Hi everyone, this is Pei Fang, producer of this episode of Can Ask Meh. I’ve read through some of the comments and would like to share some of my thoughts while producing it. As someone who works in the creative field, I understand the anger people have towards Daryl’s saga. But I would like to share a somewhat relevant takeaway that I had while speaking to all the profiles (not just Daryl): If someone has changed for the better, why do we still criticise him/ her based on his/her past mistakes? Many times, some of the comments can be very hurtful and in the process of doing so, we become the people who dehumanise others while talking about giving second chances. So why not extend that kindness to people who have learnt from their mistakes and hold themselves to higher moral standards today? This episode was produced to profile people who have been been through cyberbullying/ sexual harassment/ eating disorder based on different circumstances. That’s the value we saw when we chose to share Daryl, Nicole, Estelle, Fatin and Nadra’s story. Remember that while we may all have different opinions, let’s keep to a civil and mature discussion below in the comments section. - Pei Fang
Thanks for sharing your thoughts! I think people are allowed to feel hurt and disappointed, but I also agree that he was definitely a victim of cyber bullying and therefore his experiences are very valid and relevant for this episode talking about harmful experiences with the internet/soc med. Maybe the “would do it again” point could have been phrased better on his end - but to me it was not so much that he’s not remorseful, because he does sound like he was, but more of that he would have wanted to still weed out the more toxic relationships around him. Idk, that’s just what I got out of it! Anyway, enjoyed this video especially the last part. Its not always easy to walk away when it’s on your primary platforms/communication methods, but gotta remind myself that for every negative experience on the internet, I have the choice to seek out more positive ones/communities too!
I totally agree. I think some of the viewers completely missed the point of the video - we’re not here to discuss whether what Daryl did was right or wrong. The video is here to shed light on the victims that have gone through difficult situations in the online space and their personal stories. Before you leave a comment judging and criticising, please ask yourself what’s the intention of your comment?
@PeiFang i respectfully disagree with some of your points and also some of your conclusions. you cannot always compartmentalize and deal with backlash without considering context. the question here is if daryl has really changed for the better? his interview indicates otherwise. in this age of easily hurt feelings and western snowflake narratives, tough critique and nasty trolling get easily confused. i see no dehumanizing comments in this comments section at the time of this writing and i also see nobody commenting that he does not deserve a second chance. i recognize that this dude had his world crumbling around him and i truly appreciate how distressing and stressful it must had been. if you were to however judge from the interview, it is my consensus that he may have learnt very little from it and instead developed a sense of victimhood of cyber bullying. that is definitely not the personal development needed to move on. we can approach this in 2 ways: we can do this dissection emotionally and objectively. but before we delve into that, i would however also reiterate the point that everybody makes mistakes. the axiom "what goes up, must come down" is literally true in this case as nobody should be crucified forever.... heck, they even let that poor chap down and he managed to get on with the rest of that story... just saying... we learn and we grow. to those few social jihadists that took it too far and manifested physical grief or online stalking and bullying: climb back under the rock whence you came from... i hope you morons get caught and be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. back to the dissection, we can do this emotionally first. great hate is usually preceded by great love. there are of course that few social jihadists that have nothing better to do, but the extreme hate he got was most probably dished out by people who looked up to him and most likely wanted to be like him. so great love morphed into great hate when they (rightly or wrongly) concluded that his works had nothing to do with talent. all their own efforts were invalidated along with his. skills not needed.... just splice and photoshop. to be fair, all digital images these days are nearly always colour corrected and enhanced in apps like photoshop, but i dare say that no self-respecting photographer would splice images together and then pass it off as a moment captured in time. that is plain fraud. it is a slap to the industry as well as purists that are already lamenting that modern digital photographers have nearly no skills whatsoever because with technology, there is no more need to learn how to control depth of field, composition in frame, storytelling, capturing the emotional value of literally a slice of time etc etc. it cheapens their dedication of waiting hours, days and sometimes weeks just to get that shot. some traverse very harsh terrain and lug their equipment great distances just for the shot, or the great amount of time and resources expended to even plan for the shoot. i would suggest that with the advent of recording devices that shoot very high resolution videos, photography is no more an essential means of documentary. it has already transcended into an art form, no different in significance of brushes and paints to an artist. most photographers would also note that 99% of people are so used to terrible photography that they don't know better. therefore the fierce emotions, protectionism and frankly snobbery is real. the jealousy of somebody like Daryl perceived to very undeservedly be getting good paying commissioned works from the likes of Sony , making money hand over fist and an enviable globetrotting lifestyle, global recognition as a photographer while the vast majority is still struggling on. to top it all off, the most heinous infraction of all: this dude does not even bother to take photographs anymore. he just uses "cheat codes" like photoshop and ultimately stealing credit from other photographers... how can a practitioner not be angry? if we were to now consider the objective aspects: 1. He betrayed the very gist of what it means when you call yourself and sell your services as a photographer. when you manipulate an image to a point where you splice different images together in order to get the "perfect composition", it is extremely dishonest and frankly anybody can do it. you are NOT a photographer. it is an artwork, not a photograph. this is of course not a big issue for most laymen as people these days have "beauty" filters and what not to take unrealistic representations of stuff to essentially cheat and "one up" each other aesthetically. it is however a hard slap to the activity and industry of photography. 2. with the rise of social media, we are all bombarded by fake images on a daily basis. we are warned about fake images. we are told that fake images are "catfishing" and wrong (rightly so). here comes a globally exposed photographer that splices images and passes off the work of others as his own. he did not even need to get out of his chair to create fake images that passed off as his own. how many more "t"s to cross and "i"s to dot in the what-a-photographer-should-not-do department? to crystalize my point for people that still feel that what he has done is no big deal, let me submit an extreme example: what if all photographers were to accept that it is ok to just splice stuff together? let's not go into warzones anymore. let's just splice stuff together because it is dangerous for photographers to brave bullets and bombs. let's just splice stuff together in the safety of the office. we will be somewhat ethical and use images taken in that general area and approximate time... same same no danger and nobody will notice lah... this makes sense to anybody? can you personally accept this? 3. he essentially defrauded his clients. it is basic professionalism to do the job that you were commissioned to. i feel that the disservice was even greater in the case of Sony because he was supposed to be marketing their DSLRs at the time, i think. can you imagine the blowback on the peeps that commissioned him? he described a friend that totally severed ties with him after the expose. he still has the cheek to blame her in this interview? did this friend receive significant blowback because of him? maybe she was the recipient of "just get it out and invoice them". who is not treating who as a good friend in the first place? so this friend is not a "true friend" because she did not forgive him? the hubris of it all... 😄 i could go on but what's the point? he has not owned his mistakes and is still trying to BS his way through this interview. you wanna expose yourself as a public figure, be ready for people to stick you under a microscope. you accept an interview after everything is blown wide open and claim "cyber bullying" is disingenuous at best. you are looping your own hell simply because you refuse to admit that what you have done is wrong on so many levels. you have sullied the reputation of this activity and profession which most certainly have had far-reaching negativity. even now you choose to downplay in an attempt to garner sympathy for your plight, which is having the reverse effect of tearing up old wounds. the reason he is having this mentality to go into this narrative during the interview is because deep down, he did not really regret his act. he just regretted that he got caught and called out. this is obviously a great difference and so does the quality of apology. you can only move on when you totally own your mistakes and truly understand. paying lip service apologies and then stating that you would not change anything is your true state of mind. having written these paragraphs and being seemingly harsh to this young man, do i think that he should never be forgiven? no. everybody makes mistakes... everybody should get a second chance. learn and grow. does this person have nothing to contribute to this profession/craft? of course not. taking in his work at face value, they are not shabby in any way, photoshopped or not. is he an actual recipient of cyber bullying? well, yes and no. it was the tough love that he needed to truly move on. that bit should NOT be classified as cyber bullying. you want to go public, people will judge. critique has always been part and parcel within the creative professions, even without any drama like his. you do the crime, you gotta do the time. if he does not recognize that what he has done is totally unacceptable in this profession, he is right to not pick up a camera and do commissioned works again. you have to admit your faults to yourself at least in order to truly move on, to find the courage to face the music and reignite your passion for photography. if you are truly sorry, get back to basics and work up your portfolio again. nobody's opinion and critique of your craft is more important than your own. thicken up that skin and pursue your craft. stop victimizing yourself because if you truly understood your mistakes, you would then understand the negativity and you will stop viewing the negativity purely as bullying, especially when you realize that you kinda deserve at least some of it. it really only becomes bullying if you let it. i truly hope that he reflects on the whole issue with a fresh mentality and face the criticisms square on, no sugar coating. appreciate the tough lessons within. i truly look forward for him to shake this all off and seeing more of his ORIGINAL works. he can be an asset to the craft and role model to others that made mistakes and are trying to shake off their own demons. i truly wish him all the best. As for the social jihadists that cross that line of tough criticism into the realm of illogical personal attacks and threats, you jolly well know what to shove up where the sun don't shine... call me and i shall gladly assist in kicking it way up there...
The problem is that he misrepresents what he did so he is clearly not regretful. He didn't simply "photoshop" images he took ... he passed off other people's photos as his own. That was the issue, not the 'photoshopping' or 'manipulation' of his own images. But he ignores that and instead presents himself as a victim of cyberbullying. And you implicitly support that narrative ...
I found Nadra's story especially moving. I can't relate to what she said, and I can't imagine going through whatever she did, but to come out of so many problems with a positive mindset shows that she's an extremely strong and emotionally aware individual. Thanks for the video OGS
Agree! We were flabbergasted by the extent of her experience as well but we are happy that she managed to move on from her traumas and is on this episode with us to share her story :)
Couldn't relate but felt it deeply. The support system in here needs to be better so that people who might go through the same experiences would have gotten help when they need it the most.
It is so sad that if dee kosh and noc did not have their own sagas, they would probably have continued bullying others and the rest of the singapore online community would just cheer them on.
Dee Kosh mocked Nicole Choo’s book in video with another content creator. The video pulled no punches and called her book trash and made a lot personal comments about Nicole. To some , it is bullying . To others , it is not as Nicole is not forced to watch it .
I am not affected by social media very much. I believe that 99% of what they say are a pack of lies. Have a mind of your own; don't be sway or believe what people say or don't say. If you are affected, don't read them@@spiderjump
"we're living in a day and age where we can choose to find the information that we want, and we can choose to filter out what we don't want to see as well and that's a personal choice" i didn't really grow up with the internet and it's already quite difficult to detach my self worth from online comments etc, so i can't imagine how younger people might cope with the realities and harshness of platforms like tiktok, instagram, or how young girls might struggle with their body image etc. thanks for these wise words nadra, all of you are so strong!
Wow, I'm sorry they had to go through this. Anyone going through a hard time with social media, just switch it off. It will not kill you. In fact, it will feel so much lighter.
To everyone who shared in this video, thank you for your maturity and insights. You are still sharing very raw and personal pains to help others despite all of the stuff you've been through, knowing that there are people who are still clueless and has no empathy, making mindless comments.
The whole cancel culture is the problem here. If the person is wrong we point them out but if we go further to threatening their family and life. It's just like play fire with fire and it's not going to work.
Thank you very much for sharing this post. People are indeed SCARY regardless of real or online. However, to me, these victims are real Heroes who overcome the dark sides of social media.
Hearing their stories really uplift me in trying to move on with my life even though I am hurting now ✋🏻 Maybe I will look over this video as a reference in case if I am hurting again
Don't know who this Daryl guy is, plagiarism is definitely wrong especially since it seems he was making money off it, but in no way does that make it acceptable to tell him to harm or kill himself, it does not make it acceptable for people to go to his house, throw paint on his door and intimidate him and his whole family. I'm just thinking all these online vigilantes probably would have never thought about him before and just jumped on the hate bandwagon, and he just became this outlet to unleash their ugliest sides cos they can go ahead, feel superior to others, and come off with no harm to their anonymous online selves. What he did was not right. But the extent of what he and the people around him got as the resulting backlash was completely undeserved and much worse. "If you can choose between being right and being kind, choose kind." - Wonder
No shade to the people who shared, but I felt like Daryl downplayed what he did that constituted the saga. He didn't shoot the photos that were scrutinised. A lot of them were stock photos that he bought and posted as his own or manipulated parts of it to call his own. Props to him for overcoming it mentally, but let's be frank about the matter. The truth of the matter is a lot worse than what he said it to be.
you are absolutely right.... he is not owning what he did. his crime had NOTHING to do with enhancing images. you have to do it in modern day digital photography. nothing to do with photoshop either. he plagiarized other people's works and passed it off as his own. plain and simple. i am a designer and also a photographer from when images were still taken on negatives. the absolute worst thing a creative professional can do is to plagiarize and blatantly take credit for work. just like any creative profession, i do know of professionals that would pass off works from their "team" as their own, but to not renumerate your "team" properly and just rip stuff off the internet is plain stupid and lazy. having said that, i am sorry for the physical violence or trauma he went through... it is not right by any means and the culprits should be prosecuted where possible.
just my own two cents, but didn't he acknowledge the severity of the mistake he made? i felt it was fair for him to draw a line and acknowledge that while he made a grave mistake that contributed to his fall from grace, the line was crossed when he faced threats to his own security (doxxing, etc). i too, think he did something wrong and he deserved to be accountable for his mistakes, but he can't (& shouldn't) be paying for that one mistake forever, no?
the truth of the matter is that he made a mistake. that was magnified and enlarged for the entire world to see and criticise because of the accessibility from social media. he owned his mistake in the video, what else do you want him to do at this point? no matter the severity of his mistake, no one should have to go through what he did. being held accountable is one thing, being threatened and feeling unsafe is another. think you missed the point of the video completely.
People need to realise that just because somebody makes a mistake on the internet, you are not obligated to jump on the hate train like everyone else. I know it’s really easy to get caught up in it and trust me i’m no saint either but try to change your perspective and start seeing online figures as PEOPLE. Everyone makes mistakes (even if yours aren’t documented) and not everybody is a shitty person. Never hurts to be kind - if you feel like you’re about to add fuel to the fire just switch off the phone simple.
We are only humans, we are allowed to make mistakes. We just need to self-heal, grow and move along. My dad always tells me, sticks and stone may break my bones but words cannot hurt me.
im so sorry for everyone in this video... i hope you guys know that you had to be strong to make out of these things and trauma and are we are. kudos to us
Initially opened this video thinking Daryl Aiden will be painting a sob story about how he was a victim, but was pleasantly surprised to hear he admitted what he did was wrong and that he was greedy for money. Don’t know what the rest of you are going on about saying he hasn’t learned a thing. He never defended anything about his past scams so calm the f down.
Understandable concerns but that’s what it’s like when you put something out there for the world to see. The internet is filled with all sorts of people and criticism is something that comes along with it.
I see that thing so often online , whenever someones mistake is even a problem to begin with people will continue demonizing them and blowing things out of proportion and its kinda sad to see. Its sad to see when it happens to people you follow and like and respect and secretly hope nothing bad will happen to them but its still sadder to see when someone you thought was good does that to someone else just joins bandwagon of hate . You just kinda cant see them same after that...
I stop using social media many years ago. I'm overly sensitive person & noticed many mean people who dont like me at social media will just choose to trigger me more & when I exploded & did the same like what they did to me, they just gang up to make me look more bad. Friends started to distance me & some even started mocking me. And these are friends who always look for me when they needed help, when they being bullied & mocked online. Being the bold one, you will still find these "roaches" trying to come up with strategies to kick you down. These "people" are keyboard wariors they are strong when behind keyboard and with a group of friends. They wont dare when I ask to meet face to face in real live. I just got myself overall angered by them which is what they wanted me to be. Then I realised all these are a waste of time, I cant let these "roaches" control me and my emotions, I slowly keep myself away from social media & friends. When situations get sour, then you started to see who is your real friends & who is that people who just make use of u when they need you to be their wall of defence. Now, I will still use social media anonymously & stop being a hero to defend unappreciative bastards people and I always advise my teenage boys age 21 & 19 about using social media. I'm 40 now. Still a strong bold Mum for my children...
we should be kind to one another . having said that, social media influencers who post content and make money from it should expect comments nice and nasty as that is part of the point of social media. the photoshop saga: daryl did not photoshop his own photos . he stole photos from others and then modified them. in short , he STOLE and made a PROFIT. the backlash he received was totally justified. for nicole choo, her book of poems was mocked via youtube videos and many snide personal comments were included. to some it is bullying . for others , it is part of being an " influencer" and she should bot expect to be handled with kid gloves when she published a book and made money. people like dee kosh made videos mocking her poetry and made silly and sometimes nasty jokes about her in the video , that to some is not bullying as nicole is not forced to watch .
The guy’s so strong, not saying what he did was right, but I believe he also did not deserve the whole world hopping on the hatred bus all of the sudden on him. I would like to read more about his case to understand better, anyone knows his name can kindly please share. Thank you
Nobody ever deserves to be bullied. If they did anything wrong then let the our legal system make the judgement. However, everyone should realise that there are always two sides to everything. Social media can make you rich and famous overnight but it can also easily destroy your entire life in the same span of time. Treasure those around you and don’t be too fixated on getting those virtual likes and gaining that number.
I’m in my 30s and a lot of my friends are going on stealth mode on FB, never post anything but immediately reply once I send them a message. Very hard to do when you’re young though.
anyone who has a sizeable presence on social media will get a lot nasty comments and sometimes a lot of positive comments . that is part of the territory .
@nadra Girl i love your hair !? the thing is people love jumping in to share their opinions quickly these days - and most of the time, not bothered to get another side of the story because it's entertaining and sadly, they get away with what they say online etc. We are meant to be more educated than any point in history, yet we behave mindlessly
Imagine going into a restaurant, ordering some food and realized that the food came from another eatery and being passed off as the restaurant's. Will you feel angry and cheated? Of course! Will you return again? Of course not! But the paint splashing was uncalled for.
We agree! She actually shared her story with us over at our sister platform, Something Private. You can check it out here: th-cam.com/video/LEjiqSsElho/w-d-xo.html
guys, about what nadra's talking about, this doesn' t mean that you should go up to these ed communities on the internet and tell them to 'just eat a burger'. neither should u contribute to the hatred of any ed communities contributed by tiktok. just be supportive to ur friends if you know they are going through these hardships. please don't go reporting these ed community accounts because they are there to vent. when you report their accounts, you are limiting their very difficult of expressing themselves. so please don't search up and bother them, it really irritates them all when they see people who have a hero mindset that reporting their accounts. if you don't like any of these accounts, just block them. thanks !!
Just a note to whoever read this: We all, at some point are just blinded in the way of life or just too engrossed, trying to get the best of things possible which generally is an instinct. Humans are generally social animals, and different mindsets find different ways to get connected especially with morden technology. But as far as one takes to make a person bow down to their mistakes or your dislikes of their lifestyle. Harming & invading their personal lives, throwing insults when they clearly don't come for u, instead u attack them further on, fulfill your desires of having control of others lives, that doesn't make you a better person as an online vigilante. Because ppl accept the fact that the world/internet is a cruel place because one takes up that fact & not do anything to make things better or try to change that fact. It's ugly because humans generally have evil intentions, factual prove is, they bring it forth as an action instead of holding it back. Yeah i guess, everyone should remove internet from their lives as much as possible.
What Hirzi and Dee Kosh did to Nicole was wrong but the book is not for adults no? i feel that the book is for kids so I suppose that the things the two did was not good.. I feel that social media influencer must have thick skin..
Technically, Nicole Choo can write whatever she wants to write. So the whole bullying of her was really uncalled for. The comments they said about her were quite personal if I recalled properly and very critical. Even book reviews that we see on the internet are not like this!
@@bakedtarts in social media there will be neutral/haters/enablers.. I am neutral.. I can see what is wrong and right. I get your point but a kid book should be reviewed by kids.. not adults.. that is my opinion. :)
I pray that every person featured in this video above will find their reconciliation and peace, no matter how long it takes. There is always hope waiting. “But far be it from me to boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.” Galatians 6:14
one day social media will die and people will not understand why they shared their personal life on a public. you share nothing you have zero problems :) that's it.
I do not know any of them nor their saga, so my observation is definitely unbias. There is one person who stood out from the rest. Daryl did confess and take ownership of his actions - charging clients for works that belong to others. That’s cheating and very serious. But we can see him using this interview to downplay his crimes. He was blaming the public, friends and clients for overreacting to his crimes, cancelling him off. That is a not overreacting. That is not cold. That is a natural response to someone who cheats. No one would want to associate with a cheat. This downplaying comments should be edited off this interview. I am also shocked to hear him said proudly that he wouldn’t want to change in this interview so that he can see the ugliness in people. How recalcitrant can this guy be?
thank you ! i am looking for u !! ya, he still said i just photoshop my photos only mah, he forget to mention photoshop and claim all the photo is shoot by he, and they way explain ,feel like he nv think what he did is wrong. that is the reason ppl hate he, is his jialat Personality, he is like the hateful Taiwanese couple 范建夫妻 --》完全没自觉的厚脸皮家伙 好之为之吧
sorry but no sympathy for the influenza. . they literally did things for clout and content and it exploded in their face. that's already questionable and deceitful. then after all that, playing victim just makes it manipulative and pathetic. Time heals all wounds, and u don't need to whine and moan. just change and be a better person, and the people who matter will see. not everything is insta-taneous in life.
It’s a poor choice to include Daryl and Nicole in this segment. One is a liar that got caught and the other can’t handle criticism about a cringey book she wrote. It’s no where comparable to the other stories being shared here.
exactly, it trivialises the other issues as if it is the same. that cheapens the real struggle the other people went through. lying to get ahead and making yourself into a cringe-fest are not real problems. they just need to disappear, not be given a platform. being woke for woke sake is as bad as cancel culture. not everyone needs to have a redemption arc. this is real life, not a 8 part Netflix drama. just go.
I agree about Daryl's case, but I begged to differ for Nicole's. Did you watch the video by Dee Kosh and Hirzi? They were personal attacks on Nicole and these 2 men had a fanbase then who blindly raised their pitchforks against Nicole. A normal book review would be objective, criticizing the content, voided of personal attack of the person BEHIND the story. Dee Kosh and Hirzi were not objective in their 'review', because face it, if they had given a normal objective review, would it be viral-worthy?! They were hungry for attention and views. How else to gain views - they had to resort to mocking!
just had a look at it, and while it was mean spirited but tbh I don’t think it went too far with it or anything, in the purview of local content. She was able to get her book published cos of the position she’s in, not by merit of her writing talents, and regardless of that video, she’s bound to face some negative backlash. I’m not saying she deserves to be harassed, but her story doesn’t quite level with the others here.
@@bakedtarts DK and H made a video mocking Nicole and her poetry. It was crude and made fun of her personally. Having said that , they didn’t post on her social media . Nicole was not forced to watch it . Given the fact , she is famous and she got her poetry published because of her fame , that roast video was imo completely ok.
Hi everyone, this is Pei Fang, producer of this episode of Can Ask Meh. I’ve read through some of the comments and would like to share some of my thoughts while producing it.
As someone who works in the creative field, I understand the anger people have towards Daryl’s saga. But I would like to share a somewhat relevant takeaway that I had while speaking to all the profiles (not just Daryl): If someone has changed for the better, why do we still criticise him/ her based on his/her past mistakes? Many times, some of the comments can be very hurtful and in the process of doing so, we become the people who dehumanise others while talking about giving second chances. So why not extend that kindness to people who have learnt from their mistakes and hold themselves to higher moral standards today?
This episode was produced to profile people who have been been through cyberbullying/ sexual harassment/ eating disorder based on different circumstances. That’s the value we saw when we chose to share Daryl, Nicole, Estelle, Fatin and Nadra’s story.
Remember that while we may all have different opinions, let’s keep to a civil and mature discussion below in the comments section.
- Pei Fang
Thanks for sharing your thoughts! I think people are allowed to feel hurt and disappointed, but I also agree that he was definitely a victim of cyber bullying and therefore his experiences are very valid and relevant for this episode talking about harmful experiences with the internet/soc med.
Maybe the “would do it again” point could have been phrased better on his end - but to me it was not so much that he’s not remorseful, because he does sound like he was, but more of that he would have wanted to still weed out the more toxic relationships around him. Idk, that’s just what I got out of it!
Anyway, enjoyed this video especially the last part. Its not always easy to walk away when it’s on your primary platforms/communication methods, but gotta remind myself that for every negative experience on the internet, I have the choice to seek out more positive ones/communities too!
I totally agree. I think some of the viewers completely missed the point of the video - we’re not here to discuss whether what Daryl did was right or wrong.
The video is here to shed light on the victims that have gone through difficult situations in the online space and their personal stories.
Before you leave a comment judging and criticising, please ask yourself what’s the intention of your comment?
@PeiFang i respectfully disagree with some of your points and also some of your conclusions. you cannot always compartmentalize and deal with backlash without considering context. the question here is if daryl has really changed for the better? his interview indicates otherwise. in this age of easily hurt feelings and western snowflake narratives, tough critique and nasty trolling get easily confused. i see no dehumanizing comments in this comments section at the time of this writing and i also see nobody commenting that he does not deserve a second chance. i recognize that this dude had his world crumbling around him and i truly appreciate how distressing and stressful it must had been. if you were to however judge from the interview, it is my consensus that he may have learnt very little from it and instead developed a sense of victimhood of cyber bullying. that is definitely not the personal development needed to move on.
we can approach this in 2 ways: we can do this dissection emotionally and objectively.
but before we delve into that, i would however also reiterate the point that everybody makes mistakes. the axiom "what goes up, must come down" is literally true in this case as nobody should be crucified forever.... heck, they even let that poor chap down and he managed to get on with the rest of that story... just saying... we learn and we grow. to those few social jihadists that took it too far and manifested physical grief or online stalking and bullying: climb back under the rock whence you came from... i hope you morons get caught and be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
back to the dissection, we can do this emotionally first. great hate is usually preceded by great love. there are of course that few social jihadists that have nothing better to do, but the extreme hate he got was most probably dished out by people who looked up to him and most likely wanted to be like him. so great love morphed into great hate when they (rightly or wrongly) concluded that his works had nothing to do with talent. all their own efforts were invalidated along with his. skills not needed.... just splice and photoshop. to be fair, all digital images these days are nearly always colour corrected and enhanced in apps like photoshop, but i dare say that no self-respecting photographer would splice images together and then pass it off as a moment captured in time. that is plain fraud. it is a slap to the industry as well as purists that are already lamenting that modern digital photographers have nearly no skills whatsoever because with technology, there is no more need to learn how to control depth of field, composition in frame, storytelling, capturing the emotional value of literally a slice of time etc etc. it cheapens their dedication of waiting hours, days and sometimes weeks just to get that shot. some traverse very harsh terrain and lug their equipment great distances just for the shot, or the great amount of time and resources expended to even plan for the shoot. i would suggest that with the advent of recording devices that shoot very high resolution videos, photography is no more an essential means of documentary. it has already transcended into an art form, no different in significance of brushes and paints to an artist. most photographers would also note that 99% of people are so used to terrible photography that they don't know better. therefore the fierce emotions, protectionism and frankly snobbery is real. the jealousy of somebody like Daryl perceived to very undeservedly be getting good paying commissioned works from the likes of Sony , making money hand over fist and an enviable globetrotting lifestyle, global recognition as a photographer while the vast majority is still struggling on. to top it all off, the most heinous infraction of all: this dude does not even bother to take photographs anymore. he just uses "cheat codes" like photoshop and ultimately stealing credit from other photographers... how can a practitioner not be angry?
if we were to now consider the objective aspects:
1. He betrayed the very gist of what it means when you call yourself and sell your services as a photographer. when you manipulate an image to a point where you splice different images together in order to get the "perfect composition", it is extremely dishonest and frankly anybody can do it. you are NOT a photographer. it is an artwork, not a photograph. this is of course not a big issue for most laymen as people these days have "beauty" filters and what not to take unrealistic representations of stuff to essentially cheat and "one up" each other aesthetically. it is however a hard slap to the activity and industry of photography.
2. with the rise of social media, we are all bombarded by fake images on a daily basis. we are warned about fake images. we are told that fake images are "catfishing" and wrong (rightly so). here comes a globally exposed photographer that splices images and passes off the work of others as his own. he did not even need to get out of his chair to create fake images that passed off as his own. how many more "t"s to cross and "i"s to dot in the what-a-photographer-should-not-do department? to crystalize my point for people that still feel that what he has done is no big deal, let me submit an extreme example: what if all photographers were to accept that it is ok to just splice stuff together? let's not go into warzones anymore. let's just splice stuff together because it is dangerous for photographers to brave bullets and bombs. let's just splice stuff together in the safety of the office. we will be somewhat ethical and use images taken in that general area and approximate time... same same no danger and nobody will notice lah... this makes sense to anybody? can you personally accept this?
3. he essentially defrauded his clients. it is basic professionalism to do the job that you were commissioned to. i feel that the disservice was even greater in the case of Sony because he was supposed to be marketing their DSLRs at the time, i think. can you imagine the blowback on the peeps that commissioned him? he described a friend that totally severed ties with him after the expose. he still has the cheek to blame her in this interview? did this friend receive significant blowback because of him? maybe she was the recipient of "just get it out and invoice them". who is not treating who as a good friend in the first place? so this friend is not a "true friend" because she did not forgive him? the hubris of it all... 😄
i could go on but what's the point? he has not owned his mistakes and is still trying to BS his way through this interview. you wanna expose yourself as a public figure, be ready for people to stick you under a microscope. you accept an interview after everything is blown wide open and claim "cyber bullying" is disingenuous at best. you are looping your own hell simply because you refuse to admit that what you have done is wrong on so many levels. you have sullied the reputation of this activity and profession which most certainly have had far-reaching negativity. even now you choose to downplay in an attempt to garner sympathy for your plight, which is having the reverse effect of tearing up old wounds. the reason he is having this mentality to go into this narrative during the interview is because deep down, he did not really regret his act. he just regretted that he got caught and called out. this is obviously a great difference and so does the quality of apology. you can only move on when you totally own your mistakes and truly understand. paying lip service apologies and then stating that you would not change anything is your true state of mind.
having written these paragraphs and being seemingly harsh to this young man, do i think that he should never be forgiven? no. everybody makes mistakes... everybody should get a second chance. learn and grow. does this person have nothing to contribute to this profession/craft? of course not. taking in his work at face value, they are not shabby in any way, photoshopped or not. is he an actual recipient of cyber bullying? well, yes and no. it was the tough love that he needed to truly move on. that bit should NOT be classified as cyber bullying. you want to go public, people will judge. critique has always been part and parcel within the creative professions, even without any drama like his. you do the crime, you gotta do the time. if he does not recognize that what he has done is totally unacceptable in this profession, he is right to not pick up a camera and do commissioned works again. you have to admit your faults to yourself at least in order to truly move on, to find the courage to face the music and reignite your passion for photography. if you are truly sorry, get back to basics and work up your portfolio again. nobody's opinion and critique of your craft is more important than your own. thicken up that skin and pursue your craft. stop victimizing yourself because if you truly understood your mistakes, you would then understand the negativity and you will stop viewing the negativity purely as bullying, especially when you realize that you kinda deserve at least some of it. it really only becomes bullying if you let it. i truly hope that he reflects on the whole issue with a fresh mentality and face the criticisms square on, no sugar coating. appreciate the tough lessons within. i truly look forward for him to shake this all off and seeing more of his ORIGINAL works. he can be an asset to the craft and role model to others that made mistakes and are trying to shake off their own demons. i truly wish him all the best.
As for the social jihadists that cross that line of tough criticism into the realm of illogical personal attacks and threats, you jolly well know what to shove up where the sun don't shine... call me and i shall gladly assist in kicking it way up there...
@@hawwusong74 ok can.
The problem is that he misrepresents what he did so he is clearly not regretful. He didn't simply "photoshop" images he took ... he passed off other people's photos as his own. That was the issue, not the 'photoshopping' or 'manipulation' of his own images. But he ignores that and instead presents himself as a victim of cyberbullying. And you implicitly support that narrative ...
I found Nadra's story especially moving. I can't relate to what she said, and I can't imagine going through whatever she did, but to come out of so many problems with a positive mindset shows that she's an extremely strong and emotionally aware individual. Thanks for the video OGS
Agree! We were flabbergasted by the extent of her experience as well but we are happy that she managed to move on from her traumas and is on this episode with us to share her story :)
Couldn't relate but felt it deeply. The support system in here needs to be better so that people who might go through the same experiences would have gotten help when they need it the most.
It is so sad that if dee kosh and noc did not have their own sagas, they would probably have continued bullying others and the rest of the singapore online community would just cheer them on.
not true. that's like saying all of Singapore is chinese, tone deaf and with a low bar for humour to be that easily entertained.
Well, both parties are already gone down the drain with their reputation. Kosh in jail and NOC company falling apart.
Dee Kosh mocked Nicole Choo’s book in video with another content creator. The video pulled no punches and called her book trash and made a lot personal comments about Nicole. To some , it is bullying . To others , it is not as Nicole is not forced to watch it .
I am not affected by social media very much. I believe that 99% of what they say are a pack of lies. Have a mind of your own; don't be sway or believe what people say or don't say. If you are affected, don't read them@@spiderjump
thank you for giving us a platform to share❤️
Thank you for sharing your story with us :)
You go girl! You have grew so much. 🥰💪🏼
"we're living in a day and age where we can choose to find the information that we want, and we can choose to filter out what we don't want to see as well and that's a personal choice"
i didn't really grow up with the internet and it's already quite difficult to detach my self worth from online comments etc, so i can't imagine how younger people might cope with the realities and harshness of platforms like tiktok, instagram, or how young girls might struggle with their body image etc. thanks for these wise words nadra, all of you are so strong!
Wow, I'm sorry they had to go through this. Anyone going through a hard time with social media, just switch it off. It will not kill you. In fact, it will feel so much lighter.
It does actually help!
To everyone who shared in this video, thank you for your maturity and insights. You are still sharing very raw and personal pains to help others despite all of the stuff you've been through, knowing that there are people who are still clueless and has no empathy, making mindless comments.
The whole cancel culture is the problem here. If the person is wrong we point them out but if we go further to threatening their family and life. It's just like play fire with fire and it's not going to work.
Thank you very much for sharing this post. People are indeed SCARY regardless of real or online. However, to me, these victims are real Heroes who overcome the dark sides of social media.
Hearing their stories really uplift me in trying to move on with my life even though I am hurting now ✋🏻
Maybe I will look over this video as a reference in case if I am hurting again
As someone who has been severely bullied since childhood, this video hit me deep.
We're sorry to hear that, hope that this video has provided you with some sort of consolation to your situation. You are not alone 💪
Don't know who this Daryl guy is, plagiarism is definitely wrong especially since it seems he was making money off it, but in no way does that make it acceptable to tell him to harm or kill himself, it does not make it acceptable for people to go to his house, throw paint on his door and intimidate him and his whole family.
I'm just thinking all these online vigilantes probably would have never thought about him before and just jumped on the hate bandwagon, and he just became this outlet to unleash their ugliest sides cos they can go ahead, feel superior to others, and come off with no harm to their anonymous online selves.
What he did was not right. But the extent of what he and the people around him got as the resulting backlash was completely undeserved and much worse.
"If you can choose between being right and being kind, choose kind." - Wonder
No shade to the people who shared, but I felt like Daryl downplayed what he did that constituted the saga. He didn't shoot the photos that were scrutinised. A lot of them were stock photos that he bought and posted as his own or manipulated parts of it to call his own. Props to him for overcoming it mentally, but let's be frank about the matter. The truth of the matter is a lot worse than what he said it to be.
Precisely dude is thick skin af. He talked about trust but no one forced him to claim other ppl work as his own.
coping mechanism, sometimes people have to create a delusion to come to terms and move on
you are absolutely right.... he is not owning what he did. his crime had NOTHING to do with enhancing images. you have to do it in modern day digital photography. nothing to do with photoshop either. he plagiarized other people's works and passed it off as his own. plain and simple. i am a designer and also a photographer from when images were still taken on negatives. the absolute worst thing a creative professional can do is to plagiarize and blatantly take credit for work. just like any creative profession, i do know of professionals that would pass off works from their "team" as their own, but to not renumerate your "team" properly and just rip stuff off the internet is plain stupid and lazy.
having said that, i am sorry for the physical violence or trauma he went through... it is not right by any means and the culprits should be prosecuted where possible.
just my own two cents, but didn't he acknowledge the severity of the mistake he made? i felt it was fair for him to draw a line and acknowledge that while he made a grave mistake that contributed to his fall from grace, the line was crossed when he faced threats to his own security (doxxing, etc). i too, think he did something wrong and he deserved to be accountable for his mistakes, but he can't (& shouldn't) be paying for that one mistake forever, no?
the truth of the matter is that he made a mistake. that was magnified and enlarged for the entire world to see and criticise because of the accessibility from social media. he owned his mistake in the video, what else do you want him to do at this point?
no matter the severity of his mistake, no one should have to go through what he did. being held accountable is one thing, being threatened and feeling unsafe is another.
think you missed the point of the video completely.
All i can say is
"Kindness can fold a better outcome"
People need to realise that just because somebody makes a mistake on the internet, you are not obligated to jump on the hate train like everyone else. I know it’s really easy to get caught up in it and trust me i’m no saint either but try to change your perspective and start seeing online figures as PEOPLE. Everyone makes mistakes (even if yours aren’t documented) and not everybody is a shitty person. Never hurts to be kind - if you feel like you’re about to add fuel to the fire just switch off the phone simple.
We are only humans, we are allowed to make mistakes. We just need to self-heal, grow and move along. My dad always tells me, sticks and stone may break my bones but words cannot hurt me.
im so sorry for everyone in this video... i hope you guys know that you had to be strong to make out of these things and trauma and are we are. kudos to us
Initially opened this video thinking Daryl Aiden will be painting a sob story about how he was a victim, but was pleasantly surprised to hear he admitted what he did was wrong and that he was greedy for money. Don’t know what the rest of you are going on about saying he hasn’t learned a thing. He never defended anything about his past scams so calm the f down.
Understandable concerns but that’s what it’s like when you put something out there for the world to see. The internet is filled with all sorts of people and criticism is something that comes along with it.
Be kind, it's not that difficult.
Awesome work as always OGS!!
I see that thing so often online , whenever someones mistake is even a problem to begin with people will continue demonizing them and blowing things out of proportion and its kinda sad to see. Its sad to see when it happens to people you follow and like and respect and secretly hope nothing bad will happen to them but its still sadder to see when someone you thought was good does that to someone else just joins bandwagon of hate . You just kinda cant see them same after that...
I stop using social media many years ago. I'm overly sensitive person & noticed many mean people who dont like me at social media will just choose to trigger me more & when I exploded & did the same like what they did to me, they just gang up to make me look more bad. Friends started to distance me & some even started mocking me. And these are friends who always look for me when they needed help, when they being bullied & mocked online. Being the bold one, you will still find these "roaches" trying to come up with strategies to kick you down. These "people" are keyboard wariors they are strong when behind keyboard and with a group of friends. They wont dare when I ask to meet face to face in real live. I just got myself overall angered by them which is what they wanted me to be. Then I realised all these are a waste of time, I cant let these "roaches" control me and my emotions, I slowly keep myself away from social media & friends. When situations get sour, then you started to see who is your real friends & who is that people who just make use of u when they need you to be their wall of defence. Now, I will still use social media anonymously & stop being a hero to defend unappreciative bastards people and I always advise my teenage boys age 21 & 19 about using social media. I'm 40 now. Still a strong bold Mum for my children...
nobody deserves any of this despite their mistakes. the world needs to be kinder.
Just be kind to everyone.
You don't know if there is a battle the other person is fighting with silently.
we should be kind to one another . having said that, social media influencers who post content and make money from it should expect comments nice and nasty as that is part of the point of social media. the photoshop saga: daryl did not photoshop his own photos . he stole photos from others and then modified them. in short , he STOLE and made a PROFIT. the backlash he received was totally justified. for nicole choo, her book of poems was mocked via youtube videos and many snide personal comments were included. to some it is bullying . for others , it is part of being an " influencer" and she should bot expect to be handled with kid gloves when she published a book and made money. people like dee kosh made videos mocking her poetry and made silly and sometimes nasty jokes about her in the video , that to some is not bullying as nicole is not forced to watch .
The guy’s so strong, not saying what he did was right, but I believe he also did not deserve the whole world hopping on the hatred bus all of the sudden on him. I would like to read more about his case to understand better, anyone knows his name can kindly please share. Thank you
His name is Daryl Aiden Yow!
Nobody ever deserves to be bullied. If they did anything wrong then let the our legal system make the judgement.
However, everyone should realise that there are always two sides to everything. Social media can make you rich and famous overnight but it can also easily destroy your entire life in the same span of time.
Treasure those around you and don’t be too fixated on getting those virtual likes and gaining that number.
I’m in my 30s and a lot of my friends are going on stealth mode on FB, never post anything but immediately reply once I send them a message. Very hard to do when you’re young though.
That’s an interesting observation. What do you think could be the reason though for many going stealth mode?
Sending lots of love to Nadra, Fatin, Estelle, Nicole, and Daryl 💕💕💕 You are all enough as you are
stay strong guys! inspirational❤️
Estelle speaks so eloquently
estelle is so well spoken; i love her. does anyone know if i can find her anywhere online?
anyone who has a sizeable presence on social media will get a lot nasty comments and sometimes a lot of positive comments . that is part of the territory .
@nadra Girl i love your hair !?
the thing is people love jumping in to share their opinions quickly these days - and most of the time, not bothered to get another side of the story because it's entertaining and sadly, they get away with what they say online etc.
We are meant to be more educated than any point in history, yet we behave mindlessly
I dunno if it’s any consolation but I have no idea who these people are... there is a bigger world out there... it will be ok.
Imagine going into a restaurant, ordering some food and realized that the food came from another eatery and being passed off as the restaurant's. Will you feel angry and cheated? Of course! Will you return again? Of course not! But the paint splashing was uncalled for.
Bellywellyjelly would have been very suitable for this ep
We agree! She actually shared her story with us over at our sister platform, Something Private. You can check it out here: th-cam.com/video/LEjiqSsElho/w-d-xo.html
guys, about what nadra's talking about, this doesn' t mean that you should go up to these ed communities on the internet and tell them to 'just eat a burger'. neither should u contribute to the hatred of any ed communities contributed by tiktok. just be supportive to ur friends if you know they are going through these hardships. please don't go reporting these ed community accounts because they are there to vent. when you report their accounts, you are limiting their very difficult of expressing themselves. so please don't search up and bother them, it really irritates them all when they see people who have a hero mindset that reporting their accounts. if you don't like any of these accounts, just block them. thanks !!
All we want is love❤
Just a note to whoever read this:
We all, at some point are just blinded in the way of life or just too engrossed, trying to get the best of things possible which generally is an instinct.
Humans are generally social animals, and different mindsets find different ways to get connected especially with morden technology.
But as far as one takes to make a person bow down to their mistakes or your dislikes of their lifestyle.
Harming & invading their personal lives, throwing insults when they clearly don't come for u, instead u attack them further on, fulfill your desires of having control of others lives, that doesn't make you a better person as an online vigilante.
Because ppl accept the fact that the world/internet is a cruel place because one takes up that fact & not do anything to make things better or try to change that fact.
It's ugly because humans generally have evil intentions, factual prove is, they bring it forth as an action instead of holding it back.
Yeah i guess, everyone should remove internet from their lives as much as possible.
What Hirzi and Dee Kosh did to Nicole was wrong but the book is not for adults no? i feel that the book is for kids so I suppose that the things the two did was not good.. I feel that social media influencer must have thick skin..
Technically, Nicole Choo can write whatever she wants to write. So the whole bullying of her was really uncalled for. The comments they said about her were quite personal if I recalled properly and very critical. Even book reviews that we see on the internet are not like this!
@@bakedtarts in social media there will be neutral/haters/enablers.. I am neutral.. I can see what is wrong and right. I get your point but a kid book should be reviewed by kids.. not adults.. that is my opinion. :)
I pray that every person featured in this video above will find their reconciliation and peace, no matter how long it takes. There is always hope waiting.
“But far be it from me to boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.”
Galatians 6:14
one day social media will die and people will not understand why they shared their personal life on a public. you share nothing you have zero problems :) that's it.
I do not know any of them nor their saga, so my observation is definitely unbias. There is one person who stood out from the rest. Daryl did confess and take ownership of his actions - charging clients for works that belong to others. That’s cheating and very serious. But we can see him using this interview to downplay his crimes. He was blaming the public, friends and clients for overreacting to his crimes, cancelling him off. That is a not overreacting. That is not cold. That is a natural response to someone who cheats. No one would want to associate with a cheat. This downplaying comments should be edited off this interview. I am also shocked to hear him said proudly that he wouldn’t want to change in this interview so that he can see the ugliness in people. How recalcitrant can this guy be?
my exact sentiments
thank you ! i am looking for u !! ya, he still said i just photoshop my photos only mah, he forget to mention photoshop and claim all the photo is shoot by he, and they way explain ,feel like he nv think what he did is wrong. that is the reason ppl hate he, is his jialat Personality, he is like the hateful Taiwanese couple 范建夫妻 --》完全没自觉的厚脸皮家伙 好之为之吧
sorry but no sympathy for the influenza. . they literally did things for clout and content and it exploded in their face. that's already questionable and deceitful. then after all that, playing victim just makes it manipulative and pathetic. Time heals all wounds, and u don't need to whine and moan. just change and be a better person, and the people who matter will see. not everything is insta-taneous in life.
Nah, I have social media but probably update like once or twice every 2 or 3 years lol.
The guy super handsome sia. Complexion damn good.. 😍😍
It’s a poor choice to include Daryl and Nicole in this segment. One is a liar that got caught and the other can’t handle criticism about a cringey book she wrote. It’s no where comparable to the other stories being shared here.
exactly, it trivialises the other issues as if it is the same. that cheapens the real struggle the other people went through. lying to get ahead and making yourself into a cringe-fest are not real problems. they just need to disappear, not be given a platform. being woke for woke sake is as bad as cancel culture. not everyone needs to have a redemption arc. this is real life, not a 8 part Netflix drama. just go.
I agree about Daryl's case, but I begged to differ for Nicole's. Did you watch the video by Dee Kosh and Hirzi? They were personal attacks on Nicole and these 2 men had a fanbase then who blindly raised their pitchforks against Nicole.
A normal book review would be objective, criticizing the content, voided of personal attack of the person BEHIND the story.
Dee Kosh and Hirzi were not objective in their 'review', because face it, if they had given a normal objective review, would it be viral-worthy?! They were hungry for attention and views. How else to gain views - they had to resort to mocking!
just had a look at it, and while it was mean spirited but tbh I don’t think it went too far with it or anything, in the purview of local content. She was able to get her book published cos of the position she’s in, not by merit of her writing talents, and regardless of that video, she’s bound to face some negative backlash. I’m not saying she deserves to be harassed, but her story doesn’t quite level with the others here.
@@bakedtarts DK and H made a video mocking Nicole and her poetry. It was crude and made fun of her personally. Having said that , they didn’t post on her social media . Nicole was not forced to watch it . Given the fact , she is famous and she got her poetry published because of her fame , that roast video was imo completely ok.
Wait how did Nicole Choo became a TH-camr?? Ouh ya create drama and using Ridhwan Azman
Are you seriously leaving this type of comments after watching the video? It's like the point just went over your head