Always educational for me your videos. I have question- is it possible to make educational videos for "hobbies" like me how to connect and use all measuring equipment( signal generator, oscilloscope,and so on) for testing tape decks?
I own this exact same deck. Best cassette ever made. Same electronics as the CT-95, only better, with wireless remote control. Designed and engineered in 1992, at the apex of cassette construction. After that .it was all downhill
Always educational for me your videos. I have question- is it possible to make educational videos for "hobbies" like me how to connect and use all measuring equipment( signal generator, oscilloscope,and so on) for testing tape decks?
I own this exact same deck. Best cassette ever made. Same electronics as the CT-95, only better, with wireless remote control. Designed and engineered in 1992, at the apex of cassette construction. After that .it was all downhill