Gnani Purush Dadashri: Akram Vignan Sudamerica: Towards Full Light: 76: Pujya Niruma : June 26, 2024

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 11 ก.ย. 2024
  • On this Gnan Vidhi day Gnan Day for the Spanish mahatmas of South America, and also Gnan Vidhi Day for new seekers in Tampa Florida where Pujya Deepakbhai is present, the Satsang and Presence of Pujya Niruma is accepted with deep gratitude. Patricia, Gabi and Shuddha share the76th ession of Purnatva, the comprehensive Understanding of the way the Self progresses to Absolute Self through Understanding as given by Gnani Purush Dadashri. This is fully given in the Akram Vignan Magazine of November 1988.
    Audio Link: www.dadashri.o...
    Text Link: www.dadashri.o...
    The following heading on p87g were shared:All Kriya-activity of mind-speech body-are Seen. Known
    09:20:57 From shuddha anami : NH p86g
    09:21:21 From shuddha anami : There is no difference in the matter of ‘Seeing’.
    09:21:29 From shuddha anami : JOvoo-to See.
    09:21:42 From shuddha anami : Jaana voo- To Know.
    09:22:26 From shuddha anami : Divya- divine
    09:22:37 From shuddha anami : Chakshu- ‘eyes’
    09:24:25 From shuddha anami : Q: Such state of Awareness would come to all mahatmas , no!
    09:24:58 From Gabi : Ese estado de Conciencia llegaría a todos los mahatmas, ¡no!
    09:25:25 From shuddha anami : Those. proceeding to KG-abs Gnan, will come into that?
    09:25:47 From shuddha anami : Dada: Everyone has to go on this line only.
    09:26:00 From shuddha anami : Line is only One, no

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    @VISHUDDHATMA  2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    09:20:57 From shuddha anami : NH p86g
    09:21:21 From shuddha anami : There is no difference in the matter of ‘Seeing’.
    09:21:29 From shuddha anami : JOvoo-to See.
    09:21:42 From shuddha anami : Jaana voo- To Know.
    09:22:26 From shuddha anami : Divya- divine
    09:22:37 From shuddha anami : Chakshu- ‘eyes’
    09:24:25 From shuddha anami : Q: Such state of Awareness would come to all mahatmas , no!
    09:24:58 From Gabi : Ese estado de Conciencia llegaría a todos los mahatmas, ¡no!
    09:25:25 From shuddha anami : Those. proceeding to KG-abs Gnan, will come into that?
    09:25:47 From shuddha anami : Dada: Everyone has to go on this line only.
    09:26:00 From shuddha anami : Line is only One, no
    09:26:12 From Gabi : Aquellos. Procediendo a KG-abs Gnan, ¿entrará en eso?
    09:26:37 From shuddha anami : Akram or Kramaik is the same line…
    09:26:41 From Gabi : Dada: Todo el mundo tiene que ir sólo por esta línea.
    09:27:41 From Gabi : Akram o Kramaik es la misma línea…
    09:27:43 From shuddha anami : In the matter of Seeing, it is only one.
    09:28:06 From Gabi : En materia de Ver, es sólo uno.
    09:28:09 From shuddha anami : Q: And once this happens then he goes to Moska?
    09:28:28 From Gabi : P: ¿Y una vez que esto sucede, se va a Moska?
    09:28:29 From shuddha anami : Only after that, he goes to Moksha.
    09:28:50 From Gabi : Sólo después de eso, va a Moksha.
    09:29:12 From shuddha anami : NIRVANa- final moksha..
    09:29:45 From shuddha anami : Whether he is a Kevali or Tirthankar the line is the same.
    09:29:46 From Gabi : NIRVANA final moksha..
    09:30:13 From shuddha anami : What line?
    Line od Seeing.
    09:30:16 From Gabi : Ya sea Kevali o Tirthankar, la línea es la misma.
    09:30:52 From Gabi : ¿Que linea?
    Línea de Visión.
    09:30:59 From shuddha anami : p87g Nh:
    09:31:25 From shuddha anami : One Sees all Kriya- activity of m-s-b, is Seen and Known
    09:31:59 From Gabi : Uno ve todo Kriya- actividad de m-s-b, es visto y conocido
    09:32:00 From shuddha anami : Kriya- action -activity.
    09:32:36 From Gabi : Kriya -acción -actividad
    09:34:00 From shuddha anami : Kriya and the Knower of the Kriya- the Self-the eternal element.
    09:34:28 From Gabi : Kriya y el Conocedor del Kriya, el Ser, el elemento eterno.
    09:37:48 From shuddha anami : You may feel that this one is doing all kriya-activity.But ‘we’ are not the doer of these activity at all.
    09:38:35 From shuddha anami : Whatever Ambalal is doing, ‘we’ contininue to See all that.
    09:38:36 From Gabi : Puedes sentir que este está haciendo toda la actividad de kriya, pero "nosotros" no somos los hacedores de estas actividades en absoluto.
    09:39:06 From Gabi : Independientemente de lo que esté haciendo Ambalal, "nosotros" seguimos viendo todo eso.
    09:40:57 From shuddha anami : We See that he is brushing his teeth
    09:41:02 From shuddha anami : daat-teeth
    09:41:26 From Gabi : Vemos que se está cepillando los dientes.
    09:41:34 From shuddha anami : daatan means an instrument to brish teeth, usuually a neem tree brinch twig.
    09:42:01 From Gabi : dastan significa un instrumento para cepillarse los dientes, generalmente una ramita de árbol de neem.
    09:43:39 From shuddha anami : And if he is fussing and rushing around , ‘we’ See that.
    09:44:07 From Gabi : Y si él está alborotado y corriendo, "nosotros" vemos eso.
    09:44:37 From shuddha anami : Busy in activity, or being lazy, we See all that too.
    09:45:07 From Gabi : Ocupados en actividades o perezosos, también vemos todo eso.
    09:45:19 From Gabi : Vemos
    09:45:20 From shuddha anami : We See all that..
    09:45:49 From Gabi : Nosotros Vemos todo eso
    09:47:15 From shuddha anami : We KNOW too that here there was a’super busy rushing of activity’
    09:48:04 From shuddha anami : Superbusy here and lazy here.
    09:48:05 From Gabi : Nosotros SABEMOS que aquí hubo una “actividad súper ocupada”
    09:48:45 From Gabi : Muy ocupado aquí y vago aquí.
    09:49:36 From shuddha anami : We KNOW that .
    09:50:07 From shuddha anami : know the super doer activity. in which you may disturb others too.
    09:50:13 From Gabi : Lo Sabemos .
    09:50:47 From shuddha anami : And the lazy one not doing anything…
    09:51:53 From shuddha anami : super doers are super engrossed and involved.
    09:52:33 From Gabi : Conozca la actividad del súper hacedor. en el que también puedes molestar a los demás.
    09:52:46 From shuddha anami : Note the difference in the Seeing and Knowing.
    09:52:54 From Gabi : Los súper hacedores están súper absortos e involucrados.
    09:53:44 From Gabi : Note la diferencia en el Ver y el Conocer.
    09:55:59 From shuddha anami : end of heading.
    09:56:50 From Gabi : final del encabezado.
    09:57:22 From shuddha anami : Raghvaat-super doer activity…
    09:57:47 From Gabi : Raghvaat: actividad súper hacedora...
    10:01:27 From shuddha anami : Cristain tries to maintain separation during superdoer activity , at different times of the day.
    10:02:04 From Gabi : Christian intenta mantener la separación durante la actividad del súper hacedor, en diferentes momentos del día.
    10:07:56 From shuddha anami : ‘He’ -the Gnani-the awakened One- Sees all kriya-, Knows.
    exact heading.
    10:08:41 From shuddha anami : We are NOT the ‘doer-karta of ANY kriya at all of AMPatel.
    10:08:58 From Gabi : ‘Él’ -el Gnani-el Despierto- Ve todo kriya-, Conoce el rumbo exacto.
    10:10:43 From Gabi : NO somos el ‘doer-karta de CUALQUIER kriya en AMPatel.
    10:13:52 From shuddha anami : Raghvaat- super busy doership.
    10:14:07 From shuddha anami : is part of the program of discharge.
    10:15:31 From Gabi : Raghvaat: hacedor súper ocupado.
    es parte del programa de descarga.
    10:18:00 From shuddha anami : Next Heading after a break of 10 mins.
    10:29:34 From shuddha anami : Post break:
    Sandra: Our GV Day…
    10:39:02 From shuddha anami : We are the Gnata-Drashta of this.
    10:40:23 From shuddha anami : To be and to Continue to Be….the Gnata-Drashta- Knower-Seer.
    10:45:25 From shuddha anami : DAFODIYA--
    10:46:16 From Gabi : Nosotros somos el Gnata-Drashta de esto.
    Ser y Continuar Siendo….el Gnata-Drashta-Conocedor- Observador.
    10:46:47 From shuddha anami : To stir up the external uselessly, unnecessarily.
    10:47:06 From shuddha anami : Stir up with the stick of opinions.
    10:47:44 From shuddha anami : opinions generate attachment-abhorrence.
    10:47:49 From shuddha anami : Not in US..
    10:48:21 From Gabi : Agitar lo externo inútilmente, innecesariamente.
    Revolver con el palo de las opiniones.
    Las opiniones generan apego-aborrecimiento.
    10:51:16 From shuddha anami : The subtle results that arise within, -that which the world is not yet qualified to See, the awakened Ones of AV reamin Gnata Drashta there.
    10:53:24 From shuddha anami : See
    10:53:32 From shuddha anami : And Then
    10:53:39 From shuddha anami : Continue ot See
    10:55:36 From Gabi : Los resultados sutiles que surgen en el interior, aquello que el mundo aún no está calificado para Ver, los Despiertos de AV permanecen allí en Gnata Drashta.
    Y luego
    Continuar o Ver
    10:59:22 From shuddha anami : 3
    AM patel
    Gnani Purush in Satsang
    Absolute Knower -Seer.
    11:06:08 From Devadasi/Sofía Alonso : JSCA. GRACIAS.