What? Swiss folks are debating that Switzerland should only be neutral during peace time, but not war time? What kind of idiocy is that? The moment someone picks a side in a war, they FOREVER lose their standing of neutrality. FOREVER! And it's during a war that neutrality becomes even more important, as that's the sole entity that could actually arbitrate peace. Global madness, I say.
@@markojuric8604 I get that Switzerland has never been "truly" neutral, but they've made strong efforts to maintain that veneer. It seems even the veneer of neutrality is being discarded.
it's worse than that. Scheben is arguing that the Swiss remain neutral when the west acts out unjustified wars of aggression and evil, but are pro war when a war looks justified. regardless of the complicated philosophy or rhetoric, the Swiss government are pro war cowards, and the idea of neutrality is total nonsense and contradictory when applied to the actions of the Swiss.
Neutrality can also have a weaker form, which is simply not taking up arms in the war. It does not have to mean "not taking sides". The postmodern idea "evil" 'is not a thing' is corrosive and debilitating. The proper concept however is relational, there are certainly some actions that are _less good_ than others. Not always a formally decidable question of course, since no one can formally define "truth" (Tarski) but there are decent normative principles and heuristics, which we ignore at our peril (permitting the sloth of nihilism to take hold, ceding power to the right-wingers). The more 'less good', the more to the evil end. But you don't have to believe like an ideologue in essential infinite evil (such a thing does not exist --- no matter what you do I can do something worse if I have the power to do so). No one of sound mind should remain _morally_ neutral over a war, but nor should one take sides. At the very least one should oppose the war. That's not neutrality. You take sides with the peace diplomats _on each side of the war!_ One can always remain neutral about who was to blame, simply by admitting that is sometimes murky, and nonessential for resolving a war via diplomacy. Diplomacy cannot be overly concerned with final justice, there is no room, justice comes after the peace (one might hope).
So the privately owned mainstream media aren’t the master propagandists? Lol. Your irrational hate of democracy and authority is juvenile just like your understanding of politics.
Dear Pascal, after seeing you in English for so many episodes, it was amusing and refreshing to see you in german! Your podcasts are very enlightening and spiritually lifting. Though I think the program is very insignificant, it is profoundly soulfull and heartwarming for an alien like me. Because my sincere sentiments are so in line with yours' I'm a bit compelled to share a little rhetoric with you and hope you and I shall obtain a little comfort to our troubled souls. I feel the bewilderment and frustration you must be going through so I share a little Eastern perspective with you. There's an old Chinese saying that goes: sometimes you can see a dead rat dragging away a dead cat. It means that sometimes we encounter something something strange and inexplicable. Never be too afraid to accept it. Somewhere there's always an explanation. You just haven't gotten to the bottom of the mystery yet! Peace be with you Pascal!!!
International oligarchic forces are pursuing their own self-serving interests regardless of the detrimental societal impacts that will be incurred by everyone else. All 8 billion of us!
Just admit that there are no Real Democratic countries in the world. Beware of those who continue to preach Democracy, Freedom and Human Rights which is the Advanced Western countries.
In the context of Abu Ghraib torture scandal, I concluded "First, they torture logic", then we get tortured arguments. Finally, we see "arguments" reduced to analysis if a claim fits in our narrative (good!) or the enemy's narrative (horror! disinformation), dispensing with the concept of truth and logic altogether.
Just a few examples: American Intervention in Yemen (2002-Present) American Intervention In The War In North-West Pakistan (2004-2018) Second U.S. Intervention in the Somali Civil War (2007-present) Operation Ocean Shield (2009-2016) International Intervention in Libya (2011) (2015-2019) Operation Observant Compass in Uganda (2011-2017) American-led Intervention in Syria (2014-present) American Military Intervention in Niger (2018-present)
This is fine example of intellectualism that Europe seems to have abandoned completely. An objective analysis and assessment of the causes and context of the RUssia-Ukraine war is unquestionably the rote of intellectuals and academics in the countries affected directly or indrectly by the war. By demonizing objective analysis, Europe loses its intellectual standing. And this is not a temporary hiatus or suspension of intellectualism for political expediency. This will hollow-out European credibility for decades, even as Europe will suffer real political and economic damage from escalation by NATO.
Fantastic discussion!! Thanks for hosting it. How I wish I learnt German to hear and comprehend the original version from the Professors. Good to know that there are Swiss and Germans who are able to think for themselves and not follow the pied piper leading them into a war - not of their choosing. The Professor forgot Bush claiming God told him to attack Afghanistan. Most American presidents since Nixon have God on their staff- the good Professor didn’t get the note. :)
@@rocketpig1914 There is a significant difference between German and English, as you have clearly demonstrated with your comment. You used English words, but you only managed to create gibberish.
Just some examples: American Intervention in Yemen (2002-Present) American Intervention In The War In North-West Pakistan (2004-2018) Second U.S. Intervention in the Somali Civil War (2007-present) Operation Ocean Shield (2009-2016) International Intervention in Libya (2011) (2015-2019) Operation Observant Compass in Uganda (2011-2017) American-led Intervention in Syria (2014-present) American Military Intervention in Niger (2018-present)
You did fall to the narative attack, agression and other. Russia defending Russians population in Ukraine and defending its self. There were not any attack, just kontra attack. War started in 2014 with Ukrainian pupet regime air force bombing Lugansk.
Agree to remain neutral - Russia would never have invaded. It's not a hard game, it's all on record and multiple witnesses on the Ukrainian side stating that is all Russia wanted.
The negotiations they held directly with the Ukrainians in Mar-Apr 2022, they should've held at the end of 2021. And they should've told Zelenskyy clearly that if he did not go neutral and implement Minsk II, that Kiev would become a key military operation target to force the change. Enemy leaders need to talk face to face sincerely, sort out the "balance of threats" so that ordinary people on all sides don't have to die, get maimed and traumatized for a generation.
@@remicaron3191 Switzerland bought F-35's ofc they are scared. The swiss hate nothing more than expensive stuff that could break. Yes yes, i know we make watches. But it's YOU who pays for them.😆
The whole Swiss/Nordic attitude of "we're neutral in peace, but have to punish the 'unjust'" is also seen for exactly the sort of hypocritical, self-serving (and in this case- incredibly ugly, considering the realities of why this war came about, the history of constant NATO expansion, the Euromaidan coup, atrocities inflicted upon eastern Ukraine, and the flaunting of the Minsk agreements and BoJo's preventing a peace arrangement early in the conflict) nonsense it is across the rest of the world, tbh. If "aggressor nations" (which only someone with no understanding of reality could consider Russia IMO) must be punished- then why have the Swiss and Nordics stayed quiet throughout all of the US and western Europe's constant warmongering? Former POTUS Jimmy Carter (correctly) describes his own country as "the most warlike nation in history"- where is the justice for all of America's, and NATO's, victims? The Swiss turned a blind eye- where they did not outright aid in the management of stolen wealth- even in the face of Nazi Germany! (though this could be argued understandable- Nazi Germany and all the various imperialist regimes of Europe certainly could have threatened Switzerland, and that's why neutrality was adopted to begin with) If there's to be "justice" for Ukraine- where is the justice for the people of Crimea and the Donbass, and of the still Ukranian-occupied territories like Odessa? In fact- where is the Swiss outcry and punitive measures against the blatantly genocidal, war crime-flaunting Israeli campaign against Palestinians? Where was the justice for the still-occupied Syrians and Iraqis, where is the justice for Libya, Afghanistan, Yugoslavia, Somalia, Haiti, or Lebanon amongst countless other victims? Those in the west, and in Switzerland in particular, that think they have any credibility across the globe in pretending they care about "justice" are out of their minds.
@@whosaround5623 agreed, and I hope- hell, as an atheist I pray- that the beast of hegemony loses all its teeth this time around. I'd go so far as to say our entire species depends on it.
This conversation is one of the most important discussions I've seen on your chanel. Citizens of all nations should be educated to identify the psychopathology of warmongering.
Valuable discussion! The right political view is always for the longterm protection and wellbeing of all the people on the ground. You don't have to become amoral. Because war quickly becomes messy, with crimes committed by many individuals on "both" sides, we need neutrals who are simply saying _How do we heal this situation as quickly and wisely as possible for the ordinary people?_
One of the best discussions I've heard on the topic. Authoritarians have a reptile brain perspective. Always fight or flight. Me good. You bad. Contrast with, for example, with Jain epistemology based on the idea that reality is multifaceted, or anekanta, and that no single view can capture it in its entirety. This insight is illustrated by the story of the blind men trying to describe an elephant, and it leads to a kind of fallibilism in epistemology and a sevenfold classification of statements in logic.
@8:44 you triggered my inner mathematician. Old fart Rummy was making logical sense _The absence of evidence is not the same as the evidence of absence_ is perfectly valid logic. In formal logic it just means because you have no proof of a well-formed statement does not mean there is no proof. q.v. the Riemann Hypothesis, or the Goldbach Conjecture, or the Continuum Hypothesis... the list goes on and on... in fact most statements in Number Theory are independent of our accepted axioms. What Rummy was lying like an old fart neocon about was the _absence of evidence for X is the evidence of 'not bothering to look hard enough' when you've already made up your mind X exists.._ Why? Because they _had_ looked hard enough and they found squat.
Most people prefer not to think, consider the facts and form a fact-based opinion. instead, they prefer the mainstream mass media to shape their opinion. And we thought that once the world could have access to information (the Internet_, it will all be different.
What is interesting is that the "good vs. evil" narrative doesn't really exist in traditional Chinese philosophy. In Chinese philosophy, it is all about balance of opposing forces, not total elimination of one side by the other. My hope is that the multipolar world order wins and we can start talking about "prosperity for all" instead of "good vs. evil".
Distinguishing what is good from what is evil is only really possible if we take a parable into account. Here is my favorite parable, I created it myself: "A judge, a lawyer and justice observe the image of a horse from a distance. Next to the animal, someone bends down and places their hands on the ground to allow the rider to climb onto the mount. The judge imagines that the horse is the State that he will be able to ride after stepping on the citizen under his jurisdiction. The lawyer thinks that the horse is a symbol of the victory that can be won if he steps on his professional colleague. Justice is certain that only a truly fair judge is capable of bending down to elevate the citizen so that he can exercise his rights." The horse symbolizes that which is positive and is linked to the Collective Unconscious in a very comprehensive way, suggesting high self-confidence, speed, decision, independence, freedom, strength, courage, lightness, agility and majesty. The arrogance of the judge and the partiality of the lawyer in the parable are good, but only if their narrow interests are taken into account. The neutrality of Justice, which ignores what the judge and the lawyer want, is intrinsically good. But it can be considered bad by both. That's the problem here. The place where Justice speaks must necessarily be neutral: what is good or bad for the judge and the lawyer are irrelevant. Can they both know what is truly fair and what is not? This is the question that deserves to be asked of those who say what is good and what is evil.
Willful ignorance is sheer evil. (Not detachment out of very thoughtful considerations which need to be reexamined over and over again - also situatively.)
War is a powergrab."Good" or "evil forces" do not matter, if they want to grab MY power. I'll defend my position against both. And none of them will be given any quarters. Because here is the point: I don't BELIEVE in their power. If they COULD do anything, they wouldn't need mine. That's pure Theater. Power today is often used synonymusly with Money. Because you can pay for services and "favours". But it is the one who OFFERS these options, who has the power over the one that has to pay for it. Now, here is the funny part. All our "Mighty and Powerful" tell us, the there is no OTHER option, but them. So basically, they expect me to NOT choose. Freedom and Democracy ? How can any of that exist then? "Good or Bad" are moralistic frames, that allow no choice. And i have given up on believing in Top-down POWER. But the people who are at the BOTTOM of the "food chain" are the ones that wield the "Options", and with that, the power. As with all SYSTEMS, they work only within a framework. An Ideology or a Philosophy. "Eternal competition" leaves no room for compromise. You "Beat", or "are Beaten". Duality is even less choice than you have in a direct confrontation, where you can flight Fight, or freeze. 3 options. Even the most "predatory" Organism has the options: Avoid, feed, or mate. With just 2/3rd the options that an amoeba has, we call ourselves "civilised"? Don't make me laugh. People just play dumb.
It is not that simple. There are occult forces involved. It is not good to say people are dumb. Powers that rule the world succeded to vaccinate half humanity. Which half is dumb, those vaccinated or non vaccenated. I am sure there are lot of people smarter than me and more inteligent than I am in both groups nevertheless on my vaccine status. There is no logic and rational answer. That is sign that higher guidance systems are needed to be used.
This whole screed of yours is nonsense from beginning to end - for all the "money" the west has, they can't even organize armament production, so what does this tell you??? and your meandering thoughts are liked by 7 people, LOL
Right as I was tapping off, I heard the translator mention something about the 'will of the people '. This is why consolidated media and consolidated algorithms and AI are key . Just because you can put up your own sole proprietor lemonade stand in the allowed area, doesn't mean there is open forum , freedom of information and influence. Anyone can put up a lemonade stand in the non promoted ' your information is our property ' section, but who sees it? If you're lucky, some of the patrons of the sole proprietor lemonade stand next to yours.
True but I think the context is that there are those in power who assign the term evil simply to stymy debate and critical thinking. To use the term, in effect, as war generating propaganda
Wow I hadn’t thought of it that way. It’s true that propaganda is used by both sides in a war. And that it obscures things that we only find out later.
I use the word evil when one is overwhelmed by the number and scale of absolute nastiness over and over and over . It is not ENOUGH just to capitalise it either. PURE EVIL where no light enters. The arguments are there but you're dumbfounded by its continuation.
European leaders are as manipulated as our own. They are employees in some greater endeavor. At present, who is to know exactly who it is that's pulling strings? Perhaps we can never know. Perhaps all we can do is wait for another generational change whose consciousness is not so muddled. But, that aside, I believe it's better to keep discussing the realities of this compromised world by calling out it's inherent insanity. No matter the cost to one's own social position. I admire these european dissidents because they are really on the front lines in this war. Americans can disagree as fully as we want without any blowback but there is a certain rigidness in the older capitals of Western Europe, where group-think is still more than just a memory.
I think the benefits of Direct Democracy are unneeded when it comes to wars so big they would need conscription. The difference is that the only people who get to vote are the Military Age Poorer Males who get to vote by accepting conscription or avoiding it. In my experience the most pro-war are those who are elderly and/or rich. I can only speak about the country I now live in (as Lived here too long) but I don’t think there is any chance of a successful conscription campaign here in the U.K. The “butcher of the Somme” still has a statue in the heart of government, but it’s not 1914 and commoners are not as deferential. I’m sure the entire media, entire political class and red faced rich old white men would shout for joy about war but anyone who would actually be conscripted could go and live in Ireland for a bit. I don’t even think they could staff factories making munitions unless they paid very well. And even before conscription in 1914 the military was much bigger.
The countries that were neutral during WWII understand better than most the horrors of neutrality. You completely miss out on death, destruction, blood shed.
Ireland depends on USA for over 20per cent GDP thousands of jobs are American owned businesses,so we are blinded like sheep to the wolf among us god help the Ukrainian people
Every war requires psychological propaganda preparation, and in order for this preparation to work, magical preparation is needed beforehand. It's not all that simple as it is presented in the video. both of them in the video have good intentions, but they also have a high degree of indoctrination by the text book and so from video to video. It is the modus operandi of the control system that with the created problems and the focus that it keeps under control, it allows opposing narratives in the media and divisions are ensured. By accepting the rules of the control system, people also accepted its laws. We know that law and justice are not synonymous, so it is pointless to mention the morality that this man mentions. You both are good persons but you are under the influence of non phisical entities that keeping you separate from reality.
in all my 47 years on earth I have come to the conclusion that spiritual forces are around us all the time everywhere, the way the Middle Agers saw the world is the way the world works, demons, angels, God, the Devil. The Ilias is not a metaphor, literal Demons involve themselves with war and humans are mere pawns.
interesting, schizoids rarely are able to engage in system level analysis, certainly at the level indicated. so assuming youre not newbie agent that mixed his manuals - get some medical help, you will greatly benefit from it
I don't understand why some think Putin made a mistake by going into Ukraine on the ground. I think there should be debate about this because real debate requires a certain level of agreement on objective truth or reality, facts, common knowledge. This would involve civility. Reasonable and informed people, as well as political animals acknowledge that Russia was provoked. I would say such. Did Putin make a political mistake? A strategy mistake for Russia? A diplomacy mistake?
Was it so clear who was the bad guy in WW2 though? Forget what the world discovered in 1945. In 1939, Germany was a country that considered it had been unfairly punished for WW1 and had had its lands stolen from it. Was it really wrong to enter into dialogue with that nation? There is no one narrative, even for that conflict.
Correct! Poland threatened Germany with war should it pursue a "corridor" to get a land connection with East Prussia and hold referenda about the territories taken from it. It annexed part of Czechoslovakia, had a war with the SovietUnion, tried several times to persuade France to attack Germany together and persecuted the minorities in the territories it controlled, repeatedly breaking the agreements for the protection of minorities. The Soviet Union had murdered millions of its own citizens, years before WW2 even started. It occupied and annexed the Baltic states attacked Finland, intervened in the Spanish Civil War and moved into Wallachia (I'm not certain if that is the correct English spelling) and of course it occupied the Eastern half of Poland. Great Britain and France declared war on Germany, not the other way round and France had the largest army in Europe at that time. Not only the British, but the US also encouraged the Polish government to refuse to even negotiate with Germany. Churchill sent bomber squads to Germany for more than three months, before Hitler couldn't hold back anymore and retaliated. The French fleet was not destroyed by the Germans, but by the RAF. They feared, that if France should join the German side, that it could be used against Great Britain, so they bombed the ships and murdered the seamen. Germany made about two dozen peace offers to Great Britain, to no avail. Hess flow over to Britain to negotiate a peace and was imprisoned for the rest of his life and then murdered (At the end he was the only prisoner left in the prison, they did everything they could to prevent him from telling his story.). Roosevelt provoked the Japanese and knew about the attack on Pearl Harbour. He was the one who ordered that the fleet be stationed there in the first place, against the protests of the admirals, who wanted to keep it stationed on the West Coast. US ships supported British ships and even fired on German vessels long before Germany declared war on the US. Roosevelt wanted war, but he had promised the Americans to keep America out of possible future wars in Europe, during his election campaign. He couldn't declare war, so he did everything he could to provoke and increase tensions and told lies during his fireside chats. The behaviour of the US in the Philippines or in Latin America had not exactly been peaceful or fair either. People in several former German colonies petitioned their new rulers to be governed again by Germans, who were obviously nicer to live under than British or American governors. I would be curious to know, why Germany was "obviously" the bad one. It seems more, that Great Britain, the US and France prevented a peaceful solution to the question of Danzig and the corridor and then turned a short Polish-German war into a World War, abandoning the pretext (Poland) at the end of the war and leaving it in the tender care of Stalin. If Western countries now joined the war in the Ukraine, would the resulting war be Putins fault? Putin sent troops to Ukraine, to put an end tk the killing and persecution of Russians and prevent the Ukraine from joining Nato. Why would he be held solely responsible if the US or Great Britain or France or all of NATO together attacked Russia? Why should Germany be regarded as bad, because they wanted what Woodrow Wilson promised them and which made them agree to an armistice, after their peace offer in 1916 had been rejected. Whitout Germany, Stalin would have been able to take all of Europe. Not only in the Baltic states, but in the Ukraine, in the Caucasus and in other regions of the Soviet Union were the Germans welcomed as liberators. Millions of Soviet citizens joined them to fight against Communism or to help them in other ways.
Switzerland remained, so they said, neutral in WW2 and yet happily banked the Nazi regimes stolen gold etc. Switzerland is not all chocolate and neutrality.
Thank you, gentlemen. Sadly, the Swiss its neutrality, which was their power. Is there a way back to true neutrality? What is happening in the collective West is racism towards other countries who want to be independent and sovereign.
political human will making choice of government for other people different than divine will unity central authority with each person follow God's leadership
it worked once back then, lets try it again, and again, and again so its proven false each and every time, but surely, _that_ one time was different 🤣🤣 wonder what galdio et al operatives have to say about helmut stepping over that landmine 😆
8:30 Dumsfeld was a wiseass foow, but his statement was a correct use of formal logic: "If I think you're holding a child prisoner in your basement, but I have an absence of any evidence for a search warrant, that doesn't mean that there is _certainly_ no child there." I'd find a smart way to break into your basement, because I feel that the (supposed) child's wellbeing is more important than the privacy of your property. Of course, we know that this logic can be taken advantage of by bad actors. In international law, despite the "lack of proof of absence" (eg. that all the missing children are found elsewhere - in the analogy), must work strongly against invading criminals like Bushcheneydumsfeldwolfowitz, who will make everything even far worse for all the people. Russell's Teapot applies too.🫖
Thank you, gentlemen. Sadly, the Swiss its neutrality, which was their power. Is there a way back to true neutrality? What is happening in the collective West is racism towards other countries that want to be independent and sovereign.
Just a few examples: American Intervention in Yemen (2002-Present) American Intervention In The War In North-West Pakistan (2004-2018) Second U.S. Intervention in the Somali Civil War (2007-present) Operation Ocean Shield (2009-2016) International Intervention in Libya (2011) (2015-2019) Operation Observant Compass in Uganda (2011-2017) American-led Intervention in Syria (2014-present) American Military Intervention in Niger (2018)
Outlets like this is what changes the narrative and help people to form an informed opinion. We didn't have them 10 years ago. Thank you.
There must have been some forums where alternative views could be heard. I'll be damned if I know what they were though.
What? Swiss folks are debating that Switzerland should only be neutral during peace time, but not war time? What kind of idiocy is that?
The moment someone picks a side in a war, they FOREVER lose their standing of neutrality. FOREVER! And it's during a war that neutrality becomes even more important, as that's the sole entity that could actually arbitrate peace.
Global madness, I say.
Switzerland has never been really neutral.
Switzerland obviously is not what you think.
@@markojuric8604 I get that Switzerland has never been "truly" neutral, but they've made strong efforts to maintain that veneer.
It seems even the veneer of neutrality is being discarded.
it's worse than that. Scheben is arguing that the Swiss remain neutral when the west acts out unjustified wars of aggression and evil, but are pro war when a war looks justified. regardless of the complicated philosophy or rhetoric, the Swiss government are pro war cowards, and the idea of neutrality is total nonsense and contradictory when applied to the actions of the Swiss.
Neutrality can also have a weaker form, which is simply not taking up arms in the war. It does not have to mean "not taking sides". The postmodern idea "evil" 'is not a thing' is corrosive and debilitating. The proper concept however is relational, there are certainly some actions that are _less good_ than others. Not always a formally decidable question of course, since no one can formally define "truth" (Tarski) but there are decent normative principles and heuristics, which we ignore at our peril (permitting the sloth of nihilism to take hold, ceding power to the right-wingers). The more 'less good', the more to the evil end. But you don't have to believe like an ideologue in essential infinite evil (such a thing does not exist --- no matter what you do I can do something worse if I have the power to do so).
No one of sound mind should remain _morally_ neutral over a war, but nor should one take sides. At the very least one should oppose the war. That's not neutrality. You take sides with the peace diplomats _on each side of the war!_ One can always remain neutral about who was to blame, simply by admitting that is sometimes murky, and nonessential for resolving a war via diplomacy. Diplomacy cannot be overly concerned with final justice, there is no room, justice comes after the peace (one might hope).
@@Arielelian Re: Sweden and Finland.
Thank you Pascal for such high quality information and discussions.
Government sponsored public relations is so skillful and persuasive that when questioned is to risk being angrily shouted down by the majority.
So the privately owned mainstream media aren’t the master propagandists? Lol. Your irrational hate of democracy and authority is juvenile just like your understanding of politics.
Dear Pascal, after seeing you in English for so many episodes, it was amusing and refreshing to see you in german! Your podcasts are very enlightening and spiritually lifting. Though I think the program is very insignificant, it is profoundly soulfull and heartwarming for an alien like me. Because my sincere sentiments are so in line with yours' I'm a bit compelled to share a little rhetoric with you and hope you and I shall obtain a little comfort to our troubled souls. I feel the bewilderment and frustration you must be going through so I share a little Eastern perspective with you. There's an old Chinese saying that goes: sometimes you can see a dead rat dragging away a dead cat. It means that sometimes we encounter something something strange and inexplicable. Never be too afraid to accept it. Somewhere there's always an explanation. You just haven't gotten to the bottom of the mystery yet! Peace be with you Pascal!!!
Chinese have the best proverbs!
International oligarchic forces are pursuing their own self-serving interests regardless of the detrimental societal impacts that will be incurred by everyone else. All 8 billion of us!
Just admit that there are no Real Democratic countries in the world. Beware of those who continue to preach Democracy, Freedom and Human Rights which is the Advanced Western countries.
In the context of Abu Ghraib torture scandal, I concluded "First, they torture logic", then we get tortured arguments. Finally, we see "arguments" reduced to analysis if a claim fits in our narrative (good!) or the enemy's narrative (horror! disinformation), dispensing with the concept of truth and logic altogether.
Just a few examples:
American Intervention in Yemen (2002-Present)
American Intervention In The War In North-West Pakistan (2004-2018)
Second U.S. Intervention in the Somali Civil War (2007-present)
Operation Ocean Shield (2009-2016)
International Intervention in Libya (2011) (2015-2019)
Operation Observant Compass in Uganda (2011-2017)
American-led Intervention in Syria (2014-present)
American Military Intervention in Niger (2018-present)
Ireland's ''neutrality''' is also very suspect.
This is fine example of intellectualism that Europe seems to have abandoned completely. An objective analysis and assessment of the causes and context of the RUssia-Ukraine war is unquestionably the rote of intellectuals and academics in the countries affected directly or indrectly by the war. By demonizing objective analysis, Europe loses its intellectual standing. And this is not a temporary hiatus or suspension of intellectualism for political expediency. This will hollow-out European credibility for decades, even as Europe will suffer real political and economic damage from escalation by NATO.
Fantastic discussion!! Thanks for hosting it.
How I wish I learnt German to hear and comprehend the original version from the Professors.
Good to know that there are Swiss and Germans who are able to think for themselves and not follow the pied piper leading them into a war - not of their choosing.
The Professor forgot Bush claiming God told him to attack Afghanistan. Most American presidents since Nixon have God on their staff- the good Professor didn’t get the note. :)
What? (😄) So, God spoke to Bush, as He did to Moses ...?
Get learning that German! Not so different to English :)
@@rocketpig1914 There is a significant difference between German and English, as you have clearly demonstrated with your comment. You used English words, but you only managed to create gibberish.
@@winnietheshrew2957 On the contrary, you merely show your narrow-mindedness
Absolutely superb interview. We need more opinions from such reasonable people. Three Cheers!
Excellent, reasoned, objective discussion. Much needed in these deranged,emotional times.
Just some examples:
American Intervention in Yemen (2002-Present)
American Intervention In The War In North-West Pakistan (2004-2018)
Second U.S. Intervention in the Somali Civil War (2007-present)
Operation Ocean Shield (2009-2016)
International Intervention in Libya (2011) (2015-2019)
Operation Observant Compass in Uganda (2011-2017)
American-led Intervention in Syria (2014-present)
American Military Intervention in Niger (2018-present)
The world is still fortunate, lucky even, for having people like you to foster fairness and justice!!
If Russia should not have attacked Ukraine, what alternative did they have?
You did fall to the narative attack, agression and other.
Russia defending Russians population in Ukraine and defending its self.
There were not any attack, just kontra attack. War started in 2014 with Ukrainian pupet regime air force bombing Lugansk.
Agree to remain neutral - Russia would never have invaded.
It's not a hard game, it's all on record and multiple witnesses on the Ukrainian side stating that is all Russia wanted.
Nothing, because from the beginning, the West had no plan to fulfill their promise. It's all a deception.
The negotiations they held directly with the Ukrainians in Mar-Apr 2022, they should've held at the end of 2021. And they should've told Zelenskyy clearly that if he did not go neutral and implement Minsk II, that Kiev would become a key military operation target to force the change. Enemy leaders need to talk face to face sincerely, sort out the "balance of threats" so that ordinary people on all sides don't have to die, get maimed and traumatized for a generation.
alternative? it rubs the lotion on its skin...
Switzerland made it through 2 world wars without joining in them but now they are against aggression 😁
I guess third time’s a charm. They don’t want of be left out of this one.
@@remicaron3191 Switzerland bought F-35's ofc they are scared. The swiss hate nothing more than expensive stuff that could break. Yes yes, i know we make watches. But it's YOU who pays for them.😆
Pressured by THREAT of USA SANCTIONS!!
I guess more money could be made by staying neutral in both WWI and WWII. This time more money can be made by taking side.
Excellent discussion....
Before democracy, lies were not necessary to wage wars, but wars were times when wolves, crows and ravens multiplied. Now we have investment funds.
Mossad...by Deception we make War.
The whole Swiss/Nordic attitude of "we're neutral in peace, but have to punish the 'unjust'" is also seen for exactly the sort of hypocritical, self-serving (and in this case- incredibly ugly, considering the realities of why this war came about, the history of constant NATO expansion, the Euromaidan coup, atrocities inflicted upon eastern Ukraine, and the flaunting of the Minsk agreements and BoJo's preventing a peace arrangement early in the conflict) nonsense it is across the rest of the world, tbh.
If "aggressor nations" (which only someone with no understanding of reality could consider Russia IMO) must be punished- then why have the Swiss and Nordics stayed quiet throughout all of the US and western Europe's constant warmongering? Former POTUS Jimmy Carter (correctly) describes his own country as "the most warlike nation in history"- where is the justice for all of America's, and NATO's, victims? The Swiss turned a blind eye- where they did not outright aid in the management of stolen wealth- even in the face of Nazi Germany! (though this could be argued understandable- Nazi Germany and all the various imperialist regimes of Europe certainly could have threatened Switzerland, and that's why neutrality was adopted to begin with)
If there's to be "justice" for Ukraine- where is the justice for the people of Crimea and the Donbass, and of the still Ukranian-occupied territories like Odessa? In fact- where is the Swiss outcry and punitive measures against the blatantly genocidal, war crime-flaunting Israeli campaign against Palestinians? Where was the justice for the still-occupied Syrians and Iraqis, where is the justice for Libya, Afghanistan, Yugoslavia, Somalia, Haiti, or Lebanon amongst countless other victims?
Those in the west, and in Switzerland in particular, that think they have any credibility across the globe in pretending they care about "justice" are out of their minds.
I’m a “Yugoslav”. The west destroyed my country in 91 then bombed it in 99 and annexed Kosovo.
Don’t forget
We know what they did to Yougoslavie and how they sold it but this time they bit a meat with a huge bone and now losing their teeth!
@@whosaround5623 agreed, and I hope- hell, as an atheist I pray- that the beast of hegemony loses all its teeth this time around. I'd go so far as to say our entire species depends on it.
A brilliant disussion between 2 intelligent, honest people, thank you
This conversation is one of the most important discussions I've seen on your chanel. Citizens of all nations should be educated to identify the psychopathology of warmongering.
Brilliant and informative. Thank you.
Valuable discussion! The right political view is always for the longterm protection and wellbeing of all the people on the ground. You don't have to become amoral. Because war quickly becomes messy, with crimes committed by many individuals on "both" sides, we need neutrals who are simply saying _How do we heal this situation as quickly and wisely as possible for the ordinary people?_
Gute Diskussion Pascal, sehr intrassant.
One of the best discussions I've heard on the topic. Authoritarians have a reptile brain perspective. Always fight or flight. Me good. You bad. Contrast with, for example, with Jain epistemology based on the idea that reality is multifaceted, or anekanta, and that no single view can capture it in its entirety. This insight is illustrated by the story of the blind men trying to describe an elephant, and it leads to a kind of fallibilism in epistemology and a sevenfold classification of statements in logic.
nice work gentlemen
great interview
Such fresh air tos hear truth reality in the middle of madhouse. Thank you gentlemen
@8:44 you triggered my inner mathematician. Old fart Rummy was making logical sense _The absence of evidence is not the same as the evidence of absence_ is perfectly valid logic. In formal logic it just means because you have no proof of a well-formed statement does not mean there is no proof. q.v. the Riemann Hypothesis, or the Goldbach Conjecture, or the Continuum Hypothesis... the list goes on and on... in fact most statements in Number Theory are independent of our accepted axioms. What Rummy was lying like an old fart neocon about was the _absence of evidence for X is the evidence of 'not bothering to look hard enough' when you've already made up your mind X exists.._ Why? Because they _had_ looked hard enough and they found squat.
Thank you for this. I also was wondering how that statement was not logical.
Fascinating discussion...thank you Pascal
Most people prefer not to think, consider the facts and form a fact-based opinion. instead, they prefer the mainstream mass media to shape their opinion. And we thought that once the world could have access to information (the Internet_, it will all be different.
Evil people calling other people evil give them an excuse to kill?
Like Donald rumsvelt .sadam is a very bad bustard but he is our bad .
So will this apply to zelensky and the azov.?
What is interesting is that the "good vs. evil" narrative doesn't really exist in traditional Chinese philosophy. In Chinese philosophy, it is all about balance of opposing forces, not total elimination of one side by the other. My hope is that the multipolar world order wins and we can start talking about "prosperity for all" instead of "good vs. evil".
Distinguishing what is good from what is evil is only really possible if we take a parable into account. Here is my favorite parable, I created it myself:
"A judge, a lawyer and justice observe the image of a horse from a distance. Next to the animal, someone bends down and places their hands on the ground to allow the rider to climb onto the mount.
The judge imagines that the horse is the State that he will be able to ride after stepping on the citizen under his jurisdiction.
The lawyer thinks that the horse is a symbol of the victory that can be won if he steps on his professional colleague.
Justice is certain that only a truly fair judge is capable of bending down to elevate the citizen so that he can exercise his rights."
The horse symbolizes that which is positive and is linked to the Collective Unconscious in a very comprehensive way, suggesting high self-confidence, speed, decision, independence, freedom, strength, courage, lightness, agility and majesty.
The arrogance of the judge and the partiality of the lawyer in the parable are good, but only if their narrow interests are taken into account. The neutrality of Justice, which ignores what the judge and the lawyer want, is intrinsically good. But it can be considered bad by both. That's the problem here. The place where Justice speaks must necessarily be neutral: what is good or bad for the judge and the lawyer are irrelevant. Can they both know what is truly fair and what is not? This is the question that deserves to be asked of those who say what is good and what is evil.
Willful ignorance is sheer evil.
(Not detachment out of very thoughtful considerations which need to be reexamined over and over again - also situatively.)
War is a powergrab."Good" or "evil forces" do not matter, if they want to grab MY power. I'll defend my position against both. And none of them will be given any quarters. Because here is the point: I don't BELIEVE in their power. If they COULD do anything, they wouldn't need mine. That's pure Theater.
Power today is often used synonymusly with Money. Because you can pay for services and "favours". But it is the one who OFFERS these options, who has the power over the one that has to pay for it. Now, here is the funny part. All our "Mighty and Powerful" tell us, the there is no OTHER option, but them.
So basically, they expect me to NOT choose. Freedom and Democracy ? How can any of that exist then? "Good or Bad" are moralistic frames, that allow no choice.
And i have given up on believing in Top-down POWER. But the people who are at the BOTTOM of the "food chain" are the ones that wield the "Options", and with that, the power.
As with all SYSTEMS, they work only within a framework. An Ideology or a Philosophy. "Eternal competition" leaves no room for compromise. You "Beat", or "are Beaten". Duality is even less choice than you have in a direct confrontation, where you can flight Fight, or freeze. 3 options. Even the most "predatory" Organism has the options: Avoid, feed, or mate.
With just 2/3rd the options that an amoeba has, we call ourselves "civilised"? Don't make me laugh. People just play dumb.
It is not that simple. There are occult forces involved.
It is not good to say people are dumb.
Powers that rule the world succeded to vaccinate half humanity. Which half is dumb, those vaccinated or non vaccenated.
I am sure there are lot of people smarter than me and more inteligent than I am in both groups nevertheless on my vaccine status.
There is no logic and rational answer. That is sign that higher guidance systems are needed to be used.
This whole screed of yours is nonsense from beginning to end - for all the "money" the west has, they can't even organize armament production, so what does this tell you??? and your meandering thoughts are liked by 7 people, LOL
Unfortunately I have not many other words than 'evil' for US foreign politics
Right as I was tapping off, I heard the translator mention something about the 'will of the people '. This is why consolidated media and consolidated algorithms and AI are key . Just because you can put up your own sole proprietor lemonade stand in the allowed area, doesn't mean there is open forum , freedom of information and influence. Anyone can put up a lemonade stand in the non promoted ' your information is our property ' section, but who sees it? If you're lucky, some of the patrons of the sole proprietor lemonade stand next to yours.
Great conversation on calling your enemy evil. I don’t think the western style democracy is not going to overcome that though. We are doomed.
Sometimes one can reach the limit of cognition and things can only be explained by the concept of evil
True but I think the context is that there are those in power who assign the term evil simply to stymy debate and critical thinking. To use the term, in effect, as war generating propaganda
Good interview.. keep the good work up professor.
Wow I hadn’t thought of it that way. It’s true that propaganda is used by both sides in a war. And that it obscures things that we only find out later.
I use the word evil when one is overwhelmed by the number and scale of absolute nastiness over and over and over
It is not ENOUGH just to capitalise it either. PURE EVIL where no light enters.
The arguments are there but you're dumbfounded by its continuation.
Great talk, thank you very much! I am all pro neutrality.
European leaders are as manipulated as our own. They are employees in some greater endeavor. At present, who is to know exactly who it is that's pulling strings? Perhaps we can never know. Perhaps all we can do is wait for another generational change whose consciousness is not so muddled. But, that aside, I believe it's better to keep discussing the realities of this compromised world by calling out it's inherent insanity. No matter the cost to one's own social position. I admire these european dissidents because they are really on the front lines in this war. Americans can disagree as fully as we want without any blowback but there is a certain rigidness in the older capitals of Western Europe, where group-think is still more than just a memory.
Thank you for such an interesting discussion. We must demand world Peace
I think the benefits of Direct Democracy are unneeded when it comes to wars so big they would need conscription. The difference is that the only people who get to vote are the Military Age Poorer Males who get to vote by accepting conscription or avoiding it. In my experience the most pro-war are those who are elderly and/or rich.
I can only speak about the country I now live in (as Lived here too long) but I don’t think there is any chance of a successful conscription campaign here in the U.K. The “butcher of the Somme” still has a statue in the heart of government, but it’s not 1914 and commoners are not as deferential. I’m sure the entire media, entire political class and red faced rich old white men would shout for joy about war but anyone who would actually be conscripted could go and live in Ireland for a bit. I don’t even think they could staff factories making munitions unless they paid very well. And even before conscription in 1914 the military was much bigger.
We are callous toward our own people, even more so toward our neighbors ;-(
The countries that were neutral during WWII understand better than most the horrors of neutrality. You completely miss out on death, destruction, blood shed.
Hey Pascal, gibt's hierzu eine deutsche Version?
Die Übersetzung finde ich ja echt gut gemacht, aber ohne Sound-overlay fände ich es besser.
Ja, klar! Auf unserem De Kanal: youtube.com/@sanevoxde
Hier auf dem Hauptkanal poste ich nur Sachen auf Englisch. Danke für‘s Interesse :)
How can it be moral to sacrifice lives for money
Rumsfelt said Hes a bad evil person when talking about sadam hussein BUT hes OUR bad evil person .such hypocrisy. Why kill your own bad evil person
Ireland depends on USA for over 20per cent GDP thousands of jobs are American owned businesses,so we are blinded like sheep to the wolf among us god help the Ukrainian people
Every war requires psychological propaganda preparation, and in order for this preparation to work, magical preparation is needed beforehand.
It's not all that simple as it is presented in the video. both of them in the video have good intentions, but they also have a high degree of indoctrination by the text book and so from video to video.
It is the modus operandi of the control system that with the created problems and the focus that it keeps under control, it allows opposing narratives in the media and divisions are ensured.
By accepting the rules of the control system, people also accepted its laws.
We know that law and justice are not synonymous, so it is pointless to mention the morality that this man mentions.
You both are good persons but you are under the influence of non phisical entities that keeping you separate from reality.
in all my 47 years on earth I have come to the conclusion that spiritual forces are around us all the time everywhere, the way the Middle Agers saw the world is the way the world works, demons, angels, God, the Devil. The Ilias is not a metaphor, literal Demons involve themselves with war and humans are mere pawns.
interesting, schizoids rarely are able to engage in system level analysis, certainly at the level indicated.
so assuming youre not newbie agent that mixed his manuals - get some medical help, you will greatly benefit from it
Thank you
"Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence" does make logical sense. But it's far from a legitimate _casus belli_
Please interview Christopher Bollyn.
Pascal, please add link to original version in text description in future!
I don't understand why some think Putin made a mistake by going into Ukraine on the ground. I think there should be debate about this because real debate requires a certain level of agreement on objective truth or reality, facts, common knowledge. This would involve civility.
Reasonable and informed people, as well as political animals acknowledge that Russia was provoked. I would say such. Did Putin make a political mistake? A strategy mistake for Russia? A diplomacy mistake?
The serious Professor "I have never heard something so stupid in my entire life". 🤭😆
very good this
Was it so clear who was the bad guy in WW2 though? Forget what the world discovered in 1945. In 1939, Germany was a country that considered it had been unfairly punished for WW1 and had had its lands stolen from it. Was it really wrong to enter into dialogue with that nation? There is no one narrative, even for that conflict.
Correct! Poland threatened Germany with war should it pursue a "corridor" to get a land connection with East Prussia and hold referenda about the territories taken from it. It annexed part of Czechoslovakia, had a war with the SovietUnion, tried several times to persuade France to attack Germany together and persecuted the minorities in the territories it controlled, repeatedly breaking the agreements for the protection of minorities. The Soviet Union had murdered millions of its own citizens, years before WW2 even started. It occupied and annexed the Baltic states attacked Finland, intervened in the Spanish Civil War and moved into Wallachia (I'm not certain if that is the correct English spelling) and of course it occupied the Eastern half of Poland. Great Britain and France declared war on Germany, not the other way round and France had the largest army in Europe at that time. Not only the British, but the US also encouraged the Polish government to refuse to even negotiate with Germany. Churchill sent bomber squads to Germany for more than three months, before Hitler couldn't hold back anymore and retaliated. The French fleet was not destroyed by the Germans, but by the RAF. They feared, that if France should join the German side, that it could be used against Great Britain, so they bombed the ships and murdered the seamen. Germany made about two dozen peace offers to Great Britain, to no avail. Hess flow over to Britain to negotiate a peace and was imprisoned for the rest of his life and then murdered (At the end he was the only prisoner left in the prison, they did everything they could to prevent him from telling his story.). Roosevelt provoked the Japanese and knew about the attack on Pearl Harbour. He was the one who ordered that the fleet be stationed there in the first place, against the protests of the admirals, who wanted to keep it stationed on the West Coast. US ships supported British ships and even fired on German vessels long before Germany declared war on the US. Roosevelt wanted war, but he had promised the Americans to keep America out of possible future wars in Europe, during his election campaign. He couldn't declare war, so he did everything he could to provoke and increase tensions and told lies during his fireside chats. The behaviour of the US in the Philippines or in Latin America had not exactly been peaceful or fair either. People in several former German colonies petitioned their new rulers to be governed again by Germans, who were obviously nicer to live under than British or American governors.
I would be curious to know, why Germany was "obviously" the bad one. It seems more, that Great Britain, the US and France prevented a peaceful solution to the question of Danzig and the corridor and then turned a short Polish-German war into a World War, abandoning the pretext (Poland) at the end of the war and leaving it in the tender care of Stalin.
If Western countries now joined the war in the Ukraine, would the resulting war be Putins fault? Putin sent troops to Ukraine, to put an end tk the killing and persecution of Russians and prevent the Ukraine from joining Nato. Why would he be held solely responsible if the US or Great Britain or France or all of NATO together attacked Russia? Why should Germany be regarded as bad, because they wanted what Woodrow Wilson promised them and which made them agree to an armistice, after their peace offer in 1916 had been rejected. Whitout Germany, Stalin would have been able to take all of Europe. Not only in the Baltic states, but in the Ukraine, in the Caucasus and in other regions of the Soviet Union were the Germans welcomed as liberators. Millions of Soviet citizens joined them to fight against Communism or to help them in other ways.
Switzerland remained, so they said, neutral in WW2 and yet happily banked the Nazi regimes stolen gold etc. Switzerland is not all chocolate and neutrality.
Thank you, gentlemen. Sadly, the Swiss its neutrality, which was their power. Is there a way back to true neutrality?
What is happening in the collective West is racism towards other countries who want to be independent and sovereign.
Link to the German language original?
Always lies, for war ? No for Example at the beginning of the Trojan war there was no lies. There was an apple of discord.
God bless❤
I have a question what happens when the 34000000000 trillion owed to the FED equals zero
No, they call it evil because they have nothing more to add. I would have something mor to say, but i'm the only one.
Koennen wir das bitte ohne das englische Voice Over haben?
UK citizens said no war in Iraq but Blair took us anyway. Powe politics.
Only I can tell Something "Beyond good and evil".And it will be deceiving for you.
At 19,05 min it was the Soviet Union.
political human will making choice of government for other people different than divine will unity central authority with each person follow God's leadership
Is Switzerland remaining neutral because it has the wealth of the super rich in its banks?
Russia is not the Soviet Union.
it worked once back then, lets try it again, and again, and again
so its proven false each and every time, but surely, _that_ one time was different 🤣🤣
wonder what galdio et al operatives have to say about helmut stepping over that landmine 😆
8:30 Dumsfeld was a wiseass foow, but his statement was a correct use of formal logic:
"If I think you're holding a child prisoner in your basement, but I have an absence of any evidence for a search warrant, that doesn't mean that there is _certainly_ no child there." I'd find a smart way to break into your basement, because I feel that the (supposed) child's wellbeing is more important than the privacy of your property.
Of course, we know that this logic can be taken advantage of by bad actors. In international law, despite the "lack of proof of absence" (eg. that all the missing children are found elsewhere - in the analogy), must work strongly against invading criminals like Bushcheneydumsfeldwolfowitz, who will make everything even far worse for all the people.
Russell's Teapot applies too.🫖
Thank you
Thank you, gentlemen. Sadly, the Swiss its neutrality, which was their power. Is there a way back to true neutrality?
What is happening in the collective West is racism towards other countries that want to be independent and sovereign.
Just a few examples:
American Intervention in Yemen (2002-Present)
American Intervention In The War In North-West Pakistan (2004-2018)
Second U.S. Intervention in the Somali Civil War (2007-present)
Operation Ocean Shield (2009-2016)
International Intervention in Libya (2011) (2015-2019)
Operation Observant Compass in Uganda (2011-2017)
American-led Intervention in Syria (2014-present)
American Military Intervention in Niger (2018)