Congratulation Nicole Marie Greetings to you from Algeria We were very happy that you converted to Islam We congratulate you on your conversion to Islam We ask you to be steady in this life Our Lord! Let not our hearts deviate (from the truth) ” after You have guided us, and grant us mercy from You. Truly, You are the Bestower Considering that you were a famous man and the greatest achievement you achieved in your life was when you converted to Islam We hope you will contribute to inviting people to Islam There is no life without Islam A religion of love, happiness, tolerance, cooperation, justice and benevolence
My dear sister, you are doing an amazing work. It is so good to hear that you always (and correctly) add "Peace be upon him" whenever you mention the name of a prophet. Just to bring your presentation to a next higher level, may I humbly make a friendly suggestion to add "Glory be to God" (abbreviated SWT in Arabic) whenever you mention the name of Allah (SWT). Please keep up your good work.
Ma Shaa Allah ,Subhan Allah,Allah Akbar❤Allah Akbar❤Allah Akbar❤ love from pakistan. May Allah bless you and protect you from evil Aameen Sum Aameen.❤❤❤
Excellent advice at the end. It’s good to have a ‘why’ in important things you’re doing. Even ppl raised as Muslims come to a point in their life where they need to choose their religion.
May Allah bless you, keep guiding you, protect you, love you. May Allah increase your rizq and ease your affairs. Each of us will be tested by Allah. Allah even said: "Do people think once they say, “We believe,” that they will be left without being put to the test?" "And We will surely test you with something of fear and hunger and a loss of wealth and lives and fruits, but give good tidings to the patient, Who, when disaster strikes them, say, 'Indeed we belong to Allah, and indeed to Him we will return." I know its a long, tiring journey but that's what it is for the sons and daughters of Adam and Eve, but the antidote is also given by Allah "those who believe and whose hearts find comfort in the remembrance of Allah. Surely in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find comfort."
The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "The religion (of Islam) is easy, and whoever makes the religion a rigour, it will overpower him. So, follow a middle course (in worship); if you can't do this, do something near to it and give glad tidings and seek help (of Allah) at morn and at dusk and some part of night". [Al-Bukhari]. عن أَبِي هريرة النَّبيّ ﷺ قَالَ: إِنَّ الدِّينَ يُسْرٌ، ولنْ يشادَّ الدِّينُ إلاَّ غَلَبه فسدِّدُوا وقَارِبُوا وَأَبْشِرُوا، واسْتعِينُوا بِالْغدْوةِ والرَّوْحةِ وشَيْءٍ مِن الدُّلْجةِ رواه البخاري.
God bless you sister. As a muslim and arab by birth i get so much inspired by watch stories like yours for those who converted as you help us see aspects of our faith that is not so abvious for us. God bless you and your family and wish you ramadan mubark.
ma shaa Allah ... Wonderful sis Nicole Marie , nice balanced Islam ... Without being rude , can you please make a video about your marriage experience assessment ?...
Assalamu alaikum Sister * This is Scientific Miracles in the Quran Uncle Mohamed * May Allah JFO grant you Jannatul Firdaus for the sound Dawah you're doing * As per following verse in the Quran: Fussilat 41:33 And who is better in speech than one who invites to Allah and does righteousness and says, "Indeed, I am of the Muslims. * God bless
ma sha Allah sister, interesting story, yes reverts need time etc.. I lived in Orlando years ago, and had a friend from Deland, :) tiny town.. may Allah grant you ease, love, mercy, and grant you success in both world and grant much light in your face, words, actions and guide through you, your loved ones.. feel free to ask, question, we can exchange tips on how to give subtle dawah to loved ones without a word..
I am constantly saying this,the only thing that matters is what you understand. Don't do things just because other people do it. Learn and understand and the Deen would follow, insyaAllah. Every struggle is our opportunity to learn. We learn from our mistakes. Don't be afraid of your shortcomings. Ask for guidance and forgiveness sincerely. Even RASULULLAH SAW asks ALLAH SWT for forgiveness.
Hi Nicole, AAWAWB! Fist of all I would like to say to you that I am very proud of you! You are courageous young lady with the IMAN shining out of your friendly face!Little stubborn nonetheless friendly🤣😂. I would like to pass few suggestions if I may; 1- I am very glad you didn't change your name! you are what you are and your loving parents had given you this special name. Changing your name doesn't make you better or worse Muslim believer. Secondly I would like to share with you some of experience as Muslim that had lived primarily among the Christian community and as friend as well; PLEASE go and celebrate Christmas with your family! As Muslim person I have always shared and celebrated almost everything with them albeit Christmas, Easter Funerals or wedding! Never abandon your friends even thou they do not share your belief or wear your hijab. I want to remind you of our highest example and model to follow in our religion Islam and that is the THE PROPHET MOHAMED SAAWAWS! he started alone and build nations by sharing his social status with them, respected the disbelievers, and by his manners people worshiped his conduct and he manged to reflect true Islam concepts using his social and soft gentle approach! No Islam to day would have existed if he chose to isolate him self. So please go to their birthday parties especially your close friends and family. Celebrate whatever they share albeit happy or sad occasion. Let them see your character as modern young Muslim lady. When I had my ex, I have celebrated with them almost every Christmas for years. Also it is absolutely NORMAL for people to ask all king questions and they are right! why should they accept our faith blindly??? I wouldn't want a blind believer, those types are dangerous. You are highly intelligent young lady use your gentle manners to express your views in a calm and logical manners. Also this interaction will help you great deal even thou sometime feels like stressful. Also please do not suggest to new Muslims to wear the Hijab. This is personal and the will to wear it must come from within and not by instruction. Your pure Hijab is your heart and your soul in believing in Allah SWT. Stay away from bars and alcohol gathering. Stay away from late nights that involved partying with alcohol especially when they are not your family members. Go for lunch your lady friends, have a nice time within the normal rules were you feels comfortable with. You are one of the Prophet most loved people! If you want to know how and why? reply and I will tell you! Greeting and stay the straight line. InshaAllah. Apology for my spelling mistakes if any!🥰
Celebrating Christmas is haram and there’s no question about it. There’s a hadith Anas ibn Malik reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, arrived in Medina during two days which they were celebrating. The Prophet said, “What are these two days?” They said, “We would celebrate these two days in the time of ignorance.” The Prophet said, “Verily, Allah has replaced these two days with two better days: Eid al-Adha and Eid al-Fitr.” Source: Sunan Abī Dāwūd 1134. So clearly in this Hadith you can see that the prophet Mohamed (Pbuh) replaced the 2 holidays with 2 better holidays which is, Eid Al fitr, and Eid Al Adha. And Christmas itself is what Christian’s say was Jesus’s birthday. And birthdays originated from the ancient Egyptians saying when they have their birthday they become a new god. So clearly birthdays are shirk and Christmas is haram.
And suggesting to wear hijab and forcing hijab is completely different. You should always suggest women to wear hijab because that’s what allah commanded. You should never advise a Muslim to do haram.
MashaAllah!! By the way so called hijab is a cultural thing that was the fashion and culture all around the world both men and women covered their head, even to this day in some countries it can be seen.
'For ever people is their day, and this Eid (ul fitr) is your day.' If you invite non Muslims to have lunch with you on 'your day', there is nothing wrong with that. That can be a Dawah to Islam! Might bear fruit in years to come! Conversely, if your Family are having lunch on 'their day', why would you not go? That too can be a Dawah as well! And it might bear fruit in the coming years! I am sure that they will not force you to eat pork or drink alcohol. You can eat from Halal Dishes. My inlaws are Christians. I even helped to prepare all Halal food for their Christmas Lunch. My kids (when they were kids) they would eating Halal food at their Grandparents at Christmas. My inlaws came to my house and took care of my kids when my Wife and I went to the Hajj in 1995. If my inlaws did not do that, my Wife and I would not have been able to do Hajj that year. How could I come back from the Hajj and say, Moms, I not coming by you for Christmas Lunch? Everytime you go to Christmas Lunch, you are making people aware of Islam. When you take a Break to perform any of your Salaat, you are making people aware of Islam. If anyone peeps at you and sees you Prostrating before Allah, you can tell them that that is how Jesus, (Peace be upon him), tht is how Jesus used to Pray. If anyone becomes a Muslim because of something you did, you might well find that if you get to Jannah, inshaAllah, you will find there for you and Extra Mansion waiting for you, inshaAllah. I am sure that Sheikh Yusuf Estes has an extra house in Jannah after you took your Shahadah at his hands. Your are Islam's Ambassador to your Family. Ambassador need to accept invitations and to attend functions! Your hosts will not intentionally violate the Customs of an Ambassador sent to them. It might be your family, but you will be treated as their Honored Guest. If you Honor them, they will Honor Islam. No doubt about that. Please Madame Ambassador, please put yourself out there. For the Sake of the Cause of Allah. Especially if you feel uncomfortable doing it. Do it for Allah, and with a Smile in doing His Work. You need to take this Message to those who say Allah has begotten a Son ( Quran 18:4) This is your Foot in the Door. As they become acclimatized to the Muslim you. You do not have to say a word. Just be there for Allah. Please "Get up, Dress up and Show up!"
Oh, never mind my question on part 1. I got the answer here X-P But hah, i knew it. I was thinking yusuf estes :O I guess, family will always be the biggest test. You got no test from your parental family, but i guess you got your test from your marital family. I hope you aint gonna get the test from your kinship family tho. I would suggest you to prepare yourself for that, sist. As far as i understand, every child would just copy from parents. If you are good to them, they will be good to you. Just treat them as human basically. I feel like some parents dont treat their little/young child as human. Not much respect, etc. As result, when they grow up, well, the bad treatment would return to you. I think, the answer of the why questions should have been always: because The All Knowing The Most Merciful gives us that "recipe of life" for us to do it. I mean, Its The All Knowing we are talking about. We know nothing compares to The Creator. The question we should have asked tho: which source (quran verses, hadith) says of how we do this and that? However, knowing the reasoning like scientific explanation will indeed gain our faith in islam. So yeah, there is nothing wrong with that. But again, the reason/the cause should have always been because of allah. Oh, in case nobody hadnt told you this. If you feel like going rock bottom again (like, even way worse than your divorce perhaps), You may want to remember this verse. Quran 29:2 "Do people think that they will be left alone because they say: 'We believe,' and will not be tested." May Allah gives you, me, and all of us here more power to face and overcome the trials. Peace be upon you :)
Yusuf Estes is cool guy. By the way his ex name was Joseph Estes and Yusuf and Joseph are same. For example muslim says Prophet Yusuf and Christian says Prophet Joseph
@@nicolewinterfeld2705 Jesus worshiped a God who said he was a Father to his people. Do you worship a God who says he is a Father to his people? Jesus worshiped a God who said that his name was Yahweh. Do you worship a God who calls himself Yahweh? Jesus worships a God who has a son. Do you worship a God who has a son? The God you worship is a Fake God and the Jesus you love is a figment of Mohammad's imagination.
@@vlogingwithibrahim174 I not only believe Jesus is God I know it too, because he has proved it in spades. So do you believe that Allah is Yahweh the true God of Abraham.
@@fedesetrtatio1 I like your confidence, but unfortunately your Bible proves your claim wrong. In Mark (13:32) it says “no one knows the hour, not the angels in heaven, nor the son”. In John (14:28) it says “for my father is greater than I”. If Jesus and the father are co equal and one, why does the Bible keep making the distinction between the son and the father, and why does it clearly say the father is greater than the son?
من ملحد إلي إمام ! - "الأديان كلها مجرد حكايات خرافية." 22 ق اسلم سنة 2010 وتعلمفى المدينه 2015 وعاد الى امريكا سنة 2020 lots of male flooding to not just admire your story .and also willing to offer hand. So what's your plan now. After your great achievement. What's the point of projection your shahada. Great story. So what's next plan. Are you looking for a suitable suit near by. Are you lucky or maybe your youtube will help to project your future search. Caio
@@KashifKhursheed-ng1vk true, it is mostly uneducated people who ask such questions. A sensible and educated person will avoid asking personal questions
All religions are man made. 3/4 of the stories Quran are edited copies from Biblical myths and legends, which were made up by writers of the books that formed the Bible, or copied from ancient Babylonian, Greek, Canaanite and Egyptian myths. The similarities do not support the common divine origin, because these stories contradict science and proven history through archeology and comparative parallel human history. Biblical and Quranic morality is also focused on supremacy, exclusion, land annexation in the name of the divine, enslavement of women as sex slave, acceptance of slavery and belief in superstition, non existent beings, magic and the power of prayers. Also a childish belief in eternal heaven and hell with various degrees of bodily pleasures or sadistic torture for ever and ever and ever…
Masha Allah Alhamdulillah Subhan Allah Allahuakbar Assalam Alaikum wa Rahmatullah wa Barkatahu sister Ramadan Mubarak and I pray to Allah swt to protect, guide and bless you and your family and all Muslims brothers and sisters and all humans Ameen with Love ❤your little sister Humaira Hannan 12year old from India 🇮🇳
Don't feel you're alone. Put your trust in Allah and help will manifest itself. Islam works it's not just philosophy.
Yusuf Estes is an amazing scholar with a great sense of humor!
is that the guy who said that the founder of Christianity was Alexander the Great.
Nicole Marie
Greetings to you from Algeria
We were very happy that you converted to Islam
We congratulate you on your conversion to Islam
We ask you to be steady in this life
Our Lord! Let not our hearts deviate (from the truth) ” after You have guided us, and grant us mercy from You. Truly, You are the Bestower
Considering that you were a famous man and the greatest achievement you achieved in your life was when you converted to Islam
We hope you will contribute to inviting people to Islam
There is no life without Islam
A religion of love, happiness, tolerance, cooperation, justice and benevolence
What a brave person.She has used her own intellect and thought through the process…..quite a challenge.
Sister you are helping many people born in Muslim family.
I wish my aqueeda is as good as yours. I keep praying for it.
Subhanallah! This testimony is meaningful, informative and intense!
May Allah reward you in this world and in the hereafter. Ameen.
Honour to have people like you to inspire us. Alhamdulillah
Thank you so much 😊
@@nicolewinterfeld2705 🙏
My dear sister, you are doing an amazing work. It is so good to hear that you always (and correctly) add "Peace be upon him" whenever you mention the name of a prophet. Just to bring your presentation to a next higher level, may I humbly make a friendly suggestion to add "Glory be to God" (abbreviated SWT in Arabic) whenever you mention the name of Allah (SWT). Please keep up your good work.
Ma Shaa Allah ,Subhan Allah,Allah Akbar❤Allah Akbar❤Allah Akbar❤ love from pakistan. May Allah bless you and protect you from evil Aameen Sum Aameen.❤❤❤
Machallah hamdoulilah ❤❤❤
Excellent advice at the end. It’s good to have a ‘why’ in important things you’re doing. Even ppl raised as Muslims come to a point in their life where they need to choose their religion.
Sister love you from pakistan.and praying for you.❤
May Allah bless and protect you and your family, All the best
I get immense angelic vibes coming from you. Thank you for posting
Mashallh Mubarak
i love this. just catching part 2 must go back and watch part 1. hope all is well Nicole❤
So glad you got to watch some!! 🥰💖
May Allah protect you
Subhana Allah may the almighty Allah protect and guide you my sister,
May ALLAH bless you
aap ka bayan muj jaisai insaan kai liyai mashali rah hai salamat raho mari bhan
May Allah bless you, keep guiding you, protect you, love you. May Allah increase your rizq and ease your affairs.
Each of us will be tested by Allah. Allah even said:
"Do people think once they say, “We believe,” that they will be left without being put to the test?"
"And We will surely test you with something of fear and hunger and a loss of wealth and lives and fruits, but give good tidings to the patient, Who, when disaster strikes them, say, 'Indeed we belong to Allah, and indeed to Him we will return."
I know its a long, tiring journey but that's what it is for the sons and daughters of Adam and Eve, but the antidote is also given by Allah "those who believe and whose hearts find comfort in the remembrance of Allah. Surely in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find comfort."
Indeed, Allah Subhanah wa ta’Allah guide Who He wills to the truth. ❤
The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "The religion (of Islam) is easy, and whoever makes the religion a rigour, it will overpower him. So, follow a middle course (in worship); if you can't do this, do something near to it and give glad tidings and seek help (of Allah) at morn and at dusk and some part of night".
عن أَبِي هريرة النَّبيّ ﷺ قَالَ: إِنَّ الدِّينَ يُسْرٌ، ولنْ يشادَّ الدِّينُ إلاَّ غَلَبه فسدِّدُوا وقَارِبُوا وَأَبْشِرُوا، واسْتعِينُوا بِالْغدْوةِ والرَّوْحةِ وشَيْءٍ مِن الدُّلْجةِ رواه البخاري.
Allahu akbar ❤sister ❤❤❤❤❤
Allah bless you my sister, come to Islamic countries with your family (Iraqi Kurdistan welcoming you)
Alhumdulillah zazakallah khair allah Apko kamyab kre lovely girl
Assalamu Alaikum my sister. Welcome to our world. Ramadan Mubarak. Love and greetings from BANGLADESH/
masha Allah.Allah have gifted you emaan
Thanks sister Allah blessed you and keep you on right and straight path towards janna ameen ❤❤❤😊😊😊
A good summary of a life and experience of a convert ! May Allah’s guidance be with you all the time InshaAllah .
God bless you sister. As a muslim and arab by birth i get so much inspired by watch stories like yours for those who converted as you help us see aspects of our faith that is not so abvious for us. God bless you and your family and wish you ramadan mubark.
Thank you so much 🥲
Ramadan Mubarak to you too!
Subhanallah. May Allah strengthen your faith, ameen
Mansha Allah ❤️🌙🎉
Eid Mubarak 😊🇬🇧👍
God bless you sister 🤲
May Allah bless you, sister.
Very strong woman maa Shaa ALLAH wallahi I'm impressed from you
ma shaa Allah ... Wonderful sis Nicole Marie , nice balanced Islam ... Without being rude , can you please make a video about your marriage experience assessment ?...
This guy is nosey asf
May Allah bless you sister
Congratulations May Allah make it easy for you.
We are here for you sister
If you need anything please get in touch.
Sister from uk x
may Allah protect you and bless you sister and make Ramadan easy for you from uk
You took good decision... God bless you!
❤ we love you sister
Good to hear your story very inspiring, May Allah help you in your journey sister.
❤❤mashaallah just keep going sis ...
May Allah bless you.
Masha Allah
Love from Bangladesh 💓🇧🇩
Watching from Bangladesh Beautiful revert story. ❤️🇧🇩
May Allah bless you
الحمد لله رب العالمين
الذى شرح صدرك للاسلام
ثبتك الله على الاسلام
نور الله وجهك دنيا وآخره
بارك الله فيك وجزاك الله الجنة
آلهم امين يارب العالمين
بسم الله ما شاء الله والحمد لله والله اكبر
I am the 761st subscriber.
Stay in Islam what ever your condition right hard or eazy in your live, patient and doing sholat and aid from Allah come to you, insya Allah
Mashallah I love you because of Allah
ماشاءالله تبارك الرحمن ❤
mashaa alah
Love from India ❤
Assalamu alaikum Sister * This is Scientific Miracles in the Quran Uncle Mohamed * May Allah JFO grant you Jannatul Firdaus for the sound Dawah you're doing * As per following verse in the Quran: Fussilat 41:33 And who is better in speech than one who invites to Allah and does righteousness and says, "Indeed, I am of the Muslims. * God bless
Mashallah ❤
ma sha Allah sister, interesting story, yes reverts need time etc..
I lived in Orlando years ago, and had a friend from Deland, :) tiny town.. may Allah grant you ease, love, mercy, and grant you success in both world and grant much light in your face, words, actions and guide through you, your loved ones.. feel free to ask, question, we can exchange tips on how to give subtle dawah to loved ones without a word..
Aww what a small world!! 🤗
I am constantly saying this,the only thing that matters is what you understand. Don't do things just because other people do it. Learn and understand and the Deen would follow, insyaAllah. Every struggle is our opportunity to learn. We learn from our mistakes. Don't be afraid of your shortcomings. Ask for guidance and forgiveness sincerely. Even RASULULLAH SAW asks ALLAH SWT for forgiveness.
Yes, exactly!
Hi Nicole, AAWAWB! Fist of all I would like to say to you that I am very proud of you! You are courageous young lady with the IMAN shining out of your friendly face!Little stubborn nonetheless friendly🤣😂. I would like to pass few suggestions if I may; 1- I am very glad you didn't change your name! you are what you are and your loving parents had given you this special name. Changing your name doesn't make you better or worse Muslim believer. Secondly I would like to share with you some of experience as Muslim that had lived primarily among the Christian community and as friend as well; PLEASE go and celebrate Christmas with your family! As Muslim person I have always shared and celebrated almost everything with them albeit Christmas, Easter Funerals or wedding! Never abandon your friends even thou they do not share your belief or wear your hijab. I want to remind you of our highest example and model to follow in our religion Islam and that is the THE PROPHET MOHAMED SAAWAWS! he started alone and build nations by sharing his social status with them, respected the disbelievers, and by his manners people worshiped his conduct and he manged to reflect true Islam concepts using his social and soft gentle approach! No Islam to day would have existed if he chose to isolate him self. So please go to their birthday parties especially your close friends and family. Celebrate whatever they share albeit happy or sad occasion. Let them see your character as modern young Muslim lady. When I had my ex, I have celebrated with them almost every Christmas for years. Also it is absolutely NORMAL for people to ask all king questions and they are right! why should they accept our faith blindly??? I wouldn't want a blind believer, those types are dangerous. You are highly intelligent young lady use your gentle manners to express your views in a calm and logical manners. Also this interaction will help you great deal even thou sometime feels like stressful. Also please do not suggest to new Muslims to wear the Hijab. This is personal and the will to wear it must come from within and not by instruction. Your pure Hijab is your heart and your soul in believing in Allah SWT. Stay away from bars and alcohol gathering. Stay away from late nights that involved partying with alcohol especially when they are not your family members. Go for lunch your lady friends, have a nice time within the normal rules were you feels comfortable with. You are one of the Prophet most loved people! If you want to know how and why? reply and I will tell you! Greeting and stay the straight line. InshaAllah. Apology for my spelling mistakes if any!🥰
Celebrating Christmas is haram and there’s no question about it. There’s a hadith Anas ibn Malik reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, arrived in Medina during two days which they were celebrating. The Prophet said, “What are these two days?” They said, “We would celebrate these two days in the time of ignorance.” The Prophet said, “Verily, Allah has replaced these two days with two better days: Eid al-Adha and Eid al-Fitr.” Source: Sunan Abī Dāwūd 1134. So clearly in this Hadith you can see that the prophet Mohamed (Pbuh) replaced the 2 holidays with 2 better holidays which is, Eid Al fitr, and Eid Al Adha. And Christmas itself is what Christian’s say was Jesus’s birthday. And birthdays originated from the ancient Egyptians saying when they have their birthday they become a new god. So clearly birthdays are shirk and Christmas is haram.
And suggesting to wear hijab and forcing hijab is completely different. You should always suggest women to wear hijab because that’s what allah commanded. You should never advise a Muslim to do haram.
MashaAllah!! By the way so called hijab is a cultural thing that was the fashion and culture all around the world both men and women covered their head, even to this day in some countries it can be seen.
'For ever people is their day, and this Eid (ul fitr) is your day.'
If you invite non Muslims to have lunch with you on 'your day', there is nothing wrong with that.
That can be a Dawah to Islam! Might bear fruit in years to come!
Conversely, if your Family are having lunch on 'their day', why would you not go?
That too can be a Dawah as well! And it might bear fruit in the coming years!
I am sure that they will not force you to eat pork or drink alcohol.
You can eat from Halal Dishes.
My inlaws are Christians.
I even helped to prepare all Halal food for their Christmas Lunch.
My kids (when they were kids) they would eating Halal food at their Grandparents at Christmas.
My inlaws came to my house and took care of my kids when my Wife and I went to the Hajj in 1995.
If my inlaws did not do that, my Wife and I would not have been able to do Hajj that year.
How could I come back from the Hajj and say, Moms, I not coming by you for Christmas Lunch?
Everytime you go to Christmas Lunch, you are making people aware of Islam.
When you take a Break to perform any of your Salaat, you are making people aware of Islam.
If anyone peeps at you and sees you Prostrating before Allah, you can tell them that that is how Jesus, (Peace be upon him), tht is how Jesus used to Pray.
If anyone becomes a Muslim because of something you did, you might well find that if you get to Jannah, inshaAllah, you will find there for you and Extra Mansion waiting for you, inshaAllah.
I am sure that Sheikh Yusuf Estes has an extra house in Jannah after you took your Shahadah at his hands.
Your are Islam's Ambassador to your Family.
Ambassador need to accept invitations and to attend functions!
Your hosts will not intentionally violate the Customs of an Ambassador sent to them.
It might be your family, but you will be treated as their Honored Guest.
If you Honor them, they will Honor Islam.
No doubt about that.
Please Madame Ambassador, please put yourself out there.
For the Sake of the Cause of Allah.
Especially if you feel uncomfortable doing it.
Do it for Allah, and with a Smile in doing His Work.
You need to take this Message to those who say Allah has begotten a Son ( Quran 18:4)
This is your Foot in the Door.
As they become acclimatized to the Muslim you.
You do not have to say a word.
Just be there for Allah.
Please "Get up, Dress up and Show up!"
ما شاء الله
Subscribed your channel❤
Thank you!
good job nicole
Oh, never mind my question on part 1. I got the answer here X-P
But hah, i knew it. I was thinking yusuf estes :O
I guess, family will always be the biggest test. You got no test from your parental family, but i guess you got your test from your marital family.
I hope you aint gonna get the test from your kinship family tho.
I would suggest you to prepare yourself for that, sist.
As far as i understand, every child would just copy from parents.
If you are good to them, they will be good to you. Just treat them as human basically.
I feel like some parents dont treat their little/young child as human. Not much respect, etc.
As result, when they grow up, well, the bad treatment would return to you.
I think, the answer of the why questions should have been always: because The All Knowing The Most Merciful gives us that "recipe of life" for us to do it.
I mean, Its The All Knowing we are talking about. We know nothing compares to The Creator.
The question we should have asked tho: which source (quran verses, hadith) says of how we do this and that?
However, knowing the reasoning like scientific explanation will indeed gain our faith in islam. So yeah, there is nothing wrong with that.
But again, the reason/the cause should have always been because of allah.
Oh, in case nobody hadnt told you this.
If you feel like going rock bottom again (like, even way worse than your divorce perhaps), You may want to remember this verse.
Quran 29:2
"Do people think that they will be left alone because they say: 'We believe,' and will not be tested."
May Allah gives you, me, and all of us here more power to face and overcome the trials.
Peace be upon you :)
Assalamualikum dear muslima sister in Islam
Alhamdulillah...Are you still in Florida? I am looking for muslim sisters as I am new to learning Islam and being Muslim.
I am! I’m in central FL 🥰
his first name was "Joseph" which is the english version of "Yusuf"
Yes!! Thank you!
Top thnx
*MaShaAllah. Islam is only the True path of God **3:19**, 3:85. All prophets incl Jesus and Moses preached only Islam. Quran>>key>to Paradise 17:9*
Yusuf Estes is cool guy. By the way his ex name was Joseph Estes and Yusuf and Joseph are same. For example muslim says Prophet Yusuf and Christian says Prophet Joseph
اعجابى رقم 589
Why you divorced ?
There is no way you can abandon Jesus for Mohammad. There is no way you can abandon Yahweh for Al Lah.
Who ever said I (or any Muslim) is abandoning Jesus (peace be upon him)? I love Jesus (peace be upon him) and I worship the same God that he did too.
@@nicolewinterfeld2705 Jesus worshiped a God who said he was a Father to his people. Do you worship a God who says he is a Father to his people? Jesus worshiped a God who said that his name was Yahweh. Do you worship a God who calls himself Yahweh? Jesus worships a God who has a son. Do you worship a God who has a son? The God you worship is a Fake God and the Jesus you love is a figment of Mohammad's imagination.
@@fedesetrtatio1so do you believe Jesus is god?
@@vlogingwithibrahim174 I not only believe Jesus is God I know it too, because he has proved it in spades.
So do you believe that Allah is Yahweh the true God of Abraham.
@@fedesetrtatio1 I like your confidence, but unfortunately your Bible proves your claim wrong. In Mark (13:32) it says “no one knows the hour, not the angels in heaven, nor the son”. In John (14:28) it says “for my father is greater than I”. If Jesus and the father are co equal and one, why does the Bible keep making the distinction between the son and the father, and why does it clearly say the father is greater than the son?
من تعاطي المخدرات إلى نطق الشهادتين | قصة إسلام أبي البريطاني
30 ق
من ملحد إلي إمام ! - "الأديان كلها مجرد حكايات خرافية."
22 ق
اسلم سنة 2010
وتعلمفى المدينه 2015
وعاد الى امريكا سنة 2020
من تعاطي المخدرات إلى نطق الشهادتين | قصة إسلام أبي البريطاني
30 ق lots of male flooding to not just admire your story .and also willing to offer hand. So what's your plan now. After your great achievement. What's the point of projection your shahada. Great story. So what's next plan. Are you looking for a suitable suit near by. Are you lucky or maybe your youtube will help to project your future search. Caio
May Allah bless you Nicole. Are you single now?
I am married now alhamdulillah
Y did you get divorced
None of your business
Usually the Pakistanis ask such rude questions.@@EaglesVision99
@@KashifKhursheed-ng1vk true, it is mostly uneducated people who ask such questions. A sensible and educated person will avoid asking personal questions
They're not sensible and educated when they are asking personal and rude questions. That is the typical Pakistani.@@EaglesVision99
All religions are man made. 3/4 of the stories Quran are edited copies from Biblical myths and legends, which were made up by writers of the books that formed the Bible, or copied from ancient Babylonian, Greek, Canaanite and Egyptian myths.
The similarities do not support the common divine origin, because these stories contradict science and proven history through archeology and comparative parallel human history.
Biblical and Quranic morality is also focused on supremacy, exclusion, land annexation in the name of the divine, enslavement of women as sex slave, acceptance of slavery and belief in superstition, non existent beings, magic and the power of prayers.
Also a childish belief in eternal heaven and hell with various degrees of bodily pleasures or sadistic torture for ever and ever and ever…
Beautiful muslim woman
Masha Allah Alhamdulillah Subhan Allah Allahuakbar Assalam Alaikum wa Rahmatullah wa Barkatahu sister Ramadan Mubarak and I pray to Allah swt to protect, guide and bless you and your family and all Muslims brothers and sisters and all humans Ameen with Love ❤your little sister Humaira Hannan 12year old from India 🇮🇳
May ALLAH bless you