More like brothers our DNA is so mixed together that Geneticists have a hard time telling us apart, but honestly it's from the South of Italy and not the North.
+Izzo Mapping when i see that ollie has done "history of the italians" I thought: someone remember that we exist. he most beatiful thing of italy is that you could make a video only for a city like milan or florence and also smaller city while for another nation (like the usa) you can't tell for examples the history of philadelphia without the history of USA
+Francesco Azzoni To be honest if you count the roman empire i would say that italy has been the most influential empire to ever exist surpassing america, franc and Britain. You guys had the roman empire and you jump started the renaissance. Hell it was your ancient history which the Entirety of america is based of. that doesn't even include the vatican.
I love Italy i consider your country as one of the closest brother of France, i really like your culture, language and history, i plan on visiting Italy after my studies ! Greetings from France ! :)
@@manuelcampi8956 Well not completely true. French cheese, which I absolutely love, are very similar They have better cow milk hard cheese, but Italy has more variety if you include products as the Mozzarella, Ricotta, Scamorza ecc...
no country in Europe is to me as familiar as south and central Italy, greetings from Greece not to mention that genetically we overlap everything from Tuscany to Sicily
@@radiantsvn "forget about" lol no. Northern Italians have higher percentages of Eastern blood (j2) than Germanic haplogroups. There were also Greek colonies in Genoa, in Emilia Romagna (land owned by the Byzantines), and let's not forget that Venice had influence in the Greek islands and absorbed different cultures from the east.
@@radiantsvnwrong. byzantium fetched a lot of Greco-Roman lineage apart from south italy in the region of Pentapolis and Ravenna exarchate i.e Rome , Marche, Ravenna etc. Liguria has the highest Greek lineages outside of the south as it was founded by ancient Greek colonists
Raziel thesniper Quite true! But I would add some other european powers like Russia, Germany, England or France. Between conquests, research, art, social movements or diplomatic moves, they made a stroke for history.
Leviathan TM yes, preety identical yes, the moors, the asturians, the castilians the aragonese, the navarrans, the unification of spain the reyes catolicos, the conquest of napoles, flandes, and the new world, also the betrayed of napoleon and the war of independence of france.
Channels like these are honestly so underrated. Every time I'm reading about history and confused about the time-line of events I check these sorts of videos. Thank you!
Hahaha e parli L’italiano? Io ho famiglia italiana anche ma so moltissime cose su Italia, parlo L’italiano e so cos’è di la cultura Italiana, perché se non so niente no serve di niente avere famiglia italiana...
Leopoldus Carniolus and the brits bombed italy, and the americans threw on our towns and countryside mines after our armistice, you know the ones that look like toys, and the Germans occupied our land and slaughtered our civilians. Still we get along now, the war is over since 1945, we aren't even the exact same state these days (People tende to forget that we changed a lot of stuff after a civil war). Or we can just start and unborrow facts long gone, lite that would do any good to anyone EH?
Do you really believe the shits you are saying? the italic peoples speaking the italic languages and the celts in the north probably came from the same livestock, since dutch researches on DNA showed a great similarity among the italians(, including today venetians, what means that the celts and italic were really similar or that you are wrong and Rome did was successful into spreading italic DNA in the north. Since you said that you ancestors spoke an italian language, you has ancestry on the barbarians you hate so much, not an ethnic slovenian, btw, get a DNA test.
I'm very proud of my great-Grandfather who emigrated from Ferrara and my great-grandmother from Torino to Chile. Siempre los Italianos dejan una buena huella y son un buen aporte .
Corsica was always only a problem for genoese, becouse it was full of rebel (and even now is in this way). Sorry for my bad english. Greetings from Genoa
Dudu Channel eh infatti anche all'epoca era sempre in rivolta (anche per propaganda anti genovese operata dai Savoia) e così i genovesi preferirono togliersela dalle scatole piuttosto che dover continuare a sprecare uomini e risorse per mantenerla sotto il proprio dominio.
Until Napoleon came along, Venice did pretty well and managed to stay independent and out of the way. Even had the Adriatic side of Greece for awhile. Genoa was a similar story until Malta and Spain needed good Catholics just as Protestantism was in its infancy to fight off the Turks. Then they got screwed. The rest of Italy was as it was in Shakespeare's plays, independent city-states trading and fighting depending on the mood.
Actually Venice first got screwed by the Portuguese and later the Dutch.Venice had the monopoly on the spice trade up to around 1500 when the Portuguese opened new colonies in the East Indies and brought the spices directly to Europe.The Portuguese first discovered Australia.After 1700 Venice went into a steady decline.
Robert Corbell protestants never fought off the turks, it was catholics and even orthodox the ones that fought off turks, protestants even allied with them, calvinist dutch and lutheran germans are examples of that, the first saying they would rather wear a turbant that being catholics.
Italy Before the Video Roman Kingdom (753 - 509) Roman Republic (509 - 27) BC ________________________________________ AD Roman Empire (27 BC - 395 AD) Western Roman Empire (395 - 476) Kingdom of Odoacer (476 - 489) Kingdom of the Ostrogoths (489 - 537) Byzantine Empire (537 - 755) {Facts based on the city of Rome} (In 549, the Byzantines lost Rome for a bit until 552, when they took it back from the Ostrogoths.) (754, the same year Byzantines lost Rome, Lombards controlled it for a few months, until the Papal State was formed)
Ed inoltre ti sei dimenticato che i greci avevano colonizzato parte dell' Italia chiamandola magna(grande)Grecia e che i Fenici avevano conquistato parte della Sardegna e sicilia
@GiMel6666 Turks think italians make the real food like turkish food they my mum loves to watch italian food making tutorials thats why they love (I think)
Good video! A little correction: The giudicato of Arborea still existed until 1420, after Marianus IV defeated the aragonese army two times the giudicato ruled over the entirety of the island with the exception of the fortified citadels of Cagliari and Alghero between 1368-1388 and 1392-1409
Purtroppo mi sono fatto un'idea della gente che c'è in circolazione. Comunque io sono fiero delle nostre immense origini. I romani ci hanno dato tantissimo.
Watching this videos ppl around the world can easily understand some reasons why there is so big difference btw italians of the north, middle and south. ...and even btw the east and the west of Italy. So is it quite hard to say how the Italians are. (For economical and historic cause, the majority part of the Italians that live around the world come from the south of Italy). One of the reasons that Italy remained divided for a long time is the immense wealth accumulated from different cities, such as Venice, Milan, Pisa, Genoa, Florence, Livorno, Siena (first bank in the world f.e.)... to name a few. Each of these cities had a wealth comparable to entire nations in Midieval Europe. Florence alone could match the wealth of the whole England in high middle ages. And when you are rich you can have a good army with the most advanced technologies (in Milan were produced the best armors of Europe f.e.), you don't want that someone else tell you what to do or not to do. Later... When the wealth and the power of the Italian cities fell, it was possible to unify Italy. Although the pope and the church have done everything, to the last, to prevent it. Today, the differences bring to Italy some nice things such as the big variety of food, cultures and ideas. But some not so nice... Anyway, Italy is a very various country full history. Where you can enjoy also a nice ladscape with high mountains, hills, plains, lakes, sea, any kind of shore, islands (big and small), and all these very close and... in a wonderful weather! ^^
The south of Italy was rich but with the introduction of the single currency the production moved to the north, by that time the gap was never bridged.
Il Monte dei Paschi è solo la banca più antica ancora esistente (1472) ma la prima banca moderna al mondo ad essere stata mai creata è il Banco di San Giorgio a Genova (1407) che fu poi sciolto nel 1805 da Napoleone quando la Liguria fu annessa all'impero francese.
+CaSSi Miei sorry but that's not what happened, Naples was one of the 3 richest cities in the world. after the Italian military slaughtered over one million neapolitans and sicilians a d then raped the land and took industrial machinery then unified italy, they left Naples in the gutter for the following 150 years and taught the bullshit in schools that you are now spouting. italy fucked the south over and noa make out the south drag the north down. give us our money back and split away from us.
As someone who studies economics I am interested in what happened to south of Italy economically, as far as I know the kingdom of two siciles had economic problems on it's own.
Manny Belgrano Italy was Roman territory, but Rome fell... well not all of it. Byzantine (East-Roman Empire) was all of what was left of the Roman Empire, even if they spoke Greek. They tried to unite the old empire which Italy was part of, but sadly as Black space pictured above, it didn't go so well
+Manny Belgrano Well, yeah you could say it like that too. But it really doesn't matter because they were all doomed to fall one day. Old Roman Empire, Ostrogothic Kingdom and the Byzantine Empire.
Darwaxion, the western Roman Empire was garbage, they achieved nothing but corruption and weak rulers. The Byzantines achieved 10 times more things than the wre ever did.
Venice not only outlasted the Italian republics , but it was also one of Europe's great powers for quite a while. It had the biggest navy in the Mediteranean and it was swimming in cash because it was an important trade hub and shipbuilder. It started to decline however once the Americas were discovered and the Ottoman Empire started kicking it back.
chauncy primm They preserved classical knowledge, protected Europe from Islam, built great cities and monuments while the western europeans were still living in wooden huts etc.
Έλληνας Εθνικιστής Byzantium was a roman city of the Roman Empire. In the first centuries after the fall of the western empire the eastern empire had managed to keep it's roman culture and use of latin. Only later did it slowly convert to a greek culture and started the use of greek within the empire. So while its correct that greek culture and language had a enormous affect on the society of the enpire, (especially in its later years), it was still an empire with roman origins.
@@ProfessorPotatoPhD rome itself was founded by greeks and romans had greek origins they weren't just italic peoples but mixed the eastern roman empire even before 600 ad when hellenization started it was still part of greece's heritage because we were the people that defended the empire,ruled it and managed it even after the latins destroyed byzantium in the 4th crusade the greeks were the only ones who fought to recreate it even today modern day greece is the successor state of the byzantine empire and the reason we created it was to recreate the byzantine empire once again also byzantium wasn't a roman city but a greek ancient colony (city state) on top of which constantinople was founded hence the name byzantine empire to differentiate the latin west from the greek east the italian from the greek empire
@@TheHunterOfYharnam I already responded to you in a different comment, but I would also like to add that the last successor state to Byzantiun (epirus) had an italian dynasty for the last 94 years of it's life.
Si, siamo un popolo che avrà pure radici nel nobile impero Romano ma pure noi dobbiamo molto alle dominazioni barbare, credimi (oltre al fatto che negli ultimi secoli di dominazione romana eravamo già mischiati con "popoli invasori"). Come direbbe un personaggio che non stimo:"STUDIA!"
Ragnar Pallebasse L'impero Romano non si è diviso tanto per invasioni barbariche tanto per problemi interni a livello politico. Il potere degli imperatori era diminuito e questi venivano anche fatti fuori molto spesso da congiure. Quelli che chiami barbari sono semplicemente popoli che hanno la nostra stessa origine. Comunque sia, di certo non è colpa loro se l'Italia si è unificata solo nel 1861..
Helena Haper, actually your wrong the Byzantines tried to reconquer sicily 4 times and the fourth time in the 1030s they were extremely close to success, imperial politics is why the invasion was a failure, and the normans are why another invasion was not launched.
It looks like even though the Western Roman Empire officially fell in 476, one could say that the empire remained in some vestigial form in the west until 1071. After all, the Roman culture continued in the West and Odoacer saw himself as subservient to the Eastern Roman emperor, Ostrogoths saw themselves as Romans (Odoacer was a Roman general), and the Byzantines (Eastern Rome) controlled some part of the peninsula until 1071.
Calling yourself a Roman doesn't make you Roman. That's valid for Ostrogoths and Odoacer of course (they could hardly know how to write), but also for Byzantines who were deeply Greek cultured.
@@ace_amello-yt5939 The lombards were assimilated into OUR italian culture. Not the other way around. When they came into the peninsula they numbered 100,000-150,000 while the native population was around 4,000,000-6,000,000. There is a reason why we have the second closest language to Latin under sardinian. Edit: Also, what makes the Italians less latin? We speak the second closest language to it (first closest in terms of languages that are widely spoken), our architecture is similar (that is inevitable to change due to technology), the gene pool was not shifted after the germanic invasions due to the native population vastly outnumbering the invaders, so I honestly dont get why people say that we aren't Latin. It's like saying the greeks aren't as hellenic as the ancient greeks just because their culture evolved.
@@bcchiriac4512 I agree, Italy had a chance of being called a roman republic after the pope was overthrown in 1849. However the french put this short lived republic down and put the pope back in power.
@GiMel6666 Turkmenistan is a country, Turkmen is someone from Turkmenistan. Turk is a general term. People from Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, Turkey are Turks. There is a distinction however. If you say Turkish you only mean someone from Turkey, if you say Turkic you mean all the turkic people. All Turkish are Turkic but not all Turkic are Turkish. For example somenone from Kazakhstan would be Turkic but not Turkish he/she would be Kazakh. It is like German and Germanic. Someone from Sweeden is not a German but he/she is Germanic. And finally there are Turkmens in syria and iraq. They are not from Turkmenistan they just use the name Turkmen. Just for fun i will write all Turkic people groups name: Altai, Azerbaijan, Balkars, Bashkirs, Chuvashes, Crimean Karaites, Crimean Tatars, Dolgans, Gagauz, Karachays, Karakalpaks, Kazakhs, Khakas, Krymchaks, Kumyks, Kyrgyz, Nogais, Qashqai, Tatars, Turkish, Turkmen, Tuvan, Uyghur, Uzbeks,Volga Bulgars Yakuts.
Greetings Italy from Greece (Hellas)! Romans is onother word to call Greeks, actually is the Greek word Ρωμιοί , Chiedo l'Italia, chiedo la magna Grecia!! Ζήτω η Ελλάς ζητώ η Ιταλία!! 🇮🇹🇮🇹🇬🇷🇬🇷
This is because the Romans after dominating the Greeks for centuries gave them Roman citizenship, and the Greeks called themselves Romans. During the Byzantine era it was forbidden to call oneself "Hellenes" as a synonym for pagans.
+Stefano Cavallari First: You need to improve that English. Second: Aragonese rule, Spanish rule and later, Hapsburg Spain and Directly Hapsburg rules were the betters on the Italian peninsula. So don't act like a fool, please.
This video proves that Western Istria has always belonged (politically and culturally) to Italy, way more than South Tyrol, that never belonged to Italy until 1919. History is strange sometimes: we should have Western Istria in Italy and let South Tyrol rejoin Austria (this is ucronia of course, don't start a fight for what I've just written).
I know your comment is old, but as I'm from Croatia, I'm curious if Italy would be willing to share Istria 50 - 50. Greetings from Croatia. I love Italy
Very very nice! Great work!Some corrections: Aquileia instead of Aquila; you should have to put Lombard-Venetian Kingdom (signed as Austrian domination or personal union); during 1848 revolutions the Venetian rebels on Austrians and founded "St. Mark Republic" based on most part of Venetian mainland (Venice, Padua, Treviso, Vicenza and Rovigo), that lasted for one year and an half, after crash in 1849; you should have put also the period of Italian civil war in the later part of WW2 (1943-45) with Italian Social Republic (dependent from Germany, with Operations Zones and frontlines as occupation), Italian "Southern" Kingdom, and resistance/partisans; Free Territory of Trieste (Allied administration 1945-47), the change of post-WW2 treaty and Osimo Treaty of 1975; the italian trust administration over Somalia (1950-60).
+KlausVonKuste 1) Point taken, it should be Aquileia 2) Lombardy-Venetia was integrated into the Austrian empire, it wasn't an independent entity. 3) By the end of 1848, those rebellions had been pushed back to individual cities, and they didn't show up properly on the map. Every slide on here is as of 31st December. 4) There's no way I can show partisans, the information isn't out there. 5) About Italian Somaliland, I was running out of time, so I had to cut the video short. I showed it in my World History video anyway, so it's not entirely lost.
Italian people never went anywhere. They just politically reunited under the irredentist cause. They've been one one people since Rome. Germans followed suit as well afterwards and serbs tried to.
There are a lot of elements in the "risorgimento" that decides to try this: the middle class in the north, students and intellectuals expecially. The Piedmont Sardinia kingdom, at the behinning, wanted just to expand his territory. The south, expecially Sicily, didn't feel this, and wanted just to be free from theyr stupid monarcs. The Pope, the cause of Italy's no-union for centuries, was inglobated expecially thanks to the defeat of France against Prussia. Really summarized, hope you'll complain
+YangSing1 They didn't, it was imposed. The historical background is that the kingdom of Piedmont was facing bankruptcy and sought expansion in northern Italy. The kingdom of Two Sicilies was by far the richest portion of the peninsula at the time thus, sponsored by external powers like France and England, Giuseppe Garibaldi conquered it and gave it to the king of Italy. The last part of the country, Lombary-Venetia, was annexed 5 years later after Prussia won a war against Austria-Hungary that was forced to cede it.
2 sicilies richest country in italy? What, man? Retry economy and poor resources, they just exported men and some agricolture product. Statal economy old of decades
@@andreasalvador8715 l'idea di diventare autonomi e/o di seoatrsi dallo stato italiano, è anacronistico. Piuttosto fate pressioni sui politici perché facciano qualcosa di serio e efficace per migliorare il sud.
I’m not Italian, nor am I particularly vested in its peoples, but I can’t help but think that Corsica should be part of Italy and not France. It’s too bad poor finances led the Genoese to just sell the entire island.
Guys I can't believe I have the audacity to suggest this about the Corsicans decide where the hell they live? Between you guys and Argentina this is so damn annoying.
It's absurd how your channel don' t have at least 1 million of subs 😡, instead some other shitty channel have 47543940 subs. Your videos are so satisfying to watch and also addictive and this channel are so usefull, like many others that talk about arguments like this. I hope you become more famous on TH-cam, for the contents you bring on it and for the hard work you do so the people can enjoy of them 🤗😇💪. P.S. I'm from Italy, so i don't hesitate a second to open the video, i like it and I'm so happy you did it. Peace ✌
The video is wrong from 3:54 becouse with the peace of Constance the Empire losed the control of Italy and the Kingdom of Italy became just a noble title of the Emperor.
+Don Peppe ci fu una rivolta friulana anti-italiana nel 1947 ma che il governo italiano represse e poi molti giovani friulani furono reclutati nell'esercito Autroungarico! Anche gli italiani sono dei senza palle visto che non si ribellano a sto governo di merda!
Che hanno il 4° presidente non eletto dal popolo e che si preoccupano solo di calcio e Barbara D'Urso, Isola dei Famosi etc... quindi è l'intero sistema italia che deve essere cambiato!
guys, you don't know what mess corsica is...As a French, I would like to give it back to you, the corsicans just waste our money (like the Sicilians kinda do with your money). let's do a deal, we give corsica and you give us French speaking and occitan parts of Piedmont ok?:)
These get more impressive as they go along! Still don't know how anyone can handle so many projects at once, anything is possible I guess. By the way, didn't the Papal States own two exclaves of Benevento and Pontecorvo?
Hey, your work is awesome! How you do your maps so detailed? This is really breath-taking. How about making religions/confessions/heresies timeline worldwide or only in Europe?
I have only one thing to say: it doesn't matter if you are from Venezia or from Roma, from Milano or from Napoli, from Nizza or from Trieste, from Torino or from Fiume, from Palermo or from Zara, from Corfù or from Cipro; it doesn't either matter if you are catholic, waldesian, orthodox or jew; we are, and will ALWAYS be ITALIANS! VIVA L'ITALIA!
+Syndel È stato veneziano, quindi conta come terra irredenta XD Scherzi a parte, fino agli anni '60 c'era veramente una larga comunità italiana a Cipro :P
Nathan Livingston Oh Emirate basically means a Land in Arabic under the rule of an Emir(Ruler). And yeah Sicily was under Muslim rule for few centuries, and it's capital was Palermo with a population of 360,000 people making it the second most populous city in Europe after Cordoba.
JohnTheGreek No after Islamic Cordoba in Al andalus(Muslim Spain) but Constantinople was the largest city in Europe at one point but due to famine and civil war it was declining.
I've been listening to "Two Steps From Hell ~ Victory" a couple of times so I got this vid in my recommendations and since I subscribed to you 3 months ago. :o Really love the Venetian expansion. It's like colonization but earlier. ^w^
Imagine if Corsica stayed under Italy for 20 more years Napoleon might have studied in Genoa instead of Paris and who knows how world history could have changed
molto prima della data da te indicata direi.....vatti a guardare la fondazione di Siracusa, Taranto, Napoli....e poi ne riparliamo....quando roma fu fondata l'italia c'era già...."la terra dei vitelli" ed era la calabria.... ;)
Being an Italian, you can understand how sometimes studying history gets stressful
+mercutiana iam a libyan and you dont need to say that to me lol
+juzores and what's the history of libya? romans, arabs, ottomans and italians lol
PS Italy deletes history
@Manny Belgrano No qua il traditore sei te
mercutiana I'm Italian and I confirm that there are a lot of ignorant people in Italy...
What a country people and culture!! Greetings from Andalucía, Spain!! Viva Italia y Viva España!!!
Long live Italian Brothers.... We love you 🇬🇷🇮🇹
One face one race🇮🇹🇬🇷
Una faccia una razza
Western Rome and Eastern Rome sure get along well
Greece and Italy are ,and will always be, allies and friends
Love from Greece!
🇮🇹🇬🇷 💛
WWII doesn't like your comment
Ak Ak 🇮🇹🇬🇷❤️ we are the world's culture.
@Berserkelion stfu
More like brothers our DNA is so mixed together that Geneticists have a hard time telling us apart, but honestly it's from the South of Italy and not the North.
beautiful culture of italians.
Greetings from Spain.
Thenblk9 I’m Italian but you guys have a great culture too and country history.
Thenblk9. Love Spain and spanish people from Italy. We are brothers ❤
Spain loves Italy. Rome is our mother.
Hi latin brother
Thenblk9 Spain has a great culture, too
Spain loves Italy. Greetings from one of your best friends :D
byHelper. Love Spanish people, we are brothers :)😚❤
Do spanish and italians eat octupus in mayonaise....
Helper We're brothers because we derive by the Romans...!
And Italy loves Spain
Helper we are latin brothers
Nice job Ollie.
Nice job Ollie.
+EmperorTigerstar Job nice Ollie.
cNei bjo liOle
+KudSD nollie nob jice
Job nice Ollie
Being italian, I'm very glad you did it.
+Izzo Mapping when i see that ollie has done "history of the italians" I thought: someone remember that we exist. he most beatiful thing of italy is that you could make a video only for a city like milan or florence and also smaller city while for another nation (like the usa) you can't tell for examples the history of philadelphia without the history of USA
+Francesco Azzoni To be honest if you count the roman empire i would say that italy has been the most influential empire to ever exist surpassing america, franc and Britain. You guys had the roman empire and you jump started the renaissance. Hell it was your ancient history which the Entirety of america is based of. that doesn't even include the vatican.
You're Italian?
Italian Mapper no hes roman
I love Italy i consider your country as one of the closest brother of France, i really like your culture, language and history, i plan on visiting Italy after my studies !
Greetings from France ! :)
DMihajlovic correct, we have Also relationship with half countries of europe
Who has the best cheese and wine?
@@elocriativa both have the best cheese and wine ( france wins :D )
@@razielthesniper9241 france wins the cheese because they have more varieties, but italian wine is unbeatable
@@manuelcampi8956 Well not completely true. French cheese, which I absolutely love, are very similar They have better cow milk hard cheese, but Italy has more variety if you include products as the Mozzarella, Ricotta, Scamorza ecc...
It's always sad to see the Byzantine slowly dying... ((
long live to Italy and Italians
No italy is greek land
@@rickyyacine4818 no
no country in Europe is to me as familiar as south and central Italy, greetings from Greece
not to mention that genetically we overlap everything from Tuscany to Sicily
a significant Greek genetic pool can be found only in Southern Italy especially Sicily and Calabria, forget about Central and Northern Italy.
Spain can be south Italy
@@radiantsvn "forget about" lol no. Northern Italians have higher percentages of Eastern blood (j2) than Germanic haplogroups.
There were also Greek colonies in Genoa, in Emilia Romagna (land owned by the Byzantines), and let's not forget that Venice had influence in the Greek islands and absorbed different cultures from the east.
@@radiantsvnwrong. byzantium fetched a lot of Greco-Roman lineage apart from south italy in the region of Pentapolis and Ravenna exarchate i.e Rome , Marche, Ravenna etc. Liguria has the highest Greek lineages outside of the south as it was founded by ancient Greek colonists
Rispetto e amore dalla Turchia. Sto imparando l'italiano. Hai una bella storia. 🇹🇷❤🇮🇹
Italy! the country with the best history and culture in the entire world! love it from Algeria :)
Raziel thesniper Quite true! But I would add some other european powers like Russia, Germany, England or France. Between conquests, research, art, social movements or diplomatic moves, they made a stroke for history.
Baba Bugmann
Not the same , nothing comes close to the Greeks and the Italics , ROME and ATHENS these two shaped the world we are living in.
Raziel thesniper what about china, India and Greece?
Spain has more history but yeah italians too 🇪🇸❤️🇮🇹
Leviathan TM yes, preety identical yes, the moors, the asturians, the castilians the aragonese, the navarrans, the unification of spain the reyes catolicos, the conquest of napoles, flandes, and the new world, also the betrayed of napoleon and the war of independence of france.
Channels like these are honestly so underrated. Every time I'm reading about history and confused about the time-line of events I check these sorts of videos. Thank you!
in 1480, Otronto conquered by ottomans. in 1919, south-west anatolia conquered by italians.
And Albania in the 1930s
Maybe you meant Otranto
+François Calvaresi Albania 1939, not 1930 (?).
+François Calvaresi 1939 in personal union, until 1943
Lol you didn't conquerred western Anatolia
As a man who has some Italian heritage, I really appreciate this video.
We Conquered North Italy :3 (Holy Roman empire)
Together we can remake the Holy Roman Empire
salian dynasty had Italian heritage too so your name fits.
Hahaha e parli L’italiano?
Io ho famiglia italiana anche ma so moltissime cose su Italia, parlo L’italiano e so cos’è di la cultura Italiana, perché se non so niente no serve di niente avere famiglia italiana...
Alessio Lepe.......Si. Y de donde eres?
I love how you included Malta, I love Italy, Viva Italia!!
Amo l'Italia!
Leopoldus Carniolus Malta was a British base, we were at war with The Brits , Not with Malta
Leopoldus Carniolus and the brits bombed italy, and the americans threw on our towns and countryside mines after our armistice, you know the ones that look like toys, and the Germans occupied our land and slaughtered our civilians. Still we get along now, the war is over since 1945, we aren't even the exact same state these days (People tende to forget that we changed a lot of stuff after a civil war). Or we can just start and unborrow facts long gone, lite that would do any good to anyone EH?
Leopoldus Carniolus Fuck you. Malta should belongs to Italy
Do you really believe the shits you are saying? the italic peoples speaking the italic languages and the celts in the north probably came from the same livestock, since dutch researches on DNA showed a great similarity among the italians(, including today venetians, what means that the celts and italic were really similar or that you are wrong and Rome did was successful into spreading italic DNA in the north. Since you said that you ancestors spoke an italian language, you has ancestry on the barbarians you hate so much, not an ethnic slovenian, btw, get a DNA test.
I'm very proud of my great-Grandfather who emigrated from Ferrara and my great-grandmother from Torino to Chile. Siempre los Italianos dejan una buena huella y son un buen aporte .
I used a different font with this one, let me know if you like/dislike it.
How do you make these maps? I really enjoy this and want to take a crack at it
good video the font is good. i would like to see the history of the war of araucania. is just a suggestion
Mr.AlienMask For a 10k subs special, I will run through how to make them.
+Ollie Bye (History) I think the new font is fine, But I think it should only be used for history of videos and not war videos.
+Ollie Bye (History) Can you make the history of Romania?
Beatiful Culture,Beatiful People,Beatiful Food, Beatiful Country!
Loves and greetings from Turkey :)
Nettus Are you turkish?
Why the hell does corsica belong to france???
Marcello Durazzo was a dipshit
Corsica was always only a problem for genoese, becouse it was full of rebel (and even now is in this way). Sorry for my bad english.
Greetings from Genoa
Dario Toselli Io so che la Corsica ora come ora è divisa tra pro-Italiani e pro-indipendentisti
Dudu Channel eh infatti anche all'epoca era sempre in rivolta (anche per propaganda anti genovese operata dai Savoia) e così i genovesi preferirono togliersela dalle scatole piuttosto che dover continuare a sprecare uomini e risorse per mantenerla sotto il proprio dominio.
Dario Toselli Interessante, dove l'hai sentito?
Greetings to Italian friends from Croatia!
TheRoyalPirate 44 GIVE ME FIUME
Vu Vu Rijeka
"we want fiume :(( boohoo"
Come and get it then, spaghetti boys
Croatian and italian are not Friends booo
Your music choices are excellent, as always.
I love how chaotic Northern Italy is but Southern Italy is just chilling there all peaceful after 1215. 😂😂😂
Under the great Naples capital
@Vred si si la droga
Average Chaotic North Fan versus Average Peaceful South Enjoyer/Chad
@@OltreILVero09 what about Byzantine Italy 😢😢
Ah Italy! Such a fascinating history for such a beautiful country!
Delicious country*
sadiq2008 Bad history? *coff coff* ROME *coff coff* RENAISSANCE *coff coff*
Ah and of course SPAGHETTI
Ooookaayyy 😕
Thanks , fascinating but also painful .
Until Napoleon came along, Venice did pretty well and managed to stay independent and out of the way. Even had the Adriatic side of Greece for awhile. Genoa was a similar story until Malta and Spain needed good Catholics just as Protestantism was in its infancy to fight off the Turks. Then they got screwed. The rest of Italy was as it was in Shakespeare's plays, independent city-states trading and fighting depending on the mood.
Actually Venice first got screwed by the Portuguese and later the Dutch.Venice had the monopoly on the spice trade up to around 1500 when the Portuguese opened new colonies in the East Indies and brought the spices directly to Europe.The Portuguese first discovered Australia.After 1700 Venice went into a steady decline.
Greece (as a region) had no Adriatic coast.
Robert Corbell protestants never fought off the turks, it was catholics and even orthodox the ones that fought off turks, protestants even allied with them, calvinist dutch and lutheran germans are examples of that, the first saying they would rather wear a turbant that being catholics.
don't be catholic its not good watch 10 reasons why the Catholic Church is satanic@@luisrincon7819
Italy Before the Video
Roman Kingdom (753 - 509)
Roman Republic (509 - 27)
Roman Empire (27 BC - 395 AD)
Western Roman Empire (395 - 476)
Kingdom of Odoacer (476 - 489)
Kingdom of the Ostrogoths (489 - 537)
Byzantine Empire (537 - 755)
{Facts based on the city of Rome}
(In 549, the Byzantines lost Rome for a
bit until 552, when they took it back from the Ostrogoths.)
(754, the same year Byzantines lost Rome, Lombards controlled it for a few months, until the Papal State was formed)
byzantium was greek
italy has nothing to do with byzantium
@@TheHunterOfYharnam Italy was a part of byzantine empire
@@neyougogo9923 only for a while
Ed inoltre ti sei dimenticato che i greci avevano colonizzato parte dell' Italia chiamandola magna(grande)Grecia e che i Fenici avevano conquistato parte della Sardegna e sicilia
@@TheHunterOfYharnam Byzantum Assimilated of The Greek But. They are Latin origin
Love İtalia from Azerbaijan 🇦🇿🇮🇹
@GiMel6666 Turks think italians make the real food like turkish food they my mum loves to watch italian food making tutorials thats why they love (I think)
@GiMel6666 I didnt say they are familar I said good and original
@GiMel6666 No problem
Good video! A little correction: The giudicato of Arborea still existed until 1420, after Marianus IV defeated the aragonese army two times the giudicato ruled over the entirety of the island with the exception of the fortified citadels of Cagliari and Alghero between 1368-1388 and 1392-1409
Viva l'Italia!! Thanks for having done this video! Proud to be Italian!
guarda una delle discussioni in cima e ti sentirai un po meno fiero leggendo di quei cretini
Purtroppo mi sono fatto un'idea della gente che c'è in circolazione. Comunque io sono fiero delle nostre immense origini. I romani ci hanno dato tantissimo.
are you going holidays at the beach
i heard their beach is nice
@@FraLoddo98 guarda che la nostra cultura ormai ha poco a che fare con quella romana
Watching this videos ppl around the world can easily understand some reasons why there is so big difference btw italians of the north, middle and south. ...and even btw the east and the west of Italy.
So is it quite hard to say how the Italians are. (For economical and historic cause, the majority part of the Italians that live around the world come from the south of Italy).
One of the reasons that Italy remained divided for a long time is the immense wealth accumulated from different cities, such as Venice, Milan, Pisa, Genoa, Florence, Livorno, Siena (first bank in the world f.e.)... to name a few. Each of these cities had a wealth comparable to entire nations in Midieval Europe. Florence alone could match the wealth of the whole England in high middle ages. And when you are rich you can have a good army with the most advanced technologies (in Milan were produced the best armors of Europe f.e.), you don't want that someone else tell you what to do or not to do.
Later... When the wealth and the power of the Italian cities fell, it was possible to unify Italy. Although the pope and the church have done everything, to the last, to prevent it.
Today, the differences bring to Italy some nice things such as the big variety of food, cultures and ideas. But some not so nice...
Anyway, Italy is a very various country full history. Where you can enjoy also a nice ladscape with high mountains, hills, plains, lakes, sea, any kind of shore, islands (big and small), and all these very close and... in a wonderful weather! ^^
The south of Italy was rich but with the introduction of the single currency the production moved to the north, by that time the gap was never bridged.
Il Monte dei Paschi è solo la banca più antica ancora esistente (1472) ma la prima banca moderna al mondo ad essere stata mai creata è il Banco di San Giorgio a Genova (1407) che fu poi sciolto nel 1805 da Napoleone quando la Liguria fu annessa all'impero francese.
+CaSSi Miei sorry but that's not what happened, Naples was one of the 3 richest cities in the world. after the Italian military slaughtered over one million neapolitans and sicilians a d then raped the land and took industrial machinery then unified italy, they left Naples in the gutter for the following 150 years and taught the bullshit in schools that you are now spouting. italy fucked the south over and noa make out the south drag the north down. give us our money back and split away from us.
As someone who studies economics I am interested in what happened to south of Italy economically, as far as I know the kingdom of two siciles had economic problems on it's own.
+Tyler Pierce forgot a British leadership they left! Im glad u're happy to be dominated by the same country that was nazist...
I love italy but i Live in poland
nicola 03 I love Poland from Italy
Polska jet jedyna wielka katolicka, niejakiejś tam włochy
Nicola03 Italy and Poland have one thing in common, are invade many times
Actually Napoleon did, in the end ;)
Yeah and given to Austria in 1797
Tho Venice has a great history :)
Except the Turks..
Ancient-Rhino Wang Venice was conquered in 1799 by France
Don't be an ediot separatist
you have completely forget the republic of Genoa and it's pretty big domains
What do you think that thin, pink state labelled "Republic of Genoa" was?
Ollie Bye "and it's pretty big domains"
Daniele Sencio "completely forgot"
You won! :)
Daniele Sencio :D
Amazing job Ollie. Thank you for all the time you spent researching to put this video together.
Poor Byzantium
Manny Belgrano Italy was Roman territory, but Rome fell... well not all of it. Byzantine (East-Roman Empire) was all of what was left of the Roman Empire, even if they spoke Greek. They tried to unite the old empire which Italy was part of, but sadly as Black space pictured above, it didn't go so well
+Manny Belgrano Well, yeah you could say it like that too. But it really doesn't matter because they were all doomed to fall one day. Old Roman Empire, Ostrogothic Kingdom and the Byzantine Empire.
Stef Dasca Everyone knows that Byzantine sucks... No one is interested in their culture and history. United and Western Roman Empire were great.
Darwaxion, the western Roman Empire was garbage, they achieved nothing but corruption and weak rulers. The Byzantines achieved 10 times more things than the wre ever did.
Darwaxion, also people's interest in the Byzantines has enter a renaissance, their one of the most popular civilizations on the internet.
so Venice deserves its own country. it literally lasted longer than all these other nations
Venice not only outlasted the Italian republics , but it was also one of Europe's great powers for quite a while. It had the biggest navy in the Mediteranean and it was swimming in cash because it was an important trade hub and shipbuilder.
It started to decline however once the Americas were discovered and the Ottoman Empire started kicking it back.
+chauncy primm
So does Rome for that matter...but oh well.
+chauncy primm They fucked over Byzantine Empire, so screw them.
BlazingMagpie what was so good about the Byzantines?
chauncy primm
They preserved classical knowledge, protected Europe from Islam, built great cities and monuments while the western europeans were still living in wooden huts etc.
ITALYYYYY 🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹
R.I.P Roman culture in Italy...Oh well atleast the Senate will hang around in Rome for 400 more years, so there's that atleast.
do you lik byzantium?
byzantium was greek man
Έλληνας Εθνικιστής Byzantium was a roman city of the Roman Empire. In the first centuries after the fall of the western empire the eastern empire had managed to keep it's roman culture and use of latin. Only later did it slowly convert to a greek culture and started the use of greek within the empire. So while its correct that greek culture and language had a enormous affect on the society of the enpire, (especially in its later years), it was still an empire with roman origins.
@@ProfessorPotatoPhD rome itself was founded by greeks
and romans had greek origins
they weren't just italic peoples but mixed
the eastern roman empire even before 600 ad when hellenization started
it was still part of greece's heritage because we were the people that defended the empire,ruled it and managed it
even after the latins destroyed byzantium in the 4th crusade
the greeks were the only ones who fought to recreate it
even today
modern day greece is the successor state of the byzantine empire
and the reason we created it was to recreate the byzantine empire once again
also byzantium wasn't a roman city
but a greek ancient colony (city state)
on top of which constantinople was founded hence the name byzantine empire to differentiate the latin west from the greek east
the italian from the greek empire
@@TheHunterOfYharnam I already responded to you in a different comment, but I would also like to add that the last successor state to Byzantiun (epirus) had an italian dynasty for the last 94 years of it's life.
I want to see the history of America, probably 10 secs long
It's existed since the 1600's in colonial form.
GiMel6666 and Roman is nothing compare to pharaoh long history xD
ァ イャ but true 😁
@@abdelrhmanemira2480 Not really ;)
so fucking proud to be venetian
Thanks for the 4th Crusade!
Niks995 anche io fiero di essere milanese, ci facevamo la guerra fra di noi poi finalmente abbiamo capito che l'unione fa la forza
Francy germi Eccerto dopo averlo preso in culo dal 476 in poi da tutta Europa era ora :).
Always give me glory
Easily the country with the most vibrant interesting history in the world. u don't know much history ? Do u ?
Naz Dhillon Lol are you serious? Ok self-righteous tool, what country has a more interesting, vibrant history than Italy?
+Ain't no Slice I think you are right, 1 year lived in Italy and the rich history they have is still present.
I do think italy has a great history for the soul reason - Roman Empire, because its extremely well organised and advanced society.
+Jayden R definitely by far Italy has the most interesting history followed closely by Egypt
Respect from iran🇮🇷♥️😘🇮🇹
Sons & Daughters of the Roman Empire
Respect to all Italians (and Greeks) from Louisiana
If French never invaded Italy and killed Lombard Emperor Desiderio we could be a one nation 1000 years before.
+Ragnar Pallebasse Most people were
Ragnar Pallebasse Yes
Si, siamo un popolo che avrà pure radici nel nobile impero Romano ma pure noi dobbiamo molto alle dominazioni barbare, credimi (oltre al fatto che negli ultimi secoli di dominazione romana eravamo già mischiati con "popoli invasori").
Come direbbe un personaggio che non stimo:"STUDIA!"
Ragnar Pallebasse L'impero Romano non si è diviso tanto per invasioni barbariche tanto per problemi interni a livello politico. Il potere degli imperatori era diminuito e questi venivano anche fatti fuori molto spesso da congiure. Quelli che chiami barbari sono semplicemente popoli che hanno la nostra stessa origine. Comunque sia, di certo non è colpa loro se l'Italia si è unificata solo nel 1861..
Sullo Stato Papale ti do pienamente ragione ma i barbari non sono l'unica causa della mancata unità nel corso dei secoli..
Viva l' Italia :)...I think also the foreign speakers understood ....
Zanzao-1 Ps3 ma sei italiano o... qualcos altro?
Andrea Marino Perchè un francese scriverebbe una cosa del genere?
Zanzao-1 Ps3 scusa
Zanzao-1 Ps3 scusa, non ho capito, puoi scrivere in inglese plis?
Respect to Italy! Io amo questo paese. Saluti dall'Austria. Vi amiamo! 🇦🇹♥️🇮🇹
Normans saved Sicily
Syd Storm True
Normans, Franks, Aragonese, Catalans & Castillans saved the entire South!
Sanctus Fides et Phālanga, without the normans the byzantines would have successfully re conquered Sicily and not be driven out of italy.
Thank god for our European brothers Norman and Spain
Helena Haper, actually your wrong the Byzantines tried to reconquer sicily 4 times and the fourth time in the 1030s they were extremely close to success, imperial politics is why the invasion was a failure, and the normans are why another invasion was not launched.
It looks like even though the Western Roman Empire officially fell in 476, one could say that the empire remained in some vestigial form in the west until 1071. After all, the Roman culture continued in the West and Odoacer saw himself as subservient to the Eastern Roman emperor, Ostrogoths saw themselves as Romans (Odoacer was a Roman general), and the Byzantines (Eastern Rome) controlled some part of the peninsula until 1071.
Calling yourself a Roman doesn't make you Roman. That's valid for Ostrogoths and Odoacer of course (they could hardly know how to write), but also for Byzantines who were deeply Greek cultured.
I think that the Roman empire is Italy
Ciao a tutte le persone italiane e salve dalla bulgaria.
Penso anche che la imperria di roma era italiana.
Not really, the Romans were more latinised, Italy still has remnants from the Romans, but it was basically built off the Lombards.
Roman empire=italian
Byzantine empire= greeks
@@ace_amello-yt5939 The lombards were assimilated into OUR italian culture. Not the other way around. When they came into the peninsula they numbered 100,000-150,000 while the native population was around 4,000,000-6,000,000. There is a reason why we have the second closest language to Latin under sardinian.
Edit: Also, what makes the Italians less latin? We speak the second closest language to it (first closest in terms of languages that are widely spoken), our architecture is similar (that is inevitable to change due to technology), the gene pool was not shifted after the germanic invasions due to the native population vastly outnumbering the invaders, so I honestly dont get why people say that we aren't Latin. It's like saying the greeks aren't as hellenic as the ancient greeks just because their culture evolved.
Italy should be called Romania after the citizens of Rome and not Romania in Eastern Europe. It should be called Dacia.
@@bcchiriac4512 I agree, Italy had a chance of being called a roman republic after the pope was overthrown in 1849. However the french put this short lived republic down and put the pope back in power.
It's interesting how Naples lasted for so many years. It was so small at the beginning and then it became half of Italy
Greetings to Rome from Persia!!
We love your language and culture!
i m turk i love italians too much but i dont know why :)
Cunku bizim disimizda adam gibi yemek yapan ve bize diger ulkelere nispeten daha cok benzeyen bir ulke ondan olabilir
@Doc M turks came from south Siberia and central Asia
@GiMel6666 Turkmenistan is a country, Turkmen is someone from Turkmenistan. Turk is a general term. People from Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, Turkey are Turks. There is a distinction however. If you say Turkish you only mean someone from Turkey, if you say Turkic you mean all the turkic people. All Turkish are Turkic but not all Turkic are Turkish. For example somenone from Kazakhstan would be Turkic but not Turkish he/she would be Kazakh. It is like German and Germanic. Someone from Sweeden is not a German but he/she is Germanic. And finally there are Turkmens in syria and iraq. They are not from Turkmenistan they just use the name Turkmen.
Just for fun i will write all Turkic people groups name:
Altai, Azerbaijan, Balkars, Bashkirs, Chuvashes, Crimean Karaites, Crimean Tatars, Dolgans, Gagauz, Karachays, Karakalpaks, Kazakhs, Khakas, Krymchaks, Kumyks, Kyrgyz, Nogais, Qashqai, Tatars, Turkish, Turkmen, Tuvan, Uyghur, Uzbeks,Volga Bulgars Yakuts.
@GiMel6666 Thats wrong turks probably originated in altai mountains in mongolia.
@@user-jh9nx6tl1n Whats wrong with being a asian? Or coming from asia
Greetings Italy from Greece (Hellas)! Romans is onother word to call Greeks, actually is the Greek word Ρωμιοί , Chiedo l'Italia, chiedo la magna Grecia!! Ζήτω η Ελλάς ζητώ η Ιταλία!! 🇮🇹🇮🇹🇬🇷🇬🇷
Megale Hellas 🇬🇷🇮🇹
Many greethings from neapolis
@@italianpatriot6345 Una faza una raza!!! Greetings from your neighbors!
@@Antonis108 southern Italians are greek DNA
Apulian kampanian Calabrian and
siciliana (kalispera adelfois
This is because the Romans after dominating the Greeks for centuries gave them Roman citizenship, and the Greeks called themselves Romans. During the Byzantine era it was forbidden to call oneself "Hellenes" as a synonym for pagans.
The power of Spain! Naples and Sicily in our memory 👊
***** ?
+Stefano Cavallari First: You need to improve that English.
Second: Aragonese rule, Spanish rule and later, Hapsburg Spain and Directly Hapsburg rules were the betters on the Italian peninsula.
So don't act like a fool, please.
Bob Fisher tus muertos
Bob Fisher pues la verdad es que no, soy español.
that time naples was rich
This video proves that Western Istria has always belonged (politically and culturally) to Italy, way more than South Tyrol, that never belonged to Italy until 1919. History is strange sometimes: we should have Western Istria in Italy and let South Tyrol rejoin Austria (this is ucronia of course, don't start a fight for what I've just written).
I know your comment is old, but as I'm from Croatia, I'm curious if Italy would be willing to share Istria 50 - 50. Greetings from Croatia. I love Italy
cuorecomando I know that but you know that Istria was half Italians and half Croats
cuorecomando that's true. it should be
cuorecomando I agree
Very very nice! Great work!Some corrections: Aquileia instead of Aquila; you should have to put Lombard-Venetian Kingdom (signed as Austrian domination or personal union); during 1848 revolutions the Venetian rebels on Austrians and founded "St. Mark Republic" based on most part of Venetian mainland (Venice, Padua, Treviso, Vicenza and Rovigo), that lasted for one year and an half, after crash in 1849; you should have put also the period of Italian civil war in the later part of WW2 (1943-45) with Italian Social Republic (dependent from Germany, with Operations Zones and frontlines as occupation), Italian "Southern" Kingdom, and resistance/partisans; Free Territory of Trieste (Allied administration 1945-47), the change of post-WW2 treaty and Osimo Treaty of 1975; the italian trust administration over Somalia (1950-60).
1) Point taken, it should be Aquileia
2) Lombardy-Venetia was integrated into the Austrian empire, it wasn't an independent entity.
3) By the end of 1848, those rebellions had been pushed back to individual cities, and they didn't show up properly on the map. Every slide on here is as of 31st December.
4) There's no way I can show partisans, the information isn't out there.
5) About Italian Somaliland, I was running out of time, so I had to cut the video short. I showed it in my World History video anyway, so it's not entirely lost.
Ok, thanks! Very nice! Another question: where I find that video? It's simply on your channel?
Oh yeah! I've just seen that video! Awesome!
KlausVonKuste Thanks!
Good job, as history teacher I should say " your works are amazing, just continue"!
🇮🇹: Italia
🇬🇧: Italy
🇩🇪: Italien
🇫🇷: Italie
🇻🇳: Ý
With "GERMANY" it's much funnier :-D
HU: Olaszorszag
Germany: it alien
Good Work love italy from Tunisia
carthage Mapper. I love Tunisia from Italy❤
I have been waiting a long time for someone, to make this video ;)
Guarda un po' chi si vede
I find it weird that modern Italy or maybe 1935 Italy was this similar to 750's Lombard-Byzantime-Venetian Italy. But it's also really cool.
Italian people never went anywhere. They just politically reunited under the irredentist cause. They've been one one people since Rome. Germans followed suit as well afterwards and serbs tried to.
Why did all the parts of Italy just decide to unify?
There are a lot of elements in the "risorgimento" that decides to try this: the middle class in the north, students and intellectuals expecially. The Piedmont Sardinia kingdom, at the behinning, wanted just to expand his territory. The south, expecially Sicily, didn't feel this, and wanted just to be free from theyr stupid monarcs. The Pope, the cause of Italy's no-union for centuries, was inglobated expecially thanks to the defeat of France against Prussia.
Really summarized, hope you'll complain
+marcolino269 hope you'll complain? That's odd ^^
+YangSing1 They didn't, it was imposed.
The historical background is that the kingdom of Piedmont was facing bankruptcy and sought expansion in northern Italy. The kingdom of Two Sicilies was by far the richest portion of the peninsula at the time thus, sponsored by external powers like France and England, Giuseppe Garibaldi conquered it and gave it to the king of Italy. The last part of the country, Lombary-Venetia, was annexed 5 years later after Prussia won a war against Austria-Hungary that was forced to cede it.
2 sicilies richest country in italy? What, man? Retry economy and poor resources, they just exported men and some agricolture product. Statal economy old of decades
By rich I meant that the state owned a lot of gold, way more than any other italian country did at the time
Excelente trabalho Ollie Bye, obrigado! Nice job Ollie, thank you!
Nobody expects the Spanish inquisition
@οὐτόπος sorry, from Spain xD
@οὐτόπος look it
¡Nobody expects the propaganda!
Love Italy. Ciao from Greece.
Karimera a te
Holy i just start watching this type of videos and Spain is Everywhere Cool
TheConquistador Greetings from Italy, Spanish brother! :D
Spain and Italy Brothers!!
la so lunga WTF? I'm Sardinian and here people love Spain, we have more to spare with Spanish culture than with italians...
love for my italians brothers 🇬🇷
This was a great video :D Thanks so much for it
Like se sei italiano
il veneto è stato, referendum del 2014: 2.102.969 voti a favore del SI
Angus 12345678 io sono italiano :)
Centesimo like
Da carrara zio
@@andreasalvador8715 l'idea di diventare autonomi e/o di seoatrsi dallo stato italiano, è anacronistico. Piuttosto fate pressioni sui politici perché facciano qualcosa di serio e efficace per migliorare il sud.
I’m not Italian, nor am I particularly vested in its peoples, but I can’t help but think that Corsica should be part of Italy and not France. It’s too bad poor finances led the Genoese to just sell the entire island.
We Italians would like to have Corsica as an our land... Corsica being in France is simply absurd
PS: where are you from?
Francy germi I’m from the U.S. though I love history, culture and geography. So this channel is right up my alley. :)
@@Chase1493 we are fine in France. Thank you
Guys I can't believe I have the audacity to suggest this about the Corsicans decide where the hell they live?
Between you guys and Argentina this is so damn annoying.
I am quite sure, that Corsicans don’t want to be Italian and prefer to stay French. Even if they are some separatists.
It's absurd how your channel don' t have at least 1 million of subs 😡, instead some other shitty channel have 47543940 subs. Your videos are so satisfying to watch and also addictive and this channel are so usefull, like many others that talk about arguments like this. I hope you become more famous on TH-cam, for the contents you bring on it and for the hard work you do so the people can enjoy of them 🤗😇💪.
P.S. I'm from Italy, so i don't hesitate a second to open the video, i like it and I'm so happy you did it. Peace ✌
there never was a byzantine empire !!!!! it was always the Roman empire
Okay then call it Eastern Rome, didn't stop the Turks from coming down with the Mongols and taking literally all of it for themselves.
The history of Italy as a territory is millenary, history does not start in 552! :)
Wonderfully done!
Viva l'Italia 🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹
The video is wrong from 3:54 becouse with the peace of Constance the Empire losed the control of Italy and the Kingdom of Italy became just a noble title of the Emperor.
Bro.. You're awesome i am sorry you dont have more than 100 000 subs right now after 1 year i believe you should have
I have to admit that this Historia Italica is a good job.
I critized it before but now I want to thank for the good job...
So unfortunate that Corsica is not Italian as it should be
Sfortunatamente invece all'italia appartiene il Friuli e il Trentino.
Don Peppe si invece, nella costituzione c'è scritto che l'italia è una e indivisibile!
+Don Peppe ci fu una rivolta friulana anti-italiana nel 1947 ma che il governo italiano represse e poi molti giovani friulani furono reclutati nell'esercito Autroungarico! Anche gli italiani sono dei senza palle visto che non si ribellano a sto governo di merda!
Che hanno il 4° presidente non eletto dal popolo e che si preoccupano solo di calcio e Barbara D'Urso, Isola dei Famosi etc... quindi è l'intero sistema italia che deve essere cambiato!
guys, you don't know what mess corsica is...As a French, I would like to give it back to you, the corsicans just waste our money (like the Sicilians kinda do with your money). let's do a deal, we give corsica and you give us French speaking and occitan parts of Piedmont ok?:)
10 000 subs! Congratulations and good job as always!
Aww,too bad you didn't include Italy afther the fall of Western Rome,still a nice video :)
I was going to, but I ran out of time. I have to upload within seven days of the last video, you see.
I was going to, but I ran out of time. I have to upload within seven days of the last video, you see.
+Ollie Bye (History) What was so important about the time?
da man I need to upload weekly.
+Ollie Bye (History) A man keeps his word.
So, Kingdom of Italy has existed for many many years before. I really didn't know that Italy is only 150 year old.
NikMan yes, an italian state was created only in 1861
Yes, Italy has lived only 150 years but they think that these 150 years can delete the previous cultures.
@rana negromante fuck off traditore
Awesome job Ollie !
These get more impressive as they go along! Still don't know how anyone can handle so many projects at once, anything is possible I guess.
By the way, didn't the Papal States own two exclaves of Benevento and Pontecorvo?
Yeah, but they got in the way of the text and they barely showed up anyway.
the history of Italy begins at least 2000 years before Christ, if you wanna do a good work you can't simply start on 552, it's simply ridiculous
Rome...... wait nope that’s all really to note... no wait maybe Carthage
Yeah, but before Rome (that wasn't Italy) there were just tribes and peoples who weren't organized in states
Hey, your work is awesome! How you do your maps so detailed? This is really breath-taking. How about making religions/confessions/heresies timeline worldwide or only in Europe?
Who else misses Venice?
Are you 300 years old?
Are you not?
not many...
it sunk already?
Mancano alcuni passaggi, come i possedimenti, seppur temporanei, nelle Baleari, in Crimea e nel Caucaso dalle nostre Repubbliche marinare
So well done. A great way to see history. Thanks!
I have only one thing to say:
it doesn't matter if you are from Venezia or from Roma, from Milano or from Napoli, from Nizza or from Trieste, from Torino or from Fiume, from Palermo or from Zara, from Corfù or from Cipro;
it doesn't either matter if you are catholic, waldesian, orthodox or jew;
we are, and will ALWAYS be ITALIANS!
+Syndel È stato veneziano, quindi conta come terra irredenta XD
Scherzi a parte, fino agli anni '60 c'era veramente una larga comunità italiana a Cipro :P
Yes but you are Latin and I am Slav who my ancestors founded Trieste. Give Trieste back to Austria- they are 50% Slavs.
Non puoi contare Cipro se è stata veneziana, in quanto i Veneti non sono Italiani
Andrea Salvador e allora perchè parli italiano? 🙃
Alessandro 'El Tizio' parole sacre
Palermo was the second largest city in Europe under the Emirate of Sicily from the 9th-12th century
FreeTube, I know emirate is a nation or state that has something to do with Islam but what does it mean? Also Sicily was Islamic at one point!
I never would have thought any where in 🇮🇹 would have been an Islamic nation ,considering it being the seat of the catholic church
Nathan Livingston Oh Emirate basically means a Land in Arabic under the rule of an Emir(Ruler). And yeah Sicily was under Muslim rule for few centuries, and it's capital was Palermo with a population of 360,000 people making it the second most populous city in Europe after Cordoba.
after constantinople right??
JohnTheGreek No after Islamic Cordoba in Al andalus(Muslim Spain) but Constantinople was the largest city in Europe at one point but due to famine and civil war it was declining.
I've been listening to "Two Steps From Hell ~ Victory" a couple of times so I got this vid in my recommendations and since I subscribed to you 3 months ago. :o
Really love the Venetian expansion. It's like colonization but earlier. ^w^
6:58 1764: Goodbye Corsica! It was a good time since it lasted :')
qwertylello time to say goodbye 🎼😂
Imagine if Corsica stayed under Italy for 20 more years Napoleon might have studied in Genoa instead of Paris and who knows how world history could have changed
Dan Castel actually Corsica was indépendant between 1954 and 1969, there was an error in his research...
@@Akaki1999 with some "if", it doesn't work,
And surely that if Corsica was still Italian, Napoléon wouldn't have finish where he did in France
Keep up the good work, great vids c:
1300-1700 Sardinia, Sicily and Naples were part of Spanish kingdoms. We are brothers
there are 2 error: 1 the history of Italy starts in 78 before chirst, 2 in WW2 we conquered Corsica too
ekoplor la vendetta It starts way earlier than 78 before christ...
molto prima della data da te indicata direi.....vatti a guardare la fondazione di Siracusa, Taranto, Napoli....e poi ne riparliamo....quando roma fu fondata l'italia c'era già...."la terra dei vitelli" ed era la calabria.... ;)