Human Organs Debate | John Harris | Proposition

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 10 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 17

  • @cryslermaternal6294
    @cryslermaternal6294 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    habno mo- John Louie Genciana

  • @regegepulle1676
    @regegepulle1676 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    I second the motion sickness of the car in the riverbank

  • @rickgoblok1625
    @rickgoblok1625 8 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    how was this motion defeated?!

    • @TerrorTerros
      @TerrorTerros 8 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      +Gob Lok Would create a underclass of organ donors not unlike a organ farm or business owners that wouldn't take out a loan and instead sell their organs.
      Just two scenarios off the top of my head.
      This proposition is deeply flawed, and morally irresponsible.

    • @rickgoblok1625
      @rickgoblok1625 8 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      Terros First off, its my body. I simply do not accept the state telling me what i can and cannot do with my body. If i wish to sell an organ, or indeed leave my organs as part of my estate to pass onto my next of kin, then that should be my decision and mine alone.
      Your giant leap to the uk as an enormous organ farm is shrill and ridiculous. No one would lightly sell an organ. And I see nothing wrong with a person facing destitution selling an organ in order to turn his/her life around. And if they want to put it on a horse, what's wrong with that?
      Besides, you can already get organs on the black market. Perhaps u prefer the trade is done in back alleys and run by human traffickers?
      Morally irresponsible?! 3 people die in the uk everyday for lack of an organ transplant. What sort of moral relativism are u applying where preventing a free market that would satisfy the needs of the dying is 'morally irresponsible'?

    • @TerrorTerros
      @TerrorTerros 8 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Gob Lok
      It really breaks my heart that people die from lack of transplants. But legalizing the selling of organs will have far reaching and disastrous effects.
      Just think about all the complications involved, it would be disastrous.
      First and foremost for the lower classes of society.
      - What about foreigners selling (or attempting to) sell their organs in the UK?
      - People in debt that are given a choice, go bankrupt and slave for 4+ years, or sell their organs ?
      - What about a brain-dead life supported person, who's family stands to gain thousands if they sell all his/her organs. (would that be allowed, would they do it if they didn't get any money?)
      - Post mortem monetary compensation for families after their deceased donated organs?
      Are just a few additional scenarios off the top of my head.
      I'm all for making it easier to altruistically donate organs. And increased funding for synthetic organ research. Selling once organs legally just isn't the answer.

    • @rickgoblok1625
      @rickgoblok1625 8 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Terros - What about foreigners selling (or attempting to) sell their organs in the UK?
      Yeah this already happens mate. The black market already exists for organs and the conditions are horrendous. That aside I wouldn't anticipate it being a huge issue. The need for the donor to have necessary and regular checks and tests would require him/her to be at least resident in the uk. The generous compensation would ensure a seller, unless there isn't the organ available in which case going abroad would be necessary.
      - People in debt that are given a choice, go bankrupt and slave for 4+ years, or sell their organs ?
      Yes! Everyone is a winner! That's what's so perfect! It'd effectively be a potential windfall for every man, woman and child. The sale of a kidney could get your family on the housing ladder, be enough to start a business... i don't agree with the premise that the populous would suddenly become cavalier and start selling their organs. Even at 50k i would have to be pretty desperate to consider it myself. Some will for sure, and good luck to them. Again: It's their body. In your scenario they could equally go on the game - and many do. This would provide an attractive alternative.
      - What about a brain-dead life supported person, who's family stands to gain thousands if they sell all his/her organs. (would that be allowed, would they do it if they didn't get any money?)
      Er no. It wouldn't be allowed. Sellers would have to prove they are sui juris prior to any contract. The 'plotting family' scenario doesn't cut any ice. People have been taking out life insurance policies for years and we haven't experienced a soaring number of persons being pushed under buses.
      Upon death, a person's organs would form part of their estate. A parent who dies with no house, car or savings would still be able to pass some wealth onto his children. Think how much that could potentially help some of the poorest in our society?
      - Post mortem monetary compensation for families after their deceased donated organs?
      As I said already, organs would form part of your estate upon death. Your wishes (to sell, donate or neither), would be in your will and would be acted upon by your executer. Likely any proceeds would go to your family, yes.
      Thousands of people die needlessly every year because the state prevents a free market in organ transplants. And aside from the human cost, it's fundamentally an issue of liberty. It's YOUR body. Not the state's not anyone's.
      FYI iran has allowed people to sell their kidneys for years (sanctions saw them struck off international donor lists). Last I heard going rate was 30k USD paid by the government. No one dies of kidney failure in Iran.

    • @TerrorTerros
      @TerrorTerros 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Gob Lok
      I'd rather see mandatory organ donation after death then a market for organs.
      It's fundamentally wrong to price the human body. If you disagree, you are sick.
      I'm glad the union saw trough to propositions arguments and voted again them.

  • @regegepulle1676
    @regegepulle1676 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Hatdog - crysler

  • @regegepulle1676
    @regegepulle1676 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I donate my heart to my crush hehe

  • @cryslermaternal6294
    @cryslermaternal6294 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    anyone have a quesion??? I have!!

  • @cryslermaternal6294
    @cryslermaternal6294 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    I likes bananas and grape😂

  • @regegepulle1676
    @regegepulle1676 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Why is it that yoy are so handsome?