In the book of Esther when she asked her people to fast for three days while she prepared herself to go before the king to plead for the lives of herself and her people because of their previous traditions it was to be believed that she prayed although prayer wasn't actually mentioned.we know that God name wasn't mentioned.but believe that he was in the plan from the start to finish
its gud to use exegesis to a certain extent bt this will limit the move of the holyspirit becoz one would rely much on logic than the holyspirit Pee who can be against me Pee who can be against me 1 second ago meditation demands readin slowly attentively repeatedly with the holyspirit..the key is not to finish the bible but its to read with the holyspirit
its gud to use exegesis to a certain extent bt this will limit the move of the holyspirit becoz one would rely much on logic than the holyspirit Pee who can be against me Pee who can be against me 1 second ago meditation demands readin slowly attentively repeatedly with the holyspirit..the key is not to finish the bible but its to read with the holyspirit
As a pastor, I completely agree with the message in the video. There is only one problem. The fact that people are not interested in the original message of the Bible, but that everyone wants to receive some personal, cheerful message. If I strictly adhere to the message of the Bible, no one will come to church. And I'm not alone with that. That is why there are many false teachers and false congregations. Demand determines supply. This is dangerous not only for pastors, but for all believers. I hope I can find a solution to this.
I think the solution might lie in two things, first, the correct understanding of the passage should not be the end point, but rather lead to a more accurate application for the congregation. This is where I slip up, I have to consciously remind myself about this point. Second, I think that, if enough passages are made clear for people in this way, the story of God’s workings with his people starts to emerge, and that’s an exciting story to start to understand for people! Just some thoughts.
Pastor, thanks for your honesty. Jesus always said “he who has ears to hear let him hear” the problem was not Jesus’ words it was the listeners ears. May you continue to preach the truth and stay true to the scriptures knowing whoever has ears will hear the truth and follow King Jesus
I believe that if you feed them truth , your church will overflow . Judgment begins with the pulpits . People are starving for the truth these days . It's more important to teach the truth of God's word than to have a fake church. Use tough love . It's the very best form of love in the world . If they don't want to hear it ,then let them go. You will have others .
FIVE YEARS AGO!?! Let me tell you something young man: this is good teaching! I love how you broke this down. Now I have to go through all of your videos and see what you are doing now. Thank you so much! God bless you!
This is amazing! Working on my M.Div and teaching youth at church about how to read, understand and interpret scripture. This is a great resource for young believers!
All scripture is used for present life application. So the verse in Jer. 29:11 does still apply to the college grad, but not in the topical prosperity only idea. We use the OT as a reference of who God is and to reveal His character to us. His promises last forever to all of His children.
Yes. ❤ when I read that in my mind I’m saying this is how God views me (as his child). I know it’s not directly to me in the same context but it allows me to understand that God does have a plan for me and this is part of His character. That’s how I understand it. If God can deliver and prosper then he can now.
i do agree that understanding the context of Scripture is important and it's good to gather as much understanding of what the texts meant to the people at the time as we can, but Scripture is more than that. there are certainly parts of Scripture that only apply to certain people at certain times, however, more often than not, Scripture is meant for future generations as well. this is even more true for prophecies. prophecy is often meant to only be understood during or after the occurrence of the events prophesied. it's apparent to me that even the prophets often do not understand the prophecies they've been given to proclaim. another point i'd like to make is that Scripture is layered with meaning. a verse or passage could have several lessons and meanings, especially when accompanied by the lessons or meanings of other related Scripture. as for eisegesis interpretations. the eagle, for example, could mean the united states. it could also mean nazi germany in the same respect (the nazi party also used the eagle in their insignias). my point is that with such symbolism, we won't know until the events are happening or, more likely, have happened. so, we shouldn't hold onto such ideas as though they are true. we just can't know. actually, i think we aren't meant to know until the prescribed time. but it's always intriguing to think about, and it's worth taking the time to do so every now and then.
Why would that bug you? The word of God is not just a history book. It's alive, still active, and sharper than a two-edged sword. Why would I conform to only knowing it was for Judah, and not have faith it can also be applied to me today. That's the beauty of Hermanaeutics. I understand the historical context in order to know how can that apply to me today!
@@Paysanaswylin this is the question I’m left with. I get what it’s original intent is but what does it mean to me today? If all scripture is breathed by God and profitable for man, what is this scriptures relevance to me today.
@symplee_chris exactly! I think people are being....people. lol his word is profitable and can't be put in a box to appease the "know it alls" I think this is why people have problems with Christians now because they're bickering over these things and telling everyone they're wrong. I understand that there should be correction because that is biblical, however in our efforts to do so I don't think we should take away someone's hope and encouragement they find and how they apply it to their life.
Thanks for the 2 questions in that last part. However, once that is settled, can't we ask how Jer. 29:11 would apply to Christians today and support that conclusion with other verses?
its gud to use exegesis to a certain extent bt this will limit the move of the holyspirit becoz one would rely much on logic than the holyspirit Pee who can be against me Pee who can be against me 1 second ago meditation demands readin slowly attentively repeatedly with the holyspirit..the key is not to finish the bible but its to read with the holyspirit
@@PeeGeeMAnU For the person that is sincere, they will ask for the Spirit's guidance as they seek sound exegesis of a text. Sure, we can become people of just facts and figures. But God wants us to know what He is saying [without any misinterpretation] and the Holy Spirit will lead and guide us to that truth if we're willing to follow.
@@ineedrest7 Luke 24:45-47 English Standard Version (ESV) 45 Then he opened their minds to understand the Scriptures ...exegesis is gud to use it ,but wen it comes to understanding we need revelation from the holyspirit....revelation is not human reasoning but its something divine nd beyond human logic...u r right,,some people say they noe God yet they neglect the holyspirit...most of these people who depend entirely on exegesis are lowkey critical when they see signs and wonders happening in the body of christ because they use too much logic and they are lowkey religious
@Frazier Woods I agree with you, this part is missing from the explanation on hermeneutics in the video. The books of the Bible were not written to us but for us, and most passages of Scriptures have a universal principal that we can use today. God still speaks to us through His Word. As for Jeremiah 29:11, an important information we can draw from the passage is that the people were in a difficult situation when God gave them this promise. This passage is not a promise of lifelong wealth and prosperity in a worldly and material sense, or a promise of a problem-free life, but it reminds us that God has a plan for our life, and His plans are good. God has spoken to me several times through this passage to encourage me during difficult times, and I pray that the Holy Spirit will do so to you. God bless you!
Well, that explains why hermeneutics is often found to be limiting. For example, the example given for Jeremiah 29 does not permit anything beyond verse 10 as the possible interpretation, but verse 11 clearly lists the plural form "plans," but verse 10 only lists one plan. So, while the exegetical example may make the eisegesis example appear to be the unlikely intended interpretation of the verse, the exegetical example is not without its flaws.
You're not going to get a greatly detailed and in depth exegetical explanation of Jeremiah 29 in an informative video that isn't centered around that piece of scripture specifically, it was just a brief example. If you want to understand it better, use hermeneutics and study it.
its gud to use exegesis to a certain extent bt this will limit the move of the holyspirit becoz one would rely much on logic than the holyspirit Pee who can be against me Pee who can be against me meditation demands readin slowly attentively repeatedly with the holyspirit..the key is not to finish the bible but its to read with the holyspirit yes nd we read the bible by revelation not logic,this is why we need the holyspirit...dont neglect the ministration of the holyspirit john16 says the holyspirit will guide us into all truth not to the 'original bible'
So, my thoughts on the Jer 29:11 verse. Sure it was written for a different purpose and to a different audience, but that is the case of most of the Bible. So as people several thousand years removed, should we just ignore what the bible says, cause it wasn't written for our exact situation? Or should we pull out some applications for our own lives? I understand that sometimes people twist things to fit what they want, but I'm not sure if Jer 29:11 is the best example of this. Because God does have plans for everyone. And if we follow him, we will prosper in his love and by entering in the kingdom of heaven. The prosper part might be misinterpreted though in that not everyone is going to become rich and prosper with material things. But we will prosper in spiritual things if we put our trust in God. And the spiritual things are the only things that matter
I'm applying to a MA in Theology not coming from a theological background other than a massive love for it and self-searching and reading. Your videos are helping me a lot. Thanks!
ts gud to use exegesis to a certain extent bt this will limit the move of the holyspirit becoz one would rely much on logic than the holyspirit meditation demands readin slowly attentively repeatedly with the holyspirit..the key is not to finish the bible but its to read with the holyspirit yes nd we read the bible by revelation not logic,this is why we need the holyspirit...dont neglect the ministration of the holyspirit john16 says the holyspirit will guide us into all truth not to the 'original bible'
I think it's worth bringing up this point, which I'm sure many mature conservative would agree with is, If God wrote the bible, he would want it interpreted in a way for advice and guidance for hundreds of years, spanning different languages and cultures, (ie it's not meant to only be interpreted for the timeframe of the immediate audience of that era, be it the future nation of Israel, (coming out of Egyptian slavery) or even say for the first two centuries of Christians) (It's supernaturally written in a way for those time frames, as well as 2,000 to 4000 years afterwards ( depending on if you believe written words as a language was capable in the Days of Noah)
I believe that the Bible is timeless, and that it is still applicable for us today. If I cannot claim Jeremiah 29:11 in our times, then what promises, or commands or warnings, etc from the Bible is still applicable for us in the present; considering the historical, contextual, cultural settings, and varied recepients it was written to? How would you differentiate eisegesis from application-- that what was declared by God as true and valid to the former recepients is also true, valid, and applicable to us in the "now"?
My Dear Brother in Christ. This is my first time watching your video however I really loved your video and it did cover the different methods of interpreting God's word very well. The Jeremiah illustration was really nice. God bless you in accordance with His will and hope to see you in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ.
This is....surprisingly fantastic. It's hard to find content like this that has both great content and modern creativity. I'm looking forward to seeing other videos. Great job my guy!
I'm not sure what you mean by your first question because the whole Bible points to Jesus, but developing a better exegetical understanding of scripture via the use of hermeneutics has helped correct quite a few incorrect views I had due to reading/interpreting scripture via the eisegesis understanding. And to be fair, if it's the word of God, I would respond by correcting my incorrect views; God knows best.
Hey nice break down of the terms. I’d like to open your eyes to your argument about it not being motivating. If a people are in exile your argument would conclude that this is a letter of inspiration. It’s a hope for the future. A distinct thing God does throughout the Bible. Yes He sends prophetic warnings. But this is a message of encouragement. Even when doing hermeneutics. You still must ask the question of how does this apply to me right now. God has made His word applicable. One of the morals would be that one should be hopeful if they too are experiencing a situation of exile. This message is an encouragement for us not to leave the faith. God still knows what He is doing. He still has a plan. Why would a graduate need to know this? Because many are entering a world which is brand new. That verse hits a nail regarding Gods Nature. It’s in Gods nature to give His people hope & obedience leads to the future that God predestined.
in your example of 29:11, doesn't it mean that all the passages in the bible are not useful for us since it was written specific for people at tha ttime? if not, then can you explain how the jeremiah 29:11 should means to us?
I was trying to explain this to someone. The objection they had was application: When using Eisegesis the application is simple. In this case the application is that we can trust God to bless us. But if we use Exegesis then the application can become more difficult. (albeit, more correct!) In this case I'm not sure what the application is. I do have my own thoughts, but I'd love to hear what suggestions others have for this? Specifically and generally. Thanks.
This video was very helpful. I took notes lol thank you for your ministry. I do have a question though. While I understand that people use the verse from Jeremiah in a way it wasn't originally intended, is that wrong? I thought the beauty of the word is God never changing. Who is to say he doesn't have plans to prosper recent graduates. I think the fact we are finding hope and encouragement in the Bible is valuable. Still, I understand that knowing the actual context is important because you really can see what the people of the Bible endured and God's glory.
Thank you so much this has been very helpful!! I'm in a "Reading The Bible in the Christian Tradition" course and I was completely lost when reading the textbooks because I still couldn't understand these terms. The way you covered them was easy for me to understand, thanks again for this video! :)
Loved this! Just wondering how scripture is meant to influence today's readers if it isn't multilayered? I mean does Jer. 29:11 have relevance to the lives of believers today or is it supposed to be taken at face value and just read as a testament of God's love for his people?
That’s part of the art and science. You gotta first understand the then and there before you try and derive an application or understanding for today, otherwise you run the risk of making the text say something it is not.
Well done WM ! The Bible is also 25% Prophecy and so some texts may have past, present and future meaning.I did note you said at the end that God is revealed throughout the Bible.Do you discuss prophecy in other videos ? Thank you.
It's great video. But I'm about confused now. So we cannot and should not apply our life situations to biblical passages to draw meaning from it. So, how then does God use the Bible to speak to us?
I can already hear my Kenneth Copeland-centric family watching this video and REEing at virtually everything you've explained. Sad that prosperity gospel is so successful at making money rather than educating others
I'm about to do a small series on my super tiny fledgling podcast on these exact words because I feel that they are important. If it's okay I would like to link to this video it was great! I am not a seminary student I'm a 55 year old man and just a lay person but my goal is to get people stirred up and passionate about studying God's word.
Yes! As soon as you said "one of the most misinterpreted Bible verses", the first one I thought of was Jeremiah 29:11. However, I think you did miss something, and that's verses 5-8. In the whole letter, God is telling them His whole plan, which does include rescuing them in 70 years, but it also includes them building and having a life in this place that they probably didn't want to go: building houses, planting gardens, taking wives, and seeking the welfare of the city so they will have welfare. The plans to prosper them and not harm them are not just for 70 years later, but for their present circumstance, which doesn't look good to them. It was reassurance: "It's ok, go into exile, it will be alright." As added evidence that this prosperity and welfare included during the exile, those who didn't go into exile were not alright. v. 16, 17-20
Hiii @whiteboard Ministry! Are you still uploading videos about how to interpret or understand bible ? I want to study theology or how to interpret bible verses correctly hehe
So said another way - Exegesis & Hermeneutics are objective while Eisegesis is subjective? But in this scenario because we are speaking about something as paramount as The Bible, subjectivity is inherently incorrect? Or is there a place of value for Eisegesis?
Something I've not shared in writing, publicly, is my idea that we (carnals) have this awful tendency to look at scriptural interpretations thru a MICROSCOPE when (I would argue) we'd more often then not, learn much more if we'd consider them by looking thru a KALIEDOSCOPE. Meaning: I think we limit or understanding of who He really is, by our prejudices, & our oftentimes agenda driven conclusions. Amen
In addition to my previous post, one verse cannot be used in isolation as it is part of a much larger picture and the larger picture is God's Redemptive Work.
So I have read somewhere that scripture has just one interpretation but many applications. If this is correct, can the application of students with a hope for a better work/life be equally correct? If application is aligned with interpretation, can we now then say it is appropriate?
I enjoyed the way you explained this! The thing about us thinking that anything mentioning an eagle might be talking about the USA! 😀 Anyway- i al also passionate about this topic, too!
This was so helpful once I have to write a Exegesis paper but have no much understanding the meanings even dough after goggles. Your way of explaining is sure much more clear. Thank you
Read the scripture before your "promise verse" and read the verses after often clarifies weird interpretation. Often we search for a word for us and our time like a devotional or application. Too often we lean on experts when you can simply read it yourself
Yes. According to Torah, those animals were unclean and were not permissible to be eaten by a Jew. Peter prided himself on his obedience to Torah and avoiding the unclean. The meaning of the vision was to tell Peter that he was no longer under the old Torah law. Christ sacrifice had freed him from the Torah of the letter of the law to the Torah of the Spirit of the law. The reason it happened 3 times was to signal that this was divinely authorized. The 4 corners represented the 4 corners of the world. Thus, Christ sacrifice had cleansed all of the world not just the Jews. Immediately after this Cornelius which is a gentile and considered unclean by Jews invites Peter to his home. Had Peter not had this previous vision, he probably would had made some excuse to decline Cornelius invitation. His most likely excuse would had been he couldn't dine with Cornelius cuz gentiles eat unclean food. Peter's vision helps him realize that God has cleansed the gentiles too. Therefore, Cornelius is as much a brother as his Jewish brothers.
What are some verses or passages you've seen misinterpreted? How does applying a historical contextual hermeneutic change those interpretations?
Genesis 6 and 4
So what if anything do we take from Jeremiah 29:11 ?
In the book of Esther when she asked her people to fast for three days while she prepared herself to go before the king to plead for the lives of herself and her people because of their previous traditions it was to be believed that she prayed although prayer wasn't actually mentioned.we know that God name wasn't mentioned.but believe that he was in the plan from the start to finish
its gud to use exegesis to
a certain extent bt this will limit the move of the holyspirit becoz one would rely much on logic than the holyspirit
Pee who can be against me
Pee who can be against me
1 second ago
meditation demands readin slowly attentively repeatedly with the holyspirit..the key is not to finish the bible but its to read with the holyspirit
its gud to use exegesis to
a certain extent bt this will limit the move of the holyspirit becoz one would rely much on logic than the holyspirit
Pee who can be against me
Pee who can be against me
1 second ago
meditation demands readin slowly attentively repeatedly with the holyspirit..the key is not to finish the bible but its to read with the holyspirit
As a pastor, I completely agree with the message in the video. There is only one problem. The fact that people are not interested in the original message of the Bible, but that everyone wants to receive some personal, cheerful message. If I strictly adhere to the message of the Bible, no one will come to church. And I'm not alone with that. That is why there are many false teachers and false congregations. Demand determines supply. This is dangerous not only for pastors, but for all believers. I hope I can find a solution to this.
I think the solution might lie in two things, first, the correct understanding of the passage should not be the end point, but rather lead to a more accurate application for the congregation. This is where I slip up, I have to consciously remind myself about this point. Second, I think that, if enough passages are made clear for people in this way, the story of God’s workings with his people starts to emerge, and that’s an exciting story to start to understand for people! Just some thoughts.
@@akmroberts Thanks for the thoughts brother.
the Holy Spirit :)
Pastor, thanks for your honesty. Jesus always said “he who has ears to hear let him hear” the problem was not Jesus’ words it was the listeners ears. May you continue to preach the truth and stay true to the scriptures knowing whoever has ears will hear the truth and follow King Jesus
I believe that if you feed them truth , your church will overflow .
Judgment begins with the pulpits . People are starving for the truth these days . It's more important to teach the truth of God's word than to have a fake church. Use tough love . It's the very best form of love in the world . If they don't want to hear it ,then let them go. You will have others .
FIVE YEARS AGO!?! Let me tell you something young man: this is good teaching! I love how you broke this down. Now I have to go through all of your videos and see what you are doing now. Thank you so much! God bless you!
Man you unpacked the whole study of Hermeneutics , Exegesis and Eisegesis in a minute .
Wow so clear that's phenomenal 😮
Amen to that bro. 😎
more like 7😁, but yeah, i agree, he gave a pretty good summary
This is amazing! Working on my M.Div and teaching youth at church about how to read, understand and interpret scripture. This is a great resource for young believers!
Thank you for making this brief and hit the point. The explanation is clear with catchy illustrations. Keep it up🎉😊
All scripture is used for present life application. So the verse in Jer. 29:11 does still apply to the college grad, but not in the topical prosperity only idea. We use the OT as a reference of who God is and to reveal His character to us. His promises last forever to all of His children.
Yes. ❤ when I read that in my mind I’m saying this is how God views me (as his child). I know it’s not directly to me in the same context but it allows me to understand that God does have a plan for me and this is part of His character. That’s how I understand it. If God can deliver and prosper then he can now.
Wow man. Phenomenal video. Not only LEGIT artwork, but absolutely spot on material that many really do not understand. You just got a subscriber!!!
i do agree that understanding the context of Scripture is important and it's good to gather as much understanding of what the texts meant to the people at the time as we can, but Scripture is more than that. there are certainly parts of Scripture that only apply to certain people at certain times, however, more often than not, Scripture is meant for future generations as well. this is even more true for prophecies. prophecy is often meant to only be understood during or after the occurrence of the events prophesied. it's apparent to me that even the prophets often do not understand the prophecies they've been given to proclaim. another point i'd like to make is that Scripture is layered with meaning. a verse or passage could have several lessons and meanings, especially when accompanied by the lessons or meanings of other related Scripture.
as for eisegesis interpretations. the eagle, for example, could mean the united states. it could also mean nazi germany in the same respect (the nazi party also used the eagle in their insignias). my point is that with such symbolism, we won't know until the events are happening or, more likely, have happened. so, we shouldn't hold onto such ideas as though they are true. we just can't know. actually, i think we aren't meant to know until the prescribed time. but it's always intriguing to think about, and it's worth taking the time to do so every now and then.
Excellent video!! Learned much from this video! Hope you put out more videos soon!
Fun and informative video. Great job.
I'm glad you mentioned the Jeremiah verse, that has always bugged me when I see it used that way.
Why would that bug you? The word of God is not just a history book. It's alive, still active, and sharper than a two-edged sword. Why would I conform to only knowing it was for Judah, and not have faith it can also be applied to me today. That's the beauty of Hermanaeutics. I understand the historical context in order to know how can that apply to me today!
@@Paysanaswylin no, that's not hermeneutics, it's eisigesis.
@@thomaserickson568 Ok.
@@Paysanaswylin this is the question I’m left with. I get what it’s original intent is but what does it mean to me today? If all scripture is breathed by God and profitable for man, what is this scriptures relevance to me today.
@symplee_chris exactly! I think people are being....people. lol his word is profitable and can't be put in a box to appease the "know it alls" I think this is why people have problems with Christians now because they're bickering over these things and telling everyone they're wrong. I understand that there should be correction because that is biblical, however in our efforts to do so I don't think we should take away someone's hope and encouragement they find and how they apply it to their life.
Wow, thanks for this. This is exactly how the Bible should be 1st understood ( Hermeneutics ) and before giving our own ideas from experiences.
Thank you!! I finally understand the difference in the 3.
good stuff! way to break-down the truth...about the truth!
I Appreciated this video. You truly made it plain and simple in your demonstration. Thank you
Awesome bro! I’m locked in!
Blessed by your video! God bless..
Thanks for the 2 questions in that last part. However, once that is settled, can't we ask how Jer. 29:11 would apply to Christians today and support that conclusion with other verses?
This is what I was thinking...
its gud to use exegesis to
a certain extent bt this will limit the move of the holyspirit becoz one would rely much on logic than the holyspirit
Pee who can be against me
Pee who can be against me
1 second ago
meditation demands readin slowly attentively repeatedly with the holyspirit..the key is not to finish the bible but its to read with the holyspirit
@@PeeGeeMAnU For the person that is sincere, they will ask for the Spirit's guidance as they seek sound exegesis of a text. Sure, we can become people of just facts and figures. But God wants us to know what He is saying [without any misinterpretation] and the Holy Spirit will lead and guide us to that truth if we're willing to follow.
@@ineedrest7 Luke 24:45-47 English Standard Version (ESV)
45 Then he opened their minds to understand the Scriptures ...exegesis is gud to use it ,but wen it comes to understanding we need revelation from the holyspirit....revelation is not human reasoning but its something divine nd beyond human logic...u r right,,some people say they noe God yet they neglect the holyspirit...most of these people who depend entirely on exegesis are lowkey critical when they see signs and wonders happening in the body of christ because they use too much logic and they are lowkey religious
@Frazier Woods I agree with you, this part is missing from the explanation on hermeneutics in the video. The books of the Bible were not written to us but for us, and most passages of Scriptures have a universal principal that we can use today. God still speaks to us through His Word. As for Jeremiah 29:11, an important information we can draw from the passage is that the people were in a difficult situation when God gave them this promise. This passage is not a promise of lifelong wealth and prosperity in a worldly and material sense, or a promise of a problem-free life, but it reminds us that God has a plan for our life, and His plans are good. God has spoken to me several times through this passage to encourage me during difficult times, and I pray that the Holy Spirit will do so to you. God bless you!
Well, that explains why hermeneutics is often found to be limiting. For example, the example given for Jeremiah 29 does not permit anything beyond verse 10 as the possible interpretation, but verse 11 clearly lists the plural form "plans," but verse 10 only lists one plan. So, while the exegetical example may make the eisegesis example appear to be the unlikely intended interpretation of the verse, the exegetical example is not without its flaws.
You're not going to get a greatly detailed and in depth exegetical explanation of Jeremiah 29 in an informative video that isn't centered around that piece of scripture specifically, it was just a brief example. If you want to understand it better, use hermeneutics and study it.
This was pretty neat and explained things really well. The examples you gave were really good.
Cask Theology looks wholesomes
its gud to use exegesis to
a certain extent bt this will limit the move of the holyspirit becoz one would rely much on logic than the holyspirit
Pee who can be against me
Pee who can be against me
meditation demands readin slowly attentively repeatedly with the holyspirit..the key is not to finish the bible but its to read with the holyspirit
yes nd we read the bible by revelation not logic,this is why we need the holyspirit...dont neglect the ministration of the holyspirit
john16 says the holyspirit will guide us into all truth not to the 'original bible'
Great job explaining this... Hope you will someday consider doing one on Esoteric compared with literal, and allegory.
So, my thoughts on the Jer 29:11 verse. Sure it was written for a different purpose and to a different audience, but that is the case of most of the Bible. So as people several thousand years removed, should we just ignore what the bible says, cause it wasn't written for our exact situation? Or should we pull out some applications for our own lives? I understand that sometimes people twist things to fit what they want, but I'm not sure if Jer 29:11 is the best example of this. Because God does have plans for everyone. And if we follow him, we will prosper in his love and by entering in the kingdom of heaven. The prosper part might be misinterpreted though in that not everyone is going to become rich and prosper with material things. But we will prosper in spiritual things if we put our trust in God. And the spiritual things are the only things that matter
I'm applying to a MA in Theology not coming from a theological background other than a massive love for it and self-searching and reading. Your videos are helping me a lot. Thanks!
Yippysss. Praise, goddddd, the lord Jesus
ts gud to use exegesis to
a certain extent bt this will limit the move of the holyspirit becoz one would rely much on logic than the holyspirit
meditation demands readin slowly attentively repeatedly with the holyspirit..the key is not to finish the bible but its to read with the holyspirit
yes nd we read the bible by revelation not logic,this is why we need the holyspirit...dont neglect the ministration of the holyspirit
john16 says the holyspirit will guide us into all truth not to the 'original bible'
I think it's worth bringing up this point, which I'm sure many mature conservative would agree with is, If God wrote the bible, he would want it interpreted in a way
for advice and guidance for hundreds of years, spanning different languages and cultures, (ie it's not meant to only be interpreted for the timeframe of the immediate audience
of that era, be it the future nation of Israel, (coming out of Egyptian slavery) or even say for the first two centuries of Christians) (It's supernaturally written in a way for those time frames, as well as 2,000 to 4000 years afterwards ( depending on if you believe written words as a language was capable in the Days of Noah)
Excellent video, extremely helpful👍
I believe that the Bible is timeless, and that it is still applicable for us today. If I cannot claim Jeremiah 29:11 in our times, then what promises, or commands or warnings, etc from the Bible is still applicable for us in the present; considering the historical, contextual, cultural settings, and varied recepients it was written to? How would you differentiate eisegesis from application-- that what was declared by God as true and valid to the former recepients is also true, valid, and applicable to us in the "now"?
His reasoning is flawed on this point.
Thanks man. Im beginning my venture into all of this.
Thanks for educating us. God bless
My Dear Brother in Christ. This is my first time watching your video however I really loved your video and it did cover the different methods of interpreting God's word very well. The Jeremiah illustration was really nice. God bless you in accordance with His will and hope to see you in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ.
አመሰግናለሁ Thank you!
This is....surprisingly fantastic. It's hard to find content like this that has both great content and modern creativity. I'm looking forward to seeing other videos. Great job my guy!
I would add
1. How does this point to Jesus
2. How does it correct any wrong view in my life
3. How should I act/respond based on the scripture
I'm not sure what you mean by your first question because the whole Bible points to Jesus, but developing a better exegetical understanding of scripture via the use of hermeneutics has helped correct quite a few incorrect views I had due to reading/interpreting scripture via the eisegesis understanding. And to be fair, if it's the word of God, I would respond by correcting my incorrect views; God knows best.
Hey nice break down of the terms. I’d like to open your eyes to your argument about it not being motivating. If a people are in exile your argument would conclude that this is a letter of inspiration. It’s a hope for the future. A distinct thing God does throughout the Bible. Yes He sends prophetic warnings. But this is a message of encouragement. Even when doing hermeneutics. You still must ask the question of how does this apply to me right now. God has made His word applicable. One of the morals would be that one should be hopeful if they too are experiencing a situation of exile. This message is an encouragement for us not to leave the faith. God still knows what He is doing. He still has a plan. Why would a graduate need to know this? Because many are entering a world which is brand new. That verse hits a nail regarding Gods Nature. It’s in Gods nature to give His people hope & obedience leads to the future that God predestined.
I wish he was able to give some examples of Exegesis.
EXCELLENT JOB EXPLAINING THESE TERMS. Another video about these terms had me super confused. Thank you so much!!!
Thanks very much for this wonderful video. May God bless you 🙏
in your example of 29:11, doesn't it mean that all the passages in the bible are not useful for us since it was written specific for people at tha ttime? if not, then can you explain how the jeremiah 29:11 should means to us?
I need more on exegesis!!!!! Thanks for the Hermeneutics. I got it!
I was trying to explain this to someone. The objection they had was application: When using Eisegesis the application is simple. In this case the application is that we can trust God to bless us.
But if we use Exegesis then the application can become more difficult. (albeit, more correct!)
In this case I'm not sure what the application is.
I do have my own thoughts, but I'd love to hear what suggestions others have for this? Specifically and generally.
thank you .....very helpful.. love from india
Thank you , praise God
This video was very helpful. I took notes lol thank you for your ministry. I do have a question though. While I understand that people use the verse from Jeremiah in a way it wasn't originally intended, is that wrong? I thought the beauty of the word is God never changing. Who is to say he doesn't have plans to prosper recent graduates. I think the fact we are finding hope and encouragement in the Bible is valuable. Still, I understand that knowing the actual context is important because you really can see what the people of the Bible endured and God's glory.
Thank you so much this has been very helpful!! I'm in a "Reading The Bible in the Christian Tradition" course and I was completely lost when reading the textbooks because I still couldn't understand these terms. The way you covered them was easy for me to understand, thanks again for this video! :)
Loved this! Just wondering how scripture is meant to influence today's readers if it isn't multilayered? I mean does Jer. 29:11 have relevance to the lives of believers today or is it supposed to be taken at face value and just read as a testament of God's love for his people?
That’s part of the art and science. You gotta first understand the then and there before you try and derive an application or understanding for today, otherwise you run the risk of making the text say something it is not.
Well done WM ! The Bible is also 25% Prophecy and so some texts may have past, present and future meaning.I did note you said at the end that God is revealed throughout the Bible.Do you discuss prophecy in other videos ? Thank you.
My pastor spoke last week about using Hermeneutics approach to understand Bible. I have been looking for materials online since. Glad to find you.
Fantastic video brother. Well done! I really appreciated the example at the end.
I loved this!!!!
Good job in explaining the difference
I really enjoyed the video. Very inspirational but struggled to keep up up with thee speed of your videl. No time to make notes
Hope and a future 🙏
Excellent, Excellent Brother well done!
It's great video. But I'm about confused now. So we cannot and should not apply our life situations to biblical passages to draw meaning from it. So, how then does God use the Bible to speak to us?
Very nice 👍 God bless you ☺️
Nice. I learned something
This is an eye opener. Beautifully illustrated! Thanks
I can already hear my Kenneth Copeland-centric family watching this video and REEing at virtually everything you've explained. Sad that prosperity gospel is so successful at making money rather than educating others
Woah! I love you man! 🥺🥺🥺
I'm about to do a small series on my super tiny fledgling podcast on these exact words because I feel that they are important. If it's okay I would like to link to this video it was great! I am not a seminary student I'm a 55 year old man and just a lay person but my goal is to get people stirred up and passionate about studying God's word.
Yes! As soon as you said "one of the most misinterpreted Bible verses", the first one I thought of was Jeremiah 29:11. However, I think you did miss something, and that's verses 5-8. In the whole letter, God is telling them His whole plan, which does include rescuing them in 70 years, but it also includes them building and having a life in this place that they probably didn't want to go: building houses, planting gardens, taking wives, and seeking the welfare of the city so they will have welfare. The plans to prosper them and not harm them are not just for 70 years later, but for their present circumstance, which doesn't look good to them. It was reassurance: "It's ok, go into exile, it will be alright." As added evidence that this prosperity and welfare included during the exile, those who didn't go into exile were not alright. v. 16, 17-20
Thank you for your video. What are some good sources for historical contextual hermeneutics?
So, how would someone take that information and apply it to what they may be going through in the current day?
Thank you so much, super informative and will change the way I read the Word more carefully and thoughtfully!!
Hiii @whiteboard Ministry! Are you still uploading videos about how to interpret or understand bible ? I want to study theology or how to interpret bible verses correctly hehe
This was so cool! It really breaks down the different ways to study the Bible. So easy a child could understand after watching this the video....what is your view on 1 Corinthians 12:7-10?????ceased or continuing today???
So said another way - Exegesis & Hermeneutics are objective while Eisegesis is subjective? But in this scenario because we are speaking about something as paramount as The Bible, subjectivity is inherently incorrect? Or is there a place of value for Eisegesis?
Great video!
So when the Gospel authors took Old testament verses out of context in order to give them messianic application, where they not engaged in eisegesis?
Something I've not shared in writing, publicly, is my idea that we (carnals) have this awful tendency to look at scriptural interpretations thru a MICROSCOPE when (I would argue) we'd more often then not, learn much more if we'd consider them by looking thru a KALIEDOSCOPE. Meaning: I think we limit or understanding of who He really is, by our prejudices, & our oftentimes agenda driven conclusions. Amen
Can you do a video on the canonicity of the bible?
In addition to my previous post, one verse cannot be used in isolation as it is part of a much larger picture and the larger picture is God's Redemptive Work.
So I have read somewhere that scripture has just one interpretation but many applications. If this is correct, can the application of students with a hope for a better work/life be equally correct? If application is aligned with interpretation, can we now then say it is appropriate?
I enjoyed the way you explained this! The thing about us thinking that anything mentioning an eagle might be talking about the USA! 😀 Anyway- i al also passionate about this topic, too!
Thank you this was very helpful
This was so helpful once I have to write a Exegesis paper but have no much understanding the meanings even dough after goggles. Your way of explaining is sure much more clear. Thank you
Found your channel today and thoroughly enjoyed your videos. Quite accessible and very straightforward. Be blessed and keep it up. Subscribed
Thank you for this video.
Thank you - so helpful.
Awesome breakdown
Could the Eagle have represented the higher evolution of the sign of Scorpio?
you just got a new subscriber today. Because of this clear explanation and use of white board
The famous one the prosperity preaches use is 1 john 1 v9..
Really good info. Thank you.
I’m doing a course on exactly this at university and this helped me before I started my semester so thank you :)
How do you do graphics s like that? I'm assuming you aren't actually drawing...Excellent work here.
So helpful! Thank you
I love this. Thank you
This is so helpful though trying to understand religious things can either make you more or less religious
Read the scripture before your "promise verse" and read the verses after often clarifies weird interpretation. Often we search for a word for us and our time like a devotional or application. Too often we lean on experts when you can simply read it yourself
Thank you so much God bless you!
great video my dude!
Am speechless. Wow
This is beauty.
Do you already have the next video after this?
What a unique way to use your talents to spread the Bible's meanings. Great! Wonderful drawings and good purpose.
can you explain ACTS 10:10-16 using Hermeneutics?
Yes. According to Torah, those animals were unclean and were not permissible to be eaten by a Jew. Peter prided himself on his obedience to Torah and avoiding the unclean. The meaning of the vision was to tell Peter that he was no longer under the old Torah law. Christ sacrifice had freed him from the Torah of the letter of the law to the Torah of the Spirit of the law. The reason it happened 3 times was to signal that this was divinely authorized. The 4 corners represented the 4 corners of the world. Thus, Christ sacrifice had cleansed all of the world not just the Jews.
Immediately after this Cornelius which is a gentile and considered unclean by Jews invites Peter to his home. Had Peter not had this previous vision, he probably would had made some excuse to decline Cornelius invitation. His most likely excuse would had been he couldn't dine with Cornelius cuz gentiles eat unclean food. Peter's vision helps him realize that God has cleansed the gentiles too. Therefore, Cornelius is as much a brother as his Jewish brothers.
Its not about food, unclean animals are still unclean.