Sorry for the late reply, haven't checked this in a bit. That is the discharge temperature setting on the AC unit itself. It's what the AC is putting out and trying to achieve, but without the smart controller, it can definitely vary and end up causing the room temperature to not match that. So for the comfy mode, setting it around what you want as the room temperature would be ideal.
I agree! I was working with a low (i.e. no) budget for this. Used just a gaming headset with it's associated microphone. In the "Settings" video, I had a lapel mic and it is considerably better, though I still have some sibilance as I didn't have the pop filer on, and didn't have it ideally set up.
What does the second "temperature" setting do in comfy mode?
Or should I say the "output temperature"?
Sorry for the late reply, haven't checked this in a bit. That is the discharge temperature setting on the AC unit itself. It's what the AC is putting out and trying to achieve, but without the smart controller, it can definitely vary and end up causing the room temperature to not match that. So for the comfy mode, setting it around what you want as the room temperature would be ideal.
Sounds like you have your microphone up against your lips with no pop filter, good information but very annoying audio.
I agree! I was working with a low (i.e. no) budget for this. Used just a gaming headset with it's associated microphone. In the "Settings" video, I had a lapel mic and it is considerably better, though I still have some sibilance as I didn't have the pop filer on, and didn't have it ideally set up.