Why NO ONE Plays: Rammus | League of Legends

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 6 ก.ย. 2024
  • Back with another episode of Why NO ONE Plays! Today we're gonna talk about our favorite bowling ball - Rammus: The Armordillo!
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    #Rammus #LoL #WhyNoOnePlays

ความคิดเห็น • 813

  • @Thescott16
    @Thescott16 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1970

    Best reason to pick Rammus: The enemy has a Yone main and you're just going to ruin their day.

    • @cherno8336
      @cherno8336 2 ปีที่แล้ว +29

      lord Dominik and bye bye rammus

    • @bobbydreki7892
      @bobbydreki7892 2 ปีที่แล้ว +108

      As a rammus main I can tell you that i have a hard time winning against a yone late game. early/mid easy but once we are both full build.....

    • @MrDonJuanquis
      @MrDonJuanquis 2 ปีที่แล้ว +54

      @@bobbydreki7892 exactly, yasuo is the one that you can make his life miserable. You can just drive by mid and get a free gank always

    • @Nuclearburrit0
      @Nuclearburrit0 2 ปีที่แล้ว +39

      But Yone does like half his damage as magic damage

    • @cherno8336
      @cherno8336 2 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      @@Nuclearburrit0 1/4

  • @Chrono_topher
    @Chrono_topher 2 ปีที่แล้ว +668

    I think one reason Rammus is unpopular is because of the matchups. Most matches in particular either goes 3 Attack Damage and 2 Ability Power or 2 Attack Damage and 3 Ability power. The numbers changr depending on the composition and playstyles. Rammus is basically the counter to Attack Damage especially with his kit, but if enemies are smart enough to not pick all AD, then AP is the way to recounter him. His playstyles is also very weird, he has CC , gank and tankiness yes; but with the meta favoring penetrayion items, anti heal and literally picking champions that deals true damage: Rammus has no good spot because of it.

    • @Wavinto
      @Wavinto 2 ปีที่แล้ว +14

      If the enemy isn't full marksmen who don't build kraken he is useless, not even his originally best matchup, Master Yi, is playable anymore

    • @cherno8336
      @cherno8336 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      I mean vayne or kraken lord Dominik and rammus becomes fairly useless

    • @liambradbury5079
      @liambradbury5079 2 ปีที่แล้ว


    • @owo4470
      @owo4470 2 ปีที่แล้ว +13

      Honestly, like malphite, he is deceptive in the sense that you'd assume ap characters shred them, but nope.
      There are only a select few that can shred him while even, since a majority of the ap cast are either assassins or rely on a full rotation of ability for their damage, very few have the sustained dps and hp needed to survive a rammus while doing dmg to melt him

    • @aaronscott7467
      @aaronscott7467 2 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      @@owo4470 on the other hand, most mages don't build attack speed, meaning they don't take as much damage from his w, and most mages have some form of cc, allowing them to partially negate his engage

  • @doggiethepug
    @doggiethepug 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1657

    As a Rammus main, I dissaprove. But OK.

  • @enterfromthesky
    @enterfromthesky 2 ปีที่แล้ว +325

    Didn't expect the Rammus mains to write a whole thesis on how Rasmus could improve
    I like it tho, they help a lot

    • @Uncle_Iroh.
      @Uncle_Iroh. 2 ปีที่แล้ว +10


    • @beeefin
      @beeefin 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Fr bro actual english papers in these comments, like im not reading your shit

    • @m-mori
      @m-mori 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      @@beeefin No one's forcing you to.

    • @basilgaizka4672
      @basilgaizka4672 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@beeefin Bro can't read smh. Intellectuals in these comments. Giga brain sigma males.

  • @NetShuma
    @NetShuma 2 ปีที่แล้ว +62

    Wise words from Ramus "Yeah" "Okay"

  • @crittomato7043
    @crittomato7043 2 ปีที่แล้ว +88

    My hot take: Rammus Q's dmg should have scale for movement speed. I always feel kinda left out when I go in 2400ms into an enemy and they take 180 dmg. Living cannonball would be fun

  • @intoHeck1964
    @intoHeck1964 2 ปีที่แล้ว +44

    I view rammus as more of an anti carry. He is amazing vs ad champs and most hyper carries are auto attackers. He is also great at picking one person and saying “YOU FIGHT ME OK”

  • @askyw69
    @askyw69 2 ปีที่แล้ว +35

    Rammus was my first main back in the day and the changes they have made to him over the years certainly aren't without their flaws but were overall healthier for the game as a whole. That being said the biggest thing that gutted rammus's viability was the thornmail rework years ago. Old thornmail had no grievous wounds which nowadays sounds weaker but Old thornmail also used to reflect a % of the dmg taken back to the attacker. Currently a champion with just a BORK and nothing else can out heal rammus's dmg with just a thornmail, even through grievous wounds. Old thornmail by itself could deal more dmg to the attacker than BORK could heal making it so you had to have BORK and a Vamp in order to just break even against a rammus. If an item was added to league that took the place of the armor version of grievous wounds and thornmail was given back it's %dmg scaling or if Rammus w was given a %dmg scaling he would be more on par with his other tank counterparts in terms of viability and would most likely return to semi regular use.
    That being said just give the man a VGU so he can be ok again.

  • @hydrosting
    @hydrosting 2 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    He might not be played but everyone loves him. He’s too goofy and cute.

  • @alejandropetit6573
    @alejandropetit6573 2 ปีที่แล้ว +205

    I've mained rammus since I started playing back in season 8 and he has been the only champion that I've always consistently played, at a first glance he seems like an amazing counter to melee aa based champs with his ol' reliable aftershock taunt defense curl combo to shut them down and let them machine gun themselves to death, as well as the absurd stat bonus of doubling his current armor and getting nearly a 60% magic resist increase thanks to being able to press w, and you would be kind of right, but he has way too many shortcomings for that to consistently be the case, buckle up fellas, this is a long one
    1 - He's too slow (not in the literal sense)
    As I just said, Rammus can deal absurd damage with e and w to enemies with high attack speed, but for that to happen you need armor and mr, and to get armor and mr you need money, and to get money you need to either permafarm for ages, which means that you lose all pressure on very important objectives (mainly dragon ofc) while the enemy jungler kills your adc for the 6th time in a row and snowvall the game before you finish your first item, or to make plays all around the map, which rammus isn't very good at doing due to having very high cooldowns and low damage early on, what I'm trying to say is that Rammus takes too much time to come online and most games are already decided before he han do much of anything
    2 - True damage and anti tank items are everywhere
    The title says it all really, between Rammus really needing armor asap and items with either armor shred (or true damage in the case of kraken) being easily available for all classes, Rammus is kind of stuck in a lose/lose situation no matter what he builds, if you build a bunch of armor and mr you have enough damage and some tankyness to be useful, but you can still get melted by kraken adcs, and you can't afford yo buy something like anathemas or waemog early because, as I already said, Rammus needs resistances to have an impact in fight and deal significant damage to big threats, this may be just me sucking at itemizing properly, but, assuming the enemy team is pretty balanced between their physical and magic damage threats, I usually have to sit on a bramble vest and buy either warmogs or fon demending on how scary their magic damage dealers are, but that leaves me with no inventory slots so I have to sit on a large amount of gold and fall even further behind as a result.
    (Also I almost forgot to mention this, but if you're having trouble against a rammus as an aa based champ, just buy wits end, the on hit hybrid damage screws him over hard, and unless you're up against someone busting out a hidden op Korean omg my parents divorced after this one sorcs shoes Rammus build™, the magic resist will gut his damage completely sonce he isn't buying any magic pen).
    3 - He's predictable and easy to disrupt
    So let's imagine that you' re playing as Nautilus support, it's 25 minutes into the game, you and your adc are pushing bot lane when you see the enemy Rammus appearing in the lane and activating his q, what do you think he's going to do next? Try to get to your adc and kill them, that's right. So what do you do? You stand in the way between him and your adc, it's that simple, the minirework tried to help with Rammus being this predictable and it kind of helped by making his new ult give him the option to ump right onto the enemy adc, but as I said, kind of, his ult is still really slow and can be easily flashed or dashed away from, and as long as Rammus is cc'd and can't get on top of your adc, he can't do anything and will die pretty quickly unless he's really fed, champs with a lot of lockdown make Rammus completely useless in teamfights if they know how to peel, his only escape options are his q which takes time to speed up and gets interrupted if an enemy is on top of him, and his ult, which even though it can pass through walls it's slow and kind of short ranged.
    I could probably go on but it's 3 am for me and I already wrote this mess so ig I'll leave it at that, later
    Edit: ok

    • @samfriend3675
      @samfriend3675 2 ปีที่แล้ว +11

      As someone relatively new to the game, and low ranked, who uses Rammus when he's banned off his main (Eve), I actually find quite a lot of success with him. I find the trick is to not try and carry. His level 3 gank is insanely good, and his lockdown is really good, even late into the game. Ganking early and often can mean that your lanes end up far ahead. The skill, I suppose, is in identifying lanes where a gank is a solid idea early - learn the gist of matchups, and look for immobile champs (getting flash is a successful gank, come back later while its still down and you'll get a kill).
      If he's your main, its probably not right to play to get carried, but its fine as an off pick.

    • @miljan775
      @miljan775 2 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      wtf? comment that doesnt says ok??!?!!

    • @alejandropetit6573
      @alejandropetit6573 2 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      @@miljan775 fixed it

    • @bobbydreki7892
      @bobbydreki7892 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      I get what you mean with your point 2 and point 3 is pretty true. But point1???? I think the problem is that you want to carry, NO. Your ganks are excellent with easy to land cc and really high armor early on. As soon as I have 1item and boots I dive mid while tanking turret for ages. And lastly, do you max Q first? It really makes the difference between the slow playstill you talk about and being present everywhere.

    • @braden459
      @braden459 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Is Kraken Slayer a real problem for Rammus? ADCs will get a KS about 12 minutes into the game, and by that time Rammus should have a decent amount of armor. You have to auto attack Rammus 3 times before Kraken Slayer procs, which exactly what Rammus wants and he will be able to catch up to you, in exchange the ADC does about 100 true damage. I feel like LDR and Void Staff are scarier items for mr Rammus.

  • @yelv
    @yelv 2 ปีที่แล้ว +25

    Time for my main’s pick rate to go up due to this video
    My thoughts? “Ok”

  • @thetrashking459
    @thetrashking459 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Long, long ago when I started learning how to play champs other than teemo, 11 year old me loved absolutely everything about rammus, I still play him from time to time, he's still the guy to play when you're in an ok mood

  • @guillermolopez2673
    @guillermolopez2673 2 ปีที่แล้ว +60

    The fact that the old ult's shockwaves followed you around was infinitely better than what the reworked ult does. Now if the enemy gets out of the ult's landing zone, you have one less damaging ability

    • @MasterMoustachio
      @MasterMoustachio 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      So doing a tiny bit more damage is better than being able too escape if you need too or cc the enemy team or get in on someone. Dude your crazy

    • @kirokun08
      @kirokun08 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@MasterMoustachio old R has far more consistent damage, lower cooldown, and damages towers. Tbh, if a rammus is in a bind after going all in before all they have to do is press w, press r, then walk away if they haven't pressed w and r already. It's enough deterrent for most ad carries at that point.
      You can even build a rylai into rammus before since it gives hp, boost the damage of all skills, then gives slow to all of them.

    • @aliimiza8421
      @aliimiza8421 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@kirokun08 you probably haven’t played lol in a few years but let me tell you this, as someone who plays Rammus rather often. His new ult is 10 times better then the old one. It enables you to make plays like never before or to have a means of escaping unfavorable situations.
      For example, the enemy team is on the dragon and you can jump over the wall with his ult, steal dragon and flash out. Or you are getting collapsed by the whole enemy team when you were pushing bot lane and you use your ult to jump over the wall and use Q to get away. The new ult enables so much more than this little bit of extra damage than the old ult had.

    • @indyjoe6
      @indyjoe6 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      agreed his new ult sucks. its slow asf

  • @RuneKingOleifr
    @RuneKingOleifr 2 ปีที่แล้ว +31

    Without having any Rammus experience, heres a thought.
    How about giving his Taunt a short recast window. A few seconds after Taunting a target, he would be able to cast it again on another target, but not on the same target as to avoid a possible 1v1 cc chain.

    • @trungfat51
      @trungfat51 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      How about instead of Taunting for X seconds, he taunts for X number of BASIC ATTACKS. It will make him counter to both caster and ADC.

    • @ithixf
      @ithixf ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@trungfat51 that would be too broken on slow attack speed champions cuz ud just taunt them for 10 million years and ur team can just finish him off ez

  • @jasemali1987
    @jasemali1987 2 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    I was waiting for this video for so long, thank you.
    I played rammus back in the days where the thornmill did percentage of the attackers physical damage, his W did not slow him, and his R didn't cancel his W. Those where the fun days, I managed to get 1.2 m pts with him, though mostly I was playing normal pick ( yeah he was that fun to play). Now after the rework of his kit and items, he has no soul. I just pick him at very very very special cases, if enemy had +3 AD champs, +3 squishies, -2 hard CC, no True damage champs, -2 tanks and no fast or untargetable champs. In adition to all of this I have to relay on my team mates to do drake and jg Obj since it takes forever to solo them.
    I really want to play him more but not with the current state of the game.

  • @fadeddragon123
    @fadeddragon123 2 ปีที่แล้ว +27

    Honestly. All he needs: slow immunity on his Q and maybe something that reduces the effect of armor shred on his passive. Maybe some %max health damage somewhere in his kit. His ult could also use some tweaks so it isn’t almost useless if you do it without powerball (maybe reduced CD? Or the shockwave could follow him if he does it raw. That would work too)
    He’s niche and simple but he definitely is fun. I play him top these days. It definitely isn’t meta but it works against AD matchups.
    Another issue he has honestly is the CD of the taunt despite it being single target. Perhaps whenever he takes damage it should get its CD reduced by a bit? I would totally be okay with this

    • @ChaosImmortal
      @ChaosImmortal 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Maybe have a reduced slow effect on his W when within his ult area. I honestly kinda miss his old ult, if they had just buffed the slow a bit it woulda been so much better

  • @july_paradox3094
    @july_paradox3094 2 ปีที่แล้ว +86

    As a rammus main all season 10 i agree especially since is a pocket pick. I suck against mages and clear speed early game horrible. After the mini rework to his kit and the chemtank nerf he really became underwhelming. I love the new ult tho. Just wished they kept everything else.

    • @bobbydreki7892
      @bobbydreki7892 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      As a rammus main myself I don't know where the hell the slow clear speed comes from??? just the single target like gromp and buffs are a bit slow. But raptors kruggs and wolfs are really easy and fast to do

    • @Br0nkus
      @Br0nkus 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      new chemtank is great, his new ult is incredible, and against mages really arent that bad, you get ontop of them before they can burst and then if your teammate follows up, you just win

    • @Uncle_Iroh.
      @Uncle_Iroh. 2 ปีที่แล้ว


    • @kharkaroto9486
      @kharkaroto9486 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I hate the new ult. Old one was better.

    • @mitsuki1388
      @mitsuki1388 ปีที่แล้ว

      ​@@kharkaroto9486old ult was non-existent tho?
      I prefer an easier time reaching my enemies rather than a potential nuke that will never be realized

  • @tomsimpkins1211
    @tomsimpkins1211 2 ปีที่แล้ว +41

    I used to play Rammus ever single game, the little armadillo was my boy. But when they changed his Q to be stoppable so easily it made him so much more frustrating to play, to the point where it felt like I was just an anti-ADC and that's it.

    • @jasemali1987
      @jasemali1987 2 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      Imagine going vs Vayen, one root and you are dead as a fish out of the sea cosidering all that true damage she deals and no way to mitigate that.

    • @Pigraider268
      @Pigraider268 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Maybe Rammus adc is counter to vayne xd

    • @thetrashking459
      @thetrashking459 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      One of my friends was a rammus one trick and he was furious about that change lol

    • @Uncle_Iroh.
      @Uncle_Iroh. 2 ปีที่แล้ว


    • @Uncle_Iroh.
      @Uncle_Iroh. 2 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @matthew22073
    @matthew22073 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Hey! I'm Rammus Gaming on the NA server. I'm not sure if it was mentioned or not, but Rammus's R is unstoppable just like Malphite's. Also, you said that Rammus W has a 6 second cooldown and can last up to 10 seconds (which is true), but this does NOT mean you can have it up "theoretically forever". The cooldown starts as soon as you exit the W. Buff Rammus

  • @alexispalangeo8643
    @alexispalangeo8643 2 ปีที่แล้ว +34

    They need to revert some of his Q nerfs. I really hated it when they nerfed so that your Q could be interrupted and got the deadman's scaling speed. I really loved it when his Q lasted longer and you immediately got the speed you want.

  • @rudeboyspodcast
    @rudeboyspodcast 2 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    I've mained Rammus for 7 years now and I can confirm I really like rolling at people and taunting one person into my team. It's not as amazing as other tank junglers with insane CC or big teamfight ultimates, but it gets the job done and I have a lot of fun doing it. I love him and hope he never gets a rework. He's fine just the way he is :)

    • @trentonvideofan
      @trentonvideofan 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      My favorite pastime is rolling through mid lane with 1000+ movement speed and typing “/all I bet you thought that was a car.”

    • @Year_of_the_Dell
      @Year_of_the_Dell 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@trentonvideofan I always just short sweet say alright or Ok after anything...made a funny situation when I was up against another Rammus. Confused everyone

  • @michaelharis9962
    @michaelharis9962 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Buff ideas:
    1.Give his Q damage a Movement Scaling
    2.Make his E into a Fan shaped skillshot that can apply taunt on all the opponents caught into it
    3.add something to his passive like when suddenly stopping after moving, receive the highest amount of Mov SPD you had during the last 3 seconds as Armour and magic resist (half the amount if it sounds too op)
    4.Upon reaching the maximum speed allowed by Powerball, you become unstoppable
    5.when Powerball gets stopped, you let out a fan shaped shock wave that deals half the damage you're supposed to do with Powerball. If you stop yourself by colliding with an enemy, you'll deal full dmg to the target and half the dmg on the shockwave

    • @cksvideocloudstorage2993
      @cksvideocloudstorage2993 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      My reply.
      1. I don't get you with movement scaling, unless you mean he gets some sort of movement speed boost in every skill level?
      2. This is also my idea and I agree, just a not so big fan shape
      3. I guess half the amount could work.
      4. I prefer Stun CC(or any similar kind of CC) immune at 1 hit(or more), in half speed and slow immunity at max speed. Or probably swap both, I dunno
      5. Him releasing a shockwave would still feel useless anyway if he stops at out of range, make it big and it could be broken.
      Here's mine though
      1. Either his W or E, should get some sort of 10% block damage when activated (or maybe scale the blocked damage percent depending on his 2% of his max health) with, if this buff is applied on his taunt, the attack speed bonus should be nerfed.
      2. I always thought that Rammus' W should also block a limited amount of skills too,(probably 2 or 3 skills) either be it magic or physical, but that kind of feels stupid
      3. A small fan-shaped taunt instead of single target
      4. When Rammus' Q bumps a target in max speed, a bonus extra stun is applied.
      You can hit me hard with these replies because I may not have the idea about what I am saying, but I'm fairly confident about what I suggested

    • @michaelharis9962
      @michaelharis9962 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@cksvideocloudstorage2993 my idea of rammus's playstyle is a high speed rolling ball that crashes into battle, releasing shockwaves from all the momentum built up then becoming an indestructible spike ball.
      1.by movement speed Scaling I mean like making his Q deal more dmg the faster he rolls because I want the built up speed and momentum to turn into heavy damage.
      4.i still feel like he should be Unstoppable because the requirement is somewhat though and it makes more sense thematically.
      5.This is a bit of a stretch and isn't gonna be anything "Impactful" but I still want to incorporate the idea of him stopping so hard that he breaks the ground forward
      Maybe the shockwave can apply a tiny knockback on enemies caught in it too

    • @michaelharis9962
      @michaelharis9962 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@cksvideocloudstorage2993 oh and also a stun is actually a bad idea on him cuz he wants to get Hit and stunning the enemy just completely denies that

    • @cksvideocloudstorage2993
      @cksvideocloudstorage2993 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@michaelharis9962 oh yeah, that makes complete sense

  • @sparkieboi7857
    @sparkieboi7857 2 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    As a rammus main 8 love getting fed and tower diving the enemy team with 900 armour and taking no damage

  • @rox5760
    @rox5760 2 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    I have to admit that he really is a specialist. If I see and AP heavy comp i just pick someone else but if the enemy team is mostly AD then it is a dream come true.
    I love this little guy, but how easy it is to counter his Q really is a pain.

    • @DogWearingABeanie
      @DogWearingABeanie 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Stars aligned for me one day on Aram. Got rammus, no rerolls or trades, enemy team all ad. Twas the funniest aram ever played

  • @sebson1477
    @sebson1477 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I pretty much solo mained rammus all of season 11 with a pocket pick Sejuani (for particularly bad matchups/team comps) and still do to this day. The amount of true damage and armor penetration in the game that has been added over time has indirectly nerfed him as a champion to the point where I picked up Nunu and Zac as alternative picks for when I decide to play a tank in the jungle. Its tragic that in order to be good in any game he needs to stack armor, which is the easiest to counter stat because of items like kraken slayer and abilities that do bonus true damage. And like you mentioned in the video, his lack of ANY health scaling makes his build as one dimensional as his play style. despite all of that, going predator and turbo chamtank makes for some pretty funny engages in team fights and early ganks.

  • @videobeone6884
    @videobeone6884 2 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    Yeyyy rammus is one of the champs I wanted to hear you talk about the most I'm sooo hyped about it :D
    (Btw I love the new blue theme for the channel icon it looks amazing😍)

  • @filosfilos4572
    @filosfilos4572 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I love this little ball of pain. Fullmetal Rammus was the first skin I got from a hextech chest, since then he's been my go to pick whenever the enemy team is full ad or I feel like my team's gonna need me roaming a lot at the speed of sound.

  • @intothekey
    @intothekey 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    What gets me as someone who likes playing rammas is that whenever I pick him they're whole team ends up being all ap

  • @grayratt1981
    @grayratt1981 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Best moments with Rammus was when his passive scales from armor to AD, just building an armor gives him a percent of damage

  • @bingus2937
    @bingus2937 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    vars: trying to tell us why ramus can be easily counter
    ramus in the background: proceed to exterminate everyone he sees...

  • @shacolin6546
    @shacolin6546 2 ปีที่แล้ว +82

    First and foremost, needing either gromp or krugs for a 3 camp level 3 and no longer being able to buff/wolves/buff or buff/raptors/buff was a blow for most tank junglers because they're generally very slow at gromp and krugs is naturally slow. Other paths require 4 camps for level 3. Powerfarming is not an option either because one, they can't match other powerfarmer's speed and two, they're not carries to begin with. They're left in a limbo where other champions are better at anything they try to do.
    Second, tanks in general have been a dead class since 2018 and only now are starting to make a comeback.
    Third, what made Rammus stand out in the first place is no longer as relevant. The most effective stats against Rammus are armor penetration, magic resistance and life steal. %health damage, true damage, armor penetration (alternatives for armor pen), lifesteal and shields (functions like magic resistance) are so widespread you can literally get all three of these with 2 itens (shieldbow+lord doms) while still building your core stats.

    • @Abandon-art
      @Abandon-art 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Tanks used to be busted in the beginning of season 10, remember ;)
      The ever-increasing presence of true dmg and cc doesn't help the "ok" tank :/

    • @pflaumi123
      @pflaumi123 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Abandon-art Well I would rather argue that first Sunfire was too strong.
      And afterwards they gutted Glory since you had no reason to build the other two mithics. All tanks need is a way to get into the enemy team. With Glory you had an active ability that actually helped a lot with getting the job done. Which is also why this active ability works waaaaay better on an legendary item.
      So while you are technically right, I would still say it were the items that were actually good, not the tanks. And after these items were gutted again, tanks got irrelevant again. I dont really count these 2 months of glory in 3 years.

    • @alexii911
      @alexii911 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      This is the first person who actually understands the hardships of playing tank unlike some posers with popular opinions.

    • @shacolin6546
      @shacolin6546 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Spooooooooooooooooooooooooooky that’s 4 camps, not 3. You are clearing one extra camp to achieve the same result to the competition.

    • @Uncle_Iroh.
      @Uncle_Iroh. 2 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @damp8277
    @damp8277 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I started playing Rammus (2013) because I got Chrome Rammus in a chest. I loved it. I dont play it anymore, but Rammus is iconic

  • @TheNoblood12
    @TheNoblood12 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I think they should give Rammus a pseudo-taunt that he can use to play mind games with his opponents. Like a charge ability that rewards the opponent if they are hitting him fast enough, so Rammus can use it to “taunt” then into hitting him then interrupt the charge or continue charging, who knows.

  • @InTheAKSnow
    @InTheAKSnow 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    rammus is an amazing sleeper pick bot lane with yuumi. It's strongest attribute is making the enemy team flame the enemy adc, because it's almost impossible to win lane against, and it will neuter the enemy adc unless the constantly gank mid, which you can counter with your beautiful speed.

  • @eskimoassasin6764
    @eskimoassasin6764 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    WHAT I ONLY play rammus jg when I jg. Super fun champ, amazing ganks.

  • @petervillent5573
    @petervillent5573 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    The latest "rework" screwed him over.
    Not only is his Q now interruptable - his R is also way weaker.
    It used to be aoe dmg boost, really useful against turrets and great in teamfights if you got a %HP burn items.
    The new Ultimate is just a gapcloser, and to have a knockup effect you have to combo it with Q... And even then it's so slow people can literally just walk out of it not even using dashes.
    Just why did they change it as such?

  • @rsparks1104
    @rsparks1104 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    It's worth noting that Rammus' Q has something abilities like it (snowball and sion r) don't- the ability to back out. Rammus can pick his fights REALLY well, because unlike the cumbersome movement of the mostly straight-line abilities of Nunu and Sion, his is simply a movement speed augment. This does mean he doesn't have the ability to keep going through cc, but in exchange, if he doesn't like a situation, he can just turn around on a dime and head out just as fast as he came in. It doesn't sound that useful, but in my time playing Rammus, I've often used that fact to bait out abilities from the enemy team by scaring them into thinking I'm engaging, dodging them at hyperspeed, then running back in to finish the engage with an ult, and with all their cc on cooldown. It's nice.

  • @intoHeck1964
    @intoHeck1964 2 ปีที่แล้ว +33

    Give rammus tenacity on powerball. Like 3-5% per ability level. That way it counters other cc like snares as well as slows.

  • @MattAntoinneVranAMiro
    @MattAntoinneVranAMiro 2 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Video Suggestion: Make a video on heroes with "Second Lives" like Sion, Kog'Maw, Zac, Anivia and Zilean (since he gives second lives to his team and can use it on himself too)

  • @raptorz2918
    @raptorz2918 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    i never play against rammus, but he is my go to jungler other than kindred or ww (and i suppose ekko now as well). i personally am a support main so im used to the role of being a tank and engaging the enemy, rammus fits this perfectly. you dont play rammus to get kills, you play him to cc the enemy and let then die to you and your team which is why i love him. also rammus has the best voice lines in the game, fight me

  • @StealthheartDraws
    @StealthheartDraws ปีที่แล้ว

    I'm fairly new to league and I was just suggested Rammus as a jungle champion because I liked Yi's speed but wanted to be tank-y. Now he's my favorite champion and I play him all the time. One time in draft pick he got banned and I was legitimately shocked

  • @theenduriangamer5509
    @theenduriangamer5509 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    "but malphite is toplane"
    **Laughs in unsealed spellbook malphite jungle**

  • @freddiet.rowlet525
    @freddiet.rowlet525 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I just love that in this game with over 150 characters with extensive backstories and interpersonal relationships, one of them is just a spiky boi chillin' in the desert and being revered as a god for it.

  • @coffee0093
    @coffee0093 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    I used to play Skarner and Rammus all the time back in season 4 and 5. But season 10 and 11 I just feel like jungling is so brutal that if I make the tiniest mistake I just fall far too behind and become useless. I found success in Skarner top and still play him to this day, so maybe I should play Rammus again top.

    • @Uncle_Iroh.
      @Uncle_Iroh. 2 ปีที่แล้ว


    • @LemonNation
      @LemonNation ปีที่แล้ว

      Rammus top works great into auto heavy toplaners.

  • @TheSneakyVikingJarl
    @TheSneakyVikingJarl 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I think this is the first Why No One Plays video I’ve watched where it made me want to pick up the champion in question. Jungle Rammus, Junmus?, looks pretty fun

  • @Wonderingax
    @Wonderingax 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I don't even play LoL anymore but I just really like your videos! I used to play a lot of champions, didn't have a predominant one, I had six with M7, Khazix, Cho, Kindred, Rammus, Kled and Aatrox, all champions you have made a video on and those got me absolutely hooked, watched other videos and also liked them a lot. Great job!

  • @beplay173
    @beplay173 ปีที่แล้ว

    Getting Rammus and running through the river with q + ghost + chemtank + the speed sorcery runes while aiming at the enemy ADC is one of the most fun things in this game.

  • @arealcoolguy5630
    @arealcoolguy5630 ปีที่แล้ว

    As a rammus one trick, Rammus is a very underated pick. He's an auto win into ad champs and auto attackers, amazing gank potenial, tons of cc, lots of peel for your carries

    • @nartin9
      @nartin9 ปีที่แล้ว

      Picked up rammus because they removed his self slow

  • @nobleeffort2.4
    @nobleeffort2.4 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Recently they took away the movement speed slow when he's in his w, which helps. He was stronger back in the day when his taunt sliced their armor. If they kept the attack speed buff on his e, and added some armor reduction back into it, he'd probably be a bigger threat again. Either that or make his Q uninterruptable again, but that may be a bit too strong. I think his powerball did more damage back in the day too. It was easier to solo kill with him around s6-s7

  • @PerfectCellGoat
    @PerfectCellGoat 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4


  • @Ruined_Poro
    @Ruined_Poro 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I recently started playing rammus with brusier build (pen boots and demonic embrace into full tank, maybe hourglass) and his damage is no joke. It's really funny to see enemy adc one shot themself by atacking you hehe.

  • @OnyxOblivion
    @OnyxOblivion 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    As a Geb main in Smite, who basically has better Powerball as an ability...The slow immunity you suggest would make a big difference. Even if it only applies when you reach top speed.

  • @abrarnoorani8385
    @abrarnoorani8385 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    "You better have some Jesus on deck because, you ever get hit by a bowling ball? That sh*t hurts" - Vars 2021

  • @sexyjohnvue
    @sexyjohnvue 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Another suggestion for a buff. When Rammus cast his ult, his taunting ability gains the following duration of and within the radius of his ult:
    -Gains 150~550 units range for his e ability, base on the distance of his q travel.
    -Gains to taunt multiple champions
    -Extend the taunt duration by 0.1 seconds, base on 1000(+5%~10% bound armor) per Total Max Health
    Sorry if my wording is off, I am writing as I think.

  • @mechamochi9627
    @mechamochi9627 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    “U ever get hit by a bowling bowl before? That’s sht hurts” lmfaooooo

  • @nullkyanite1889
    @nullkyanite1889 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    There is nothing and there will be nothing as satisfying as picking rammus into a full AD auto heavy team, and just becoming a 1v5 monster jumping in by yourself and carrying the game by bringing everyone to no health by the time your team shows up

  • @ioiwut4874
    @ioiwut4874 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    "Have you ever been hit by a bowling ball??"
    sadly, yes. more than once. and yeah- it hurts.

  • @ivifernando4488
    @ivifernando4488 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    On the Brazilian server, Rammus is one of the most popular picks thanks to the streamer Lord_Semi, a Challenger that is Mono Rammus.

  • @luckypeanut9943
    @luckypeanut9943 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Rammus was my first ever jungler that I enjoyed, easy enough to understand while I was still dumb enough to use r on camps

  • @Mori-man
    @Mori-man 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I love facing ramus as cho'gath. he trying to ramus me and I scream shut up at him and he just goes "ok"

  • @princessscotchtape8931
    @princessscotchtape8931 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I love Rammus. He needs damage in some way. When they changed his ult they nerfed his taunt a bit. It felt really sucky, an AOE taunt instead of a shockwave on his ult would be good.

    • @NoOne-qi4tb
      @NoOne-qi4tb 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Maybe like an amumu ult,but instead taunting all enemies for 2,5 seconds?

    • @princessscotchtape8931
      @princessscotchtape8931 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@NoOne-qi4tb Yeah, that is my idea. Just something to help with his damage. Without being too unfun to play against

  • @GameBreaker1055
    @GameBreaker1055 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Rammus is one of the few champions that actually have a semblance of strategy to them in pick phases.
    I wish the game had more champions there specilize in being useful when the enemy picks a certain contellation.

    • @zapid6733
      @zapid6733 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Not really a lot of skill. If the enemy picks a lot of mages/ap, pick Galio mid. If a lot of ad pick Malphite or Rammus

  • @Mmoll1990
    @Mmoll1990 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    As a Rammus main, no one plays John because he has 2 points of CC at any given time, whereas other tanks have 3.

  • @buboniccraig896
    @buboniccraig896 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I feel like Nunu and Willump just does his job better, unless the enemy team is all AD.

  • @devforfun5618
    @devforfun5618 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    i might be crazy, but here is my suggestion, add a new line to his passive
    "rammus is immune to armor redduction"

  • @bertalancsoban4107
    @bertalancsoban4107 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    what i would do is that when rammus gets cc-d, his power all isn't cancelled, but the movement speed resets. This wouldn't deny him completely, but he wouldn't be that op either

  • @Jiroscopio_
    @Jiroscopio_ 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    "Powerball damage is negligible" that's until you face full AP rammus in URF 😌 seriously though, it's damage is not too bad specially since you max it first, it can help finish lots of kills

  • @shadowscorpion8661
    @shadowscorpion8661 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    the live chat is just ok and It is glorious.

  • @aaronscott7467
    @aaronscott7467 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I realized poppy has most of the same issues rammus has. Her engage is even more predictable than his, and she just gets stopped in her tracks by cc. She also gets melted by armor pen, although she is a little less succeptible because of her passive giving hp scaling.

    • @amberharvey4566
      @amberharvey4566 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      not to mention the stupid need to catch your own passive means that 9/10 she just has no passive in team fights as the enemy just stops it most of the time not even intentionally.

  • @bjarneclaesen1801
    @bjarneclaesen1801 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    This season, rammus' dmge problem is fixed, even vs ap champs, you can go sunfire cape and abyssal, both with give you mr and hp and both compensate for the lack of armor/ dmge, they also scale with hp so buying warmogs or anathemas after them causes you to be stronger vs true dmge and again compensate for the loss in armor by buffing your other item dmge. personally I find rammus really already gets enough armor from maxing W and enough speed from Q, I find that building more armor on top of tornmail to be very wastefull. Also to use 2 abilities to engage is maybe a big costs but its also a powerful engage and guarantees a free ticket to the enemy carry and a free taunt plus a potential knock up. A weird trick I saw from TheBausffs is that building magic pen boots also skyrockets his dmge because he does lots of small amounts with W thus causing +18 magic pen to be very effective, with 800 armor and tenacity runes you don't need any other boots.

  • @maksymhanuliak6167
    @maksymhanuliak6167 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    7:12 "In his defence... Pun intended" haven't heard that in a while XD

  • @sherifffenrir2145
    @sherifffenrir2145 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    rammus, trundle, ornn, and tahm kench have a few things in common but they include both being my mains and all being in why no one plays

  • @novy1198
    @novy1198 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    i were rammus main, and i must agree. Rammus was rly strong in s9-s10 but that rework literally destroyed him. he was LITERALLY a tank with so much armor and tant for like 3s. now u build him for speed or smh else and max Q instead of E, that destroyed him

  • @SoulBro12
    @SoulBro12 2 ปีที่แล้ว +20

    Back when I used to play Dota, and just hopped into league, there was this character called Sand King which I used a lot who was a sand scorpion with the same ult as Rammus but with a longer delay and stronger damage, both played a similar role of getting at the back and being annoying asf so when I first tried Rammus I instantly made him my Jungle pick (before Fiddle rework)

    • @annaphorra
      @annaphorra 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      thank you for the anecdote mr jojo

    • @Uncle_Iroh.
      @Uncle_Iroh. 2 ปีที่แล้ว


    • @arforafro5523
      @arforafro5523 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Sand King's ultimate has always been Fiddle's ult, early in the beta he was buffed to include the blink after he finishes casting it. Rammus on the other hand was much lower CD, lower damage, instant cast, and damaged turrets.

  • @evasivoarcane744
    @evasivoarcane744 ปีที่แล้ว

    Tecnically, you can get immune to armor % reduction on rammus. Do the math: If you have lets say 1000 armor, agains an enemy with 60% armor pen (A lot more then what a single lord dominik can give you), you ar facing a 400 armor tank. 400 Armor is enough to block like 80% incoming physical damage. So one strengh rammus have is that you can only really counter him with Magic damage in dps form, or true damage.
    Champs that do well versus rammus are very few: vayne, fiora, gwen, diana, morde, trundle.... otherwise, he is going to statcheck basically anything late game, so you might opt to focus on counters for his team instead. The thing is, rammus is niche and strong af, even against heavy magic damage. BUT in order for him to be a carry, he is game dependant.

  • @rivanianx
    @rivanianx 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Rammus is one of the perfect champions to climb out of low elo with. His clear is super safe, his ganks are god-tier with the "armadillo out of nowhere" ball and the point and click taunt, his ult allows you to jump through all the BS in the front and knock up and taunt their carry and it takes an entire battalion (or one mage with good positioning but those are rare in silver) to stop him. If you're having trouble facing Yasuos and Yones that 1v5 your team, he's your guy.

  • @obamagaming9456
    @obamagaming9456 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    "When was the last time you saw a Rammus player"
    The first game I get into and there's a rammus on the enemy team...

  • @mrmatejator
    @mrmatejator 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    I have actually played him in jungle pre rework of his ult. I loved him but that new ult just did not click with. His new damage output is just laughable.
    So to pick graveyard he went.

  • @name-og9oq
    @name-og9oq 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    even this guy, who made 51 videos about underrated champs, has forgotten wukong's existence

  • @TheWolfDawg
    @TheWolfDawg 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Honestly, I could summarize most unpopular champs with one of three options:
    1-a boring, non-interactive kit
    2-too complicated of a kit to master for what the payoff is
    3-extremely team dependent (this one doesn’t really apply to support champs as much, since they’re generally designed to be dependent on their team)
    In Rammus’s case, with the change to his ult some time ago he became a lot more interesting to play. However, he can’t carry, like at all. So no matter how good you perform with Rammus, if the rest of your team are a bunch of idiots, you’ll still lose and you pretty much can’t do anything about it. It’s a very unsatisfying concept, especially when you’re already playing a rather potentially frustrating role like jungle.

  • @npc1172
    @npc1172 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I just recently got into Rammus and it's been a blast

  • @arnejacoby7888
    @arnejacoby7888 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I ALWAYS buy Wits End. It gives him so much dmg and much needed magic resist. Even against Ap champs he still has a chance with that

  • @kellvas
    @kellvas 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Rammus is probably one of the best examples of a champion who has an ability that functions in a way that is shown to be possible in a much better way on other champs.
    Rammus' Q is a channel. Why? Who effing knows. Hecarim's E works similar and Garen's E has the toggle effect and yet only Rammus's Q is a channel and thus only his Q can be cancelled by any stray CC that cancels channels. If they literally just made it so that his Q does the damage and knockup at the end of the cast time or when you toggle it off like Garen's E, he wouldn't be so inconsistent. No more getting a random melee minion aggroing onto you to cancel the channel, no more getting CCd and wasting the entire ability. He's basically Sonic the Hedgehog, why does someone yelling (Cho W) at him make him exit ball mode???

  • @yaseruxd8402
    @yaseruxd8402 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Im new to League and right now, Im using rammus and Im enjoying it. I;m actually amazed that I can still kill a player even if Im at low HP as long as I activated my W, combined with chemtank is just frickin unbelievable for me. I do die a lot because I end up baiting all the enemy to attack me, but its really worthy sacrifice

  • @algammond
    @algammond 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    By far the biggest reason the champion isn't played is because players can just dodge if they have an AD comp into a Rammus, which means his one niche use doesn't even exist outside of low elo.
    He used to be much better but there a lot of changes that f'd him over and reasons he is unpopular are:
    Several Vayne buffs,
    turrets do way more damage now,
    turret plating,
    overpowered dragon buffs,
    immortal shield bow,
    reworked ultimate that does way less damage and makes his Q flashable,
    his new ultimate interrupts his W,
    his counterpicks are very strong in the meta and popular,
    Wits End nerf/rework,
    a meta with an emphasis on early game scuttles,
    nerfs to armor values on new items,
    supports are extremely strong atm making his job of dealing with adc's much more difficult,
    farm bounties and objective bounties can negate the leads he gets his team from ganking,
    a lot of champions can easily interrupt his Q engage,
    nerfs to jungle gold/exp while buffing lanes gold and solo lane exp,
    he's a very binary champion that gets worse as the overall playerbase improves at the game,
    he's one of the few champions that has continuously gotten nerfed by reworks,
    his new ultimate does way, way less damage than his old ultimate before it was nerfed,
    the last and only time I remember seeing him played in LCS was about 8 years ago before his powerball was interruptable and his W slowed him down and his E duration was nerfed,
    the ADC item rework and increased gold income overall has made buying items that counter Rammus much easier meaning he gets outscaled much sooner and easier than in previous seasons.
    There was one patch where he was buffed, became permabanned, and then the buff was reverted the following patch.
    I've never seen a player get Challenger with Rammus in NA and tbh I think he might be one of the champions that's never had a challenger main in NA because players freely abuse dodging in high elo.
    I got D3 playing Rammus and honestly he is completely unplayable there. Every single AD comp lobby gets dodged and in the next lobby I'd either get target banned or completely counterpicked by every member of the enemy team.

  • @jongahimer5338
    @jongahimer5338 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Same reason no one plays any of the other non-support tanks. It feels miserable to get rolled until you hit two items and then get rolled again after the enemy team hits 3 items. Tanks are at terrible place at the moment, and you have to play something super support focused to succeed. (Shen=massive carry protection, Ornn=massive carry buffs). I'd like to see the meta shift to allow naut, maokia, cho back into the top lane and have tank malphite actually be able to run over enemy adc's.

  • @TheThursty100
    @TheThursty100 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Way back when I used to main jungle rammus. Used to get a lot of crap from it, until the enemy is getting ganked out of literally nowhere because I just moved across the map in like .2 seconds

  • @Motorboatasaurus
    @Motorboatasaurus 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    AP Rammus is hilarious though. Then that power ball one shots the squishies

  • @Aaron9Douglas
    @Aaron9Douglas 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    No one plays him because of the absurd amount of anti tank there is in the game
    Full ad? Nah, vayne with kraken slayer lord doms, fiora, camille, sunderer, black clever, liandry, void staff, viego, gwen...

  • @notablightmain6177
    @notablightmain6177 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    As a Rammus main after 3 months, now your W slows you only by 30% and personally to solve my movement speed problem when I am chasing an enemy I have begun buying mobility boots. Really helpful. Other Rammus mains, please try it.

  • @taop4ipa1
    @taop4ipa1 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Rammus is a champion that is only there when your team's whole ap source is yuumi's Q

    @MAMAJUGO 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I could make and obvious joke here, but that wouldn't be OK

  • @jamesfitzgerald8267
    @jamesfitzgerald8267 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    When Rammus works, he is so satisfying.

  • @TomAsquith
    @TomAsquith 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Lest we forget - before the ultimate was changed, the ultimate (an AoE effect with damage and stacking slows) was attached to Rammus. So, the need for an AoE taunt issue (back then) was not as much of an issue. I miss that version of Rammus.

  • @ethanstyant9704
    @ethanstyant9704 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I remember a video discussing Rammus and they mentioned that anytime AD/auto champs become more meta his winrate increases sometimes up to 60%

    • @joaopedrocruz6432
      @joaopedrocruz6432 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Not since the items rework, and only in lower elos normally.

  • @Nuclearburrit0
    @Nuclearburrit0 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I think this is one of the few WNPs where the conclusion is that he's fine as is.

  • @jefle
    @jefle 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Played ofa against a rammus as ziggs. You will never know true fear when you see five bowling balls running at you at mid from all corners. XD

  • @pecoguy
    @pecoguy 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Hi! As a Rammus main (that lift the game for 1 year although), i need to comment such a video. Mostly saying "it's true", or add some details from a lasting love relationship with Rammus since season 6, even if Riot gutted is damage every years. From 1600 total damage, we did go to a 400 total damage ult from season 6 to now. Sorch shoes don't offset the nerfs and very agressive mid-game rammus playstyle i had.)
    One thing about Rammus (that's my main, before i left the game 1 year ago) : bee line on any AD carry champion ("ADC" or AD assassin/fighter without sustain in kit) conter jungling their own jungler or isolated one screen away from everyone for no reason is how you snowball game out of control. You think you are safe ? Not against Rammus. Take ghost, and then you can conter any tower dive from 1/3 of the map away while you power farm your items for scaling.
    About rammus damage : I only use Rammus as a conter pick against ennemy team, and each time i have the most or one of the most damage of my team in the game, even if i kinda AFK farm until Brumble vest against all those sustain conqueror champion, or even complete thornail. That was 1 year ago, before that chemtech version, and before they nerf Rammus damage. I was kinda feeling i needed sorc shoes to oneshot ADC properly since then. For sure maw and wit's end are scary to face, any MR reduce so much rammus damage, and lifesteal sustain are scary too with proper MR. Rammus is kinda the perma killing isolated AD squishy that beeline from group of 2-3 ennemy and destroy them. Once there is always 1 or 2 people dead on the ennemy team, you power ball to any one, under tower or near objective. They want to face check from afar in a small group ? Just go there and kill them, if they dare, or take anything you want from ennemy team. Towers, objectives, jungle camps. Usually Rammus as so much armor, he survive tower dives 2-3 vs 2-3.
    I always have more team % damage or even damage with an average Rammus game than a POG full AP Chogath/malph game, or full AP malph. Why ? Crazy up time advantage. Because of Q mostly (you must max first), and huge AOE damage for farming, you are always on the map doing something without losing time. You can AFK farm, while still being in conter gank range (even more so with ghost). Once you get your items, pick somewhere with 1 to 3 people and wreck it. Once you engage, you can just facetank no problem, stay healthy, and go back to power farm. Once you have enough armor, perma tower dive and tank tower for 1 billion year even more so with ult available (it was doing like twice the damage before changes).
    By looking at Rank 3 damage ult, you see why i started to use sorc shoes instead of boots of speed. You do like 400 magic damage with new ult now from wiki, before rework it was like 720 (patch 9.11 nerf ), and before that nerf 1000 damage (since patch 7.10), and before patch 7.10 1600 damage. With more and more healing and true damage everywhere every year (different conqueror versions, "i can more everything ! Even sustain " new champ epidemy), oneshoting alone like an assassin is harder and harder. Almost every game i am losing with Rammus, is me being perma invaded start to finish with no mid-game catch back possible, or people never grouping near objectives or ennemy so i can engage in 2-3 vs 2-3 squirmish very deadly for the ennemy team.
    Like you said, Rammus is totally a conter-pick. About interruptibility of Rammus, yeah you need to dodge skill shot CC. They way you do it is to use ghost or Chemtech/Righteous Glory movespeed to turn around like a shark so fast the ennemy can't compute the correct aim you since no one can get that much speed in the game (unless Chemtech/RG Quin ?). Even if they know where you will be by turning in circle, it's almost impossible to get the timing right. That's how i deal with Lux.
    One type about Rammus early game : Aftershock is giving you armor, and so damage. No aftershock with no items mean no damage, and no defense. That's why sometimes you can scare some every agressive AD autoattacker jungler with a huge burst of damage and tankyness, while you are very weak early game without aftershock. You can tank well enough tower damage, but with aftershock available early game with a few level but no armor items yet.
    About AP matchup, Rammus don't like mage with knock-back hard CC (if you can't dodge them) that are not squishy, and interrupt his W and lock-him on the spot. But full damage build make him able to kill almost anything if he can get close.
    For me, there is two way of improving Rammus : Q CC resistance immunity (slow or more), not being a channeled ability anymore you can interrupt so easily, or putting more damage back into his ult. Before 7.10, you could do 1600 AOE damage to 3 to 5 people in 8 second. You go in on range ADC, everyone get close to you trying to kill you but they can't fast enough, your team collapse on them while you do massive AOE damage but don't really die on the spot like any other tank can. It was kinda like a full AP Malph full team combo but done during 8 second with ramping massive slow. Only old Mundo could facetank better than him against AD comp, but with no damage. You kill at least of them, and the others are totally shredded by reflect damage and ult.

  • @danboru_bakooo1966
    @danboru_bakooo1966 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Every single one of the characters i like has a "why no one plays"

  • @matteogavioli9173
    @matteogavioli9173 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Honorable mention to his eternals: