i use the puncture, flurry, shadow, Dash and victimize. I came across it own my own and i throw 1 or 2 puncture the Boom! hit with the flurry after they are vun and BOOM! I been having a blast except for that one cultist mother something fucker. God that was a tough one.
hahahaha gostei do seu vídeo e seu humor, Parabéns
Can confirm I am on the toilet with uncontrollable bowels after seeing this Rogue build
Hold up.... wait a minute....
Go to Settings to activate windows
i use the puncture, flurry, shadow, Dash and victimize. I came across it own my own and i throw 1 or 2 puncture the Boom! hit with the flurry after they are vun and BOOM! I been having a blast except for that one cultist mother something fucker. God that was a tough one.
Try a steak knife next time