@ since my ethics are correct and yours are wrong or questionable; then it's a bit hard to say whether the Spirituality has meaning. In fact, going down the way that spirituality _must_ involve _unenlightened_, or even uninitiated, ethics begs the question of secular materialism.
I’m a 64 year old African American woman living through this nightmare. I was very young during the Civil Rights Era but I sensed what was going on even if I did not fully understand it. It’s truly painful to see the hard work that my ancestors did being totally obliterated with the stroke of that man’s pen. I’m grateful for your words of comfort and I know that many people around the world support us. Going back to the ancient spiritual practices of my African ancestors, I will let Spirit guide me through these troubling times. Keep us in your prayers.🙏🏽
It's time for us white people to stand up louder than ever because wtf?! But i think the Black community has taught us EVERYTHING about surviving and THRIVING despite being lied to, lied to, lied to, murdered, tortured, etc etc. So I personally have no time for the whining and complaining from liberals. This isn't surprising. This is history repeating itself. And not many white ppl were taught in school about Jim Crow; not Gen X, at least. So we need to pick up that slack. Im in the South now, and Im from the Bronx, so I'm seeing the reality of the effects of Jim Crow for what it is. Im praying, observing, calling out liars irl, because there's no time for much else rn. Hugs!❤❤❤
They can obliterate words but they cannot obliterate our love for one another and our knowledge of what is right. I have you in my heart and I’m praying for the safety of you and your family. We won’t let them win 🙏🏻❤️🔥
@@Rain_Reign Also they can't actually obliterate words if we keep speaking them. They may own these media but they don't own words. We do. (This is seriously not the first time Christian feudalists thought they controlled words, remember. But here we are.)
Thank you so much for this. I'm American, elderly, a disabled veteran, gay, and scared out of my wits, not just for myself but for my friends, my family of choice, and my country. But I WILL NOT LET FEAR WIN. I intend to fight with every fiber of my being, doing whatever I can to help even though my resources are limited, and I WILL BE LOUD ABOUT IT. My mantra right now is BECOME UNGOVERNABLE -- rebel when you can, live your own truth, shine for others -- be a light where there is none. Help those who feel helpless. We are all we got -- now is the time to stand together. Love you, Annie, and thank you again for saying what needed to be said
Im with you friend. Im also American, gay and very left, gathering my herbs and singing to the trees. Im surrounded by MAGA followers in my small town and I refuse to let them take anything from me or FAMILY without a big, loud, bloody fight!
What the hell is going on with this crap? I'm neither left or right but right down the middle. Most of my family is non binary. There is no threat to either side. Whomever is president.
I went into an existential crisis in November after that horrible day…everything I have lived to be and nurture in my life felt crushed. Hearing souls around the world speak in solidarity against the madness now enveloping us here in the US does help strengthen my determination
You know, when he was first elected, I woke up with a sense of worry and dread. This past November, I woke up with that very same feeling. Told my hubs about it and he didn't want to encourage negativity so he tried to say that it was too early to know, etc. I have a new fear. That Trump is but a puppet for the ubber rich. And that he'll try to stay as long as he lives in the Presidency 😢
As a witch from the US, thank you. I've seen lots of jokes floating over from across the world that the US is "getting what it deserves" but I don't know a single person that voted for this, and those that did were quickly cut out of my life. I'm terrified for my LGBT+ friends, neighbors, and relatives. I'm terrified for my husband, my son, and myself. But we will persevere. Much love and support to anyone that might need it. Still we rise.
I really wish I didn't know anyone that voted for it. Both of my parents did. The only thing keeping me from exploding is that my state went blue so their votes didn't actually effect the results.
Hello from a Scottish witch😁 you are in my thoughts and I am angry on your behalf. I am watching, adding my little light, boycotting and speaking out where I can. Blessed be
Thank you for your kind words. Its comforting to know that there are people who care about what's happening. I for one, refuse to live in fear. I will keep going and doing my thing until I die. Then, I'll do it from the other side.
Turns out from ballots and registrations denied, the fix was in by about three million more than we expected. The bad guys did not win for real but here we are.
You can never know how much your video meant to millions of us on this side of the pond who are so deeply troubled and sick over the turn our country has taken. You brought me to tears that were in great need of release, so I took them outside to Gaia and ground myself so she could absorb the tears as they fell. I know deep down that Spirit has a plan, but watching it unfold is so very painful. Your support is so kind and much needed. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
I'm almost 72. I've seen this coming since the 70s. My family has been here 100+ years before it was a Country. My family name is on the Liberty Bell! I have Native American blood. I will never comply with this Fascist regime. I will not see my grandkids grow up suffering under these conditions. I fear we are seeing the decline of America and the first steps to a second Civil War. I pray to the Mother that it doesn't come to armed conflict but MAGA loves their guns and have been begging for a chance to start shooting us. Thank you for your kind words and encouragement. Blessed Be.
its racist to want to be safe? not to want to give benefits to foreigners that Americans don't even get? that's what you want? you want foreigners competing against our people of lowest income in this country? SHAME ON YOU. explain to me what is soooo racist? I DARE YOU TO EXPLAIN TO ME WHAT IS FACIST ABOUT TRUMP....I DARE YOU
MAGA missed the memo that ALL Americans can have guns (though, Im worried about this now due to the nutzy sulute by leo muskrat!! they may try to take the guns of actual humans) - and a lot of the "other side blue" has their own private arsenals. Time will tell, but as for me - its me vs MAGA real easy now. You just have to think: its a rabid dog, youre doing it a favor, and pull, click.
@@evermoreart Bless your heart. May your lord help you find the path of healing. May your god have mercy on your soul, and may you be led to unity with all consciousness. As above, so below, so mote it be.
I don’t know how, but I’m still expecting Trump to somehow turn his anti-immigration message into an anti-indigenous people message. Blessed Be to you as well!
American here. Single cat lady who resides with deeply loved, magical cat. Just subscribed to your channel. Thank you for your kind and compassionate message to us. For everyone who unsubscribes may there be 10 who subscribe to your channel. Blessed be. 😻💙💚🩵
I am one who just found this channel and just subscribed as well. I am a 60 year old cat lady from California. Most of us did not vote for him and we are horrified.
You hit the nail on the head! I live in Texas, where the majority is right-wing nut job christians. There are preachers here who stand up in church and preach politics every Sunday and others who call every woman a witch. Thanks for reminding us that we have friends who care.
do not ever allow yourself to be gaslit that these self-professed "christians" know 1 damn thing about christ, religion, the bible or churches. Id be surprised they didnt burst into spontaneous combustion in their "church" parking lots! its all about control and trying to make others feel guilty and bad about themselves, about trying to make you "live" the way they want you to live
If you live in the US, your local library can get you books they don't have through a service called interlibrary loan. If a book you want isn't in the local library catalog ask at the desk. They can usually find another library that has the book and arrange for it to show up at your library for you to check it out. Librarians want to help people find books--that's literally why they became librarians.
Also, digital libraries!! If it’s hard for you to physically go to the library this is an amazing thing - I use it all the time! In the US you can use your card number and pin that they give you when you get your card, and sign into services like Libby and Hoopla and Kanopy (for movies).
You can also access many library books online through your local library's website, through the Smithsonian Libraries catalog or through sites like Hoopla or Libby.
And librarians believe is sharing information, but not personal information. If you’re ever worried about people knowing what books you’re looking at, you have nothing to worry about at the library. They will not let anyone, including police, know what you’ve borrowed.
I'm an American. I found you quite by accident & want to thank you for your encouraging words. I'm a bit worried & scared, especially for my family, but I am mostly just outraged by what that monster is doing to our nation. But we are organizing & we are FIGHTING! We won't let this nightmare continue! Thank you once again!
As a witch in the us who’s black and visibly queer and in an interracial relationship in Texas of all places, this message is not lost on me. I know I’m surrounded by people who don’t care about my rights or happiness, but I’m going to stay here for as long as I can because my home is my home for a reason. My community still stands tall and there’s people like me and my partner that deserve to stay here. I’ll keep pissing in my jars and helping those that want my help for as long as I can give it. We’ve done this once and came out on the other side and we can do it again with resilience by taking no bullshit and letting them know we aren’t going anywhere.
I know you, see you, and am you. May your guardians protect you & yours. We will survive this in our individual pockets yet we remain connected. Peace and Love, love and peace
As a crone in the U.S.,I thank you from the bottom of my heart for this message. While I live in true blue NYC, I'm a teacher, and I've spent the last few days planning what I will do if ICE shows up at my classroom for my students. They'll have to get through me first, and I won't make it easy. But the fact that we have to think this way, about so many people who will be severely affected by the far right being in power, is absolutely terrifying. Blessed be.
The far right are the Republicans mad about Trump winning. Most of us are center and have friends who are moderate to conservative. I've been living by most of what she's talking about as a conservative. I mend my clothes, buy from local farms, fight hate (which I get more from the left white males in my family), and live close to nature. The media shows a bad picture of us and spreads fear with misinformation, like saying we don't have anti-discrimination anymore. We do. It was included in the new order. They just removed the racist affirmative action bit. There's too much hate on both sides. I wish people would see it and think about things further so we can come together.
good...im glad you recognize your putting your life on the line with your intent to defy the law of the land and I hope you experience everything youre expecting from ICE. ...soo this way there is no excuse when ICE kicks your butt..you are literally asking for it..and embracing a horrible end for you...BYE
Meanwhile they have been showing who they have arresting and its gang members who already had been arrested for crimes against women and kids and let go by bleeding heart libs that apparently believe if you have color in your skin you are automatically an angel on earth. These ms13 gang members traffick women and end entire families. Yall are so delusional. Claim to care about women and kids ans then import men from the most woman hating cultures to exist. My coworker married one from Columbia and he m0lested her grandkids and when she confronted him he disappeared so hes still out there.
This is 100 percent the energy the world needs right now. As an American who's absolutely disgusted and sad right now, I needed to hear this. Thank you.
I'm a young disabled witch living on medicaid. I was raised in the craft, it's been my whole life. I almost didn't make it past November 5th after i saw what had been done. Im terrified everyday for me and the people i love. My faith keeps me hopeful, as do signs of resistance from my friends, family, and flowers like you. Thank you for the guidance miss. Blessed be. I wish you nothing but safety and good fortune, along with all my fellow witches that may be reading this.
Thank you so much for this. I'm in the US, poor, caring for an elderly parent, female, one of the hated childless cat ladies, an artist and writer. I'd be lying if I said I'm not anxious, but I'm also angry, and that keeps me going. I want to say that it is so heartening to hear messages like this. I just posted a similar declaration and call to courage for my fellow creative workers on my blog. I'm seeing similar calls popping up on social media, in blogs and newsletters, on websites, from academics, scientists, journalists, gardeners, gamers, small businesses. This is the upswell of defiance, of rejection of tyranny, and it's rising everywhere. That gives me hope. The enemies are moving fast, and our institutions are crumbling, but we are not out of the game yet. And we are, none of us, alone. We are millions. We will always outnumber them. If it were not so, they wouldn't have to behave like they are. I think in this crisis, we witches can provide the emotional respite and spiritual strength, but maybe our greatest power right now, which can undermine the destructive forces and give encouragement to others, is that We Do Not Obey. The # 1 rule in dealing with tyranny is Do Not Obey in Advance - don't give up your power and liberty, don't silence yourself, don't submit to avoid trouble. I say Do Not Obey, Full Stop. Ever. Witches are the masters of operating in the shadows and on the fringes. Our history, especially in western cultures, prepares us to organize resistance and alternative social systems. We are experts at creating fluid, cooperative networks of small, hyper-local groups, trading outside the official economy, communicating outside official channels and media, and keeping important information out of the wrong hands. In addition to protecting ourselves and our own communities, we can use these skills to join and help the broader coalition of resisters. If anyone in this world can set the example of holding our power and agency in negative conditions, it would be us. As I believe you folks used to say over there, keep calm and carry on. By hook or crook, we will win out.
You have no idea how much it meant to me to hear you saying "I see you". I am very quiet in my town, for safety reasons. And I've seen this poop parade coming for ages. Being seen made me feel human. Thank you
"A great civilization is not conquered from without, until it has destroyed itself from within." - _The Story of Civilization_ Will & Ariel Durant, historians.
have you even paid a ttention to what BIDEN and lefty loonies have done the past four years...tell me..have you taken into an illegal immigrant into your home to support them?? NO? IM Not surprised...ya know over the years I've watched many many people in the witch community and every other word coming out of their mouth was diversity...everything has to be diverse..and yet...MOST OF THEM LIVE IN WHITE DOMINATED NEIGHBORHOOD...PUT YOUR MONEY WHERE YOUR MOUTH IS AND GO LIVE INTHE PROJECTS ....GO AHEAD...I'LL BET YOU WON'T..
Thank you for this. As a nonbinary lesbian witch living in a red area, I’ve been watching the events of this week (and year) in scared, horrified helplessness. Hearing this reminder of my own power made me actually cry. It feels so lonely, and it’s good to be reminded that we are not. Thank you. So much.
oh you poor baby !! oh yea I forget ...lesbians are the ONLY group in the United States....I'll bet you don't even know TRUMP put a gay person in a very important position ? did you know that?? he hasn't said one word about gays..so stop being a permanent victim it won't gain you anything ...poor whiny baby !
As an old straight white woman. I WANT YOU TO KNOW YOU ARE NOT ALONE. I’m a blue dot in Tennessee. We are fighting back. Look for local support in blue dot 🔵 rural areas. ❤️🩹
This just made me cry. I am in the US and have been scared and so very sad and have been trying to understand how this even happened. I don't know anyone who would have voted for this. It fills my heart with joy to hear you say the things in my head and heart. Thank you for letting me know I am not alone.
I'm not a Pagan; I'm just curious about alternative lifestyles. Hence why I don't often comment. But I have to comment on this because it was so moving. I'm in the UK too and solidarity to everyone living in the shadow of the far right. Thank you so much for this message of hope and solidarity. YNWA.
Thank you, as an American who lives in California.. these past couple weeks have been horrendous. Then, the president took office only to make my anxiety jump at levels I never knew it could. Thank you for your video so much. It's comforting.
@@Heather1031 I’m in California as well. I’m giving 2025 a 0 out of 10 so far as well. Fortunately, I’m not in an area where the fires are, but the panic and anxiety levels are the highest I’ve seen since 9/11
@@GrumpyOldCronethanks for acknowledging! I was between fires with continual high winds threatening our area. Luckily it rained this past weekend and I’m grateful for the nervous system reset. I’m getting through by resourcing deeply - and nature connection- especially with the Santa Monica mountains. And while I follow most of the daily horrors, my practice is not giving DJT and his cronies too much of my focus and lifeblood. These wounded men have no sustaining vision for people and planet and they will fail in time because emergent life cannot be controlled. The past 10 yrs in CA has been high stress on many levels, but has made me dig deep. Look always to the helpers and healers - there are so many…✨
Yes, I'm in LA too. It's been a f*cknut of a Winter between politics, fires, and ill health & death in my family I feel like I'm being asked to widen around all of it very quickly and the only way through is to dig down and within.
I’ve never seen your channel until today when it popped up on my feed on YT. Thank you, sister. Blessed Be to you as well. Thanks for the pep talk. I subscribed. ☮️💖🌀
As a Christian woman living in the US, I find this to be a most uplifting “spirit” filled message. Thank you for sending love out into the world. In that spirit we unite. ❤️❤️❤️
Thank you. The energy here is telling us to be still, pay attention, watch, witness, document and prepare. Learn to be as self sufficient as possible , including off grid energy options. For now be the grey man, tread lightly but carry a big stick. And as always be a safe harbor.
I'm an American witchy woman in my mid-50s. Single, childless cat lady who is Asexual & Aromantic ♠️ (an A+ haha). I work for the local public library, and I am terrified. I prefer this to your usual whinging videos. 😄 Honestly surprised you haven't gone completely viral in America yet. I'll see what I can do.
Thank you for a much needed message. I am in the US and it is terrifying seeing a well funded organized campaign with power intent on destroying our liberties. Brave souls who stand up against this regime take enormous risks. But each of us can weave a powerful web of aid and support through living, giving and planting seeds of hope for the future. The strands of a web are often unnoticed but is spun to be resilient , strong and very effective.
I’m sitting here crying my eyes out. 😢 I live in California and friends are fearful of being deported. We just went through the fires and thankfully our home was spared. You just got a new subscriber and I am passing your video along to others! Bright blessings and much love! ❤
Another subscriber here 🤍 Thank you for your love and support! Today was very heavy and your message lightened my heart! I am grateful! My son and his partner are people at risk and I’m afraid for them! They are looking to leave the country! He is only 19 never been on his own. He will grow up fast but at least there is potentially a better future for them away from here! Much love and light to you!
As an American who lives in a very conservative state and even more conservative local community, I really appreciate hearing this. I'm terrified because I'm in a very non-traditional relationship, being polyamorous. I and all of my partners are some form of lgbtqia+, but we're lucky in that where we live, except for one person, our family is very against the current establishment and we all are united in our terror of the political landscape. My household is a house of witches, but our family is very christian. However, they've given us faith back into a religion that has shunned us and turned us away in the past. We, even as witches, are seeking to help our community in these trying times, even if it's through the church. We are putting all of our works and power into what we can do at this time. Even if it must be through the lens of the community church, it's still helping toward something better. I live in rural Appalachia and there is a long history of folk practitioners working with the magic in these old mountains. When I first moved out here, my partner taught us a spell that their mother gave them that's a verse from the bible. Witches use what's on hand and must hide in plain sight at times. I have had to reconcile my feelings about the church as a whole with wanting to do what I can for my friends, family and community. It's gotten better over the years but the political landscape has lit a fire under my bum about actually doing something about it. I will utilize every resource I can to work toward making the best of this awful situation. That's my affirmation to myself. I'm extremely grateful to people like you and other youtubers that I follow for being so sympathetic toward our situation here. It gives me hope and hope is the fire that must continue burning or we will just give up. I will never let them win in that manner.
NOT EVERY WITCH AGREES WITH THE LEFTY LOONIES AND IM ONE OF THEM.....AWFUL SITUATION? WHAT EXACTLY ARE YOU REFERRING TO? ...the fact that our POTUS will get the country out of debt...? which if neglected would definitely lead to our destruction? do you know the severity of it? I doubt it..the fact that our streets will be safer? that they will prosecute people who break the law and steal? are you aware the recent person who was sent back to HAITI? WHO HAD BEEN CONVICTED OF CRIMES 17 TIMES? 17.....?? you lefty loonies claim you care sooo much about people..do you REALLY care about the lower income people who will have to compete for jobs with the illegals alines...?? APPARENTLY NOT...
I come from the Catskills mountains, as do all my people for four generations back. Thank for sharing your story. I found some pieces of myself in it. Not all churches are bad. Many understand the true meaning of the parables. But they all need people like us to help and guide them back to the truth. Blessings to you and your family. 🙏🏼💜✨🪶
Blessed be Thank you for posting . I as an American am very disappointed in my people. That they can allow these atrocities happen. Thank you for showing us that the outside world is aware. Help us help us Merry part blessed be
Thank you. This is a VERY important message, and reminder that we're stronger than we may feel at the moment. You'll always have people in your corner, even if they aren't physically next to you, and that's an important thing to remember. Having the skills needed in dire circumstances is a great thing to encourage, as well. The problems at hand are VERY close to my heart; everyone's scared, and I can't blame them. I'm scared, too. I'm scared for my friends and family. But I won't let ANYTHING separate me from the people who need me, especially not now. I've actually taken to compiling different things to forage, and things that'll be a priority to grow. I didn't think I'd actually need it, and ideally we won't end up needing to... But it's better to have it, and not need it, than it is to need it, but not have it.
My gardens & orchards will be a priority this year too. I forage my acres & surrounding woodlands. I've canned, preserved & grown herbs for decades. I'm especially good with animals husbandry & 1st aid. So my more conventional neighbors accept me for the most part. You aren't being political. You are being pragmatic & practical. My library is eclectic & I loan books freely. Preparing for what the next few years might bring. Wishing strength & endurance to all who need it.
Thank You Dear Crone. You brought me hope and tears.... and omgs so much Love ❤️ Thank You! I'm an African American man and I have I have been Pagan for the last 39 years... I was an activist as well... I have danced with Starhawk... and rolled with ANTIFA helping nazis understandwhat their problem is... we are the resistance working under the radar... And bringing Light and Love... Thank You for your inspiration.
Thank you! I am scared of what is coming, especially for my oldest, who is in the LGBTQ community. And I'm also scared for my about to be 30 year old son with severe autism who lives in a group home. I was scared before the elections, but didn't believe that anyone could believe his lies, only to find out that my husband did. At the same time, I have a sister in California whose house is now ash. To say that I am feeling overwhelmed is almost an understatement. So, again, thank you.
Thank You Annie. Every damn day it is another fresh fn atrocity in this pyramid scheme of a country. I'm afraid for so many of us. And us is all we have right now. May we all rise from this darkness
No matter the powers that be. Herbalism is my #1 learned thing. Second is gardening and chicken tendering. Being a proper stewardess to our Earth. Help when you can. Right now, I am grateful to provide eggs at a small price compared to the grocers. They only way to move forward is in solidarity.❤
Merry Meet! Thank you for the wisdom and encouragement. I just lost my medicaid and have a lump in my breast that I am unable to see a Dr. about. But I know about the ways of the Wise and have followed the Goddess path for a number of lifetimes. Your reminder that we here in the U.S. are not alone is gratefully received. Blessed Be....
As an older gay man in the US, thank you so very much. Knowing others feel our worries, concerns, fears, and crys means so much, and the support is very empowering for us all. Stay strong and remember that we are not alone. We are many.
Absolutely agree with you! I don't know whether to be more frightened of what's happening at the moment, or more frightened that so many people think it's a good thing! We need to support people in need in whatever way we can, and support our Earth - even when it seems like we are too small to make a difference. Thank you for speaking up x
As a Pagan Canadian, worse an Albertan, I have pure panic-terror attacks at what is coming. We are watching and praying for our southern neighbors but knowing that this is coming to our country - already well on the way in my province. Thank you for your words! I didn't know if starting a garden, which is all I can do at this point, was enough but you've brought me hope and I thank you from the bottom of my soul! In starting my seedlings, I know I will have too many - your words of give it to them just rang out to me. Not only can I start my own, but help others start theirs!! Thank you to you for your courage to post this video! To my southern sisters and brothers, You are constantly in my thoughts, prayers and intentions. Blessed be
From an American witch in Southern California, thank you for this ❤ I have been practicing for 30 years, and I am considering retreating back into the broom closet due to the current socio-political landscape. Videos like this are helping me feel less alone.
@@eponaeveningstar7652 I’m in Southern California as well. Totally understand about going into the broom closet. I work in a conservative company so I’ve got to blend as much as possible or get a new job.
I too live in the US. Your kind and emboldening words were such a comfort for me today! I am a single mother affected in both of my jobs as someone that works in a library and as someone working in a non-profit homeless shelter. While some people held inauguration parties, others were filled with fear and anguish. YES! WE ALL NEED EACH OTHER. I thank you for your presence and courage for those that are the minorities in the shadows. BB my Dear.
Thank you. 😢 I’m in the US and consider myself a safe person. All morning I’ve been posting “know your rights with ICE (immigration control) on all right wing socials” I’m waiting to see about my schedule to see if I have time to volunteer for ESL (English as second language) for the clients I work with through my job. Thank you for the calm tone. ❤
this is exactly why you're my favorite witch youtuber. many blessings your way, and many more to the people suffering from the nightmare that is happening in the US right now. I am from russia, and i am one of the people who are in constant danger of persecution, but i can't afford fleeing anywhere. i see you. i understand you. please, NEVER let them brainwash you into thinking you're alone, because you're not
I’m not one to comment much on social media anymore but thank you for this. I’m terrified of my future in this country but your words remind me that I’m not alone and I really really needed to hear that.💛
I will never leave this channel. Yes, I live in America. But I feel calm, peaceful. Frumpy does not scare me, and I will speak up and out about the injustices that are happening. He is getting push back, even from the courts. But I am grateful for you and your words. Thank you.
@@Venefica.Small businesses being target and losing to bigger companies here in Ohio for one. Rapists getting away with this crimes because politicians put the money in their pocket instead of in the hands of police who need it to test rape kits,.... there are too many to list. How stupid are you that you can't see what's happening?
Yesterday, I asked myself what we as witches could do to help. Today, I see this video. New subscriber here. Thank you for this. I live in the states, and I’m not one of the most disempowered people here, but I am a woman and that makes me afraid. But I’m even more afraid for so many people around me. Right now I’m feeling a little afraid for the world frankly. Trying to shut off my fear and turn on my power, and videos like this helps so much. Again, thank you. Blessed be.
THE GODDESS LEAD ME TO YOU!!! I’m so grateful I found you. I’m a 70 year old Black American witch who lives in Northern Virginia. Your message resonates with me on so many levels, I’m sure to many of us. By the way, I subscribed to your channel and intend to spread the word about your channel. I’m looking forward to to your next episode and will catch up on your past videos. BLESSED BE 🧹💜
Thank you. 🙏🏼 My sister and I are disabled crones living in the PNW of the US. Our city, Portland, OR, was a target in the summer of 2020 - it could well happen again in many cities. Community is critically in this time. Thank you for creating this space. My sister and I send our thanks for your thoughtful words. Blessed be.❤
Hi. I’m from Portland, but I haven’t lived there in 33 years. I’m planning to move back this spring because I miss it so much and it will always be my own. I just wanted to say hi. I thought would happen in 2020 was absolutely abominable. I have a sister and we are both disabled as well, but I will have to leave her here in the Midwest, because she is too ill to travel. She has people to care for her or I would never leave her, but I must save myself. I have no support system here and I think I’m going to have a nervous breakdown between my own health issues, being isolated, and what’s going on in our government. Take care of yourselves. Blessed be! 💕💕
I’m an American witch living in South Korea for an undetermined length of time, but I’m doing everything I can to learn these survival techniques to tell my friends or use if I even have to return. I was brought to tears by your solidarity. I knew I was watching the right grumpy old chrome.
I've listened to your video twice. It touched me deeply. I am a crone and I have an herb garden. My partner does an amazing job with the vegetable garden. We will share our excess. I am learning to make herbal teas and tinctures. I work in a metaphysical store and have a small circle of women that I practice with. This election has me very upset and afraid, but I am working on standing strong. I have relatives who identify with LGBTQ+ and am very scared for them, but I WILL stand for them!
@@LunaHelfrich Hello, all trans are safe in any space I have, on-line or 3-D. Correct me if this is in any way wrong, but I don’t need the word ‘trans’ in front of the words ‘man’ and ‘woman’. In my spaces you need only reveal it if you feel you need to. To me you will always be who you present yourself to be and I will always respect that. We must reach out to each other in these troubled times to say ‘you are cared for,you are valued and respected’ because we are community.
The same thing is happening in New Zealand, the luxon government first thing they did was take away vital disability benefits and care. Taking away the rights of the Maori people to have their language written first on place names. I love your message today Annie. Back to basics. This is important. I'm sad and distressed at how people treat each other. It feels as though there has been a sudden and rapid decline in humanity.
Fellow old crone from the UK here, I’m so happy that I found your channel. This video made me cry happy tears, because it feels like I’ve finally found someone like me. Blessed Be!
Thank you for this message, it's so important. I'm American and terrified but I wont give up; they want us to give in without a fight and I'm not about to make anything easy for them.
Well said ♥️ I’m in the U.K. & I’m especially worried for my found family in the US right now. And quite frankly frightened by the rise of the far right in Europe. It brings me to tears too 😢 Thank you for reminding me that everything has a season…. Still we stand! Ancestors by our sides xxxxx
Thank you so much from someone who is in the US and terrified. I have been physically ill ever since the election. I’ve never seen your channel before and I’m so glad I found you. You have gained a new subscriber! I really appreciate this video. 💕💕 Blessed be.
I live in Canada, right on the boarder. At about 2 minutes and 50 seconds I felt my eyes fill with tears. 💖 I feel this call so strongly. Witches, pagan, people of all kinds and ways...let us work together and make some good in this world. X
Thank you!!! Your pep talk was like a big hug that was really needed American Crone here, in ALABAMA specifically- one of the most ignorant, far right, Christian areas possible. I am scared, have been scared for several years, watching the craziness increase.
Thank you; I wasn’t expecting to tear up today but hearing another witch on this subject is terribly moving, and confirmed what I know I have to do. 📚🌿🌑
This video popped up on my feed. I'm an American, an old woman with a broken leg, one cat & a dog, retired. I'm not a witch but I am interested in all religions and practices. Annie, your message really touched me. Thank you. New subscriber here.
Thank you for this message! I just discovered your channel and I was not expecting that. It was so well said. Thank you again, I needed that. I'm in Canada, so we are scared also by this neighbour who suddenly dispises us (I am not talking about the americans themselves, of course). We are indeed stronger together and we must keep our energies for the good. Now I think I have to plan my garden for spring.
You just popped up after Shirley serban posted. I'm in the cesspool. Loved your message.watched with cat on my lap while hackling wool collecting nebs for needle felting,the top is drop spun into yarn to make functional shawl. Have tried to teach people to forage and grow,was told just give me. Local library just culled books not checked out in 7 years, I am furious and told I don't matter. Gonna take a bit of time,lot of loving support to recover from last week, you made a start.
I am lower than I've been in months, just lost my job and have to find a place to move by April. I'm stuck in the oppressed state of Ohio, USA and your message is exactly what I needed today. ❤I don't believe in coincidence and I'm glad to have found you. 🎉 I too plan to keep pissing in my jars 😅 that's how I knew I was meant to find you. ❤🎉
Well. I’ve never teared up during one of your videos before. Thank you for seeing us. Thank you for being unequivocally angry for us. I think we have left the era of rising, though. This is the era of kicking, biting, clawing, and dragging ourselves back to the not particularly stellar place where we used to be. On the other hand, it’s a good thing we’ve collected all those jars! 😅
I see the darkness and feel the fear. Here to help in anyway I can. All I am able to do at the moment is keep my vibration high and believe in a better world. Sending love to those affected by the tower crumbing of the failing systems. Hope you always manage to find joy to lighten your days. Thank you so much for this heartfelt message 🙏
Thank you so much for this post. I was touched to hear how much you truly care about us lesser ones here in the effed up states, but it doesn't assuage my fear. With grim faced anticipation, I am looking at the future. These first 18 months will determine how far the budget cuts go and how bad the suffering will be. I worry how many might end up dying sooner than they might have otherwise.
Oh dear Goddess, did I need to hear this today. Yes, I'm American, and shaking in my boots, not just for myself, but for friends and family. Thank you. Thank you and everyone else out there in the wider world, not only for your energy and love, but for validating the reality of what is transpiring. When you live in the middle of it, you start to think maybe YOU'RE the crazy one. Blessed be to all of you.
Thank you so much. I’m an artist and a poor, queer, single childless woman living with my cats and my family and I definitely fear for my family and my LGBTQ+ friends. You have given me some more hope and a purpose to realize during these trying times - which is a huge gift ❤
I have been lucky enough to buy my first home just a few months ago. I'm chomping at the bit to plant the dying peach tree I got at the end of summer. I've made it healthy again with water from my fish tank. I am hoping to be able to give away peaches from a bountiful harvest. I also want to get a hold of certain plants such as pokeweed and pennyroyal to grow for women in need. I live in Virginia, thank you for your kind words. It's time to get back to my mountain roots.
It was no accident that you popped up in my feed this morning. YES! to everything you said so beautifully and passionately. I expect your channel will grow. I’m in Canada, a witch and Crone who is far from asleep in these times. Thank you and Blessed Be.
I found this today, as a baby Christian witch and I needed this deeply. My sister is stuck in Tennessee as a closet witch and we are scared for her as we do live on government help that is being threatened. To know there are other good souls that send out such loving energy helps. Thank you truly ❤
Yes. Pissing in jars indeed. NC USA here. I am beyond grateful that over the past nearly 20 years I have been learning all those things, herbs, food, forage preserve. Thank you for your empathy and please keep posting. I love the giggles.
Yes! Just found yall today. I'm in East TN. Let's do this! I'm grateful af I'm in a place I can learn all these things- gardening, canning, foraging , etc. Im from NYC and i miss it daily, but i think I'm in the right spot for the time being, and I have no fear. ❤❤❤
Spirituality is meaningless without real-world ethics. You’re right to speak on this.
Witch's pagans and minorities need to band together. We're more powerful in numbers
whose ethics?
@ interesting thing to question. a hit dog will holler.
@ since my ethics are correct and yours are wrong or questionable; then it's a bit hard to say whether the Spirituality has meaning.
In fact, going down the way that spirituality _must_ involve _unenlightened_, or even uninitiated, ethics begs the question of secular materialism.
@ sure buddy.
I’m a 64 year old African American woman living through this nightmare. I was very young during the Civil Rights Era but I sensed what was going on even if I did not fully understand it. It’s truly painful to see the hard work that my ancestors did being totally obliterated with the stroke of that man’s pen. I’m grateful for your words of comfort and I know that many people around the world support us. Going back to the ancient spiritual practices of my African ancestors, I will let Spirit guide me through these troubling times. Keep us in your prayers.🙏🏽
It's time for us white people to stand up louder than ever because wtf?!
But i think the Black community has taught us EVERYTHING about surviving and THRIVING despite being lied to, lied to, lied to, murdered, tortured, etc etc.
So I personally have no time for the whining and complaining from liberals. This isn't surprising. This is history repeating itself.
And not many white ppl were taught in school about Jim Crow; not Gen X, at least. So we need to pick up that slack.
Im in the South now, and Im from the Bronx, so I'm seeing the reality of the effects of Jim Crow for what it is.
Im praying, observing, calling out liars irl, because there's no time for much else rn.
They can obliterate words but they cannot obliterate our love for one another and our knowledge of what is right. I have you in my heart and I’m praying for the safety of you and your family. We won’t let them win 🙏🏻❤️🔥
@@Rain_Reign Also they can't actually obliterate words if we keep speaking them. They may own these media but they don't own words. We do. (This is seriously not the first time Christian feudalists thought they controlled words, remember. But here we are.)
@@OllamhDrab that point is very well taken ♥️
Thank you so much for this. I'm American, elderly, a disabled veteran, gay, and scared out of my wits, not just for myself but for my friends, my family of choice, and my country. But I WILL NOT LET FEAR WIN. I intend to fight with every fiber of my being, doing whatever I can to help even though my resources are limited, and I WILL BE LOUD ABOUT IT. My mantra right now is BECOME UNGOVERNABLE -- rebel when you can, live your own truth, shine for others -- be a light where there is none. Help those who feel helpless. We are all we got -- now is the time to stand together. Love you, Annie, and thank you again for saying what needed to be said
Hugs I am also scared.
I'm with you all the way. We'll stay strong. ❤
Im with you friend. Im also American, gay and very left, gathering my herbs and singing to the trees. Im surrounded by MAGA followers in my small town and I refuse to let them take anything from me or FAMILY without a big, loud, bloody fight!
@@Uncle_Steve71 /big squishy hugs/ we got you, friend
What the hell is going on with this crap? I'm neither left or right but right down the middle. Most of my family is non binary. There is no threat to either side. Whomever is president.
I went into an existential crisis in November after that horrible day…everything I have lived to be and nurture in my life felt crushed. Hearing souls around the world speak in solidarity against the madness now enveloping us here in the US does help strengthen my determination
You know, when he was first elected, I woke up with a sense of worry and dread. This past November, I woke up with that very same feeling. Told my hubs about it and he didn't want to encourage negativity so he tried to say that it was too early to know, etc.
I have a new fear. That Trump is but a puppet for the ubber rich. And that he'll try to stay as long as he lives in the Presidency 😢
@ 🙄
As a witch from the US, thank you. I've seen lots of jokes floating over from across the world that the US is "getting what it deserves" but I don't know a single person that voted for this, and those that did were quickly cut out of my life. I'm terrified for my LGBT+ friends, neighbors, and relatives. I'm terrified for my husband, my son, and myself. But we will persevere. Much love and support to anyone that might need it.
Still we rise.
I really wish I didn't know anyone that voted for it. Both of my parents did. The only thing keeping me from exploding is that my state went blue so their votes didn't actually effect the results.
They definitely purged voters.. Harris should be president. Anything can still happen.. anything. 🌘🌑🌒
Hello from a Scottish witch😁 you are in my thoughts and I am angry on your behalf. I am watching, adding my little light, boycotting and speaking out where I can. Blessed be
Thank you for your kind words. Its comforting to know that there are people who care about what's happening. I for one, refuse to live in fear. I will keep going and doing my thing until I die. Then, I'll do it from the other side.
Turns out from ballots and registrations denied, the fix was in by about three million more than we expected. The bad guys did not win for real but here we are.
You can never know how much your video meant to millions of us on this side of the pond who are so deeply troubled and sick over the turn our country has taken. You brought me to tears that were in great need of release, so I took them outside to Gaia and ground myself so she could absorb the tears as they fell. I know deep down that Spirit has a plan, but watching it unfold is so very painful. Your support is so kind and much needed. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
THIS. ❤❤❤
I'm almost 72. I've seen this coming since the 70s. My family has been here 100+ years before it was a Country. My family name is on the Liberty Bell! I have Native American blood. I will never comply with this Fascist regime. I will not see my grandkids grow up suffering under these conditions. I fear we are seeing the decline of America and the first steps to a second Civil War. I pray to the Mother that it doesn't come to armed conflict but MAGA loves their guns and have been begging for a chance to start shooting us. Thank you for your kind words and encouragement. Blessed Be.
its racist to want to be safe? not to want to give benefits to foreigners that Americans don't even get? that's what you want? you want foreigners competing against our people of lowest income in this country? SHAME ON YOU. explain to me what is soooo racist? I DARE YOU TO EXPLAIN TO ME WHAT IS FACIST ABOUT TRUMP....I DARE YOU
MAGA missed the memo that ALL Americans can have guns (though, Im worried about this now due to the nutzy sulute by leo muskrat!! they may try to take the guns of actual humans) - and a lot of the "other side blue" has their own private arsenals. Time will tell, but as for me - its me vs MAGA real easy now. You just have to think: its a rabid dog, youre doing it a favor, and pull, click.
"Blessed Be?"
May the Lord Open.
@@evermoreart Bless your heart. May your lord help you find the path of healing. May your god have mercy on your soul, and may you be led to unity with all consciousness. As above, so below, so mote it be.
I don’t know how, but I’m still expecting Trump to somehow turn his anti-immigration message into an anti-indigenous people message. Blessed Be to you as well!
American here. Single cat lady who resides with deeply loved, magical cat. Just subscribed to your channel. Thank you for your kind and compassionate message to us. For everyone who unsubscribes may there be 10 who subscribe to your channel. Blessed be. 😻💙💚🩵
I am one who just found this channel and just subscribed as well. I am a 60 year old cat lady from California. Most of us did not vote for him and we are horrified.
@@kristiannem6786 cat lady here from Seattle area. I too just subscribed.
You hit the nail on the head! I live in Texas, where the majority is right-wing nut job christians. There are preachers here who stand up in church and preach politics every Sunday and others who call every woman a witch. Thanks for reminding us that we have friends who care.
Austin here, and I am right there with you. Be strong.
do not ever allow yourself to be gaslit that these self-professed "christians" know 1 damn thing about christ, religion, the bible or churches. Id be surprised they didnt burst into spontaneous combustion in their "church" parking lots! its all about control and trying to make others feel guilty and bad about themselves, about trying to make you "live" the way they want you to live
Houston area here. You’re not alone.💛
Report them. They are violating their 501C3 rules.
If an organization is 501C3 it is illegal to preach or be pro any side politically.
I'm subscribing based on this message alone.
If you live in the US, your local library can get you books they don't have through a service called interlibrary loan. If a book you want isn't in the local library catalog ask at the desk. They can usually find another library that has the book and arrange for it to show up at your library for you to check it out. Librarians want to help people find books--that's literally why they became librarians.
We have the same service here in Britain too. It's a really useful thing and it's great to hear that you have it as well. Thanks. :)
Also, digital libraries!! If it’s hard for you to physically go to the library this is an amazing thing - I use it all the time! In the US you can use your card number and pin that they give you when you get your card, and sign into services like Libby and Hoopla and Kanopy (for movies).
I use this service a lot! They can get books from all over the world!
You can also access many library books online through your local library's website, through the Smithsonian Libraries catalog or through sites like Hoopla or Libby.
And librarians believe is sharing information, but not personal information. If you’re ever worried about people knowing what books you’re looking at, you have nothing to worry about at the library. They will not let anyone, including police, know what you’ve borrowed.
I'm an American. I found you quite by accident & want to thank you for your encouraging words. I'm a bit worried & scared, especially for my family, but I am mostly just outraged by what that monster is doing to our nation. But we are organizing & we are FIGHTING! We won't let this nightmare continue! Thank you once again!
"I expect to see my subscriber numbers dropping..."
You just gained one.
I'd already subscribed so I've now joined her Patreon. ❤
Same here!
She gained me too.
Me too! 💕
As a witch in the us who’s black and visibly queer and in an interracial relationship in Texas of all places, this message is not lost on me. I know I’m surrounded by people who don’t care about my rights or happiness, but I’m going to stay here for as long as I can because my home is my home for a reason. My community still stands tall and there’s people like me and my partner that deserve to stay here. I’ll keep pissing in my jars and helping those that want my help for as long as I can give it. We’ve done this once and came out on the other side and we can do it again with resilience by taking no bullshit and letting them know we aren’t going anywhere.
Hey, fellow Texan here, I see you and I will do everything I can to defend your communities. You are not alone here.
Please know I'm sending so much love from England. I'm so sorry you are going through this x
I know you, see you, and am you. May your guardians protect you & yours. We will survive this in our individual pockets yet we remain connected. Peace and Love, love and peace
As a crone in the U.S.,I thank you from the bottom of my heart for this message. While I live in true blue NYC, I'm a teacher, and I've spent the last few days planning what I will do if ICE shows up at my classroom for my students. They'll have to get through me first, and I won't make it easy. But the fact that we have to think this way, about so many people who will be severely affected by the far right being in power, is absolutely terrifying. Blessed be.
The far right are the Republicans mad about Trump winning. Most of us are center and have friends who are moderate to conservative. I've been living by most of what she's talking about as a conservative. I mend my clothes, buy from local farms, fight hate (which I get more from the left white males in my family), and live close to nature. The media shows a bad picture of us and spreads fear with misinformation, like saying we don't have anti-discrimination anymore. We do. It was included in the new order. They just removed the racist affirmative action bit. There's too much hate on both sides. I wish people would see it and think about things further so we can come together.
good...im glad you recognize your putting your life on the line with your intent to defy the law of the land and I hope you experience everything youre expecting from ICE. ...soo this way there is no excuse when ICE kicks your butt..you are literally asking for it..and embracing a horrible end for you...BYE
Warrior crone 💫💪🏽
Meanwhile they have been showing who they have arresting and its gang members who already had been arrested for crimes against women and kids and let go by bleeding heart libs that apparently believe if you have color in your skin you are automatically an angel on earth. These ms13 gang members traffick women and end entire families. Yall are so delusional. Claim to care about women and kids ans then import men from the most woman hating cultures to exist. My coworker married one from Columbia and he m0lested her grandkids and when she confronted him he disappeared so hes still out there.
This is 100 percent the energy the world needs right now. As an American who's absolutely disgusted and sad right now, I needed to hear this. Thank you.
I fucking love you, Annie. You're the Auntie we need right now. ❤
Well fucking said!!! 👏👏👏💕
I'm a young disabled witch living on medicaid. I was raised in the craft, it's been my whole life. I almost didn't make it past November 5th after i saw what had been done. Im terrified everyday for me and the people i love. My faith keeps me hopeful, as do signs of resistance from my friends, family, and flowers like you. Thank you for the guidance miss. Blessed be. I wish you nothing but safety and good fortune, along with all my fellow witches that may be reading this.
Pan is my paramour! You people don’t Grok IT at all do ya? You don’t understand the nature of everything at all. The Last Words of Hassan I Sabbah.
Thank you so much for this. I'm in the US, poor, caring for an elderly parent, female, one of the hated childless cat ladies, an artist and writer. I'd be lying if I said I'm not anxious, but I'm also angry, and that keeps me going. I want to say that it is so heartening to hear messages like this. I just posted a similar declaration and call to courage for my fellow creative workers on my blog. I'm seeing similar calls popping up on social media, in blogs and newsletters, on websites, from academics, scientists, journalists, gardeners, gamers, small businesses. This is the upswell of defiance, of rejection of tyranny, and it's rising everywhere. That gives me hope. The enemies are moving fast, and our institutions are crumbling, but we are not out of the game yet. And we are, none of us, alone. We are millions. We will always outnumber them. If it were not so, they wouldn't have to behave like they are.
I think in this crisis, we witches can provide the emotional respite and spiritual strength, but maybe our greatest power right now, which can undermine the destructive forces and give encouragement to others, is that We Do Not Obey. The # 1 rule in dealing with tyranny is Do Not Obey in Advance - don't give up your power and liberty, don't silence yourself, don't submit to avoid trouble. I say Do Not Obey, Full Stop. Ever.
Witches are the masters of operating in the shadows and on the fringes. Our history, especially in western cultures, prepares us to organize resistance and alternative social systems. We are experts at creating fluid, cooperative networks of small, hyper-local groups, trading outside the official economy, communicating outside official channels and media, and keeping important information out of the wrong hands. In addition to protecting ourselves and our own communities, we can use these skills to join and help the broader coalition of resisters. If anyone in this world can set the example of holding our power and agency in negative conditions, it would be us.
As I believe you folks used to say over there, keep calm and carry on. By hook or crook, we will win out.
Well said!
Perfectly said. Blessed Be!
Hell yes ✊💫
From an extremely similar situation, in a deeply red area, it is agreed that we must do all that we can.
Stand on your convictions, hold to the truth.
You have no idea how much it meant to me to hear you saying "I see you". I am very quiet in my town, for safety reasons. And I've seen this poop parade coming for ages. Being seen made me feel human.
Thank you
"A great civilization is not conquered from without, until it has destroyed itself from within." - _The Story of Civilization_ Will & Ariel Durant, historians.
have you even paid a ttention to what BIDEN and lefty loonies have done the past four years...tell me..have you taken into an illegal immigrant into your home to support them?? NO? IM Not surprised...ya know over the years I've watched many many people in the witch community and every other word coming out of their mouth was diversity...everything has to be diverse..and yet...MOST OF THEM LIVE IN WHITE DOMINATED NEIGHBORHOOD...PUT YOUR MONEY WHERE YOUR MOUTH IS AND GO LIVE INTHE PROJECTS ....GO AHEAD...I'LL BET YOU WON'T..
As an American, I couldn’t hit that subscribe button fast enough! Thank you for your passionate love and support!❤
Thank you for this. As a nonbinary lesbian witch living in a red area, I’ve been watching the events of this week (and year) in scared, horrified helplessness. Hearing this reminder of my own power made me actually cry. It feels so lonely, and it’s good to be reminded that we are not. Thank you. So much.
oh you poor baby !! oh yea I forget ...lesbians are the ONLY group in the United States....I'll bet you don't even know TRUMP put a gay person in a very important position ? did you know that?? he hasn't said one word about gays..so stop being a permanent victim it won't gain you anything ...poor whiny baby !
I'm also a lesbian and a trans boy. I am scared for my life as a pagan.
Hugs, from a lesbian in a blue area, also scared
As an old straight white woman. I WANT YOU TO KNOW YOU ARE NOT ALONE. I’m a blue dot in Tennessee. We are fighting back.
Look for local support in blue dot 🔵 rural areas. ❤️🩹
You’re never alone 😘
This just made me cry. I am in the US and have been scared and so very sad and have been trying to understand how this even happened. I don't know anyone who would have voted for this. It fills my heart with joy to hear you say the things in my head and heart. Thank you for letting me know I am not alone.
I feel the same way but it's heartening to know we are not alone. Stay strong and resist! :) x
Thank you for the kindness and we will have to support all we can and pass on kindness and support to as many as we can.
I'm not a Pagan; I'm just curious about alternative lifestyles. Hence why I don't often comment. But I have to comment on this because it was so moving. I'm in the UK too and solidarity to everyone living in the shadow of the far right. Thank you so much for this message of hope and solidarity. YNWA.
Your words are soul food for those of us living this nightmare. Thank you, thank you.
I’ve been contending heavily with feeling like I wasn’t cut out for this world. Thanks for reminding me I belong here and can be here for my people
I see you. If it helps, just existing is a problem for the far right, so being here is resistance. ❤
Stay strong Elliot. As Annie just said, you are not alone. These are difficult days, please seek mental health assistance if you need it. ❤️🧡💛💚🩵💙💜
I forgot my Goddess strength during this past month. Blessings to everyone here for reminding me.
People who don't fit in are usually leaders, whether they are trying to lead or not.
Do you Boo. We need You!
Thank you. As an American, I still can't believe this is happening. Your ideas and thoughts are the best way to just keep pushing through it.
Thank you, as an American who lives in California.. these past couple weeks have been horrendous. Then, the president took office only to make my anxiety jump at levels I never knew it could. Thank you for your video so much. It's comforting.
@@Heather1031 I’m in California as well. I’m giving 2025 a 0 out of 10 so far as well. Fortunately, I’m not in an area where the fires are, but the panic and anxiety levels are the highest I’ve seen since 9/11
I can't even begin to understand how most Californians are functioning right now. Let alone the ones who have lost everything.
@@GrumpyOldCronethanks for acknowledging! I was between fires with continual high winds threatening our area. Luckily it rained this past weekend and I’m grateful for the nervous system reset. I’m getting through by resourcing deeply - and nature connection- especially with the Santa Monica mountains. And while I follow most of the daily horrors, my practice is not giving DJT and his cronies too much of my focus and lifeblood. These wounded men have no sustaining vision for people and planet and they will fail in time because emergent life cannot be controlled. The past 10 yrs in CA has been high stress on many levels, but has made me dig deep. Look always to the helpers and healers - there are so many…✨
Yes, I'm in LA too. It's been a f*cknut of a Winter between politics, fires, and ill health & death in my family I feel like I'm being asked to widen around all of it very quickly and the only way through is to dig down and within.
I’ve never seen your channel until today when it popped up on my feed on YT. Thank you, sister. Blessed Be to you as well. Thanks for the pep talk. I subscribed. ☮️💖🌀
As a Christian woman living in the US, I find this to be a most uplifting “spirit” filled message. Thank you for sending love out into the world. In that spirit we unite. ❤️❤️❤️
Thank you. The energy here is telling us to be still, pay attention, watch, witness, document and prepare. Learn to be as self sufficient as possible , including off grid energy options. For now be the grey man, tread lightly but carry a big stick. And as always be a safe harbor.
I'm an American witchy woman in my mid-50s. Single, childless cat lady who is Asexual & Aromantic ♠️ (an A+ haha). I work for the local public library, and I am terrified. I prefer this to your usual whinging videos. 😄 Honestly surprised you haven't gone completely viral in America yet. I'll see what I can do.
Thank you for a much needed message. I am in the US and it is terrifying seeing a well funded organized campaign with power intent on destroying our liberties. Brave souls who stand up against this regime take enormous risks. But each of us can weave a powerful web of aid and support through living, giving and planting seeds of hope for the future. The strands of a web are often unnoticed but is spun to be resilient , strong and very effective.
@@catlink8998 So true! We can form a powerful web.
I’m sitting here crying my eyes out. 😢 I live in California and friends are fearful of being deported. We just went through the fires and thankfully our home was spared.
You just got a new subscriber and I am passing your video along to others! Bright blessings and much love! ❤
Thank you for not being funny right now. These are the perfect words for this moment. ❤
Another subscriber here 🤍 Thank you for your love and support! Today was very heavy and your message lightened my heart! I am grateful! My son and his partner are people at risk and I’m afraid for them! They are looking to leave the country! He is only 19 never been on his own. He will grow up fast but at least there is potentially a better future for them away from here! Much love and light to you!
As an American in Indiana we are entering a very scary era, thank you for saying something on this situation.
We will persevere ♥️🤍🖤
I have family in Indiana. I am watching very closely.
@@GrumpyOldCroneare you on insta or FB? Is there a space I can privately DM you?
I am crying with gratitude, thank you for this. It has been a horrific week. Trying to imagine how we will get through four years of this nightmare..
As an American who lives in a very conservative state and even more conservative local community, I really appreciate hearing this. I'm terrified because I'm in a very non-traditional relationship, being polyamorous. I and all of my partners are some form of lgbtqia+, but we're lucky in that where we live, except for one person, our family is very against the current establishment and we all are united in our terror of the political landscape. My household is a house of witches, but our family is very christian. However, they've given us faith back into a religion that has shunned us and turned us away in the past. We, even as witches, are seeking to help our community in these trying times, even if it's through the church. We are putting all of our works and power into what we can do at this time. Even if it must be through the lens of the community church, it's still helping toward something better. I live in rural Appalachia and there is a long history of folk practitioners working with the magic in these old mountains. When I first moved out here, my partner taught us a spell that their mother gave them that's a verse from the bible. Witches use what's on hand and must hide in plain sight at times. I have had to reconcile my feelings about the church as a whole with wanting to do what I can for my friends, family and community. It's gotten better over the years but the political landscape has lit a fire under my bum about actually doing something about it. I will utilize every resource I can to work toward making the best of this awful situation. That's my affirmation to myself. I'm extremely grateful to people like you and other youtubers that I follow for being so sympathetic toward our situation here. It gives me hope and hope is the fire that must continue burning or we will just give up. I will never let them win in that manner.
NOT EVERY WITCH AGREES WITH THE LEFTY LOONIES AND IM ONE OF THEM.....AWFUL SITUATION? WHAT EXACTLY ARE YOU REFERRING TO? ...the fact that our POTUS will get the country out of debt...? which if neglected would definitely lead to our destruction? do you know the severity of it? I doubt it..the fact that our streets will be safer? that they will prosecute people who break the law and steal? are you aware the recent person who was sent back to HAITI? WHO HAD BEEN CONVICTED OF CRIMES 17 TIMES? 17.....?? you lefty loonies claim you care sooo much about people..do you REALLY care about the lower income people who will have to compete for jobs with the illegals alines...?? APPARENTLY NOT...
I come from the Catskills mountains, as do all my people for four generations back. Thank for sharing your story. I found some pieces of myself in it. Not all churches are bad. Many understand the true meaning of the parables. But they all need people like us to help and guide them back to the truth. Blessings to you and your family. 🙏🏼💜✨🪶
I greatly appreciate how you are working with diverse groups coming together in common aim.
Blessed be Thank you for posting . I as an American am very disappointed in my people. That they can allow these atrocities happen. Thank you for showing us that the outside world is aware. Help us help us Merry part blessed be
Thank you. This is a VERY important message, and reminder that we're stronger than we may feel at the moment. You'll always have people in your corner, even if they aren't physically next to you, and that's an important thing to remember. Having the skills needed in dire circumstances is a great thing to encourage, as well.
The problems at hand are VERY close to my heart; everyone's scared, and I can't blame them. I'm scared, too. I'm scared for my friends and family. But I won't let ANYTHING separate me from the people who need me, especially not now.
I've actually taken to compiling different things to forage, and things that'll be a priority to grow. I didn't think I'd actually need it, and ideally we won't end up needing to... But it's better to have it, and not need it, than it is to need it, but not have it.
My gardens & orchards will be a priority this year too. I forage my acres & surrounding woodlands. I've canned, preserved & grown herbs for decades. I'm especially good with animals husbandry & 1st aid. So my more conventional neighbors accept me for the most part.
You aren't being political. You are being pragmatic & practical.
My library is eclectic & I loan books freely.
Preparing for what the next few years might bring.
Wishing strength & endurance to all who need it.
Thank You Dear Crone. You brought me hope and tears.... and omgs so much Love ❤️ Thank You! I'm an African American man and I have I have been Pagan for the last 39 years... I was an activist as well... I have danced with Starhawk... and rolled with ANTIFA helping nazis understandwhat their problem is... we are the resistance working under the radar... And bringing Light and Love... Thank You for your inspiration.
Thank you! I am scared of what is coming, especially for my oldest, who is in the LGBTQ community. And I'm also scared for my about to be 30 year old son with severe autism who lives in a group home. I was scared before the elections, but didn't believe that anyone could believe his lies, only to find out that my husband did. At the same time, I have a sister in California whose house is now ash. To say that I am feeling overwhelmed is almost an understatement. So, again, thank you.
hugs, if you can find groups in your community to help.
My brother is like your son but we care for him at home. We are worried too
I hope that something turns your way soon❤
❤❤❤❤ sending love for you and yours dear.
Great advice no matter what your political or spiritual beliefs.
Collapse is inevitable, survival is not.
Thank You Annie. Every damn day it is another fresh fn atrocity in this pyramid scheme of a country. I'm afraid for so many of us. And us is all we have right now. May we all rise from this darkness
I'm an American witch nearing retirement and I really needed this message today. Goddess Blessings - and you just gained a subscriber!
No matter the powers that be. Herbalism is my #1 learned thing. Second is gardening and chicken tendering. Being a proper stewardess to our Earth. Help when you can. Right now, I am grateful to provide eggs at a small price compared to the grocers. They only way to move forward is in solidarity.❤
Merry Meet! Thank you for the wisdom and encouragement. I just lost my medicaid and have a lump in my breast that I am unable to see a Dr. about. But I know about the ways of the Wise and have followed the Goddess path for a number of lifetimes. Your reminder that we here in the U.S. are not alone is gratefully received. Blessed Be....
As an older gay man in the US, thank you so very much. Knowing others feel our worries, concerns, fears, and crys means so much, and the support is very empowering for us all.
Stay strong and remember that we are not alone. We are many.
I too find it supportive to hear from those outside. It helps me know I am not crazy.
Guerrilla gardening in city places. Food forests. Community. I actually feel called.
Absolutely agree with you! I don't know whether to be more frightened of what's happening at the moment, or more frightened that so many people think it's a good thing! We need to support people in need in whatever way we can, and support our Earth - even when it seems like we are too small to make a difference. Thank you for speaking up x
When the ants rise up together, the anteater quakes
As a Pagan Canadian, worse an Albertan, I have pure panic-terror attacks at what is coming. We are watching and praying for our southern neighbors but knowing that this is coming to our country - already well on the way in my province. Thank you for your words! I didn't know if starting a garden, which is all I can do at this point, was enough but you've brought me hope and I thank you from the bottom of my soul! In starting my seedlings, I know I will have too many - your words of give it to them just rang out to me. Not only can I start my own, but help others start theirs!! Thank you to you for your courage to post this video! To my southern sisters and brothers, You are constantly in my thoughts, prayers and intentions. Blessed be
From an American witch in Southern California, thank you for this ❤ I have been practicing for 30 years, and I am considering retreating back into the broom closet due to the current socio-political landscape. Videos like this are helping me feel less alone.
@@eponaeveningstar7652 I’m in Southern California as well. Totally understand about going into the broom closet. I work in a conservative company so I’ve got to blend as much as possible or get a new job.
I too live in the US. Your kind and emboldening words were such a comfort for me today! I am a single mother affected in both of my jobs as someone that works in a library and as someone working in a non-profit homeless shelter. While some people held inauguration parties, others were filled with fear and anguish. YES! WE ALL NEED EACH OTHER. I thank you for your presence and courage for those that are the minorities in the shadows. BB my Dear.
Thank you. 😢 I’m in the US and consider myself a safe person. All morning I’ve been posting “know your rights with ICE (immigration control) on all right wing socials”
I’m waiting to see about my schedule to see if I have time to volunteer for ESL (English as second language) for the clients I work with through my job.
Thank you for the calm tone. ❤
Thank you for what you are doing.
It's so hard not to give up. Thanks for reminding us we are not alone.
this is exactly why you're my favorite witch youtuber. many blessings your way, and many more to the people suffering from the nightmare that is happening in the US right now. I am from russia, and i am one of the people who are in constant danger of persecution, but i can't afford fleeing anywhere. i see you. i understand you. please, NEVER let them brainwash you into thinking you're alone, because you're not
I’m not one to comment much on social media anymore but thank you for this. I’m terrified of my future in this country but your words remind me that I’m not alone and I really really needed to hear that.💛
I will never leave this channel. Yes, I live in America. But I feel calm, peaceful. Frumpy does not scare me, and I will speak up and out about the injustices that are happening. He is getting push back, even from the courts. But I am grateful for you and your words. Thank you.
@@Venefica.Small businesses being target and losing to bigger companies here in Ohio for one. Rapists getting away with this crimes because politicians put the money in their pocket instead of in the hands of police who need it to test rape kits,.... there are too many to list. How stupid are you that you can't see what's happening?
Frumpy=invisible. Invisible is a super power
Yesterday, I asked myself what we as witches could do to help. Today, I see this video. New subscriber here. Thank you for this. I live in the states, and I’m not one of the most disempowered people here, but I am a woman and that makes me afraid. But I’m even more afraid for so many people around me. Right now I’m feeling a little afraid for the world frankly. Trying to shut off my fear and turn on my power, and videos like this helps so much. Again, thank you. Blessed be.
THE GODDESS LEAD ME TO YOU!!! I’m so grateful I found you. I’m a 70 year old Black American witch who lives in Northern Virginia. Your message resonates with me on so many levels, I’m sure to many of us. By the way, I subscribed to your channel and intend to spread the word about your channel. I’m looking forward to to your next episode and will catch up on your past videos. BLESSED BE 🧹💜
Thank you. 🙏🏼 My sister and I are disabled crones living in the PNW of the US. Our city, Portland, OR, was a target in the summer of 2020 - it could well happen again in many cities.
Community is critically in this time. Thank you for creating this space. My sister and I send our thanks for your thoughtful words.
Blessed be.❤
Hi. I’m from Portland, but I haven’t lived there in 33 years. I’m planning to move back this spring because I miss it so much and it will always be my own. I just wanted to say hi. I thought would happen in 2020 was absolutely abominable. I have a sister and we are both disabled as well, but I will have to leave her here in the Midwest, because she is too ill to travel. She has people to care for her or I would never leave her, but I must save myself. I have no support system here and I think I’m going to have a nervous breakdown between my own health issues, being isolated, and what’s going on in our government. Take care of yourselves. Blessed be! 💕💕
Thank you Annie! It's been a terrible week here in the U.S. I am so grateful to you for speaking to our shared nightmare.
I’m an American witch living in South Korea for an undetermined length of time, but I’m doing everything I can to learn these survival techniques to tell my friends or use if I even have to return. I was brought to tears by your solidarity. I knew I was watching the right grumpy old chrome.
I've listened to your video twice. It touched me deeply. I am a crone and I have an herb garden. My partner does an amazing job with the vegetable garden. We will share our excess. I am learning to make herbal teas and tinctures. I work in a metaphysical store and have a small circle of women that I practice with. This election has me very upset and afraid, but I am working on standing strong. I have relatives who identify with LGBTQ+ and am very scared for them, but I WILL stand for them!
✊ Power to the People!!!
Proud 60 y.o. disabled lefty emanating love & light! Thank you for seeing us! 🙌
Thank you for this, as a Trans woman, and pagan witch. This was appreciated, and needed. Thank you
You are valid.
@@LunaHelfrich Hello, all trans are safe in any space I have, on-line or 3-D. Correct me if this is in any way wrong, but I don’t need the word ‘trans’ in front of the words ‘man’ and ‘woman’. In my spaces you need only reveal it if you feel you need to. To me you will always be who you present yourself to be and I will always respect that. We must reach out to each other in these troubled times to say ‘you are cared for,you are valued and respected’ because we are community.
Thank you for making me feel less alone! So glad i found you. Brightest of Blessings to you and yours!
The same thing is happening in New Zealand, the luxon government first thing they did was take away vital disability benefits and care. Taking away the rights of the Maori people to have their language written first on place names. I love your message today Annie. Back to basics. This is important. I'm sad and distressed at how people treat each other. It feels as though there has been a sudden and rapid decline in humanity.
Jacinda Ardern is missed deeply
Not to mention the Shane Jones road to total environmental destruction.
Fellow old crone from the UK here, I’m so happy that I found your channel. This video made me cry happy tears, because it feels like I’ve finally found someone like me. Blessed Be!
Thank you for this message, it's so important. I'm American and terrified but I wont give up; they want us to give in without a fight and I'm not about to make anything easy for them.
As some are saying, don’t comply in anticipation!
American witch here 👋 thank you for this. Thank you for using your voice and your platform to stand with us during this nightmare. Blessed be ✨
Well said ♥️ I’m in the U.K. & I’m especially worried for my found family in the US right now.
And quite frankly frightened by the rise of the far right in Europe.
It brings me to tears too 😢
Thank you for reminding me that everything has a season….
Still we stand!
Ancestors by our sides xxxxx
I am a Kentucky born and raised witch. Thank you for your support.
Greetings my fellow Kentucky Witch! I was also born and raised in KY.
Blessed Be, Sister! I’m in the US and I’m scared, but I always persevere. I Rise.
Thank you so much from someone who is in the US and terrified. I have been physically ill ever since the election. I’ve never seen your channel before and I’m so glad I found you. You have gained a new subscriber! I really appreciate this video. 💕💕 Blessed be.
I live in Canada, right on the boarder. At about 2 minutes and 50 seconds I felt my eyes fill with tears.
I feel this call so strongly. Witches, pagan, people of all kinds and ways...let us work together and make some good in this world.
From an American, thank you. This was lovely.
Thank you!!! Your pep talk was like a big hug that was really needed
American Crone here, in ALABAMA specifically- one of the most ignorant, far right, Christian areas possible. I am scared, have been scared for several years, watching the craziness increase.
Thank you; I wasn’t expecting to tear up today but hearing another witch on this subject is terribly moving, and confirmed what I know I have to do. 📚🌿🌑
This video popped up on my feed. I'm an American, an old woman with a broken leg, one cat & a dog, retired. I'm not a witch but I am interested in all religions and practices. Annie, your message really touched me. Thank you.
New subscriber here.
Thank you for this message! I just discovered your channel and I was not expecting that. It was so well said. Thank you again, I needed that. I'm in Canada, so we are scared also by this neighbour who suddenly dispises us (I am not talking about the americans themselves, of course). We are indeed stronger together and we must keep our energies for the good. Now I think I have to plan my garden for spring.
You just popped up after Shirley serban posted. I'm in the cesspool. Loved your message.watched with cat on my lap while hackling wool collecting nebs for needle felting,the top is drop spun into yarn to make functional shawl. Have tried to teach people to forage and grow,was told just give me. Local library just culled books not checked out in 7 years, I am furious and told I don't matter. Gonna take a bit of time,lot of loving support to recover from last week, you made a start.
There is no justice..... just us. Thank you from Athens, GGA USA
I am lower than I've been in months, just lost my job and have to find a place to move by April. I'm stuck in the oppressed state of Ohio, USA and your message is exactly what I needed today. ❤I don't believe in coincidence and I'm glad to have found you. 🎉 I too plan to keep pissing in my jars 😅 that's how I knew I was meant to find you. ❤🎉
Well. I’ve never teared up during one of your videos before. Thank you for seeing us. Thank you for being unequivocally angry for us.
I think we have left the era of rising, though. This is the era of kicking, biting, clawing, and dragging ourselves back to the not particularly stellar place where we used to be.
On the other hand, it’s a good thing we’ve collected all those jars! 😅
@@Shetooktothewoods we are definitely going to need ALL the jars 🤣
I see the darkness and feel the fear. Here to help in anyway I can.
All I am able to do at the moment is keep my vibration high and believe in a better world.
Sending love to those affected by the tower crumbing of the failing systems.
Hope you always manage to find joy to lighten your days.
Thank you so much for this heartfelt message 🙏
Thank you for your wisdom, your support, and your voice
Thank you so much for this post. I was touched to hear how much you truly care about us lesser ones here in the effed up states, but it doesn't assuage my fear. With grim faced anticipation, I am looking at the future. These first 18 months will determine how far the budget cuts go and how bad the suffering will be. I worry how many might end up dying sooner than they might have otherwise.
Thank you, from Massachusetts.
This is the first video I've seen. Not into witchcraft, but subscribing BECAUSE of this video. Thank you.
Oh dear Goddess, did I need to hear this today. Yes, I'm American, and shaking in my boots, not just for myself, but for friends and family. Thank you. Thank you and everyone else out there in the wider world, not only for your energy and love, but for validating the reality of what is transpiring. When you live in the middle of it, you start to think maybe YOU'RE the crazy one. Blessed be to all of you.
Thank you so much. I’m an artist and a poor, queer, single childless woman living with my cats and my family and I definitely fear for my family and my LGBTQ+ friends. You have given me some more hope and a purpose to realize during these trying times - which is a huge gift ❤
I have been lucky enough to buy my first home just a few months ago. I'm chomping at the bit to plant the dying peach tree I got at the end of summer. I've made it healthy again with water from my fish tank. I am hoping to be able to give away peaches from a bountiful harvest. I also want to get a hold of certain plants such as pokeweed and pennyroyal to grow for women in need. I live in Virginia, thank you for your kind words.
It's time to get back to my mountain roots.
Congrats on owning your first home! So exciting!
✨✨✨the peach tree will have birds nesting in it soon✨✨✨
It was no accident that you popped up in my feed this morning. YES! to everything you said so beautifully and passionately. I expect your channel will grow. I’m in Canada, a witch and Crone who is far from asleep in these times. Thank you and Blessed Be.
Beautiful Annie!!! I'm scared for my American friends. Im scared for all of us actually. Please keep yourselves safe out there and help each other ❤
Thank you 💗 from this witch in Vermont
Everyone you are amazing and here for the goodness and kindness you bring to the world. Thank you and Forever Blessed Be.
I found this today, as a baby Christian witch and I needed this deeply. My sister is stuck in Tennessee as a closet witch and we are scared for her as we do live on government help that is being threatened. To know there are other good souls that send out such loving energy helps. Thank you truly ❤
Yes. Pissing in jars indeed. NC USA here. I am beyond grateful that over the past nearly 20 years I have been learning all those things, herbs, food, forage preserve. Thank you for your empathy and please keep posting. I love the giggles.
Just found yall today. I'm in East TN. Let's do this! I'm grateful af I'm in a place I can learn all these things- gardening, canning, foraging , etc. Im from NYC and i miss it daily, but i think I'm in the right spot for the time being, and I have no fear. ❤❤❤