Dear Future Husband, I pray for your well being, for your capacity to refresh and rest in the arms of Jesus. As for sacrifice, delayed harvest is fine, my deepest wish, would be for you to nourish (and Myself) our best selves, nutritionally, spiritually, physically, all ways....I feel your heart, even though we are not near. Your love lifts, heals, supports, through the air, in ways beyond measure. My heart has only music, words float above the songs, but the connection is deeper still and silent.
This has lots of nuggets of wisdom on husbands' and wives' relationships. Additional practical tools to apply and reminders to connect with our spouses for the benefit of the WE.
A real eye opener but how to handle husband's who r drunkards, blasphemous, destroying kids morale, education, lazy.....How to let ur ego down & let the holy spirit take over??
Sacrifice doesn't equal easy. Amen
I needed to hear this!
14:50 Marriage makes you a better person which helps you receive unconditional love! Knowing that we are worthy! This is good material
I lili loops
Dear Future Husband, I pray for your well being, for your capacity to refresh and rest in the arms of Jesus. As for sacrifice, delayed harvest is fine, my deepest wish, would be for you to nourish (and Myself) our best selves, nutritionally, spiritually, physically, all ways....I feel your heart, even though we are not near. Your love lifts, heals, supports, through the air, in ways beyond measure. My heart has only music, words float above the songs, but the connection is deeper still and silent.
This has lots of nuggets of wisdom on husbands' and wives' relationships. Additional practical tools to apply and reminders to connect with our spouses for the benefit of the WE.
Lots of great advice and helpful nuggets in this episode, thank you
Sacrifice doesn't equal easy
Why did Jim Daly steal Focus On The Family from James Dobson? EH?
A real eye opener but how to handle husband's who r drunkards, blasphemous, destroying kids morale, education, lazy.....How to let ur ego down & let the holy spirit take over??
You read the Emotionally Destructive Marriage for a reality check. Give him a chance to change, and if he doesn't, get out!