Saba Qamar Speaks Out About the Importance of Polio Vaccination

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 8 มิ.ย. 2023
  • "Polio is a terrible disease that can paralyze or even kill children. It is a preventable disease, but there are still children in Pakistan who are at risk. I am here today to urge you to get your children vaccinated against polio. It is the best way to protect them from this deadly disease.
    I know that some parents are hesitant to vaccinate their children because of rumors and misinformation. But I want to assure you that the polio vaccine is safe and effective. It has been used to save millions of lives around the world.
    Please, do not let your child become a statistic. Get them vaccinated today. It is the best gift you can give them."
    Saba Qamar is a Pakistani actress and singer. She is a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador and has been actively working to raise awareness about polio in Pakistan. She has spoken out about the importance of vaccination and has visited remote areas of the country to encourage parents to get their children vaccinated.
    Polio is a highly contagious disease that can cause paralysis and death. It is caused by a virus that attacks the nervous system. There is no cure for polio, but it can be prevented with a vaccine.
    The polio vaccine is safe and effective. It has been used to save millions of lives around the world. In Pakistan, the polio vaccine has helped to reduce the number of cases by 99%.
    However, there are still children in Pakistan who are at risk of polio. This is because some parents are hesitant to vaccinate their children because of rumors and misinformation. There are also some areas of the country where access to healthcare is limited.
    Saba Qamar is urging parents to get their children vaccinated against polio. She is also calling on the government to do more to ensure that all children in Pakistan have access to the vaccine.
    Polio is a preventable disease. With the help of parents, healthcare workers, and the government, we can rid Pakistan of polio once and for all.

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