If you come to Spain youre both invited to a free course day with me. Jokes are allowed ;). The only condition: you pay for the "tapas". I can take you to the best place to eat spanish omelette that you have tried in your life. Thanks for the shout out!. Great podcast!!. Btw..I would choose Roman Lappat! Alfonso Giraldes.
Doing a weekend class with Roman was one of the best things I've ever done. Unlike other painters I've done classes with (Lan & Bohun) his class isn't follow along and learn how he paints, it's about thinking about how you're painting. Friday night started with ~5hrs of theory, colour, contrast, composition. It was his beginner class so everyone paints a demonette, Roman shows you how he approaches things and does things, but how you build the base, the colours you choose, etc are all your own choice. Roman is trying to teach you how to make those decisions. It was a mind melting 2.5 days but I'd do it again in a heartbeat.
I’m only just getting back into wh/mini painting /gaming... my plan is not to buy any new kits till the kit I have is done and painted... hopefully I can stick to it 😂
Thank you for picking my topic. I honestly thought what I suggested wasn't going to provide enough conversation. I enjoyed watching, and the reason I submitted this topic was for two reasons. Reason number one, I thought it would be interesting to see what painters you looked up to and wanted to learn/hangout with. My second reason for suggesting this topic was I am a newer painter and outside of TH-cam and social media I don't know a lot about other painters. I was hoping that this topic would give me a ton of really good painters to check out and follow so I could become inspired by looking at their work. Thank you again for choosing my topic. This video is exactly what I was hoping for when I submitted it in the Patreon.
Here I sit... all serene... Painting buttons on the Duchess.... when I hear "this is the first time in my life that I've need a bucket while on the shitter." Thank you for causing metallic streaks on the front of this poor vampire's jacket as I laughed my ass off at your suffering.
oh the focus on the door in the back is great! anyway loved just listening at two episodes in a row at the gym :D Greatest podcast ever! Gets me motivated to paint more
Is Jamon Iberico the ham you're thinking of? If so you'd be right in thinking it's amazing. I'd love the podcast to go on tour one day, maybe even a vlog too!?
More craftsman jokes, please. And thank you for reminding me about Jen Haley. I took a course with here a decade+ ago at adepticon once, and it just popped back into my memory.
I'm still a new painter so I would be very interested in seeing a few things first on how do good painters leave a clean look. Second how thin does thin paint really needs to get. And lastly how long does it actually take to so good wet blending. Extra round and indepth NMM lesson
Good episode! It would be helpful to have links to all the painters you referenced in your discussion -- especially for those newer to the hobby of miniatures painting.
Scott has the film quality to make a spectacle of new game and model related releases like Jon was saying. I would love to see you guys use your power to boost the hobby into mainstream popularity.
I would def take 2 days with Sam Lenz. 1 to nerd about music, 80's sci-fi movies and then 1 day to paint a 20 block unit to pick his brain about technique over several models. Oh, and a beer or 4.
I like the miniature hobby enthusiast line as well. Also, I liked the original intro music, not everything needs to be metal 😅. Those things aside, thanks for an awesome year of amazing content.
Opening by saying that the USPS is probably the most successful, beneficial, useful, approved of, and interacted with governmental organization. They are incredibly good at their job, which is delivering packages at the bare minimum price from anywhere to anywhere in the US, six days a week. Occasionally there are hiccups, but the vast, vast majority of packages put into their care get to where they need to go with a minimum of fuss. They are also explicitly named and guaranteed by the constitution. Now, on to the situation. The problem with the USPS is that various political actors have been trying to get the USPS shut down since 2006 or so. They want to do this so it can be replaced by something "more efficient," despite that being essentially impossible due to the long-time organizational knowledge of the USPS, the vastly smaller size of its competitors (FedEx and UPS, who often use the USPS for last mile delivery), and the fact that the USPS is not run with the intention of generating a profit, but providing a service. They also don't like the idea of governmental organizations that function. Similar/the same political actors to the ones who have been trying to shut down the USPS also are big into voter suppression of people who can't go to the polls because they work three jobs, can't get an ID due to time or money constraints, etc to keep their political rivals from getting more power. Recently, because of Covid, a lot of people have decided that they are going to vote by mail to avoid polling places, because they can get crowded. Many of the people who are concerned about Covid are generally against the political actors in the above paragraph. Political actors who have also, coincidentally I'm sure, been downplaying the seriousness of Covid, so their supporters hold anti-mask rallies that also coincidentally become hotbeds for Covid, presumably because they are gathering to spit in each others mouths for fun. Also of note here is that we have been voting by mail for over a hundred years, and it's the main way that soldiers have voted when they are overseas for that entire time. So it's the perfect storm of those political actors' opponents' supporters being concerned about a plague while theirs are not, a history of promoting and performing voter suppression, and wanting to kill the USPS anyway that have led them to expedite the death of the USPS by ransacking sorting machines from places where they think the election might be close in November, like Ohio, Texas cities, and Michigan, as well as their opponents' strongholds, like New York and California, out of spite. So that's why your customers aren't getting their minis on time: An entrenched, long standing group of political actors are killing what is probably the best governmental organization in an attempt to prevent themselves from losing power in the coming months, and also to sow distrust in our nations institutions in general, a track they have been on since at least 1969. This is an act of societal mutilation, and in all likelihood the last gasp of a critically wounded monster of an ideology that just isn't good enough for people anymore. I'm not telling anyone how they should vote, but I am saying that they definitely should vote, and keep all of the above in mind when you do.
Thanks for saving me the words! Came here to post something similar. The USPS was functioning fine through quarantine and the pandemic until the new Post Master General was put in place and he’s systematically dismantling the post office. Removing and dismantling sorting machines is a big part of it
Oh man, I had just been thinking that Jon has no excuse for getting those Australian painters/youtubers confused for brits given his excellent Australian accent impression in that video XD. So glad you guys shared it! ( ❤ from an Australian)
i feel you on the postal service. my last forgeworld order sits now the 9th week in customs (gb to germany). really wondering at this point what's taking them so long
16:57 Play on Tabletop did a battle report that was Tyranids vs Ultramarines 1100 power (over 10,000 points per army) There was a reaver titan, warlord titan, a knight and hundreds upon hundreds of marines vs Three bio titans, swarm lords, more genestealers than anyone knew what to do with them, mawlocks burrowing etc. Scott is basically saying he wants to own what was on that table.
I want to own what was on that table! 😂 only started getting into the mini side of things about 3months ago after years of reading the novels, so far I’ve amassed about 3,500pts of space marines, 1,000pts of Necrons, 800pts chaos, and a seraphon start collecting for AoS.... I may have gone a bit overboard 😅
@bryal that sounds awesome! Best of luck with it 😄 I’ve actually been eying up a knight myself recently, thankfully my local store is out of them at the moment hahaha 😂 probably for the best if I’m being honest, I need to banish some grey before adding anymore (I say this while I wait for a delivery of more models 😅)
Hey. Im from Northern Ireland and ya we are part of the UK. Great Britain is Scotland, Wales and England(its to do with land mass). The Republic of Ireland or Ireland as its normally referred to is its own country and is not in the UK.
i stopped playing with painted models since if i used them and they didnt meet expectations they got shunted to the back of the que and never got painted. I try to paint a model a day now and have my paintstation always set up. I model a day is doable for me and when i tried going assembly line i got stuck on a unit of terminators for a month until i started painting them one at a time again. It is what works for me and the grey plastic mountain is almost shrinking and would if i actually stopped buying things.
Glad to have one this week 🙌 thanks guys Edit - You had it right first time Northern Ireland is in UK, Republic of Ireland is its own, well, Republic. Its also really interesting to hear you see America as such a big land mass feeling like you are separated. I think there is the thought over here (UK) that you can just jump on a highway or an internal flight to get where you want quickly (and do).
That's unfortunately not the case. Sure you can jump on a highway and drive anywhere if you have 10s of hours. You can get all the way through a neighboring state in about 6-8hrs of driving but to go further than that can be a real pain requiring multiple days to drive. Flying is obviously faster but not cheap like it is in the EU to fly from country to country.
@@trappedunderplastic I was visiting friends in Ohio, and they suggested a road trip and I asked 'Ooh can we go to California?' and they were like 'no, you idiot, how small do you think the US is.' In Ireland (the Republic) you can drive the whole length of the country in 5 hours...
Not counting people I've already had the chance to spend time with (many of whom I would like to spend more time with), my list at this instant* would be Bill Horan, Shep Paine, and Luke Towan. As to US miniatures painters, I think the biggest issue here is that the miniatures scene is not dominated by either busts or GW miniatures. If you look at MMSI, Reapercon, Tulsa, IPMS, Adepticon, Gencon, HMGS, ... you'll find an amazing variety of painters, many of whom are completely unknown to the world as seen through GW blinders. * I make no claims about who would be on the list in an hour. NB: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is a country (that surprisingly enough _does_ include Northern Ireland 8-) ). Great Britain is an island. Britain is usually used to mean Great Britain, but can include any of the British Isles, some of which are part of the UK, and may also include Brittany. In addition to Ireland (the country), there are other parts of the British Isles that are not a part of the UK, including the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man (which are "Crown Dependencies"). Because the residents of the UK get so snarky when an American doesn't understand all of that (which, frankly, most of them don't either), I've taken to referring to the denizens as "United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Irelandish". Snark works both ways.
9:40 This is why I will always have a plastic garbage can in my bathroom. Just pull out the bag and you're good to go. You will go though this a couple times in your life and it's never good.
if I had to choose one person to spend time doing "miniature painting" with and potentially learn from, I would have to choose any good gunpla hobbiest from japan because of how different that hobby is and how that applies to my side of the hobby, gaslands. From what I know about gunpla, there's a lot of modding and switching parts and painting in different schemes and styles, and I would want to learn from someone from which all of that originated
Painting armies is just a case of getting one under your belt - before you know it you have a working method that works for you and storing painted models becomes as much of a problem as storing the grey guilt. Best thing to do for a beginner is to seek guides like Johns, Vince's or Mid Winter Mini's that look focus on the process of painting an army and how it really differs to trying to paint one model really well. Once you have the mindset that it is the effect of having 100 models looking good together you are going for and not 100 models really well painted - you fly through them. One of the biggest pitfalls I have seen is GW's Warhammer TV - it breaks the steps down far too much and new painters either end up chasing the really high quality guides or obsessing over painting a tabard really well like the video shows them - they never learn the mindset of how to finish large projects in realistic time frames. By far the most useful guides GW produced for the average gamer are written for the War of the Ring game - *here is the process we used to literally paint several thousand models for one game.*
I'd love to spend a day with Jon and Sam Lenz, not for what I'd learn, because I would probably learn something. But because how fun and entertaining it would be.
Didn't watch the whole thing yet. Did they address that Dark Future Creations said they would have a kickstarter up in August, we are now a week into September and haven't had any updates?
Jon was right that the GW preview viewers were in the tens of thousands. At one point when I looked it was almost 30k. People in the twitch chat were joking that it would hit "40k" =P
I now want a Primaris Chihuahua. Where the ranged attack is it's bark. That does like 3d6 shots to make you feel like you are getting barked at by a Chihuahua.
Panel liner does worse work as general oil wash than normaloil washes as far as my experiences go. Switched back to normal oil wash and found out that laziness of using ready product was diminishing quality of overall work
I know I'm a year late on this, but to answer Jon's question, I'd like to have a day with Scott and Jon. Not to sound to much like a fan boy, or a creep, but I just think they are super cool dudes. That hanging out with and painting sounds like it would just be a blast, and I don't really have any friends anymore that are into the hobby, so it would be nice to not hobby alone all the time.
So Jon gave Scott precise advice as to how he could successfully paint an army in 48 hours. Just wondering (okay, not really): How did that work out for you, Scott? 🤣
Can Jon please ALWAYS sit left? Hahaha - honestly I was working on something and I had a double take when Jon was where Scotts should have been! Honestly guys, I like listening to you even if you just Bull!@#$ all day. And Jon ... dude .. use soap next time! :-P
I think the greatest thing would be, if you guys came to Germany and had to learn how to pronounce Romans name correctly before meeting him so Scott doesn't die of shame when getting star struck. Also when you do come here, do tell in advance. I live in the same city as Roman and am anxiously waiting for his next classes!
2 weeks for customs? I WISH my local customs was that fast. It's like 2 months and then whatever you order is subject to the local postal service, so about a 15% chance of actually receiving your order. And this was all before COVID-19...
Hey mah bois. I've got a question for ya, do you have any memorable "number of minis painted" ? What I mean by that is, when I realized I've painted 100 minis, I realized I finally felt quite competent with what I painted, even though I knew I had ALOT more to learn & master. You guys have been in the hobby for longer than I am, and maybe this is how you feel early on, but do you feel like you've noticed a landmark around a specific number like this? sorry if this feels like a ramble, I think I've hit the dry herb vaporizer a little too much :D
I just want to order that cyber ninja from the sponsor, but they don't make it easy. Edit; nm I just went back and caught that the KS hasn't started yet.
Shit, I just need someone to show me some basics. Pretty much anyone who makes tutorials would help. I love all these videos you guys do, but I have a hard time absorbing through them. There's a huge disconnect from what I see to what I can do. It also doesn't help that I'm artistically handicapped, one thing I say a lot is that I'm not color blind, I'm color stupid. But don't worry about me, I'll keep plugging away because it's an enjoyable hobby.
The mantra "paint more minis" is true. A lot of times, you are going to have to just learn something, go try it out, fail, go back, relearn, go try it again, succeed (or fail), move on. Just being exposed to the information, multiple times, will eventually get to the point that you'll have a pretty good grasp of the concepts and how to implement them. But don't let not knowing stuff stop you from painting! And don't compare yourself to others as the benchmark for progress, you should only compare yourself from the past to your current self.
Scott, you were so close to being correct about the UK, then you went and fucked up saying THE OTHER PART OF IRELAND, which would be THE REPUBLIC OF IRELAND was part of the UK. There’s parts of the country where saying that would literally start fights. Bit of a bloody history between Ireland and the UK to put it mildly. Apart from that, awesome video as usual guys, keep up the great work and stay safe
The high that Jon got from his... er... rapid involuntary internal cleansing... would probably be a combination of adrenaline and an endorphin rush. Endorphins are your body's pain suppressor which get generated when your body is under sudden stress and is anticipating physical damage. It is chemically related to morphine and other opiates (or rather, they are related to it). Which explains why people get addicted to having tattoos, and doing extreme sports etc.
If you come to Spain youre both invited to a free course day with me. Jokes are allowed ;). The only condition: you pay for the "tapas". I can take you to the best place to eat spanish omelette that you have tried in your life. Thanks for the shout out!. Great podcast!!. Btw..I would choose Roman Lappat!
Alfonso Giraldes.
Ohhhh it’s ON!
Doing a weekend class with Roman was one of the best things I've ever done. Unlike other painters I've done classes with (Lan & Bohun) his class isn't follow along and learn how he paints, it's about thinking about how you're painting. Friday night started with ~5hrs of theory, colour, contrast, composition. It was his beginner class so everyone paints a demonette, Roman shows you how he approaches things and does things, but how you build the base, the colours you choose, etc are all your own choice. Roman is trying to teach you how to make those decisions. It was a mind melting 2.5 days but I'd do it again in a heartbeat.
Listening to Scott question Jon's time saving techniques, after seeing his video, is absolutely hilarious.
@@Ninjon Schadenfreude Herr Ninas, Schadenfreude! ;)
"I'm concerned that I'm gonna get bogged down painting every single detail of the models I have"
That's exactly what happened!
I think this comment can apply to every single one of Scott's videos.
I’m only just getting back into wh/mini painting /gaming... my plan is not to buy any new kits till the kit I have is done and painted... hopefully I can stick to it 😂
@@JakeDogg-RIP Thats what I do. Ive conpleted 7 armies in less than 5 years.
You mention a lot of different painters, most of which I’m not familiar with. Is there any way you could post a link to their work?
The new descriptor of this podcast: “For the Jon’s Gastrointestinal tract enthusiast.”
The idea of Jon playing dnd, super High, while Holding a flashlight under hos chin, literally made me laugh so hard i woke up the kids 😂👍
Wuuuhuuu can't wait to the next another monday! I definately need Scotts laughing as a message sound for my smartphone :D
Jon: "there's no dogs for space marines!!!" Me: *laughs in space wolves*
So many to choose from! I'd go with Ben Komets, Sergio Calvo, Marco Frisoni, Richard Grey to name a few!
That’s an amazing list!
same list but i add angel giraldes and ruben martinez
Thank you for picking my topic. I honestly thought what I suggested wasn't going to provide enough conversation. I enjoyed watching, and the reason I submitted this topic was for two reasons. Reason number one, I thought it would be interesting to see what painters you looked up to and wanted to learn/hangout with. My second reason for suggesting this topic was I am a newer painter and outside of TH-cam and social media I don't know a lot about other painters. I was hoping that this topic would give me a ton of really good painters to check out and follow so I could become inspired by looking at their work. Thank you again for choosing my topic. This video is exactly what I was hoping for when I submitted it in the Patreon.
Thank you for supporting the podcast!
Thanks, was a great suggestion!!!
Here I sit... all serene... Painting buttons on the Duchess.... when I hear "this is the first time in my life that I've need a bucket while on the shitter."
Thank you for causing metallic streaks on the front of this poor vampire's jacket as I laughed my ass off at your suffering.
That makes it all worth it 😂
oh the focus on the door in the back is great! anyway loved just listening at two episodes in a row at the gym :D Greatest podcast ever! Gets me motivated to paint more
I painted up Ahriman! Gunna ship him out this week!
Northern Ireland is in the UK. The Republic of Ireland are a standalone country.
Is Jamon Iberico the ham you're thinking of? If so you'd be right in thinking it's amazing. I'd love the podcast to go on tour one day, maybe even a vlog too!?
That’s it!!!
More craftsman jokes, please. And thank you for reminding me about Jen Haley. I took a course with here a decade+ ago at adepticon once, and it just popped back into my memory.
I'm still a new painter so I would be very interested in seeing a few things first on how do good painters leave a clean look. Second how thin does thin paint really needs to get. And lastly how long does it actually take to so good wet blending. Extra round and indepth NMM lesson
Good episode! It would be helpful to have links to all the painters you referenced in your discussion -- especially for those newer to the hobby of miniatures painting.
Another great podcast! Love hanging out with you guys :-) Loved the outro especially #sweatyboy😂
Nice to see Crafsman getting some love. He deserves it.
Scott has the film quality to make a spectacle of new game and model related releases like Jon was saying. I would love to see you guys use your power to boost the hobby into mainstream popularity.
I would def take 2 days with Sam Lenz. 1 to nerd about music, 80's sci-fi movies and then 1 day to paint a 20 block unit to pick his brain about technique over several models. Oh, and a beer or 4.
Don't ever stop bringing up the Crafsman...ever.
I like the miniature hobby enthusiast line as well. Also, I liked the original intro music, not everything needs to be metal 😅. Those things aside, thanks for an awesome year of amazing content.
Opening by saying that the USPS is probably the most successful, beneficial, useful, approved of, and interacted with governmental organization. They are incredibly good at their job, which is delivering packages at the bare minimum price from anywhere to anywhere in the US, six days a week. Occasionally there are hiccups, but the vast, vast majority of packages put into their care get to where they need to go with a minimum of fuss. They are also explicitly named and guaranteed by the constitution. Now, on to the situation.
The problem with the USPS is that various political actors have been trying to get the USPS shut down since 2006 or so. They want to do this so it can be replaced by something "more efficient," despite that being essentially impossible due to the long-time organizational knowledge of the USPS, the vastly smaller size of its competitors (FedEx and UPS, who often use the USPS for last mile delivery), and the fact that the USPS is not run with the intention of generating a profit, but providing a service. They also don't like the idea of governmental organizations that function. Similar/the same political actors to the ones who have been trying to shut down the USPS also are big into voter suppression of people who can't go to the polls because they work three jobs, can't get an ID due to time or money constraints, etc to keep their political rivals from getting more power.
Recently, because of Covid, a lot of people have decided that they are going to vote by mail to avoid polling places, because they can get crowded. Many of the people who are concerned about Covid are generally against the political actors in the above paragraph. Political actors who have also, coincidentally I'm sure, been downplaying the seriousness of Covid, so their supporters hold anti-mask rallies that also coincidentally become hotbeds for Covid, presumably because they are gathering to spit in each others mouths for fun. Also of note here is that we have been voting by mail for over a hundred years, and it's the main way that soldiers have voted when they are overseas for that entire time.
So it's the perfect storm of those political actors' opponents' supporters being concerned about a plague while theirs are not, a history of promoting and performing voter suppression, and wanting to kill the USPS anyway that have led them to expedite the death of the USPS by ransacking sorting machines from places where they think the election might be close in November, like Ohio, Texas cities, and Michigan, as well as their opponents' strongholds, like New York and California, out of spite.
So that's why your customers aren't getting their minis on time: An entrenched, long standing group of political actors are killing what is probably the best governmental organization in an attempt to prevent themselves from losing power in the coming months, and also to sow distrust in our nations institutions in general, a track they have been on since at least 1969. This is an act of societal mutilation, and in all likelihood the last gasp of a critically wounded monster of an ideology that just isn't good enough for people anymore. I'm not telling anyone how they should vote, but I am saying that they definitely should vote, and keep all of the above in mind when you do.
Thanks for saving me the words! Came here to post something similar. The USPS was functioning fine through quarantine and the pandemic until the new Post Master General was put in place and he’s systematically dismantling the post office. Removing and dismantling sorting machines is a big part of it
Can confirm. Im a Letter Carrier out of Ohio. Things be crazy
Thank you for saying this.
Scream it for the people in the back. But take a breath or two, that'll be a long scream.
YES! you are smart. please sign my petition to enact "the podcast for the miniature hobby enthusiast" as law. thank you.
My favourite cohost Jon, and my second favourite cohost, that other guy 😉
I was describing the podcast to a few friends... I've been a subscriber to Miniac for years... I kept calling Scott "Steve"... So Steve and Jon
Steve it is!
Oh man, I had just been thinking that Jon has no excuse for getting those Australian painters/youtubers confused for brits given his excellent Australian accent impression in that video XD. So glad you guys shared it! ( ❤ from an Australian)
i feel you on the postal service. my last forgeworld order sits now the 9th week in customs (gb to germany). really wondering at this point what's taking them so long
It is like watching a son telling his father that its gonna be "ok" despite his fathers saying it's not. And then it didn't. LOL.
One of my favorite preamble rambles! I almost died laughing!
40;46 the Exalted Chariot of Slaanesh is also on the shortlist in that category. I have 3 in my AoS army 😭
16:57 Play on Tabletop did a battle report that was Tyranids vs Ultramarines 1100 power (over 10,000 points per army)
There was a reaver titan, warlord titan, a knight and hundreds upon hundreds of marines vs Three bio titans, swarm lords, more genestealers than anyone knew what to do with them, mawlocks burrowing etc.
Scott is basically saying he wants to own what was on that table.
I want to own what was on that table! 😂 only started getting into the mini side of things about 3months ago after years of reading the novels, so far I’ve amassed about 3,500pts of space marines, 1,000pts of Necrons, 800pts chaos, and a seraphon start collecting for AoS....
I may have gone a bit overboard 😅
@@ger5956 I'm with you! Just picked up a Canis Rex and plan to paint it for an Alpha Legion / Thousand Son army!
@bryal that sounds awesome! Best of luck with it 😄
I’ve actually been eying up a knight myself recently, thankfully my local store is out of them at the moment hahaha 😂 probably for the best if I’m being honest, I need to banish some grey before adding anymore (I say this while I wait for a delivery of more models 😅)
Scott shocked us all by catching that "me and Julio down by the schoolyard" reference
Damn it, that one I don't get!
@@nicmcconchie2199 it's a Paul Simon song from the 80s
You should have a look at custom car painting techniques , especially candy paints , just a thought 🍻
The high horror bit had me laughing so hard I had to stop painting for a solid... 2-3 seconds.... how dare you?!?!?!?
John I love you. Love the love for New Zealand!
@32:08 the look of doubt on Jon's face. lol.
Hey. Im from Northern Ireland and ya we are part of the UK. Great Britain is Scotland, Wales and England(its to do with land mass). The Republic of Ireland or Ireland as its normally referred to is its own country and is not in the UK.
:D Lovely episode!
i stopped playing with painted models since if i used them and they didnt meet expectations they got shunted to the back of the que and never got painted. I try to paint a model a day now and have my paintstation always set up. I model a day is doable for me and when i tried going assembly line i got stuck on a unit of terminators for a month until i started painting them one at a time again. It is what works for me and the grey plastic mountain is almost shrinking and would if i actually stopped buying things.
I’m so impressed that you know some Simon and Garfunkel
Best line ever... “smoke a lot of weed and play D&D in the dark!”
So, are subscribers and fans of the podcast now known as "Tendies"?
Except me. Your'e Tendies. I'm the guy from the food poisoning episode.
quality content my dudes.
I wonder if they'll mention roman lappat... 😁
I was crying laughing at that food poisoning story! Haha! 'You didn't use soap?!?'
Glad to have one this week 🙌 thanks guys
Edit - You had it right first time Northern Ireland is in UK, Republic of Ireland is its own, well, Republic.
Its also really interesting to hear you see America as such a big land mass feeling like you are separated. I think there is the thought over here (UK) that you can just jump on a highway or an internal flight to get where you want quickly (and do).
That's unfortunately not the case. Sure you can jump on a highway and drive anywhere if you have 10s of hours. You can get all the way through a neighboring state in about 6-8hrs of driving but to go further than that can be a real pain requiring multiple days to drive. Flying is obviously faster but not cheap like it is in the EU to fly from country to country.
@@trappedunderplastic I was visiting friends in Ohio, and they suggested a road trip and I asked 'Ooh can we go to California?' and they were like 'no, you idiot, how small do you think the US is.' In Ireland (the Republic) you can drive the whole length of the country in 5 hours...
Not counting people I've already had the chance to spend time with (many of whom I would like to spend more time with), my list at this instant* would be Bill Horan, Shep Paine, and Luke Towan.
As to US miniatures painters, I think the biggest issue here is that the miniatures scene is not dominated by either busts or GW miniatures. If you look at MMSI, Reapercon, Tulsa, IPMS, Adepticon, Gencon, HMGS, ... you'll find an amazing variety of painters, many of whom are completely unknown to the world as seen through GW blinders.
* I make no claims about who would be on the list in an hour.
NB: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is a country (that surprisingly enough _does_ include Northern Ireland 8-) ). Great Britain is an island. Britain is usually used to mean Great Britain, but can include any of the British Isles, some of which are part of the UK, and may also include Brittany. In addition to Ireland (the country), there are other parts of the British Isles that are not a part of the UK, including the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man (which are "Crown Dependencies").
Because the residents of the UK get so snarky when an American doesn't understand all of that (which, frankly, most of them don't either), I've taken to referring to the denizens as "United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Irelandish". Snark works both ways.
Northern Ireland is part of the UK, happy to help ;p
9:40 This is why I will always have a plastic garbage can in my bathroom. Just pull out the bag and you're good to go. You will go though this a couple times in your life and it's never good.
if I had to choose one person to spend time doing "miniature painting" with and potentially learn from, I would have to choose any good gunpla hobbiest from japan because of how different that hobby is and how that applies to my side of the hobby, gaslands. From what I know about gunpla, there's a lot of modding and switching parts and painting in different schemes and styles, and I would want to learn from someone from which all of that originated
oh yeah also the studio for cyberpunk is CD projekt red, not naughty dog. naughty dog did the last of us 2
Painting armies is just a case of getting one under your belt - before you know it you have a working method that works for you and storing painted models becomes as much of a problem as storing the grey guilt.
Best thing to do for a beginner is to seek guides like Johns, Vince's or Mid Winter Mini's that look focus on the process of painting an army and how it really differs to trying to paint one model really well. Once you have the mindset that it is the effect of having 100 models looking good together you are going for and not 100 models really well painted - you fly through them.
One of the biggest pitfalls I have seen is GW's Warhammer TV - it breaks the steps down far too much and new painters either end up chasing the really high quality guides or obsessing over painting a tabard really well like the video shows them - they never learn the mindset of how to finish large projects in realistic time frames. By far the most useful guides GW produced for the average gamer are written for the War of the Ring game - *here is the process we used to literally paint several thousand models for one game.*
After listening to this I have a dream where I just book a month in Europe and take 1 on 1 classes constantly
1:04:34: Jamón Ibérico
I would want to have a class with Jon and Scotty, the thing I would want to get out of it is ... chicken tendies... and a good time
Those are two things we can deliver 100%
I'd love to spend a day with Jon and Sam Lenz, not for what I'd learn, because I would probably learn something. But because how fun and entertaining it would be.
Didn't watch the whole thing yet. Did they address that Dark Future Creations said they would have a kickstarter up in August, we are now a week into September and haven't had any updates?
Juan Hildago? Marco Frision (NJM)?
No mention of these two ? Hmm Have you guys seen there channels?
They do some amazing work.
Love them!!! So many awesome painters out there we didn’t mention 😓
Jon was right that the GW preview viewers were in the tens of thousands. At one point when I looked it was almost 30k. People in the twitch chat were joking that it would hit "40k" =P
I now want a Primaris Chihuahua. Where the ranged attack is it's bark. That does like 3d6 shots to make you feel like you are getting barked at by a Chihuahua.
I would spend the day with this hilarious pair!
Jamón ham is just awesome.
the Ham is jamon de jabugo
Yes! Jamon!!!
For your big army project, 30k for 30k (30,000 points of Horus Heresy). You can get a squad of titans, 30 or so dreadnoughs, etc.
Panel liner does worse work as general oil wash than normaloil washes as far as my experiences go. Switched back to normal oil wash and found out that laziness of using ready product was diminishing quality of overall work
Omega Red had a brief cameo in Deadpool 2. But, they should definitely put him in the a movie that's more than a comedic cameo.
The name of the ham is "Jamón ibérico" also known as Iberian ham.
I know I'm a year late on this, but to answer Jon's question, I'd like to have a day with Scott and Jon. Not to sound to much like a fan boy, or a creep, but I just think they are super cool dudes. That hanging out with and painting sounds like it would just be a blast, and I don't really have any friends anymore that are into the hobby, so it would be nice to not hobby alone all the time.
I also prefer "the podcast for the miniature hobby enthusiast"
There's something about how Scott says it that is almost seductive
keep your ears off my scotty boy.
Episode lengths are getting dummy thicc!
There were 30000 viewers on the last GW reveal stream
How many M&Ms? HOW MANY M&MS?!
So Jon gave Scott precise advice as to how he could successfully paint an army in 48 hours. Just wondering (okay, not really): How did that work out for you, Scott? 🤣
"High Horror" got me bad.
Can Jon please ALWAYS sit left? Hahaha - honestly I was working on something and I had a double take when Jon was where Scotts should have been!
Honestly guys, I like listening to you even if you just Bull!@#$ all day. And Jon ... dude .. use soap next time! :-P
I think the greatest thing would be, if you guys came to Germany and had to learn how to pronounce Romans name correctly before meeting him so Scott doesn't die of shame when getting star struck. Also when you do come here, do tell in advance. I live in the same city as Roman and am anxiously waiting for his next classes!
Can you imagine Brent from Goobertown Hobbies painting to speed metal? XD
Ninjon: “If, you see #Scott listening to metal… run.
Miniac: “That’s right, I’ll kill you once I roll double 6 on 2D6.”
No Multimelter in the Battle Sister Box. : (
2 weeks for customs? I WISH my local customs was that fast. It's like 2 months and then whatever you order is subject to the local postal service, so about a 15% chance of actually receiving your order. And this was all before COVID-19...
Sounds like you're from South Africa
@@duranbarnett8587 spot on! SARS and SAPO at their finest, keeping the courier industry alive
Watching the intro over lunch was a mistake
Who painted that Samurai / Ninja?
Hey mah bois. I've got a question for ya, do you have any memorable "number of minis painted" ? What I mean by that is, when I realized I've painted 100 minis, I realized I finally felt quite competent with what I painted, even though I knew I had ALOT more to learn & master. You guys have been in the hobby for longer than I am, and maybe this is how you feel early on, but do you feel like you've noticed a landmark around a specific number like this?
sorry if this feels like a ramble, I think I've hit the dry herb vaporizer a little too much :D
You gotta paint that squig up to look like pacman
Ohhhhhhh that’s brilliant
5:48 yeaaaaw WTF Scott
Jennifer Haley has several painting videos that are very good
I must find those!
I just want to order that cyber ninja from the sponsor, but they don't make it easy. Edit; nm I just went back and caught that the KS hasn't started yet.
Yeah, the sponsor wanted the KS to be out by the first time we were talking about it but it's been delayed a few times for various reasons.
That intro music is so loud!
I really want a generalist as just a mediocre painter.
Jamón Serrano bro!
Tamiya Clear Red and TS95 are both THAT bright
Shit, I just need someone to show me some basics. Pretty much anyone who makes tutorials would help. I love all these videos you guys do, but I have a hard time absorbing through them. There's a huge disconnect from what I see to what I can do. It also doesn't help that I'm artistically handicapped, one thing I say a lot is that I'm not color blind, I'm color stupid. But don't worry about me, I'll keep plugging away because it's an enjoyable hobby.
The mantra "paint more minis" is true. A lot of times, you are going to have to just learn something, go try it out, fail, go back, relearn, go try it again, succeed (or fail), move on. Just being exposed to the information, multiple times, will eventually get to the point that you'll have a pretty good grasp of the concepts and how to implement them. But don't let not knowing stuff stop you from painting! And don't compare yourself to others as the benchmark for progress, you should only compare yourself from the past to your current self.
Glad i ended up finishing this later on. I dont want to go to Hell
Scott, you were so close to being correct about the UK, then you went and fucked up saying THE OTHER PART OF IRELAND, which would be THE REPUBLIC OF IRELAND was part of the UK. There’s parts of the country where saying that would literally start fights. Bit of a bloody history between Ireland and the UK to put it mildly.
Apart from that, awesome video as usual guys, keep up the great work and stay safe
The high that Jon got from his... er... rapid involuntary internal cleansing... would probably be a combination of adrenaline and an endorphin rush. Endorphins are your body's pain suppressor which get generated when your body is under sudden stress and is anticipating physical damage. It is chemically related to morphine and other opiates (or rather, they are related to it). Which explains why people get addicted to having tattoos, and doing extreme sports etc.
The tattoo addiction is real, I hope I don’t get addicted to barfing.
@@Ninjon Amen to that! Just stick with the addiction to painting little plastic men, far healthier.
I painted more minis to Black Dahlia Murder than any other band. Excellent painting music. Verminous good, Miasma better ; )
I felt Verminous was a bit luke warm. Nightbringers was so riffy and memorable. I think my favorite album is Nocturnal.
how in the hell can be 6935 visualisations and only 404 likes...