The light went on at 6:40. I've heard and read "shallow the club" but until this video it never made sense. Now I understand - have the clubhead plane below the hand plane. A big breakthrough for me. Thanks !
It took until minute 7:40 before you actually started teaching us how have a consistent swing plane. I would guess that most people would’ve stopped watching before that point. The reason I kept watching is that I generally like your videos and was willing to wait for you to really to get to the point of teaching us how to find the correct swing plane. I find that most teachers talk too much and do not demonstrate enough. Good job.
Another quality video. What makes this one special is that Clay is teaching the same principle in different languages, and hopefully at least one will resonate with each viewer.
Such an informative video for me personally. I returned to golf after years playing & coaching other sports, I seemed to have went from a low hdcp great ball striker to a frustratingly inconsistent ball striker, so I blamed my takeaway & immediately started playing around with every possible backswing plane you can think of (that's why this video hits home) I'm a stubborn 'fix it myself' person so took my own swing videos and was SHOCKED at how high my hands were in the backswing, I was actually only turning to a certain point but then standing straight up out of my posture to finish my backswing (I'm sure compensating for back & hip stiffness due to years of hardcore sports training). In the downswing I would drop the club hard & fast but literally have to force my head to stop behind the ball to make any kind of decent contact. I've worked hard to stabilize my posture, but it still seemed so difficult to not feel like I was 'lunging forward'. I actually would joke that I lunged at the ball better than usual on days when I shot 70 :) Until I came across your videos it didn't occur to me that shallowing the club is probably the main key to eliminate that lunging forward feeling. So, I'm reconstructing a bit using a few of your shallowing drills & thoughts. One question: I really like your tip "feel like the right hand goes back flat then palm faces up keeping right hand behind the left" That is such an uncomplicated simple feeling that is repeatable for me, but I also feel like this shallowing move is happening more towards the completion of my backswing, almost like I shallow BEFORE I begin the downswing. It's such a split second move, I watch your swing and can't really tell exactly when you shallow in your backswing, Does it make a huge difference? Sorry for the novel here ;)
You can start shallowing the club during the transition and get those hands/wrists in the correct position at the top as well. What matters most is the position at impact and as long as that is correct and you're not shortening your swing to do it, than all is well. Best of luck! Nate | TSG Instructor
Thanks for another great piece of advice Clay. I have a shallow backswing and I felt that I should be taller, but can see it doesn't matter. I've suffered with early extension but rather than thinking about arm positions I just turn to face target and everything is pulled into place, shallow plane included. How much power do you swing with? i.e. I assume you never try to hammer it, but rather 90%???
All of them work ...beeing 68 rears old I chose the shallower one and with the help of some "knob turning" at impact I outdrive guys that are half my age and are twice my size...and I find it easier to switch from fade to draw (Have about 70% accuracy). I also find that the moment of inertia is easier to achieve because with a flat plane my arm and club are aligned longer.No doubt a pro like Clay can do them all and still hit it out of the park.
Hi, I agree, all will work fine. If you're really struggling with distance then I would recommend getting more vertical to give you more space to accelerate the club and build club head speed. Play well! Quentin | TSG Instructor
Thanks for this Clay, great video, was always confused by swing plane as been told I should do this and that, but after seeing your video happy to know my own one is fine, all best
I’m a one plane swing guy. Found out if I take it back lower I hit a draw if I take it higher I hit a fade. I think slicers are more of a one swing plane style. What I hit for a long time. I just started feeling like I’m swinging through my gut instead of shoulders
Completely agree with you Clay. One more point is that people have different height. I am 5.6, the same length drivers for everyone that is 6+ ft are not going to have the same swing plane as I, especially when you want to hit "up". I like your "truth & practical" approach to your tips and lessons. Not everyone is built the same way. And you can't get everyone to swing like Tiger (irons). Please keep up the great work you are doing!!! Love the hat!
I like the huge gain in club speed, lower ball spin and total distance with the steeper takeaway. You even lifted your left heel like Bubba! I'm going to hit the range and try it. I'm sure I will end up in the thick grass more often but the steeper angle will help dig it out. That's how the new gen is doing it!!!
Clay.. I have watched many of you helpful videos and have learned quite a bit. However I am 6-7 and lanky. Ex basketball player. I have an upright backswing. There are three key things I have to do. 1) I do not flatten the club coming down. The key is to get the club parallel to the target a hip level in the downswing. 2) The wrist action at impact is a twist versus a throw. 3). Maybe it is my height, but I need to keep my lower body quiet until the follow through. As an aside, I have only run into one PGA teacher that was willing to work with my upright swing. When I look for a tutor now that is my first question.. can you work with an upright backswing?
My backswing is too flat, but I’m flexible enough to crossplane and get the club head back past parallel with a wedge (and straight left arm) with the arm overrun. I agree with the premise that you can make flat or upright work, but what signs should push us towards a change?
Generally a higher swing plane gives you more power, it's just a matter of physics. A flat swing on the other hand relies more on body rotation which is a trade off of power for more consistency.
great video on different swing thoughts on shallowing out the club. When you watch the pros, their move is so subtle, it looks like most of them come down on the same plane. Question on the thought of sticking out your left elbow...if the right elbow is already close to being in the slot, doesn't sticking out the left one increase the gap between the elbows? This would go against one of Hogan's biggest points he made on full swing, to keep the elbows as close together as possible thoughout the swing. Thanks!
Hi Dan, you want the feeling of getting the elbows close together in the downswing. Hogan liked the feeling of keeping them together throughout the swing. He has a pretty flat swing. This isn't the best for creating club head speed. He could have probably hit it further if he allowed himself to have more freedom of motion. I would bet that he played around with the idea but maybe liked the repeatability of keeping it flat. It would be tough to compete in today's distance driven tour. Play well! Quentin | TSG Instructor
depends. the most important thing in the end is clubface at impact. but there are more efficient swing paths then others which will give you more power, control, consistency
Clay you are awesome! I have a pretty upright swing and with driver it is difficult for me to start from that upright position and flatten enough to keep from spinning it too far right. BUT if I intentionally flatten my back swing I can swing away and still hit it straight or a little draw. For me it helps to start from the flatter position. With irons if I flatten I will hook it though. Is this weird or normal?
Thanks Josh! That is pretty normal. It's a little harder to release the face with the driver. If flatter feels good, just make sure you get a big shoulder turn, and you will be good to go.
The angle of the swing plane is a personal thing but swinging on plane matters. The more on plane your backswing the less compensation you need to get back to the ball. Jim Furyk plays great golf but you’d never teach that swing because you’d have to teach all his compensation moves. The most powerful and consistent golfers stay on plane.
Tell me one of today's players that stay on plane. Kuch is the only reasonably successful one I can think of and he is miles behind everybody else when it comes to distance and not the most accurate player either.
Sir TogII - Actually Bryson DeChambeau is the closest to pulling off a one-plane swing but that’s not what I’m talking about. The mechanics of the human body won’t let you swing on one plane with any power. The guys I’m talking about swing back and thru on the same line with little deviation. It’s the thru swing mirroring the backswing. The best examples are guys like Adam Scott, Jason Day, Justin Rose, Charl Schwartzel, Louie Oosthazen... It’s straight back straight down the line and straight thru without any real compensations. There’s no wasted motion. Bubba Watson has huge power and a couple green jackets yet nobody is teaching his technique, it can’t be taught. He couldn’t even teach you his swing. Dustin Johnson, world #1 and maybe the best driver of the golf ball in history yet nobody is teaching his technique because it won’t work for anyone else.
Sorry, not sure I understand your point. Scott, Day, Rose and the rest of the pro's shallow their clubs significantly in the down swing. It's an easy way to give you extra power as the club head whips through from the inside purely from momentum.
Sir TogII - There’s no shallowing or whipping in Justin’s swing. I see the club being released down the target line and into the back of the ball efficiently. I think I see the issue. What you call “shallowing” is the result of people having arms. The backswing goes around and up, so the through swing goes around and down. The arms and the club are at different angles at address so staying on one plane isn’t physically possible. The “shallowing” is simply a return of the club to where it was at address. Any manipulation on the downswing is going to cause problems. The shallowing move recommended in the video leads to the stuck position where “whipping” the club through impact isn’t a power move, it’s an attempt to save an OB right. Anyway, I think Hank explains it better than I ever could...
There's a significant amount of shallowing in Rose's downswing mate. Club shaft flattens out which allows him to swing from the inside. Rose himself says at the start of the back swing he let's his hands drop while tucking right elbow in.
As a member of your Top Speed Golf system I appreciate this video. At 63 I'm a two planer and shallowing out the club was instrumental in my progression from a 15 to a 9 handicap. Thank you Clay. The two plane swing seems to be easier on the back but it seems hard to get my swing speed past 85. Any suggestions?
I get good swing speed and I only focus on the down swing. As soon as I get to the top I start the down swing by turning my hips and a split second later straightening my left leg to a locked position the arms take care of themselves.
@@jsamaras55 you should probably shorten your backswing and keep your left arm extended. You don't need to fire the hips too hard just make sure you turn don't jump off the back foot. Also getting stuck is because of sliding.
Yeah, usually does because you create more space for the club to accelerate. I don't lose much from being in the middle but I'm more consistent and can work the ball both ways from there.
Thanks. Wish I’d heard this six weeks ago before Golftec swing analysis nonsense and beating 6000 9 irons trying to get in the slot going back. (It’s your shoulders by the way). I was sub-par and now I’ve wasted 1.5 months for nothing.
i would say the sooner the better, i started golfing this year and learning to shallow the club has helped me out more then most other tips i've seen in videos.
All that I saw watching this video is swing plane does matter, backswing doesn't need to define the swing plane, and I've never heard anyone say that it does. Generally they recommend you try to keep the backswing similar to path, but it's really all about the downswing. Saying that it doesn't matter is nuts. Side note the best feeling queue for me to feel a shallowing of the clubpath is to feel a little extra weight in the fingertips of the right hand.
Actually, if you change your backswing plane versus your downswing plane, then you don't have a "plane". So, Clay is right in the sense that, if the pros are defining "plane" (most of the teaching pro do, believe me, I been to a few), it means they are staying with (not far) from the same or similar plane you start with or coming down with. If you re-route your swing, you don't have a "plane". This is precisely Clay's point: don't mind the swing plane, just have a consistent attack angle (slot), when meeting the ball, it comes to Jesus time...
A plane is a flat surface that continues on in all directions, forever. So if you take the path the club is supposed to be on during a downswing that would be the swing plane. You could say that the backswing plane and the swing plane don't need to align, but they do need to intersect. The swing and the back swing are two separate things correct? The backswing plane and the swing plane are also two different things. Are there pros that teach/preach keeping both those planes aligned? Yes. Are they right? In some ways, but it's not a fact of life.
I agree with you to certain degrees, but, if you re-route, then the path will not be flat, thus, no plane. In reality, the only thing that is flat is the shaft. While we talk take away or backswing, it is a continuous motion that is managed by at the least 5 - 25 joins in your body. It is impossible to keep anything on plane (your definition) unless your body is rigid like a robot. We all know that any tension introduced during the swing will have disastrous results. That is why it is so hard to "repeat" or send the club face back to its origin. Fluidity and smooth and tempo are things instructors use to release tension in the swing. Clay is talking about key points of (1) square the clubface as soon as possible and as long as possible; (2) swing your club & arm into a "slot" so that it is "easier" to accomplish (1). Thus, forget about the swing plane.
Clay I don’t understand how you can say backswing doesn’t matter, this video proves otherwise. Your clubhead speed was 5 mph faster with the upright swing and your carry distance was further than your total distance. It looked like you hit the ball 30 yards further with an upright swing. Man that’s huge, most of us would give anything to gain 30 yards distance that easily.
I think Clay's point is you can play good golf with different backswing planes. The TSG system doesn't dictate what type of backswing one has e.g. one-plane or two-plane. Yes, by having a longer swing with an upright swing and dropping down to shallow on the way to impact can lead to higher swing speeds, it's not the only way to do it. Play well! Nate | TSG Instructor
This can be so misleading on a lot of golfer. Because if you tell people to have the grip facing up the air on the downswing, most people will have the wrong left wrist movement. It will definetly be cupped on impact. Its a nice video but I think you should add how the wrist should remain flat or bowed. Most golfers has a flat or bowed left wrist on the back swing and downswing. I just think some viewers might be misinformed.
Which is why the follow on video preview is there and why Clay finishes with "what should the wrist do in all of this?". A bit of a sales pitch for the system has to be expected :-).
Hogan popularized the notion of swing plane and claimed that different swing planes were the result of different body types (height, thickness, arm bone lengths, leg bone lengths, etc.). Shouldn’t the club shaft point to the target line for most golfers-especially amateurs? Pros can loop it and do all sorts of compensations but that’s because they’re pros.
For most players it won't point to the target line at all times, simply because of the need for the club to rise to a parallel but higher plane as the backswing progresses (also after release on the throughswing), because of the need for the bottom elbow (R elbow on backswing for a RH player) to fold and get out of the way. Cf. Haney among others, but the almost unknown but state-of-the-art work on this and other aspects of plane was done by a guy named Xichao Mo, titled Decoding the Golf Swing Plane. It's fairly technical, but for anybody trying to get deep into the particulars of how the plane does and doesn't work, the variations, what matters and what doesn't, it's an absolutely unmatched resource.
Yes, BUT... it may be OK for a very good golfer with a natural ability to square the club face again at impact but most club golfers are going to find that this immediately and massively opens the face - from which point a big block or slice (depending on where the hips manage to return) will be the inevitable and unpleasant result.
Hogan's book "five lessons" pages 78,79,80! This is incorrect what you are saying about elbow!.... THE great teacher Jimmy Ballard said one thing is for sure, the LEFT ELBOW is always, always, pointing down to the ground on the down swing! Now Clay your last name is Ballard, BUT YOU AIN'T"T JIMMY BALLARD! btw>>>> CURTIS STRANGE won 2 US opens keeping his left elbow DOWN!!!
Hi John, thanks for the comment. The lead elbow is pointing down but not straight down. It needs to be down and toward the ball in order to get the club to shallow out. This is something all pros do. Play well! Quentin | TSG Instructor
@@TopSpeedGolf Its just that different coaches say different things about the plane. I have a natural medium plan swing but my coach pushes me to be more high and while it does seem to work it makes the swing more complicated.
there is no such thing as a swing plane. the arc of the swing, in itself, has its own coplanar component, which is set an angle of 45 degrees. so, it therefore follows that what we call the swing plane is, in fact, a coefficient of the swing arc.
You're getting wishy washy, you're the one that did a video on where your elbows need to be on the backswing and saying that the steep swing caused the slice.
Really...there is not one hacker who'll remember any of that glove logo...elbow this or that....palm open... Hackers need simple fixes...simple., if you slice....aim 45 degrees left rudder...seriously. Hackers don't want fixes they want practical golf buddy slices like a banana...he now aims 100 yds out of bounds on the left and ends up on the middle of the fairway. PERIOD>
The light went on at 6:40. I've heard and read "shallow the club" but until this video it never made sense. Now I understand - have the clubhead plane below the hand plane. A big breakthrough for me. Thanks !
Glad it helped!
It took until minute 7:40 before you actually started teaching us how have a consistent swing plane. I would guess that most people would’ve stopped watching before that point. The reason I kept watching is that I generally like your videos and was willing to wait for you to really to get to the point of teaching us how to find the correct swing plane. I find that most teachers talk too much and do not demonstrate enough. Good job.
Thanks for the feedback. We are trying to get better at not rambling in the beginning 🙂
Wow, this lesson is golden and it's glittering.
Wow, thanks!!
Another quality video. What makes this one special is that Clay is teaching the same principle in different languages, and hopefully at least one will resonate with each viewer.
Wow, thank you!
B est explaining of the golf swing.I was chasing an flat swing explanation . Thank you very much.
Happy to help!
Such an informative video for me personally. I returned to golf after years playing & coaching other sports, I seemed to have went from a low hdcp great ball striker to a frustratingly inconsistent ball striker, so I blamed my takeaway & immediately started playing around with every possible backswing plane you can think of (that's why this video hits home) I'm a stubborn 'fix it myself' person so took my own swing videos and was SHOCKED at how high my hands were in the backswing, I was actually only turning to a certain point but then standing straight up out of my posture to finish my backswing (I'm sure compensating for back & hip stiffness due to years of hardcore sports training). In the downswing I would drop the club hard & fast but literally have to force my head to stop behind the ball to make any kind of decent contact. I've worked hard to stabilize my posture, but it still seemed so difficult to not feel like I was 'lunging forward'. I actually would joke that I lunged at the ball better than usual on days when I shot 70 :) Until I came across your videos it didn't occur to me that shallowing the club is probably the main key to eliminate that lunging forward feeling. So, I'm reconstructing a bit using a few of your shallowing drills & thoughts. One question: I really like your tip "feel like the right hand goes back flat then palm faces up keeping right hand behind the left" That is such an uncomplicated simple feeling that is repeatable for me, but I also feel like this shallowing move is happening more towards the completion of my backswing, almost like I shallow BEFORE I begin the downswing. It's such a split second move, I watch your swing and can't really tell exactly when you shallow in your backswing, Does it make a huge difference? Sorry for the novel here ;)
You can start shallowing the club during the transition and get those hands/wrists in the correct position at the top as well. What matters most is the position at impact and as long as that is correct and you're not shortening your swing to do it, than all is well. Best of luck! Nate | TSG Instructor
Thanks for another great piece of advice Clay. I have a shallow backswing and I felt that I should be taller, but can see it doesn't matter. I've suffered with early extension but rather than thinking about arm positions I just turn to face target and everything is pulled into place, shallow plane included. How much power do you swing with? i.e. I assume you never try to hammer it, but rather 90%???
Your videos are excellently put together, and very helpful! Thank you, please keep them coming 🏌🏼♂️
All of them work ...beeing 68 rears old I chose the shallower one and with the help of some "knob turning" at impact I outdrive guys that are half my age and are twice my size...and I find it easier to switch from fade to draw (Have about 70% accuracy). I also find that the moment of inertia is easier to achieve because with a flat plane my arm and club are aligned longer.No doubt a pro like Clay can do them all and still hit it out of the park.
Hi, I agree, all will work fine. If you're really struggling with distance then I would recommend getting more vertical to give you more space to accelerate the club and build club head speed. Play well! Quentin | TSG Instructor
The left elbow forward feel helped a lot👍
Glad it helped
Thanks for this Clay, great video, was always confused by swing plane as been told I should do this and that, but after seeing your video happy to know my own one is fine, all best
Glad to help!
I’m a one plane swing guy. Found out if I take it back lower I hit a draw if I take it higher I hit a fade. I think slicers are more of a one swing plane style. What I hit for a long time. I just started feeling like I’m swinging through my gut instead of shoulders
It’s more about coming up with something you can repeat perfectly. The single plane swing definitely has helped me because it’s easily repeatable
Completely agree with you Clay. One more point is that people have different height. I am 5.6, the same length drivers for everyone that is 6+ ft are not going to have the same swing plane as I, especially when you want to hit "up". I like your "truth & practical" approach to your tips and lessons. Not everyone is built the same way. And you can't get everyone to swing like Tiger (irons). Please keep up the great work you are doing!!! Love the hat!
I think the key thing for me is "club head drops below your hands", I never thought of looking at it like that, thanks!
Thanks for sharing!
I like the huge gain in club speed, lower ball spin and total distance with the steeper takeaway. You even lifted your left heel like Bubba! I'm going to hit the range and try it. I'm sure I will end up in the thick grass more often but the steeper angle will help dig it out. That's how the new gen is doing it!!!
Clay does a more upright angle at impact deliver a higher less dispersion ball flight
Thanks for sharing!
Clay.. I have watched many of you helpful videos and have learned quite a bit. However I am 6-7 and lanky. Ex basketball player. I have an upright backswing. There are three key things I have to do. 1) I do not flatten the club coming down. The key is to get the club parallel to the target a hip level in the downswing. 2) The wrist action at impact is a twist versus a throw. 3). Maybe it is my height, but I need to keep my lower body quiet until the follow through. As an aside, I have only run into one PGA teacher that was willing to work with my upright swing. When I look for a tutor now that is my first question.. can you work with an upright backswing?
Very good job! Thank you. Keep it coming.
More to come!
My backswing is too flat, but I’m flexible enough to crossplane and get the club head back past parallel with a wedge (and straight left arm) with the arm overrun.
I agree with the premise that you can make flat or upright work, but what signs should push us towards a change?
Generally a higher swing plane gives you more power, it's just a matter of physics. A flat swing on the other hand relies more on body rotation which is a trade off of power for more consistency.
great video on different swing thoughts on shallowing out the club. When you watch the pros, their move is so subtle, it looks like most of them come down on the same plane. Question on the thought of sticking out your left elbow...if the right elbow is already close to being in the slot, doesn't sticking out the left one increase the gap between the elbows? This would go against one of Hogan's biggest points he made on full swing, to keep the elbows as close together as possible thoughout the swing. Thanks!
Hi Dan, you want the feeling of getting the elbows close together in the downswing. Hogan liked the feeling of keeping them together throughout the swing. He has a pretty flat swing. This isn't the best for creating club head speed. He could have probably hit it further if he allowed himself to have more freedom of motion. I would bet that he played around with the idea but maybe liked the repeatability of keeping it flat. It would be tough to compete in today's distance driven tour. Play well! Quentin | TSG Instructor
Love this advice
Thanks for watching!
This shallowing out will be very hard to master, but ill try
depends. the most important thing in the end is clubface at impact. but there are more efficient swing paths then others which will give you more power, control, consistency
Clay you are awesome! I have a pretty upright swing and with driver it is difficult for me to start from that upright position and flatten enough to keep from spinning it too far right. BUT if I intentionally flatten my back swing I can swing away and still hit it straight or a little draw. For me it helps to start from the flatter position. With irons if I flatten I will hook it though. Is this weird or normal?
Thanks Josh! That is pretty normal. It's a little harder to release the face with the driver. If flatter feels good, just make sure you get a big shoulder turn, and you will be good to go.
The angle of the swing plane is a personal thing but swinging on plane matters. The more on plane your backswing the less compensation you need to get back to the ball. Jim Furyk plays great golf but you’d never teach that swing because you’d have to teach all his compensation moves. The most powerful and consistent golfers stay on plane.
Tell me one of today's players that stay on plane. Kuch is the only reasonably successful one I can think of and he is miles behind everybody else when it comes to distance and not the most accurate player either.
Sir TogII - Actually Bryson DeChambeau is the closest to pulling off a one-plane swing but that’s not what I’m talking about. The mechanics of the human body won’t let you swing on one plane with any power.
The guys I’m talking about swing back and thru on the same line with little deviation. It’s the thru swing mirroring the backswing. The best examples are guys like Adam Scott, Jason Day, Justin Rose, Charl Schwartzel, Louie Oosthazen... It’s straight back straight down the line and straight thru without any real compensations. There’s no wasted motion.
Bubba Watson has huge power and a couple green jackets yet nobody is teaching his technique, it can’t be taught. He couldn’t even teach you his swing. Dustin Johnson, world #1 and maybe the best driver of the golf ball in history yet nobody is teaching his technique because it won’t work for anyone else.
Sorry, not sure I understand your point. Scott, Day, Rose and the rest of the pro's shallow their clubs significantly in the down swing. It's an easy way to give you extra power as the club head whips through from the inside purely from momentum.
Sir TogII - There’s no shallowing or whipping in Justin’s swing. I see the club being released down the target line and into the back of the ball efficiently.
I think I see the issue. What you call “shallowing” is the result of people having arms. The backswing goes around and up, so the through swing goes around and down. The arms and the club are at different angles at address so staying on one plane isn’t physically possible.
The “shallowing” is simply a return of the club to where it was at address. Any manipulation on the downswing is going to cause problems. The shallowing move recommended in the video leads to the stuck position where “whipping” the club through impact isn’t a power move, it’s an attempt to save an OB right.
Anyway, I think Hank explains it better than I ever could...
There's a significant amount of shallowing in Rose's downswing mate. Club shaft flattens out which allows him to swing from the inside. Rose himself says at the start of the back swing he let's his hands drop while tucking right elbow in.
As a member of your Top Speed Golf system I appreciate this video. At 63 I'm a two planer and shallowing out the club was instrumental in my progression from a 15 to a 9 handicap. Thank you Clay. The two plane swing seems to be easier on the back but it seems hard to get my swing speed past 85. Any suggestions?
I get good swing speed and I only focus on the down swing. As soon as I get to the top I start the down swing by turning my hips and a split second later straightening my left leg to a locked position the arms take care of themselves.
When I do that without dropping my arms first I get "stuck" if you know what I mean.
@@jsamaras55 you should probably shorten your backswing and keep your left arm extended. You don't need to fire the hips too hard just make sure you turn don't jump off the back foot. Also getting stuck is because of sliding.
Always great videos. Thanks Clay. Are you really still gaming the i15?
Clay! You are the Man! Great stuff as always. Dont ever change!
If your backswing is flat, is it necessary to further shallow out the club on the downswing?
No, as long as you're on plane.
Everyone entitled to their opinion, but it makes sense to me Clay, great instructions as always!
Clay I have a bad back it tightens up a lot, should I try an upright swing
It could help take some stress off your lower back.
Clay, Did you notice that your best clubhead speed and total distance came from the upright swing?
Yeah, usually does because you create more space for the club to accelerate. I don't lose much from being in the middle but I'm more consistent and can work the ball both ways from there.
Thanks. Wish I’d heard this six weeks ago before Golftec swing analysis nonsense and beating 6000 9 irons trying to get in the slot going back. (It’s your shoulders by the way). I was sub-par and now I’ve wasted 1.5 months for nothing.
My pleasure!
Awesome video!!!
I love this video lecture !
What are you using on the Ipad to show your data?
Great hat, great video. When you get beginner golfers how soon do you find you can start teaching them that part of the swing?
i would say the sooner the better, i started golfing this year and learning to shallow the club has helped me out more then most other tips i've seen in videos.
Love your videos, have increased my driving distance by 15 yards and more accurate. Just one question, where can I buy that hat?
Is this Proforce V2 Graphite Wood Shafts?
Very informative video! Quick question, why do you keep closing the pocket where you store your iPad after every shot?
Repetition is the key lol
All that I saw watching this video is swing plane does matter, backswing doesn't need to define the swing plane, and I've never heard anyone say that it does. Generally they recommend you try to keep the backswing similar to path, but it's really all about the downswing. Saying that it doesn't matter is nuts. Side note the best feeling queue for me to feel a shallowing of the clubpath is to feel a little extra weight in the fingertips of the right hand.
I've noted the pros at their best all have been in similar positions at the top.
Very soft.
Full of confidence.
Actually, if you change your backswing plane versus your downswing plane, then you don't have a "plane". So, Clay is right in the sense that, if the pros are defining "plane" (most of the teaching pro do, believe me, I been to a few), it means they are staying with (not far) from the same or similar plane you start with or coming down with. If you re-route your swing, you don't have a "plane". This is precisely Clay's point: don't mind the swing plane, just have a consistent attack angle (slot), when meeting the ball, it comes to Jesus time...
A plane is a flat surface that continues on in all directions, forever. So if you take the path the club is supposed to be on during a downswing that would be the swing plane. You could say that the backswing plane and the swing plane don't need to align, but they do need to intersect.
The swing and the back swing are two separate things correct? The backswing plane and the swing plane are also two different things. Are there pros that teach/preach keeping both those planes aligned? Yes. Are they right? In some ways, but it's not a fact of life.
I agree with you to certain degrees, but, if you re-route, then the path will not be flat, thus, no plane. In reality, the only thing that is flat is the shaft. While we talk take away or backswing, it is a continuous motion that is managed by at the least 5 - 25 joins in your body. It is impossible to keep anything on plane (your definition) unless your body is rigid like a robot. We all know that any tension introduced during the swing will have disastrous results. That is why it is so hard to "repeat" or send the club face back to its origin. Fluidity and smooth and tempo are things instructors use to release tension in the swing. Clay is talking about key points of (1) square the clubface as soon as possible and as long as possible; (2) swing your club & arm into a "slot" so that it is "easier" to accomplish (1). Thus, forget about the swing plane.
Yes I liked this very much!
Great vid, and all other youtubers have something to learn when it comes to asking for subs and like, thats the way to do it, subtle!
Clay I don’t understand how you can say backswing doesn’t matter, this video proves otherwise. Your clubhead speed was 5 mph faster with the upright swing and your carry distance was further than your total distance. It looked like you hit the ball 30 yards further with an upright swing. Man that’s huge, most of us would give anything to gain 30 yards distance that easily.
I think Clay's point is you can play good golf with different backswing planes. The TSG system doesn't dictate what type of backswing one has e.g. one-plane or two-plane. Yes, by having a longer swing with an upright swing and dropping down to shallow on the way to impact can lead to higher swing speeds, it's not the only way to do it. Play well! Nate | TSG Instructor
Great video, where can I get that hat?
Clay you have helped me with everything but my brain and body have the biggest problem with “the move”
I’m with you, still can’t figure that out
Get the planemate.
That hat tho...
Great vid as always!
mike hunt I appreciate his “piss off, skin cancer” hattitude.
We're all built differently. Swing the way your body allows, don't cast and put the ball in the way of the swing.
This can be so misleading on a lot of golfer. Because if you tell people to have the grip facing up the air on the downswing, most people will have the wrong left wrist movement. It will definetly be cupped on impact.
Its a nice video but I think you should add how the wrist should remain flat or bowed. Most golfers has a flat or bowed left wrist on the back swing and downswing.
I just think some viewers might be misinformed.
Which is why the follow on video preview is there and why Clay finishes with "what should the wrist do in all of this?". A bit of a sales pitch for the system has to be expected :-).
yo, can you write that again in English? I don't speak French or Badfootballish
Good morning
Great video Clay but unfortunately muscles don't understand words and if a body is out of balance no amount of reps can drill that motion.
Hogan popularized the notion of swing plane and claimed that different swing planes were the result of different body types (height, thickness, arm bone lengths, leg bone lengths, etc.). Shouldn’t the club shaft point to the target line for most golfers-especially amateurs? Pros can loop it and do all sorts of compensations but that’s because they’re pros.
For most players it won't point to the target line at all times, simply because of the need for the club to rise to a parallel but higher plane as the backswing progresses (also after release on the throughswing), because of the need for the bottom elbow (R elbow on backswing for a RH player) to fold and get out of the way. Cf. Haney among others, but the almost unknown but state-of-the-art work on this and other aspects of plane was done by a guy named Xichao Mo, titled Decoding the Golf Swing Plane. It's fairly technical, but for anybody trying to get deep into the particulars of how the plane does and doesn't work, the variations, what matters and what doesn't, it's an absolutely unmatched resource.
How does that machine work, zipped up in his bag?
I showed this to Mike Malaska….he had a heart attack!!
Yes, BUT... it may be OK for a very good golfer with a natural ability to square the club face again at impact but most club golfers are going to find that this immediately and massively opens the face - from which point a big block or slice (depending on where the hips manage to return) will be the inevitable and unpleasant result.
Is that a pith helmet?
"Swing Plane Doesn't Matter... But it matters on the way down"
Great lesson. The swing works. Not sure about the hat!
Sweet headgear
The truth is revealed in a book titled “Decoding the Golf Swing Plane”, saw it in Martin Hall’s Golf channel show.
Hogan's book "five lessons" pages 78,79,80! This is incorrect what you are saying about elbow!.... THE great teacher Jimmy Ballard said one thing is for sure, the LEFT ELBOW is always, always, pointing down to the ground on the down swing! Now Clay your last name is Ballard, BUT YOU AIN'T"T JIMMY BALLARD! btw>>>> CURTIS STRANGE won 2 US opens keeping his left elbow DOWN!!!
Hi John, thanks for the comment. The lead elbow is pointing down but not straight down. It needs to be down and toward the ball in order to get the club to shallow out. This is something all pros do. Play well! Quentin | TSG Instructor
Swing plane is so confusing.
I hope the video helps
@@TopSpeedGolf Its just that different coaches say different things about the plane. I have a natural medium plan swing but my coach pushes me to be more high and while it does seem to work it makes the swing more complicated.
it matters for each individual, so stop giving bad advice!! Please!!!
A lot of pressure to have a title that draws views.
Happy playing golf from 285 to 314? Ha, I am happy playing 200. I can play well with 200. I would kill a man to be able to get near 300
there is no such thing as a swing plane. the arc of the swing, in itself, has its own coplanar component, which is set an angle of 45 degrees. so, it therefore follows that what we call the swing plane is, in fact, a coefficient of the swing arc.
Yo you can hit I can only hit 120 with a seven iron but I’m ten
Do you ever change your clothes
You're getting wishy washy, you're the one that did a video on where your elbows need to be on the backswing and saying that the steep swing caused the slice.
Really...there is not one hacker who'll remember any of that glove logo...elbow this or that....palm open... Hackers need simple fixes...simple., if you slice....aim 45 degrees left rudder...seriously. Hackers don't want fixes they want practical golf buddy slices like a banana...he now aims 100 yds out of bounds on the left and ends up on the middle of the fairway. PERIOD>