In Canada, the political parties do not run elections: civil servants do. Electoral maps are redrawn after each census to reflect population changes. So, in Ontario, specifically in Toronto where I live, there are more electoral districts than in the north, a more sparsely populated area. No one, not even Conservatives, has seen fit to object to the current situation. The US appears to be a union of 50 mini-republics, all determined to have things their own way. It's amazing that anything gets accomplished.
In Canada, have the minority population percentages shifted substantially? Your model sounds great! But I wonder if it would work as well here in the US where minority population are growing every decade? We just need a better solution than we have.
Same here in America, my state one of three mentioned, will cut a district right down the center of a street. Your neighbor across from you has different representation! Cra Cra the shape of these districts, thin line spanning vertically up and down half the state making it difficult for one party to even visit constituents regularly or plan events. The geography is getting skewed. All districts predictable upwards of 80% . Open primaries where voter doesn't HAVE to declare a party would be better. Election workers segregate Dem from Repub in baskets, which should NOT be allowed. Independents a thing of the past. Some say politicians picking voters! There's more to the map drawing based on business, military bases, hospitals etc. My saying was 'Make Districts Square Again' but then where's the fun in that? Some like to color outside the lines. 🔻▶️💜
Yes that's exactly what is going on here. A bunch of white male egos fighting to have their own way. It's crazy how inconsistent so much shit is from one state to the next. Certain shit should be established by the federal government and states should not be able to do anything outside of that.
@@triciaroy The other day I saw a video about Michigan having a committee to draw congressional, state house, and state senate districts. Princeton Gerrymandering Project ran 100+ maps by computer and gave MI an A, B and B, respectively. (NC got F, F, and F.) They include what the D/R breakdown should or could be, as well as compact districts and following county lines so neighbors vote in the same elections. They mark the districts by their competitiveness, but I don't know how much having competitive districts (and how many) affects the score. Sadly, the referees (press) don't stick up for what's right, and so-called Centrists don't get upset enough to protest anything on principle. Besides not supporting an independent committee for drawing districts, they didn't stick up for the League of Women Voters to keep control of presidential debates. Now there's talk about changing the debates again.
There is just no reason why any of this should be allowed. In CT it takes 5 minutes to vote. You’re in and out. OF COURSE waiting in line for hours is a deterrent to voting. It’s so much gas lighting; it’s sick. And the Supreme Court being. 6-3 politically in great part due to stonewalling by MM so Merrick Garland didn’t even have a shot and putting in a mega conservative before RBG could even be mourned is just disgusting. Ugh.
It blows me away that people wait for hours in line in Georgia. What!? And now it's illegal to offer them a bottle of water? Is this the stone age? Here in Canada the drawing of voting districts is by law non-partisan. Curious if it's the same in CT?
We just need to pay people... we need hours of voting that work for night shift workers and doctors Supreme Court is bologna. Judicial system has become too unfair
N. Gorsich is the Party Federalist Society plant to the 'T'' worse than Alito. In SCOTUS. McConnell's wife has given him a helicopter mom manager style with very little patriotism. He must be replaced in '22, if Republicans plan to exist. Schumer ineffective too. Old people bring baggage!
Looking at this because the British trumpist Government is changing boundaries and making it harder for people to vote. The North of Ireland was made by Gerrymandering and it's made 100 years of trouble. I wish you good luck in resisting this and getting every vote out and protecting your democracy.
@@maureenobrien9661 The UK Brexit project was funded by Trump reporters. The UK Gov is putting through legislation removing basic rights to protest. You can guarantee that the boundary changes will benefit the Tory vote.
@@casteretpollux I think you will find that was the Russians: Russia’s attempts to influence British democracy and the potential vulnerability of parts of the UK political system to anti-democratic meddling during the EU referendum have been detailed in a report prepared by the US Senate. The report by Democrats on the Senate foreign relations committee, titled Putin’s asymmetric assault on democracy in Russia and Europe: implications for US national security, pinpoints the way in which UK campaign finance laws do not require disclosure of political donations if they are from “the beneficial owners of non-British companies that are incorporated in the EU and carry out business in the UK”.
It’s been interesting to see the extreme right in Britain and the US develop in tandem. The same donors and groups have been working together, and the same kind of political rhetoric too. Luckily for you I don’t think it’s the same hellscape in the uk as it is here, but hopefully your country implements some protections after seeing how disinformation has become institutionalized here.
Exactly. This gentleman is exactly right. FL has a good many large cities. So why are the state legislatures controlled by minority rule even in larger cities?
@@MaryAnnMsbl34 gerrymandering and voter suppression are needed to institute minority rule. Gerrymandering has gotten particularly bad now that they are able to run analytics on the electorate and more precisely predict voting outcomes for each household.
Right now we're fighting a city attorney & one councilmen to keep the district belonging to the only Hispanic & only female council member on the council. It's sickening 🤔😎😷🙋♀️
We’re fighting it locally too sally! I’m in SLO county, CA, but our independent elections commissions legislation is geared more toward state and federal level districting vs local. It’s left us vulnerable to the conservative extremists on our county board of supervisors. Where is your struggle?
Gerrymandering and voter obstruction are obscene. The prime considerations of drawing districts are compactness, contiguity, and parity of population. Political, not racial? No!: partisan, whether racial, and as such detrimental to the polis, the good of the whole. And any discrimination, whether ethnic, partisan, or other criteria detrimental to the whole, is theft of will.
Yes, but I'd worry about ballot stuffing in some Republican states to get their guy elected. The feds would have to audit a dozen states. I do like the idea of states passing the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact. They're up to 195 electors. When they get to 270, then whoever wins the popular vote, will get all 270 electors. I just heard Republicans are thinking of using the same provision in the constitution that allows this, to have Republican legislatures overturn the vote in their state and give the electors to the Republican candidate.
@@otisdylan9532 Our recently blue state which was dominated by R's and so has a heavily R government had a hard fought for Congress split 9/5. After the census will probably slip to 10/4. Looks like we're stuck with that for 10 years even if the state becomes bluer.
Cities, countries and states are bound by the Voter Registration Act which is federal law. Communities of interest in a district are protected by this Federal Law and cannot be threatened. Compassion, transparency, integrity and accountability for all!
Overcoming gerrymandering, voter suppression, and rigged vote certification is like trying to escape Frankenstein and the Wolfman then running straight into Dracula's castle.
@@magoo5.0johnson45 No one had a problem with voter ID. If it ain't broke, then why fix it. Obviously to reconfigure it in order to put the fix in place.
Gerrymandering exists to protect seats a party already has, both do it. There is no voter suppression, democrats make people wait so they can extend voting, then blame the republicans for it. Fulton county Georgia is prime example, fake water main break extended voting there for hours, resulting in a 200,000 margin for Biden, in a state he only won by 11,000 votes!
It’s nuts to me how the GOP has gone so extreme on vote by mail, when before 2020 it was mostly their voters using that method. Just goes to show how far from reality they have drifted, I guess…
My state will not allow half the APPLICATIONS to vote by mail(not the ballot, just the paper ap). New subversion/suppression tactic. For whatever reason, EV encouraged to show up ELECTION DAY only? Unsure there what 🔻? For disabled drive up, affadavit and Note from all passengers, how that one plays out with the "Observers/poll watchers" who knows? Why can't poll watchers just WORK elections, rather than hover over voters shoulders inside locations, next to booths. That new too Iovely Texas! Competing for cracy with FL🤠😵💪🔻
@@mmsapollo So correct, every Dept Expresident touched needs a total overhaul, including FBI and DOJ, CIA and Pentagon. His goal was dictator for life and Regrublicans go along! Mind blowing. Get tough with Bullies and Radical Libertarians too, IF we want some sort of democracy. This is Nonpartisan issue.
These distorted districts likely affect multiple ethnic minorities. It would be important to document that not just to challenge these laws in court but also to motivate people of many ethnicities to vote. Different ethnicities often have different faiths. This could be yet another way to bolster the agreement. SCOTUS seems to have inverted religion into their process. Use that to advantage.
The sad thing is that there is already a lot of research showing how this impacts minority voters in a substantial way, but the SC has repeatedly undermined voting rights in the last decade as they became far more extremist conservative than the country at large (you can thank the federalist society for that). The recent SC rulings have been so far removed from fact or legal precedent, that the obviously radically partisan judicial body will only continue to undermine voting rights. I think Lee and Michelle discussed something important too, which is the gaslighting in regards to voter suppression. Though the GOP will never totally admit this is racially motivated, it’s pretty clear from their rhetoric that their America is white and conservative Christian, and the reality of their policies is it imposes more burden on voters of color. At the same time there has been this clear legal path for them to claim ‘partisan discrimination’ and avoid accountability. I know my republican relatives vehemently deny any racism in the GOP policies or in themselves (Even as they say blatantly racist things; cognitive dissonance I guess), and from what I’ve seen/read from commentators there is this offense that republicans take at any implication of racial discrimination (just look at the op eds after Biden’s voting legislation speech in Georgia). I think racism has just adapted for the times, and isn’t as readily acknowledged by a large segment of the population. In the 50s and 60s more people were proud of their white supremacy, now people have more shame about it but they still are suffused with white supremacy ideology. There’s just more cognitive dissonance and effective disinformation networks.
When drop boxes are limited in the areas where minorities live and vote, "hello" that action is racially motivated. Compassion, transparency, integrity and accountability for all!
My City Council and Congressional posters were ripped down, then a law was passed saying candidates could post them in certain places. I asked whether businesses would allow me to post them.
"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenges and controversy." ~ Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr Nobel Peace Prize Laureate 🕊
Diversity is our greatest strength at a time when we require many ways of viewing & solving the tremendous problems we face as a Species faced with a Global Pandemic & Climate Change Crises..
The antidote is to sue or appeal th approval of such gerrymandered maps that threaten the "communities of interest" because they are "protected groups". Compassion, transparency, integrity and accountability for all! State
With all due respect, I don't feel like Mr. Lee answered some of the questions. Ie: "What of Republicans that say 'We're doing it for politics not race'", and his response was that the R's face a shrinking white electorate. While true, IMO it doesn't address a very important (and amoral) rationalsation R's use.
He said that when these new wildly undemocratic districts get drawn and then dems try to fight them in state courts, the cons argue that they’re just trying to do it for politics sake, like give them a political advantage. When you look at who it disadvantages the most, it’s people of color, hence one could make the argument that these newly drawn districts are in fact racist. And of course cons will just say we didn’t mean it that way though, we just were trying to get the political advantage. This shit flies in conservative courts. It’s outrageous. It’s like saying, we didn’t mean to affect the air quality in poorer neighborhoods with our new coal power plant, it was just economically more viable because the land was cheaper and a lot of times minorities have been far less likely to speak up than if they had erected the power plant in say, beautiful prosperous Santa Monica CA. Those people would shit their pants. One could argue ya it’s economically more viable, but it also be argued that it’s affecting the health of people of color and could by extension be called racist.
@@nicholasrapose196 I don't deny any of your points. I am horrified by why is going on in the US, and I'm not even American. But I still don't feel the guest answered the specific questions/concerns very well.
It’s intent vs. impact. You can’t really prove racist intent (not many people speak that aloud), but you can show disproportionate impact on targeted racial groups. Therefore, it doesn’t really matter that Republicans say they are not discriminating by race because intent is not the measure. It’s the outcome that matters. That’s my understanding of the speaker’s comments.
This is a problem even with independent redistricting rules when they have to be approved by elected officials. This has happened in my county in California, which has more state level protections than local. Our local districts were heavily Gerrymandered by our extreme right county board of supervisors (who also made restrictive election changes after the big lie took over the rabid conservatives here). Be aware, this is happening at a very local level as well. Our non partisan head of elections (Who ran elections in SLO for 15 years) was subject to vile racist attacks and threats against him and his family. He had to leave the county because his young children were growing up in the crosshairs of that utterly toxic disinformation campaign coming from the republicans here.
Well reported as every blue anything IS targeted, even local businesses. So much work, so little time. Hope your Orange Co. Gal gets reelected. The baseless,. frivolous lawsuits accompany the threats where law enforcement has hard time proving. Who?
@@janicechildress2952 um, what? The new county maps are being litigated, if that’s what you’re asking. It’s pretty outrageous the way they were drawn. Unfortunately the election officials that left their posts due to harassment won’t come back, they were replaced. School board has also been targeted by local extremist groups. SLO county, CA if you’re curious
Thanks didn't know what SLO was. You articulate what should be a Civic bipartisan procedure now being 'captuted' by one party very well. Keep up the great work and info sharing. Debate on the floor today FYI!🇺🇲💜
My county clerk was sued and threatened, harassed. She was a pioneer and well respected throughout the country. She had to pay her own legal bills upfront. Now reimbursed, unsure by whom, probably taxpayers.She continues to have private security. Don't these domestic terrorists realize it is THEIR vote in jeopardy too?
@@janicechildress2952 that is so tragic, the increased harassment of elected officials and scientists is a sickening result of the propaganda and the extremism it foments. Honestly I can’t see the logic in the GOP strategy because it seems like they are embracing extremism which is ultimately destructive rather than loyal, and jan 6 pretty clearly showed that Republican elected officials aren’t safe from the mob. We just have to be really proactive and vigilant at the local level because that is their current strategy, and the tea party movement safe how effective the radical right is at grassroots organizing
Gerrymandering is a practice with centuries of history, yet we haven't fixed it yet. For one thing, we haven't fixed it because both parties in our pseudo-democratic two-party system benefit enormously from the underlying unfairness on which gerrymandering is based. And that fundamental unfairness is the single-member-district system. ALL legislative districts are unfair, whether they are intentionally gerrymandered or not, because only a single party can capture the seat. So in a very diverse district of tens or hundreds of thousands of voters, only the enthusiastic supporters of the winning party get representation. All blue voters in red districts, red voters in blue districts, and green, libertarian, reform party, socialist, peace amd freedom party, natural law party, black panther, etc. voters in that district are totally out of luck. Their votes are wasted i.e. cast without electing any representation, and gerrymandering is only the insult added to injury whereby one or the other major party boosts its already inflated share of the legislative seats at the expense of the other party's already inflated share. The real solution to gerrymandering is to switch to open party-list proportional representation with large multi-member districts, preferably of about twenty seats each, to minimize the wasted votes that form the basis for gerrymandering.
Doesn't city councils do this? What an overhaul plus larger government. I see what your saying though, these 3 member election boards and commission easily compromised in those lacking integrity.
'IF' voting was based on your home/apt/rentals last digit number ending in odd or even that determines what district you vote in, regardless of an all (insert race here) neighborhood you live in, would people start to move into home/apt/rentals based off of a number? Q: Is gerrymandering a byproduct of gentrification? A: Depends on what side of the tracks your on. Q: What about people that are homeless? How do they vote? A: Where do they get their societal assistance/checks delivered to? Q: should a prisoner get to vote and what address do they use. A: The same way they receive mail in jail
Expand the school day with an additional hour of classroom learning for secondary classes. Close or limit the summer school vacation period with more time required of students to remain in school. Courses in sociology and psychology and economics are needed.
Not corruption as all legal. But law change and manipulation of WHO counts the votes for sure. Please work a location, can be fun while doing your Civic Duty.🇺🇲🤗
The 14th. AMENDMENT of the U.S. CONSTITUTION, Section 3: says -- No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.
Let's get rid of districts for US House of Representatives. We'd still have the number of seats be determined by a state's total population. But _every_ ballot in the state would list all possible candidates for House of Representatives. The "x" candidates receiving the most votes would win. So states with more blue voters _overall_ would probably win. So that state's delegation to US House of Representatives would be more..."representative" of the states overall leaning. Just been thinking about this for the last 2 years.
This interview did not stress the importance of Political wins to be made because the candidates promote policies that when elected the candidate had ideas and Policies the electorate wants to for them into office because ultimately American lives of regular people will/would/could improve. This interview talked about party winning because demographics instead of winning based upon people wanting to vote for them because these politicians are SUPPOSED to be elected to represent the people of our country / state / locality. These politicians should not only win because of which party they belong to - voters for them into office solely on party lines. Hello!!!
Population, demografics, data & statistics will identify at the local level where the "communities of interest" are located. The Voting Rights Act (VRA), which has Federal priority and power is enforced when individual(s) in local "communities of interest" appeal the skewed and illegal gerrymandered maps. Otherwise, those illegal maps will stand if not challenged. This is a critical time to stay awake and not just go through the motions of work, shop, cook, eat, sleep and on the weekends get smashed or go to Lalaland with the kids. Their future is at stake here and now. Compassion, transparency, integrity and accountability for all!
LETTER TO WHITE AMERICA Of particular interest to: Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingram, Mitch McConnell, Tim Ryan, Willian Barr, Clarence Thomas, John Roberts, Kevin McCarthy, Josh Hawley, Ron DeSantis, Ted Cruz, Brian Kemp, Greg Abbott, Doug Ducey, Harris Faulkner, Jim Jordan, Joe Manchin, Tim Scott, Candace Owens, Christopher Rufo, Ron Johnson, Condoleezza Rice, Russ Vought, Carmel, Indiana H.S. parents, Yulee High School administrators, Dan Patrick, Chuck Grassley, Glenn Youngkin, Jim Murphy, Jim Banks, Davis School District, Framington, Utah, Charlie Kirk, Mike Braun, Jim Banks, Amy Coney Barrett, Ben Shapiro, Andy Biggs, Sage Steele, Mom’s for Liberty, Sullivan School Board, TN Four hundred years with your foot on the necks of black people. Twenty generations of slavery, lynching, sharecropping, old Jim Crow, new Jim Crow, civil rights denial, discrimination, bigotry, and prejudice. But somehow in 2021 blacks are responsible for YOUR plight in life, even though you are economically much more advantaged economically than blacks, by design. According to Forbes, in 2016 the median net worth of white America was $171,000 vs $17,150 for blacks. In 2017, according to the Boston Globe, backed by research from The Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, Duke University, and the New School, the median net worth of African Americans in Boston was $8. The median net worth of whites in Boston was $247,500. Let that sink in for a moment. This gap has been growing and will continue to widen. It has been over 400 years! You have generational wealth built from you separating our ancestors, raping black women, breaking black backs, scorching black arms, cramping black fingers, historically torturing blacks. You politically gerrymander and water down black votes. You voter purge, enact voter suppression, and practice zip code discrimination. Regarding economic development, you have suppressed job opportunities and home appraisals in black neighborhoods; the latter amounting to $156 billion in lost equity and denying generational wealth transfer. You also promulgate police brutality even when videotaped. You continue promoting cultural wars by deliberately promoting fear mongering regarding great replacement theory and deceit regarding critical race theory. You discriminate against black farmers, who are unable to get loans nor qualify for financial assistance, therefore leading to the loss of millions of acres of land and nearly the demise of the black farmer. According to the USDA, of all private U.S. agricultural land, whites comprise 96 percent of the owners, 97 percent of the value, and 98 percent of the acres. By your political and economic design, blacks have inferior neighborhoods, inferior schools, lack of access to healthcare, higher unemployment, low wage jobs, endure social injustice and mass incarceration. Please do not forget to include redlining and redistricting, with coexistent white flight and gentrification. You were born on third base. Your skin color gives YOU the benefit of the doubt. First in line. First opportunity. First hired. Last fired. Also, race norming and the horrific impact of implicit bias. Institutionalized racism is inculcated into the fabric of our lives. But somehow and for some reason, you STILL want to malign and persecute blacks. Why? You cannot blame it on your forefathers because these inhumane tactics are still going on today. Tell me WHY your atrocities? WHY your hatred? Why are you against black people? WHY? Please spare blacks your sadness, sorrow, and sympathy. No need for apologies. Just an explanation. 1. Forbes Magazine. “Here’s What the Racial Wealth Gap in America Looks Like Today” By Sarah Hansen, Forbes Staff Markets, June 5, 2020, 5:39 p.m. EDT. 2. The Boston Globe. “That was no typo: The median net worth of black Bostonians is really $8” By Akilah Johnson, Globe Staff, December 11, 2017, 4:24 p.m.
Why is it that no one can understand that gerrymandering is not permitted in our system of government established by the Constitution of the United States! The reason is very simple, the States themselves are the districts in the federal government system! Let me say that again, the only districts in the federal government system which are assembled in congress are the States themselves. There is absolutely no reason to draw districts to try to divide up the population into equal districts by population because we use per capita apportionment based upon an enumeration, which gives us the percentage of the population in each State, then we convert that percentage into a whole number of representatives with a proportionality constant, 1 representative for every 30,000 persons in each State with two boundary conditions; not to exceed 1 for 30,000, which means we must truncate the fractional representative which occurs when we divide the population of the State by 30,000, and if a State has less than 30,000 persons which would only calculate a fractional representative which would be truncated because it would exceed 1 for 30,000 which would result in zero Representatives, then that State would receive 1 representative. This is the exact mathematical significance of Article 1 Section 2 Clause 3 of the Constitution of the United States, and in each individual State! The States too must use this republican principle of assembly, but they choose the proportionality constant, the representative density, that they will use in their State to assemble their most numerous legislative branch, and that process and qualified electorate to produce that assembly are formalized in the State’s own constitution making the process, qualified electorate, and the resulting composition of the legislative assembly unalterable by any means other than amending the State’s own constitution for the assembly of their own most numerous legislative branch. There is nothing for competitive partisan elections to determine the composition and control of our legislative assemblies!
Pandemic knowledge has put before us too much new information so there might be a need now to expand by at least one hour of class room instruction the school day for secondary schools. A course in sociology and psychology is necessary. More directed study dealing with the scientific thrust of new information dealing with person health and human biology and healthy living patterns is needed. Much space for food information concerning healthy living styles - call it classroom instruction on these topics - is needed.
The problem with safe districts is that you end up with primaries that favor extremely partisan candidates who then go on to easily win the general election. California has open primaries that have increased competitiveness with-in districts. With open primaries the top two candidates regardless of party go on to face each other in the general election. So in California, there may be a district where voter registration heavily favors Democrats, after the primary it turns out that the top two winners are a very-liberal Democrat and a moderate Democrat. With closed primaries the very-liberal Democrat would have then waltzed through the general election as the only Democrat running. With Open primaries these two Democrats face off against each other and woo the entire electorate. What can happens is that the moderate Democrat gets the most votes in the general election because they are able to attract Independents and Republicans. Hard-line activists on both the right and left dislike this system because it makes it less likely that extreme candidates will win.
Does the Democratic Party hav eenough good advisors such as this man? I wonder what info Biden/Congress gets if they aren't aggressively protecting our Democracy and fighting fire with fire so to speak.
Yes.. but they're caught up in survival mode.. Easy to make it more difficult for these poor souls to Vote.. I would almost prefer apathy to the Anger I feel at this manipulation of the Public Will..
Voting has been said to be a low-payoff activity. I can see that in the short term. Kids should at least be taught to list what they want government to do as a prelude to a political philosophy or party affiliation. "Ask -not- what your country can do for you." Kennedy was wrong.
Shelby V Holden was a biggy, but not passing John Lewis Act is HUGE! 💜hap hap happy MLK day!, One of the greatest men of my time! He gave of ten thousand men! ✌️💙
In Canada, the political parties do not run elections: civil servants do. Electoral maps are redrawn after each census to reflect population changes. So, in Ontario, specifically in Toronto where I live, there are more electoral districts than in the north, a more sparsely populated area. No one, not even Conservatives, has seen fit to object to the current situation. The US appears to be a union of 50 mini-republics, all determined to have things their own way. It's amazing that anything gets accomplished.
Sounds like a much better system. I’ve been saying forever that the districts should be drawn by a non-partisan body. Maybe it’s time to move to 🇨🇦 😊
In Canada, have the minority population percentages shifted substantially? Your model sounds great! But I wonder if it would work as well here in the US where minority population are growing every decade? We just need a better solution than we have.
Same here in America, my state one of three mentioned, will cut a district right down the center of a street. Your neighbor across from you has different representation! Cra Cra the shape of these districts, thin line spanning vertically up and down half the state making it difficult for one party to even visit constituents regularly or plan events. The geography is getting skewed. All districts predictable upwards of 80% . Open primaries where voter doesn't HAVE to declare a party would be better. Election workers segregate Dem from Repub in baskets, which should NOT be allowed. Independents a thing of the past. Some say politicians picking voters! There's more to the map drawing based on business, military bases, hospitals etc. My saying was 'Make Districts Square Again' but then where's the fun in that? Some like to color outside the lines. 🔻▶️💜
Yes that's exactly what is going on here. A bunch of white male egos fighting to have their own way. It's crazy how inconsistent so much shit is from one state to the next. Certain shit should be established by the federal government and states should not be able to do anything outside of that.
@@triciaroy The other day I saw a video about Michigan having a committee to draw congressional, state house, and state senate districts. Princeton Gerrymandering Project ran 100+ maps by computer and gave MI an A, B and B, respectively. (NC got F, F, and F.) They include what the D/R breakdown should or could be, as well as compact districts and following county lines so neighbors vote in the same elections. They mark the districts by their competitiveness, but I don't know how much having competitive districts (and how many) affects the score.
Sadly, the referees (press) don't stick up for what's right, and so-called Centrists don't get upset enough to protest anything on principle. Besides not supporting an independent committee for drawing districts, they didn't stick up for the League of Women Voters to keep control of presidential debates. Now there's talk about changing the debates again.
There is just no reason why any of this should be allowed. In CT it takes 5 minutes to vote. You’re in and out. OF COURSE waiting in line for hours is a deterrent to voting. It’s so much gas lighting; it’s sick. And the Supreme Court being. 6-3 politically in great part due to stonewalling by MM so Merrick Garland didn’t even have a shot and putting in a mega conservative before RBG could even be mourned is just disgusting. Ugh.
It blows me away that people wait for hours in line in Georgia. What!? And now it's illegal to offer them a bottle of water? Is this the stone age?
Here in Canada the drawing of voting districts is by law non-partisan. Curious if it's the same in CT?
@@calumashleymcdonough8955 it's not only hours in Georgia.
We just need to pay people... we need hours of voting that work for night shift workers and doctors
Supreme Court is bologna. Judicial system has become too unfair
One thing that was scary is that some people standing in line past midnight to vote said they were approached by police and encouraged to leave.
N. Gorsich is the Party Federalist Society plant to the 'T'' worse than Alito. In SCOTUS. McConnell's wife has given him a helicopter mom manager style with very little patriotism. He must be replaced in '22, if Republicans plan to exist. Schumer ineffective too. Old people bring baggage!
Looking at this because the British trumpist Government is changing boundaries and making it harder for people to vote. The North of Ireland was made by Gerrymandering and it's made 100 years of trouble. I wish you good luck in resisting this and getting every vote out and protecting your democracy.
They are about to redraw boundaries but it is not about making it harder to vote. The UK is nothing like the US
@@maureenobrien9661 The UK Brexit project was funded by Trump reporters. The UK Gov is putting through legislation removing basic rights to protest. You can guarantee that the boundary changes will benefit the Tory vote.
@@casteretpollux That position seems a little simplistic.
@@casteretpollux I think you will find that was the Russians:
Russia’s attempts to influence British democracy and the potential vulnerability of parts of the UK political system to anti-democratic meddling during the EU referendum have been detailed in a report prepared by the US Senate.
The report by Democrats on the Senate foreign relations committee, titled Putin’s asymmetric assault on democracy in Russia and Europe: implications for US national security, pinpoints the way in which UK campaign finance laws do not require disclosure of political donations if they are from “the beneficial owners of non-British companies that are incorporated in the EU and carry out business in the UK”.
It’s been interesting to see the extreme right in Britain and the US develop in tandem. The same donors and groups have been working together, and the same kind of political rhetoric too. Luckily for you I don’t think it’s the same hellscape in the uk as it is here, but hopefully your country implements some protections after seeing how disinformation has become institutionalized here.
In the past the electorate chose the politician . now the politician picks his elector .
Lol US history doesn’t support that but I wish it did.
Exactly. This gentleman is exactly right. FL has a good many large cities. So why are the state legislatures controlled by minority rule even in larger cities?
@@MaryAnnMsbl34 gerrymandering and voter suppression are needed to institute minority rule. Gerrymandering has gotten particularly bad now that they are able to run analytics on the electorate and more precisely predict voting outcomes for each household.
Right now we're fighting a city attorney & one councilmen to keep the district belonging to the only Hispanic & only female council member on the council. It's sickening 🤔😎😷🙋♀️
We’re fighting it locally too sally! I’m in SLO county, CA, but our independent elections commissions legislation is geared more toward state and federal level districting vs local. It’s left us vulnerable to the conservative extremists on our county board of supervisors. Where is your struggle?
Gerrymandering and voter obstruction are obscene.
The prime considerations of drawing districts are compactness, contiguity, and parity of population.
Political, not racial? No!: partisan, whether racial, and as such detrimental to the polis, the good of the whole. And any discrimination, whether ethnic, partisan, or other criteria detrimental to the whole, is theft of will.
"We are not maker's of history, we are made by history."
~ Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr
Nobel Peace Prize Laureate 🕊
Wouldn’t it help to eliminate the Electoral College? One vote per person.
Yes, but I'd worry about ballot stuffing in some Republican states to get their guy elected. The feds would have to audit a dozen states. I do like the idea of states passing the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact. They're up to 195 electors. When they get to 270, then whoever wins the popular vote, will get all 270 electors. I just heard Republicans are thinking of using the same provision in the constitution that allows this, to have Republican legislatures overturn the vote in their state and give the electors to the Republican candidate.
That would only affect the presidential race. The problem with gerrymandering is the effect it has on congressional and statehouse representation.
@@otisdylan9532 Our recently blue state which was dominated by R's and so has a heavily R government had a hard fought for Congress split 9/5. After the census will probably slip to 10/4. Looks like we're stuck with that for 10 years even if the state becomes bluer.
Cities, countries and states are bound by the Voter Registration Act which is federal law. Communities of interest in a district are protected by this Federal Law and cannot be threatened. Compassion, transparency, integrity and accountability for all!
Overcoming gerrymandering, voter suppression, and rigged vote certification is like trying to escape Frankenstein and the Wolfman then running straight into Dracula's castle.
@Warren Bang, Yeah, Or that silly thing called voter ID's.
@@magoo5.0johnson45 No one had a problem with voter ID. If it ain't broke, then why fix it. Obviously to reconfigure it in order to put the fix in place.
@@warrinbang1191, only a diehard Liberal would make such a asinine statement.
Gerrymandering exists to protect seats a party already has, both do it. There is no voter suppression, democrats make people wait so they can extend voting, then blame the republicans for it. Fulton county Georgia is prime example, fake water main break extended voting there for hours, resulting in a 200,000 margin for Biden, in a state he only won by 11,000 votes!
@@MrBreeze66 The difference between horses and people is that horses don't choose to put the blinders on themselves.
The easiest way to have zero lineups - everyone should vote by mail.
Works.well, plus paper trail!🇺🇲
It’s nuts to me how the GOP has gone so extreme on vote by mail, when before 2020 it was mostly their voters using that method. Just goes to show how far from reality they have drifted, I guess…
My state will not allow half the APPLICATIONS to vote by mail(not the ballot, just the paper ap). New subversion/suppression tactic. For whatever reason, EV encouraged to show up ELECTION DAY only? Unsure there what 🔻? For disabled drive up, affadavit and Note from all passengers, how that one plays out with the "Observers/poll watchers" who knows? Why can't poll watchers just WORK elections, rather than hover over voters shoulders inside locations, next to booths. That new too Iovely Texas! Competing for cracy with FL🤠😵💪🔻
First we'd have to rebuild DeJoy's destruction of the USPS. Then make sure that the creepy "election officials" can decide which ones to COUNT.
@@mmsapollo So correct, every Dept Expresident touched needs a total overhaul, including FBI and DOJ, CIA and Pentagon. His goal was dictator for life and Regrublicans go along! Mind blowing. Get tough with Bullies and Radical Libertarians too, IF we want some sort of democracy. This is Nonpartisan issue.
These distorted districts likely affect multiple ethnic minorities. It would be important to document that not just to challenge these laws in court but also to motivate people of many ethnicities to vote. Different ethnicities often have different faiths. This could be yet another way to bolster the agreement. SCOTUS seems to have inverted religion into their process. Use that to advantage.
The sad thing is that there is already a lot of research showing how this impacts minority voters in a substantial way, but the SC has repeatedly undermined voting rights in the last decade as they became far more extremist conservative than the country at large (you can thank the federalist society for that). The recent SC rulings have been so far removed from fact or legal precedent, that the obviously radically partisan judicial body will only continue to undermine voting rights.
I think Lee and Michelle discussed something important too, which is the gaslighting in regards to voter suppression. Though the GOP will never totally admit this is racially motivated, it’s pretty clear from their rhetoric that their America is white and conservative Christian, and the reality of their policies is it imposes more burden on voters of color. At the same time there has been this clear legal path for them to claim ‘partisan discrimination’ and avoid accountability. I know my republican relatives vehemently deny any racism in the GOP policies or in themselves (Even as they say blatantly racist things; cognitive dissonance I guess), and from what I’ve seen/read from commentators there is this offense that republicans take at any implication of racial discrimination (just look at the op eds after Biden’s voting legislation speech in Georgia).
I think racism has just adapted for the times, and isn’t as readily acknowledged by a large segment of the population. In the 50s and 60s more people were proud of their white supremacy, now people have more shame about it but they still are suffused with white supremacy ideology. There’s just more cognitive dissonance and effective disinformation networks.
Thank you for your reporting on civic events.
When drop boxes are limited in the areas where minorities live and vote, "hello" that action is racially motivated. Compassion, transparency, integrity and accountability for all!
Great discussion!
Amanpour & Company, thank you for all you do. So appreciate you. 😎❤
Excellent interviewer. A lot of good points made here.
My City Council and Congressional posters were ripped down, then a law was passed saying candidates could post them in certain places. I asked whether businesses would allow me to post them.
"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenges and controversy."
~ Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr
Nobel Peace Prize Laureate 🕊
He leaves out that once one party has complete control, they will make laws guaranteeing the other party will never regain power.
Diversity is our greatest strength at a time when we require many ways of viewing & solving the tremendous problems we face as a Species faced with a Global Pandemic & Climate Change Crises..
Citizens United! Profits before people playing out just as envisioned.
The antidote is to sue or appeal th approval of such gerrymandered maps that threaten the "communities of interest" because they are "protected groups". Compassion, transparency, integrity and accountability for all!
We need to take a hard look at the census!! As a citizen of NM, I noticed a difference! I'm 71, so I've seen a few counts!
I want Michael in public office
We NEED ranked choice voting for the 2022 elections!!!
Gerrymandering needs to stop, all voting districts ahould gi by zip code, stop the nonsense.
Michigan put on Ballot, referendum passed.
It's not inherently racist. It's inherently able to be used for any purpose, including racism.
So how is the quality of the user’s character most accurately determined?
With all due respect, I don't feel like Mr. Lee answered some of the questions. Ie: "What of Republicans that say 'We're doing it for politics not race'", and his response was that the R's face a shrinking white electorate. While true, IMO it doesn't address a very important (and amoral) rationalsation R's use.
He said that when these new wildly undemocratic districts get drawn and then dems try to fight them in state courts, the cons argue that they’re just trying to do it for politics sake, like give them a political advantage. When you look at who it disadvantages the most, it’s people of color, hence one could make the argument that these newly drawn districts are in fact racist. And of course cons will just say we didn’t mean it that way though, we just were trying to get the political advantage. This shit flies in conservative courts. It’s outrageous. It’s like saying, we didn’t mean to affect the air quality in poorer neighborhoods with our new coal power plant, it was just economically more viable because the land was cheaper and a lot of times minorities have been far less likely to speak up than if they had erected the power plant in say, beautiful prosperous Santa Monica CA. Those people would shit their pants. One could argue ya it’s economically more viable, but it also be argued that it’s affecting the health of people of color and could by extension be called racist.
@@nicholasrapose196 I don't deny any of your points. I am horrified by why is going on in the US, and I'm not even American. But I still don't feel the guest answered the specific questions/concerns very well.
It’s intent vs. impact. You can’t really prove racist intent (not many people speak that aloud), but you can show disproportionate impact on targeted racial groups. Therefore, it doesn’t really matter that Republicans say they are not discriminating by race because intent is not the measure. It’s the outcome that matters. That’s my understanding of the speaker’s comments.
This is a problem even with independent redistricting rules when they have to be approved by elected officials. This has happened in my county in California, which has more state level protections than local. Our local districts were heavily Gerrymandered by our extreme right county board of supervisors (who also made restrictive election changes after the big lie took over the rabid conservatives here). Be aware, this is happening at a very local level as well. Our non partisan head of elections (Who ran elections in SLO for 15 years) was subject to vile racist attacks and threats against him and his family. He had to leave the county because his young children were growing up in the crosshairs of that utterly toxic disinformation campaign coming from the republicans here.
Well reported as every blue anything IS targeted, even local businesses. So much work, so little time. Hope your Orange Co. Gal gets reelected. The baseless,. frivolous lawsuits accompany the threats where law enforcement has hard time proving. Who?
@@janicechildress2952 um, what? The new county maps are being litigated, if that’s what you’re asking. It’s pretty outrageous the way they were drawn. Unfortunately the election officials that left their posts due to harassment won’t come back, they were replaced. School board has also been targeted by local extremist groups.
SLO county, CA if you’re curious
Thanks didn't know what SLO was. You articulate what should be a Civic bipartisan procedure now being 'captuted' by one party very well. Keep up the great work and info sharing. Debate on the floor today FYI!🇺🇲💜
My county clerk was sued and threatened, harassed. She was a pioneer and well respected throughout the country. She had to pay her own legal bills upfront. Now reimbursed, unsure by whom, probably taxpayers.She continues to have private security. Don't these domestic terrorists realize it is THEIR vote in jeopardy too?
@@janicechildress2952 that is so tragic, the increased harassment of elected officials and scientists is a sickening result of the propaganda and the extremism it foments.
Honestly I can’t see the logic in the GOP strategy because it seems like they are embracing extremism which is ultimately destructive rather than loyal, and jan 6 pretty clearly showed that Republican elected officials aren’t safe from the mob.
We just have to be really proactive and vigilant at the local level because that is their current strategy, and the tea party movement safe how effective the radical right is at grassroots organizing
Viva Bernie...he's actually POTUS.
Gerrymandering is a practice with centuries of history, yet we haven't fixed it yet. For one thing, we haven't fixed it because both parties in our pseudo-democratic two-party system benefit enormously from the underlying unfairness on which gerrymandering is based. And that fundamental unfairness is the single-member-district system. ALL legislative districts are unfair, whether they are intentionally gerrymandered or not, because only a single party can capture the seat. So in a very diverse district of tens or hundreds of thousands of voters, only the enthusiastic supporters of the winning party get representation. All blue voters in red districts, red voters in blue districts, and green, libertarian, reform party, socialist, peace amd freedom party, natural law party, black panther, etc. voters in that district are totally out of luck. Their votes are wasted i.e. cast without electing any representation, and gerrymandering is only the insult added to injury whereby one or the other major party boosts its already inflated share of the legislative seats at the expense of the other party's already inflated share. The real solution to gerrymandering is to switch to open party-list proportional representation with large multi-member districts, preferably of about twenty seats each, to minimize the wasted votes that form the basis for gerrymandering.
Doesn't city councils do this? What an overhaul plus larger government. I see what your saying though, these 3 member election boards and commission easily compromised in those lacking integrity.
'IF' voting was based on your home/apt/rentals last digit number ending in odd or even that determines what district you vote in, regardless of an all (insert race here) neighborhood you live in, would people start to move into home/apt/rentals based off of a number?
Q: Is gerrymandering a byproduct of gentrification?
A: Depends on what side of the tracks your on.
Q: What about people that are homeless? How do they vote?
A: Where do they get their societal assistance/checks delivered to?
Q: should a prisoner get to vote and what address do they use.
A: The same way they receive mail in jail
Expand the school day with an additional hour of classroom learning for secondary classes. Close or limit the summer school vacation period with more time required of students to remain in school. Courses in sociology and psychology and economics are needed.
And government and civics
Well said. Corruptions going on.
Not corruption as all legal. But law change and manipulation of WHO counts the votes for sure. Please work a location, can be fun while doing your Civic Duty.🇺🇲🤗
Just look at the severely gerrymandered districts at the state level in Pennsylvania. It’s disgraceful.
The 14th. AMENDMENT of the U.S. CONSTITUTION, Section 3: says --
No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.
Let's get rid of districts for US House of Representatives.
We'd still have the number of seats be determined by a state's total population.
But _every_ ballot in the state would list all possible candidates for House of Representatives.
The "x" candidates receiving the most votes would win.
So states with more blue voters _overall_ would probably win.
So that state's delegation to US House of Representatives would be more..."representative" of the states overall leaning.
Just been thinking about this for the last 2 years.
The First Congressional District (PA-1) was not a help for me when I ran.
This interview did not stress the importance of Political wins to be made because the candidates promote policies that when elected the candidate had ideas and Policies the electorate wants to for them into office because ultimately American lives of regular people will/would/could improve.
This interview talked about party winning because demographics instead of winning based upon people wanting to vote for them because these politicians are SUPPOSED to be elected to represent the people of our country / state / locality. These politicians should not only win because of which party they belong to - voters for them into office solely on party lines. Hello!!!
Thank you!!
Gov. Ron DeSantis became the first governor in recent political history to submit a congressional map during the state’s redistricting process.
Population, demografics, data & statistics will identify at the local level where the "communities of interest" are located. The Voting Rights Act (VRA), which has Federal priority and power is enforced when individual(s) in local "communities of interest" appeal the skewed and illegal gerrymandered maps. Otherwise, those illegal maps will stand if not challenged. This is a critical time to stay awake and not just go through the motions of work, shop, cook, eat, sleep and on the weekends get smashed or go to Lalaland with the kids. Their future is at stake here and now. Compassion, transparency, integrity and accountability for all!
The matter we are stuck with is: constitution_for_white_rich.
Of particular interest to: Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingram, Mitch McConnell, Tim Ryan, Willian
Barr, Clarence Thomas, John Roberts, Kevin McCarthy, Josh Hawley, Ron DeSantis, Ted Cruz,
Brian Kemp, Greg Abbott, Doug Ducey, Harris Faulkner, Jim Jordan, Joe Manchin, Tim Scott,
Candace Owens, Christopher Rufo, Ron Johnson, Condoleezza Rice, Russ Vought, Carmel,
Indiana H.S. parents, Yulee High School administrators, Dan Patrick, Chuck Grassley, Glenn
Youngkin, Jim Murphy, Jim Banks, Davis School District, Framington, Utah, Charlie Kirk, Mike
Braun, Jim Banks, Amy Coney Barrett, Ben Shapiro, Andy Biggs, Sage Steele, Mom’s for Liberty,
Sullivan School Board, TN
Four hundred years with your foot on the necks of black people. Twenty generations of slavery, lynching,
sharecropping, old Jim Crow, new Jim Crow, civil rights denial, discrimination, bigotry, and prejudice.
But somehow in 2021 blacks are responsible for YOUR plight in life, even though you are economically
much more advantaged economically than blacks, by design. According to Forbes, in 2016 the median
net worth of white America was $171,000 vs $17,150 for blacks. In 2017, according to the Boston Globe,
backed by research from The Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, Duke University, and the New School, the
median net worth of African Americans in Boston was $8. The median net worth of whites in Boston
was $247,500. Let that sink in for a moment. This gap has been growing and will continue to widen. It
has been over 400 years! You have generational wealth built from you separating our ancestors, raping
black women, breaking black backs, scorching black arms, cramping black fingers, historically torturing
blacks. You politically gerrymander and water down black votes. You voter purge, enact voter
suppression, and practice zip code discrimination. Regarding economic development, you have
suppressed job opportunities and home appraisals in black neighborhoods; the latter amounting to $156
billion in lost equity and denying generational wealth transfer. You also promulgate police brutality even
when videotaped. You continue promoting cultural wars by deliberately promoting fear mongering
regarding great replacement theory and deceit regarding critical race theory. You discriminate against
black farmers, who are unable to get loans nor qualify for financial assistance, therefore leading to the
loss of millions of acres of land and nearly the demise of the black farmer. According to the USDA, of all
private U.S. agricultural land, whites comprise 96 percent of the owners, 97 percent of the value, and 98
percent of the acres. By your political and economic design, blacks have inferior neighborhoods, inferior
schools, lack of access to healthcare, higher unemployment, low wage jobs, endure social injustice and
mass incarceration. Please do not forget to include redlining and redistricting, with coexistent white flight
and gentrification. You were born on third base. Your skin color gives YOU the benefit of the doubt.
First in line. First opportunity. First hired. Last fired. Also, race norming and the horrific impact of
implicit bias. Institutionalized racism is inculcated into the fabric of our lives. But somehow and for
some reason, you STILL want to malign and persecute blacks. Why? You cannot blame it on your
forefathers because these inhumane tactics are still going on today. Tell me WHY your atrocities? WHY
your hatred? Why are you against black people? WHY? Please spare blacks your sadness, sorrow, and
sympathy. No need for apologies. Just an explanation.
1. Forbes Magazine. “Here’s What the Racial Wealth Gap in America Looks Like Today” By Sarah
Hansen, Forbes Staff Markets, June 5, 2020, 5:39 p.m. EDT.
2. The Boston Globe. “That was no typo: The median net worth of black Bostonians is really $8” By
Akilah Johnson, Globe Staff, December 11, 2017, 4:24 p.m.
Why is it that no one can understand that gerrymandering is not permitted in our system of government established by the Constitution of the United States!
The reason is very simple, the States themselves are the districts in the federal government system! Let me say that again, the only districts in the federal government system which are assembled in congress are the States themselves. There is absolutely no reason to draw districts to try to divide up the population into equal districts by population because we use per capita apportionment based upon an enumeration, which gives us the percentage of the population in each State, then we convert that percentage into a whole number of representatives with a proportionality constant, 1 representative for every 30,000 persons in each State with two boundary conditions; not to exceed 1 for 30,000, which means we must truncate the fractional representative which occurs when we divide the population of the State by 30,000, and if a State has less than 30,000 persons which would only calculate a fractional representative which would be truncated because it would exceed 1 for 30,000 which would result in zero Representatives, then that State would receive 1 representative.
This is the exact mathematical significance of Article 1 Section 2 Clause 3 of the Constitution of the United States, and in each individual State! The States too must use this republican principle of assembly, but they choose the proportionality constant, the representative density, that they will use in their State to assemble their most numerous legislative branch, and that process and qualified electorate to produce that assembly are formalized in the State’s own constitution making the process, qualified electorate, and the resulting composition of the legislative assembly unalterable by any means other than amending the State’s own constitution for the assembly of their own most numerous legislative branch.
There is nothing for competitive partisan elections to determine the composition and control of our legislative assemblies!
The Way the CENSUS was conducted did not help the issue at all.
Pandemic knowledge has put before us too much new information so there might be a need now to expand by at least one hour of class room instruction the school day for secondary schools. A course in sociology and psychology is necessary. More directed study dealing with the scientific thrust of new information dealing with person health and human biology and healthy living patterns is needed. Much space for food information concerning healthy living styles - call it classroom instruction on these topics - is needed.
The problem with safe districts is that you end up with primaries that favor extremely partisan candidates who then go on to easily win the general election. California has open primaries that have increased competitiveness with-in districts. With open primaries the top two candidates regardless of party go on to face each other in the general election. So in California, there may be a district where voter registration heavily favors Democrats, after the primary it turns out that the top two winners are a very-liberal Democrat and a moderate Democrat. With closed primaries the very-liberal Democrat would have then waltzed through the general election as the only Democrat running. With Open primaries these two Democrats face off against each other and woo the entire electorate. What can happens is that the moderate Democrat gets the most votes in the general election because they are able to attract Independents and Republicans. Hard-line activists on both the right and left dislike this system because it makes it less likely that extreme candidates will win.
What would you say to those reasonable folks who don't give a sh!t about American democracy, she wants to know.
Does the Democratic Party hav eenough good advisors such as this man? I wonder what info Biden/Congress gets if they aren't aggressively protecting our Democracy and fighting fire with fire so to speak.
The biggest problem with democracy is public apathy which gets worse at lower levels of prosperity.
So that would be an economic issue as opposed to a purely democratic one?
Yes.. but they're caught up in survival mode.. Easy to make it more difficult for these poor souls to Vote.. I would almost prefer apathy to the Anger I feel at this manipulation of the Public Will..
Voting has been said to be a low-payoff activity. I can see that in the short term. Kids should at least be taught to list what they want government to do as a prelude to a political philosophy or party affiliation.
"Ask -not- what your country can do for you." Kennedy was wrong.
Both parties do it.
I don't think people who have red hair should vote. I don't like red hair! Lol. Remember, you could be you next!
Shocking, not shocking.
Stop saying “you know”, you know?!?
Yes it always has been..!!!
General Nonsense, diplomatic pomp and circumstance, in George Patton hand me down ladies underpants
Michael "you know" Li
It has been around forever.
Not true. Jim Crow strategy.
@@pattirockgarden4423 Both parties use it to their advantage, just depends on who is in power in the states.
Doesn't make it right or not worth resisting..
Easy to make appointed election officiasl boards, commission, etc BIPARTISAN by law. Many states have passed Anti-gerrymander laws.
Shelby V Holden was a biggy, but not passing John Lewis Act is HUGE! 💜hap hap happy MLK day!, One of the greatest men of my time! He gave of ten thousand men! ✌️💙
Do it like the NFL Draft, have all the candidates running against each other and wherever they get the most votes they represent that district.