To each their own. This method personally saved me a lot of time and stress, and wasted a lot less yarn for this particular project. It also made everything cleaner and more secure. Just sharing an alternative that might help and benefit others in the same way it did me. If that’s not you, keep doing you!
This was very helpful for my project! I am changing color at the end of rows so every little knot will be hidden once I seam my piece together!
Thanks for making this so clear. Will give this a try today. 👍🏻
Superb! 👌
Gosh, what a big faff! 😂. It's easier and less stressful just to weave the ends and proceed with the normal colour change technique 😂😂😂😂
To each their own. This method personally saved me a lot of time and stress, and wasted a lot less yarn for this particular project. It also made everything cleaner and more secure. Just sharing an alternative that might help and benefit others in the same way it did me. If that’s not you, keep doing you!