The horse has an open, grimacing mouth. The neck is inverted, and the head is behind the vertical. The movement is exaggerated, and not connected to his topline. In other words, the back is dropped.. It is not the dressage I grew up with and love!
The comments u stated were not accurate . Proper engagement is lowering hindquarters . The horse is carrying itself and this isn’t Rolkur. He reins are actually not that tight and she is using her seat every stride .
He has a blue tongue and is showing multiple stress signs, his necks really hyperflexed and he WAS behind the verticle the entire time. This infact is rolkur hes constantly opening and closing his mouth, his tongues blue and he has wite asf eyes.@@carolannlocks
@@carolannlocks The horse has an open and grimacing mouth, look at 2:35 his tongue is blue, tongue is hanging out the side of his mouth, he is trying to escape the pain. (cc: @alinebandau3982 )
@@carolannlocksits obvious that you lack of knowledge. This is an abused horse,Iike all horses of Modern Dressage. This torture hasn't anything to do with Classical Dressage.
I’m no expert. But at 2:38 of this clip you can see horses tongue outside his mouth on side closest to letter P. I have never seen a horse with a grey tongue before I have only seen pink tongues. But if this horse usually has a pink tongue then their is a lack of blood flow going to this horse’s tongue, and if that is the case the rider should immediately be disqualified. What we perceive as beauty should never be at the harm of another. Tennessee Walker’s “Big Lick” is perceived as pretty and beautiful by many but look what they did to their horses to achieve it.
You can see what Everdale's tongue normally looks like in a video touring Van Olst Stables. As the camera and crew walk up to his stable, he sticks his tongue out to the camera and it's very obviously a nice pink colour. Just makes the blue tongue shown here all the more obvious 😔
I can't stand watching Dressage anymore. The amount of horses placing high when using Rollkur is unbelievable. I used to ride dressage and had high hopes of moving up the ladder but I'm glad now that I changed disciplines to one that wouldn't stand for this.
What did you change to. I want to get into dressage but not if its harming the horse I don’t understand why they’re all about rollkur these days, sickening! Winning wouldn’t matter to me so much as it would be the connection and being about love. So what event do you do so I can look into it!!
It's very sad to see this ride, the way Charlotte rides Everdale and Glamourdale and the direction in which classic horse riding is heading. I am devastated by the quality of the FEI judging. Dressage is becoming incredibly cruel and the judges allowing this is unbelievable. Throughout this entire ride, the horse is in great tension, has a tight neck, has pain signals, and it's terrible how people who don't know anything about horses applaud and admire it. You have to talk about it loudly because horses can't say anything
Apparently you know nothing about horses. Did you see all the froth from the horse’s mouth? Is that what you are basing your “assessment of pain” on?? Well, all that froth means the horse is incredibly HAPPY and that the rider has amazing hands. Just so you know, that was a truly beautiful ride.
The only good thing I can take away from this video is the decent proportion of comments left by people utterly disgusted that this is considered dressage.
over salivation, behind the vertical, curb chain pulled tight. When the FEI stops rewarding poor riding from our top riders we can talk about good freestyles. there were horses in this round that were beautiful, and showed true principles of good dressage in their tests. And didn't bend like a swan behind the verticle, but they were placed lower than someone with a big name but terrible riding. It's time to change FEI.
The term 'happy mouth' is used when a horse creates a foamy dribble, this is a good indication that the horse is happy and accepting of the bit as the tongue can relax and the jaw can supple under a soft hand.
@@YayasWhimsicalBrush Are you one of the commentors who go to the mens videos and bash them for the same thing?? While you spoiled arrogant females get a free pass?
I’m no expert. But at 2:38 of this clip you can see horses tongue outside his mouth on side closest to letter P. I have never seen a horse with a grey tongue before I have only seen pink tongues. But if this horse usually has a pink tongue then their is a lack of blood flow going to this horse’s tongue, and if that is the case the rider should immediately be disqualified.
@@philippus4590I absolutely agree his tongue was practically blue. This is ridiculous and the fact the judges didn’t make note of it and stop them right there is gobsmacking to me. And for this to win is disgusting. There needs to be a serious investigation into this.
More enjoyable experience to watch old videos of dressage than the cruel, nut-job, abusive practices pushed by today's corrupt and soulless horse world. Don't see foaming and drooling tortured horses with blue tongues hanging out...and heads and mouths pulled back so tight horses' eyes are completely disassociated and tormented. Movements are much more balanced and humane in old dressage videos. How did modern dressage become a massive abusive and ugly show of cruel riders and tormented horses?
And men are better riders. Plus you dont see all the body parts bouncing like you do women. The men are dignified. The women dress in mens clothing trying to act like men. Its grotesque.
This is so uncomfortable to watch. The horse had very nervous mouth from the start, and it's constantly behind the vertical to releave the preassure. At 2:36 you can see that the horse's tongue is even flopping out of the mouth. The color of that tongue does not seem good at all, either. How this horse was allowed to continue at this point is beyond me. How can horse like this place first is totally baffling. It is so disgusting that to see what is the state of dressage right now. Dressage world has lost their legitimacy, at this point it's just another blood sport.
@andtrrrot look at the heavy use of the curb and the over-curl in the neck the horse won't (can't?) release even in the walk. This is the death of classic dressage.
It's incomprehensible to me how you can ride a horse proudly like this. Terrible welfare. I'd love to see Charlotte's reaction to these clips, surely she can see how this horse is in pain the entire time? How are the judges scoring this high when they have front row seats to the horse's pain and blue tongue??? Has the FEI lost their minds?
Pferd ist viel zu eng hinter der Senkrechten geritten, also grottenschlecht. Fazit: Potential des Pferdes genial, Reiter modern ohne Kenntnisse von Anatomie und Reitkunst.
Saddles with knee rolls are encouraging riders to brace and lever enabling them to hold the horse against the curb rein with unlimited strength resulting in increased force to the overall contact, tight neck hollow back stiff stocata like movement from the hind legs. Look closely at the amount of times the horses mouth was opening, no lengenthing of the top line and neck. This is not a good show of dressage. Not impressed just very disappointed.
Was geschah mit dem früher sehr unruhigen Schweif von Everdale? Jetzt ist er eingeflochten plus Schweifperücke und wirkt unnatürlich steif und gestreckt. Übermässiges Schweifschlagen etwa bei Sporeneinsatz reduziert die Note. Ist das der Grund den Schweif zu manipulieren damit das Pferd ihn nicht mehr frei bewegen kann? Möglich ist das mit Botox Injektionen und indem die seitlichen Muskel am Schweif durchtrennt werden.
I used to see tight canter pirouettes, but now they are really cantering in a small circle. No lifting and swinging the body. Not sure about a braided tail, makes you wonder if they did that to keep the tail from wringing the whole time.
I'm not a pro.barely riding again after hunters jumpers, equitation as teen. All I kept thinking is the pain that beautiful horse must have felt in neck..many people on this earth have zero empathy. They r called narcissists..use anything or anyone to prop up their fragile egos.
@@happyday9710 wtf why the hell are you saying this is ok it hurts the horse and can end up killing them. ffs how clueless do you have to be to think this ok. You disgust me
What Is there unbelievable? Tell me? Don't be naiv !!! U really don't know anything I see how this world is build up!!! That is disgusting! Open ur eyes!!! Nobody anywhere changes riding just because of that 10-Minute -procedure.
@@Surfing1709 the unbelievable thing is that people think this is ok. This horses tongue is blue and his body is stiff and tense. The curb chain is also tight af. There is also no relaxation for this poor horse. If your talking about rolkur it is no ten minute process they hold the horses head to there chest normally for the whole training session. I don’t see how you could say that this is ok.
I've seen horses do inaccurate tests, not fully stretch down to seek the contact (worth double marks) (Intro and prelim level) and still get over 74% and win. All it really comes down to is if the judge likes your horse or not. One judge absolutely hates my gelding and has always marked him very low when she's on. Yet he'll go exactly the same way and another judge will score him high.
Can someone tell me whether this is an example of rollkur? The bend at the poll certainly seems terribly exaggerated? I thought this was (understandably) frowned upon?
I don't think this is rollkur however I do think the horse is not in the best frame it could be in and is tending to be behind the vertical and I agree that his poll is not horizontal to the ground (which is where it should be). Behind the vertical is generally a sign of a lack of strength in the horse because they can't hold themselves in the correct frame, and thus they are working in an artificial frame that doesn't allow them to be moving through. It can also depend on the horse's natural tendencies with how they carry themselves. That or the rider is not riding the horse into the frame properly. Rollkur is far more exaggerated and aggressive, and horses ridden like that tend to be far more overbent, with their chins close to or straight-up touching their chest, and their heads often end up leaning towards being nearly horizontal to the ground in some cases.
@@Kat-mu8wq Horses with high head carriages can 100% be taught to lower and stretch out their head and necks, as well as be taught to carry themselves properly and not fall behind the vertical. I know this because I have managed to do this with my own horse who has a naturally high head carriage, and I am just an average horse rider who finds time to work with their horse outside of their job. This is Grand Prix, the highest level of dressage and one of the highest levels of horsemanship in the world, a horse working in a proper frame should be considered the bare minimum. I apologise for being very upfront, but having now seen some closer observations of this test, I am quite upset about this test and the equestrian world's persistent tendency to make excuses for these top riders. Some people have now studied this footage (and some more close-up footage) and found a number of instances where Everdale is poking his tongue out, which is a sign of distress in horses. Not only that, but his tongue looks like it is lacking proper circulation, looking grey/blue rather than pink. To make matters worse, one of these instances occurred right in front of a judge's box, and they were not marked down at all, and then they ended up winning the competition. Some footage taken from a front seat in the crowd before the test even began has also come out showing a close up of his head, and he clearly looks to be in distress. In my initial reply to op, while I was being critical of the ride, I was also giving some benefit of the doubt by listing all possibilities of why Everdale is carrying himself like this, even suggesting that it could be his natural tendency. I now very much regret doing that. While this is not rollkur, this horse is in distress and likely in pain, and honestly I would not be surprised if it came out at some point that Fry and the stable she works at use rollkur in training.
she just braided the top and added in some tail extensions! none of this hurts the horse, if you look at the American hunter jumpers, they do it all the time! :)
Schlimm das reiten als viel zu eng im Hals und die hände als so breit führen und damit gewinnen schlimm sollten Alle mal auf Trense so eine prüfung reiten .....
I just watched Blu Hors Matine and she also he also keeps the head past vertical. I would think the if Glamordale tongue was so blue it must be hurting him. I was sad to see that. I have watched others ride their dressage horses with just a leather around the neck. I know nothing about this dressage. But some of them look pretty uncomfortable.
About Glamourdale. I saw interviews here in TH-cam. Fry in the stable at Glamourdales box. It‘s a strange distance between her an Glamourdale. Even the way she talks about him. Strange. She was closer to Everdale on that video. Seems like she has no good relationship to her long trained Superstar. Look, how she loves and treats her dog. Full of love. Very different. Seems a little bit strange. She although seems to be very stressed out, when she rides the tests .
It’s about time that the FEI reviewed their judging. I stopped watching as this was absolutely disgraceful riding and use of rollkur, I will not support abuse of horses.
The comments make me so sad. I’m not educated enough in dressage to know the difference. But it’s sad if they are abusing these beautiful creatures to win completions.
@@chiquitabanana9836 Botox? My God what has dressage become if this is an example of the lengths that riders of this level will stoop. It leaves a nasty taste and I for one am not prepared to praise this type of performance. Are horses now so expendable just in order to gratify the egos of the riders?
Just my own opinion here...I've thought the same for many years now. Breeding for an exagerated" hacknied" " movement, odd uphill look and sloping topline. Its looking so unnatural for what's supposed to be allowing the natural fluidity and elegance of the horse! So contradictory.
First time watching this, not happy, turned music off, Horse could not even manage a truly free flowing collective walk, do not like the head carriage behind the vertical. FEI needs too sort out this issue once and for all😖
@@andtrrrot it may cover some issues like treatments with Botox or little scars where they cut muscles. Horse does not tail swishing as he did two years before with his naturel tail.
I will keep on practicing harmony and path of least resistance with my gypsy vanner mare. Every horse is able to do dressage but not like this. We are taught at the schooling levels to not do this.
But there’s good news! Seasoned horse professionals were unconcerned because a horse foaming at the mouth is normal- and even a positive sign that the horse is happy and working well with its rider
@@MissJools11explain how this poor horse opening and closing his mouth again and again, and exhibiting a greyish blue tongue (meaning the tongue is not receiving adequate blood supply) are signs of a happy horse? I’ll wait.
The term 'happy mouth' is used when a horse creates a foamy dribble, this is a good indication that the horse is happy and accepting of the bit as the tongue can relax and the jaw can supple under a soft hand.
Why is this being so highly rewarded? Im not interested in attacking a young girl who's just doing what she's been taught. But the establishment is willfully ignoring the huge amount of science which is freely available on all the ways this is wrong.
This brings me tears... but not in a good way. I am so sorry for this poor Horse. SOMETHING NEEDS TO CHANGE FEI! Read the Comments under your Video. NOBODY wants to see Horses suffer like this anymore!
After many years being away, I recently started watching dressage again. I am flabbergasted as to how the # 1 and # 2 riders have reached this level. Both Charlottes flop around like a sack of potatoes! I thought in dressage, the rider’s movements were to be imperceptible…what the hell happened? The horses appear far more talented than the riders.
It was a good match. But it seems too "forced" in its composition. Too "pop" for the more traditional medleys that I prefer. But this is totally my opinion.
no you are right. this horse is in pain. his tongue is blue, he is oversalivating, and he has hyperflexion. i cannot believe such abuse can WIN the world cup??@@jaykb6587
That is one beautiful horse, though I adore sealbays, all coats of horses are gorgeous in their own beautiful way. From Totilas - Valegro, dressage has been one of the biggest attractions in the equestrian community, I want to be an eventer one day, but not any big things like 5* events, I’m more into 2* - 3* events as they seem more relaxed and more my style. Though I want to go to badminton one day! I’ve got big dreams and I haven’t even started training in dressage or XC, only Showjumping currently, but I want to be good in all 3! ❤
Downvoted for abuse. That blue tongue and the horse being behind the vertical with rollkur is all I need to see before switching the video. I’d report but TH-cam wouldn’t know what to look for.
Horse and rider in black and white, make a beautiful artistic composition. The music choices worked so well with the performance. Thank you for sharing this.
Horrible music. Figure skating and dressage freestyle now allow lyrics. One more step away from the classics too bad so sad. I like the music but not for this !
@debrastadler3406 why do you FEEL the horse was in pain? I used to ride the dressage in the 80s, and the horses were not in pain. It is a slow process, with lots of patience & training.
@@debrastadler3406 The term 'happy mouth' is used when a horse creates a foamy dribble, this is a good indication that the horse is happy and accepting of the bit as the tongue can relax and the jaw can supple under a soft hand.
You're right, but sadly this ride shows what is wrong with modern dressage. At what point was the poll the highest point? Why was the horse BTV the entire test?
Did FEI post this in 720p so we couldn't clearly see Everdale's blue tongue at 2:35? We can still see it. FEI needs to clean house.
The horse has an open, grimacing mouth. The neck is inverted, and the head is behind the vertical. The movement is exaggerated, and not connected to his topline. In other words, the back is dropped..
It is not the dressage I grew up with and love!
The comments u stated were not accurate . Proper engagement is lowering hindquarters . The horse is carrying itself and this isn’t Rolkur. He reins are actually not that tight and she is using her seat every stride .
He has a blue tongue and is showing multiple stress signs, his necks really hyperflexed and he WAS behind the verticle the entire time. This infact is rolkur hes constantly opening and closing his mouth, his tongues blue and he has wite asf eyes.@@carolannlocks
@@carolannlocks The horse has an open and grimacing mouth, look at 2:35 his tongue is blue, tongue is hanging out the side of his mouth, he is trying to escape the pain. (cc: @alinebandau3982 )
@@carolannlockswhat do you mean her seat, a crushed blue tounge doesn’t happen automatically?🤔
@@carolannlocksits obvious that you lack of knowledge. This is an abused horse,Iike all horses of Modern Dressage. This torture hasn't anything to do with Classical Dressage.
I’m no expert. But at 2:38 of this clip you can see horses tongue outside his mouth on side closest to letter P. I have never seen a horse with a grey tongue before I have only seen pink tongues. But if this horse usually has a pink tongue then their is a lack of blood flow going to this horse’s tongue, and if that is the case the rider should immediately be disqualified.
What we perceive as beauty should never be at the harm of another. Tennessee Walker’s “Big Lick” is perceived as pretty and beautiful by many but look what they did to their horses to achieve it.
wow, thanks for pointing it out
You can see what Everdale's tongue normally looks like in a video touring Van Olst Stables. As the camera and crew walk up to his stable, he sticks his tongue out to the camera and it's very obviously a nice pink colour. Just makes the blue tongue shown here all the more obvious 😔
Blue tongue should disqualify her!
Very good view for a not expert. The horse walks behind the rein and against the hand all the time also.
Love the blue tongue 🙌. Really adds to the performance, alongside the hypersalivation and riding behind the vertical.
FRRRR😂😂😂😂😂so sad what ppl will do to win💔💔😞
@@thunderowl1442 Ok im glad Im not the only one who looked at the spit flying and thought "Well thats not normal"
Ikr?! It's just so ✨aesthetic✨
The froth means happiness people.
I can't stand watching Dressage anymore. The amount of horses placing high when using Rollkur is unbelievable. I used to ride dressage and had high hopes of moving up the ladder but I'm glad now that I changed disciplines to one that wouldn't stand for this.
U have to stand. There is no other way! If you don't than anything is lost of reclaim welfare.
What did you change to. I want to get into dressage but not if its harming the horse I don’t understand why they’re all about rollkur these days, sickening! Winning wouldn’t matter to me so much as it would be the connection and being about love. So what event do you do so I can look into it!!
It's very sad to see this ride, the way Charlotte rides Everdale and Glamourdale and the direction in which classic horse riding is heading. I am devastated by the quality of the FEI judging. Dressage is becoming incredibly cruel and the judges allowing this is unbelievable. Throughout this entire ride, the horse is in great tension, has a tight neck, has pain signals, and it's terrible how people who don't know anything about horses applaud and admire it. You have to talk about it loudly because horses can't say anything
Are you new to watching dressage
Tension? Why is tail swinging not wringing?
This is everdale
@@lauradominik3724 seems like it ..
Apparently you know nothing about horses. Did you see all the froth from the horse’s mouth? Is that what you are basing your “assessment of pain” on?? Well, all that froth means the horse is incredibly HAPPY and that the rider has amazing hands. Just so you know, that was a truly beautiful ride.
The only good thing I can take away from this video is the decent proportion of comments left by people utterly disgusted that this is considered dressage.
Watch lngrid Klimke, there you see a relaxed forward going horse with a sympathetic rider.
Yes, they are really a perfect duo. I dont know if it is only me but I am putting also Dujardins riding under a question...
Das Pferd wirkt extrem angespannt und gestresst- sehen das die Preisrichter nicht??? Warum reitet sie so????
over salivation, behind the vertical, curb chain pulled tight. When the FEI stops rewarding poor riding from our top riders we can talk about good freestyles.
there were horses in this round that were beautiful, and showed true principles of good dressage in their tests. And didn't bend like a swan behind the verticle, but they were placed lower than someone with a big name but terrible riding.
It's time to change FEI.
The term 'happy mouth' is used when a horse creates a foamy dribble, this is a good indication that the horse is happy and accepting of the bit as the tongue can relax and the jaw can supple under a soft hand.
happy mouth is different than oversalivating, a horse drooling is not a happy mouth.@@YayasWhimsicalBrush
@@YayasWhimsicalBrush Are you one of the commentors who go to the mens videos and bash them for the same thing?? While you spoiled arrogant females get a free pass?
I’m no expert. But at 2:38 of this clip you can see horses tongue outside his mouth on side closest to letter P. I have never seen a horse with a grey tongue before I have only seen pink tongues. But if this horse usually has a pink tongue then their is a lack of blood flow going to this horse’s tongue, and if that is the case the rider should immediately be disqualified.
@@philippus4590I absolutely agree his tongue was practically blue. This is ridiculous and the fact the judges didn’t make note of it and stop them right there is gobsmacking to me. And for this to win is disgusting. There needs to be a serious investigation into this.
More enjoyable experience to watch old videos of dressage than the cruel, nut-job, abusive practices pushed by today's corrupt and soulless horse world. Don't see foaming and drooling tortured horses with blue tongues hanging out...and heads and mouths pulled back so tight horses' eyes are completely disassociated and tormented. Movements are much more balanced and humane in old dressage videos. How did modern dressage become a massive abusive and ugly show of cruel riders and tormented horses?
And men are better riders. Plus you dont see all the body parts bouncing like you do women. The men are dignified. The women dress in mens clothing trying to act like men. Its grotesque.
Wundervolles Pferd- gruselige Reitweise!!
Das Rollkur noch erlaubt ist, ist Tier-Quälerei. Diese unphysiologische Kopf und Nackenhaltung würde uns Menschen im Vergleich zum Wahnsinn treiben.
Sind die Richter alle blind? Are the judges all blind?
They are!
I am afraid they are not blind but selected
Sorry but wholesomly NO!!! Ridden forcingly from front, completely cracked frame! Piaff and extended trot are jokes!! Fei are you serious??
How bout the half pass??? Absolutely horrendous!!! If this wins an FEI, dressage is finished....
Let him breathe!!
This is so uncomfortable to watch. The horse had very nervous mouth from the start, and it's constantly behind the vertical to releave the preassure. At 2:36 you can see that the horse's tongue is even flopping out of the mouth. The color of that tongue does not seem good at all, either. How this horse was allowed to continue at this point is beyond me. How can horse like this place first is totally baffling. It is so disgusting that to see what is the state of dressage right now. Dressage world has lost their legitimacy, at this point it's just another blood sport.
Behind the bit. Not coming from behind, ( it can't if it's being held too tightly at the front!)
Look at the transitions. You can't get transitions like these without coming form behind.
@andtrrrot look at the heavy use of the curb and the over-curl in the neck the horse won't (can't?) release even in the walk. This is the death of classic dressage.
@@lmarislmarislmaris4271Who could possibly relax with this medley of "pop" sounds combined into "music?"
@@lmarislmarislmaris4271 They used to abuse carriage horses like that by the rich, for "class"
It's incomprehensible to me how you can ride a horse proudly like this. Terrible welfare. I'd love to see Charlotte's reaction to these clips, surely she can see how this horse is in pain the entire time? How are the judges scoring this high when they have front row seats to the horse's pain and blue tongue??? Has the FEI lost their minds?
She uses rollkur??
The horse is so curled even at the walk and she's got a death grip on that curb.
Pferd ist viel zu eng hinter der Senkrechten geritten, also grottenschlecht. Fazit: Potential des Pferdes genial, Reiter modern ohne Kenntnisse von Anatomie und Reitkunst.
Saddles with knee rolls are encouraging riders to brace and lever enabling them to hold the horse against the curb rein with unlimited strength resulting in increased force to the overall contact, tight neck hollow back stiff stocata like movement from the hind legs. Look closely at the amount of times the horses mouth was opening, no lengenthing of the top line and neck. This is not a good show of dressage. Not impressed just very disappointed.
thank you for this comment on saddle knee rolls. I had not realized how dressage saddles have changed over time.
Yes, can clearly see how often he is opening his mouth....alot
@@monikasaringer1152 funny how it is clear to us but the judges were oblivious.
The saddle was the first thing I noticed. Dear Lord that test looked weird
Was geschah mit dem früher sehr unruhigen Schweif von Everdale? Jetzt ist er eingeflochten plus Schweifperücke und wirkt unnatürlich steif und gestreckt. Übermässiges Schweifschlagen etwa bei Sporeneinsatz reduziert die Note. Ist das der Grund den Schweif zu manipulieren damit das Pferd ihn nicht mehr frei bewegen kann? Möglich ist das mit Botox Injektionen und indem die seitlichen Muskel am Schweif durchtrennt werden.
Oh for goodness sakes, as if
Um Gotteswillen. Hoffentlich ist das nicht wahr!
Patrick Kittel is Mr. Bluetongue 👿
Charlotte Fry is Ms. Bluetongue 😈
Who is this
Edward Gal!
I used to see tight canter pirouettes, but now they are really cantering in a small circle. No lifting and swinging the body. Not sure about a braided tail, makes you wonder if they did that to keep the tail from wringing the whole time.
Agreed! This was basically 2m circles not pirouettes!
Warum die Hände so tief und breit auseinander und das Pferd permanent hinter der Senkrechten 😬😬😬
one of my favorite riders and one of my favorite stallions!! go EVERDALE and LOTTIE!!
Watch "Collectif Pour les chevaux"
Blue tongue hanging out of the mouth at 2.40
Horse in pain
I'm not a pro.barely riding again after hunters jumpers, equitation as teen. All I kept thinking is the pain that beautiful horse must have felt in neck..many people on this earth have zero empathy. They r called narcissists..use anything or anyone to prop up their fragile egos.
i cannot believe she won using rolkurr? is this the future of dressage? disgusting
More interesting and entertainment. Trained properly, any music style is classical. Bravo for the daring change..❤❤
Females always get a free pass. The men get discriminated against! There needs to be lawsuits against these disgusting feminists!
@@happyday9710 wtf why the hell are you saying this is ok it hurts the horse and can end up killing them. ffs how clueless do you have to be to think this ok. You disgust me
What Is there unbelievable? Tell me? Don't be naiv !!! U really don't know anything I see how this world is build up!!! That is disgusting! Open ur eyes!!! Nobody anywhere changes riding just because of that 10-Minute -procedure.
@@Surfing1709 the unbelievable thing is that people think this is ok. This horses tongue is blue and his body is stiff and tense. The curb chain is also tight af. There is also no relaxation for this poor horse. If your talking about rolkur it is no ten minute process they hold the horses head to there chest normally for the whole training session. I don’t see how you could say that this is ok.
it's not quality it's force
Riding behind the vertical and wins? okay.
Dafür müsste es bei jeder Lektion Abzüge geben von mindestens einem halben Punkt.
I’m not a dressage rider, far from it, but what do you think of her leg position?
I've seen horses do inaccurate tests, not fully stretch down to seek the contact (worth double marks) (Intro and prelim level) and still get over 74% and win. All it really comes down to is if the judge likes your horse or not. One judge absolutely hates my gelding and has always marked him very low when she's on. Yet he'll go exactly the same way and another judge will score him high.
Can you ride like that? You shouldn’t judge if your not at least as good as her
Blue tongue bonanza again
This horse is in pain. Anything for entertainment and winning 😢😡
Omg the horse is freaking playing with the dang bit. The horse is happy
Can someone tell me whether this is an example of rollkur? The bend at the poll certainly seems terribly exaggerated? I thought this was (understandably) frowned upon?
I don't think this is rollkur however I do think the horse is not in the best frame it could be in and is tending to be behind the vertical and I agree that his poll is not horizontal to the ground (which is where it should be). Behind the vertical is generally a sign of a lack of strength in the horse because they can't hold themselves in the correct frame, and thus they are working in an artificial frame that doesn't allow them to be moving through. It can also depend on the horse's natural tendencies with how they carry themselves. That or the rider is not riding the horse into the frame properly. Rollkur is far more exaggerated and aggressive, and horses ridden like that tend to be far more overbent, with their chins close to or straight-up touching their chest, and their heads often end up leaning towards being nearly horizontal to the ground in some cases.
Ahh, thank you for that informative response!
Agreed,his head could be slightly lower but you can see at the end when she gives him rein he has a natural high head carriage anyway.
@@Kat-mu8wq Horses with high head carriages can 100% be taught to lower and stretch out their head and necks, as well as be taught to carry themselves properly and not fall behind the vertical. I know this because I have managed to do this with my own horse who has a naturally high head carriage, and I am just an average horse rider who finds time to work with their horse outside of their job. This is Grand Prix, the highest level of dressage and one of the highest levels of horsemanship in the world, a horse working in a proper frame should be considered the bare minimum.
I apologise for being very upfront, but having now seen some closer observations of this test, I am quite upset about this test and the equestrian world's persistent tendency to make excuses for these top riders. Some people have now studied this footage (and some more close-up footage) and found a number of instances where Everdale is poking his tongue out, which is a sign of distress in horses. Not only that, but his tongue looks like it is lacking proper circulation, looking grey/blue rather than pink. To make matters worse, one of these instances occurred right in front of a judge's box, and they were not marked down at all, and then they ended up winning the competition. Some footage taken from a front seat in the crowd before the test even began has also come out showing a close up of his head, and he clearly looks to be in distress.
In my initial reply to op, while I was being critical of the ride, I was also giving some benefit of the doubt by listing all possibilities of why Everdale is carrying himself like this, even suggesting that it could be his natural tendency. I now very much regret doing that. While this is not rollkur, this horse is in distress and likely in pain, and honestly I would not be surprised if it came out at some point that Fry and the stable she works at use rollkur in training.
What's wrong with his tail? It looks limp bobbing up and down ... strange looking. I hope he is ok he's such a gorgeous horse.
she just braided the top and added in some tail extensions! none of this hurts the horse, if you look at the American hunter jumpers, they do it all the time! :)
FEI! Wach auf!! Wie ist so etwas möglich? Bestechung?
Schlimm das reiten als viel zu eng im Hals und die hände als so breit führen und damit gewinnen schlimm sollten Alle mal auf Trense so eine prüfung reiten .....
Eng,enger,am engsten….
I just watched Blu Hors Matine and she also he also keeps the head past vertical. I would think the if Glamordale tongue was so blue it must be hurting him. I was sad to see that. I have watched others ride their dressage horses with just a leather around the neck. I know nothing about this dressage. But some of them look pretty uncomfortable.
About Glamourdale. I saw interviews here in TH-cam. Fry in the stable at Glamourdales box. It‘s a strange distance between her an Glamourdale. Even the way she talks about him. Strange. She was closer to Everdale on that video.
Seems like she has no good relationship to her long trained Superstar. Look, how she loves and treats her dog. Full of love. Very different. Seems a little bit strange. She although seems to be very stressed out, when she rides the tests .
Overbent throughout
I know people think this is amazing, but this is disgusting! Over bent 😡 gives me Totilas vibes.
May ai suggest that you get glasses?
@@andtrrrot my I suggest you get a brain and some common sense!
It’s about time that the FEI reviewed their judging. I stopped watching as this was absolutely disgraceful riding and use of rollkur, I will not support abuse of horses.
Wow! Stunning horse and stunning exercise!!!
FEI what happened to horse welfare?
This is terrible and the judges are blind.
I really hope all the people in the comments who applaud this don't own horses.
Im so glad people are picking up on the cruelty here the blue tongue is shocking - 😢
The comments make me so sad. I’m not educated enough in dressage to know the difference. But it’s sad if they are abusing these beautiful creatures to win completions.
Braiding a tail in Dressage is strange anyway but way he is holding it - never moves while holding it out like a flag. Just saying..this is weird!
Botox injected in the muscles. Plus a wig in the tail. Horrible
@@chiquitabanana9836 Botox? My God what has dressage become if this is an example of the lengths that riders of this level will stoop. It leaves a nasty taste and I for one am not prepared to praise this type of performance. Are horses now so expendable just in order to gratify the egos of the riders?
The best yet with song and paces alike . Nicest rhythmic performance yet to be performed again if possible ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
If this is the best... Modern dressage is a disaster. Where is the piaffe ? Where is the relaxation ?
Also : this horse has a blue tongue, it's abuse
First piaffe I've seen with more expression in the rear than the fore. Poor horse BTV even at the walk.
Just my own opinion here...I've thought the same for many years now. Breeding for an exagerated" hacknied" " movement, odd uphill look and sloping topline. Its looking so unnatural for what's supposed to be allowing the natural fluidity and elegance of the horse! So contradictory.
Didn’t your mommy teach you if you can’t say anything nice DON’T say anything at all
@@sandrahansen2787 The truth is not always pleasant to hear. ☺️
First time watching this, not happy, turned music off, Horse could not even manage a truly free flowing collective walk, do not like the head carriage behind the vertical. FEI needs too sort out this issue once and for all😖
I’ve watched dressage before but something is off about this ride. The way the horse moves is not right.
No relaxation no expression no freedom a perfect test by b robotic horse. How sad
Why is a tail braid suspicious?
@@andtrrrot it may cover some issues like treatments with Botox or little scars where they cut muscles. Horse does not tail swishing as he did two years before with his naturel tail.
FEI needs to realize that this is horse abuse I miss the old dressage where people actually cared about the horse
I will keep on practicing harmony and path of least resistance with my gypsy vanner mare. Every horse is able to do dressage but not like this. We are taught at the schooling levels to not do this.
This should not be winning. Rolkur, excessive saluvation is that what dressage is now? It is getting to be unwatchable. Love horses but not this
But there’s good news! Seasoned horse professionals were unconcerned because a horse foaming at the mouth is normal- and even a positive sign that the horse is happy and working well with its rider
A horse producing a lot of saliva can be normal, but nothing else about this performance is. @@MissJools11
@@MissJools11explain how this poor horse opening and closing his mouth again and again, and exhibiting a greyish blue tongue (meaning the tongue is not receiving adequate blood supply) are signs of a happy horse? I’ll wait.
Once sgain we see severly over collection, behind the bit. Hiw can the hirse even breath. Its aweful!!!!!
Beautiful horses abused by this ninsense
How beautiful this couple is ❤
absoluatly disgusting to see this type of "riding" be praised with such high percent
So horrible to watch poor horse the horse looks in so much pain Can’t watch this is disgusting I hate to see such beautiful animal suffer
It looked beautiful but the horse was in pain. Maby wrong bit? Nothing is worth that.
Did you watch "Collectiv pour les chevaux"?
Blue tongue hanging out of the mouth 👿
A lot of slobbering. Almost foaming at the mouth.
The term 'happy mouth' is used when a horse creates a foamy dribble, this is a good indication that the horse is happy and accepting of the bit as the tongue can relax and the jaw can supple under a soft hand.
@@YayasWhimsicalBrushthe jaw can’t move, it’s taped shut by the noseband. Horse can’t yawn or cough.
IDK he's off the beat and not getting the opening since it's a stallion maybe better suited for a mare?
Are the FEI "rules" for horse welfare in the room with us??? Dressage died with Nuno Olivera and riders like him it seems.
Why is this being so highly rewarded? Im not interested in attacking a young girl who's just doing what she's been taught. But the establishment is willfully ignoring the huge amount of science which is freely available on all the ways this is wrong.
The extended trott was nothing. Just a 1 for me. He was holding his back.
So forced, so tense poir horse.
Over bent to buggery. The FEI just can't get science can it?
This brings me tears... but not in a good way. I am so sorry for this poor Horse. SOMETHING NEEDS TO CHANGE FEI! Read the Comments under your Video. NOBODY wants to see Horses suffer like this anymore!
After many years being away, I recently started watching dressage again. I am flabbergasted as to how the # 1 and # 2 riders have reached this level. Both Charlottes flop around like a sack of potatoes! I thought in dressage, the rider’s movements were to be imperceptible…what the hell happened? The horses appear far more talented than the riders.
THis is what legalized animal abuse looks like. Shame on you Charlotte.
Well Done
dear FEI, this is not dressage. if you want to see dressage watch videos of Dr. Reiner Klimke ride, we can all see the difference.
Charlotte is best ride😍
The music was a perfect match. I got chills multiple times!
It was a good match. But it seems too "forced" in its composition. Too "pop" for the more traditional medleys that I prefer. But this is totally my opinion.
no you are right. this horse is in pain. his tongue is blue, he is oversalivating, and he has hyperflexion. i cannot believe such abuse can WIN the world cup??@@jaykb6587
I got chills also. Most horrific riding I e ever seen in an FEI... Horrendous
That is one beautiful horse, though I adore sealbays, all coats of horses are gorgeous in their own beautiful way. From Totilas - Valegro, dressage has been one of the biggest attractions in the equestrian community, I want to be an eventer one day, but not any big things like 5* events, I’m more into 2* - 3* events as they seem more relaxed and more my style. Though I want to go to badminton one day! I’ve got big dreams and I haven’t even started training in dressage or XC, only Showjumping currently, but I want to be good in all 3! ❤
So so hard to watch a horse clearly in pain. There is nothing right to any of this 😢😢😢😢
So painful to watch.
Poor poor horse. WHAT has happened to dressage? 😢
🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤❤❤❤❤excellent ma fan le moulin rouge
A beautiful horse.
Have they disclosed why not Glamourdale instead?
First there was in the entries the gelding Lars van der Honderhaide. Why Glamourdale?
What a fabulous ride, BRAVO
Downvoted for abuse. That blue tongue and the horse being behind the vertical with rollkur is all I need to see before switching the video. I’d report but TH-cam wouldn’t know what to look for.
Who thinks dressage is amazing?
Not this ride. No freedom. BTV a lot.
This wasn't dressage at all. This was a cart horse forced to do dressage movements and even then failing at that.
Disgusting that this sort of "horsemanship" is applauded and rewarded. DISGUSTING.
Just disgusting, nothing more
Beautiful horse and rider. A great walk this horse has. Not to mention his canter!!! Well deserved!🎉🎉
The horse was BTV even in a supposedly extended walk. Tragic is a better description.
Beautiful 😊
Total perfection and flawless. One hell of a test to watch. Well done the both of you for the sheer goosebumps l got!
So you think rolkur and a stressed horse is ok?
Perfect at a horrendous ride. That was the most terrible ride I've ever seen in an FEI...
Horse and rider in black and white, make a beautiful artistic composition. The music choices worked so well with the performance. Thank you for sharing this.
And his tongue is grey purple hanging out
Horrible music. Figure skating and dressage freestyle now allow lyrics. One more step away from the classics too bad so sad. I like the music but not for this !
Beautiful and Majestic performance!
"Painful and embarrassing performance" there, I fixed your comment. 👍
Congratulations 🎉🎉🎉 young woman! That was a flawless routine!
Your horse is a piece of artwork!
Thank you for making me cry with that routine!
I loved watching this video! 🙂👌
It made me cry to. With the horse being in so much obvious pain and still made to perform.
@debrastadler3406 why do you FEEL the horse was in pain? I used to ride the dressage in the 80s, and the horses were not in pain. It is a slow process, with lots of patience & training.
@@debrastadler3406 The term 'happy mouth' is used when a horse creates a foamy dribble, this is a good indication that the horse is happy and accepting of the bit as the tongue can relax and the jaw can supple under a soft hand.
I cried for a different reason.....
Yall stop hating on dressage saying it "used to" be amazing. Just bc some riders can ride nastily doesnt make up the whole sport
ok, you are right! there are Klimke and Heester and others that ride so well!!
You're right, but sadly this ride shows what is wrong with modern dressage. At what point was the poll the highest point? Why was the horse BTV the entire test?
Well real dressage is amazing, this isn't
Did you watch "Collectiv pour les chevaux"?
Blue tongue hanging out of the mouth 👿
It will indeed "make up the whole sport", if it keeps being rewarded by judges this way...
She rides this horse as if it were a cart horse. What a nightmare of a train wreck...... Terrible...
Lovely transitions