one poor, etc.... until you nail down all the variants, with this particular avatar, or the next one. Etc. We recycle plastic, but are naive enough to think, God, doesn't recycle souls. So, are we then declaring ourselves, better than God? Lol.
If it did exist ... Yes ... but since gods do N OT exist --> hahahaha
God sends disease by the hand of Satan to saved people who fall back into the same sins before they were saved
“As he passed by, he saw a man blind from birth. And his disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” Jesus answered, “It was not that this man sinned, or his parents, but that the works of God might be displayed in him. “
The Holy Bible: English Standard Version.
“And when people escape from the wickedness of the world by knowing our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and then get tangled up and enslaved by sin again, they are worse off than before. It would be better if they had never known the way to righteousness than to know it and then reject the command they were given to live a holy life.”
2 Peter 2:20-21 NLT
God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.
“The Lord will strike you with wasting diseases, fever, and inflammation, with scorching heat……These disasters will pursue you until you die.”
Deuteronomy 28:22 NLT
@@juliebaggs4266 true, but “worse off” does not necessitate physical illness. A worse spiritual condition is probably what is implied.
I know of 2 people who now have disease due to going back into immoral sins before they were saved. One is now becoming lame in their feet.
And look at what Jesus said to the lame man whom he healed.
“The man didn’t know, for Jesus had disappeared into the crowd. But afterward Jesus found him in the Temple and told him, “Now you are well; so stop sinning, or something even worse may happen to you.””
John 5:13-14
Jesus warned him if he went back into sin, something worse than his lame feet of 38 years could have something worse than that.
One more point can be noted that before Jesus we can see only one fatalism, people believed that everything, good or bad, everything is from God, and only Jesus divides and in His teaching we can see a clear teaching about the devil, that he came to steal, kill and destroy. Jesus treated sickness and possession as evil and caused by the devil. We do not see such an approach as that of Jesus in the Old Testament texts.
Who forgives all our iniquities and heals all our disease. Ps 103. Is that in your bible?
@@capturehishonor9292 Yes, I agree with you, but I think only Jesus reveals to us the true causes of diseases, that they are from the devil
Frank Bartleman lived most of his life with various illnesses and ailments.
Where do you pick up this nonsense?