Can you tell me how to get the sag out of the Diamond V-Mesh horse fence when going up or down a hill... It is very frustrating when we spend a fortune on fence and not have it look consistently straight and tight? Is there a video how to deal with these sags going up or down hill and to get them to look consistent ?
Can you tell me how to get the sag out of the Diamond V-Mesh horse fence when going up or down a hill... It is very frustrating when we spend a fortune on fence and not have it look consistently straight and tight? Is there a video how to deal with these sags going up or down hill and to get them to look consistent ?
Closer up video would be helpful.
Do you have a video of doing this on a steel post
What do you do if there is not room for dummy brace
Recommended post installation method?
How to install a no climb wire fence:
Once you’ve installed your fence post and brace assemblies…
Wait, I think you skipped a few steps there…
Lack of detail to important aspects of installation because video was so far away.