I wanted a story that ends, something that elaborates on the existing material without the overshadowing idea of "we can milk this for 2 more movies". Star Wars does not need to be done in Trilogies
Robert Wojciechowski ....isn't that the point of these spin offs? Why not have both? I don't think its fair for criticising what is intentionally a large plot spanning several movies as not being "self contained"....when its not supposed to be. Its like me criticising a game like tetris for not having a story.
Strong Bad I mean you are right in a way, but we cannot really even judge or critique TFA until the other 2 movies are out by that thought process. We essentially have only seen 1/3 the intended story. RO interested me a LOT more than TFA seeing how it elaborates on the story material instead of creating things out of thin air. In addition I always wanted to see more into what it is to be a Rebal, or what it is to be in the Empire. Not just good guys and bad guys shooting each other in space ships. They went into depth in RO showing that the good guys have their evil side and the bad guys are not all bad, some are just scientists that are trying their best.
Robert Wojciechowski " I mean you are right in a way, but we cannot really even judge or critique TFA until the other 2 movies are out by that thought process. We essentially have only seen 1/3 the intended story." ....I mean yes. It does kind of annoy me when people just disregard TFA as having a bunch of plotholes, when the answers to these questions are intentionally left blank. Its not fair and all it does is make them look like fools when the other moves DO come out and address those points. "RO interested me a LOT more than TFA seeing how it elaborates on the story material instead of creating things out of thin air." Depends on what you look for in a movie, I can point out an entire segment of the fanbase that HATE retelling the same story and want something entirely new. So I think a healthy balance is needed here.
Exactly. I would have been taken out of the immersion more if it was some look alike pretending to be him. No it wasn't perfect CGI but i'll be damned if it wasn't excellent work by both the visual fx team and the actually actor who portrayed him.
I get that Tarkin was needed. But the CGI face didn't have to be there as much as it was supposed to. There's 10 minutes of it. Like you could have the back of his head. Like it works in very small scenes. Like in Civil War, the de-aged RDJ is on the screen for a minute and then done.
MAJOR SPOILER PROBABLY READ AT YOIR OWN RISK *********** So the last scene with darth Vader chasing down the rebels with the plans was the first time I actually got goosebumps and was scared of a Star Wars villain. The acting and desperation of the rebels trying to get through the broken door on the ship, while darth Vader is mercilessly and effortlessly cutting down and choking everyone as he passes by, to the part where the last rebel sticks his hand through the door and hands off the plans before he's also stabbed to keep them safe... This was shot and acted so well I felt like I was trapped in the room with Vader. It was intense, and is now probably my favorite Star Wars moment ever.
I just got to the part where Adam talked about it. Probably should have watched through to the end but I just wanted to get my excitement by for that scene. It was so good. Like SOOOOO good.
Scylaxius honestly my favorite part of the movie. That's how you do a Sith Lord. Jedis are called hear beacons of hope for the force. Siths are monsters that bring death through the force. Powerful
Scylaxius I would vote that to be the darkest moment, the culling of the padawans is second only because it was NOT as graphic as that last scene. goosebumps seriously
That scene redeemed the scare factor that Vader is supposed to have. His first scene in Rogue One wasn't scary at all. "Don't choke on your aspirations". Really?? A sith lord who makes puns?? But thank God for that last scene.
SPOILERS: The biggest thing that i enjoyed about this movie is that they set up how terrifying the Empire actually is. In all other movies, you only really get a glimpse of how powerful they are, but those movies are set up as underdog stories so you know the good guys are going to win. Even knowing that every character dies by the end and the mission is a success, the movie creates that suspense where James compares to a spy thriller and a horror scene with Darth Vader. That build up of suspense made the appearance of the entire Alliance fleet much more powerful because it sets up the scale of how important this mission is. We're not supposed to necessarily care about the main cast themselves, but their mission is what really matters and that separation from the other movies in the franchise brings a whole new scale that we have yet to see. Also the Death Star in this movie was absolute nightmare fuel. Even in The Force Awakens, they disconnect you from the destruction by cutting to wide-shots or shots of people watching planets far away being destroyed. This one is like watching a nuclear explosion go off and your directly in its path. There is no hiding from it, you need to fucking run. The destruction is on a much smaller scale, but it feels larger and has more impact than destroying entire planets. It gives you the chance to not only fear this weapon, but appreciate how powerful it is. Overall id say that so far, this is one of my favorite Star Wars movies, if not my absolute favorite. There were so many well thought out scenes in this movie that puts the actualy WAR in Star Wars. This was the Saving Pvt. Ryan of Star Wars
the thing i liked most about the movie was an explanation of why it was so easy to blow up the death Star. all those jokes about an idiot architect doing a shitty job, leaving an obviously huge flaw like that are now obsolete. I loved that it now was on purpose
I think they overused Tarkin to a degree. The CGI was noticebale, but not bad, however I think it would have been better served if Tarkin didn't have such close up face shots - if they kept the distance, or have him talking with shots of his reflection on the windows like his very first scene, it would have been easier to get away with.
Qsaws One person clapped at the Spiderman Homecoming trailer and a few points in the movie. At first is was annoying but I kind of respected them after awhile because they stuck with it even though they were the only one clapping.
I bet 75% of the people watching in my theater have no clue what was going on in the movie nor they have knowledge of the franchise but they still clapped at the end because the movie was just so enjoyable, especially at the end.
I don't like it but I can UNDERSTAND why people do it after the plane has landed. People get nervous and all that, sure. After a movie? The fuck is wrong with you people? It happend after I saw it too and it is pretty common. And this is northern Europe.
Megaproductions302 I understand this. I said, that FOR ME TFA is an alternative universe. Because I prefer even Dark Forces and Jedi Knight a lot more than that movie.
I mean....I liked the fight too. But if your ENTIRE perception of a film changes based off a 30 second action scene made for fan service....then you probably need to re-examine what you look for in a movie.
Strong Bad nah sometimes a movie can be teetering between a meh movie to a "wow this movie has great fight scenes I will recommend this movie. it is now memorable"
Tim Johnson I disagree. He was in there for the perfect amount of time. The WORST thing they can do is overuse him, otherwise scenes like that lose their impact. The fact that you want more means they did their job right.
I thought they did a great job with Tarkin. I was totally into it whenever he was on screen, and I thought his CGI was really well-done. Granted, the lighting was always manipulated to cast deep shadows on his face, which helped, but Guy Henry still did an amazing job with the voice and body movements.
your not the only one. I thought the mofo was still alive it was that good. Did you see it in IMAX? Because I bet they did and it was probably easier to tell on IMAX that it was cgi
probably not, i mean it was technically pretty amazing.However it is so obvious and do distracting when put into the context of real life characters, it took me out of the fantasy of the movie immediately and whenever he came into view i lost any sense of immersion in that scene
im glad im not the only one that completely forgot the characters, even their names. the end made the whole thing though and perfectly tied into episode 4
"It doesn't match up tonally to A New Hope when they just lost a battle minutes or hours earlier." ... Dude, the opening crawl of A New Hope says that the Rebels just won their first major victory against the Empire and stole the Death Star plans. It matches up perfectly. >_>;
I had a dream that I was Joel and I was providing sniper support for the other Funhaus members. They were on jet skis and I had to defend them from all the aquatic wildlife (whales and dolphins mainly). Then a command came up "Press Y to Refresh" which caused me spray myself with cologne. Afterward I wanted to jump off the skyscraper like a badass, but kept on reminding myself that I hadn't checked to see if I had a parachute. At the last second I realized I didn't have a parachute and took the elevator down instead.
What I really liked about this movie was it's approach to scale which Gareth Edwards does really well. For example, when you see the AT-ACT for the first time, it's come out from the smoke, I really felt like that was a "holy shit, we're fucked" moment.
You needed Tarkin because it sets him up for ep 4. He is the one in command of the Death Star so it makes sence for him to be in a movie about the death star. The CGI wasn't that good for him and Leia but it made sence for him to be there.
Complaining about CG Tarkin not being perfect is ridiculous. Graphics will improve in time but they are working at the cutting edge of what is available.
Progress is progress either way. I just think this way leads to more interesting views on the future of cinema. Death is no longer an excuse for actors. So like lets say someone signs on to be the main character for 6 movies, and they die half way through.... They can just keep doing them....
+Robert Wojciechowski ...and making them look like awkward CGI mutants. Filmmakers have been using CGI to bring dead actors back to life for more than 20 years and it still looks out of place and only gets worse with time. 10 years from now people will laugh at Tarkin's and Leia's faces.
That's what they did. They hired Guy Henry, a 56-year-old British actor to play him and they did the digital overlay. I think he even copied Tarkin's voice by himself. Were you thinking an Actor that looked even more like Peter Cushing and a lot less CG work?
Why would they laugh? Cheesy and sub-par effects of the past in movies have become a given, especially in the sci-fi scene. Technology is getting better every day and with that these techniques evolve. Tarkin and Leia were the latest and greatest.
Peppermint Butler I'm sure they want to make sure they're producing good watchable entertaining videos but them sitting in front of Adams computer talking about movies shouldn't cost too much right?..
Peppermint Butler I've always wondered this, what about producing a podcast costs money? After the initial setup costs, doesn't it just essentially cost their time? Even with four of them, it seems difficult to not overcome the costs of having them talk for an hour between the TH-cam money and in video sponsors
James Brincefield to be fair, it's not like there is a lot of video game news worth talking about. They'll likely talk about vydia when they get to next week's podcast, since it's the last one of the year.
Has anyone else postulated that the movie's screenplay may have been written backwards? We've been expressing so much praise for the 3rd act that the beginning of the story of Rogue One is drastically blown out of the water in quality by the ending (both in story-telling as well as tenacity).
Personally for me, the appearance of senator organa during the meeting of the rebels before theassaulf on scarif, was when it moved from "another" Star wars movie to a movie that has an important place in the franchise. His addition showed an attention to detail a continuing the plot from 3 in a way I hadn't seen in Star wars before
I feel that with any production, there are at least 2 principles: 1. Make it appealing (sounds simple, but know what you want and what you want your audience to experience). 2. The most exciting parts should be the opening and the climax/ending (MOST, not only).
LMAO LAWRENCE BRINGING UP YURI ON ICE! What a hero for anime! Yuri on Ice! is actually just hilarious to watch for me. It's so unapologetically gay that I can't help but love it.
James, not everyone in the Empire got a Blu-Ray of Vader's greatest hits. He wasn't the poster boy for the Empire, he was an assassin, a walking tank, the MOAB you throw into something when you want to cut your losses. His work became the Empire's work, just as Tarkin took credit for the Death Star, the Empire takes credit for Vader's dirty work
I like how they explained the plothole of the deathstars ridiculous weakness from the original movie and how they wrapped up all the lose ends by literally just killing everyone off so it didnt need to be explained where they were in 4 5 and 6
James, you're super right about the conscious decisions they made in the set design (14 min mark). Similarly, I couldn't help but notice all of the super 70s sideburns and mustaches the characters had... just another example that reinforces your point.
i think it tied in perfectly with a new hope, it also ties together a few loose ends of a new hope as well. Like Vader saying the death star is insignificant to the power of the force, because we learn that the death star is powered by kyber crystals. also how there is an empty chair in the scene of all the generals talking and in rogue one how somebody just got killed recently lol pretty cool and makes both movies better in my opinion.
You can see Bruce's face when James starts to talk about vader being like "Shut up, what are you talking about Old Guard? I will smack the shit out of you"
Are there any reviewers out there who give two scores for movies? Say for example one score judging the film in a more general sense and another for pure enjoyment of the content to avoid any kind bias? I'm coming to the conclusion that I can't trust most critics anymore because they're either strongly biased toward pure fun factor or artsy critics who judge it very harshly. 6.5 for general score 7.5 for enjoyment IMO
***** *strongly* biased. As in its good but I'm a shit film school student so I hate it because it's not Casablanca. That's what I want to avoid. STRONG bias.
25:00 no, the Empire did lose, you're right. But the crawl of ANH tells us the same...I almost always viewed the start of ANH as them being both pissed and after something.
When James talked about all the little things they did in the movie like using cardboard instead of 3D printed models. I jumped out of my seat because I thought I was the only one who saw that.
Me either. He wasn't nearly as snarky as Han is. I think they're just connecting him being morally neutral to Han but I don't think the characters are that much similar after that.
Short Answer: It's alright. Long Answer: It's no Empire like people say it is, and that's fine. A lot of lore inconsistencies (even disregarding the EU) and the final act is right out of Halo Reach. Probably better than Episodes 1, 2, and 4/7, but not as good as 3, 5, 6.
What lore did it contradict? As far as I know, the new canon never touches this specific period of Star Wars history. P.S Way better than 3....just sayin
Strong Bad It doesn't break any major lore or anything, it's mostly small things that kinda contradict small things already in the original trilogy. Like Vader's suit, Ackbar just...missing altogether, that one line in ANH where the plans were beamed to the Tantive, and some other smaller, nitpicky things. It doesn't break a lot of canon, but it neglects a lot as well. And eh, I love episode 3 so personal bias I guess. Also you're right, Bothans were in Episode 6.
***** Fair enough. Though fun fact, the Vader suit you see in this movie is modelled directly after the suit used in the original episode 4, right down to the copper/bronze eyes.
xXMinniNinJaXx I'd say it's better than the force awakens (which I also enjoy) but ain't better than the originals. And that isn't nostalgia talking really, I saw the prequels first
One of the things I liked best about force awakens was the light saber battles. Instead of being your typical blackflips, stunts, twists and twirls while sword fighting, it was far more savage, with brute force swinging the sword and felt far more real. I hope the light saber fights continue to be like that in future films, seeing as the light saber battles don't need to be flashy- the flashy aspects can come from the force powers.
in terms of movies that were shot years apart and had to line up at the end, I think the thing from 2011 did an excellent job lining up with John Carpenters the thing from 1983
I personally loved Rogue One, I was so amazed specially since I never expected it to be this good. I totally agree with you guys (except with James for comparing it to Transformers xD jesus I always feel like leaving the theatre every movie but I do it for my little cousin so it's ok, I see some robots fight)
The whole 'diplomatic mission' thing was a bald faced lie right from the get go, the very first scene we have past the intro scroll was the Tantive and the Devastator shooting at each other while in a chase, then when the Tantive gets immobilised, the Rebels and Stormtroopers gunning it out on sight. The Star Destroyer would have hailed Leias ship to order them to stop to be searched, if they complied then that lie could have worked. But as is there's no way Vader would have even considered it a possibility. Also I imagine having the plans slip though your fingers at the last second, with every Rebel officer lying to your face about the plans and mission, would have left anyone in a pissy mood, and with Vader being part of a cult that glorifies their lack of emotional control (as it's what they channel their power with), it makes sense that he would be so angry.
i cant believe my eyes. you guys actually put the movie "Dunyayi Kurtaran Adam" in the background. I wasnt expecting that laugh. Keep on surprising. lol
i love when adam goes "i like when people get to give a unique take on a universe" and acknowledge things change and people have different visions. then last jedi comes out and suddenly its "star wars isnt special anymore"
Jesus christ Laurence, do u just beleive everything u read on buzzfeed? "conservative backlash on the film" "#dumpstarwars" a literal hashtag with like 15 tweets before buzzfeed blogged about it
i mean, an extremist conservative back lash... yeah it was.. chill dude he's just calling it how he sees it, it's not a huge deal nor was he speaking to an audience that should look too much into it. you'll be ight
People like you always confuse me. Unless you're a genuine, self acknowledged racist or sexist, what could possibly be wrong with being progressive? Plus, the movie wasn't affected in any way by the casting of lead female, or a 'light brown' Spanish-sounding bloke. If anything it works more. It's always jarring to me when you have a film (not to mention a film based in space, without any geographical base) where every person in the cast is a white american.
I think part of the reason the names weren't pounded into your head, is to show that in the end, these people's sacrifices mattered, but you didn't need to know who they were. Much like real war, we don't know the names of every person who makes an incredible sacrifice, but we are grateful that someone did it. Personally loved Rogue One. I love seeing average people (no Force) do extraordinary things for the good of all.
So did you enjoy the movie or no? Cause from your comment it doesn't seem like you did. And I absolutely agree with you if that's the case. I'm so sick of people acting like this movie was good. Or giving it a pass just because it's a Star Wars movie. Since anyone who has ever seen the Star Wars movies, you know that, spoiler alert, they get the death star plans. So, with that being the case, the movie needed to have good characters. And it didn't. They were boring beyond belief.
TPWWGaming No I didn't enjoy the movie. I thought the characters were lifeless and forget able. I also found some of the action scenes to be boring. I won't congratulate Disney on making yet another Star Wars fan film/love letter to the original trilogy. Those movies are great because they set up the universe. An say what you will about Lucas but at least the prequels added to Star Wars in a significant way for better or for worse. People are seriously saying this movie is amazing because of one big fight scene and because of one Vader scene. I'm all for nostalgia when it's warrented but Star Wars is so much more than the first 3 movies. If Disney had any balls I would be getting a Kyle Katar spin off or an Old Republic spin off. Not a fucking Han Solo movie. The last scene with Leia sums up how I feel about this movie. One big eye role.
"We didnt need this movie" what does that even mean? You dont need any movie, and if you think you "need" a movie to watch it than dont go and watch a movie you dont think you "need"
I really appreciate Benson's opinions about Rogue One and the Dave/Jeffy story. What an enlightened, brilliant mind.
Rogue one was the Star Wars movie I wanted from The Force Awakens
You wanted a gritty war movie where everyone dies? Not much of a trilogy there, but ok.
I wanted a story that ends, something that elaborates on the existing material without the overshadowing idea of "we can milk this for 2 more movies". Star Wars does not need to be done in Trilogies
Robert Wojciechowski ....isn't that the point of these spin offs? Why not have both?
I don't think its fair for criticising what is intentionally a large plot spanning several movies as not being "self contained"....when its not supposed to be.
Its like me criticising a game like tetris for not having a story.
Strong Bad I mean you are right in a way, but we cannot really even judge or critique TFA until the other 2 movies are out by that thought process. We essentially have only seen 1/3 the intended story.
RO interested me a LOT more than TFA seeing how it elaborates on the story material instead of creating things out of thin air.
In addition I always wanted to see more into what it is to be a Rebal, or what it is to be in the Empire. Not just good guys and bad guys shooting each other in space ships. They went into depth in RO showing that the good guys have their evil side and the bad guys are not all bad, some are just scientists that are trying their best.
Robert Wojciechowski " I mean you are right in a way, but we cannot really even judge or critique TFA until the other 2 movies are out by that thought process. We essentially have only seen 1/3 the intended story."
....I mean yes. It does kind of annoy me when people just disregard TFA as having a bunch of plotholes, when the answers to these questions are intentionally left blank. Its not fair and all it does is make them look like fools when the other moves DO come out and address those points.
"RO interested me a LOT more than TFA seeing how it elaborates on the story material instead of creating things out of thin air."
Depends on what you look for in a movie, I can point out an entire segment of the fanbase that HATE retelling the same story and want something entirely new. So I think a healthy balance is needed here.
I think Tarken was absolutely needed. The Death Star is his baby in the OT, I thought it was great how we saw how it came into his hands.
Elliot McGrath more like a child he kidnapped
Exactly. I would have been taken out of the immersion more if it was some look alike pretending to be him. No it wasn't perfect CGI but i'll be damned if it wasn't excellent work by both the visual fx team and the actually actor who portrayed him.
NinjaPups I didn't even notice the CG at first until the person next to me pointed it out
Elliot McGrath until he started moving it looked real, i had no clue either. kept trying to figure out if it was cgi or just really good makeup lol
I get that Tarkin was needed. But the CGI face didn't have to be there as much as it was supposed to. There's 10 minutes of it. Like you could have the back of his head. Like it works in very small scenes. Like in Civil War, the de-aged RDJ is on the screen for a minute and then done.
So the last scene with darth Vader chasing down the rebels with the plans was the first time I actually got goosebumps and was scared of a Star Wars villain. The acting and desperation of the rebels trying to get through the broken door on the ship, while darth Vader is mercilessly and effortlessly cutting down and choking everyone as he passes by, to the part where the last rebel sticks his hand through the door and hands off the plans before he's also stabbed to keep them safe... This was shot and acted so well I felt like I was trapped in the room with Vader. It was intense, and is now probably my favorite Star Wars moment ever.
I just got to the part where Adam talked about it. Probably should have watched through to the end but I just wanted to get my excitement by for that scene. It was so good. Like SOOOOO good.
Scylaxius honestly my favorite part of the movie. That's how you do a Sith Lord. Jedis are called hear beacons of hope for the force. Siths are monsters that bring death through the force. Powerful
Scylaxius I would vote that to be the darkest moment, the culling of the padawans is second only because it was NOT as graphic as that last scene. goosebumps seriously
That scene redeemed the scare factor that Vader is supposed to have. His first scene in Rogue One wasn't scary at all. "Don't choke on your aspirations". Really?? A sith lord who makes puns?? But thank God for that last scene.
I literally just commented the same thing, holy shit
"Now this, Is podcasting!" -Darth Anikin
mankor76 Anikan*
JayJapanB Anikant*😜
Hannah Montanakin*
I like how James is always serious during these
HE's so serious it hurts!
The biggest thing that i enjoyed about this movie is that they set up how terrifying the Empire actually is. In all other movies, you only really get a glimpse of how powerful they are, but those movies are set up as underdog stories so you know the good guys are going to win. Even knowing that every character dies by the end and the mission is a success, the movie creates that suspense where James compares to a spy thriller and a horror scene with Darth Vader. That build up of suspense made the appearance of the entire Alliance fleet much more powerful because it sets up the scale of how important this mission is. We're not supposed to necessarily care about the main cast themselves, but their mission is what really matters and that separation from the other movies in the franchise brings a whole new scale that we have yet to see.
Also the Death Star in this movie was absolute nightmare fuel. Even in The Force Awakens, they disconnect you from the destruction by cutting to wide-shots or shots of people watching planets far away being destroyed. This one is like watching a nuclear explosion go off and your directly in its path. There is no hiding from it, you need to fucking run. The destruction is on a much smaller scale, but it feels larger and has more impact than destroying entire planets. It gives you the chance to not only fear this weapon, but appreciate how powerful it is. Overall id say that so far, this is one of my favorite Star Wars movies, if not my absolute favorite. There were so many well thought out scenes in this movie that puts the actualy WAR in Star Wars. This was the Saving Pvt. Ryan of Star Wars
Overworld Entertainment 100% Agreed
the thing i liked most about the movie was an explanation of why it was so easy to blow up the death Star. all those jokes about an idiot architect doing a shitty job, leaving an obviously huge flaw like that are now obsolete. I loved that it now was on purpose
Tarkin's CGI looked pretty good to me.
Agreed. They did his face well, and plus, the stand in actor Guy Henry looks exactly like a young Tarkin.
It looked ok until he started talking, then it fell into the uncanny valley
Tonee it was great for cgi but I wish they just recast tarkin
Not realising he was dead, I just thought it was legitimately him. call me ignorant but I was totally convinced that was a real person.
I think they overused Tarkin to a degree. The CGI was noticebale, but not bad, however I think it would have been better served if Tarkin didn't have such close up face shots - if they kept the distance, or have him talking with shots of his reflection on the windows like his very first scene, it would have been easier to get away with.
So people actually clap in US theaters?
Qsaws for some weird reason people clap yeah, it's not like anyone who made the movie is there, it's actually annoying
Qsaws One person clapped at the Spiderman Homecoming trailer and a few points in the movie. At first is was annoying but I kind of respected them after awhile because they stuck with it even though they were the only one clapping.
Everyone clapped in my theatre after the movie ended (Australia).
I bet 75% of the people watching in my theater have no clue what was going on in the movie nor they have knowledge of the franchise but they still clapped at the end because the movie was just so enjoyable, especially at the end.
I don't like it but I can UNDERSTAND why people do it after the plane has landed. People get nervous and all that, sure.
After a movie? The fuck is wrong with you people? It happend after I saw it too and it is pretty common. And this is northern Europe.
Before hitting play, I'm going to assume Adam will be disappointed about something.
he's just depressed 24/7
Andrew The Dev You're getting it mixed up. Adam's the depressed one but James is the one who hates almost everything.
Even though I liked Force Awakens I feel like Rogue One was better.
I liked both. And I agree with you too. Idk how people HATE TFA, it was funny, charming, etc.
Megaproductions302 thats because it is
Dallin Lambert everyone have their opinion. I think that TFA was pretty bad. For me it is an alternative universe.
Alex Newton If you read the books you would know that this isn't an alternate universe. There are 9 Star Wars books and TFA is one of them.
Megaproductions302 I understand this. I said, that FOR ME TFA is an alternative universe. Because I prefer even Dark Forces and Jedi Knight a lot more than that movie.
the movie redemed itself in my eyes with the Darth Vader "fight" at the end.
I mean....I liked the fight too. But if your ENTIRE perception of a film changes based off a 30 second action scene made for fan service....then you probably need to re-examine what you look for in a movie.
Cozy massacre*
Strong Bad nah sometimes a movie can be teetering between a meh movie to a "wow this movie has great fight scenes I will recommend this movie. it is now memorable"
Strong Bad there should have been more vader
Tim Johnson I disagree. He was in there for the perfect amount of time. The WORST thing they can do is overuse him, otherwise scenes like that lose their impact. The fact that you want more means they did their job right.
I thought they did a great job with Tarkin. I was totally into it whenever he was on screen, and I thought his CGI was really well-done. Granted, the lighting was always manipulated to cast deep shadows on his face, which helped, but Guy Henry still did an amazing job with the voice and body movements.
Am I the only one that thought the CGI for Tarkin was great?
your not the only one. I thought the mofo was still alive it was that good. Did you see it in IMAX? Because I bet they did and it was probably easier to tell on IMAX that it was cgi
probably not, i mean it was technically pretty amazing.However it is so obvious and do distracting when put into the context of real life characters, it took me out of the fantasy of the movie immediately and whenever he came into view i lost any sense of immersion in that scene
im glad im not the only one that completely forgot the characters, even their names. the end made the whole thing though and perfectly tied into episode 4
"It doesn't match up tonally to A New Hope when they just lost a battle minutes or hours earlier."
... Dude, the opening crawl of A New Hope says that the Rebels just won their first major victory against the Empire and stole the Death Star plans. It matches up perfectly. >_>;
This podcast came out right in time from my trainride home! Always fun to laugh in front of complete strangers.
OMFG thank you for the Turkish star wars movie in the background
I had a dream that I was Joel and I was providing sniper support for the other Funhaus members. They were on jet skis and I had to defend them from all the aquatic wildlife (whales and dolphins mainly). Then a command came up "Press Y to Refresh" which caused me spray myself with cologne. Afterward I wanted to jump off the skyscraper like a badass, but kept on reminding myself that I hadn't checked to see if I had a parachute. At the last second I realized I didn't have a parachute and took the elevator down instead.
I actually liked CG Tarkin. I also respected the fact that they owned it. They rightfully made him a major reoccurring character.
Bruce is a gentleman he waited until Elyse wasn't there to man spread.
I know it wouldn't make sense but if Vader grabbed that ship at the end I would've loved it
george lucas is that you?
Gave me a sensible chuckle reading that
why wouldn't it make sense? sorry for my ignorance. i don't know things.
Rick and/or Morty Hellogreedo reference?
What I really liked about this movie was it's approach to scale which Gareth Edwards does really well. For example, when you see the AT-ACT for the first time, it's come out from the smoke, I really felt like that was a "holy shit, we're fucked" moment.
Rogue One's ending gave me crippling depression
Dude Soup is once a week. They talk about one movie for half the episode. Great content guys. Good shit
How has no one pointed out that Bruce is wearing pants.
Joseantonio Garcia Winter in LA i guess.
Joseantonio Garcia Because who fucking gives a shit?
You needed Tarkin because it sets him up for ep 4. He is the one in command of the Death Star so it makes sence for him to be in a movie about the death star. The CGI wasn't that good for him and Leia but it made sence for him to be there.
My favorite quote from this episode was "spoiler"-adam
Also I really loved this podcast and I couldn't stop watching whatever was playing on the tv in the background
Complaining about CG Tarkin not being perfect is ridiculous. Graphics will improve in time but they are working at the cutting edge of what is available.
Casting a similar-looking actor and maybe doing a few CGI touch-ups would look more natural.
Progress is progress either way. I just think this way leads to more interesting views on the future of cinema. Death is no longer an excuse for actors. So like lets say someone signs on to be the main character for 6 movies, and they die half way through.... They can just keep doing them....
+Robert Wojciechowski ...and making them look like awkward CGI mutants. Filmmakers have been using CGI to bring dead actors back to life for more than 20 years and it still looks out of place and only gets worse with time. 10 years from now people will laugh at Tarkin's and Leia's faces.
That's what they did. They hired Guy Henry, a 56-year-old British actor to play him and they did the digital overlay. I think he even copied Tarkin's voice by himself. Were you thinking an Actor that looked even more like Peter Cushing and a lot less CG work?
Why would they laugh? Cheesy and sub-par effects of the past in movies have become a given, especially in the sci-fi scene. Technology is getting better every day and with that these techniques evolve. Tarkin and Leia were the latest and greatest.
now this is podcasting
whatever happened to the movie podcast
Adonis Sims I'll watch every podcast they make so they should be making more cause don't they make money from watchtime?
Peppermint Butler I'm sure they want to make sure they're producing good watchable entertaining videos but them sitting in front of Adams computer talking about movies shouldn't cost too much right?..
Peppermint Butler I've always wondered this, what about producing a podcast costs money? After the initial setup costs, doesn't it just essentially cost their time? Even with four of them, it seems difficult to not overcome the costs of having them talk for an hour between the TH-cam money and in video sponsors
It's probably just a thing they're not gonna be doing weekly but when they have extra time n shit
James Brincefield to be fair, it's not like there is a lot of video game news worth talking about.
They'll likely talk about vydia when they get to next week's podcast, since it's the last one of the year.
I like how Lawrence's shoes blend in seamlessly with the carpet
Rogue One honestly just reaffirms every stereotype there is about stormtroopers
Has anyone else postulated that the movie's screenplay may have been written backwards?
We've been expressing so much praise for the 3rd act that the beginning of the story of Rogue One is drastically blown out of the water in quality by the ending (both in story-telling as well as tenacity).
Wtf was on in the background
Turkish Star Wars I think.
it is definitely not space balls
How dare you compare space balls to that
its definitely turkish star wars
Space Balls > Star Wars
Thank you to whoever put the topics in the description. Haven't seen the movie yet
This was a great film
David Peacock this was a podcast
Super Kaio-ken Ha, funny
this is a comment
"Pod-racer-cast". I liked it Bruce :D
Can we just take a moment to talk about how Darth Vader the best movie villain in history just cracks a joke while choking a man
Personally for me, the appearance of senator organa during the meeting of the rebels before theassaulf on scarif, was when it moved from "another" Star wars movie to a movie that has an important place in the franchise. His addition showed an attention to detail a continuing the plot from 3 in a way I hadn't seen in Star wars before
Come on guys you could've named it "Now THIS is podcasting!"
I feel that with any production, there are at least 2 principles:
1. Make it appealing (sounds simple, but know what you want and what you want your audience to experience).
2. The most exciting parts should be the opening and the climax/ending (MOST, not only).
Yuri on Ice! is actually just hilarious to watch for me. It's so unapologetically gay that I can't help but love it.
James, not everyone in the Empire got a Blu-Ray of Vader's greatest hits. He wasn't the poster boy for the Empire, he was an assassin, a walking tank, the MOAB you throw into something when you want to cut your losses. His work became the Empire's work, just as Tarkin took credit for the Death Star, the Empire takes credit for Vader's dirty work
I love this movie
I like how they explained the plothole of the deathstars ridiculous weakness from the original movie and how they wrapped up all the lose ends by literally just killing everyone off so it didnt need to be explained where they were in 4 5 and 6
it was better than episode 7 at least to me anyway
James, you're super right about the conscious decisions they made in the set design (14 min mark). Similarly, I couldn't help but notice all of the super 70s sideburns and mustaches the characters had... just another example that reinforces your point.
Now THIS is podcasting!
i think it tied in perfectly with a new hope, it also ties together a few loose ends of a new hope as well. Like Vader saying the death star is insignificant to the power of the force, because we learn that the death star is powered by kyber crystals. also how there is an empty chair in the scene of all the generals talking and in rogue one how somebody just got killed recently lol pretty cool and makes both movies better in my opinion.
hell yeah it's good
TheNoahdjong *pretty good
TheNoahdjong You're the only person I've seen in the comments looking at this movie critically.
You know a movie is decent when James enjoys it.
This was the only good thing to come out of 2016.
Bail Organa was one of my favorite additions to the film but I'm a prequel fanboy.
Half the fun of this podcast is watching Bruce and Adams faces while watching Turkish Star Wars. Awesome
spoiler alert
yes it is good
You can see Bruce's face when James starts to talk about vader being like "Shut up, what are you talking about Old Guard? I will smack the shit out of you"
Are there any reviewers out there who give two scores for movies? Say for example one score judging the film in a more general sense and another for pure enjoyment of the content to avoid any kind bias? I'm coming to the conclusion that I can't trust most critics anymore because they're either strongly biased toward pure fun factor or artsy critics who judge it very harshly.
6.5 for general score
7.5 for enjoyment
this should be a thing.
It is. It's called Rotten Tomatoes. Critic vs Audience score
Mystic Widgets I honestly have never looked at Rotten Tomatoes, I'll have to start then considering that's how it operates.
That's the most retarded thing I've ever heard. Reviews by definition are biased.
***** *strongly* biased. As in its good but I'm a shit film school student so I hate it because it's not Casablanca.
That's what I want to avoid. STRONG bias.
I thought Lawrence's comment on how they incorporated "The Force" in Rogue One was spot on! Great episode!
the rebels looked like they were dressing to go fight in vietnam
Felix HD space-nam
Felix HD the planet of Vietnam.
25:00 no, the Empire did lose, you're right. But the crawl of ANH tells us the same...I almost always viewed the start of ANH as them being both pissed and after something.
The Phantom Mencast
When James talked about all the little things they did in the movie like using cardboard instead of 3D printed models. I jumped out of my seat because I thought I was the only one who saw that.
I just noticed that "Loser Team" poster in the back...
I liked the subtle Lord of the Flies reference there Lawrence. Very nice.
I don't usually agree with James' contrarian opinions, but YES YES OH YES- the prequels are so much better than the Hobbit films. Cheers, my friend.
Adam talking about how badass Darth Vader is at the end of this podcast gave me more chills than episode 8.
I don't think they were trying to make him like Han Solo.
Me either. He wasn't nearly as snarky as Han is. I think they're just connecting him being morally neutral to Han but I don't think the characters are that much similar after that.
He was nothinl like Han Solo. Han was pretty selfish and didnt care for any cause where as Andor was prepared to do anything for the rebel cause.
Watching Darth Vader smash through those guys is the hallway was the fight I have been waiting for from Vader for a long time
Where do I get the shirt Adam is wearing?
Ah cheers, but weird sizes,s m or xxl
David HL rooster teeth store
I wish I knew because it's really cool haha
By default, if it's a funhaus tee, its gonna be in the RT store
not sure how that isn't inherently obvious
Its the overwatch funhaus shirt, i ordered it back in december. It looks absolutely amaze
Short Answer: It's alright.
Long Answer: It's no Empire like people say it is, and that's fine. A lot of lore inconsistencies (even disregarding the EU) and the final act is right out of Halo Reach.
Probably better than Episodes 1, 2, and 4/7, but not as good as 3, 5, 6.
What lore did it contradict? As far as I know, the new canon never touches this specific period of Star Wars history.
P.S Way better than 3....just sayin
Ryan Smith Bothan Spies stole the plans for the second death star. That line was in episode 6.
Strong Bad It doesn't break any major lore or anything, it's mostly small things that kinda contradict small things already in the original trilogy.
Like Vader's suit, Ackbar just...missing altogether, that one line in ANH where the plans were beamed to the Tantive, and some other smaller, nitpicky things.
It doesn't break a lot of canon, but it neglects a lot as well.
And eh, I love episode 3 so personal bias I guess.
Also you're right, Bothans were in Episode 6.
***** Fair enough. Though fun fact, the Vader suit you see in this movie is modelled directly after the suit used in the original episode 4, right down to the copper/bronze eyes.
Can i get Dude Soup from BlueApron ?
I'd sign up if it means getting a little bit of Lawrence in my life.
Very good points guys, thanks. It'll help to sound smart at my next geekmeet.
talk about the assassins creed movie 😂🔫
Next week probably.
I think they did Tarkin as best they could considering how close this movie ties into a new hope Tarkin had to look as he does in the original movies
It's a close contender for top spot over Empire in my favourite Star Wars movies.
xXMinniNinJaXx I'd say it's better than the force awakens (which I also enjoy) but ain't better than the originals. And that isn't nostalgia talking really, I saw the prequels first
Meh thats pushing it. Id say its better than TFA, perhaps even on par with episode 6....but certainly not better than the original 2.
Okay iv made some adjustments.
3rd. Make rouge 1 and A New Hope one long movie.
2nd. Return I the Jedi
1st. Empire Strikes back.
"3rd. Make rouge 1 and A New Hope one long movie"
omg no
One of the things I liked best about force awakens was the light saber battles. Instead of being your typical blackflips, stunts, twists and twirls while sword fighting, it was far more savage, with brute force swinging the sword and felt far more real. I hope the light saber fights continue to be like that in future films, seeing as the light saber battles don't need to be flashy- the flashy aspects can come from the force powers.
Rogue One was the Halo Reach of the Star Wars Universe
What a great analogy for this movie. It's a shame I didn't enjoy Rogue One nearly as much as I did Halo Reach :/
SkinnyHopkins forever love this comment
SkinnyHopkins #accurate
in terms of movies that were shot years apart and had to line up at the end, I think the thing from 2011 did an excellent job lining up with John Carpenters the thing from 1983
TronimusPrime agree
I personally loved Rogue One, I was so amazed specially since I never expected it to be this good. I totally agree with you guys (except with James for comparing it to Transformers xD jesus I always feel like leaving the theatre every movie but I do it for my little cousin so it's ok, I see some robots fight)
The ending of 'The Thing' (new version) matches supremely with the beginning of 'The Thing' (original version)
awwww where's Elyse?😭😭😭😭😭
As soon as you started narrating the snap-chat I knew exactly the snap-chat story you we talking about, as I have seen it many times
Jordan Green he was only back for one video :'(
Half_Finis I want my baby boy back!! :-(
The whole 'diplomatic mission' thing was a bald faced lie right from the get go, the very first scene we have past the intro scroll was the Tantive and the Devastator shooting at each other while in a chase, then when the Tantive gets immobilised, the Rebels and Stormtroopers gunning it out on sight.
The Star Destroyer would have hailed Leias ship to order them to stop to be searched, if they complied then that lie could have worked. But as is there's no way Vader would have even considered it a possibility.
Also I imagine having the plans slip though your fingers at the last second, with every Rebel officer lying to your face about the plans and mission, would have left anyone in a pissy mood, and with Vader being part of a cult that glorifies their lack of emotional control (as it's what they channel their power with), it makes sense that he would be so angry.
when is Bruce coming back? his evil twin pants Bruce must of hid him
i cant believe my eyes. you guys actually put the movie "Dunyayi Kurtaran Adam" in the background. I wasnt expecting that laugh. Keep on surprising. lol
Rogue one = Solid 7/10
i love when adam goes "i like when people get to give a unique take on a universe" and acknowledge things change and people have different visions. then last jedi comes out and suddenly its "star wars isnt special anymore"
Jesus christ Laurence, do u just beleive everything u read on buzzfeed? "conservative backlash on the film" "#dumpstarwars" a literal hashtag with like 15 tweets before buzzfeed blogged about it
Purposly you want to get on the comment show huh?
Purposly it made me cringe when he said that and I want to forget he ever said it
i mean, an extremist conservative back lash... yeah it was.. chill dude he's just calling it how he sees it, it's not a huge deal nor was he speaking to an audience that should look too much into it. you'll be ight
Luke Lewis I also thought Star Wars happened a long time ago ;)
People like you always confuse me. Unless you're a genuine, self acknowledged racist or sexist, what could possibly be wrong with being progressive? Plus, the movie wasn't affected in any way by the casting of lead female, or a 'light brown' Spanish-sounding bloke. If anything it works more. It's always jarring to me when you have a film (not to mention a film based in space, without any geographical base) where every person in the cast is a white american.
I think part of the reason the names weren't pounded into your head, is to show that in the end, these people's sacrifices mattered, but you didn't need to know who they were. Much like real war, we don't know the names of every person who makes an incredible sacrifice, but we are grateful that someone did it.
Personally loved Rogue One. I love seeing average people (no Force) do extraordinary things for the good of all.
Bruce should shave his head again, he looked a lot younger when it was shorter. Same with the beard
Henry Kincaid No way, we don't want him to look like an egg
gregery jones a Greene egg... no ham
I agree that he should keep his hair short/ egghead. How else will ppl know that Bruce is the Strongest Hero?
Henry Kincaid he should keep the beard no matter what
Another beard hater. Damn your smooth faced kind.
ITS PODCAST DAY BOYS, dudesoup n RT pidcast
we didn't need this movie, it confirmed that Disney is going to milk the original trilogy for all its worth.
So did you enjoy the movie or no? Cause from your comment it doesn't seem like you did. And I absolutely agree with you if that's the case. I'm so sick of people acting like this movie was good. Or giving it a pass just because it's a Star Wars movie. Since anyone who has ever seen the Star Wars movies, you know that, spoiler alert, they get the death star plans. So, with that being the case, the movie needed to have good characters. And it didn't. They were boring beyond belief.
Connor Maruke NO SHIT
TPWWGaming No I didn't enjoy the movie. I thought the characters were lifeless and forget able. I also found some of the action scenes to be boring. I won't congratulate Disney on making yet another Star Wars fan film/love letter to the original trilogy. Those movies are great because they set up the universe. An say what you will about Lucas but at least the prequels added to Star Wars in a significant way for better or for worse. People are seriously saying this movie is amazing because of one big fight scene and because of one Vader scene. I'm all for nostalgia when it's warrented but Star Wars is so much more than the first 3 movies. If Disney had any balls I would be getting a Kyle Katar spin off or an Old Republic spin off. Not a fucking Han Solo movie. The last scene with Leia sums up how I feel about this movie. One big eye role.
Patick Stewart GINGER
"We didnt need this movie" what does that even mean? You dont need any movie, and if you think you "need" a movie to watch it than dont go and watch a movie you dont think you "need"
I'm going to admit that I legit cried after the last minutes of the movie
I enjoyed Jyn way more than Rey as a lead. Rogue One did Star Wars better than Force Awakens in my opinion.
Great talk guys! Thanks for keeping the spoilers light!
for me i thought it was better than force awakens
Would love to see a full spoiler movie podcast about Rogue One.
The Transformers reference I get.. buuut Transformers 1 is the only one I feel is a decent film. The others are awful