This song gets into one's psyche ,,, the magick in the music lingers,,, it wouldn't matter who did it. The song stands on it's own. Beautiful ... just damn beautiful.
This song one tribute on valentines day!!! i love you river!! sending hugs and kisses to you in heaven precious one named RIO! My heart today in valentines day is your the one all i think about! MY HEART never the same until we meet again!!!! I love you sweet river jude!! this my favorite song ever!! I LOVE YOU RIVER!!!colleen phoenixxxoooo
i think river was one of the 20 most talented actors ever, he had the potential to be the best. I'm just discovering his unreleased music. They sound like a more mellow, less visionary, but similarly ahead of their time Brian Jonestown Massacre. This music would explode on the Indie Scene today, regardless of whether his name was involved.
Maybe given time, but BJM is brilliant. Anton is a musical genius even though he's kind of a dick. Lol. Seems so unfair. The amount of drugs done by that band, and so many others, it was some cosmic chaotic confluence that River was taken that way. Or, not an accident. :(
My precious river you all i dream about! I am crying because this song is one so greatest!!! Your voice is so amazing my sweet river!! I adore you and celebrate ur life in your movies and your music EVERYDAY! Your one sweet soul that lives on in our hearts! I love you dearly forever and ever and ever! Colleen Phoenixxxooooo
I love this song so mutch!!! river one great voice so cute!!! this makes me cry!! great lyrics!! i saw alekas attic play in 1989 and met him and he was so very nice young man!!! river my one true love always!!! i will see you accross the way someday rio! colleen phoenixxxooooo aleka's attic 4ever!
I love and adore you sweet river!!! I hear ur sweet voice and dream away to better place! your one angel in heaven.. this road will never end. i am so happy i met u in 1989 u shaped my life!!! it was destiny to meet u and you spoke to me!!! so sweet to me!!!colleen phoenixxxooo
So enchanting ethereal and angelic, like a far away mysterious land..I love you River, thank you for your gifts you shared with the world. Bless you. Rest now, dear Rio ♥️
Took the words right out my mouth, I was so enchanted with the song, I didn't know how to articulate what I felt verbally, but you explained it Perfectly to the tee, what I felt through this song. He truly was beautiful. I'm saddened that he's not here to know his nephew who was just bring yesterday, Joaquin named him River in his memory.
My sweet river I came back from florida a few days ago and it was one wonderful time! I went to Micanopy and saw beautful nature, exotic birds, a rare butterfly, and i planted trees. I was so at peace. I know your kindness and beauty is all around me. Everyone so nice to me in gainesville florida! Hugs and kisses to all my new friends in florida! And I adore you precious River! Your one beautiful angel! Colleen Phoenixxxoooooo
One of the best young actors of my era and time. I was 13 years old when he died. And even though he was barely 23, he still made a lasting impact in Hollywood film and music. He was otherworldly, kind, down to earth and loved Animals. But just got led into the wrong crowd, and ultimately couldn't overcome his demons. Still, we will miss you and love you forever beloved River. 10/31/22.
Possibly only a few can realize that .... But he is traying to explain something , to himself , to us. Hat s off , you are better than I can ever image. You will never been forgotten ~ ~ ~
Sweet one your profile photo made me cry. Its baby River. I am sobbing because we need him here. He deserved to live his life. I would give my own life tl bring him back I swear to God I would. I love him deep he taught me so much but I still can not shake these feelings of rage when I think about his last minutes on earth. He deserved so much more than his awful murder. John Fruciante, Depp , and many others have blood in there hands. I love you Unknown. I dont know you but I feel your energy. Stay gold 🌟
@@Iceis_Phoenix yeah it’s so sad thinking about it and yes I can relate to you I would give everything I have to get him back I would sell my own soul just to get him back in life he deserved way better my heart just shatters when I think about him I immediately cry , even though I’ve never known him in real life but he changed me and impacted many others I love how realistic he was he had something no one ever have He is so extraordinary and so special I’ll always love him gone but never forgotten, also thank u so much for writing this u have made my day better i love you 🤍
What a sound. Especially river, he's special and if only he stiill alive today, this video must be watched by millions people. So sad he's gone too soon. Rip river
Across The Way is one of the few Aleka's Attic songs released commercially. I see obviously influences by XTC and Talking Heads. That's a big compliment. River actually has a very nice singing voice, although here it's not shown to it's best, but it suits the song.
I come back so many times to hear this beautiful song and look at beautiful river! River one great voice and so sweet young man and rains voice is lovely! thank you so mutch for sharing! rio alive in our hearts! colleen phoenixxxooo
14 years late and I still miss River. He had such a beautiful voice and spirit, and this is such a beautiful song. Makes me wanna cry. Thank you for posting this.
I love this song so much. River had an amazing voice and Rain is a great singer too. I wish they would have put out an doubt it'd be a treasure for his/their(Aleka's Attic) fans now
Unfortunately his guitarist pal that had just gotten out of rehab walked over to their table when River arrived and gave River a concoction of cocaine and heroin (speedball). River didn't realize what he'd just drunk down. Scared, he took a Valium to bring himself down. River had driven this buddy to rehab twice before, so it's safe to say he knew the drink wouldn't be just a soft drink, but come on! Johnny Depp (Viper club owner) and Flea of RHCP were playing that nite. River, Rain and Joaquin were all together. Horrible way to die. He hadn't finished filming his last movie.
There's a bunch of people on here commenting about his death and I really think it's inappropriate. If you claim to love him so much, I truly believe we should not whine about something that made him finally at peace. You can see in his beautiful aqua eyes sadness and pain, and you can see he rarely smiled in pictures. You can see he hated fame, he hated being out there. It's nobody's fault River is dead, and it's nothing nobody can change. Its not worth it commenting about how we wish he was here because obviously, HE didn't wish he was here. He knew he was suffering an overdose the day he died. Please, if you love Rio as much as do, stop posting such shallow comments.
lo haze I agree but disagree with you. I love River, and I have been a fan of his for awhile now. We all know he had an addiction, and drank a lot. Those are usually signs of unhappiness of course. But even thought he seemed unhappy that doesn't mean he wanted to die or even was sad. He never liked taking pictures, and being the center of attention. I don't believe that he was suicidal though. You don't know if he was, and neither do I of course. We obviously cannot change the fact that he's dead, but he was only 23. He was a baby, he was young, and people love him. That's why so many people comment about his death. Besides if he were still here he could've pursued his goals of making rainforests national parks so the animals werent harmed. Or his goals in making a safe place for damaged children. His family would also be able to see him because God knows they miss him. People don't just want him to be alive for the superficial things I guess is what I'm trying to say. He may not have liked the fame, but he did like acting, and he loved his family, and friends. I just realized how old this comment is so you probably won't see it but...oh well
I never really seen his other movies other than the famous Stand By Me. I took the time out to see his other movies. Running on Empty, he did a superb job. I read Last Night At Viper Room and learned his background and where he came from. I don’t blame him for the way he is. In fact I respect him. Talent in both a musician and as an actor. Looking for an escape, I don’t blame him. I just wish he didn’t take that drink :(
Craig Williams hey I think that book seems like crap... because he was murdered that might. A tiny Dixie cup, given to him by John Frusciante but mixed by who? Was a strong enough speedball to be 8x lethal. I’m sorry to be a conspiracy theorist but I agree with filmmaker Richert that he was taken out. He doesn’t go so far as to say the film industry did it but he was speaking out an pissing people off.... he was getting disillusioned. Wish he had made the film about Rimbaud and Man in the Iron Mask no offense to Leo DiCaprio who took over...
@twilightriverlove Yea the three of them are fantastic stars! All underrated. Rain should've carried on making music, she's absolutely divine. And Joaquin has gotta be the coolest dude around today.
I definitely think that river phoenix, although his life has been quite troubled and mainly because of his involvement with rock bands that had members with long history of drug use, river reached a point of using them to escape his reality, he Was very mature for the time and when realized that the life in hollywood began to suficalo with lack of privacy and other factors as the sexual abuse which mentions in an interview given at the time of myy own private idaho, in which it clearly says that this type Of abuse was frequent in the cinematic milieu and after leaving that 31 of October of 1993 and to find john frusciante a phd in drug use, that gave him a cocktail, that even the experts had difficulty in detecting that substances had in the speedball, many people Of hollywood came to see river as a danger and no longer as a beautiful face (and talented actor) to belong to the cinematigraphic environment. He was poisoned, whoever prepared the drug knew that who consumed would die. It was the way they found to get rid of the river, who says what he said in an interview given in my own private idaho, would suffer with a possible retaliation.
WOAH! I am sorry and don't want to transmit any bad vibes on River's behalf, but you are one scary chick! I have seen your posts ALL over the internet on River sites and just had to comment. You have a plane ticket to LA just for that??? I lived in LA for 4 years and yes, I went to the Viper Room and paid my respects, but this is pushing it. I now live only an hour from Gainesville and will be celebrating his LIFE on the 15th anniversary. Thanks, River - not sure who I would have been w/out you.
please the article from la weekly continued: Niandra Lades:é um bizarro e complicado álbum, com duas dúzias de músicas que crescemcom um progresso em partes e assustadoramente de acordo com o tocar doCD; qualquer fã dos Chili Peppers que ouviram Niandra esperaram um estilopunk-funk e pensaram que seus aparelhos estavam quebrados. Mesmo assim,Frusciante deseja lançar outro álbum no início do próximo ano, e DavidKatznelson, vice presidente da A&R pela Warner Bros. Records, confirma queele planeja publicar outro álbum, chamado Smile From The Streets You Holdem algum dia da primavera.O album será lançado na própria casa de Burbank da Birdman Records deKatznelson (casa de muitos renomados da velha guarda como ThreeHeadcoats e Omoide Hatoba), com a Warner administrando parte dadistribuição. "Isto não é estranho pra mim" Katznelson disse sobre a música deFrusciante. "Rick e John têm um grande relacionamento, mas eu mantenhomeu pensamento em relação a John em ouvir o álbum, e existem algumasmúsicas lá que eu achei muito inspiradas, e pensei que se nós produzíssemosoutro álbum neste estilo indie, tudo isto ganharia mais foco do que se fosseproduzido pela American ou Warner, ou outra que já tenha lançado tantosoutros discos, por sua vez." Frusciante explica o próximo álbum - uma músicaretrocede uma década, quando ele tinha 17 anos e recém tinha se juntandoaos Peppers."Estes são alguns dos melhores projetos que já fiz." Ele quis tocar algo damúsica nova, então ele caminhou em direção ao stereo para que encontrasse 5. um cassete de músicas não mixadas. Mas atrapalhando-se com a fita,avançando e retrocedendo ao ponto certo ele acidentalmente bate seuaparelho em uma caixa de leite. "Filho da puta" ele diz enfurecido, então chutauma pilha de CDs que voam por toda a sala. Então, em um segundo ou dois,ele está calmo e concentrado novamente, seu temperamento está sob controle."Esta não é a fita do meu novo disco", ele explica. "Trata-se de uma fita com ascoisas que estão no meu novo disco, mas não todas as coisas que estão noregistro. Tenho um monte de coisas que não estão no registro, mas as coisasque eu vou tocar pra você estão no meu novo disco." Ele toca e aumenta ovolume, e a sala enche-se de uma música que soa como se tivesse sido tiradode um velho espaguete de Sergio Leone; seu feedback belo e misterioso, e ofrenesi contido, letras loucas entre as desalinhadas melodias. "Kill your mama,kill your daddy," vai uma frase particularmente memorável. A canção é seguidapor um instrumental que parece girar sobre si mesmo - solo preenchido por trásda faixa e outros efeitos etéreos. É uma musica caçadora - literalmente os sonsnão expurgados dos demônios que Frusciante traz à vida, uma reproduçãosem edição, electrônica dos sons dentro da cabeça dele e como ele ouve a suaprópria música, Frusciante parece mais uma vez dentro do emaranhado denotas. Ele fecha os olhos e parece cochilar, deixando ainda um outro recém-aceso cigarro queimar até o fim e deposita suas cinzas em cima dele. Masquando a musica termina ele volta à vida. "Heroina enfatiza o que você é",explica Frusciante. "Como, se você quer gravar a música, ela vai ajudar você ase concentrar mais, mas se você quiser ficar deitado na cama e não fazernada, ela vai ajudá-lo a fazer isso melhor. Ela ajuda você a fazer qualquercoisa melhor do que você quer fazer. Pelo menos para mim, e não para outraspessoas. Muita gente - amigos próximos, estão limpos, e eu estou contenteque eles estão limpos, eles sabem que quando eu estava limpo, perdia o brilhono meu olho, eu perco a minha personalidade, eu não estou feliz, estou meiovazio. Muitas pessoas dizem que sentem uma parede quando uma pessoa usaa droga, mas eu tenho três meninas que eu amo e considero minhas meninas,e um deles veio e me visitou quando eu estava limpo, em fevereiro, e ela mechamou de "after-ward" e disse que sentiu uma parede."Frusciante insiste que quer entrar em um palco mais uma vez - a última vez foirealizada no Vipers Room, no dia em que seu melhor amigo, campeão eprotetor, River Phoenix, morreu do lado de fora - e que ele quer montar umabanda de verdade para executar suas músicas pop, os que são verso-refrão-verso, em vez de apenas um verso. E ele ainda gostaria de lançar as fitas dassessões de jam do Three Amoebas que gravou com Flea e e o baterista doPorno for Pyros, Stephen Perkins anos atrás. Katznelson diz que vai tentarajudar Frusciante a obter a sua música lá fora, reservando alguns shows,fazendo ele ter algum dinheiro para que ele não seja expulso de casa e hotel.Mas ele percebe que não vai ser fácil, nunca há qualquer garantia com um 6. homem que está se matando lentamente, enquanto ninguém faz nada paradetê-lo. "Muitos artistas têm os seus próprios demônios, e ele é um deles", dizKatznelson. "Se eu fizesse julgamentos sobre as pessoas por causa de seuestilo de vida, eu não iria trabalhar com ninguém. Eu trabalho com um montede artistas que têm problemas de substâncias ilegais ou demônios pessoais,mas um é tão problemático como a outro. Se eu estivesse esperando por eleem turnê e para tocar, não haveria muito dinheiro envolvido, eu puxo o cabeloda minha cabeça. Mas não há um monte de dinheiro. Eu só quero que aspessoas ouçam o que ele faz. Se ele quiser tocar, ótimo; se não, tudo bem. Seele quiser fazer entrevistas, ótimo, se não quiser, tudo bem. Acho que ele émuito... ele é muito usado para a sua própria pele."No final, Frusciante tornou-se apenas um outro músico talentoso que mergulhauma agulha em seu braço a cada poucas horas - entre tocar e pintar, entre a lere escrever, entre a preparar um novo disco e encontrar um novo lar, entre vivose mortos, nestes dias, listas de gravadoras estão mais uma vez armazenadascom homens e mulheres justamente como Frusciante, embora tenhampublicistas para esconder os seus hábitos de artistas.Desde a morte de Phoenix, a maioria dos outros amigos de Frusciante oabandonaram, por vezes depois de tentar intervir e salvar a sua vida, pois elesnão suportam vê-lo decadência na frente deles, também cansado de vê-lo sempedir desculpas por se matar. Ele sabe que eles não gostam de ficar perto dele,mas ele não dá a mínima. "Eles estão com medo da morte, mas eu não estou ",diz ele." Eu não me importo se eu viver ou morrer."
They weren't together at the time of his death. Martha now has confirmed she had many abortions and is no longer vegan and loves bloody bull fights. She was not good for him. Neither was Samantha.
I think it's about someone that lives across the way and they don't talk much or really do anything and people are messing with the person...Idek but I like the song.
It sounds like the first verse is about immigration because it’s talking about crossing the border and soldiers separating families, also the grass being greener on the other side. There probably are lines about animals. For example, an angel getting canned, or animals can’t talk and are dumb and using a face not words to express themselves. At the end he says he will tell us more another day...
I love how weird this music is. Original and trippy with a positive vibe.
R.I.P. Return If Possible
Congratulations River your an Uncle as of September 27,2020. Your nephew will carry your name forever.
This song gets into one's psyche ,,, the magick in the music lingers,,, it wouldn't matter who did it. The song stands on it's own. Beautiful ... just damn beautiful.
I can't get it off replay....It just hangs in my head all day.
love the lyric "You live across the way I've heard you say
Not in words, you show on face" ... love the song!!
river and rain are talented and beautiful souls forever
That bass line... my god. Beautiful song.
I love this song, there's something eerie about it, I never get bored with it.
Shame not many people even heard about their music.
this song is so catchy this band would have been huge i love river rip
This song one tribute on valentines day!!! i love you river!! sending hugs and kisses to you in heaven precious one named RIO! My heart today in valentines day is your the one all i think about! MY HEART never the same until we meet again!!!! I love you sweet river jude!! this my favorite song ever!! I LOVE YOU RIVER!!!colleen phoenixxxoooo
River changed my life. Gone but NEVER forgotten!
i think river was one of the 20 most talented actors ever, he had the potential to be the best. I'm just discovering his unreleased music. They sound like a more mellow, less visionary, but similarly ahead of their time Brian Jonestown Massacre. This music would explode on the Indie Scene today, regardless of whether his name was involved.
Maybe given time, but BJM is brilliant. Anton is a musical genius even though he's kind of a dick. Lol. Seems so unfair. The amount of drugs done by that band, and so many others, it was some cosmic chaotic confluence that River was taken that way. Or, not an accident. :(
I agree, it’s very good. 😊
My precious river you all i dream about! I am crying because this song is one so greatest!!! Your voice is so amazing my sweet river!! I adore you and celebrate ur life in your movies and your music EVERYDAY! Your one sweet soul that lives on in our hearts! I love you dearly forever and ever and ever! Colleen Phoenixxxooooo
It feels so calm and relaxing when he says "breathee"
my ears are blessed
I love this song so mutch!!! river one great voice so cute!!! this makes me cry!! great lyrics!! i saw alekas attic play in 1989 and met him and he was so very nice young man!!! river my one true love always!!! i will see you accross the way someday rio! colleen phoenixxxooooo aleka's attic 4ever!
I love and adore you sweet river!!! I hear ur sweet voice and dream away to better place! your one angel in heaven.. this road will never end. i am so happy i met u in 1989 u shaped my life!!! it was destiny to meet u and you spoke to me!!! so sweet to me!!!colleen phoenixxxooo
You met river?!!!!!!! So lucky😵😍
River we all love and miss you!! This song is beautiful just like you!!! Colleen
what an amazing, misterious, strange soul... 💕
phoenix yes, very spiritual..a earth angel.
He's voice ❤❤ i love you river 😭😭
So enchanting ethereal and angelic, like a far away mysterious land..I love you River, thank you for your gifts you shared with the world. Bless you. Rest now, dear Rio ♥️
Took the words right out my mouth, I was so enchanted with the song, I didn't know how to articulate what I felt verbally, but you explained it Perfectly to the tee, what I felt through this song. He truly was beautiful. I'm saddened that he's not here to know his nephew who was just bring yesterday, Joaquin named him River in his memory.
his hair and his beliefs and his talent was just all so fucking perfect. RIP
My sweet river I came back from florida a few days ago and it was one wonderful time! I went to Micanopy and saw beautful nature, exotic birds, a rare butterfly, and i planted trees. I was so at peace. I know your kindness and beauty is all around me. Everyone so nice to me in gainesville florida! Hugs and kisses to all my new friends in florida! And I adore you precious River! Your one beautiful angel! Colleen Phoenixxxoooooo
One of the best young actors of my era and time. I was 13 years old when he died. And even though he was barely 23, he still made a lasting impact in Hollywood film and music. He was otherworldly, kind, down to earth and loved Animals. But just got led into the wrong crowd, and ultimately couldn't overcome his demons. Still, we will miss you and love you forever beloved River. 10/31/22.
I was 16 in high school when he passed. I know how you feel. Such a loss…
Possibly only a few can realize that .... But he is traying to explain something , to himself , to us. Hat s off , you are better than I can ever image. You will never been forgotten ~ ~ ~
riv we miss u a lot i adore u ugh if only u could come back to us
Sweet one your profile photo made me cry. Its baby River. I am sobbing because we need him here. He deserved to live his life. I would give my own life tl bring him back I swear to God I would. I love him deep he taught me so much but I still can not shake these feelings of rage when I think about his last minutes on earth. He deserved so much more than his awful murder. John Fruciante, Depp , and many others have blood in there hands. I love you Unknown. I dont know you but I feel your energy. Stay gold 🌟
@@Iceis_Phoenix yeah it’s so sad thinking about it and yes I can relate to you I would give everything I have to get him back I would sell my own soul just to get him back in life he deserved way better my heart just shatters when I think about him I immediately cry , even though I’ve never known him in real life but he changed me and impacted many others I love how realistic he was he had something no one ever have He is so extraordinary and so special I’ll always love him gone but never forgotten, also thank u so much for writing this u have made my day better i love you 🤍
Hard to believe he'd be 41. Happy birthday for tomorrow River, we miss you xxx
becca mckay he would be 48 next month time flies!
He's 5o today
Love their River
Wow what great music. Amazingly artistic and talented. An advocate for animal and environmental rights. Such a beautiful soul. You are missed River!
river was truly talented and such an amazing person... rip river
What a sound. Especially river, he's special and if only he stiill alive today, this video must be watched by millions people. So sad he's gone too soon. Rip river
I miss River so so much :( He never got to finish his work here on earth, it makes my heart hurt...
Across The Way is one of the few Aleka's Attic songs released commercially. I see obviously influences by XTC and Talking Heads. That's a big compliment. River actually has a very nice singing voice, although here it's not shown to it's best, but it suits the song.
XTC for sure..
I love this song!! It's perfect!!
He was a beautiful person gone too soon I miss him but I'm glad he left us with his talented works
one of my favourites
Truly amazing ❤️ River ❤️
I come back so many times to hear this beautiful song and look at beautiful river! River one great voice and so sweet young man and rains voice is lovely! thank you so mutch for sharing! rio alive in our hearts! colleen phoenixxxooo
Beautiful! Absolutely Epic!
Those lyrics are pretty obscure. He was my idol when I was 22. Was devastated by his death.
Ahhh, I forgot about this song. Listened to it a few years back and I just remembered it again now. Aleka's Attic could've gone far. So very sad.
He was my idol, he was my everything and world became empty without his presence...forever Missing You, River Phoenix!!!
I was names after River... what a legend.
¡Es una de las mejores canciones que he escuchado!
River es increíble. (Dondequiera que esté)
i was born Oct. 30, 1993, the day before River is kinda sad when you really think about it.
River so magical I luv him sooooo much ^_^
I miss watching them perform live!
You've seen the "Aleka's Attic" live?
You can tell something ...
Timeless river phoenix
14 years late and I still miss River. He had such a beautiful voice and spirit, and this is such a beautiful song. Makes me wanna cry. Thank you for posting this.
this is haunting
I love this song so much. River had an amazing voice and Rain is a great singer too. I wish they would have put out an doubt it'd be a treasure for his/their(Aleka's Attic) fans now
Unfortunately his guitarist pal that had just gotten out of rehab walked over to their table when River arrived and gave River a concoction of cocaine and heroin (speedball). River didn't realize what he'd just drunk down. Scared, he took a Valium to bring himself down. River had driven this buddy to rehab twice before, so it's safe to say he knew the drink wouldn't be just a soft drink, but come on! Johnny Depp (Viper club owner) and Flea of RHCP were playing that nite. River, Rain and Joaquin were all together. Horrible way to die. He hadn't finished filming his last movie.
You know the whole story, eh?
Darlene , you were spreading the truth years ago. Thank you 💗
There's a bunch of people on here commenting about his death and I really think it's inappropriate. If you claim to love him so much, I truly believe we should not whine about something that made him finally at peace. You can see in his beautiful aqua eyes sadness and pain, and you can see he rarely smiled in pictures. You can see he hated fame, he hated being out there. It's nobody's fault River is dead, and it's nothing nobody can change. Its not worth it commenting about how we wish he was here because obviously, HE didn't wish he was here. He knew he was suffering an overdose the day he died. Please, if you love Rio as much as do, stop posting such shallow comments.
+Victoria Diamond Totally agree w you!
lo haze I agree but disagree with you. I love River, and I have been a fan of his for awhile now. We all know he had an addiction, and drank a lot. Those are usually signs of unhappiness of course. But even thought he seemed unhappy that doesn't mean he wanted to die or even was sad. He never liked taking pictures, and being the center of attention. I don't believe that he was suicidal though. You don't know if he was, and neither do I of course. We obviously cannot change the fact that he's dead, but he was only 23. He was a baby, he was young, and people love him. That's why so many people comment about his death. Besides if he were still here he could've pursued his goals of making rainforests national parks so the animals werent harmed. Or his goals in making a safe place for damaged children. His family would also be able to see him because God knows they miss him. People don't just want him to be alive for the superficial things I guess is what I'm trying to say. He may not have liked the fame, but he did like acting, and he loved his family, and friends. I just realized how old this comment is so you probably won't see it but...oh well
I never really seen his other movies other than the famous Stand By Me. I took the time out to see his other movies. Running on Empty, he did a superb job. I read Last Night At Viper Room and learned his background and where he came from. I don’t blame him for the way he is. In fact I respect him. Talent in both a musician and as an actor. Looking for an escape, I don’t blame him. I just wish he didn’t take that drink :(
Craig Williams hey I think that book seems like crap... because he was murdered that might. A tiny Dixie cup, given to him by John Frusciante but mixed by who? Was a strong enough speedball to be 8x lethal. I’m sorry to be a conspiracy theorist but I agree with filmmaker Richert that he was taken out. He doesn’t go so far as to say the film industry did it but he was speaking out an pissing people off.... he was getting disillusioned. Wish he had made the film about Rimbaud and Man in the Iron Mask no offense to Leo DiCaprio who took over...
@@nadyadejong7388 i agree
Aleka's attic disbanded in 1992, a year before river death.
I looove riverrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Never stopped.
Голос Ривера... ♥️
Great song. Sounds like a mix of XTC and a band called the Balancing Act.
i really like this
river was so amazing
@twilightriverlove Yea the three of them are fantastic stars! All underrated. Rain should've carried on making music, she's absolutely divine. And Joaquin has gotta be the coolest dude around today.
Esta canción es maravillosa me encanta lastima que murió river pero se que el en donde esta esta feliz
happy birthday Angel
Happy 50th
I absolutely adore River =]
Aleka's Attic are the bomb!!
Shame what happened to Rio but everything happens for a reason =[
pure genius
tthis song can be found on PeTA's album " Tame Yourself "
Happy 52nd bday River today 8/23/2022 🌸💙🌸
I love River Phoenix ♥️♥️♥️
definitely think that river phoenix, although his life has been quite
troubled and mainly because of his involvement with rock bands that had
members with long history of drug use, river reached a point of using
them to escape his reality, he Was
very mature for the time and when realized that the life in hollywood
began to suficalo with lack of privacy and other factors as the sexual
abuse which mentions in an interview given at the time of myy own
private idaho, in which it clearly says that this type Of
abuse was frequent in the cinematic milieu and after leaving that 31 of
October of 1993 and to find john frusciante a phd in drug use, that
gave him a cocktail, that even the experts had difficulty in detecting
that substances had in the speedball, many people Of
hollywood came to see river as a danger and no longer as a beautiful
face (and talented actor) to belong to the cinematigraphic environment. He was poisoned, whoever prepared the drug knew that who consumed would die. It
was the way they found to get rid of the river, who says what he said
in an interview given in my own private idaho, would suffer with a
possible retaliation.
I never knew asking a question out of curiousity could be a crime. yes, it does matter, thanks for asking.
Is there anywhere u can download these tunes- would love them on my iPod! Who owns the rights to them n why are they not released?
It's from "Tame Yourself" by various artists. I still have the CD. Try checking stores that still sale old cd/tapes.
WOAH! I am sorry and don't want to transmit any bad vibes on River's behalf, but you are one scary chick! I have seen your posts ALL over the internet on River sites and just had to comment. You have a plane ticket to LA just for that??? I lived in LA for 4 years and yes, I went to the Viper Room and paid my respects, but this is pushing it. I now live only an hour from Gainesville and will be celebrating his LIFE on the 15th anniversary. Thanks, River - not sure who I would have been w/out you.
Shuuuut up phoney I never liked you.
That fucking bassline is so tasty.
all the comments are so old
Time is eternally present. Nothing gets old.
Why is this not released on Apple Music? His sister released a few of there other songs.
could somebody tab this song or let me know the chords, the chorus is savage.
please the article from la weekly continued: Niandra Lades:é um bizarro e complicado álbum, com duas dúzias de músicas que crescemcom um progresso em partes e assustadoramente de acordo com o tocar doCD; qualquer fã dos Chili Peppers que ouviram Niandra esperaram um estilopunk-funk e pensaram que seus aparelhos estavam quebrados. Mesmo assim,Frusciante deseja lançar outro álbum no início do próximo ano, e DavidKatznelson, vice presidente da A&R pela Warner Bros. Records, confirma queele planeja publicar outro álbum, chamado Smile From The Streets You Holdem algum dia da primavera.O album será lançado na própria casa de Burbank da Birdman Records deKatznelson (casa de muitos renomados da velha guarda como ThreeHeadcoats e Omoide Hatoba), com a Warner administrando parte dadistribuição. "Isto não é estranho pra mim" Katznelson disse sobre a música deFrusciante. "Rick e John têm um grande relacionamento, mas eu mantenhomeu pensamento em relação a John em ouvir o álbum, e existem algumasmúsicas lá que eu achei muito inspiradas, e pensei que se nós produzíssemosoutro álbum neste estilo indie, tudo isto ganharia mais foco do que se fosseproduzido pela American ou Warner, ou outra que já tenha lançado tantosoutros discos, por sua vez." Frusciante explica o próximo álbum - uma músicaretrocede uma década, quando ele tinha 17 anos e recém tinha se juntandoaos Peppers."Estes são alguns dos melhores projetos que já fiz." Ele quis tocar algo damúsica nova, então ele caminhou em direção ao stereo para que encontrasse
5. um cassete de músicas não mixadas. Mas atrapalhando-se com a fita,avançando e retrocedendo ao ponto certo ele acidentalmente bate seuaparelho em uma caixa de leite. "Filho da puta" ele diz enfurecido, então chutauma pilha de CDs que voam por toda a sala. Então, em um segundo ou dois,ele está calmo e concentrado novamente, seu temperamento está sob controle."Esta não é a fita do meu novo disco", ele explica. "Trata-se de uma fita com ascoisas que estão no meu novo disco, mas não todas as coisas que estão noregistro. Tenho um monte de coisas que não estão no registro, mas as coisasque eu vou tocar pra você estão no meu novo disco." Ele toca e aumenta ovolume, e a sala enche-se de uma música que soa como se tivesse sido tiradode um velho espaguete de Sergio Leone; seu feedback belo e misterioso, e ofrenesi contido, letras loucas entre as desalinhadas melodias. "Kill your mama,kill your daddy," vai uma frase particularmente memorável. A canção é seguidapor um instrumental que parece girar sobre si mesmo - solo preenchido por trásda faixa e outros efeitos etéreos. É uma musica caçadora - literalmente os sonsnão expurgados dos demônios que Frusciante traz à vida, uma reproduçãosem edição, electrônica dos sons dentro da cabeça dele e como ele ouve a suaprópria música, Frusciante parece mais uma vez dentro do emaranhado denotas. Ele fecha os olhos e parece cochilar, deixando ainda um outro recém-aceso cigarro queimar até o fim e deposita suas cinzas em cima dele. Masquando a musica termina ele volta à vida. "Heroina enfatiza o que você é",explica Frusciante. "Como, se você quer gravar a música, ela vai ajudar você ase concentrar mais, mas se você quiser ficar deitado na cama e não fazernada, ela vai ajudá-lo a fazer isso melhor. Ela ajuda você a fazer qualquercoisa melhor do que você quer fazer. Pelo menos para mim, e não para outraspessoas. Muita gente - amigos próximos, estão limpos, e eu estou contenteque eles estão limpos, eles sabem que quando eu estava limpo, perdia o brilhono meu olho, eu perco a minha personalidade, eu não estou feliz, estou meiovazio. Muitas pessoas dizem que sentem uma parede quando uma pessoa usaa droga, mas eu tenho três meninas que eu amo e considero minhas meninas,e um deles veio e me visitou quando eu estava limpo, em fevereiro, e ela mechamou de "after-ward" e disse que sentiu uma parede."Frusciante insiste que quer entrar em um palco mais uma vez - a última vez foirealizada no Vipers Room, no dia em que seu melhor amigo, campeão eprotetor, River Phoenix, morreu do lado de fora - e que ele quer montar umabanda de verdade para executar suas músicas pop, os que são verso-refrão-verso, em vez de apenas um verso. E ele ainda gostaria de lançar as fitas dassessões de jam do Three Amoebas que gravou com Flea e e o baterista doPorno for Pyros, Stephen Perkins anos atrás. Katznelson diz que vai tentarajudar Frusciante a obter a sua música lá fora, reservando alguns shows,fazendo ele ter algum dinheiro para que ele não seja expulso de casa e hotel.Mas ele percebe que não vai ser fácil, nunca há qualquer garantia com um
6. homem que está se matando lentamente, enquanto ninguém faz nada paradetê-lo. "Muitos artistas têm os seus próprios demônios, e ele é um deles", dizKatznelson. "Se eu fizesse julgamentos sobre as pessoas por causa de seuestilo de vida, eu não iria trabalhar com ninguém. Eu trabalho com um montede artistas que têm problemas de substâncias ilegais ou demônios pessoais,mas um é tão problemático como a outro. Se eu estivesse esperando por eleem turnê e para tocar, não haveria muito dinheiro envolvido, eu puxo o cabeloda minha cabeça. Mas não há um monte de dinheiro. Eu só quero que aspessoas ouçam o que ele faz. Se ele quiser tocar, ótimo; se não, tudo bem. Seele quiser fazer entrevistas, ótimo, se não quiser, tudo bem. Acho que ele émuito... ele é muito usado para a sua própria pele."No final, Frusciante tornou-se apenas um outro músico talentoso que mergulhauma agulha em seu braço a cada poucas horas - entre tocar e pintar, entre a lere escrever, entre a preparar um novo disco e encontrar um novo lar, entre vivose mortos, nestes dias, listas de gravadoras estão mais uma vez armazenadascom homens e mulheres justamente como Frusciante, embora tenhampublicistas para esconder os seus hábitos de artistas.Desde a morte de Phoenix, a maioria dos outros amigos de Frusciante oabandonaram, por vezes depois de tentar intervir e salvar a sua vida, pois elesnão suportam vê-lo decadência na frente deles, também cansado de vê-lo sempedir desculpas por se matar. Ele sabe que eles não gostam de ficar perto dele,mas ele não dá a mínima. "Eles estão com medo da morte, mas eu não estou ",diz ele." Eu não me importo se eu viver ou morrer."
Does anyone know what the words to the buried vocals are at 4:25?
omg, i would love to post this on my myspace!!! but i cant.....=[
the song is good but i just have to say it HE IS SOOOO HOT DAMN !
wait nevermind there it is so just look for Where I'd Gone...great song
I was referring to Colleen "Phoenix" in this post by the way...
🖕 fuck off 🖕
I have one unknown aleka's attic song in my channel that does not appear in the aleka's attic see it press my channel...
whoa!!! where did you get his music?????
Is this River singing? I can't find any of Aleka's attic songs anywhere. I would love to find out where I can get the bands songs. Thanks :->
Yes it is him singing.
They weren't together at the time of his death. Martha now has confirmed she had many abortions and is no longer vegan and loves bloody bull fights. She was not good for him. Neither was Samantha.
Martha Plimpton, I believe.... she was his costar and also his girlfriend for a while.
@cooliscool I know
Where did you find this song?
Saquen el karaoke
i agree with riverchick23, that post was pretty creepy
Not a creepy as your face.
Can someone please properly explain what this song is about to me? The lyrics are really pretty but I don't really get it.
I think it's about someone that lives across the way and they don't talk much or really do anything and people are messing with the person...Idek but I like the song.
it isnt about animals or some shit? same i luv it
It sounds like the first verse is about immigration because it’s talking about crossing the border and soldiers separating families, also the grass being greener on the other side. There probably are lines about animals. For example, an angel getting canned, or animals can’t talk and are dumb and using a face not words to express themselves. At the end he says he will tell us more another day...
@@nadyadejong7388 beautiful. River was ahead of his time. I miss him deeply.
i can ssend it to you ? i have it ..
what genre is this?
Kind of a cross between mellower BJM and non-electric Oasis, really.
is River Phoenix singing?
Hannah Luvsyouu YES 💙🌈💙
does anyone know who the girl is at 1:37? she looks like she was in a movie
Martha Plimpton.
mark dice