The temp of the room your working in definitely causes it's own challenges to decorating any cake. Soften the ice cream in the fridge, then place in the pan your cake was baked in, (lined with plastic wrap) to form the same shape and size as your cake. Then refreeze until solid, stack your cake, freeze again, keep putting the cake back in the freezer as needed to keep the ice cream firm, in between and or in the middle of each step, to keep your ice cream firm. If it softens it'll start giving you all kinds of problems
Amazing cake!!!!
Que bom deve ser o bolo 🍰
Yummy Cake
Trzeba przyznać, że pomysł wystrzałowy. Wszystkiego najlepszego w Nowym Roku.Polska.
How do you solve a problem of melting ice-cream?
The temp of the room your working in definitely causes it's own challenges to decorating any cake. Soften the ice cream in the fridge, then place in the pan your cake was baked in, (lined with plastic wrap) to form the same shape and size as your cake. Then refreeze until solid, stack your cake, freeze again, keep putting the cake back in the freezer as needed to keep the ice cream firm, in between and or in the middle of each step, to keep your ice cream firm. If it softens it'll start giving you all kinds of problems