Do not blame the people who have the unfortunate job of putting these animals to sleep. It is the irresponsible people who do not bother to get their pets fixed.
Thank you so much sir for this film. I watched it for the first time when I was around 10 years old, and it is part of the reason why all my pets come and will always come from shelters and be neutered. As heartbreaking as this video is, I am grateful for your work, it was a real eye-opener for me. The movie clips and music still haunt me 15 years later but also give me the motivation to do my best for the animals in need. Thank you.
This was made many years ago but very educational. Shelter staff are blamed for killing but it's the owners who are responsible for these lives being lost. Spay and neuter!
I consider these maligned workers amongst The Bravehearts. I worked for a vet in my youth, assisting with euthanasia (as opposed to mercy termination) as required, and my boss, my mentor, one of the most compassionate men I've ever known, would become both distraught at what he had to do, and enraged at the callousness of people who shunned their responsibilities in having their pets needlessly destroyed.
I watched this when I was 10yr and started work at the local animal shelter. I'm 22 now and I still remember how profoundly this video affected me as well as seeing the euthanasia room full of dead animals. I get so angry when I hear people let there dog breed and wish all people could see this video and the euthanasia room at there local shelter before they decided to breed their pet.
More people need to see this... Edit-Buddy is my Chorkie. He costs a lot- but I knew that he would. He has a special diet. Sometimes,I do without frivolous purchases so that he has what he needs. Sometimes,he hears noises and he barks- loudly- at 3 am. Sometimes, thunder scares him, and I sit with him, all hours of the night,to reassure him. He needs to be held- I do that. He needed to be neutered, and it was done. He needs love - I'm here...bc what he does for me is so much more.. If you don't have time, money, love- don't get them. And if you do. For all things greater than we- spay and neuter them. More people still need to see this..I'll die on this hill...
Omg i punched my phone. I'm in tears. And the cats were the most heartbreaking. We human beings are the worst monsters in this planet; maybe in this universe!
People are missing the point of the video. Get a pet, only if you see yourself taking care of them (financially and time commitment) for life. Adopt a pet from shelters. Not from breeders, pet stores and puppy mills. Neuter/spay your pet.
Anita Ellen McGee Not to mention so called 'pet food' is taxed, unlike regular this city it's $300 average to sterilize a female cat......$80 to kill one 'humanely'...efforts to allow 'mobile neutering' vans to operate locally have been defeated by greedy vets
All shelters/rescues should make this video mandatory before anyone can adopt a pet. I agree with the person in the video who stated re: a litter of puppies, the parents wanted their children to see the miracle of birth. Then they should also be brought back to the Humane Society to see the miracle of death! It was very painful to watch but so is an abused or neglected animal or pet. This is a good video and the people that have to put down over 100 animals a day are caring and brave!
I'm sharing this now to unexpecting individuals. I genuinely want to know their reaction. If they care, or not? Hopefully they will be be affected enough to be kind and responsible to dogs. Dogs are one of the few mammal species that has the closest symbiotic relationship with humans. They're loyal faithful friends for life. It's a disgrace people undervalue such a remarkable bond that can take place between two completely different species. I couldn't at all euthanize healthy dogs. I refuse! In Germany, euthanasia of healthy dogs in shelters is prohibited. Guess the USA is a backwards second class nation, not a First World Country. California and Texas are the worst for shelters being filled beyond capacity and killing healthy adoptable dogs. That's wrong! This is too simple to prevent! Spay and neuter! What a no brainer! Make it a mandatory thing. Exceptions can be made for those that get approved via permit and pay money that supports shelters. Breeders will continue to exist, but let's hold them accountable. Litters can be all microchipped and traced back to the breeder. Breeders will be held responsible if they're dogs end up dumped in shelters. As for the careless people that let their dogs carelessly breed, technically this is a "breeder" and they will be held accountable. Microchips allow easy tracking. Anyone that dumps their dog should be held accountable. If it was culturally acceptable, people would dump children at high kill shelters too.
What a sad, but much-needed documentary for everyone to see. The take-home lessons here are to PLEASE always spay & neuter your pets & PLEASE adopt, DON'T shop. Eric Friedl, I'm curious to know if the 2 women featured in this film are still working in the animal industry?
Thank you for your thoughtful and clear-eyed comments on the film, Tracey. To my knowledge, one of the women in the film, Joanne (with dark hair), still works in animal care services; Cindy went on to work for a veterinarian.
The good news is both of my dogs are neutered/spayed. My family did lots of research, and we have two very lucky dogs who are very happy 😊. Please take responsibility for your pets.
I wish something could bring you relief. I also completely agree with you. Have you heard of Dignitas in Switzerland? They perform physican-assisted suicide. Belgium also is open to physician-assisted suicide. Humans can capably consent to seeking such an option to end their life in peace. It's like Lap of Love for humans. There's no need in 2023 for such suffering. Of course, I hope you can get relief. I'm pro-right-to-die but, I tremendously value living over death. Euthanasia is a last resort. There isn't any return. You can't change your mind once it's over. We only have this one life. The fact you're even watching this documentary tells me you value this life. However, we all die. We all may get too sick, or face a dreadful disease, or injury. People should be able to have a nice day, week, month, year, or years, then when it all becomes too much, they should be granted a comfortable kind and peaceful goodbye. If you're serious, and want a way out, you can find it. People go to Mexico to get the drugs used for pet euthanasia to take themselves. I see nothing wrong with this, as long as it's not done impulsively. I believe it's possible to do physician-assisted-suicide in Oregon.
As a Dutch person, I'm glad in my country it is possible. There are strikt criteria. The suffering has to be very bad and endless. And two doctors have to agree on that. And after the fact, the prosecutor will look at it. And a lot of doctors will not want to be a part of it. But it is possible at least. I hope that at some moment you will be able to find relief of your pain.
Thinking about opening up an animal shelter and playing this video on a loop in the lobby, so people that drop off animals realize they may be sentencing the animal to death just because it's too inconvenient for them to keep up with the responsibility. I'd probably add this to a contract as well for relinquishment. "By relinquishing my pet, I understand that I may be sentencing the animal to death and am hereby no longer able to adopt again as a result."
Yes, I've heard of some shelters showing the film to people who are about to relinquish (or have just relinquished) an animal to that shelter for frivolous reason, also advising them they won't be able to adopt again. It's all about educating the public of course, hopefully before it's too late for the animal. Thanks for your comments and good luck with the animal shelter.
@@aiglon27 thank you Eric for creating this informative documentary I don’t know how the camera crew did it without breaking down I couldn’t have done it.
Now some have no choice to give up their pet it could be due to eviction or they can no longer care for it due to a situation not everybody is surrendering their pets because they don’t want them in certain situations they have no choice so not adopting to them again wouldn’t be fair but if it’s someone who just didn’t care then yes agreed
@@logan5girl405 You're quite right, of course. Careful discretion and judgement required! Thank you for your well-considered comments. You might also take a look at "The Power of Compassion" that we produced along those lines:
It isn't a breeders fault that cats and dogs have to die. It's the owners who wont spay and neuter. I have one rescue dog and two dogs I myself brought from a breeder. Both of my female German Shepherd were spay before the age of one and so is our rescue dog as well as our three female cats.
Typical low IQ dog nutter passing the blame down the hill. What sense does it make to continue to breed beast that are already euthanized at such a high rate? It defies all good sense.
Some breeders are at fault. Some are not at fault. If a breeder doesn't require the buyer to contact and return any dog to the breeder at anytime in the dog's life, if the buyer wishes to give up the dog, then the breeder is most certainly at fault. If the breeder doesn't require any permanent ID of the dog like a microchip and/or DNA ID to be able to always ID and track their dogs in case they do happen to find their way into a shelter, then that's a truly irresponsible breeder at fault! Breeders can require a spay/neuter of their dogs in a legally binding contract. I don't think every dog must be altered. However that depends on a few factors. If the dog owner can't reliably secure the dog, or if the dog owner isn't up for paying PUPPY SUPPORT for the litters their intact dog(s) carelessly create, then, spay/neuter should damn well be done! With all of the tracking options and easy ID's like microchipping, it's not that difficult to hold breeders and owners ACCOUNTABLE. This whole cop out of using euthanasia to take care of the problem is pathetic! Germany doesn't do it. Really, just hold people accountable. Have effective laws in place too! There's something truly evil about euthanizing healthy adoptable animals. It's a twisted absurdity killing these creatures that would never do the same to us. Humans get more forgiveness than they ever deserve. Dogs love us. Too many humans with their inexcusable excuses, fail them. Yet, dogs love us anyways. We should honor such a gift.
Indeed, a tough and thankless job. Fortunately the number of animals being euthanized continues to drop, thanks to widespread education efforts, easier access to spay/neuter services, and enhanced fostering/adoption programs.
Thank you. I technically work at a no kill, meaning we only put about one dog down per month and only for behavior reasons. However people don’t realize how much it affects you, constantly wondering if you should’ve stopped it, feeling like it’s your fault. And then to have people accuse us of being psychopaths and hating animals. It’s a lot to deal with.
Really depends. If the staff members are kind, compassionate and always acting in the best interest of the animal, sure. There are absolutely people who seek positions of power at shelters who do so because they are sadistic and on a power trip.
Sara Siddique it's all horrible. We house rapist and killers and baby rapist and we can't house these poor helpless loyal healthy animals. We should get rid of the people who do such evil things in prisons instead. We pay for them to live and meanwhile we should have a choice if we wanna pay from them or these animals because I much rather have my tax money goes towards these shelters. I just don't get it. My animals aren't just pets to me. They're my family and cared, loved, treated, just like my own children. It's murder
oh my god, this documentary moved me to tears, i have never cried so much in my life, i shared it everywhere, hoping it spreads the very important message
The music at the beginning and at the end of the film is by composer John Hyde and is entitled "Chance". All the other music is by the late synthesizer pioneer Michael Garrison.
compared to starving on the street, being used as a bait animal or killed by a car, it is very peaceful and painless. Educate yourself BEFORE posting Linoi C. You sound like a fool.
bryant cooke there is many perfectly healthy feline cats that live on the street. I think it’s disgusting the way that they kill the cats.not to mention it takes 1-2 minutes to take effect which in very sure consists of there organs shutting down, breathing issues etc.
People make me sick. They have unrealistic expectations here in the comments section. The people who bring animals in there are living in the fantasy that their pets will be adopted because they are cute enough. This just makes me realize that the population wants to live in ignorance. Idealism just doesn't work. You are lying to yourself when you envision all the "cute puppies" of the world living in perfect heaven like homes to be spoiled. This is reality. This is the result of your idiocy.
But 'humane' shelters encourage this fantasy, they receive donations on the promise that at least some of the animals will be given good homes, if they stated otherwise nobody rightfully would want to donate to them truth, these shelters are the same as landfills/dumps where unsold vegetables end up as disposable's the pet industry CEO's that should foot the bill for this carnage.
Anita Ellen McGee That is speciesm for you..... a rapist like Brock Turner gets slap on wrist for his crimes because he 'is human' and rich ....whatever that word 'human' means
This breaks my heart. I know how hard it must be for you to see this everyday. I would really appreciate it if the Authorities ONLY allowed sterilised animals to be homed in domestic houses. If the new owners disagree to these conditions put them on a 'banned list' and DO NOT ALLOW them to have them on their properties.
I definitely salute all of these people out there that work in these animal shelters!!!! Its definitely not their fault for having to kill all of these animals!! Nobody should ever call these people murders!!!
@Val There are millions of dogs and cats being euthanized each year. Until all the homeless animals are adopted, then we can start breeding again. why are you so worried your sons and daughters have no animals to adopt? Do you worry about the homeless animals being put to sleep?
@ Amy Hong if they weren't domesticated they would not be homeless. Animals create there own homes according to what is best for them. We shouldn't be killing animals just because they don't have a human owner. Animals are way more important than to just be a human attraction or companionship. This is the outcome of domesticating animals. So sad to see
I couldn't watch this show, I listened but did not watch. It is horrible to KILL these animals. Why don't people fix their pets? I makes no sense not to.
I totally agree with these ladies….it’s better to euthanise , than live a life full of misery and pain….and you know,I wish it was legal for some people too that have terminal cases of cancer or some other deadly diseases ….sometimes it’s salvation .
Fuck man. I had to give my dog up Saturday for aggression. I had no choice no friends or family could take her. I thought about putting her down myself so she could be with people who loved her. My wife said we should give her a chance. That was false hope and I listened. They called me today and told me she is too aggressive for rehabilitation n was put to sleep. I regret that shit so much. I would doing to take back giving her to them. Do it yourself. You’ll hurt but this pain is far worse knowing she suffered for 5 days before dying. Fuck man, I’m so sorry Sammy baby
Saying goodbye is the toughest thing to do. Just savor the time you still have with him and you will both know when the time comes. Thanks for sharing.
Agreed! And a good way to begin stopping it is to SPAY/NEUTER OUR COMPANION ANIMALS. That's the urgent message and plea from the kennel workers in the film. Despite impressive fostering and adoption programs in recent years, there still aren't enough good homes to absorb all the animals being born.
Fortunately many shelters and people's consciousness overall have come a LONG way since this video was filmed. It is heartbreaking to know where we were back in 1983. I can't imagine tiny puppies like the ones in this film being euthanized, or the cocker spaniel, or the shaggy black dog. Usually there are more people wanting dogs like those than there are dogs like those in the shelter, resulting in lotteries!
Stop breeding animals!! I have always neutered and spayed my pets- they have been happier for it, no being pestered when in season, and no puppies or kittens to find homes for.
@@aiglon27 ''GOOD'' homes is the operative term. It costs a lot to keep a dog or cat well {Insurance, good food, parasite treatments}walking the dog every day for hours- that is a big commitment. Good homes tend to already at capacity.
I know this is an old video but, sadly nothing has changed. I worked at a no kill shelter for 10 years. I STILL burned out.💔😞 Everyone who adopts or thinks of buying a cat or dog should watch this video FIRST! PETS ARE NOT DISPOSABLE! THEY ARE FAMILY! They deserve love & care for their WHOLE lives. Not just when it's convenient for the family/owner! Unfortunately in the end? The animal almost ALWAYS loses.💔😞😢 WHY can't people see the simple act of spay or neuter could prevent this needless killing? I will NEVER get the images & things I did at my time at the shelter. I have PTSD, depression, & anxiety. Why can't people get a clue. Why? These animals are here through no fault of their own Simply a product of societies lack of caring. RIP to ALL at Rainbow 🌈 Bridge 🕊️. Find peace 🕊️ there you were not allowed in this life because the HUMANS that were supposed to be there for you forever let you down. I'm so sorry I couldn't fix it. 💔 🤘
Shelters are not healthy places to work in general, I've worked at several shelters and they are all incredibly loud, stressful, smelly and the work is truly backbreaking manual labor. Throw in seeing animals put to death and I'm not surprised no one wants to do it for long
@planetchinchilla , Its what this was made for. To raise awareness. Its not the shelters fault. it falls on the community. The shelter gets shit for killing them,but the public keeps breeding.
The part where they grab them by the legs to move their lifeless bodies really bothers me. Why can't you gently pick them up and move them with respect- treat them like the babies they are?
Well spoken! Fortunately the euthanasia numbers have drastically dropped since the film was made, thanks largely to education and better managed adoption and fostering programs.
@@aiglon27 Thank goodness for that. The Puppy being euthanised was an extremely hard watch, because of the struggling and the crying. It's shocking the numbers of puppies and kittens still being bred- there still are too many being allowed to breed, and the good homes aren't there. I think only one other animal film affected me so much - a French film called ''La sang des betes'' by Georges Franou [1949]. This film did remind me of that. Factual and dispassionate, and all the more shocking for that.
I'm sorry to say this but I personally don't know whose worse. The pathetic, heartless, gutless, soul-less owners who dump their companion dogs and cats or the equally heartless, gutless, soul-less people who so casually KILL the same animals, day after day. How they can sleep soundly at night and then look at themselves in the mirror the next day is beyond me. It appears that most of these people have NO compassion, NO empathy, NO integrity, NO decency and NO moral ethics whatsoever.
***** I can assure you that I have rescued dogs, I've now got my fourth, I donate to various animal charities, and I volunteer at a local centre, so you're the stupid one as you so obviously know NOTHING about the amount of dogs (and cats) that are killed in the so-called shelters every day. Some are actually called 'hell-hole killing fields' instead of a 'shelter' as this appears to be their only aim, killing as many dogs as possible so they don't have to be bothered with re-homing them or caring for them, all these so-called workers are interested in is collecting their blood-money at the end of the working shift. How about YOU, what have you done except criticize other people or are YOU a dog killer at a shelter????
***** Well then, you're just one of those heartless killers that deserve ALL the criticism and hate that is directed at you, and I don't suppose you did ever lose any sleep over it, after all you got your blood-money at the end of the shift and if you didn't 'enjoy' it you would have found a different job. Pity you didn't save lives instead of taking them but then, for you that probably wouldn't have been such fun or entertainment. So go and carry on believing you were doing a 'wonderful' job, whilst you're ending lives. Sleep well, hope you have no nightmares.
So your saying its ok for an animal to live out its life in a cage? If there is no home for the animal I rather see it be pts then to live out its life in a cage/kennel. Animals will and have gone cage/kennel crazy after a period of time. I say yes its sad that healthy animals are pts, but at the same time, they won't spend years in a cage/kennel all alone and scared. Even the healthiest animals gets stressed in the shelter environment and there is only so much that an animal can take before they start to go crazy.
DriftyAlison0 But there is lots of Animal Sanctuarys where they will be well looked after and can run in open grassy fields and play all day. Cared for and lots of food and can live out the rest of their days in peace and won't be killed so whats wrong with that sounds good to me.Life is very valuable on this earth and we are not God so what gives us the right to say who live or dies. Hasn't there been enough blood spilled on this earth look at all the abortions people killing babies and such.As Micheal Jackson said in one of songs once .If you want to make the world a better place Take a look at yourself, and then make a change.I'm starting with the man in the mirror I'm asking him to change his ways, We can't change everyone but we can change ourselves set a example for others to do whats right.In other words use the time we have left that God has given us on this earth to do his good work.Don't kill his beloved creatures.Save their lives if anything.If your not a religious person I did not mean to insult you by mentioning God.
Kill shelters should be out-law. This is murder in my eyes. My dogs are spayed but I also have a 14 year old dog and it scares me to think if something happens to us, she will be euthanized when she is full of life. You get a puppy/kitten it's a lifetime commitment to the pet. If you can't take on that commitment for 10-15 years, don't get one. Plain and simple.
+Mari Varner Actually, she's not. ....sad indictment of humanity that it is. But people are selfish. Ugly, but thats reality. Wish it were otherwise, but it isn't. Everyone thinks its a great idea right up to the point you ask them to put their hand in *THEIR* pocket there and then, and sign a weekly auto-debit regular pay deduction to build the facility, staff it with the necessary staffing levels for a keep shelter, provide veterinary care, et al. And of course, you don't mind if we build it next to your house in your neighbourhood do you? ROTFL.
If there isn't any room, THEN MAKE ROOM!!!! I'm literally crying right now! Please stop!!! The bodies are dumped into bins and tables to then later be picked up and thrown away like TRASH! When killed they are given NO painkillers or anything! The real LAW that should be placed is NO animal will be killed! I'm sorry.. I'm just. Having mixed feelings.
to all of y’all saying with what money: millions of dollars are going into building and running prisons, for some people who have done unthinkable crimes.something has to be done about this. innocent animals are dying and it’s disgusting.
that cockerspaniel at the start already broke my heart. I have a little black and white gal. Dumb as nails at first, but such a sweetheart once she settled. Couldnt imagine EVER throwing her away, especially because she doesn't respond great obedience-wise.
+Cheryl Grese =》Sara Siddique is just a deeply disturbed individual in so much emotional pain, it trolls cat hate posts all over You Tube seeking insatiable relief in inflicting its pain on others. Ignore. Don't feed it.
Every life has a purpose. All animals are individuals and they have feelings and thoughts and they suffer the pain and the joy that we do. They are entitled and they deserve an opportunity to live. HEARTBREAKING!!!!!!Human? The worst beast in the world! Only monsters can work in these places
They are not monsters they are ending their life in the kindest way lethal injection is quick and painless they are a county animal shelter they rely on donations and a small operations budget this was also from the 80’s so things have changed
killing un wanted humans is just as fair as putting down un adopted animals. í dont see why we cant do a purg but its okay for thousands of innocent animals to be put down. mind blowned.
How much money have you given to shelters to save every animal? How many shelter cats and dogs have you adopted? How many hours a day to you volunteer at your local shelter Anita Ellen McGee? Either put out or shut up. You are one ignorant fool
@@theeliblog4559 remember this documentary was made during the 80’s a lot has changed since then they are not heartless they callused to protect their feelings I’m sure they care but I’m sure they are angry that they have to euthanize so many animals you do become bitter toward the public as one worker said when you educate and still people dump them at shelters never learning and keep breeding they care they just have to keep a mindset in order to keep sane while doing this procedure I’m sure they go home at night and fall apart anybody who does this kind of work I’m sure it bothers them and hurts their heart.
@@logan5girl405 the dog that myself and my friend had to put down did get an injection in his vein but still had a heart beat. The vet had to inject him in his heart. He had metastatic cancer.
If your pet passes and to take him here for cremation how is there body handled? And how Sure is it I get him back and not somebody else’s dogs ashes ?
Why they trying to kill animal this iis America stop killing those animal even though they healthy still killing them what share America killing puppy just like I cry when watching this animal Those people are very cruel killing Animal
People that surrender their dogs/cats should have to come back to the shelter and watch their discarded pet be euthanized if the animal does not find a new home.
Instead of judging shelters, something you know nothing about, why don't you tell us what the other way is? In the meantime, how much money have you given to shelters to save every animal? How many shelter cats and dogs have you adopted? How many hours a day to you volunteer at your local shelter Anita Ellen McGee? Either put out or shut up. You are one ignorant fool
they need to change all shelters to No Kill, and the Government needs to sponsor animal sanctuaries all around, You can see videos of foreign sanctuaries ran by 4 dudes with hundreds of dogs, why can't we do the same here in the states, plenty of land, plenty of people doing nothing
This is so sad. I wish People never domesticated animals to begin with and we could just learn to leave them room to live there natural life. Yes I know some people will say we cant have animals in the streets but there is still a better way to go about it. We don't have to have a human owner for every animal. This is so wrong. Animals have an important purpose for living other than human attraction or companionship.
This video claims to show humanitarian death yet at 15:50 women are killing dogs right in front caged cats - full view. Those cats KNOW what these people are doing. This is torture - nothing less. And all handling of pets after their shots is unbelievably disgusting! Folks are cruel. Especially those claiming to help. Evil.
Why do they think they care for animals when they can kill like this? This is absolutely UNNECESSARY Cats in Japan live outdoors and they are FINE. How can they think they could take away lives- MURDER THEM. OVERPOPULATED HUMAN WILL NEVER BE KILLED LIKE THIS.
No sedatives used, NOTHING to calm them, before shoving the excruciatingly painful poison into them, murdering them. Those “employees” are quite the actors, I give them that! The one she demon said that if she didn’t love animals she wouldn’t be working there. If she DID love animals, she/they wouldn’t slaughter them!! Such abusive, cruel entities they are! 👿🖕🏻🤬☠️
Omg, I could never do that to a helpless animal. The way they just stick them and toss them back in the cages is just horrible. Those babies deserve to live just like you feel you deserve to live. This process makes no sense whatsoever because you murder innocent animals to make room for other animals then you after a certain length of time you turn around and murder the ones you just brought in to make room again. It’s just a never ending cycle, nothing humane about this. 😡
12:21 " I killed 150 animals that day, then went home bitterly angry at the public' there some sort of 'disconnect' in her heartwarming tale ? She is plainly part of the problem ( breeders/pet shops will happily replace those 150 murdered animals with newborns, to continue the business cycle that 'humane' shelters aka disposal units play a role in ) , yet she fancies herself in an activist role. An analogy to this would be the 1960's bus driver enforcing the 'blacks in the back' rule, telling a reporter how bad segregation is and it should end. It is amazing how humans rationalize essentially egotistic and pathological behavior as a form of would be interesting what a philosopher or a Sigmund Freud type would have to say about this.
She is saying the puppy is cute and healthy but no one is going to adopt him. That is because you make no effort amd do not provide anytime to allow him adoption.
This isn't right. It's murder especially when it's a healthy dog. It's playing God. Germany has a no kill law which we should have. Aren't we past this kind of cruelty yet 2016!!! I get the point of this video I really do but t still doesn't mean we should kill the Un wanted ones. It's not fair. My pets are my family. They're family me members and are treated and loved just like my own children. If u were to put down my child you'd go to rising so why not if it happens to be my 4 legged furry child??????
The people who do this to their pets are the same people who stick their parents in a home when they get old and sick.....forgetting about everything they did for them growing up. Shame on them . I hope and pray that EVERYONE sees this clip and reconsiders the terrible choice they are about to destroy these beautiful , healthy and loving animals.
So truly sad.A throw away society we are.I recently had to find new homes for my pets.They went to excellent forever homes.I screened and interviewed potiential adopters.One dog went to a family friend and another went to a couple that willingly provided glowing vet references and signed a court recognized contract.I never even considered taking them to the shelter.It took 6 months and lots of interviews.I didnt stick my head in the sand and wait to the last second and dump them at the shelter.
This is a sin and nothing more.No matter what is said there is no validation for this. These animals lives are no less important than yours and they do have a right to their life. Every effort should be made to get them adopted. A week or two is ridiculous.
I am a huge animal advocate and I work with animals and I volunteer at my local shelter. As wrong as it is to kill these innocent animals,I still look at it realistically. THERE ARE NOT ENOUGH HOMES. PERIOD. It was painful to watch,yes. But in order to continue giving other animals a chance at adoption we have to do it. Any "open door" shelter does it. There is no such thing as a no kill shelter,sadly =( Good vid,thanks for posting.
Why euthanize puppies?? If any dog is adoptable cute puppies are at the top! Small dogs are also popular. This is before a lot of rescue organizations became well known.
+Becki Bouchard Which part of the ratio of animals dumped on the facility vs new adoptive owners coming through the door being pragmatically unsustainable did you not quite understand?
Oh, I understand. But the point I am making is that puppies should be the very last to be euthanized. The adult dogs, especially the senior dogs, should always go before puppies.
Becki Bouchard Take on board your point. IMO&E, other than local council run kill shelters which seem to have an unwritten unadvertised policy of just killing everything on the kill day of each week, I don't think they'd triage euthanisation of puppies first generally unless they were CPV infected, or like kittens in kitten season, there was just a glut of them being 'surrendered' with little to no pragmatic probability of rehoming them as batches keep arriving arrived. I don't know about puppies, but with kittens, there are two pragmatic issues. Whilst they have the adopt me cuteness factor providing they aren't all black or other unfashionable colour, yes sad isn't it but that's the reality of human nature, they aren't neutered or spayed. Unbelievable as it is, so many people just won't pay the pithy fee for that.Very young kittens,also take intense looking after, Ntot sure how that works with puppies? That;s fine at a veterinary practice with a rehoming display box in small numbers where they have personal who'll generally undertake that intensive nursing feeding toileting task in their quiet time, but in a large kill shelter....ain't gonna' happen. I also think some local government kill shelters have a kill everything they have "in stock" on kill day policy as their attitude is there'll be another batch in next week and their policy isn't aimed at rehoming or animal welfare per se, but eradication from their perception of reducing the problem/nuisance to council (local government authority for that area.. , .
I don't care for the one female narrator who keeps excusing her actions and no it's actually her she's an excuctioner by choice she applied for the position she knew what she was signing up for
These loving animals are killed with love? Maybe because of lack of manpower ang funds? I've watch in YT shelters in Iran wherein they feed and shelter dogs , they dont kill them. In India ,there is poor older woman who feeds and adopts almost 300 stray dogs . .She just loved these loyal and sensitive animals. Are western people less humane?
Every life has a purpose. All animals are individuals and they have feelings and thoughts and they suffer the pain and the joy that we do. They are entitled and they deserve an opportunity to live.
This is horrible and tragic. But do not blame the politicians and shop owners. Most of them would prefer to never do this, but when you have thousands of people who will not be responsible pet owners and spay and neuter their animals, these facilities become overwhelmed with animals they cannot care for. Something has to give. It is sad and as an animal lover and owner of 5 animals, it kills my heart. But I am mad that we allow anyone to own a pet, when clearly they should not. ALL animals should be spayed and neutered unless they are in a private facility where anyone can adopt animals these places raise animals there for adoption. Anyone who buys an animals should not be allowed to have an un-neutered animal unless they pay a fee that comes with a license to open a facility approved by the state to breed animals. A person can be trusted, but PEOPLE cannot be to do the right thing. A law must be passed to ensure animal abuse stops...........but this is sad.
Every kid should watch this and learn the true value of life.
Do not blame the people who have the unfortunate job of putting these animals to sleep. It is the irresponsible people who do not bother to get their pets fixed.
Blame both, coming from somebody who rescued a high kill shelter pup. Best thing we did.
Thank you so much sir for this film. I watched it for the first time when I was around 10 years old, and it is part of the reason why all my pets come and will always come from shelters and be neutered. As heartbreaking as this video is, I am grateful for your work, it was a real eye-opener for me. The movie clips and music still haunt me 15 years later but also give me the motivation to do my best for the animals in need. Thank you.
Thank you for your eloquent, heartfelt comments.
This was made many years ago but very educational. Shelter staff are blamed for killing but it's the owners who are responsible for these lives being lost. Spay and neuter!
I consider these maligned workers amongst The Bravehearts. I worked for a vet in my youth, assisting with euthanasia (as opposed to mercy termination) as required, and my boss, my mentor, one of the most compassionate men I've ever known, would become both distraught at what he had to do, and enraged at the callousness of people who shunned their responsibilities in having their pets needlessly destroyed.
+hughvane Truth told, well said.
I watched this when I was 10yr and started work at the local animal shelter. I'm 22 now and I still remember how profoundly this video affected me as well as seeing the euthanasia room full of dead animals. I get so angry when I hear people let there dog breed and wish all people could see this video and the euthanasia room at there local shelter before they decided to breed their pet.
At first, I didn't understand the importance of spay and neuter. I was ignorant but this documentary changed my mind it is so sad and horrible.
Education is the key that’s for sure
More people need to see this...
Edit-Buddy is my Chorkie. He costs a lot- but I knew that he would. He has a special diet. Sometimes,I do without frivolous purchases so that he has what he needs. Sometimes,he hears noises and he barks- loudly- at 3 am. Sometimes, thunder scares him, and I sit with him, all hours of the night,to reassure him. He needs to be held- I do that. He needed to be neutered, and it was done. He needs love - I'm here...bc what he does for me is so much more..
If you don't have time, money, love- don't get them. And if you do. For all things greater than we- spay and neuter them.
More people still need to see this..I'll die on this hill...
Written most eloquently. Thank you.
Omg i punched my phone. I'm in tears. And the cats were the most heartbreaking. We human beings are the worst monsters in this planet; maybe in this universe!
People are missing the point of the video.
Get a pet, only if you see yourself taking care of them (financially and time commitment) for life.
Adopt a pet from shelters. Not from breeders, pet stores and puppy mills.
Neuter/spay your pet.
Exactly. Thanks for stepping up to the plate with a clarion voice of reason and compassion.
+Erik Friedl pleasure 😊
Also, train to be a vet yourself to avoid outlandish and extortionist 'pet care' fees.
They need to be tax deductable like childran because they provide the greatest service of all un condtional love people are incapable of that
Anita Ellen McGee Not to mention so called 'pet food' is taxed, unlike regular this city it's $300 average to sterilize a female cat......$80 to kill one 'humanely'...efforts to allow 'mobile neutering' vans to operate locally have been defeated by greedy vets
I adopted one from shelter last year,her name is Lily.I love her so much.I wish I can adopt all of them.
that poor little puppy, it didn't deserve to die it was way to young just like all of the other cats and dogs they did not deserve to die
He didn t want to die
It made me cry when he was crying
All shelters/rescues should make this video mandatory before anyone can adopt a pet. I agree with the person in the video who stated re: a litter of puppies, the parents wanted their children to see the miracle of birth. Then they should also be brought back to the Humane Society to see the miracle of death! It was very painful to watch but so is an abused or neglected animal or pet. This is a good video and the people that have to put down over 100 animals a day are caring and brave!
Doesn’t that give into the people who abuse animals? I would think most people who abuse animals would give them up out of force.
I'm sharing this now to unexpecting individuals. I genuinely want to know their reaction. If they care, or not? Hopefully they will be be affected enough to be kind and responsible to dogs. Dogs are one of the few mammal species that has the closest symbiotic relationship with humans. They're loyal faithful friends for life. It's a disgrace people undervalue such a remarkable bond that can take place between two completely different species. I couldn't at all euthanize healthy dogs. I refuse! In Germany, euthanasia of healthy dogs in shelters is prohibited. Guess the USA is a backwards second class nation, not a First World Country. California and Texas are the worst for shelters being filled beyond capacity and killing healthy adoptable dogs. That's wrong! This is too simple to prevent! Spay and neuter! What a no brainer! Make it a mandatory thing. Exceptions can be made for those that get approved via permit and pay money that supports shelters. Breeders will continue to exist, but let's hold them accountable. Litters can be all microchipped and traced back to the breeder. Breeders will be held responsible if they're dogs end up dumped in shelters. As for the careless people that let their dogs carelessly breed, technically this is a "breeder" and they will be held accountable. Microchips allow easy tracking. Anyone that dumps their dog should be held accountable. If it was culturally acceptable, people would dump children at high kill shelters too.
What a sad, but much-needed documentary for everyone to see. The take-home lessons here are to PLEASE always spay & neuter your pets & PLEASE adopt, DON'T shop. Eric Friedl, I'm curious to know if the 2 women featured in this film are still working in the animal industry?
Thank you for your thoughtful and clear-eyed comments on the film, Tracey. To my knowledge, one of the women in the film, Joanne (with dark hair), still works in animal care services; Cindy went on to work for a veterinarian.
The good news is both of my dogs are neutered/spayed. My family did lots of research, and we have two very lucky dogs who are very happy 😊. Please take responsibility for your pets.
Perfectly expressed. Thank you!
as a person in constant pain, i think it's sad that doctors can't give people an injection to take their lives peacefully
You poor thing. Pain is awful. I hope things get better for u.
I wish something could bring you relief. I also completely agree with you. Have you heard of Dignitas in Switzerland? They perform physican-assisted suicide. Belgium also is open to physician-assisted suicide. Humans can capably consent to seeking such an option to end their life in peace. It's like Lap of Love for humans. There's no need in 2023 for such suffering. Of course, I hope you can get relief. I'm pro-right-to-die but, I tremendously value living over death. Euthanasia is a last resort. There isn't any return. You can't change your mind once it's over. We only have this one life. The fact you're even watching this documentary tells me you value this life. However, we all die. We all may get too sick, or face a dreadful disease, or injury. People should be able to have a nice day, week, month, year, or years, then when it all becomes too much, they should be granted a comfortable kind and peaceful goodbye. If you're serious, and want a way out, you can find it. People go to Mexico to get the drugs used for pet euthanasia to take themselves. I see nothing wrong with this, as long as it's not done impulsively. I believe it's possible to do physician-assisted-suicide in Oregon.
@@SuperMichelleDJdude don’t fucking tell someone how to kill themselves what the actual fuck
As a Dutch person, I'm glad in my country it is possible.
There are strikt criteria.
The suffering has to be very bad and endless.
And two doctors have to agree on that.
And after the fact, the prosecutor will look at it.
And a lot of doctors will not want to be a part of it.
But it is possible at least.
I hope that at some moment you will be able to find relief of your pain.
Thinking about opening up an animal shelter and playing this video on a loop in the lobby, so people that drop off animals realize they may be sentencing the animal to death just because it's too inconvenient for them to keep up with the responsibility. I'd probably add this to a contract as well for relinquishment. "By relinquishing my pet, I understand that I may be sentencing the animal to death and am hereby no longer able to adopt again as a result."
Yes, I've heard of some shelters showing the film to people who are about to relinquish (or have just relinquished) an animal to that shelter for frivolous reason, also advising them they won't be able to adopt again. It's all about educating the public of course, hopefully before it's too late for the animal. Thanks for your comments and good luck with the animal shelter.
@@aiglon27 thank you Eric for creating this informative documentary I don’t know how the camera crew did it without breaking down I couldn’t have done it.
Now some have no choice to give up their pet it could be due to eviction or they can no longer care for it due to a situation not everybody is surrendering their pets because they don’t want them in certain situations they have no choice so not adopting to them again wouldn’t be fair but if it’s someone who just didn’t care then yes agreed
@@logan5girl405 You're quite right, of course. Careful discretion and judgement required! Thank you for your well-considered comments. You might also take a look at "The Power of Compassion" that we produced along those lines:
Yes. This video needs to be seen.
It isn't a breeders fault that cats and dogs have to die. It's the owners who wont spay and neuter. I have one rescue dog and two dogs I myself brought from a breeder. Both of my female German Shepherd were spay before the age of one and so is our rescue dog as well as our three female cats.
Typical low IQ dog nutter passing the blame down the hill. What sense does it make to continue to breed beast that are already euthanized at such a high rate? It defies all good sense.
Some breeders are at fault. Some are not at fault. If a breeder doesn't require the buyer to contact and return any dog to the breeder at anytime in the dog's life, if the buyer wishes to give up the dog, then the breeder is most certainly at fault. If the breeder doesn't require any permanent ID of the dog like a microchip and/or DNA ID to be able to always ID and track their dogs in case they do happen to find their way into a shelter, then that's a truly irresponsible breeder at fault! Breeders can require a spay/neuter of their dogs in a legally binding contract. I don't think every dog must be altered. However that depends on a few factors. If the dog owner can't reliably secure the dog, or if the dog owner isn't up for paying PUPPY SUPPORT for the litters their intact dog(s) carelessly create, then, spay/neuter should damn well be done! With all of the tracking options and easy ID's like microchipping, it's not that difficult to hold breeders and owners ACCOUNTABLE. This whole cop out of using euthanasia to take care of the problem is pathetic! Germany doesn't do it. Really, just hold people accountable. Have effective laws in place too! There's something truly evil about euthanizing healthy adoptable animals. It's a twisted absurdity killing these creatures that would never do the same to us. Humans get more forgiveness than they ever deserve. Dogs love us. Too many humans with their inexcusable excuses, fail them. Yet, dogs love us anyways. We should honor such a gift.
The staff at kill shelters are to be commended. Its a tough job. Thank you so much.
Indeed, a tough and thankless job. Fortunately the number of animals being euthanized continues to drop, thanks to widespread education efforts, easier access to spay/neuter services, and enhanced fostering/adoption programs.
Thank you. I technically work at a no kill, meaning we only put about one dog down per month and only for behavior reasons. However people don’t realize how much it affects you, constantly wondering if you should’ve stopped it, feeling like it’s your fault. And then to have people accuse us of being psychopaths and hating animals. It’s a lot to deal with.
Really depends. If the staff members are kind, compassionate and always acting in the best interest of the animal, sure. There are absolutely people who seek positions of power at shelters who do so because they are sadistic and on a power trip.
I don’t really think commended is the right word… the way they killed then was very heartless and the lady speaking was very cultish.
The terrible people are ones who don't spay and neuter, and people who impulse buying
Sara Siddique it's all horrible. We house rapist and killers and baby rapist and we can't house these poor helpless loyal healthy animals. We should get rid of the people who do such evil things in prisons instead. We pay for them to live and meanwhile we should have a choice if we wanna pay from them or these animals because I much rather have my tax money goes towards these shelters. I just don't get it. My animals aren't just pets to me. They're my family and cared, loved, treated, just like my own children. It's murder
I would be a wreck if I worked here. I would have a house with 37 cats running around. Unbelievable tragedy.
oh my god, this documentary moved me to tears, i have never cried so much in my life, i shared it everywhere, hoping it spreads the very important message
If you think you cried that much, you ought to watch the one where they were gassing dogs.
Whats the name of the music at the end of the film? It is from the michael garrison album "point of impact"?
The music at the beginning and at the end of the film is by composer John Hyde and is entitled "Chance". All the other music is by the late synthesizer pioneer Michael Garrison.
This was so hard to watch, but with such an important message... Crying as I'm typing this
Are you joking did those cats deaths look peaceful or painless! They were grabbed by the neck and stabbed in the stomach ! Disgusting
compared to starving on the street, being used as a bait animal or killed by a car, it is very peaceful and painless. Educate yourself BEFORE posting Linoi C. You sound like a fool.
bryant cooke there is many perfectly healthy feline cats that live on the street. I think it’s disgusting the way that they kill the cats.not to mention it takes 1-2 minutes to take effect which in very sure consists of there organs shutting down, breathing issues etc.
People make me sick. They have unrealistic expectations here in the comments section. The people who bring animals in there are living in the fantasy that their pets will be adopted because they are cute enough. This just makes me realize that the population wants to live in ignorance. Idealism just doesn't work. You are lying to yourself when you envision all the "cute puppies" of the world living in perfect heaven like homes to be spoiled. This is reality. This is the result of your idiocy.
Agree totally. I'm a euthanasia tech. We cannot save them all, however it's the majority of cats not dogs.
Agreed. Same with no kill shelters are usually animals living in a cage for years
You are not god.
But 'humane' shelters encourage this fantasy, they receive donations on the promise that at least some of the animals will be given good homes, if they stated otherwise nobody rightfully would want to donate to them truth, these shelters are the same as landfills/dumps where unsold vegetables end up as disposable's the pet industry CEO's that should foot the bill for this carnage.
Anita Ellen McGee That is speciesm for you..... a rapist like Brock Turner gets slap on wrist for his crimes because he 'is human' and rich ....whatever that word 'human' means
It should be the law to spay and neuter.
This breaks my heart. I know how hard it must be for you to see this everyday. I would really appreciate it if the Authorities ONLY allowed sterilised animals to be homed in domestic houses. If the new owners disagree to these conditions put them on a 'banned list' and DO NOT ALLOW them to have them on their properties.
This really hit hard for me. I will never buy a dog I will adopt an animal. I’ve never really fathomed how dreadful this is 😭
maybe if us humans weren't as selfish as we are, this would not be happening
😢😢😢😢This video is very upsetting
I definitely salute all of these people out there that work in these animal shelters!!!! Its definitely not their fault for having to kill all of these animals!! Nobody should ever call these people murders!!!
the murders are the ones that abandon their pets!!!!
I'm okay if people are nice when they are euthanising the animals. But if they are complete jokes, that's a different story.
@@SuperMichelleDJOf course. I wish they would cuddle the dog a bit more before the procedure.
Yes spay/ neuter your animal but also adopt animals!
@Val There are millions of dogs and cats being euthanized each year. Until all the homeless animals are adopted, then we can start breeding again. why are you so worried your sons and daughters have no animals to adopt? Do you worry about the homeless animals being put to sleep?
What a moron.
@Val O'Brien , Im sorry but I disagree with you, I think all domestic animals should be neutered as then they would be loved and cared for very much.
@ Amy Hong if they weren't domesticated they would not be homeless. Animals create there own homes according to what is best for them. We shouldn't be killing animals just because they don't have a human owner. Animals are way more important than to just be a human attraction or companionship. This is the outcome of domesticating animals. So sad to see
I couldn't watch this show, I listened but did not watch. It is horrible to KILL these animals. Why don't people fix their pets? I makes no sense not to.
The 2 ladies who had to euthanize the pets should never be judged as it is the irresponsible public who are the cause of this due to not desexing.
I totally agree with these ladies….it’s better to euthanise , than live a life full of misery and pain….and you know,I wish it was legal for some people too that have terminal cases of cancer or some other deadly diseases ….sometimes it’s salvation .
Fuck man. I had to give my dog up Saturday for aggression. I had no choice no friends or family could take her. I thought about putting her down myself so she could be with people who loved her. My wife said we should give her a chance. That was false hope and I listened. They called me today and told me she is too aggressive for rehabilitation n was put to sleep. I regret that shit so much. I would doing to take back giving her to them. Do it yourself. You’ll hurt but this pain is far worse knowing she suffered for 5 days before dying. Fuck man, I’m so sorry Sammy baby
Your dog is at peace, now. Try to remember the beautiful times you shared together ❤
I got my dog from Milpitas shelter monkey 5 years ago. He’s has cancer and blind now. I don’t want to say goodbye
Saying goodbye is the toughest thing to do. Just savor the time you still have with him and you will both know when the time comes. Thanks for sharing.
We are as humans don't DESERVE dogs ...
God says thou shall not kill
There has got to be a way to stop this!It is sick!
Agreed! And a good way to begin stopping it is to SPAY/NEUTER OUR COMPANION ANIMALS. That's the urgent message and plea from the kennel workers in the film. Despite impressive fostering and adoption programs in recent years, there still aren't enough good homes to absorb all the animals being born.
Fortunately many shelters and people's consciousness overall have come a LONG way since this video was filmed. It is heartbreaking to know where we were back in 1983. I can't imagine tiny puppies like the ones in this film being euthanized, or the cocker spaniel, or the shaggy black dog. Usually there are more people wanting dogs like those than there are dogs like those in the shelter, resulting in lotteries!
Stop breeding animals!! I have always neutered and spayed my pets- they have been happier for it, no being pestered when in season, and no puppies or kittens to find homes for.
@@aiglon27 ''GOOD'' homes is the operative term.
It costs a lot to keep a dog or cat well {Insurance, good food, parasite treatments}walking the dog every day for hours- that is a big commitment.
Good homes tend to already at capacity.
I know this is an old video but, sadly nothing has changed.
I worked at a no kill shelter for 10 years.
I STILL burned out.💔😞
Everyone who adopts or thinks of buying a cat or dog should watch this video FIRST!
They deserve love & care for their WHOLE lives.
Not just when it's convenient for the family/owner!
Unfortunately in the end?
The animal almost ALWAYS loses.💔😞😢
WHY can't people see the simple act of spay or neuter could prevent this needless killing?
I will NEVER get the images & things I did at my time at the shelter.
I have PTSD, depression, & anxiety.
Why can't people get a clue.
These animals are here through no fault of their own
Simply a product of societies lack of caring.
RIP to ALL at Rainbow 🌈 Bridge 🕊️.
Find peace 🕊️ there you were not allowed in this life because the HUMANS that were supposed to be there for you forever let you down.
I'm so sorry I couldn't fix it.
Shelters are not healthy places to work in general, I've worked at several shelters and they are all incredibly loud, stressful, smelly and the work is truly backbreaking manual labor. Throw in seeing animals put to death and I'm not surprised no one wants to do it for long
@@jflsdknf I did some really great things too but, sadly, the bad far outweighed the good.😞💔🤘
they should make a quite room with aroma to calm the animal and play soft music to make it less scary for them and so they can go peaceful
Beautiful idea🙂
They should take donations to keep those dogs and cats alive
They should stop murdering.
+john yes they should NOW
Rachelle Bower what do u mean they can go peacefully if u mean die I never agree.
All my cats are rescues
@planetchinchilla , Its what this was made for. To raise awareness. Its not the shelters fault. it falls on the community. The shelter gets shit for killing them,but the public keeps breeding.
The part where they grab them by the legs to move their lifeless bodies really bothers me. Why can't you gently pick them up and move them with respect- treat them like the babies they are?
This is a hard watch. Euthanising a beloved pet who is terminally ill is different to this. STOP BREEDING and neuter your pets.
Well spoken! Fortunately the euthanasia numbers have drastically dropped since the film was made, thanks largely to education and better managed adoption and fostering programs.
@@aiglon27 Thank goodness for that.
The Puppy being euthanised was an extremely hard watch, because of the struggling and the crying.
It's shocking the numbers of puppies and kittens still being bred- there still are too many being allowed to breed, and the good homes aren't there.
I think only one other animal film affected me so much - a French film called ''La sang des betes'' by Georges Franou [1949].
This film did remind me of that.
Factual and dispassionate, and all the more shocking for that.
Oh God the way that puppy cried from 13:40 to 14:00......
He didn t want to die
Excellent film.
Just looking at those eyes,breaks my heart.
Our kitty is a rescue.Celebrating his 1 year
birthday soon.Can't imagine life without him.
He's one of the lucky ones.
I'm sorry to say this but I personally don't know whose worse. The pathetic, heartless, gutless, soul-less owners who dump their companion dogs and cats or the equally heartless, gutless, soul-less people who so casually KILL the same animals, day after day. How they can sleep soundly at night and then look at themselves in the mirror the next day is beyond me. It appears that most of these people have NO compassion, NO empathy, NO integrity, NO decency and NO moral ethics whatsoever.
***** I can assure you that I have rescued dogs, I've now got my fourth, I donate to various animal charities, and I volunteer at a local centre, so you're the stupid one as you so obviously know NOTHING about the amount of dogs (and cats) that are killed in the so-called shelters every day. Some are actually called 'hell-hole killing fields' instead of a 'shelter' as this appears to be their only aim, killing as many dogs as possible so they don't have to be bothered with re-homing them or caring for them, all these so-called workers are interested in is collecting their blood-money at the end of the working shift. How about YOU, what have you done except criticize other people or are YOU a dog killer at a shelter????
***** Well then, you're just one of those heartless killers that deserve ALL the criticism and hate that is directed at you, and I don't suppose you did ever lose any sleep over it, after all you got your blood-money at the end of the shift and if you didn't 'enjoy' it you would have found a different job. Pity you didn't save lives instead of taking them but then, for you that probably wouldn't have been such fun or entertainment. So go and carry on believing you were doing a 'wonderful' job, whilst you're ending lives. Sleep well, hope you have no nightmares.
clioandminnie Sometimes its better for the animal to be pts than to have to live out the rest of their life in their cage/kennel.
So your saying its ok for an animal to live out its life in a cage?
If there is no home for the animal I rather see it be pts then to live out its life in a cage/kennel. Animals will and have gone cage/kennel crazy after a period of time.
I say yes its sad that healthy animals are pts, but at the same time, they won't spend years in a cage/kennel all alone and scared. Even the healthiest animals gets stressed in the shelter environment and there is only so much that an animal can take before they start to go crazy.
DriftyAlison0 But there is lots of Animal Sanctuarys where they will be well looked after and can run in open grassy fields and play all day. Cared for and lots of food and can live out the rest of their days in peace and won't be killed so whats wrong with that sounds good to me.Life is very valuable on this earth and we are not God so what gives us the right to say who live or dies. Hasn't there been enough blood spilled on this earth look at all the abortions people killing babies and such.As Micheal Jackson said in one of songs once .If you want to make the world a better place
Take a look at yourself, and then make a change.I'm starting with the man in the mirror
I'm asking him to change his ways, We can't change everyone but we can change ourselves set a example for others to do whats right.In other words use the time we have left that God has given us on this earth to do his good work.Don't kill his beloved creatures.Save their lives if anything.If your not a religious person I did not mean to insult you by mentioning God.
Kill shelters should be out-law. This is murder in my eyes. My dogs are spayed but I also have a 14 year old dog and it scares me to think if something happens to us, she will be euthanized when she is full of life. You get a puppy/kitten it's a lifetime commitment to the pet. If you can't take on that commitment for 10-15 years, don't get one. Plain and simple.
Your crazy no one wants to pay to keep cats alive
Sara Kahfagi,
You are the crazy one..
+Mari Varner Actually, she's not. ....sad indictment of humanity that it is. But people are selfish. Ugly, but thats reality. Wish it were otherwise, but it isn't. Everyone thinks its a great idea right up to the point you ask them to put their hand in *THEIR* pocket there and then, and sign a weekly auto-debit regular pay deduction to build the facility, staff it with the necessary staffing levels for a keep shelter, provide veterinary care, et al. And of course, you don't mind if we build it next to your house in your neighbourhood do you? ROTFL.
I'm getting up in age and worry about my fur babies.
If there isn't any room, THEN MAKE ROOM!!!! I'm literally crying right now! Please stop!!! The bodies are dumped into bins and tables to then later be picked up and thrown away like TRASH! When killed they are given NO painkillers or anything! The real LAW that should be placed is NO animal will be killed!
I'm sorry.. I'm just. Having mixed feelings.
Who is going to pay?
Total fantasy
I agree stop murdering these innocent souls
Anita Ellen McGee they can stop killing now and quick.
to all of y’all saying with what money: millions of dollars are going into building and running prisons, for some people who have done unthinkable crimes.something has to be done about this. innocent animals are dying and it’s disgusting.
Lot of people don't care. Toss them aside like furniture. Makes me sick.
Like 2 c how they treat their kids?
@@hugbug4408 exactly.
that cockerspaniel at the start already broke my heart. I have a little black and white gal. Dumb as nails at first, but such a sweetheart once she settled. Couldnt imagine EVER throwing her away, especially because she doesn't respond great obedience-wise.
why are the cats euthanized in front live animals?
Good question for a shelter technician. Policy and technique have changed in many shelters since this film was made.
+ShaLa876 They aren't doing that anymore - but yeah that seemed a bit counter productive and cruel.
Who cares
you're sick
+Cheryl Grese =》Sara Siddique is just a deeply disturbed individual in so much emotional pain, it trolls cat hate posts all over You Tube seeking insatiable relief in inflicting its pain on others. Ignore. Don't feed it.
Every life has a purpose. All animals are individuals and they have feelings and thoughts and they suffer the pain and the joy that we do. They are entitled and they deserve an opportunity to live.
HEARTBREAKING!!!!!!Human? The worst beast in the world!
Only monsters can work in these places
Then don't eat then Sonja.
Sonja Chardonnens-Haldimann Bravo !!!
They are not monsters they are ending their life in the kindest way lethal injection is quick and painless they are a county animal shelter they rely on donations and a small operations budget this was also from the 80’s so things have changed
@@logan5girl405 Did you notice the absence of Pitbulls in this video- nowadays shelters are rammed with Pit mixes and bully breeds.
This is very sad to watch I wish they were more no kill shelters
The best relationship I have ever had has been with my dogs
killing un wanted humans is just as fair as putting down un adopted animals. í dont see why we cant do a purg but its okay for thousands of innocent animals to be put down. mind blowned.
Not unwanted just people who don t want to pull thier own wieght and expect everybody else to pay thier bills
How much money have you given to shelters to save every animal? How many shelter cats and dogs have you adopted? How many hours a day to you volunteer at your local shelter Anita Ellen McGee? Either put out or shut up. You are one ignorant fool
I feel worse for the cats because for the dog it’s instant but for a cat they have to go through a minute of pain
It looks so brutal. The workers look so heartless just tossing them around like potato bags. :(
@@theeliblog4559 remember this documentary was made during the 80’s a lot has changed since then they are not heartless they callused to protect their feelings I’m sure they care but I’m sure they are angry that they have to euthanize so many animals you do become bitter toward the public as one worker said when you educate and still people dump them at shelters never learning and keep breeding they care they just have to keep a mindset in order to keep sane while doing this procedure I’m sure they go home at night and fall apart anybody who does this kind of work I’m sure it bothers them and hurts their heart.
@@logan5girl405 the dog that myself and my friend had to put down did get an injection in his vein but still had a heart beat. The vet had to inject him in his heart. He had metastatic cancer.
I got monkey from there 2019 he passed 4/12/23 😢
If your pet passes and to take him here for cremation how is there body handled? And how Sure is it I get him back and not somebody else’s dogs ashes ?
Good question but this particular facility didn't handle individual cremations. Ask your local vet or humane society.
Why don t theyhave vetranary clinics at the shelter it they are truly a Humane society instead of blood thirsty killers
Why they trying to kill animal this iis America stop killing those animal even though they healthy still killing them what share America killing puppy just like
I cry when watching this animal
Those people are very cruel killing
Seriously, the reasons given for giving up their pets.
Who will be on the list in Treblinka today?
People that surrender their dogs/cats should have to come back to the shelter and watch their discarded pet be euthanized if the animal does not find a new home.
Knowing and watching are two different things. This breaks my heart, surely there has to be another way.
Yes there does have to. Be another way
Instead of judging shelters, something you know nothing about, why don't you tell us what the other way is? In the meantime, how much money have you given to shelters to save every animal? How many shelter cats and dogs have you adopted? How many hours a day to you volunteer at your local shelter Anita Ellen McGee? Either put out or shut up. You are one ignorant fool
they need to change all shelters to No Kill, and the Government needs to sponsor animal sanctuaries all around, You can see videos of foreign sanctuaries ran by 4 dudes with hundreds of dogs, why can't we do the same here in the states, plenty of land, plenty of people doing nothing
Very good idea assuming one can control the breeding rates of our companion animal friends.
The government doesn’t give a fuck about it’s people, you think they’ll care about animals?
The worst thing is a lot of these euthanized animals will make their way into pet food like purina or pedigree.
I've heard that too.
They are just all evil and don't care at all which is wrong so let's do this to them too
This is so sad. I wish People never domesticated animals to begin with and we could just learn to leave them room to live there natural life. Yes I know some people will say we cant have animals in the streets but there is still a better way to go about it. We don't have to have a human owner for every animal. This is so wrong. Animals have an important purpose for living other than human attraction or companionship.
This video claims to show humanitarian death yet at 15:50 women are killing dogs right in front caged cats - full view. Those cats KNOW what these people are doing. This is torture - nothing less. And all handling of pets after their shots is unbelievably disgusting! Folks are cruel. Especially those claiming to help. Evil.
This world is a complete horror
Why do they think they care for animals when they can kill like this? This is absolutely UNNECESSARY Cats in Japan live outdoors and they are FINE. How can they think they could take away lives- MURDER THEM. OVERPOPULATED HUMAN WILL NEVER BE KILLED LIKE THIS.
Watch "Japan's Dog Death Row". They kill plenty of dogs, and they use the gas chamber, which is much worse than this method.
No sedatives used, NOTHING to calm them, before shoving the excruciatingly painful poison into them, murdering them. Those “employees” are quite the actors, I give them that! The one she demon said that if she didn’t love animals she wouldn’t be working there. If she DID love animals, she/they wouldn’t slaughter them!! Such abusive, cruel entities they are! 👿🖕🏻🤬☠️
Omg, I could never do that to a helpless animal. The way they just stick them and toss them back in the cages is just horrible. Those babies deserve to live just like you feel you deserve to live. This process makes no sense whatsoever because you murder innocent animals to make room for other animals then you after a certain length of time you turn around and murder the ones you just brought in to make room again. It’s just a never ending cycle, nothing humane about this. 😡
12:21 " I killed 150 animals that day, then went home bitterly angry at the public' there some sort of 'disconnect' in her heartwarming tale ? She is plainly part of the problem ( breeders/pet shops will happily replace those 150 murdered animals with newborns, to continue the business cycle that 'humane' shelters aka disposal units play a role in ) , yet she fancies herself in an activist role. An analogy to this would be the 1960's bus driver enforcing the 'blacks in the back' rule, telling a reporter how bad segregation is and it should end. It is amazing how humans rationalize essentially egotistic and pathological behavior as a form of would be interesting what a philosopher or a Sigmund Freud type would have to say about this.
Why do they pick them up by there arms and legs
She is saying the puppy is cute and healthy but no one is going to adopt him. That is because you make no effort amd do not provide anytime to allow him adoption.
This isn't right. It's murder especially when it's a healthy dog. It's playing God. Germany has a no kill law which we should have. Aren't we past this kind of cruelty yet 2016!!! I get the point of this video I really do but t still doesn't mean we should kill the Un wanted ones. It's not fair. My pets are my family. They're family me members and are treated and loved just like my own children. If u were to put down my child you'd go to rising so why not if it happens to be my 4 legged furry child??????
It's not murder
You people don't help them.Killing is not of God,. The Lord, give it. The Lord, take away, not man.
The people who do this to their pets are the same people who stick their parents in a home when they get old and sick.....forgetting about everything they did for them growing up. Shame on them . I hope and pray that EVERYONE sees this clip and reconsiders the terrible choice they are about to destroy these beautiful , healthy and loving animals.
That little puppy cried til his last breath he knew... it makes me so fuckin angry I hate ppl
Yes there was no reason to kill a puppy.
Omg why would they do that this makes me sad and I wish I could take care of them all
So truly sad.A throw away society we are.I recently had to find new homes for my pets.They went to excellent forever homes.I screened and interviewed potiential adopters.One dog went to a family friend and another went to a couple that willingly provided glowing vet references and signed a court recognized contract.I never even considered taking them to the shelter.It took 6 months and lots of interviews.I didnt stick my head in the sand and wait to the last second and dump them at the shelter.
If you kill an animal,you kiss your life good bye
Very sad and very hard video to watch...but very real. I agress everyone should watch this video...spay and neuter and adopt...Please...
This is a sin and nothing more.No matter what is said there is no validation for this. These animals lives are no less important than yours and they do have a right to their life. Every effort should be made to get them adopted. A week or two is ridiculous.
Shelter worker: OK, you've seen all our animals. Which one would you like to adopt?
Me: Yes.
I am a huge animal advocate and I work with animals and I volunteer at my local shelter. As wrong as it is to kill these innocent animals,I still look at it realistically. THERE ARE NOT ENOUGH HOMES. PERIOD. It was painful to watch,yes. But in order to continue giving other animals a chance at adoption we have to do it. Any "open door" shelter does it. There is no such thing as a no kill shelter,sadly =( Good vid,thanks for posting.
This made me so sad. 😢
Why euthanize puppies?? If any dog is adoptable cute puppies are at the top! Small dogs are also popular. This is before a lot of rescue organizations became well known.
+Becki Bouchard Which part of the ratio of animals dumped on the facility vs new adoptive owners coming through the door being pragmatically unsustainable did you not quite understand?
Oh, I understand. But the point I am making is that puppies should be the very last to be euthanized. The adult dogs, especially the senior dogs, should always go before puppies.
Becki Bouchard Take on board your point. IMO&E, other than local council run kill shelters which seem to have an unwritten unadvertised policy of just killing everything on the kill day of each week, I don't think they'd triage euthanisation of puppies first generally unless they were CPV infected, or like kittens in kitten season, there was just a glut of them being 'surrendered' with little to no pragmatic probability of rehoming them as batches keep arriving arrived.
I don't know about puppies, but with kittens, there are two pragmatic issues. Whilst they have the adopt me cuteness factor providing they aren't all black or other unfashionable colour, yes sad isn't it but that's the reality of human nature, they aren't neutered or spayed. Unbelievable as it is, so many people just won't pay the pithy fee for that.Very young kittens,also take intense looking after, Ntot sure how that works with puppies? That;s fine at a veterinary practice with a rehoming display box in small numbers where they have personal who'll generally undertake that intensive nursing feeding toileting task in their quiet time, but in a large kill shelter....ain't gonna' happen.
I also think some local government kill shelters have a kill everything they have "in stock" on kill day policy as their attitude is there'll be another batch in next week and their policy isn't aimed at rehoming or animal welfare per se, but eradication from their perception of reducing the problem/nuisance to council (local government authority for that area.. , .
These people are so heartless, the room where the animals are euthanized is filthy and looks like it hasn’t been cleaned in years. :(
I don't care for the one female narrator who keeps excusing her actions and no it's actually her she's an excuctioner by choice she applied for the position she knew what she was signing up for
Why give away your pet if you can’t commit to it’s life
Why do I watch these? Why do I hurt myself like this? I feel like I'm gonna cry
You're educating yourself, that's a good thing.
Roast Chicken same :(
I need to know this is real. This is why i've had all my fur babies spay and neutered
@@joyceortiz6608 You are a TRUE animal lover. Spay and neuter all the way :)
These loving animals are killed with love? Maybe because of lack of manpower ang funds? I've watch in YT shelters in Iran wherein they feed and shelter dogs , they dont kill them. In India ,there is poor older woman who feeds and adopts almost 300 stray dogs . .She just loved these loyal and sensitive animals. Are western people less humane?
Make me sick
Please spay and neuter your ANIMALS
Every life has a purpose. All animals are individuals and they have feelings and thoughts and they suffer the pain and the joy that we do. They are entitled and they deserve an opportunity to live.
This is horrible and tragic. But do not blame the politicians and shop owners. Most of them would prefer to never do this, but when you have thousands of people who will not be responsible pet owners and spay and neuter their animals, these facilities become overwhelmed with animals they cannot care for. Something has to give. It is sad and as an animal lover and owner of 5 animals, it kills my heart. But I am mad that we allow anyone to own a pet, when clearly they should not. ALL animals should be spayed and neutered unless they are in a private facility where anyone can adopt animals these places raise animals there for adoption. Anyone who buys an animals should not be allowed to have an un-neutered animal unless they pay a fee that comes with a license to open a facility approved by the state to breed animals. A person can be trusted, but PEOPLE cannot be to do the right thing. A law must be passed to ensure animal abuse stops...........but this is sad.
+Giovanni Joseph i have six dogs and they are the apples of my eye the wind beneath my waves
Giovanni Joseph