"Welcome to Pokemon Direct. Today we are introducing our new titles for the Nintendo Switch. It is called: Pokemon Charizard, and Pokemon Blastoise. We will be releasing a Pokemon Venusaur later on." John: "Why are they called that???" "In Pokemon Charizard, we have a new 40 type swapped Charizards. In Pokemon Blastoise, we have a different set of 40 type swapped Charizards. We will be introducing a new 40 type swapped Pokemon for Pokemon Venusaur. Try and guess what they are before it releases!" John: "Yes but why are they called that they're all about Charizard" "Oh also by the way only Pokemon Charizard is real because who cares about any of the other Pokemon!?!?!?!?" *Leaves accompanied heavy by booing*
Ces dessins sont incroyables 😻 et extrêmement stylés 🤩🤩🤩 ! Peut-être dans la dixième génération de la série Pokémon, il y aura tous ces types de DRACAUFEU qui feront connaissance dans toute partie de la région peuplée de Pokémon. Même si ceux-ci sont très familiers, les fans pourront peut êtres se réjouir de voir si c’est intéressant 🤔 ou pas ?
@@justinanglin6710 there is already a normal flying type in the video. We need pure flying. And it can learn moves that make since for it to learn like Scratch. Not just flying type moves.
My take on the names. I tried to also incorporate the secondary flying type into them as well. Bug: Mosquizard (Mosquito lizard, as that's the insect it most resembles to me) Dark: Reapizard (Reaper lizard, the Grim Reaper is often shown levitating) Dragon: Drakizard (Greek 'drakon' meaning dragon, which can fly already) Electric: Boltizard (Bolt lizard, as in lightning bolts which travel through the air) Fairy: Spritizard (Sprite lizard, an alternate name for fairies, which again can fly already) Fighting: Martizard (Martial lizard, as in martial arts, no real connection to flying!) Fire: Charizard (the OG!) Flying: Soarizard (Soaring lizard, obviously flying, included for completeness) Ghost: Ostizard (Greek 'osteon' meaning bone, as it's head and wings are bones) Grass: Folizard (Foliage lizard, no connection to flying other than it's a partial anagram of airfoil) Ground: Dustizard (Dust lizard, dust storms can fill the air) Ice: Frostizard (Frost lizard, frost comes down from the air) Normal: Reptizard (Reptile lizard, a basic lizard) Poison: Miasmizard (Miasma lizard, bad air thought to cause disease) Psychic: Hallucizard (Hallucination lizard, hallucinations can sometimes make you think you're flying!) Rock: Metizard (Meteor lizard, meteors are rocks which fly through the air) Steel: Bladizard (Blade lizard, plane propeller blades can be made out of metal) Water: Sailizard (Sail lizard, boats' sails catch the wind)
Right? it would make so much sense to have such a concept to keep it fresh and playable for ages and means poor Ash stays ten for 6 more seasons probably lol
"Welcome to Pokemon Direct. Today we are introducing our new titles for the Nintendo Switch. It is called: Pokemon Charizard, and Pokemon Blastoise. We will be releasing a Pokemon Venusaur later on." John: "Why are they called that???" "In Pokemon Charizard, we have a new 40 type swapped Charizards. In Pokemon Blastoise, we have a different set of 40 type swapped Charizards. We will be introducing a new 40 type swapped Pokemon for Pokemon Venusaur. Try and guess what they are before it releases!" John: "Yes but why are they called that they're all about Charizard" "Oh also by the way only Pokemon Charizard is real because who cares about any of the other Pokemon!?!?!?!?" *Leaves accompanied heavy by booing*
that its not a char and havent fire type... he shouldnt be so... he just did a fusion with char and snorlax... but now his type are fire and normal he he have some mini wings but dont seem a Flying type
I think you missed on making the rock/flying type something about levitating rocks, thinking maybe it evolves only if it knows stealth rock. obligatory "not hating" disclamer I just think those who have the talent/the skills to draw should be more daring! It kinda feels like reskins idk. Btw I really liked the psychic one with those hypnotic colors!
Whenever normal type comes in mind snorlax gets the the attention We: hmm what shall we do for a normal type, o shit forgot snorlax Slaking:Aww man he always gets the attention
I think dark, steel and electric were my favourite type swaps. would be really cool if the dark Charizard was its whole own pokemon but it would be typed as a dark/ dragon type instead or even a dark/ steel type would be fitting as well.
Dude you're so talented I hope u never stop doing this art p.s I love Charizard and the water and ghost electric type so I love them so much good job dude
I like your all designs of charizard's all typings But by seeing your design I think that A REGIONAL VARIANT of charizard should need to be happen and it will be then most coolest thing eveeeerrrrr in pokemon makers of pokemon should think about it As we know how popular is charizard And it's regional variant will increase it's popularity more and more
Fire: Charizard
Ice: Hailizard
Grass: Shrubizard
Fighting: Injurzard
Dragon: Scratizard
Steel: Metazard
Ground: Graizard
Bug: Flebuzzard
Dark: Vernizard
Fairy: Prettizard
Psychic: Fortizard
Ghost: Creepizard
Water: Splaswizard
Rock: Stonizard
Electric: Lectrizard
Poison: Toxizard
Normal: Raptozard.
Your so right
Bug: Pollizard
Bug: Lizard
GameFreak: Write that down, write that down!
😂😂😂😂We shall dub thee Element evolution!
If you don’t know Charles The French my day will be ruined
@@lightningjaguar5625 same Charles is underrated
"Welcome to Pokemon Direct. Today we are introducing our new titles for the Nintendo Switch. It is called: Pokemon Charizard, and Pokemon Blastoise. We will be releasing a Pokemon Venusaur later on." John: "Why are they called that???" "In Pokemon Charizard, we have a new 40 type swapped Charizards. In Pokemon Blastoise, we have a different set of 40 type swapped Charizards. We will be introducing a new 40 type swapped Pokemon for Pokemon Venusaur. Try and guess what they are before it releases!" John: "Yes but why are they called that they're all about Charizard"
"Oh also by the way only Pokemon Charizard is real because who cares about any of the other Pokemon!?!?!?!?" *Leaves accompanied heavy by booing*
@@asherhovell They don't think this, they just like to pretend to.
This dude can create his own anime using only these charizards, and we'll still watch it.
How to train your Charizard
Yeah lol that would look like the charizard mahem
The adventures of charizard
Dragon City? xD
@jordan warren if toothless was a pokemon he would be a dragon and dark type
Ice 0:56
Grass 1:51
Fighting 2:48
Dragon 3:41
Steel 4:36
Ground 5:30
Bug 6:26
Dark 7:23
Fairy 8:27
Psychic 9:13
Ghost 10:06
Water 11:02
Rock 11:57
Electric 12:50
Poison 13:47
Normal 15:00
Your welcome guys
pls like my comment
Ces dessins sont incroyables 😻 et extrêmement stylés 🤩🤩🤩 ! Peut-être dans la dixième génération de la série Pokémon, il y aura tous ces types de DRACAUFEU qui feront connaissance dans toute partie de la région peuplée de Pokémon. Même si ceux-ci sont très familiers, les fans pourront peut êtres se réjouir de voir si c’est intéressant 🤔 ou pas ?
I like how every fighting type has the same tape around it's limbs
Well there’s only one type of store in pokemon
Those are bandages
I thought it was tp
You mean handwraps ? Looool
Can’t believe he didn’t retype Charizard to a flying flying type
Ikr what a disappointment -.-
(Im joking don't hate)
It would have been normal flying and if he did he could have given it bird wingssss
Ngl a pure flying type would be nice...
That would just mean it would only have flying and normal type moves
@@justinanglin6710 there is already a normal flying type in the video. We need pure flying. And it can learn moves that make since for it to learn like Scratch. Not just flying type moves.
Have a nice day !!!
Shin Art it's amazing art I'm trying to draw pokèmon without a base
Have a nice day for you too
Lelouch vi Britannia I hope everyone is having a great day
I love it
**Draws dragon type charizard**
Everyone: Wait, that's illegal
Edit: Thanks for the likes!
Wait... why? Is it bc charizard is a dragon already?
@@glow713 no charizard isent a dragon type the , only mega charizard X is a dragon type
@@glow713 because he looks like he would be a dragon type but he isn’t
All of you guys sound like Iris 😄
Charizard is a combination of dragon and dinosaur
Ice is just beautiful 😁
Thanks shin art
All your draws are beautiful
Can you make 18 types Zoroark pokemon type swap please 😊
Thank you
Ice type charzard looks like mega charzard x
My man's just did all of gamefreak's work for the next 10 gens
All Charizards :->
0:55 - Ice.
1:50 - Grass.
2:45 - Fighting.
3:40 - Dragon.
4:35 - Steel.
5:30 - Ground.
6:25 - Bug.
7:20 - Dark.
8:15 - Fairy.
9:10 - Psychic.
10:05 - Ghost.
11:00 - Water.
11:55 - Rock.
12:50 - Electric.
13:45 - Poison.
14:40 - Normal.
Fun fact- They aren't 18..
They are 16..
I read the fun fact and i was just like:👁👄👁 HOW DARE YOUUUUU
16 + fire and flying 18
@@judicaelperchet42 Charizard is both fire+flying type..
... because i'm genius 🤔🤪🤫
Why can‘t Pokémon hire people like this guy to make new Pokémon?
Yeah, like Rom from TrueGreen7.. Check his channel, he makes awesome pkemon designs!
That would be awesome
Man I like that fighting type. That scar in his eye make him cool.
The shading you do at the end of each drawing is really great. Awesome as always!
It's the one that satisfies the most
@@rafael29655 r u pilipino?
Nice! This is so cool. I especially Love the ground - flying one!
My Favorite is Ice Type (0:55) & Ghost Type (10:05)
I agree with ya
My too
Ghost type is really cool and also like androxus(a paladin character)
So cool ! Especially ghost type !
0:55 ヒヤシドン(こおり)
1:51 クサードン(草)
2:46 コブシドン(かくとう)
3:39 タツードン(ドラゴン)
4:35 カチカチドン(はがね)
5:30 グラードン(じめん)
6:29 インセクドン(むし)
7:29 ワイルドン(あく)
8:17 フェアードン(フェアリー)
9:09 サイコドン(エスパー)
10:08 メガガラガラ(ゴースト)
10:59 ウオノドン(みず)
11:55 オイドン(いわ)
12:50 シビルドン(でんき)
13:45 ドクリザドン(どく)
14:41 カイリュウ
Lol That Pshycic Charizard Eye😂😂😂😂
Ghost was my favorite by far, water and steel are pretty good too
Que decis
These are the best Pokemon type swaps I’ve ever seen!!
My favourite is the dark flying charizard
Great video! The normal charizard like a dépressive charizard🤣
Dragon and dark version are so coooooool!
Psychic: *RAWR*
Ghost is awesome
Water: *BE* *AFRAID*
These Char-volutions are amazing! 😀
This is some good ass creativity, nintendo should hire you.
Bro carry on!!!
Awesome creations of Charizard.
I love that!!!
Not joking. I'm serious!!!.
Bro still carry on!! 😎😎👍👍😘😘
I like the steel/flying, it's so cool
This is so good and charizard is my favourite main fire type Pokémon 😊 keep up the good work ☺️👍
Nintendo should make this guy their designer
@Andris Balogh we need more
@Andris Balogh we don’t need any more. We need many more
Super drawing nice 😍 ❤
What I love about all of these videos is that they all look completely different, but it’s still obvious what the original Pokémon was.
Awesome drawings
Game Freak: So we need some new pokemons
Also Game Freak:
i love ur art man.great content
My take on the names. I tried to also incorporate the secondary flying type into them as well.
Bug: Mosquizard (Mosquito lizard, as that's the insect it most resembles to me)
Dark: Reapizard (Reaper lizard, the Grim Reaper is often shown levitating)
Dragon: Drakizard (Greek 'drakon' meaning dragon, which can fly already)
Electric: Boltizard (Bolt lizard, as in lightning bolts which travel through the air)
Fairy: Spritizard (Sprite lizard, an alternate name for fairies, which again can fly already)
Fighting: Martizard (Martial lizard, as in martial arts, no real connection to flying!)
Fire: Charizard (the OG!)
Flying: Soarizard (Soaring lizard, obviously flying, included for completeness)
Ghost: Ostizard (Greek 'osteon' meaning bone, as it's head and wings are bones)
Grass: Folizard (Foliage lizard, no connection to flying other than it's a partial anagram of airfoil)
Ground: Dustizard (Dust lizard, dust storms can fill the air)
Ice: Frostizard (Frost lizard, frost comes down from the air)
Normal: Reptizard (Reptile lizard, a basic lizard)
Poison: Miasmizard (Miasma lizard, bad air thought to cause disease)
Psychic: Hallucizard (Hallucination lizard, hallucinations can sometimes make you think you're flying!)
Rock: Metizard (Meteor lizard, meteors are rocks which fly through the air)
Steel: Bladizard (Blade lizard, plane propeller blades can be made out of metal)
Water: Sailizard (Sail lizard, boats' sails catch the wind)
Power to the Fans!!!!
Fire - Charizard
Water - Hydrozard
Grass - Plantizard
Bug - Buggizard
Fighting - Punchizard
Ghost - Soulizard
Psychic - Psyzard
Flying - Airizard
Fairy - Cutizard
Rock - Stonizard
Electric - Electrozard
Normal - Lizard?
Ice - Freezizard
Poison - Venozard
Dark - Darkizard
Steel - Steelizard
Ground - Earthizard
Dragon - Dragozard
Ha! Did anyone else feel like the electric type charizard timelapse went faster then the others, then I was like " oh wait it's an electric type"lol 😂
All the designs are best.Simply Marvelous!!!
Lol I like how "normal" charizard looks exactly like charizard but as a toon 😅
so nice.i love this episode..and i love the ghost one😍😍
Good job
You are more better than Game freak 👏👏👏👏
Suggested names:
Charihazard for poison type
Chariwizard for psychic
Chariblizzard for ice
Normal Type Charizard is the crackhead version of the original one 😂
Great vid and great work buddy!!! Cheers
Me: i think thats enough for today watching Shin Art videos
*new video uploaded*
You are the best charzard maker ever.
Quick delete this video before game freak takes this as an actual idea
Right? it would make so much sense to have such a concept to keep it fresh and playable for ages and means poor Ash stays ten for 6 more seasons probably lol
@@pyroteknik664 he means because There is like 50 charizards now and he is overrated
"Welcome to Pokemon Direct. Today we are introducing our new titles for the Nintendo Switch. It is called: Pokemon Charizard, and Pokemon Blastoise. We will be releasing a Pokemon Venusaur later on." John: "Why are they called that???" "In Pokemon Charizard, we have a new 40 type swapped Charizards. In Pokemon Blastoise, we have a different set of 40 type swapped Charizards. We will be introducing a new 40 type swapped Pokemon for Pokemon Venusaur. Try and guess what they are before it releases!" John: "Yes but why are they called that they're all about Charizard"
"Oh also by the way only Pokemon Charizard is real because who cares about any of the other Pokemon!?!?!?!?" *Leaves accompanied heavy by booing*
Get rid of the bug charzard
@@AxoM2 Charizard is never overrated, he always delivers
These are sick
14:30 I don't think it should have a flame of it were normal type but it's still good
That’s what I said when I saw it
I love your drawing you have a cool imagination
"Water type charizard"
Gyaradose - 'am I a joke to you'
Yeah much better than that charizard
Dragon type bro
I feel bad for gyarados
He worked so jard as a magikarp to evolve and all his hard work wasted
Bro the gosht and dark variation had me jumping they were so dope!!! Next up, shiny forms 😆. Excellent work!👏🏻🔥
7:03 'congratulations! your anthropomorphic endermite evolved into the ender dragon!'
That's was awesome! Do you do altered!?
I see a lot of time flowing for this incredible work
Your drawing is so cool 👍👍👍👍👍
Why normal type has fire on his tail
But why not in other types
@@krishnapanda5664 Are you dumb?
@@zackbornaotaku5229 are you weeb?
@Rachel Schuman-Cook then why dragon type does not have fire on his tail??
that its not a char and havent fire type... he shouldnt be so... he just did a fusion with char and snorlax... but now his type are fire and normal he he have some mini wings but dont seem a Flying type
If only gamefreak were this good
Idk y, but i get dragon city vibes from this
I like the splotch like designs on the grass one, it looks cool.
Let's play Who's that Pokemon game : th-cam.com/video/C5sq2UwCubE/w-d-xo.html
That sounds fun
@@ultimatebeastaj2962 me roo
Hiii, shin
In the normal type there is fire 🔥 in he's tail .why?
bruh nice art awesome content and vids
0:56 ice Charizard
1:50 grass Charizard
2:46 fighting Charizard
3:44 dragon Charizard
4:36 steel Charizard
5:31 ground Charizard
Game freak give this guy a job everyone are waiting
Shin art art is the most creative person I hv ever seen like if u agree wid me
Dope bro ! Mad talent
I think you missed on making the rock/flying type something about levitating rocks, thinking maybe it evolves only if it knows stealth rock. obligatory "not hating" disclamer I just think those who have the talent/the skills to draw should be more daring! It kinda feels like reskins idk. Btw I really liked the psychic one with those hypnotic colors!
But all of these are F*ing Dope good job homie
This should be in Pokémon, like Evie evolution .
I think you mean eevee, right
the pokemon team, wanting more charizard forms: "write that down! Write that down!"
Whenever normal type comes in mind snorlax gets the the attention
We: hmm what shall we do for a normal type, o shit forgot snorlax
Slaking:Aww man he always gets the attention
I just discovered this channel last night and ph my goodness am I already impressed
Ur pfps a salamence
@@me3181 it’s my favorite Pokémon, what about it my friend?
Its cool :]
Also one of my faves too :D
The fighting type one was def my favorite
I enjoyed the grass one. But grass types are generally my favourites so probably some bias there
Hahahah well same here bub
You are an amazing artist
Best artist i know😊😊
Love ur vids
I think dark, steel and electric were my favourite type swaps. would be really cool if the dark Charizard was its whole own pokemon but it would be typed as a dark/ dragon type instead or even a dark/ steel type would be fitting as well.
OK, Game freak we NEED these I love them!!!!!
In a alternative universe all of these typing were real
I would love to see that, but how the frick would the rock type fly?
You are so good at art
Shin draw rock type charizard and can fly
Me: *Wait! That's Illegal*
Your drawing is awesome
Names =
1. Ice type: Frostzard.
2. Grass type: Leafzard
3. Fighting type: Champizard.
4. Dragon type: Dragonzard.
5. Steel type: Axezard.
6. Ground type: Sandzard.
7. Bug type: Insectzard.
8. Dark type: Knightzard.
9. Fairy type: Valentzard.
10. Psychic type: Espyzard.
11. Ghost type: Phantomzard.
12. Water type: Vaporizard.
13. Rock type: Stonezard.
14. Electric type: Raizard.
15. Posion type: Toxiczard.
16. Normal type: Hyzard. (I dont know what to name it...)
Too much to vaporeon and espeon
I'd name Champizard, Knucklizard.
Poison : hazard
Just vibin' with the song while watching these satisfying creations I can never make
Me: Mom can we have Zapdos?
Mom: We have Zapdos at home.
Zapdos at home: 12:52
Dude you're so talented I hope u never stop doing this art p.s I love Charizard and the water and ghost electric type so I love them so much good job dude
I like your all designs of charizard's all typings
But by seeing your design I think that A REGIONAL VARIANT of charizard should need to be happen and it will be then most coolest thing eveeeerrrrr in
makers of pokemon should think about it
As we know how popular is charizard
And it's regional variant will increase it's popularity more and more
Yoo that’s actually INSANE
18 types golisopod, pls ex: grass/bug fire/bug ecc.
Bro you talented!
Fire: Charizard
Ice: Chillizard
Grass: Gardizard
Water: Ocealizard
Dark: Ominizard
Ghost: Ghoulizard
Psychic: Wizzard
Steel: Robozard
Fighting: Brutizard
Electric: Boltizard
Fairy: Pixilizard
Dragon: Dracozard
Ground: Mountizard
Bug: Buzzard
Poison: Toxilizard
Rock: Crystizard
Normal: Raptozard
Edit: I missed a few types so I had to check what they were.
Dig Wizzard 👌
Eh there's some good ones but not seeing alot
Copied, this isn't your idea
I love your art
Missed opportunity: steel-flying as archangel from x-men
This is amazing bro!
me: sees a fighting and flying type.
also me: wait a minute.... THATS ILLEAGLE!!
game freak loved this idea