Welcome to 21st century Britain. Why does this happen? Because police, courts and local authorities don't want to deal with the issue. As soon as they start fining these criminals, say 25k plus and give out jail sentences with NO EXCEPTIONS this problem would disappear almost completely. I fail to understand how is the rubbish piling up at one of the sites with security guards? Fining people who's addresses were found in rubbish makes absolutely no sense. Anything could happen to one's rubbish after it's been left out for collection / placed in the bin. The fact that Britain has very limited number of waste incinerators and extortionate landfill taxes also doesn't help.
Southall is a very Indian area and unfortunately they don't value the environment, that area in between the houses was probably once allotments or a communal garden area. It is a great pity that people live in their smart boxes and treat the outdoors as a rubbish tip.
They said it started when they raised the tax on disposal. Try lowering the tax so people can afford to dump it.It's costing more in illegal dumping then your getting in new tax revenue .
Really ?! Every local tip I've been to is free unless you're a business . In which case , why should the public pay for disposal of your by products of your work .
One big problem is people do this to avoid paying to dump their rubbish. Let them dump for free at official sites and this problem would practically disappear overnight.
Totally agree, i think they should pay for it as commercial operations but the cost of policing this and also removing the rubbish is way way higher cost to the public purse than it is just to let them dump it at tips for free.
What is even more disappointing is that even if it is disposed of "correctly" it mostly just ends up in landfill or (worse still) abroad in illegal landfills. It really is just moving the problem, but the British public are happy with "out of sight, out of mind" instead of actually fixing the problem. And the problem is rampant and unchecked consumerism aka capitalism. We need to stop buying junk and by stuff that is made to last and doesn't need stupid plastic packaging. Sometimes i feel like humanity is a run away train...
@@pigeonlove Well it would because people could collect it much more cheaply so people would consider that option. Or, heaven forbid, they could tax the companies that make the majority of it and have it collected from our front door like everything else. Quick to tax goods but slow to clear up the mess!
I’m a taxi driver and I drive a lot in London at night, the amount of fly tipping rubbish I see all over London is massive and it’s gotten worse since the lockdown began. This is very sad. These people have to be arrested, that’s the only way they will stop.
Redbridge is the filthiest borough I have ever lived in . I walk out my front door and there is rubbish everywhere on the streets. Yet the borough charges me money to pick up my garden waste.
Look at a few TH-cam videos of Kensington Ave. in Philadelphia, USA and you'll see you have nothing to be worried about compared to there. There are other places here just like that too. I'm ashamed of our country for letting it get like that here and to top it all off, that is a major drug infested area there too. People do drugs on the streets and no one says or does anything.
A wide variety of things can be done to help stop fly tipping. One thing that might help would be to sell our household items rather than pay someone to throw it away. That way, we know for sure it won't end up being dumped on the side of the road somewhere. Things like furniture and electrical appliances that are still in good condition can easily be sold. I sold my old sofa and armchair on ebay a few years back. It was still in good condition and I'm glad it went to a new home.
Why not make those who get caught doing it pick up trash for a year or 5 years in prison??? That would hurt them enough to make them think twice about it. And make the dump free.
this is just one of thousands of the councils corrupt practice they have destroyed the wheels of industry for years as they do not know what they r doing they come out of collage n university straight into a council job fools and the bent judges, barristers . solicitors back them up the system is rotten right through with corruption collusion , conspiricy kick all of them out d lake
I've generated loads of waste when I refurbished my house but I never had to illegally dump it so why is it somehow the council's fault ? They don't make anyone dump it . When and where were you charged? I've lived in Manchester, Salford , Bolton , Wimbledon, Camden and Hertfordshire and have never been charged for using the the local authority Tip site .
Just how hard and/or expensive is it to go to the dump to get rid of this!! I cannot believe they get away with this in Great Britain. It should be mandatory jail and a fine. Where are all the cameras we hear about? It should be easy enough to prosecute with a license number.
It’s a sad day when people dump rubbish illegally got no moral respect for any one or anything just because they could not be bothered to take it to council skips
These are the kind of people who are too ignorant to realise it’s their planet they are destroying, it’s like crapping without wiping your arse. They don’t even consider what kind of world they are creating for their own children.
@@jackking5567 fishermen are some of the absolute worst litterers, I used to work on a coastal farm and had to pull out hooks and nylon netting from the lambs' feet, very painful for them when the flesh grew over it and they were herded several kilometres, sometimes it resulted in them breaking their legs when they stumbled. I've also been on 3 cruises, all of which just dumped black bags overboard every day. I also have a video of a seal slowly being garrotted by netting and birds drowned in discarded netting. I could go on.
Introduce a license for those operating rubbish removal businesses and reduce the cost for those license holders to use legal tip sites. make the fine 4k not 400 and add mandatory jail terms for those breaking the law, on the flip side place skip bins in regular inner-city fly tip sites to encourage people to use them ie locals with half a dozen bags. this will help mitigate the cost of paying people to scrape it off the ground.
I am furious and surprised that many people are ignorant about Recycling & Reuse Centres in U.K. You can bring any rubbish, any unwanted items such as old mattresses, old electrical items: white goods, old electronics : computers/tvs, plastic bottles, cardboard, used engine oil, old carpets, garden waste and many more to those centres for safe disposal. Those places are very organized & well managed by dedicated workers. I feel that awareness about such centres are still poor amongst citizens & non-citizens. The government should advertise more in forms of pamphlets distributing from house to house, posters, in tv ads & social media.
if found, scrap their cars and lorries and remove their driving licenses for one year for the first offense, and for each new offense add another year. Charge them double the clear-up rate.
The local council should be encouraging people to get rid of the rubbish, but instead we have to pay for a certain item to be disposed of I think it is completely stupid putting prices to throw away stuff and That is why people fly tipping 😕 now we have to pay to have green bins empty 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
Yep! That’s what happens when undocumented criminals and a woke society collide 🙄 take it from us Irish, we won’t allow these criminals to raid our society 🇮🇪
@@muk8804 I used to be a landscape gardener, we used to get charged at the local dump and there were silly long queues. They might be free for local residents,but it's not the domestic customers who are doing the fly tipping.
My friend took an old fridge to the local council tip to dispose of and when he got to the gates they were closed with the employees stood around waiting to make their way home at the end of the day, my friend asked them to let him in to dispose of the fridge to wich they replied NO as the site was closed till the next day, he even asked them to dispose of it for him and yet again they said NO, so next morning he went back to the site to dispose of this fridge and there was nobody there at that time of the morning so he left the fridge outside the main gates so when the employees turned up that morning to start ther day that they would dispose of the fridge for him by just carrying it a couple of yards to the electrical skip, but NO the employees of the council informed the local police station to say that a fridge had been FLYTIPED outside there main gates and they had him on cctv, well the police investigated the matter of the fridge and my friend was arrested and taken to court over the matter to which he had to pay the princely sum of £1000 British pounds, this is not fair in my eyes when only a few short week's later a so called lady gardener fly tipped tones of rubbish in a local beauty spot and only had to pay £500 pounds we'res the justice in that, , when you go to the right place for your rubbish and end up paying £1000 for taking it to the place we it should go, , , KEEP BRITAIN TIDY, , ITS YOUR HOME TO.
This happens because of incompetent and corrupt government infiltrated by organised crime. There's very little will to penalize those doing this, in the remote chance of an arrest and conviction, the fine is £400 which is a joke. If there were the will to catch and convict and fines were in the thousands plus seizure of vehicles and revoking of driving licences, the problem would be solved.
If they catch someone doing this, the person or persons doing it should be fined 200,000 pounds each, their vehicles taken and then thrown in jail for about 5 years after they come back and clean it up and pay for the dumping fees at a legal dump. So what if someone else has already dumped there, let them pay for that part of the clean up too. So what if it all costs them 300,000 pounds total and their home.
What a joke..... Crush the tipping truck, heavy fine for tipper.. Fine owner of trash, property lien on owner of trash. LOWER landfill cost for home owners..
The UK has some of the toughest laws in Europe regarding fly tipping and have had for many years - obviously you need to catch them which isn’t always that easy but when you do deal with them severely - a good example of this is the guy in Spain who filmed himself dumping a large fridge in the beautiful countryside down a hill - not only was he and his friend made to recover it but he was also fined €45,000 which is equivalent to approximately £38,000 - The UK government needs to grow some testicles and deal with things - this pathetic soft approach which has been in place for possibly 30 years does not work - Build more jails and fill them up ! I hope my content hasn’t upset anybody 😢😢😢 😂😂
Welcome to multi cultural in Britain, and it’s only gona get worse, just watch before your eyes as it slowly turns to a 3rd world, my grandparents wouldn’t believe their eyes if they were alive 😢
Really ? When are where were you charged ? Local residents can take all waste except asbestos to their local authority Household waste Recycling Centre for free. It is only builders and business waste (such as plumbers and builders ) who are required to pay fees per weight and rightly so - their waste is a direct by product of their work in the same way that restaurants arrange a dedicated food waste collection - usually a pig farmer .
The immigrants do this. No question. Here in the states, Mexicans, and othe Latin Amer ppl live like this and its what they grew up in. So, lets not pretend its suddenly a societal issue. Its a consequence of illegals and the lack of assimilation. Ive been to Mexico and its bad in places.
Fly tipping was around 40 years ago in Britain - I remember it , when society was much less multicultural than now. Very easy to spout unsubstantiated populist rubbish .
The councils are mainly to blame/ I have to apply for a permit to enter the council yard, when I arrive I have to prove who I am and why im there, This is done under the sign that threatens tp seize my vehicle if I say something wrong. I am allowed to leave a maximum of 750KG I am allowed up to a dozen visits a year. But they still want the council tax.
The great thing about multiculturalism is all of these immigrants ave enormous respect for the countries they go to and don’t abuse it to become rich back home
Fly-tipping has always been a problem in the UK it just seems a bit of a coincidence it has got worse since we have opened up our borders thank you Tony Blair 😤
What if they paid someone to come haul it off and then the truck owner does that, why would you shame someone that probably paid, proper to get rid of it?
Hate fly tipping but we live in wiltshire and our bins are emptied every 2 weeks and we put them in the correct place on bin day, lid is closed and there is never anything that shouldn't be in there and 9 times out of 10 they are left, we ended up getting cctv because they kept saying we didnt have them out the minute I mentioned I had CCTV they came straight back round. Now I cant get to a dump like lots of other people so as much as I would never fly tip what are people meant to do....and shock horror our area has a huge fly tipping problem
Ok. Every house pay Council Tax , Everycompany pay tax. Why council no taking rubish how is more in bins ? Problem is because is TIDY TIP is needed for all without limits for every city /sector . And not will flytip and any rubish on outside.
This is because land fill fees are so outrageous something needs to be done about that then you might not have your fly tip problems its the land fills that are making people do that at 65 us dollars a ton I would dump it on the streets to land fills make money off the methane the garbage produces dumping should be free
Hou you see fly tipping - I working in Council you must enter on website yout council and claim there Video Register Number and Face fly tippers and send email to Council on your sector . PLEASE USED TIDY TIP FROM HOUSE COUNCIL TAKE RUBISH FOR YOU FREE BUT YOU MUST IN SMALL CAR (NOT COMPANY AND VANS is pay)
And maybe make it cheaper to dispose of garbage in the entire country, have recycling centers where people can come and dump, and then pay a fair price for it..
People doing this should be disgusted with themselves ring the bloody council and find out where you can put it legally it’s disgusting and causes mice and rats because of takeaways dumping food and boxes out the bank my home ended up getting over 36 mice in and I ended up moving because they could not get ride if the problem even getting the environment involved and pest control
Offer free dumping of the trash and your problem will be gone God only knows why we are paying the dump the trash when you can make a big dump site and just allow people to dump the trash on that area only and I think it would stop not 100% sure
Fly tipping has existed in non Indian Hindu cultures for thousands of years. It’s the loss of the non Indian Hindu culture that leverages a fake belief in sponsorship that doesn’t exist that leads to people leaving things propagated for commercial display. It’s a synopsis of “look what the cat dragged in “. Where the place they fly tip are have Atar resemblance of the mentally provoked PMD ( poverty mind disorder ) perpetrator. Councils spend allot of money providing recycling centres where these things can be destroyed rather than the PMD takeover the mind of the waste dumper. Some times many of these people think about what they are going to fly too and why it’s best to do so. As society has already provided the means of disposing it properly. There is no point in fly tipping if the waste is already has means to be transported and the destination must be programmed to recycling centres. ⚡️🤴🏽🕉🔺➕
£400 on the spot fines 😂 😂 😂 😂 and they wonder why it’s only getting worse. HOW ABOUT YOU LOSE YOUR DRIVING LICENCE FOR 12 MONTHS AND A £5000 FINE, I’m sure that will make them think twice
Welcome to 21st century Britain. Why does this happen? Because police, courts and local authorities don't want to deal with the issue. As soon as they start fining these criminals, say 25k plus and give out jail sentences with NO EXCEPTIONS this problem would disappear almost completely.
I fail to understand how is the rubbish piling up at one of the sites with security guards?
Fining people who's addresses were found in rubbish makes absolutely no sense. Anything could happen to one's rubbish after it's been left out for collection / placed in the bin.
The fact that Britain has very limited number of waste incinerators and extortionate landfill taxes also doesn't help.
I've said exactly the same
Southall is a very Indian area and unfortunately they don't value the environment, that area in between the houses was probably once allotments or a communal garden area. It is a great pity that people live in their smart boxes and treat the outdoors as a rubbish tip.
Was Indian since 1960s however is now mainly Somali, Ethopian and Afgan
Thier ways are not our ways
@@travelfox4820 Yes, they are used to living in that kind of filth and don't mind it so long as they don't have to pay to get it legally hauled away.
They said it started when they raised the tax on disposal. Try lowering the tax so people can afford to dump it.It's costing more in illegal dumping then your getting in new tax revenue
I think scum like these will still fly tip regardless of lowering the tax.
@Hugh Jaanus wow you're smart
@Hugh Jaanus very posh too
In my community in the USA it is free to dump , And they still dump on the side of the road
It started.....when we "invited / imported" the 3rd world foreign army in.....! FACT....O YE & GYPOS
That’s what you get when they’re charging extorsion prices for a rubbish dump now days used to be free
Really ?! Every local tip I've been to is free unless you're a business . In which case , why should the public pay for disposal of your by products of your work .
In my community in the USA it is free to dump , And they still dump on the side of the road
One big problem is people do this to avoid paying to dump their rubbish. Let them dump for free at official sites and this problem would practically disappear overnight.
Totally agree, i think they should pay for it as commercial operations but the cost of policing this and also removing the rubbish is way way higher cost to the public purse than it is just to let them dump it at tips for free.
What is even more disappointing is that even if it is disposed of "correctly" it mostly just ends up in landfill or (worse still) abroad in illegal landfills. It really is just moving the problem, but the British public are happy with "out of sight, out of mind" instead of actually fixing the problem. And the problem is rampant and unchecked consumerism aka capitalism. We need to stop buying junk and by stuff that is made to last and doesn't need stupid plastic packaging. Sometimes i feel like humanity is a run away train...
Wrong. These people do not have cars to take the mattresses etc to the official sites. It would make no difference.
@@pigeonlove Well it would because people could collect it much more cheaply so people would consider that option. Or, heaven forbid, they could tax the companies that make the majority of it and have it collected from our front door like everything else. Quick to tax goods but slow to clear up the mess!
Nothing is free. The citizens pay for those dumps to get the waste disposed of anyway. You pay in taxes levied by the local council.
I’m a taxi driver and I drive a lot in London at night, the amount of fly tipping rubbish I see all over London is massive and it’s gotten worse since the lockdown began.
This is very sad. These people have to be arrested, that’s the only way they will stop.
Is there money to be made doing this? It looks like it is businesses doing most of the dumping, these massive dump trucks must be owned by someone?
Redbridge is the filthiest borough I have ever lived in . I walk out my front door and there is rubbish everywhere on the streets. Yet the borough charges me money to pick up my garden waste.
Look at a few TH-cam videos of Kensington Ave. in Philadelphia, USA and you'll see you have nothing to be worried about compared to there. There are other places here just like that too. I'm ashamed of our country for letting it get like that here and to top it all off, that is a major drug infested area there too. People do drugs on the streets and no one says or does anything.
A wide variety of things can be done to help stop fly tipping.
One thing that might help would be to sell our household items rather than pay someone to throw it away. That way, we know for sure it won't end up being dumped on the side of the road somewhere. Things like furniture and electrical appliances that are still in good condition can easily be sold.
I sold my old sofa and armchair on ebay a few years back. It was still in good condition and I'm glad it went to a new home.
Possibly the most boring contribution I have ever read.
@@chorleycc What makes you say that?
Perhaps the council should lower their charges. Their greed has caused this. It would cost them a lot less than paying to have it removed
Why not make those who get caught doing it pick up trash for a year or 5 years in prison??? That would hurt them enough to make them think twice about it. And make the dump free.
government paid idiots have not got the sense to open the tips clowns catch 22
this is just one of thousands of the councils corrupt practice they have destroyed the wheels of industry for years as they do not know what they r doing they come out of collage n university straight into a council job fools and the bent judges, barristers . solicitors back them up the system is rotten right through with corruption collusion , conspiricy kick all of them out d lake
It's the council's fault as they make it expensive to dispose of household rubbish
its free in germany what the hell is going on in the UK
They should be free because everyone knows it’s a big problem
I've generated loads of waste when I refurbished my house but I never had to illegally dump it so why is it somehow the council's fault ? They don't make anyone dump it . When and where were you charged? I've lived in Manchester, Salford , Bolton , Wimbledon, Camden and Hertfordshire and have never been charged for using the the local authority Tip site .
It should be jailtime for doing this not just fines, even if its for one month.
Should be the death penalty, look at all pollution they r causing
After 2:40 you can see the names of 13 or so people guilty of flytipping. Just three of them have English names.
Never heard of flytipping before in Australia we call it illegal dumping
Same. I like the the words fly tipping
Same in Canada we also call it illegal dumping. Not such a problem here as in the UK
Just how hard and/or expensive is it to go to the dump to get rid of this!! I cannot believe they get away with this in Great Britain. It should be mandatory jail and a fine. Where are all the cameras we hear about? It should be easy enough to prosecute with a license number.
It’s a sad day when people dump rubbish illegally got no moral respect for any one or anything just because they could not be bothered to take it to council skips
These are the kind of people who are too ignorant to realise it’s their planet they are destroying, it’s like crapping without wiping your arse. They don’t even consider what kind of world they are creating for their own children.
what about those flytipping at sea ? killing fish etc no prosecution there
And who would that be? Links? Proof??
@@jackking5567 fishermen are some of the absolute worst litterers, I used to work on a coastal farm and had to pull out hooks and nylon netting from the lambs' feet, very painful for them when the flesh grew over it and they were herded several kilometres, sometimes it resulted in them breaking their legs when they stumbled. I've also been on 3 cruises, all of which just dumped black bags overboard every day. I also have a video of a seal slowly being garrotted by netting and birds drowned in discarded netting. I could go on.
@@jackking5567 cruise ships, container ships etc... They all dump waste directly into international waters.
Enrichment by mattress ! Thanks immigrants for bringing your rich culture to are streets !
Introduce a license for those operating rubbish removal businesses and reduce the cost for those license holders to use legal tip sites. make the fine 4k not 400 and add mandatory jail terms for those breaking the law, on the flip side place skip bins in regular inner-city fly tip sites to encourage people to use them ie locals with half a dozen bags. this will help mitigate the cost of paying people to scrape it off the ground.
I am furious and surprised that many people are ignorant about Recycling & Reuse Centres in U.K.
You can bring any rubbish, any unwanted items such as old mattresses, old electrical items: white goods, old electronics : computers/tvs, plastic bottles, cardboard, used engine oil, old carpets, garden waste and many more to those centres for safe disposal. Those places are very organized & well managed by dedicated workers.
I feel that awareness about such centres are still poor amongst citizens & non-citizens. The government should advertise more in forms of pamphlets distributing from house to house, posters, in tv ads & social media.
That would be a good start, but you would have to print the pamphlets in so many languages. That costs money too.
Oh yeah because everyone has cars 🤣🤣
@@Micfri300 Just what I was thinking! would a double mattress, or a big settee be allowed on a bus even if you could carry it.
Why dont council provide house clearence services and the law should persecute tenants for vandalising houses
@Dale Benton these are council tenants. It should get deducted from their benefits. Theres no cause and effect
Cannot understand our decision makers. What do they think the consequences are when it is made so difficult to get rid of rubbish legally.
if found, scrap their cars and lorries and remove their driving licenses for one year for the first offense, and for each new offense add another year. Charge them double the clear-up rate.
This is all because on top of the taxes paid to run the dumps they charge outrageous fees to use those dumps.
The royal family have a high cost to maintain, so the money needs to come from somewhere.
We've had 10,000 fly-tipping incidents and we've prosecuted 4 people.
The local council should be encouraging people to get rid of the rubbish, but instead we have to pay for a certain item to be disposed of I think it is completely stupid putting prices to throw away stuff and That is why people fly tipping 😕 now we have to pay to have green bins empty 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
Ah the beauty of diversity, inclusion and multiculturalism.
Shut up you pussio
Isn't that right. When foreigners move in the country turns to s#!t.
Yep! That’s what happens when undocumented criminals and a woke society collide 🙄 take it from us Irish, we won’t allow these criminals to raid our society 🇮🇪
It's the governments fault by not making local councils provide good,cheap refuse sites.
Local authority Household Waste Recycling Centres (tips) are free to use by any local resident . When and where were you charged ?
@@muk8804 I used to be a landscape gardener, we used to get charged at the local dump and there were silly long queues. They might be free for local residents,but it's not the domestic customers who are doing the fly tipping.
Question for UK people... does it cost money to take things to the dump/waste site ?
Like entrance cost or...
£120 per fly tip to rectify is pretty good by the council. Especially as landfill tipping costs are circa £20 per tonne these days.
My friend took an old fridge to the local council tip to dispose of and when he got to the gates they were closed with the employees stood around waiting to make their way home at the end of the day, my friend asked them to let him in to dispose of the fridge to wich they replied NO as the site was closed till the next day, he even asked them to dispose of it for him and yet again they said NO, so next morning he went back to the site to dispose of this fridge and there was nobody there at that time of the morning so he left the fridge outside the main gates so when the employees turned up that morning to start ther day that they would dispose of the fridge for him by just carrying it a couple of yards to the electrical skip, but NO the employees of the council informed the local police station to say that a fridge had been FLYTIPED outside there main gates and they had him on cctv, well the police investigated the matter of the fridge and my friend was arrested and taken to court over the matter to which he had to pay the princely sum of £1000 British pounds, this is not fair in my eyes when only a few short week's later a so called lady gardener fly tipped tones of rubbish in a local beauty spot and only had to pay £500 pounds we'res the justice in that, , when you go to the right place for your rubbish and end up paying £1000 for taking it to the place we it should go, , , KEEP BRITAIN TIDY, , ITS YOUR HOME TO.
1:56 is part of the problem when the car drives by like your OK We have the same problem in the USA
This happens because of incompetent and corrupt government infiltrated by organised crime. There's very little will to penalize those doing this, in the remote chance of an arrest and conviction, the fine is £400 which is a joke. If there were the will to catch and convict and fines were in the thousands plus seizure of vehicles and revoking of driving licences, the problem would be solved.
If they catch someone doing this, the person or persons doing it should be fined 200,000 pounds each, their vehicles taken and then thrown in jail for about 5 years after they come back and clean it up and pay for the dumping fees at a legal dump. So what if someone else has already dumped there, let them pay for that part of the clean up too. So what if it all costs them 300,000 pounds total and their home.
Seize the trucks...permanently
Pay people to watch find the vehicles take them of um big fine scrap the vehicles make the fly tippers clean the streets
Prison sentences the fines are less than the money they take of the customers to dump it. Prison
What a joke..... Crush the tipping truck, heavy fine for tipper.. Fine owner of trash, property lien on owner of trash. LOWER landfill cost for home owners..
London now is one big dump it's not the capital city I once loved
The UK has some of the toughest laws in Europe regarding fly tipping and have had for many years - obviously you need to catch them which isn’t always that easy but when you do deal with them severely - a good example of this is the guy in Spain who filmed himself dumping a large fridge in the beautiful countryside down a hill - not only was he and his friend made to recover it but he was also fined €45,000 which is equivalent to approximately £38,000 - The UK government needs to grow some testicles and deal with things - this pathetic soft approach which has been in place for possibly 30 years does not work - Build more jails and fill them up ! I hope my content hasn’t upset anybody 😢😢😢 😂😂
Look at the people in the Areas which are dirty. Is there a trend
This is what happens when you have rats in your city. No London community spirit.
Welcome to multi cultural in Britain, and it’s only gona get worse, just watch before your eyes as it slowly turns to a 3rd world, my grandparents wouldn’t believe their eyes if they were alive 😢
They should crush the fly tippers vehicle, no if no but on first offence!
The council should stop cleaning it up, let the people rot in it.
Where all those CCTV cameras that you Brits post... sad that this criminal behavior exists...
Ever since the government ordered councils to start charging for waste removal and changed the rules to save money, flytipping went out of control.
Maybe if they started putting spotlights on walls and having hidden night vision cameras the people dumping the rubbish would be caught
Your an idiot
2023 and all councils have made it harder to even take rubbish to your local tip especially in Essex. Be prepared for it to get much worse.
Council greed they make it expensive and hard to skip rubbish.
So flytipping is rising
Exactly that
Really ? When are where were you charged ? Local residents can take all waste except asbestos to their local authority Household waste Recycling Centre for free. It is only builders and business waste (such as plumbers and builders ) who are required to pay fees per weight and rightly so - their waste is a direct by product of their work in the same way that restaurants arrange a dedicated food waste collection - usually a pig farmer .
@@muk8804 wokingham charge you for even half a tile
The immigrants wants it to like home!! Thats wye!! Its the same in Sweden today!!
To avoid paying to dump rubbish. Let them dump for free at official sites and this problem would practically disappear overnight.
The immigrants do this. No question. Here in the states, Mexicans, and othe Latin Amer ppl live like this and its what they grew up in. So, lets not pretend its suddenly a societal issue. Its a consequence of illegals and the lack of assimilation. Ive been to Mexico and its bad in places.
Shut up u neek
Fly tipping was around 40 years ago in Britain - I remember it , when society was much less multicultural than now. Very easy to spout unsubstantiated populist rubbish .
Is there an update to this?
Does it still keep going on?
Its all government fault ,if they charging huge money to recycle obviously people can't afford it
So if every council relaxed their draconian recycling centre rules, then I guess they'd save quite a lot of money
Some people are evil
They keep doing horrible things.
Imagine making dumping free... so people dispose properly, then just put a tax on buying everything... like a VAT/GST.... governments are so stupid.
What on earth has happened to Britain in the last 10 years 😮
The councils are mainly to blame/ I have to apply for a permit to enter the council yard, when I arrive I have to prove who I am and why im there, This is done under the sign that threatens tp seize my vehicle if I say something wrong. I am allowed to leave a maximum of 750KG I am allowed up to a dozen visits a year. But they still want the council tax.
Yo bbc do a documentary on where the contents of our recycling bins go...
I wont hold my breath like
Because they have to pay much money to get rid of their large rubbish, paying £40 to council to take a double size mattress is ridiculous
Its all London's fit for. Well done to the fly tippers, they've got the right place to dump crap.
The great thing about multiculturalism is all of these immigrants ave enormous respect for the countries they go to and don’t abuse it to become rich back home
I'd support giving the BBC less funding to give councils more funding to fight this.
$129 per ton is not that expensive. I pay $75 and I live in the country.
Yes but 1000 tons is 75,000 extra 🤑
Fly-tipping has always been a problem in the UK it just seems a bit of a coincidence it has got worse since we have opened up our borders thank you Tony Blair 😤
What if they paid someone to come haul it off and then the truck owner does that, why would you shame someone that probably paid, proper to get rid of it?
They've got to make council dumps cheaper?! Get real,get it sorted PDQ.
They're free to all local residents unless it's business waste .
Third world London
Isn't it illegal to shame people publicly?
fact is shame doesnt effect people that have no shame to begin with. I say floggings and hand chopping
Not sufficient consequences.
If speeding tickets were a quid, the roads would be a race-track.
Same thing!
If the council acts after 10 days about fly tippers getting reported then this what you should expect, i got the same problem on our road,
Hate fly tipping but we live in wiltshire and our bins are emptied every 2 weeks and we put them in the correct place on bin day, lid is closed and there is never anything that shouldn't be in there and 9 times out of 10 they are left, we ended up getting cctv because they kept saying we didnt have them out the minute I mentioned I had CCTV they came straight back round. Now I cant get to a dump like lots of other people so as much as I would never fly tip what are people meant to do....and shock horror our area has a huge fly tipping problem
Ok. Every house pay Council Tax , Everycompany pay tax.
Why council no taking rubish how is more in bins ? Problem is because is TIDY TIP is needed for all without limits for every city /sector . And not will flytip and any rubish on outside.
Basically we have more rubbish than we can cope with.
Make garbage service a public service for all and rise taxes accordingly.
This is because land fill fees are so outrageous something needs to be done about that then you might not have your fly tip problems its the land fills that are making people do that at 65 us dollars a ton I would dump it on the streets to land fills make money off the methane the garbage produces dumping should be free
Hou you see fly tipping - I working in Council you must enter on website yout council and claim there Video Register Number and Face fly tippers and send email to Council on your sector .
400 pounds are NOTHING, they should be able to give them 30k pounds fines on the spot, and then charge the company for the clean ups too..
And maybe make it cheaper to dispose of garbage in the entire country, have recycling centers where people can come and dump, and then pay a fair price for it..
People doing this should be disgusted with themselves ring the bloody council and find out where you can put it legally it’s disgusting and causes mice and rats because of takeaways dumping food and boxes out the bank my home ended up getting over 36 mice in and I ended up moving because they could not get ride if the problem even getting the environment involved and pest control
Increase the council tax where is more fly tippers doing the shite for cleaning to pay.
That your government for ya ✝🇺🇸
There are some people who are pigs. Period!
Have you guys had enough diversity yet?
Shut up you neek.
Yep enough
I think I minimum jail sentence would curb this... if people got caught they have to serve 90 days in jail minimum plus a 5k fine.
Offer free dumping of the trash and your problem will be gone God only knows why we are paying the dump the trash when you can make a big dump site and just allow people to dump the trash on that area only and I think it would stop not 100% sure
plot twist it was the resident dumping the stuff
£400 is no deterent. Make it £25,000 and it may make a difference!
One dirty scummy word. Pikys
No bins anywhere
We don’t know who is doing this, I bet you have a good idea who is doing a large percentage of it.
Fly tipping has existed in non Indian Hindu cultures for thousands of years. It’s the loss of the non Indian Hindu culture that leverages a fake belief in sponsorship that doesn’t exist that leads to people leaving things propagated for commercial display. It’s a synopsis of “look what the cat dragged in “. Where the place they fly tip are have Atar resemblance of the mentally provoked PMD ( poverty mind disorder ) perpetrator. Councils spend allot of money providing recycling centres where these things can be destroyed rather than the PMD takeover the mind of the waste dumper. Some times many of these people think about what they are going to fly too and why it’s best to do so. As society has already provided the means of disposing it properly. There is no point in fly tipping if the waste is already has means to be transported and the destination must be programmed to recycling centres.
People are just scum bags, plain and simple.
What is fly tipping ??? What ya going on ?? Is there not enough pick up of trash ? Do they have to pay for it ??
Should be public biomass burners that burn the waste and create energy
1.30 well at least they had the consideration to provide a chair for you to sit down
£400 on the spot fines 😂 😂 😂 😂 and they wonder why it’s only getting worse.
HOW ABOUT YOU LOSE YOUR DRIVING LICENCE FOR 12 MONTHS AND A £5000 FINE, I’m sure that will make them think twice